The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 20, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    OUR COUNTY . . .
v. ...
Central Point Items.
J. W. Hay, of Rock Foint, was
in the city Monday.
Wm. Flippin, of Gold 'Hill, spent
a day here last week.
Prof. L. L. Freeman spent Mon
day at Medford on business.
Chancey Nye, of Flounce Rock,
was here trading on Monday.
J. H. Kincaid made a business
trip to Grants Pass Monday.
J. A. Jiiddinsrton. ot xveuen, was
here the fore part of the week.
F. A. Peil, of Climax, was here
on a trading expedition Monday.
Dr. J. Hi-nkle is spending the
week at his mines on Sardine creek.
John Dugan, of Sams Valley,
spent several days here this week
Gus Williams, of Table Rock,
spent Saturday with his parents, of
this city.
L. C. Rodenberger has been quite
ill the past week, but is better at
this writing.
Mrs. Simons, of Eagle Point,
spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Priddy,
of this place.
Miss Julia Fielder, who is teach
ing in the normal school at Ashland,
spent Sunday here.
Miss Julia Martin has returned
from an extended visit with rela
tives on Trail creek.
Miss Nora Sydow, who has charge
of the Dardinell school, spent Sun
day with her parents here.
Mrs. J. . W. : Bontrager, who has
been making friends in California
a visit, has returned home.
Miss Stella Stidham commenced
a term of school in the Drake dis
trict, on Applegate, last Monday.
Rufus Cox and J. D. Pankev and
their families are spending the week
at the soldiers re-union at Ashland.
Miss Sophronia Shields, of Wel
len, spent last week with her aunt,
Mrs. W. W. Eddington,. of this
Mrs. J. W. Merritt, who has been
spending the past two months with
relatives at Portland, returned home
last Friday.
Dr. Dennison, who has been con
ducting the camp meeting here the
past ten days, took Monday's train
for his home in Portland.
Ernest Noble and family, who
have spent the past year in Modoc
county, California, have returned
to make their home here.
Hn. I. F. Williams spent last
weekjtt Ashland., being in attend- families who have children and
aneeuat the Baptist -association,
which vas held at that place
Mrs. C. G. Rippy and children,
of Healdsburg, California, arrived
here Sunday to make friends and
relatives, of this place, a visit.
There are great preparations be
ing made for the fair, which opens
October Stb. It will, no doubt, be
the best meeting ever held here.
Frar.k Jeffres has gone to Lake
view to take charge of their cornet
band. Frank is a good musician
and hi.s many friends here wish
him success.'
Mrs. C. H. Earcanbrack and
daughters left for Santa Barbara,
California, on Tuesday's train.
Many friends gathered at the depot
to bid them farewell. They have
made a host of friends here during
their three years' residence.
Whiie reluming from the camp
ground last Thursday night W. H.
Clark's team was frightened and
ran away. There were ten people
in the wagon at the time and all
were thrown out but Mrs. Clark
and Mrs. Hickle. Several severe
bruises were sustained but fortu
nately no serious injuries were received.
Note From Eden Precinct.
Ed. Hamlin returned Tuesday
from Sprague river.
The ranchers have commenced ! vnrt. TClamnth fow dnvs i
- .
class article of dried fruit. M. L.
Hartly, of Griffin creek, will assist
Mr. A. during the drying season.'
Rev. Merley delivered an interest
ing talk on "Conscience," at the
school house last Saturday. He
will preach again the 3rd Sunday
m October,
Marion Hartly has returned to
his home on Griflin creek to help
his father build his new dryer. N
o. Bennet is now second man at
the Anderson dryer, which is being
run day and night.
The ice cream social at the school
house the 5th was a decided success.
The house was well filled with both
old and young and all seemed to
enjoy the social very much. The
ladies made ample preparations
and there was nothing wanting to
make it a pleasent evening for all
present. The waiters were kept
busy till after 12 o'clock which fact
is suthcient evidence that the ice
cream, cake and lemonade were first
class. The tables were supplied
with well filled dishes of choice
fruits and large bouquets of cut
flowers. The net receipts were
$1S.2S, a part of which will be given
to the ministers who havo preached
for us during the summer and the
rest will probably be used to pur
chase lighting for the school-house.
Phoenix Shavings.
There is to be a dance given at
Calver's hall next Saturday night.
Uncle Billy Wilson has returned
from Klamath Falls, where himself
and family have been for a few days
upon pleasure bent.
Thos.Borrand family have moved
into one of J. Norton' residences,
on Main 6treet. The move is made
that the children may be nearer
the school.
