The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 13, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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    From the Pacific "to the Atlantic.
Rev. Reese P. Kendall, who. with his family,
li ft Medford a few weeks ago for Boston, Mass.,
sends us this week a very terse, well written
account of his trip from ocean to ocean, which
we print below. .T. j7 i-. -"-'" ' V 11
A" host 'of valued friends at tne Medford depot
wished us God speed which we long remem
bered. Conspiracies of exigencies even pre
vented makine a final visit upon our chosen
friends, aud this is a humble apology. I ue delay-of
train did not change equilibrium, for we
f.-lt that all would come right to the righteous.
Kven flitting fancies of the raid agent .in-1 o w
creek ooiivou did not hinder a good sleep in the
.- -rt...,-..! "tniirnit minus.
rn wn-f.""
sable guardian got his uouceur. unmu.
feared, masked the landscapes, and no view
Avashad further awav than half, a mile. We
rolled up to the Portland depot on time, and
were met by Mr. A. D. t:harllon. assistant pas
senger agent of the Northern Pacific, who did
all in his power to arrange matters to our mus
factton. Then two old friends were found,
with whom the necessary wait seemed too very
hort The flight along me souiurra n v ,
the Columbia and crossing upon the large!
ferrv kept hs busy watching the changing pan-
ornmn. and then we looked for the much dis
tuned Sound, where was met our first contre- 1
tempts in a gray haired official requiring us to .
occupv the smoking car. but which was cor- J
recl-d'bv telegram from Portland before leav-j
ing Ellensburg. where we lay down In comfort-1
ible bunks to sleep and ride over one o! the I
-best road beds in America.,
"onble disturbed the even tenor of our ways j
' hs long as- we stayed under the care of the
Northern Pacific, but. "the best laid plans of
men and aice gang aft aglee" for all western j
roads always alive to the comfort of people of i
modest means, find themselves bridled, bitted .
md saddled with the incubusot cod fish as soon ;
as tnpy cross iuc uniuuu i-i - ,
m.i the same courtesies extended onward i n.uai.
Scey Huniaiu wh7The easler'n ! The ping tobacco manufacturers hold
-oads should draw a line and say practically. ; a meeting at lork to ilcvise means
-'pay an exorbitant price or .vmi shall j; m to Sght the American Tobacco cm
conrfort At all.1 Well, we don l understamt . o .
why. the very reasonable sum of one dollar per jmny.
night on a double berth on the t" J'" j Mrs. Sarah Carlin of Chicano. whilo
tourists to Kansas nty conld not be anomea j , , -, , ,,.,.,,
continuously to the Atlantic. No, unless you looking for her child, was caught under
pay thirteen dollars more for a so-euled first- tJ j f falling building anil seri
class Atlantic ticket you can't even sleep ma, 1 u ' b bed. which is twice as mueh I ously tmrt.
as the dearest hotel m tte unnewe cnaws. . Th crnispr3 of the White Squadron
IntereHtlug Items From Europe, Asia,
Africa anil North and South America,
With Particular Attention to Impor
tant Home ' o w a.
Hog cholera prevails to an alarming
extent in Indian .territory.
. The ' Anaheim (Cal.) irrigation dis
trict, formed under the Wright act, has
disorganized. ' " ' -. J
Grand Army members have lieen in
vited to attend the opening of the expo
sition at Atlanta. Ga.
The twelfth annual convention of the
Association of Agricultural Chemists
has opened at Washington.
Additional tests on the armor plate
of the battle-shir) Iowa will be made
with shots from a 13-inch gun.'
The German Methodist Episcopal con
ference Of Ohio is opposed to admitting
women to the general conference.
Railway passenger agents in Chicago
report that the amount of Grand Army
business will this year be smaller than
The holder of a second class ticket rules in
hit as eood a day coach as the road owns.
right beside a Urst-cla P?' ; 'nrnm' ! Massachusetts coast, where guu drill
advantages are, stop off, which not one in ten ;
"se and is no particle T harm or trouble to ; will be heu.
llXtLLr I A boiler which ran the electric ligfct
Richard Mansfield, the actor, is seri
ously ill at New York .with malarial
fever. '
Ex-President Harrison will buy some
land in the Adirondacks in New York
and build a summer home. .,. : ;.
