The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 23, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Ylclons Acts of Lawbreakers and Losiei
fcy Fire and Accidents.
The business part of Rhonerville,
.Cal., bnrned recently. Loss, $23,000.
Bingham, Utah, h; s been destroyed
by fire. Loss, $"200,00i. Many people
are homeless.
Eight men were killed and 10 seri
ously hurt by the premature explosion
of a blast near Mehaffy, Pa.
Furious with jealousy, Mrs. Thomas
Rolinan shot her husband through the
heart. The woman is in jail.
One of the most terrible storms that
ever visited Chattanooga, Tenn., passed
over Chickamauga National park a few
days ago and did immense damage.
Five firemen were seriously injured
in a fire at Springfield. O., in a manu
facturing building. The men were on
a brick wall that fell and hurt them.
Edward Clegg and Colem:in Nokolds,
two Englishmen arrested at Chadron,
Neb., for riding bicycle on the side
walks, were put at work on the rook
pile and finally paid their fines.
George Darby, a farmer living near
Madera, Cal.. committed suicide. He
had trouble with his landlord. Charles
A. Lee, and he feared he would i-e ar
. rested.
g Samuel Lewis, murderer of three
men, was taken from jail at West Palm
Beach, Fla.. by a mob of masked men
and lynched. His body was then rid
dled with bullets.
A large number of the more deserv
ing prisoners in the Arizona penitenti
ary are to be paroled. They will be put
to work on sewer construction from the
insane asylum at Pho?nix to the river.
I The Ocean View hotel at Rockaway
Beach, N. T., was destroyed by fire a
few days ago. Hundreds of guests were
asleep at the time the fire occurred, but
all escaped with the exception of one
James Page ran amuck at the Wel
lington cannery at Ladner's landing,
near Vancouver, and killed two women.
Page is a half breed and he not drunk
on "peddlers'' whisky, took a'rifls and;110 possessed great ability as a laud-
began shooting.
Miss Nellie McCormick. a San Fran
cisco art student, committed suicide at
San Jose by shooting herself in the
head. Her relatives have no cause to
offer for the deed but that it was done
in a fit of depression.
H. F. McElrov. cashier of the Mer-
nVinnta "Vo ti. .,1 l,ol- TWt 1 -.1 Vio i
been found to be between $13,000 and
$20,000 short in his accounts. He has
sufneient propertv to make restitution !
and will not be prosecuted. !
" I
The inauest on the boJv of Nellie Pit-
1 4. T' 1 .. . 1 . ! - . 1 1 1 i
a;- luruuio iziii. ci.m.iueu. iuiu
the jury in its verdict stated that the
girl came to her death a: the hands of
H. H. Holmes, the man who has been
accused of having committed several
murders in the East.
An explosion wrecked the UKinry
V . 1 T 1 3 .-. . ,
iioiei ill iuvri iiu.i i-cis' aie s-.:ji- ,
tioseti to have Deeu Kiued. or those in !
the house at the time of the accidct:
only 2-3 have been accounted for. and j
some of these are badly injured. It is '
stated that the explosion was caused by J
defective boilers. !
A passenger train ran through an !
open switch cue mile north of Aurora.
111., into freight cars loaded with - I
phnnc acta, ami on the car rods s.'ine
boys were sitting. Thomas Rush, air-.!
l, was burned to death i:i the acid and
five others were badiy Ir.irt. Tlie on-
cUictor. a Dniseinai! nr.
gers were aito injursnl.
A Liov i:;tn;fl (i:;rcl.t
on a railway track thv.t v.-ri-ik" l a train,
was handed :it I'uciuK-a. Mrsief. n: i- r
the new law su;piui!!;s oonstirsti'mal
graaranters i:s t!'.! cast-.- uf j.erM!'.s (:-
strcctia? railway trai:i. Tiif- fatli-r f ,
the boy c-ounuitlol .-uit-i ie In- tlirowiii ,
hiuielf in front of a train, Is.-inj: :
tie with gTief over his son f.iie.
