The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 18, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    Did You Evei
A finer store building
iust completed and am
never gazed .upon a better selected stock or
Clothing and Qents' Furnishings
Than that upon my shelves. My prices are all right.
Come in and see for yourself. Opposite the Bank...
5. ROSENTHAL Medford, Oregon
I Studeboker's agent in Medford. -DPCrFMT Rirvri C Price W. It's good goods
He also sells the famous VKC3W.C1 DltltLC for little money.
J. W. Lawton,
Order Work Given
Hand-made and Campbell lock stitek machine-made harness always on hand.
FOR ....
In gaeat variety
Paints, Oils and Painters' Supplies. Cartridges ami Ammunition
of all kinds, and in fact a full line of everything carried in the
hardware and tinware business. First-class goods and prices as
low as the lowest. Miners' supplies of all kinds in stock.
f The Empire Steel Ranges
Every Range guaranteed to work jierfeetly.
We have 'EmI
Fly nets, lap robes, dusters and whips at all prices.
Single harness from (.o0 to $lt. A tine line of
saddles for ladies and gentlemen. Everybody in
vited to call and look over our stock whether you
want to buy or not. We repair and build every
thing in our line from a pump-value to a breeching
BEIDLEflAN & NICHOLSON, - Medford, - Oregon.
VV. T.
We have opened a stable in Medford and are
located in the barn west of the Clarendon
hotel. Our prices are reasonable and we
solicit a share of the public patronage
Complete line of new rigs,
horses all sroocl roadsters
I. L. HAMILTON, Proprietor.
The Nash has been thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
the very best. If you try us once you will surely come again.
RATES FROfl $1.00 TO $3.00 PER DAY. . . .
Th-' Gem 5aloon,
In connection. The oest and purest of wines, liquors
cigars courteous treatment.
00000c oooosoor
Carpels. Paper, Curiains.
"! I. A. WEBB,
undertaking I;
Blanks Btl
than that which I have
located in? I know
Wagons - anil - carnages
Are positively the brst in the murket
WW ...... . ...... Cl .ln It .ir
i iS vehicle once vou will use them always
it to tue purchaser.
Special Attention.
Plumbing Goods of AH Kinds In Stock
Plumbing Done on Short Notice
CRANE, Prop'r.
(iOod Stock of
Picture Framing a Specialty.
The Office
There are only three places in
the world where women possess all
the privileges of voting which are
accorded to men, viz: Iceland, Pit
cam Islands and Isle of Man.
Say, why dont you try DoWitt's
Little Early Risers? These little pills
cure haedache, indigestion and consti
pation. They are small but do the
work. Geo. II. Haskins, druggist.
The State Bank of Heminglord, Neb.,
has been taken charge of by the state
bank examiner.
Ucneral O. M. Foe, the di.i. iugnished
United States army ongin er. died u few
days ago at Detroit. He had general
charge or mc-r and harbor improve
ments on tho Great Lakes. During the
war Poo had the rank of brigadier gen
eral conferred upon him lor gallant ac
tion in the Atlanta campaign.
Noting: so distressing as a hacking
cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer
from it. Nothing so dagernus if al
lowed to continue. Ono Minute Cough
I Cure gives immediate relief. Geo. H.
, Haskins, druggist.
Beginning Oct. 2U a new fast train, to
be called the California Limited, will
leave Chicago at 6 r. M. daily over the
Santa Fe line, arriving at Los Angeles
at 6:30 r. M. and at San Diego at 11:30
r. M. the third day following. This will
i lower the fastest service made hitherto
' l.iln.o.n f "V, i i. a m- .1 r, .1 T ,.0 A ...... I 1 ...
half a dav
he healing properties of DeWitt's
Witch IJazei Salve are well known. It
cures eczema, skin affections and is
simply a perfect remedy for piles. Ceo.