Volney B. Cashing of Maine deliv
ered the address to the New York Pro
hibition convention at Saratoga. For
campaign purposes $7,'-!00 was sub
scribed. Rev. Robert Fulton died at Santa
Clara college recently -of apoplexy. He
was a distinguished member of the
Jesuit order and had filled many of its
highest offices. He was nearly 70 years
of, age and had been ailing for several
Dorothy Walker, the 6-inonths-old
child of Edith Scott, an actress, and
John M. Walker, has been adopted by
N. C lede. the Colorado millionaire.
The child was born in the Sisters' hosr
pital at Los Angeles ; after the desertion
of the mother by her husband..
It i announced that Archbishop Cor
rigan of New York will issue a circular
to the priests of the archdiocese of New
York, instructing them to set aside Fri
day. Sept. 20. the day of the fall of the
Quirinal at Rome, as a day of prayer m
the Catholic churches for the restora
tion of the temporal power of the pope,
Cardinal Gibbons delivered a sermon
at Baltimore on Sunday outlining his
observations on his recent visit to huro-
peau countries. He said that despite,
the pope's groat age he is still able to do
a good deal of work. The cardinal, re-
: ij mou i r-- - - , ... . . ...:! 1
bed no belter than tne onnern racinc t aynamo in tne V.Ulcago postoiuce mum-
seriously hurt.
The twelfth annnal Interstate esposi-
'rhrSw";"! exploded the other night. -No one
ineak for the hundreds of plain people who are i was
compelled to suffer when they are wdling to
. .i mvrwl nriot- for comfort. t
" InSt. Paul we got aboard the Wisconsin j on orened at St. Louis Sept 4. Gov-
fJmJVJSTK one and Mayor W.lbri,;
c'id penance for all our sins, past and future.
Hut- as their affairs have just fallen into the
hands of the Northern Pacific, will soon have
til as good as their own, unless nooooea oy
cod fish. In Chicago your correspondent got Ut j
wioe in a five hour's wait. ;
Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin. Illinois and
Indiana presented scenes of plenty and com- ;
iort: Smoke masked nearly all the summits and ,
. ,, . i ; n , ..m L- . v n in tilt '
l UUC ail HIC iiuiwii t.v . --- ---- rty X.l.illt.ii lO Ut? UUl kCU IIU t. 4CHIIITU
-Jockies. and hence we were not rid of it until ,
iSrout fon the plains. None of the docks in the Lnited States
One and a quarter days marKeu our " are ready to receive ner.
-he Langham, on Washington street, and-then j .
we found rooms at 76 East Newton street in j The old United States ship Minnesota
-e'Tmmen'weTt eirXLr to be put out of commission and the
many vessels are unloading lime. sand, stone. men aboard are to be transferred to the
coal, coke and lumber. Three piano facjopes yertnont ivine at Broiklvn naVV vard.
ire hear, and to-day we were in the establish- ; rrmuui, ul" " " -
ment which makes the kind we sold in Medford. : jjj Bernanlino will celebrate the
Abby tried severU of their highest priced and , ,, . -nnivensarv of Mexico' in
pronounced them no better than Mrs. Morrae s. eignty-nrm anniversary oi -iiexico s m
3y paving more rent we got gratis the use of a ' dependence with a testa, commencing
Tf'Sm "h'e g k?h 1 e night of Sept. 13 and continuing
iurnished and with a free bath room, hot and .-four days. .