W. B. Holland. Jack Holland
Jake Oppc-jilieimer. three voting il--peradoes,
were convicted of burglary at
Oakland. Jude Frick sentem-ed Will
iam Holland to FoNoiu fur lif'-. Jack
Holland get "20 vears and Opprdieimer
spend the next -" years In-hi'id the
bars. W'tliiain Hollana is 2S vears or
his brother is 20 and Oppe.ihei mer is 21.
Last May State Senator Morrisoy was
shot and killed at St. Lonis in tlie house
of Aland .Lewis, supposed to have lie.-n
bis mistress.
The woman was indicted I
for murder. It now transpires that
Hand Lewis has a husband. Albert An
drews, who has confessed to having
killed Morrisey. He wants to be ar
resteil and have the woman released,
but the authorities have not done so.
R. R. Thornton, one of the contrac
tors for grading the roadbed of the San
Francisco and San Joaquin Valley rail
road, shot and slightly wounded an em
ploye named Michael Gibbons at Stock
ton. The difficulty was over wages due
Gibbons, who had repeatedly iisked for
his time check, as he had quit working
for the contractor to take another posi
tion. Thornton was released xn bail of
Dr. Horatio R. Holmes, one of the
best known surgeons in Oregon, and
Andrew A. Ausplund, a young physi
cian, engaged in an impromptu duel
" with pistols in Dr. Holmes' office at
Portland. As a result Ausplund is in a
critical condition and Holmes is seri
ously hurt. Each physician was struck
by three bullets. Holmes was hit in the
4 body, leg and neck, and Ausplund was
shot through the lungs, in the hand and
in the arm. There has been trouble be
tween the doctors for some time. Aus
plund claims that Holmes had referred
to his capacity as a physician in con
temptuous terms and he called at the
latter's office and demanded that he sign
a written retraction which he submit
ted. The physicians were alone in the
fffice for a long time, as near as can be
arned from the conflicting stories of
rue duelists, when Ausplund submitted
bis retraction, Holmes read it and re
fused to sign it and also ordered Ausplund
from the office. Then the shoot
ing began. Both declare that the other
fired the first shot.
1 Hon. Lloyd Lowndes has been nomi
nated for governor of Maryland by the
Ex-Justice Strong of the United
States supreme court died recently at
Lake Minnewaska, N. Y.
James Keir Ilardie, labor member of
parliament, has left England for New
York to lecture in this country.
William Fox well of I'lattsiuonlh,
Neb., has inherited a fortune of
000,000 from an estate in England.
General Sir Garnet Wolscley will suc
ceed the Duke of Cambridge as com
mander in chief of the Uritish army,
with limited powers.
Ex-Speaker Charles F. Crisp has re
turned to London from Paris improved
in health. He proposes to tour Scot
land lie fore coming home to Goorgi:u
Senator Carter of Montana, chairman
of the Republican national committee,
says a meeting of the committee will bo
held at Washiugtou early in November.
James J. Corbet t was married to Vera
Stanwood at As bury Park. N. J., the
other day. His infatuation fur the dash
ing blonde led to his first wife securing
a divorce at New York.
Governor Rudd is slowly gaining in
strength and will go to the springs as
soon as he is able to travel from Stock
ton. He will not attempt to attend to
official business before October.
J. Mott Smith, prominent in the Ha
waiian cabinet of ex-Queen Liliuoka
laui. died at Honolulu recently. His
services to the monarchy were marked
with good judgment and he was held in
esteem for his social qualities.