II. Haskins, druggist.
The big ocean steamship St. Paul,
built by the Cramps of Philadelphia an
a sister ship to the St. Louis, made an
average speed of 20.5 knots an hour in
her official trial trip of almost 88 knots
over the government course, off the
coast from Gloucester, Mass., and an
! other decided success for American
i shipbuilders was scored.
Acts as once, never fails. One Min
! ute Cough Cure. A remedy lor asthma
', and that feverish condition which ac
1 companies a cold. The only harlsss
: remedy that produces immediate re
sults. "Geo. H. Haskins, druggist.
When a m:ui marries he fully inteuds
to be No. 1 in the family, but often tho
full point drops out ami he lapses into
"no o-"
Spain. Italy, Sweden. Hanover, Rus
sia. Austria and Turkey neeive daily
weather reports from Paris and Ixindmi.
Arabia was so called from its inhabit
mts, the Arabs.
Di. S. Hawkins. Chattanooga.
Tenn.. ""Shiloirs Vitjilixer
"s.WKH M l.IFK." 1 consider it the
Ix-sl rfttn-iv for a debilitated system I
i-vrr used." For Dyskps;a. Liver or
KidiifV trouble it excel. I Vice "." ets.
Siild bv Chas.Siraiig.druggist,Mi.dford.
Wonderful strength of the llretle.
A noted eutomoloKisx w ho has been
writing on the wonderful feats of
. strength as exhibited in the beetle fam
ily tells the following: '"I seWted a
rom mi hi black water beetle weighing 4. 2
grains and found that he was able to
, carry a load of shot iu a small bag. the
' whole weighing f1 ounces, or exactly
S."iS times the weight of the bug. If a
' man weighing l."0 could carry as much
aivi.nliuglv lie could shoulder a 4.1 ton
locomotive aud then chain a train of
cars together and take the whole lot
across the country at a five mile an konr
cait. "
sllII.oH's CUKE is sold on a guaran
tee. It cures Incipient Consumption.
; It is the best Cough Cure. Only one
cent a dose, i") cts.. .V) cts.. and $l.(Nt.
Sold by Straiic. 'he druggist. Medford.
Keparte From Statcsiniaa.
For once in his career the incorrupti
ble alderman from the S'tcenth ward
lost his temper.
"lean lick you." he roared, "with
one hand tied behind me!"
"Yon cau fight better with one hand
behind you." vociferated the high miud
;sl aldermau from the Unipty-second
ward, "than you can any other way.
It's vourctistomarv position, b'gnsh!"
Chicago Tribune.
K.vklV cMivkij llilOT, the great
, bliMHl purifier gives freshness and clear
tie to the comnlexion and cures
(.'onsti)nt,ion, i cts.. ;V) ct.. Sl.lH).
, Sold by Strang, the druggist, Medford.
Caught Thtlr Kara.
The new cauou of Westminster waa
ouoe terribly interrupted by the inces
naiit coughing of his congregation.
Whereon he suddenly pansed in his ser
mon and interjected the remark, "Last
night I wan dining with the Prince of
Wales." The effect was miraculous, and
a deathly silence reigned aa the preach
er continued : "As a matter of fact, I
was not diuiug with the Prince of Wales
last night, but with my own family. I
am glad, however, to find that I have
at last seenred your attention."
Catarrh Cannot he Cured
With Local Applications, us they can
not reach the seat of tho disease.
Catarli is a blood or constitutional dis
ease, aud in order to euro it you must
take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
cure is to take internally, and acts di
rectly on the blood and mucous surface
Hall's Calarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine. It was prescribed by one
of the best physicians in this country
for years, und is a regular prescription.
It is composed of the best tonics known
combined with tho best blood purifiers,
acting directly on the mucous surfaces.
The perfect combination of the two in
gredients in which produces such won
derful results iu curing catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. .1. & Co.. Props.,
Toledo, ().
Sold by drugbists, price 75c.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
' thflw Royml Baklag Powder
. superior , to, sll other ; .
