The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 04, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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i Correspondents
.cms j
Climax Items.
EH Hogan is hauling hay
the valley.
Mrs. Taylor is quite ill, but is
now improving.
Manny Wright has gone to Eagle
Point to attend school.
Miss Cotrell will close her term of
school at Climax today, Friday.
Mr. Farlow, of Lake Creek, cut
a tree and got over 100 pounds of
Frank Centers,of Climax, is haul
ing lumber from the Charley mill
to Medford.
Mr. William Charley better
known as Uucle Billie was at
Ashland attending the reunion.
Miss May Thomas, who has been
at Ashland, has returned to her
father's home, on Antelope creek.
L. B. Warner, social agent for
the Northwest Savings Co., of Tort-
land, was doing business in these
parts last week.
Mr. Geo. Smith has been to Dead
Indian soda springs and came home
with his wife, both much improved
in health by the use of soda water.
Judging from the lumber that is
being hauled from the Warlow and
Charley mills Medford must be
having a boom. A number of teams
are hauling lumber every day.
The fruit crop on Aatelope is
simply immense. Why do not more
people buy and improve the fertile
fruit land in this part of the
country? No better almond land
in America.
Prospect Items
Mr. Murphy. Jr., came up Satu
day to take charge of the Gravj
ranch which he recently rented.
Mr. Loosely and family, of Klam
ath, who have been visiting in the
valley, returned home last week.
A man from Central Point has
"been up repairing the Rogue river
bridge to withstand the winter
c- .u li ii ,:.ranis rass last week, lie was
Since the severe cold spell and1, , ,. ., ., . ,
, . t looking after the Hour trade.
the snowstorm we are now having
weather to the extremes quite the '. Dr. Alex Patterson and his newly
. other way. ', made wife arrived from San Fran-
A. M. DeCariow. of Eik creek. cisco last Saturday to locate here,
after spending a few years in the. There was a Wx social given in
mountains, has become dissatisfied ; the Baptist church last Friday even
'with Oregon in general and will 'ing from which a neat sum was
. ieave shortly tor his tormer home
in California.
. Mr. Grav is very busy getting
the road fixed
for his sawmill,
Teams will started down Tuesday
for the machinery. The Gordon
brothers have been getting out the
timWrs for the mill.
Item from leds.
by viLL.
'Mar McKee has been ill, but is!n.flr , -forR lh tlPTt rflj for
) new imyrovins-
Henry Gorden went to Prospect j
. iTiv..vj r- 1
Mis. Lizzie Phipps was a guest
of Mrs. K. E. Pay ton, Tuesday
1 'Muw Itush has returned to Fort
-Klarnaih after her visit at Mrs.
. IKnightou's.
; Mr. Hammer, of Steamboat, is
Visiting friends at Leeds and on
JRogoe- river.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Higinbotham,
rof Derby, were with friends at Leeds
one day last week.
'ttssWive Gorden- visited Butte
creek friends last week. She has
returned to Sams Valley.
Jobany McKee and Frank Steven
son a-eed through Leeds a few j
days ago with a herd of cattle.
''. Lee Katon, Oat Goodlow, Charley
'Arkwright and Joe Phipps have
.' beeo camping and hunting on the
Big prairie.
Mr. Vogeii's two little daughters,
of Staaaiboat, visited their grand
parent Mr. and Mrs. Vogeli, on
Trail creek last week.
Mrs Phipps' house caught fire at
two o'clock Sunday morning. It
was en immediately after it start
ed a'.ul was soon put out. It caught
from fire ia the fire place.
Juck Vaughan has returned from
', Eastern Oregon where he has been
at wo-rk during the summer. He
says flnow fell in Klamath county
' before b.e left and there were several
inches -of enow on the mountain.
J. F. Ditsworth has just returned
from valley trip. He took E. M.
Manning to Medford where he (Man
ninzY took the train for Wyoming.
Mr. Manning has business that
called Iiim away. He will visit his
jiareotB while in Wyoming
A dance was given Friday night
in the Vincent hall in honor of Miss
Nettie. Perry's birthday. A large
crowd was present and a very pleas
ant evening was passed. We don't
care how often Miss Perry's birth
days come if she gives parties like
th"3 one.