Fred E. Colver, clerk in the railway
mail service, California division, has
been suspended. lie gave a story to the
newspapers that his superior. Superin
tendent Flint, had conspire! to defraud
the government by stuffing mail bags
so the railroads would receive more
E. McD. Johnstone, editor of The
Traveler, died at San Mateo recently.
scape writer and was in the service of
the Southern Pacific company to per
form descriptive work advertising the
territory through which the railroad
Mr. Aiken, supervising architect of
the treasury department, is coining to
the Coast. His visit has to do with tile
;an Francisco postofthv and
i new federal buildings at Portland. Salt
T . T .. l nun owier piac.-s. mere
are at Pr'':- 1- jrovernmer.i building
1,1 c;,u-r ot ca-iruoM. an.l 4o that
Dr. Freeman, surgeon of the steam
ship Victoria, which has arrived at T.
coma from Japan, reports tha v. .7
between Russia and Japan was ivii:;
discussed as a near possibility. He s.ud
the Japanese lock forward l. a w.-tr as
a certainty, (ireat I'litani will ! .n.
f J;
;):m Jim,
1 Ihe-
law 1-
r.u-ii :r
Jill.! :i
of Ut r :
.11 ' 1 i-vi-ml !'.'it:
.rr I T'-. :it t;:ivv
will tx;
At Albany. X. Y..
ElizjiWll:;mii: . v
of the IjcIo j--cTi-t:iry
Daniel M:i!:i::ii. will
Uis wtfk M.iry
i:r.---t .l.i;i-h:.-r
i'f lh" Tn-Ji-ury
v. irrv .7 til. ( ". .r-
uc-liiis von ii,-r taili-riii.-:;l.ii: .f 11..-Ha-u.
H .na::.l. Ml" M.i:::ii!i- will i t
tlu' Krt y. .nn-i Am ri in w..::iati t I..-
taki'l: :
s a SrnI" n:t.
1. O'tch-1711-
i r i :i.i-ri::i
til" c
u!vi i
a --:i
rv t'
fiKinn r. v ;':;tto-iai-y :tj.-si . r
I'or'.cd in i'f in Mi-xu-. -n is-; it: v; in
take i-;irr iu t!u- war aauiv
l i nira! AiM-rica:is ar- al.o in;:si:.
The Mexican Vii:iii,ii:l ; e n'
Lin:: lo ;.ii American -ch.n ;..-r- 1
I X-'-t 'iermi; .ui:aii in coiinir;.
tlie vei-oel owners -..n:;i!v wii!i
ri-;ulatin the matter.
Duke Ernest, brother of I
William, is saiil to in- i-oinin t.
:i;'cror i
tc.-i to niarrv a vi.ii:i wmnan w lioin he
j had met in
) I lis. r.j.iitation i
uneuviaii.e ;i!-.'t n.-is im:. .j.u l;ir ;it court.
j Thl l!is,lim. -,H.t 15!IV!:1 aI:,i ,.,-,,
j i.s rowin bitter and war is prohahle.
IVru lias sent a naval Mjua Iron south
and ilirpatchi d true is to lie- l.. i.i. r. A
strip of hind is th- cause of i!:.- trouble
and diplomatic efforts h:ive been futile.
General Alfaro, coniniiniler of the
Peruvian revolutiotiisls, h;is lilierated
all prisoners of war taken in the late
battles. Alfaro and his army are cm the
march to (juito, the capital, where he is
expected to meet witii an enthusiastic
An explosion occurred at t ho artillery
barracks at Tooki. Russia, and :5'K) per
sons are reported to have lieen killed.
An investigation of the cause of the ex
plosion led to the discovery that the I
barracks had been undermined. The !
supposition is that nihilists committed
tlie lerrioit: uixu.