Mr. Patterson and his son, living
on the Fish property, west of town,
are both ill with malarial fever. Dr.
G. B.Cole, of Phoenix, is the attend
ing physician.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Kahler were
up from Tolo last week visiting rel
atives and friends. They have
now returned to Tolo. where Mr. K.
has employment in the Tolo mine.
Born To the wife of Samuel
Murphy, on September 11th, an
eight pound girl baby. Mother and
daughter are doing fine and Samuel
is rejoicing because that he now
has both a boy and a girl.
School opened Monday morning
with Prof. Chase as principal and
Miss Cheney as assistant, or primary
teacher. There are thirty pupils en
rolled in the high school and sixty
in the primary department.
There is not a vacent house in
Phoenix. All are filled with
have been visiting at Mr. Forsyth's
place, has gone to Medford with
the expectation of purchasing a lot
and erecting a house. He will
move his family in before the school
Frank Davis went to Medford the
first of the week and Miss May
Sackett accompanied him on his
stairs. Dr. Hines will occupy the
oflice vacated oy Dr. DeBar.
Albert Rogers, of Illinois, a broth
er of Mrs. S. il. Taylor and Mrs. O.
E. Rose, has returned home after a
pleus.tnt visit with hU sisters, whom
he has not seen for many years.
Brick Wells, who went to New
York several months ago with J
way home. He was in Hums, Har
ney county, the 12th inst. He ac
companied Win. Hanley from
the latter having disposed
return to Asbestos. She came for ! IX-Witt Butts, of Ashland, is on his
the purpose ot pulling things to
right before her mother's return
from tho cast.
Last Sunday night your corres
pondent concluded there must be
another Indian outbreak from the
firing of guns that, nr roused him
from a sound slumber. The next
day upon inquiring it was found
that parties had been helping them
selves to the apples in Mr. Rey
nold's orchard and that the
proprietor thought best to send a
few shots that way as a warning.
The parties evidently took warning
as they did not stop to find the
gate but want through the fence.
Items from Leeds.
of a train loud of beef in the eastern
markets. Mr. Wells is a nephew
of the Cameron brothers.
Sheriff Patterson made a trip to
Salem Friday evening having in
charge Harry Brown a ten year old
boy who was charged with burglar
izing David Law's house. Owing
to the tender years of the youngster,
the grand jury reccommended that
he be placed in the State Reform
school which was accordingly done
and the judge sentenced him to a
term of ten years in that institution.
The boy's father resides here with
liv will. his several children, his wife having
Mrs. Sullivan has been visiting died some three years aeo. Thev
Ben Higinbotham's family. i are quiet aud industrious peopl'e
A. II. Boothby, of Prospect, is and have done every thing in their
hauling in winter supplies. j power to reform the wayward boy,
Born, September 10th, to Mr. but without avail,
and Mrs. Henry Sutton, a fine boy Ed. Coyle, the miner on Jackson
baby. creek, has had a streak ot luck and
Oat Goodlow made a trip to Eagle ia mi8fortune a11 in a week's time.
Point to get supplies for Mrs J He nnd h'3 partner, E. S. Adams,
Phipps. ' clauu to have found a pocket in
t u r .i f n . j their mine which yielded them $G00.
Joseph Buck, from Prospect, is on . rp, i -i . .i - - i
this side of the nver on business. . , , . , lA , ,,
with W. F. Taggart. ! sl"KU BI u. ' in?u , wo T
,, . . ! make a trip to Applegate where ho
Mrs. Gordon is making an ex-;,- ;ntr.a ; o ..I,-
tended visit in the valley, at her ; and while enroute his team became
son s near Medford. frmhw,! a-ov thm,;n
We are glad to report Miss1 him to the ground and renderinc
Clarice Paul as having quite re-j him unconscious for a time. The
covered her good health. , ( harness and buggy top were sadly
Mr. Brophy and Mr. Mickey, of wrecked. He came to town and
Medford, were in this locality a few ; paid Mr. limes $140 for his trip
nearly all the children are attend
ing school. There will be a crowd
at our school building when they
all attend if your.,correspondent is
not mistaken iritis guess.
Sardine jCreek Items.
- r.
Heavy rains and miners rejoice.
Rube Jones was a Medford visitor
last week.
J. W. Hays, Jr., of Gold Hill, was
at the saw mill Saturday.
E. E. Vrooman was at Grants
Pass Monday on a busiues trip.