A Lttle excitement was caused
early Wednesday morning by the
roof of F. M. Manning's house catch
ing fire. The fire had just been
built and the stove pipe had come
unjointed. The roof caught fire
from the sparks, but Uncle Ed Man
ning discovered the fire and, with
help, soon put it out.
Miss Coakley, of Central I'oint,
was quite badly, but not seriously,
burned a few days since. She was
with a party enroute for Crater lake.
While camped near Gorden's the
lady's clothes caught fire from the
camp fire and in an instant she was
enveloped in llames. Fortunately
assistance was at hand and the
Haines were soon extinguished but
not until Miss Coakley's hands were
severly burned.
Central Point Item;.
James Priddy and wife made rel
atives, at Talent, a visit last Sun
day. Mrs. M. M. Cooksev and Mrs. K.
John Karnev returned home last
week from a two months sojourn at
We are sorry to rejori that M.
Purkeypile is lying seriously ill at
his home here.
Mrs. Gardner and family, late of
Josephine county, have become res
idents of our city.
Mrs. S. Cornutt made her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ada Smith,of Sams Valley,
a visit last Sunday.
Mrs. E. E. Parks, of Pokegama,
California, is paying old friends
here a visit this week.
There is great preparation Wing
made for the coming fair, which
opens here next week.
Mr. Comm. of Sams Valley, is
furnishing this market with a tine
quality of fresh beef.
There are fortv-five horses at the'
track being trained for the races
next week, at the fair.
1". M. Fredenburg and family, of
Gold Hill, spent a few days lure
last week visiting relatives.
Mrs. M. Williams and Miss Eflie
Heselgrave have opened a dress
making parlor in Gold Hill.
W. M. Holmes made a trip to
reanzeu. .
; Our town presents a live ap,Har-1
jance the past few weeks. Many i
people from a distance are getting j
I their winter supplies. p
Miss Katie Fries closed a suc-1
I cessful term of school in the Redi!lU-v- i e scixuars are eu,.wl)c Hving aion lhe ropoSed
Blanket country last Fridav and
I rptnmpa hnmp SimHv
Ernest Noble was Ixmud over by
Justice Jacobs last Thursday to ap
pear Wfore the next grand jurv for
iatealini a snrk of flour from "Mrs. i
stealing a sack of flour from Mrs.
rijucr . .. oireiit. in laiem, i
preached the funeral sermon for the j
late James Bigham here last Sun-1
, .
Tto .V,r.K woo orr.-,lo,l uritK
Mr. Bigham'8 manv friends.
Table Rock Items.
(Recieved too late for last week.)
Mr. Hammersley's family moved
from Gold Hill to Lakeview on
Smith Bros, of Ashland, have
rented all of the north side of the
"Hansen place.
Prof. L. A. Simons has returned
from hiB mountain trip, and open
ed school at Moonville Monday.
Someone set fire to Hansen's pas
ture and burned eighty acres of fine
feed and a quarter of a mile of rail
Mrs. E. P. Pickens has returned
from her trip to Siskiyou county
and was out on the ranch during
Wm. Dickinson and Mr. Pickens
finished threshing Saturday. Yield
of grain fair, the wheat going be
yond expectation.
Mrs. Giggray is stopping with
Mrs. Whiteman, of Central Point,
for a few days. She is a dressmaker
Highest. Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard-
and is looking about for a place to
The Olsen saw mill, of Sams
Valley, and the Welch mill, at the
Meadows, find it difficult to keep
enough lumber on hand to supply
the demand.
Your correspondent look a trip to
(rants Pass week before last, found
business up to expectations and the
people there looking for good results
from tin- mines in the surrounding
country this winter.
A party from Central Point visit
ed lower Table rock Sunday, and
the local camping party held a re
union on upper Table rock, ascend
ing it on the eastern slope. They
pronounce it fully if not more inter
esting than the lower rock, though
at this time of the vear the lake is
nearly dry . Verily, we do not have j
to travel far to gain a point from I
which sights can be seen that are
well worth the seeing.