At Berlin Aug. 18, the twenty-fifth
anniversiiry of the battle of Gravelotte
which had such great influence on the
Franco-Prussian war, the corner-stone
of a monument to the Lite Emperor
William I was laid by his grandson, the
present emperor, in the presence of the
sovereigns of German states and other
A dispatch from Rio Janeiro says the
French minister and the Brazilian min
ister of foreign affairs have signed an
agreement to submit the question of the
ownership of the territory of Amapa to
arbitration, with the king of Sweden as
referee. Brazil and France are to be al
lowed until April, lS'JO, to submit their
A serious condition of affairs exists iu
Southern China regarding tho recent
outrages on foreigners. Officials refuse
to allow the American find the British
consuls to investigate the massacre of
missionaries. The matter has been re
ferred to the viceroy. Serious trouble
is feared, as incendiary placards have
been posted at Canton.
Said to 11c Itrncllrlul in Cases of Dys
pepsia. "Critics of America," said a well
known physician, "have poked fun at
us for being a nation of rockers. Amer
icans have been pictured as sixty mil
lions of persons seated in sixty millions
of rocking chairs some of them cra
dles, of course. Itut now comes Dr.
I.aine, a French West India physician,
who says it is good for us. He has
been talking of what, he calls 'the
gund effects that the lullaby chair exer
cises on subjects affected with atonv of
the stoinacli.' Atony is want of tone.
'baine says that a course of rocking
chair after each meal, the oscillations
being quiet and regular, 'stimulates
gastro-intestimil i)eristaltism,' and that
dyspeptics should take notice. The
chair ought to be light, so that rocking
requires no effort, anil sufficiently in
clined backward that the person may
lie rather than sit in it. Physicians
will agree that Dr. I.aine has done
Americans a real service. It hnsalways
been rather difficult to explain the na
tional passion for the rockingchair. but
j now it is only too easy. Americans are
the worst sufferers from indigestion
I and dyspepsia in the world, but it now
appears that we have instinctively
rushed to what is now proved to be the
best system of relief.
"The man who lunches on pie and j
then balances himself in a rocking I
chair is unconsciously cluing his best to
stimulate his gast ro-iutest inal peristnlt
ism: he is practically singing a lullaby
to his outraged and injured stomach,
which is kept from crying aloud only
by this method of soothing it. Heboid
in America a nation of invalids vainly
endeavoring to nnk themselves to
sleep. Dr. Laine's theory is too good
not to be true."
The Frmrhpisn Who lld It Was Con.1.1- bonl lho ,WO H- the presi
crcd t'raiy. tlout of Columbia college, the other tho
A few months ago while amusing mv-' ipr scholar of our civil war. Oliver
self with l vranode Iiergeraes Historic i Wendell Holmes lived for years at
t ouii.pie des E'.atsct Empires de l;i Iittsfi. lL Catharine Maria Sedgwick
I.nne et du Solid i Paris. 1 Villi. I was ' drew arfiuTui fccf fit Stockbridgo and
ama.'.cd.savsa uritcrin Popular Science Lenox a distinguished circle of tho best
Monthlv. to come across the matter ' literary six-iety of our own country and
ti Ih'Ikw.w Jiit ii Min-l v foreshadows
rh"! 'larii :i.n closclv as ilo Huoon's
woil - t n a:r.shii ami railway. Tho
:ir.'.hr. IK I '.i'!'fr;ir, is on a vnvujjv
I'V'-r the :r.ti:.. Lot! al-mca litth wliilo
h ;'ui.h !ho trial's hi:n. to
h::n auay tiit hour. s.!iu
l ''tis t read. Tin hoks, )nwcv(T,
ti,:T:n;t fr.:a am vrn oti rarth.
i Mi
it. which
nw I
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n.niv l:t-
f 1 K
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:-. !!..
th:i' t!
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:-.-:ii.i:' i !
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I :..;:r-.ce. ::'u!
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if he
I h
i- !.;:
i. m al
I i I u as atl-.. i;-! t in oinvi-r
' close of tin- diuin-r and ua
i awaiv:-, when the empress muhI
1 :ial for il-'pa rt :: e. Mr. Wnsli'i
, oli'.iu'eil t" si eii I'.i.-h v. it ii. ml io
, There lie M...m! in h's --l.-.k
- h"
j irrave. ilh'nitie:! and s,-i i".; .
the row of 'Inning diplomats
I rijrht and h-,'i. Me l-ciiv.yc.l ):.