Illlll llllllllll IIIIMIIMIIIIIIIMI illlimilMIMIIt"
Are the
of all
Grades "
Read the followirp
can ilealersnho hu
High Frame. Wood
; Him, lietnelialile
5 T I r e. S c orcher.
Z weight SI 11. S8S
: Steel Kims, Wavrrley
; Clincher Tires,
S weight 24 lbs. S85
: Regular frame, same
Z weights. SSS
S Ladies' Prop Frante
same welniits and
r tires T6
: IjKlies' Pinmond wo'il
z Kims wcixht 'JJ
Z l,,s TS
I Deuel & Stevens, Agt's )
Miss Leonora Van Marten of Tacoma
will we-1 Lord Beiinet of Loudon on
Oct. 23 at her home.
Governor Budd has fully recovered
from his recent illness aud is now at
tending to his official duties.
Ex-Oovernor Elislia P. Ferry, the
first governor of the state of Washing
ton, died at Seattle a few days ago.
President Cleveland has returned to
Washington. The trip from Gray
Gables to Washington was made by
Miss Betty Ilent. a niece of Mrs. U
S. Grunt
was married at New York to
t, ., .....i i
Mrs. Clara Iioty Pats of lliicago. !
the well-known writer 'f stories for :
children, is seriously ill and her physi- j
ciatis have no hope of her recovery.
It May lo as Much for You.
Mr. Fred Miller. of Irving, 111., writes :
that he had a severe kidney trohle fori
many years, with sever-' jvtins in his
back and that also his bladder whs af
fected. He tried many so called kidney j
cures but without any good result, j
About a year a?o he began ".he us, of
Klectrie Hitters and found relief a" ;
once. Klectrie Hitters is especially!
adapted to cure ol all kioney and liver
troubles and often gives almost instant
relief. One trial will prove our snate
ment. Price only t'K-. for largo lotl!e.
At Ceo. H. Haskins drug store.
The town of Fort Scott. Kan., is in a
fever of excitement over the filing of a j
sensational divorce petitiou in the dis- i
trict conrt by Rev. John Cornish, pas- :
tor of the United Brelhreu church, in ;
which he charges that his wife has been '
guilty of intimacy with J. E. Mayberry. j
who is an active member of the church. ;
Jiseph Nesbitt. who is is claimed was :
once a millionaire and one of the great-'
est gamblers in Montana, was found !
dead iu a lodging house at Chicago, i
Nesbitt lost his fortune through gam- j
tiling and iu his troubles sought the use
of cocaine and morphine, to which he ;
became a slave.
Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood. the noteil
Washingtn lawyer, who was once a
candidate lor president, was recently
charged with criminal libel by Rolert
White, an attorney. White and Mrs.
Lockwood had a dispute about the rent
of White's office in her buildiuic. ami in
., , i, 1 1 ... i !
a bad name.
Worthy Your Confidence. I
The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla iu
conquering scrofula in whatever way it 1
n,- munil.tct ito.,lf i rl, .,1 fill- lie .
t.h..n.l h were severlv afHiote.1 h'v
.... ... j -..
this prevalent disease, but who now re-
joice over a jiermanent cure by IUxkI's
Sarsaprilla. Scrufla mav apienr as a
humor, or it may at tact the glands of
neck, or may break out in dreadful run- j
ning sores on tho body or limbs. At
tacking the mucus membrane, it may
develop into catarrh or lodging in the
lungs lead to consumption. Come as it
may, a faithful cure of treatment with
Hood's Sarsaparilla will over come it,
for working uixm the foundation of al!
diseases, and vigor strength and
health restored to the body.
Julius L. Brown, a milliouaiiv, cow
hided two newsboys at Atlanta, Ga.
The boys sold him papers which con
tained sensational references to Brown.
J. H. Maude will attend the Uood
Beads congress at Atlanta as a repre
sentative from California. Maude will
pay his own expeuses, the state board
of examiners having refused to audit a
bill for the trip.