.old water. But expenses will be more than ; .,-; T .n.i Trust com
n Medford. while fish are twice as dear. Td A He American IxviE an.l trust com
lav we went to see the historical common. pany has-commenced enit to foreclose
here the boys complained of the Red Coats ; - f f i lK
their general, and visited also the gorgeous , two mort.iges lor .4. ..ooti aain. t
public gardens, all wufth travelinsr far to see. the Omaha fl: Republicau alley rail-
have sailed for Fisher's island, uffihoi marked that iu the -different nations he
had generally found the people com
fortably clad, happy raml ''contented, in
spite of the heavy burden of taxation
caused bv the standing armies. He ob
served also that the agricultural dis
tricts are not being abandoned for the
Eeir Hardie, English socialist and ex-
member of parliament, was invited by
the Methodist ministers of Chicago to
address them. Hardie aid: "The
earlv Christians were crucified and
burned at the stake, and they felt it an
honor to die in the cause which they in
dorsed. Is it not Hssible that the men
(the anarchists) hanged at Chicago
few years ago may have been pioneers
of a new gospel?" A minister inte:
rupted Hardie and said: "They ought
to have been hanged. " General excite
ment followed, but Hardie concluded
his address without trouble.
Ige de
livered addresses.
The New York State Republican
League convention in session at Bing
hamton indorsed the enforcement of the
Sunday closing law.
The. battle-ship Indiana will be takeu
to Halifax to be docked and cleaned.
raul ' ft ' Lawion. sentenced to t
hanged, escaped .'from jail at Hailey,
Idaho. The 'jailer was 'iield.up by two
.masked men., his keys "taken and the
prisoher liberated.. u La wson's two aon
are supposed to have , been the -liber-:
ators.' " .''.'"',''
Ray Latshaw. a ia-y ear-old boy, while
practicing with a ritle, cattsud the ex
plosion of 600 pounds of dynamite 'iu'
the cellar of his home, 12 miles north of
Dubuque, Iowa. The house was blown
to pieces, five persons were killed and
three injured.
dames Ward murdered . Aaron Hun
ter, his father-in-law, and Jolin Hunter,
his brother-in-law, near Sullivan, Ind.i
by splitting their . headB open with an
ax and committed suicide by shooting
when he was suYrounded by a posse de-,
terinined to lynch him. .The double
murderer lured his victims to their
death. A domest ic ovwwrel-'led ' to"tli'e
tragedy:- t ' ;V - ;.' '. j.l '.
A tornado struck Eafndria, Kan., and
the east wing of the state normal school
was reduced to a muss -.of ruins," caus
ing a loss of tftO.OOO.! Four inches of
water fell in less than two hours.' Many
buildings and stocks of goods were dam
aged. . At Hartf6rd and Neosha mnch
damage was done. A Santa Fe bridge
with 1,000. feet, of track near Reading
was washed away.. 'No loss of life is re
ported. ' -
In the Montgomery mining district,
Nye county, Nev., a terrible fight latoly
took place, between miners and claim
jninpers. Two of the hitter were killed
and one wounded by. George and Robert
Montgomery and their ' friends. The
trouble occurred over the jumping of a
mine owneij by the 'Montgomery's; , who
were in debt for mining supplies t
John McArthnr, and he threatened to
lay claim to the mine if they did not
settle. Later the Montgoraerys quit
work on the mine and McArthur put
force of men at labor, but he told the
brothers that when they paid his claim
against them he would give - Mck the
mine. The Montgomery became, i
gered, with, the above bloody result.
Secretary Morton -lias issued an order
to prevent th exportation of any beef
that has ;n'ct ' been-'iriFrpeoted and will
Cans the x'partehi - of ' horso mat to
mark the packages so that, f he mature of-
tne contours wiu ne apparens. " foreign
consuls in this country have made com
plaint of, these,' products, being sent to
their governments m bad condition. -
Z Tile boycott declared by the Knights'
of Labor some sfinie: ago on national
bank notes bocame effective on Sept.' 2
but bank notes 'are as Ickgerly accepted
as they over were. John W. Hayes-, seo
tetary and trifiiare; of theKmghtu of
Labor, says he cannot; tell .. how long it
will take the 'boycott to begin to -how
itself,' btit he thinks that in the' course
of. 60' days bank notes will begin to ,bfi
rumen uown Dy a great many jjeopie. ,
The furnishing of small notes anA sil
ver dollars' . to iiieet the .demand, for cur:
roncy. to move, ho, likejy tft lrflK
sorb 'the 'energies of- - the' treasury de-
partmont during the next few weeks
more than the demand for gold. The
demand is not so 'active; thin year tw it
has sometimes been and is not expected
to be, because the ' national banks, are
better, equipped than usual with small,
notes,". . . Z ; ,.j-iv , ..