! the embarrassment h,- must hav
' and was never beard to allude
to !.i
ineidi nt.
I li-il frtMii :t Kut.
A l.tuhill street re-.', ail ran
in ly
'l- if.
Franeis.-o was neiiriv wreek: 1 re -e
by a most peculiar im i.leiil. As it
the noun time, business waslost f.
least, one da v.
The proprietor, who
j had been out n the
street si mieu liere.
went to a closet. d'Hined his LlaeU
alpa.-a coat and started to wait on a
couple of ladies. lie drew a napkin
from the eiiat pocket to I. rush a crumb
from the table cloth, when out jumped
a rat nearly as oig as a ground hog.
The women were on the table in a sec
ond. Men upset chairs and tables try
ing to stamp on the animal, but it
escaped all the blows aimed at it and
chased around nnd around the place
looking for some avenue of escape for
fully live minutes. By the time the
restaurant cut woke up and caught the
rat the place was a sorry wreek and
half the patrons bad disappeared.
(iivr It the rreferi'iici".
At a recent large country wedding
all the carriages far and near were en
gaged to convey the guests to the sta
tion and the various country houses to
the bridal reception. '-I am sorry,
ma'am," said the village undertaker, to
whom one of the perplexed hostesses
had applied in despair for a couple of
coaches, "but we bad to put off two
funerals to-day on account of this wed-din'!"
The Spiritual and Intellectual Forces Are
Strong Among Them.
And this region, so favored by na
ture, owes much of its character and in
terest to its history as well. Settled lat
er than the seacoast, tho western part
of tho stato was in its beginnings made
np of moro varied elements than tho
eastern. From tho valley of tho Connect
icut colonists pushed through tho moun
tain gaps into that of tho Housatonic;
tho hills attracted settlers from tho flat
nnd sandy lands of Capo Cod, whilo tho
Dutch from New York have left in
nanio and character their impress upon
tho Berkshiro people of today. Spiritual
and intellectual forces wero largely
prominent in tho laying of its founda
tions, and such forces have contributed
and continued their influences ever
Missionary zeal, repcesentcd by such
names as Eliot and Sargcant, founded
Stockbridgo. Jonathan Edwards hero
spent tho years which represented tho
primo and fullness of his powers.
Ephraim Williams, tho fighter in tho
French nnd Indian war, dying on the
battlefield, left his fortune to plant and
endow tho college which bears his name.
Mark Hopkins, Berkshiro born and
bred, another Arnold of Rugby, sot his
stamp upon a whole generation;
throughout its history soldiers, saints
and scholars have both represented and
impressed its life, Tho reasonings of
Jonathan Edwards, which for good and
evil havo had so great an influenco nu
on theological thought, found their most
powerful expression in his treatise on
the will, which was written whilo he
lived in SUx-kbridge. Lenox heard tho
last public utterances of (.'banning; his
successor, Orvillo Dewey, born 100 years
ago (171U) at Sheffield, long mado that
place his home, and there, too, wero
many cultivated wanderers fmm the old
world. Fanny Kemble here made for
years her home. Iiigfellow, Lowell,
Hawthorne. Herman Melville, Boocher,
G. P. R. James. George William Cur
tis, Matthew Arnold and others lingered
among and loved the Ix-auty of these
hills, wliere plain living and high think
ing have found noble expression in the
past and where here and there they
still survive, spite of the inflowing tide
of wealth and luxury that f!(ls the
IVrkshirc i !' today. Arthur Iiwrene
in tVnturv.
Soap nntiMfft.