J. II. Griffis and J. Moor, of Gold
Hill visited in this vicinity Sunday.
George Bolduc took his departure
last week for a visit with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Smith were doing
business in Jacksonville several
days last week.
Bowers and family, from Med
ford, were here last week looking
for mining claims.
Mr. Hazel, from near Medford,
passed through this country lately,
on his way to Graves Creek.
A i iK's t OS ItellH.
corn-feeding their porkers
Rev. J. Merley preached at the
school house lrrt Sunday.
J. H. Stewan. has finished pack
ing his large crop of pears.
fm. Hamlin, of Grants Pass,
visited relatives here the first of the
Our school started Monday week,
with Miss Amy Cantrall, of Apple
gate, at the desk.
After spending a few days at
home J. Copeland Btarted again for
Klamath county with fruit.
The recent rain3 wet the stubble
fields deep enough in places to
make tolerable good plowing.
Some very fine grapes are being
marketed from Eden something
like those we have read about.
J. D. Anderson purchased a new
grader and started his Carson dryer
Tuesday of last week. Mr. A. is
now prepared to turn out a first
J-.Y Itl BK.
Frank Parker has returned to his
ranch from Gold Hill.
Miss Olive Maegly has cone to
Medford on a visit to friends.
Frank Hammond returned from
days since, buying 6hakes.
Deb. McKee and wife were gath
ering fruit in this locality a few
days ago. They returned home
Mrs. Phipps is having some im
provements made on her house.
; ho says
Oregon ?
times are not good in
Eagle I'olut Kaglets.
Thos. E. Nichols has been
pairing his house, rearranging
Oat Goodlow and Chas. Arkwrisrht ,Ioors elc-
are the workmen. A. Turrel and his brother-in-law
The dance given by Mrs. Phipps from California, were in our town
was one of the most pleasant Saturday.
of the season. Big Butte, Table Walter and Volney Stickle are
mountain, Eagle Point, Derby and at Medford working on Wilkinsons'
Flounce were all well represented, i brick building'
Mr.Chas. Knighton and family; Joseph Wilson, our pharmacist,
have returned from their Eastern went to Medford last Saturday on a
Oregon trip. They were accompan- i trading expedition. by Miss Rush, of Fort Klamath, ' Miss Temple commenced her
who will visit Mrs. Knighton for; school in the Antelope district on
some time. , ; Monday of last week.
(Kccelred too late (or last wrek.i i Xf: 0.,.-,,ll f;- r-
M' Miss h,ugene Mowell. .Miss .Mar-
rs. John Ashpole, of hacle!., e ,r. T , ,
r:. ..::. f v w- ii- tha black and Miss Laura icho s
& UlliL, 1HIWT1 .HI?. 1 . A. It Ilh.UI
son a few davs since.
are reported on the 6ick list this
uifj. iiiiuuviuaiij uiiu unuuici, Rv Pi hard
,)..o' f.,; J ! at the Antelope church
i; b;.r " , L day at 11 a. in. and at Eagle Point
Mrs. King and three daughters, a 7 .3Q p ra
will preach
next Sun-
X r ... L i r tu :n.
nnrante Mr nnH l re lsH,i l . U a.. . -
v '. . . ... ; was out last ednesdav to see Mr.
l he directors ot the school have i j y Simon,
decided to naveanotner month 01
Sophia Simon, Claud White, Mrs.
Maud Stickle and Mrs. Pierce, of
Sterling, started for , Crater lake
Dr. B. W. Officer was called last
week to see John McAllister, who
cut his leg just below the knee.
He has a bad leg and the doctor
was compelled to scrape the bone.
With proper care he may be able to
save his leg.
Harris Ish has procured a seine
six hundred feet in length and last
Friday he made his first haul,
catching in the neighborhood of
250 fish. He sent three wagon
loads of them to the different towns
in the valley.
On Monday of last week thc Yon
derllollen boys and Waltz boys,
who were reported as having gone
to Crater lake, have returned.
They report having had a most en
joyable time, and on Friday and
Saturday nights they spent their
time fishing in our beautiful Uutte
creek. The result was that in the two
nights liey caught about 100 fine
!ih. Fishing has been quite a
ronren of amusement, and to some,
pmlit, l'r the last week, as there
have been several hundred taken
in during that time.
I am sorry to have to chronicle
the death of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Dailey's infant child, their only
babe, which died of whooping cough
on the 12th in6t. Aged 6 months
and 14 days. The remains were in
terred on Friday in the Mathews
cemetery. Religious services were
conducted by Key. A. C. Howlett.