Amelia Rives Chanter, the novelist,
has been granted a divorce at New York
from her husband, Joseph A. Chanler,
a relative of tha Astor family. Incom
patibility of temper was tha cause of
tha separation.
Four Big: Successes.
Having tho needed merit to more
than make good all the advertising
claimed for them, the following four
remedies have reached a phenomenal
sale Dr. King's New Discovery, for
consumption, coughs and colds, each
guaranteed Electric Bitters, tho groat
remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys.
Hucklen Arnica salve, the best in the
world, and Dr. Kings Now Life Pills,
which are a perfect pill. All of these
remedies are guaranteed to do just
what is claimed for l be ra and the dealer
whose name is attached herewith will
be fi-lud .V tell you moro ot them. Sold
at J. H.- Ha'tkin'fr druy More. '
Warranted Snucrior to any Bicycle Mill in the world. 1
....Regardless or Price....
opinien of one of the most i-rominci.t Ameri ;
mlu nuiiureus hi im-sc
KK'ilMoMi, Va., Oct. 2, 14, :
Indiana Hicyi-i.k Co.. Iiuliannpolls, Ind.: ... E
lirNTI.i Mi v-Tlie Waveiley S-orehcr sud Hrlle came to hand yrs- -tcrdnv
We are arraiil you have sent us the hi(h priced wheel l.v s
niistBkc. You can t mean to tell us that this wheel retails for .
We must say that it Is, without exception, the prettiest wheel we:
have ever seen und, moreover, we have fullli In it. although it :
welehs only -J-'lbs., forofall Waverlcys we have sold this year and :
hist (and you know that is a right good number) we have never had :
a single frame nor fork broken, cither from accident or defect, uud s
tliat is mure than wr can savof any other wheel . however high trade. :
so culled that we sell. We congratiilnle ourselves every day that we;
are the Waverley Agents. Yours truly, Walter C. Mkkckk i Co. . -
A large deposit of onyx marble has
been found near Henhlsburg, Sonoma
Rich gold discoveries are reported in
the Spring Creek territory in South
Lord Duuraven now wants to arrange
a race between the Valkyrie HI and the
Defender, and the British boat will re
main on this side of the Atlantic for
that puriHise.
i Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
I The (Hst salve in the world for cuts
j bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
i sores, tetter. chapped hands, chilhlnius,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and jkisi
lively cures pnes. or no
pav rexiiureu.
."rf.-ct satis-
t it is fftiaranieeu g
faction or money refuno.
ix-r lxx. For sale bv (J
1. I'rice l.c
Ii. H:si ns.
A tietition for the foreclosure
of a
mortaae of SrJO.O'Mi on
City Times has lieeu filed.
Saeraiiii-uto is on the eve of another
hot mayoralty contest. Mayor Stein
man will tun for re-election on an inde
jiendout ticket.
Harry J. Martin, for several years
teller of the Commercial National bank
of Chic.ig.i. lias been arrested for em
lerzlemeiit. When Babe was tick, we gave be' Castorla.
When she ns a Child, she crieJ Castoria.
Wben she became Xtss, she Hung to Castorfa.
oeniihe had raWrrn.fJie ga ee them Castoria. I m on hc 1st. ;nd and :tm Sabbatb: Sabbath
i school at 111 a. m. and Kpworth League at 6 p.
i m. every Sabbath at Medfonl. Services on 4th
' Sabbath at Soda Springs at 11 a. m. and Neil
: I'reek school house at 3 p m. A hearty wei
) come to all.
While J.
R. Varkirk was hunting in i
Redstone couutr. Pa., one of his heels
dug into the clay bank of a creek on the
farm of B. W. Oaft and scraped the'
earth from an old rotten box. which j
was found to contain several thousand ;
dollars' worth of Spanish. Italiau and
Uiiit-d States silver coins, ranging ::. !
date from to JS17.