The. Chinese, minister hada recent
conference at the state department, with
Acting Secretary Adee concerning the
progress of the investigation into .the
riots in Cluna.ln which -Americans, were
victims,'. The minister informed.vtlie de
partment that he received advices from
Peking that - the-investigation was pro
gressing satisfactorily, and he gave re
newed assurances that his government
would press the inquiry apd punish the
perpetrators?- The statement made by
the minister was. line with informa
tion received from Minister benby and
confirmed all he bad stated.
The California Balailion spent S0 ana ex-;
penses per capita upon their oumi. aoooi
JS.01X) Templars for visitors: Overwhelming:
Well. Americans don't do anythin? by halves.
Tne New York Baukers' association
wiir take a consensus of opinion of the
: bankers of the conntry as to the advisa
' bility of establishing a national associ
. atioiC '
! A big fight is on m Kansas between
; the stockmen and Governor Morrill over
i the operations of the stock comtnis
! sioners, whom the stockmen waat re-
i The Silver federation at Oakdale.
Wash., is arming to n-ist foreel wures
Tieioaa Acts nf Lanrbreakers and I.oua
br Fire mod Areldent.
Seven prisoners overpowered the jailer
at the Astoria (Or.) jail and made their j
The Northern Pacific depot at Union- I
town, Wash., was robbed by burglars j
" , 0 T . by the mortgage companies an.l serious
Six employes of the Providence (R. I.), nUe tmftX ,tlt,rs
Gas company were suffocated m the l officerg of the ,aw
eeUar ota gas holder. ; t
Henry Helzel shot and killed Johu , at San Jose in tlie imcrest of the
vrjinn at .Liouisvuie, tvy. nirj iiau
The decision by the comptroller of the
treasury that 1 the stattate . allowing
double-fees to United States marshals,
districts attorneys and clerks in Wash
ington, Oregon, California, Wyoming,
Montana, Idaho, North and South Da
kota, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and
Nevada did not apply to mileage has
J caused mnch dissatisfaction among the
officials. Previous to tnis decision
double mileage had been allowed, ow
ing to the greatly increased cost of
traveling iu the Western states and ter
ritories. The United States marshal of
Nevada claims that mileage comes un
der the head of fees, and he has sug
gested that the matter be brought to
the attention of the department of jus- i
tico. !
Id Fashioned
compound cathartic!
pills, '.'blue piUs,"cal.j
omel or other mercru
rial preparations.)
sboula not b ised iri
these days of enlighU
ened medical science J .
when it is so easy to) .
get a purely vcgetablrjj '
pill in concentrated)
form, sugar-coated
in glass vials, at any
More where mediJ
cirics are kept.
Dr. Pierce was first
to introduce a Little Pill to the American,
people. Many have imitated them, but nonal
have approached his " Pleasant Pellets " inj
true worth-, or- value, for all laxative audi
cathartic purposes.
Once Always in Favor J
, Assist Kature a little now and then, withi
a jfentlc; Cleansing laxative, thereby remov-i
mir orrendino; matter from the stomacn an
bowels, toning up and invigorating the live.
ana oulckcnjng its. tardy, action, and yc
theTtby remove the cause of a multitude o
distressing diseases, auch as headaches, iw
digestion,, or dyspepsia, biliousness, pim-t
pies,. Dlobches, eruptions, boils, constipi,
tion. piles, fistula and maladies too uumer-j
bus to mention.
; If:jeople would pay more attention to!
properly regulating the action of their.
lmwcls, they would have less frequent
occasion to call for their doctor's ser-i
vices to subdue attacks of dangerous dis-'
eases. - '
. That, of all known agents to accomplish,
this purpose. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets!
are unequaled, is proven by the fact that'
once used, they are always in favor. Their-,
secondary effect is to keep the bowels open ?