The Sams Valley and Table Hock
! mnin cr tvi rt v ret nrnt'il mi t lm 1 "it U
for tho few showers they encount
ered. Report scenerv grand.
huckleberries to satisfy all. Crater
lake a sight never to be forgotten
and a good time generally, in spite
of a broken wheel and the sudden
death of a horse. They found plenty
of small game and several fine deer,
nut not a worti :o we near auoutjot Klamath county, who are stop
that '' '' t nlnf T.,;,,t ,.,,tt;., ...
that ''bar,
Your correspondent, wife and son
visited Ashland during the Soldier's
and Sailor's Reunion. Tho vet -
erans wearing the G. A. R. badge '.If, pupils on the roll and more
were all cordial and smiling, each j coming. He seems to be the right
being happy in hunting happiness j man in our school. The children
for others, so it is no wonder that hke him very much,
the general verdict is: "the reunion ' Kd Hovt of Big Butte, stopped
was a grand success." e noted J 0Vl.r ulh wilh volir COrresiondent
the presence of Hon. S M. Nealoi, . Saturday night on his war to the
and s.n. hmmet, Ot,s I-nerson andiHlll) ne reports that the cattle
I-red Hansen, of I able Rock nnd inre liking badly in the mountains
nau me pleasure oi MUMi.g nanus
with Editor York.
J. C. P.
Phoenix sltavinsr.
v H Holt, our senator, is at
Salem this week attending the fair.
' One of ("lint Cary's children has
Wen very ill. hut is getting better
' now.
Mis. H. T. Lyon and baby have
-Wen quite ill. Dr. !. 15. Cole is
in attendance,
i Messrs. Lurch and Turner have
gone to their ranch. aWve Ashland,
i to W gone a few days.
Carpenter MeTavish is under tho
j weather somewhat, in consequence
; of which F Towne's lwiw is going
- - . ;
rt ' u - shrt' j
th w,''re ov: r, V !
)e nver iisning reccnin ana naa
err gwxi hick.. !
,.,,11, Kogressing spien-
I"? ir-"-wr!1 a,,u l," ri
s rge attenaence.
Messrs. Lyon. Burch. Tnrpin and j
Lyon have just returned from Elk
creek where tWy have Wen in
M"1 of mountain trout.
! Gne of Dr. Kahler's sons returned
tfrom Eastern Oreeon this week
... 1
"Miaii been lor some tirae.i.ueumm
. . I .. . !
1M,Pue nvcr 1S ,ne "tbl I,iace
a" fia"-'".
Kanes t'reek Items.
Born On Kanes creek, Septem
ber 26 1S. to Mr. and Mrs. Al.
Boggis, a girl baty. Mother and
child doinz nicclv.
Tl, m.niv rnn.l lnxlim. frm, '
Mr. Birdsev's place to Kanes creek
was comoieted last Thursday a i
was completed last Thursday
road that has long Wen needed.
John Knotts and Ed Swinden
left Sunday on their wheels for
Grants Pass, at which place they
will visit friends and relatives.
we are sorry w xay tnai .iamesiftn)l gootl management.
Birsey had a 6troke of paralysis one j
day recently which has caused him Jacksonville News
to be unable to attend to his work, i
i. l. . 1 1
but we trust he will
soon fullv re-!
Perry Knotts and Robert Swinden
are this week helping Mr. Master
son, who lives near Gold Hill, to de
velop his newly discovered quartz
mine, which is showing some very
flattering results.
B. A. Knotts, of this place, and
D. II. Moor, of Gold Hill, took two
wagon loads of fat hogs to Central
Point for Joe Stover, at which place
Mr. S. realized three cents per
pound live weight.
John Knotts, Minnie Knotts and
Miss Annie were doing trading in
Medford last Thursday. Medford
is the cheapest town to buy your
groceries nnd provisions in Jackson
county. The people of that town
are also pleasant and accommoda
ting. Kagle Point Kaglets.
Miss Ida Watkins went to Med-
ford to remain, the first of last
Herman Meyer, of Salt creek,
came down last Tuesday and had
an operation performed on his ear
for tho otitis media, by Dr. W.
B. Officer. At hint, aecu its tne
patient was doing wrll.
Ben Abbeloose is hauling iuinlx r
from Mr. Charley's mill in make
more fencing.