$1.00 Bottla.
?-ld uVlT U drmt-
, guxa. Ai curat incipient touumpuoa
j aad im th bast Couch and Croup Cura.-
; stild by Strang the druggist, MedTord.
The Shasta Route
South I North
ft:.i0p. in I Lv. Portland Ar. I 8:10 a. m
11S.IS pin I Lv. Medfortt Lv I MKp.111
t:15 an: I Ar. Sau Francisco Lv. 6.40 p. 111
Above trains stop at Fast Portland. Oregon
City, WoxKUmril, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jef
ferson. Albany, Albany Junction. Tangent,
Shedds, llalsey. Harrisburg, Junction City, Ir
ving, F.ugene, Creswell. lirains and at all stn
lions from Koseburg to Ashland inclusive.
4-3t) a. 111 1 Lv Port'.mul Ar 4:4(1 p. 111 I
V.-O p. Ill 1 LV KOM'burg Lv S.W a. m
H.) p. m
10:l'i 11. m.
S:0J a. m.
I b:t. p. 111.
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
Pullman ItutVett Sli-epers and Second Class
Sh'cping Curs at inched to all through trains
Between Portland and Corvallis.
Mull triiina dully, eseept Sundav:
im n. 111 I Lv Pui'tlur.d Ar I 6s p. m
p hi I Ar Corvallis l.v l:;tt p. m
At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains
of O. C. ,"t K. railwav.
Ks press Trains daily, except Sunday:
7:4. p. 111 1 Lv Portland Ar ; S:ioa. til
4:25 p. m I Ar McMinnville Lv 1 5:60 a. ni
S-Through tickets to alt point" in the
Kastera staten, Canada aud Europe can be ob
taiard at lowest rates from W. V. Llppincolt,
Agent, Medford.
5 ,'Msaaer. t . Awt. O. F. P A
I Efl II - M "T I
Knights of tho Maccaoees.Trtmnph Tent
No. 14, meets In regular review i the -i un
th Thursdays of each month in A. . U. W.
Hall at 7:30 p. m. Visiting Sin Knights cordlu,
ly invited to attend.
Wm. Simmons, Commander
S. S. Pkntz, II. K.
A. O. U. W. Lodge So. 'JH. meets every fir
and third Wednesday in the month at s p. 1.-1
In their hall in the opra block. Visit ii:
brothers invited to attend.
E. W. fJAKI.KIt. M . W.
J. W. Lawton, Recorder.
W. K. C. ("neuter A. Arthur i Torn No. '.'I
meets second and fourth. Friday of eacii
mouth at a o'clock p. m.. in W.Nilf's ii.iil.
Mkk. S.mcah I. Syi-iui--(. Pre
MlS. M.K. Dav IK. Sec.
K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31, meets M :t
day evening at s p. m. Visiting brothers
ways welcome. J. W. feiinv. ;. c.
I. M . Mii.u:h, K. of Ii. aiid S.
1. O. O. V. IahIix No. S3, meet in I. O. O
nan every Saturday at at
it P. in.
v isitii.;
N. O
brothers always welcome
Z. Maxkv
. . A.S. Bi.irox. Rec Sec
1. O. O. F. Rogue Kiver Kncampment. Iiii
No. .", meets in I. O. O. F. hall Hie second and
fourth Wednesdays of each month at K p. m.
H. S. Wkbii. C. 1.
Isaac Wooi.r. Scribe.
Olive lbekah Iodge No., meets In I. O.
O. F. hall llrst and third Tuesdays of eacb
month. Visiting sisters invited t attend.
Miss Myhti.e WikiIifoho, N. O.
Miss Mamie Xichoijon. Kec. S.-c.
A. F. & A. M. Meets first Friday on or be
fore full moon at Hp. m.. in A. O. U. W. hall
w. I. Vawteh. W. M.
. . Li PPI SCOTT, Itec. Sec
(;. A. H Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47.
meets in Weill's hall every sroiiii and fourth
Fridays in each month at 7::i p. m.