Bnd rejrular, not to further constipate, as is;
the case with other pills. Hence, their great :
popularity, with sufferer from habitual1
constipation, piles and indigestion.
Thev absolutely evrt sick headache, bili
ousness, constipation, coated tongue, poor
appetite, dyspepsia and kindred derange-1
mcnts of the stomach, liver and bowels.
A free sample of the "Pellets," (4 to 7.
doses) on trial, is mailed to any address,
post-paid, on receipt of name and address
on postal card.
Address for free sample, Wobld's Dis-
Main Street, Bunalo, 14. V.
lacsbater a Bnafen.
Hake money while
others are wasting
thne by old proce.
Catalcgtells all about
it. and describes every
article needea tor
poultry business.
VIS Illustrated 11
mechanically the best
.woeet. rreiuraiiBwia.
We are Pacific Coast
Agents. Bicycle cata
logue,mailed freeivet
full dev-Hotlon . prices, etc.. AOrjrrs wajctto.
Bkajcb HorsB, i;,t S MaiaSt-,Lo Anpel
quarreled over a woman.
Andrew Anderson has been arrested
at Mill Valley, Cal., 011 a charge of
criminally assaulting a 7-year-old girl.
Ten wooden business houses and 50
Chinese dwellings were destroyed . by
fire at Vacaville, Cal., causing damage
of $30,000. Insurance, f 13.000.
John Richards, a patient at the In
dianariolis hospital for the insane, killed
; Methodist Episcopal Sunday school and
j the work of evangelization is to be sys
j tematically prosecuted.
Captain Sumner of the Columbia has
! made his defense to the charges against
- him at Brooklyn. He claimed the ship
i was injured at Southampton because of
I the carelessness of the dock officer.
i , To prevent train robbery Governor
McConnell of Idaho suggests that con-
aianapoiis; nospua. tor u.e ui, , enact ,aw makin M
athan Iteihoo ano her patient, by lnt-, . fm th(j deli
tmg h!m on the head with a chasr. ; Qf their ssen aml valnable8.
Edward Wilson and Samuel Sorten. j The NatioDHl Associatiou of Let
wno passed counterfeit money at Los ; ieA has prepared a bin providing
Angela, have been sentenced to serve , payment of peiui ,ns to all car-
two years each in San Qnentm prison. . ! fa the SBrvice and rtire.
Howard Castle, alias Castello. alias j ment on hM pay after 20 years' serv ice.
xtaymooa, tue notorious . A big meeting of representative Choc-
has, been arrested at Clucago. He ia ; lac4 at Atoka j "f.,
wanted, in nearly every state m the . ther(j m and
union for forgery. j about 1000 non.eitizens present. Vari-
Elmo Headley, aged 18. is under ar- . 0n9 re80mtion8 relating to Indian affairs
rest at Fresno on a charge of horse , wefe adoptei
stealing He was a. iiiember of the no- Pawnee PaB9 Reservoir company
tonorts James and Dillwood gang which j thd 8tate ,Hnd
was recently broken np.
Attorney C. A. Stonesifer fired two
shots at S. L. Hanscom, wounding him
slightly, as the men were passing each
other in bnzsries at Modesto, CaL The
lawyer surrendered and was released on ;
$2,000 bail. I
Siegfried Kagel, a mining operator of j
Gibbousville, Idaho, has been arrested .
at JNew York charged with obtaining
$10,000 by false pretenses in procuring ,
promissfry notes on worthless ware- !
house receipts. I
A Jjos angei&s high sctiool boy, aged i
18 .years, began a career as a highway- j
mail "last week at the west end of San
Bernardino county and ended it bebind
the bars. His name is Vadim Demens,
is 6 feet 2 inches high, an athlete and
the star player of the Los Angeles high
school football team. His father is
worth $500,000 and was for many years
second vice president and general man
ager of the Orange Belt railway in
Florida, owned by the Drexels of New
York. Fear of the yellow fever drove
him to Southern California a few years
ago and he got rich in real estate. The
boy is wild and had come under his
father's displeabure. School closed the
first week in June and he was sent to
work on -his. father's ranch at North
Cncamonga, San Bernardino county.