M. I.-.irn h is i- ir.!v.r.!!!,-:i'i'il .i the
Ai-;iii v.:y . f ."-i-i. 'i.-.-.- a m-w I'l. tlvnl fur
oil.i:::u.i: ':i: hv.! M- - :t imu'h
1. '.li-'.-r f.i:n- than th ..i.':ii!!.-i fr.'ii!
ti.i s.aii wai. r . n. r.i'.'v U-- .1. ii. ha
r-.u.rt t i a ri inin '.'.; hy ti-.
f.illnwiiitf f.irmnla: l'niv.ri'i' t.v'iln-r
li jm;:i 'i J ::n r -:!i I" j-arij
i f '.i:-i"!i.ltr
ati r a:ni
Vs .. . Vla!!i i
h.i. ii may !
of '( ta.-h ;
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k. ; t in ?
nil 1"" par's ot
Milr.lii n.
a 1 li:.-k . 'Intl. u
v':; lo i. i:i iuti'.l
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I. t n- v. ::h troi-.i
Voluiui- of va'.t-r.
nit.-lv . . :i win n
). -.t rul.-n-l::.
.IT. 'I'!'."
l.aiih!. s j''. i! a;.-i-oi:-'
nn.'ii! !y a:i 1 . i
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the tilrr.-ti.r'i l-'ri
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here i::v III- it.
.!--; h :t; te'i.i 1. .arc.
li'.ee; ::i:; ! 0 for ea.-'.i sit
.'lie liilicii and eitars. ,
way ! k i. ai! the w.iv
Iii.oiki a ye.;r. tin y i l
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1 1. .us. A i .ink j-r. .-!.': :.'
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" ! iv ::;
i. Af.d.i
nt i hat -
of the physical bclnpr is the result of draw
ing incessantly upon tlie reserve canttal of
nerve force. The wear, tear and strain of
modem life nre concentrated upon lie.- nerv
ous system. The young men of our clay bc-
I come sufferers from nervous debility or cx
1 haiistion, nervous prostration or weakness.
This may Ik- the result of too much mental
I worry and excitement, or the result of bad
practices and excesses, or pernicious habits.
contracted in youth, through ignorance.
They feci irritable, weak and nervous with
such distressing symptoms as backache,
dizziness, shooting pains in head or chest,
sometimes indigestion. The middle-nged
men, as well, suffer from exhaustion, loss of
manly power, low spirits, impaired memory,
nnd many derangements of mind and body.
The ill-used brain is morbidly wide awake
when the overworked business man attempts
to find rest in bed.
The phvsicians nnd specialists of the In
valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute devote
their best energies to reclaiming nnd restor
ing such unfortunates to health nnd happi
ness. They have written a book of i6S
pnges, trenting of these maladies and setting
forth a rational mentis of home-treatment
for their cure. It is sent securely sealed, in
plain envelope, on receipt of io cents for
Address World's Dispensary Medical
Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buf
falo, N. Y.
Ftp Vsif.lA t?
Rebuked hy Hannibal Hamlin.
Mr. Hamlin was a true gentleman.
Punctilious himsolf in tho observance of
all tho requirements of gentlemanly in
tercourse', lie was equally exacting of
every courtesy duo him from others. Ho
permitted no man to bo rndo to him or
to assume tho attitudeof a superior. On
ono ix.'casion one of tho able men and
leaders of tho senate, distinguished fur
aself conscious, lordly air in his deport
ment, in the change of seals which oc
curs i men in (wo years in the senate
chamber had gained a seat by the side
of Mr. Hamlin anil bewail at once to
practice upon him those little exactions
and which hn had been ac
customed to impose upon others. After
a few days of yielding to these encroach
ments Mr. Hamlin turned and in a tone
that did not require repetition, said,
"Sir, if you exM-ct to be treated like n
gentleman, you must prove yourself
one." There was never occasion after
ward to repeat tho admonition. Henry
L. Dawes in Centnrv.
hntnl Oilier at Kosehur;. ( irt'nn, July :J.