A large concourse of people followed
the remains to the grave. Just as
the little darling was entwining
herself around the hearts of the
parents and friends, she was taken
from them, and another home is left
Gone, our morning lltrbt.
lione. our pvcnint; mar.
iioov, beyond our sight
To the land afar.
Gone, our garden flower.
Gone, our dally )oy,
Gone. n& in an hour.
Gone, our Daisy dear.
Gieal. Oh! frreat her pain
On the blcased shore.
Free from every pain.
Happy evermore.
Rest. then, ehlld of ours
With the cherub throng.
Charm the Kden bowers
With thy son.
A. C. 11.
of Lake Creek, were doing business
in town recently.
J. A. Stewart, of Medford, opened
school quite satisfactory in our little
town on Monday, the 16th.
W. A. Seaman and family, of
California, are visiting relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Terrill, at present.
Prof. Barnard, of Central Point,
accompanied by a number of friends,
passed through here last week. They
were on an excursion trip up in the
Big liutte country. Mr. B. will be
one of the teachers in the Central
Point school, to be opened soon.
Wm. Stanley has just returned
from an extended trip throughout
northern and eastern Oregon, and
though he had a pleasant trip, yet
he claims that Southern Oregon,
and especially Jackson couny, is
the best poor man's country that he
has 6een.
DIKI On SamH creek, Septembei S, liW3
Warren Gee. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Badges'
aged two inonthH.
Our home Is now lonely and saddened.
By the loss of one dear Utile face.
'Twas given awhile, but to glade n
Our hopes with its innocent grace.
Dear little Warren, how we loved you.
Far more than tongues can express.
Loved you. Oh : how dearly we loved you.
But God loved you best.
Go. little pilgram to thy home.
On yonder blissful shore.
We miss you here, but soon we'll come
Where thou art gone before.
Dora N.
Lincoln as a Lover.
Abraham Lincoln's sentimental perplexities
are to be shown In an article of singular interest
which John Gilmer Speed has written from n
pubiisued letters of Lincoln to Joshua Speed
fur the next issue of The Ladles Home Journal.
The article will show that the great president
was not steady in his affairs of the heart, that
he floundered in bis lore, and finally induced
his friend Speed to marry and tell him (Lincoln)
whether marriage was a failure or not.
Wltbone eya on the clock and the other ;on
your plate, you cannot enjoy a meal. When
leveling east you should take the Northern
PaciQc, the only dining car line from Portland!:
meals 75 cents. You don't bars to get np in
the morning at six o'clcck, rush to break
fast and gulp it down In fifteen or twenty
minutes, and then have to Wait until two or
three o'clock for lunch or dinner. To avoid this,
lake the Northern Pacific, the only dining car
route, the only line to the Yellowstone park
and the only line running Pullman tourist
sleeping through to the east without from'
twelve to sixteen hours delay. For full Infor
mation, time cards, maps, etc., call on or ad
dress C. C. Belknap, Medford, Oregon.
Stock Ranch For Sale.
HrownsDoro Items.
Newton brothers, of Central Point,
were doing business in town Wednes
day. J. C. Culbertson and C. Turpin,
This ranch consists of 400 acres. 160
aeres under fence, 60 acres under culti
vation; well watered witti livint:
springs, pood barn, house with seven
rooms, orchard all first-class fruit
bearing. Good range for cattle or
hogs, especially hogs. Situated elev
en miles from Medford: pood road.
Price iM0. Inquire at The Mail
Mining Deeds at this office.
Fruit paper at The Mail office any
S. CfllLtDEHS'
1 1 1 1
Location of Land
Lying but a few rods
mile to the east of
more than one
school, with Misa 'LtiuVBurch as
teacher. V fvir
J. F. Ditsworth and Mr,
have moved to their ci.bin on the
i D. M. Simon, who was sick at
I mother's at the time.
i Mrs. A. Pool was stung on the lip
;one day last week by a yellow jack-
I'OUSOIl ' onil r n n i . noar rrinlrinnr t,-k nfh
! lie fore she ronld tret relief.
mountain where they will keeP; 0ur school opened on Monday of
few weeks - i Iast wet'k wilh Prof' R H' DllU of
i Medford. as teacher. There are
r rankie Ditsworth. killed a large over thjrtv pUI,us in attendance.
rattlesnake at the school house! r . . 1 n i . r
.a,,, .. Messrs. Adams and Kobertson. of
door lhursua The pupi Is were, , . v . R,
,. . -I , r ... 1 alent, were here on a fishing ex-
marching in when he discovered the ; Ti . . i.., ,
, b .i i i.i cursion. 1 hey brought their fami-
snake near the door but he wassi- . . -.t 1 t i
. lies along with them and had a
soon put out of the way. . .