He. worked, until last week, when he
got a notion to visit Florida and deter
mined to get money to travel ot by rob
bery." He.' stole a revolver and held up
D. Kilgore, the Santa Fe station agent
at North'Cucamonga. Then he held up
a grocery keeper' and a lone traveler.
board a request to be sent to the secre
tary of the interior to segregate 800,000
acres of land in Logan county for recla
mation under the arid land act.
The manager f the Beaver tin plate
mills at List n, O., says it will be im
possible much .-.iger for the tin plate
makers in this country to compete with
the foreign manufacturers, because of
the rise in the price of steel billets.
John Ekolxm has gned August Wehr-
spon, a ncn lumoerman 01 uuerneviue,
Cal., for $8,000 damages alleged to have
been sustained by Ekebon while work
ing in Wehrspon's mill. Ekebon had a
thumb and one finger cut off by a saw.
An action has been instituted by
Thomas McKown of Benicia, Cal.,
against Joseph Oberti, a well-known
winemaker of Cordelia. McKown de
mands judgment for $15,000, alleging
that Oberti maliciously caused his ar
rest on a charge of having stolen a
horse. At the trial McKown testified
that he had found the animal loose and
the court decided that the charge
against him was unfounded.
The United States canal commission
sent to Nicaragua to study the canal
question will soon make a statement
favoring the project and showing that
Colorado bar. near the mouth of San
Juan del Norte river, could be opened
to permit the entry of hnavy ' draft
steamers. It will recommend a radical
change in the proposed line of the canal
on account of obstacles. The work
could be finished in six or seven years
and the estimated cost is $110,000,000.
President Dias of Mexico is in favor
of closT commercial relations with the
Unite-d States.
It is rejorted that the town of Aba
10I0. Mexico, containing StM) inhabi
tants, was washed awy by a flood.
Other ,vilbg in that section suffered
The revolution in Cuba continues to
cause great destruction of property and
the opposing armies seem to equally
share in the snccess of battle. From .-
Siuun 4 000 troops and 3."0 cavalrv ar- '
rived lately. j
It Is reported that a party of 20 Amer- !
icans have started a secret society in
Hongkong. China, for the purpose cf
wrecking the Hawaiian government us
an act of revenge against the present
officials, who caused the dethronement
of the queen.
Fresh outrages are ro ported to have
been committed by brigands in Arme
nia. It is said that minor Turkish of
ficials have formed an anti-Christian
society to kill Christians if the sultan
accepts the scheme of reform insisted
upon by the Enropean nations.
Postoffico Inspector Flint has been in
vestigating a supposed land swindle in
Kings conuty, Cal. The tax collector
of the county has received many letters
from the East inquiring about the town
of Lakeview. The site of this alleged
town, according to the maps, is under
Tulare lake. It is believed that many
Eastern people have been swindled by
this scheme.
Charles Bryant, a i.egro, was shot
and killed at San Jose by Fred G. Wen
zel. a bartender. Bryant ordered beer
and out a nickel on the lwr. He went
out. but soon returned and said he had
laid down a quarter. Wenxel denied
his assertion and the negro began to
threateu the bartender. Bryant drew
a pistol and reached over the bar to
shoot at Wenzel, who had gone behind
the safe. Wenzel seized his revolver
and shot the negro over the left eye.
At a meeting of the state board of ex
aminers at Sacramento Attorney Gen
eral Fitzgerald rendered a decision tliat
will affect every official and peace ofh
cer in California. The decision was
called out by a controversy which arose
over the division of the reward offered
for the capture of the Rnggles brothers.
who killed an express messenger while
robbing a stage in Tehama count ana
who were afterward taken from jail
and lynched by citizens. The substance
of the decision is that peace officers are
not entitled to anv portion of any of
fered reward in making an arrest, and
the only redress left them under the de
cision is by mandamus proceedings iu
the courts.