John Obencha n brought out a
bunch of beef cattle for the .Mid
ford market last Monday.
Monday night of last w ek the
young folks had a very pii-asaiil
time at the social dance at this
Mr. Sidler, of Lake Creek, was in
town Monday. He reports that
there lias been a change in post
masters at that otlice.
lohn Obenchain and wife spent
Friday night at Win. French's, and
on Saturday they were doing busi
ness in Eagle Point.
During the past week there ha
I ,jeen several parties from Ashland
nere, iisning, aiinougn tne iUji is
about over lor this time.
Mr. Legate and family, of Med
ford, were out Saturday and Sun
day visiting the families of J. J.
Fryer and Mrs. M. A. Tay or.
J. E. Stickles' little daughter,!
anan, came near being severely
injured Sunday, the was going
down stairs and by some means fell
Misses Elsie Pool and Katie Faith,
ping in r,agle 1 oint, putting up
fruit for winter use, visited Central
' Point Sunday,
1 Mr. Daily, our teacher, reports
:on accoant of the dry summer.
Mrs. Lou Chappet left yesterday
for her home in Marshtield. She
; was accompanied by her mother.
'Mis. A. M. Thomas, as far as
Douglas county, where they exjH-ct
to visit Mrs. Henry Conn, daugh
ter of Mrs. T.
Almost every time 1 come to
: Medford I see more of my acquain
tances on the streets. Last Satur
' urday in addition to the regular
i visitors were Miss Elba (iritlith.
Miss Lizzie Wilson. Mr. Pool and
Frank Hrown.oiieof our merchants,
, his sister Ceiea and Miss Mattie
', Taylor.
I have had iKcasion several times
to call the attention of our business!
. men of Medford to the necessity of
i.:.,. rn,i ,h ,,,K,.rt a-, t
rect ,J Medfonl Lt Saturday I ;
fell iu company with Mr. Phipps.'
f Stickv." and W assures me
that such a move would meet with 1
the approbation tf the most of the:
route. I understand that Angle &
ri r f e 1 i- ! -
rivmaie. oi .uetuoni. -ir. i mpps i
and Hon. John Haymond, of Rock j
Point, own land along the proposed !
route and that thev are willing toi
jgjyc the right-of-way along the line.
and I repeat it. that something j
must W done to hold this trade for j
t it j
j. 'a5,1
week as I passed J. J.
T rVCr S
plaw he stopped me and
asked me to take a look at his gar- j
den and orchard. Talk about vege- j
tables, there were potatoes of the
finest quality, tomatoes by the
bushel, cabbage as large as a water
nail, cauliflower of a surprizing
j size and squashes as large as a
wash tub and lots of them, Wsides
bean,' Pa"niPs mi ti,cn nt, j
Pcl.e that would measures 12 to;
14 inches in circumference, and ap
ples that would make the old Mis
sourian douot the correctness of
their own eyes, and Wrries in
abundance, all growing on a town
lot the result of tilentv of water 1
- - - !
John Orth has returned from a!
j visit in the Willamette valley.
Mrs. Wilson, of Klamath county, j
is visiting .Jacksonville, the guest of I
her aunt. Mrs. M. M. Obenchain,
and will remain until after the fair.
George Chase and family left for;
their home at Keno Saturday after j
a few weeks pleasant visit with j
friends. Thev took a load of fruit
with them for winter use.
E. R. Anderson, of Ashland pre
cinct, was here Tuesday with a fine
line of blankets, a production of the
Ashland woolen mills. He tookjture
several orders from our merchants.
Mrs. 11. D. Kubli, Miss Ada;
Cameron and Miss Laura Gilson !
have purchased excursion tickets j
to the Portland exposition. Sev- i
eral others will take advantage of I
tee low rates.
A Mrs. Murphy who moved from
Klamath county last summer with
i i "t i-i i i t ,
ner nusoana ana cnuuren, ior me
j purpose of schooling the children,
js alllicted with a cancer on the
i breast and is in precarious condition.
Misses Jo Nunan and Josie Wett
ererdidavery charitable act this
week bv raising a subscription with
which to defray the expense of hir
ing a nurse to cure for the unfortu
nate woman. They met with a lib
eral response from our citizens.