1 ! verv pleasant time.
The first month of the Ieeds ' ( ....,., k,. k ,,,- tr
, , , , , . . , , ' A voting man bv the name ot II.
school closed last rridav week. lr . f Vno, n.. -rf,,
, , , . . -,. 11. llovt. of hastern Oregon, came
1 hose having highest standing are , ;, . Pi j
i t- nu- vL i- i Vr in to visit his relatives, A. Itoyt, and
Julia Phinns. Charlie and Marv , . ...... ., J '
w . ''i.-j i- ,, , j iamny. n mic mere tney gave a
1'itiiiiiiHt) ajut it . uiiiiuu ouu
Eddie Sullivan
F rankie and May Ditsworth.
Some of the boys gave a dance
Friday night in the McKee school
house. Thev had a large crowd
and may well be pleased with the I
success of their entertainment, i
Sex oral from Ashland, who are on a
mountain trip, attended the party.'
Jacksonville Nexvs.
ha6 been helping xvith the haying,
but reports the hay crop very poor.
Mr. Fred, xvho, xvith his family
Highest Honors World's Fair,
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
family. While there
dance for his benefit.
Alexander Davis, xvho has been
in Alaska. British Columbia and
California, for the ,ast six or seven
j vears, returned to his old home on
Butte creek last xveek.
On Tuesday Messrs. Knighton
and Willard. of Trail creek, passed
throng h the village on their way
to the Hub. Mr. K. reports that
his wife is in poor health.
The many friends of Mrs. C
Ilader will be pleased to learn that
she is gradually improving. Dr.
f(!earv, of Medford, their family
of Land in
....Medford, Oregon,
Is situated 100 acres of land which
especially adapted to
Fruit Growing.
Now on the flarket This land has recently been placed
upon the market and is now offered for
sale in tracts of from
21 to 10 Acres.
commands an
cedent View of
Uvan Ueames and wife, of Port
land, are paying Jacksonville rela
tives a visit.
Miss Dee and Frank Ankeny,
sterling, Jett Saturday evening tor ; physician, is in attendance.
Kugene, to attend the University, j qut voimgest child- Agnejlj was
Miss Bernice Camero.i left for stung on the tongue by one of the
Monmouth Monday to resume j vellow jackets last Thursday and
her Studies at the State Normal i i,or mot her mmlied mud nnd ev-
John Bilger, xvho has been mak
ing friends here a visit while attend
ing to business, returned home dur
ing the xveek.
W. K. Kahler and xvife, of Hard
man, are visiting relatix'es in the
valley, the guests of James McDon
ough this xveek.
Circuit court xvas in session six
days last xveek but not one case xvus
tried before the petit jury and all
jurors xx'ere discharged for the term.
Dr. (Jeo. DeBar has removed his
office from the corner of California
and Fifth streets to Orth's brick up-
tracted the poison in a few minutes.
Last Satin da)' night the Per
ry family, Hoyt family and Oben
chain family, of I?ig Butte, visited
Rogue rix-er on a fishing excursion.
They toiled all night and
four fish.
The young folks, including Dr.
Stanfield nnd xvife, had a ball at
this place last Friday night, those
who were there report having had a
very pleasant time and a fine simper
at the Fagle Hotel.
On Monday of last xveek J. J.
Fryer and his two daughtens, Glad
ius and Lelah, Boyd Tucker, Miss
Hoxv Payments may
be flade
Fruit and Fruit Culture
The name, "Fairview," is given this
property because, that being located as
it is. on a slight eminence, a view of all
parts of Medford and a good portion of
the valley can be had from any part of
the land. Nearly all of this land has
been cleared and has been under culti
vation for a number of years. The soil
is of an exceptionally fine quality and its
adaptability to fruit-growing has been
proven. This land will be sold upon the
Installment Plan.
Payments may be made at 1.2f per
week. per month or $lf every quar
ter, or a liberal discount will be made
for all cash purchases.
The success attending fruit culture is
no longer an experiment. B- direct anal
ysis the soil is found to contain all tho
elements required to produce fruits from
the semi-tropical to the hardiest varie
ties. Over these favorable conditions
hangs a climate co-ordinated and adjust
ed to the nature of the soil.
Who to Address
this de
further informatics cencernimr
Arable property call on or address