The Admission day celebration at Sac
ramento was a magnificent affair. The
monster procession, consisting of alle-
trorical floats and the parlors of the
Native Sons and Daughters of the
Golden West from different cities of
California, was one of the finest ever
seen in the state. Rowing races on the
river and excellent horse racing at the
state fair ti:i contributed to the dis
play of tin- -.elebration. On the night
of Sept. 9 electricity for the illumina
tion of the city was transmitted from
Folsom, 'i miles distant, and the stale
capital building with its thousands of
lights shone like a castle on ati emi
nence. On the capital dome was fixed
an immense electric searchlight which
shed rays of light for miles. The thou
sands of visitors and residents had good
cause for unbounded enjoyment.
IliK 1 URiiM'l I". ri :h arraissl
.. f,i-,.rr in 1I1 l-nll'l il-
1 HI-. 1 HIlciMCl.K n..l .-..n Ih r!-ISc
-.!. U tr.W all .11 aiilHtr. ru:rjr. a-l nrw.
Illh c:l ll.i. l I.K-S 1IrN;llc lt-.T-. r
Ihr It:.,! n.wft rl.a!. 11 I al .N.tns
fu.;.-t a. I ;.-.-irl. an-l A h .l'l..;al. Iro.u tits
M'.l.-l fMns ;. ! r-iMiMlr."
I II K I'll li I N'll I.K lis-!-. -.. artt a! irxys
-i:il.- mr- f, 1 a..! -hM'-m ll.s p-Vl aa
wf a 1.
x.ut i-'i..,-v i-,ria :iii-i or j
in-t llili l.U..:i.lti.l .! a ,:tk-;i c.
J. C. AVHIPP, Iropr. VT-;
Does General Contracting in ail Lines. -
J acksonville.
: t.ti
:-:-Ti . t V-'
-1 Wagons and Ktigies; !Made to Order
All Wqr'k Warranted First Class. Cor. C and Eight street
Bedford. -. - - - - Oregon.
Vicu lrc
J. E:
111. t'tirnnlrla Itiiililinf.
"TH El
It f Mall. I'natac ri.t.
$6.70 a kr.
The Weekly Chronicle r
ri.. r...i .1 il'.. 1.. :.. ,1. c, ...... -!
1 110 nrcai'.M iccii) m n uujui,
$1.50 a h
(liiclii.llni; imiici.i i any part of Hi Cnile-l
Slalp. (' nml Mi'tltu
TI1K H-KKKI.V ClIltONUT.K. tll l.rlsln
ami ni.m ...mi.ll,' Wrrkly N,vpiM"r III lh
n-orl.t. lining r.-uulnrly S rnliimna. r iwolvo
li;'.iil' N.-.v. l.lliTiitur," nilil Oi-hit:iI liil'.irma
li..:i;l.ia iim,;iilllriMit Asrl.-iiUurM ii.arlmnt-
ackson County Bank.
CAPItal - $50,000 Medford Oregon
ilan . nionv-on approved 'jsecurity,' receive deoosits subject, to check,
and transact a" general banking business on th? most, favorable terms.
ftSYour Business Solicited.
CorJf3.r rm rJ-,Ti f5
L? Bush. Salem. Anglo-California Banl, San Franciseij
. ?Idd ifc Tiltonv Portland.
Corbin BankingCo., 'N Y
o o:
fiarpfjis, paper. Wains,
""""'"""" U A. WEBB, MEDFORD.
3 """lliimmi iHiinnminiuiliHMiniic . . ...
ltoture Framing a
Reversible Map?
The United States, Donnuion of
Cauada and Northern Mexico
And the
Map of the World
Send $2 and Got the Map and
Weekly t lironlclo for On Year,
.loslage prepaid on Map and Ppir.
- Proprietor S. F. Chronlftla.
Hi ASH . . . .
I. L. HAMILTON, Proprietor.
The Met! ford has boon thoroughly renovated. AccomodHtious
the very best. If you t ry us once you will surely come again,
RATES FROtry $I OO T0 $2-00 pER DAY. ...
Th ; Gemj Saioon,
In connection. Tho oest and
eignrs courteous treatment.
purest of wines, liqiiors and"