. J. W. M11.1.EK, Com.
W . T. Kame. Adjutant.
I. O. U T. Meets Tuesday night
at A. O. L". W hall.
it i p. a
. . . O. II. smith, C. T
J. A. Jekfukv. Kec, Rec.
W. C. T. C Meets every Wednesday after
noon In the Halley iliack.
Mas. aiiiui: Vana.vtwfp Pres
Mrs. Rose UeUiioot. Sec.
Young People's Keeling Circle Tuesday even
Ingef each week, under the auspices of tte
Fpworth Ieague.
F. A. & i. L. L. Polk lodge No. meeti
every Satnrday at 8 p. m.
J. H. Smith, Pre.
Saint Marks Kpiscopa; Sundav School m is
at Kpiscopal Church everv Sunday morning at
10 o'clock. Rev. Wm. Hurt, Keclor;S.S. Penti.
j Methodist Kpiscopal Church K. S. Craven,
1 pastor. Services every Sunday morning and
I evening at u.-ual hours for church mrrin
r.pwonn U'u- meets at 6:."W p. m . Sundav.
' Sunday schi-d at o a. m. Prayer meeting
stret. one hink South of Mail wince.
Prcibyt.-rian Church Kev. A. S. Foster, pas
tor. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. and : :Jii p. m. Sua
day school at 10 a. m. Y. 1. s. C. K . 6:15 p. m.
Junior Kndeavor SnH-iety at S p. m.. Sundav!
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7
H:ipt:M church W. c. Jenkins paMor. Wor
ship and preaching cim- sunday n:orning and
' evenuii.' at u-ul !K:urs for church services.
; o-Kvimg nn Saturuavat S o'clock pr
ceeuing each nrs! SiuJav. Prayer meeting on
Weitieda etenln. liapiist Younjr People-'
I'nton me at )::) on Sunday eieting. Sua '
i!ay schtn) a lo a. ir..
Cliri.;:i:i church Corner of Sixth and I
-tritts. l"n-acoi!ig at II a. m and 7. p. m.
Sunday schis.i at ;u a. ni ; Junoir Kndeavor ai
p. m.:Y. P. s. C. K. at 6:M p. m. Praver
tn.-et:ng every Thursdav evening. Ladies
. Missionary Auxiliary lo C. W. U. K. first Thurs
day T: Ji P. M each month. Choral Unioa
, every Friday a: A p. m. The people vrelconie.
! Kli Fisher pastor. Kesides al the chrrch.
Methodist Kpispal Church South Ke-.Jno.
I.. Jones, pastor. Serviees at 11 a. m. and 7 t.
I Thos.
ak-s, Henry C Payee. Henry
Kiuse. Receivers.
jPullman '
! Tourists
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sieening Cars
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
No. SXi Morrison St.. cor. Third.
-F"OfiTI-jSl.T-r:D. OR
Or C. C. Hk.lknapp. Ticket Agent,
Medford, Oregon,
S. F. Cass. Ticket Agent.
First Xat'l Hank, Crants Pass. Ore.,
Rout. Lf.oxakd, Ticket Agent.
Ashland. Oregon
Wheat, No. 1, per bushel, 4oots
Oats, " " -
llarley " " : '
Corn, " " 50 "
Potatoes, .... tt u
Mill Feed, Hrau and Shorts. perton. Hit
Hav, baled, IK). U0: loose, S.0W
Wia I uk' per cord. So
Flour, wholesale, per barrel. 5UW ".
Flour, retail, per sack. Toetn
Butter, per roll ttwo sounds) ao . .
Kgrs, per dozen. 12' i "
Paeon and Ham er lb. 10 to 16 "
Sboulder ' perlb, 7i.
.bs, : iftf ' "
Lard ". . . " ' 10 "
Baast' " Uii"
1st. oi
jGaawo Foaaa