A Hon was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Vrvil Kirklin September 20th, but
die-1 Satur ay v -ning. The burial
took place Sn iday afternoon. Mr.
Kirklin is one ot the crew who are having entered the house of Mrs
miding the Rogue river telephone I Kinney and took part of a sack of
line to Grants Pass. , nour) and in consequence was bound
John Toule, an Irishman, was ov,r t0 appear before the grand jury,
up from Gold Hill Sunday and Noble has relatives in Central Point
placed in the jail until Monday , wll are comfortable circumstan
afternoon, at which place he was, ces- an(l why Iie did ot go to them
examined by Doctors Delta rr and I for aid is a mystery.
uooinson and adjudged insane.
He was taken to the asylum Tues
day by Frank I!. Neil and Owen
Attorney Wm. Colvig was called
to Grants Pass late Monday even
ing by a message to the effect that
an indictment had been returned
by the grand jury charging the
county judge, of Josephine county,
with buving count v warrants. Mr.
, . - , ,
f.iilfinr will nnrwi'ip fic r-itifitil Fi-w
Colvig will appear
i - vvuii. v. i iui
E. Sanderson Smith, who went
to Portland a week ago, has
re -
turned, while in the city he pur
chased a new quartz mill of the
very latest make and will as soon
as the machinery arrives have it
taken to Steamboat, where he has
valuable mines. Mr. Smith's many
Now has on exhibition the largest selection of Photos, also
views of the fruit orchards, that has ever been displayed
in the Rogue river valley. His photos and views are of
the best quality and are sujerior to any in the valley. He
has soid SIX) views of the J. II. Stewart, Orchard Home and
Weeks A- Orr fruit farms. Give Mackey a call and exam
ine his artistic work. His prices are reasonable. Photo
tent west ot S. P. R. R. depot.
& fa
By making your purchases of us. We can please you on
quality and price of anything in the ::::::::::::::
Hardware Line
We are litre for business and shall make it an object for
tho.-e who purchase f us to come again
kiiuis of A;ninu:ii:ioii on hand
Location of Land
Amount of Land
Now on the flarket
commands an
cedent View of
How Payments may
be ilade
Fruit and Fruit Cul-
Who to Address
friends hope and trust that he will
become a millionaire in the not far
distant future.
The county jail has a boarder,
the first one since the silent depar
ture of Brooks. Ernest Noble, of
Central Point, was tried in the jus
tice court last week and admitted
Spikenard Items.
Our esteemed friend, Polk Hull,
I am glad to state, is improving in
William Carter i3 hauling lum
ber from the Welch mill for L. B.
Warner's new house in Medford.
Miss Carter, who is teaching
school at Trail creek, sprained her
i.i i i , .
, ankle recently and is unable to
! A. G. Bartly. of Magic, Pa., writes:
j I feel it a duty of mine to inform you
; and the public that DeWitt's Witch
Hazle Salve cued me of a very bad case
eelema. It also cured my boy of a run
ning bore on his leg. Geo." H. Has
kins. druggist.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World Fair Highest Mcdataad Diptoau.
Lying hut a few rods more than one
mile to the east of
....Medford, Oregon,
I situated 1U) acres of land which is "
especially adapted to
Fruit Growing.
This land has recently heen placed
upon the market and is now offered for
sale in tracts of from
21 to 10 Acres. .
The name. "Fatrviewy' is given this
property hecause, that Wing located as
it is. on a slight eminence, a view of all
parts of Medford and a good portion of
the valley can be had from any part of
the land. Nearly all of this land has
leen cleared and has heen under culti
vation for a number of years. The soil
is of an exceptionally tine quality and its
adaptability t fruit-growing has been
proven. This land will be sold upon the
Installment Plan.
rayments may be made at 1.2o per
week. $" per month or $ 1" every quar
ter, tr a liberal discount will be made
for all cash purchases.
The success attending fruit culture is
no longer an experiment. ly direct anal
ysis the soil is found to contain all the
elements required to produce fruits from
the semi-tropical to the hardiest varie
ties. Over these favorable" conditions
hangs a climate co-ordinated and adjust
ed to the nature of the soil.
For further informaticv. cencerning"
this desirable property call on or address