Notice is licn-by pivt'ii that tin follow .!)
named suitr has Ilktl notice of his iiiti-ution
to inaUi linul proof m support of his claim, and
thai Miid proof will he inudr he fore Janie-i K.
Nell, county judie of .luck son county, at Jack
.Noiiville, Oregon, on Seplernher tl. l.syfi, viz:
on homestead entry No Mol for the n 1 j of n w
I , and lot s, m-c 1. ip s. r 'J w.
He names the following witnes..e to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land. vi. :
Ireal Harris and Joseph (".. Martin, of Hea
i;v, S.M. Neahm.of Tattle Kock. und Win. A.
Witch r, of Tolo. all of Jackson untv. Oregon,
u K. M. Vkatch. KcKist r.
In the I'ircui! Court of Jackson Couulj. State
of Oregon
''onuK"',mi"u"' f Suit in Equity for
Frank Bukeri Iefondant Divorce
Noth k-To Krank Hukrr, the alovc named
IN T1IK name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear ant! answer the
complaint of the above plaintiff in the above
entitled t'ourt. now on Hie with the Clerk of
Raid Court, within ten days from the dale of ihe
service of this summons uxn you. if served in
Jackson county. Oregon; or if served upon you
in any other county in the State of Oregon,
then w ithin twenty days from date of service of
this summons uiHn ytu ; or if servetl upon you
out of tre State of trcgou.or hy publication.! hen
by the tirsl dayof the ensuing September term of
Circuit Court, to w :t : The ninth day of Septem
ber. Is?"', and vou are hercbv notified that if
! you fait to apear and answer said coinpUinl.
I i4s hereby r quired, the piaintl-T w ill lake a de
; fault aaiut ou imd will apply to the court for
the reiu-f prayed for in said cinpiaitil. to w it
I Kera decree s vei:!!g the inarnage In.r.d
: here!fure ei-t;!ig lM-!ween plaints ami d
j le::dan:. ar.d lor such other as in equity
! i- am reasonable.
This summon i- publtshet in TllK MKPFottl
! Mail for ei-n-ecuisve weeks. i order of
; the Hon H. K. 1! nana, one of the judges of the
: K:rM Jm'.U' l;rul Made at Chambers.
th.s jr.hlay of July, !s'.rv
: A-2 Attorneys for l'la::.ti:r
A. C. AVI I II M ' Proir.
Doss General Contracting in al! Lines. -
1 acksoiivillo. - - OrcTOii.
nrnTPTi IT TIT if
IiMLMIj DLAuKoiflll
Work Warranted F:r
W. 1. V.VWTK.U.
Jackson County Bank.
CAPBTL, - S50.000
Lo:i:i niotv.-v on approved security, receive deposits subject to check,
r.tu'. transact a general bankinc: business on the most favorable terms,
ry Your Business Solicited.
Co r res n ond t: n is:
Ladd vS: Rush. .Salem. Anci-Caliiortiia Rank, San Francisco.
Ladd cc Tilton, Portlaud. Corbin Banking Co., M. Y
Garnets, Papei. Gurteias,
ittiitmiiiiiiiiiii inn
' ji; 11 1 1 urn 11 iitimttiiti 1111111111111111 11 11m iiiiii it u
I; L. HAMILTON, Proprietor.
fm The-Medford has been thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
the very best. If you try us ouce you will surely corao again.
RATES FROrl $1.00 TO $2.00 PER DAY. . . .
Th Gem c"'"
In connection. Tho oest and purest of wines, liquors . an
cigars courteous treatment.
If you unc the Petotum
Incubators Brooder.
Make money while
others are wasting
time by old processes.
Cdtn1og"telUall atxiut
it, nnd 3eacriWe every
nrticie needed lor tin
poultry business.
The "ERIE'
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IW'e ore Pacific Coast
'Axents. Hirvcle cata-
"iicci. I ini I, ki mmici.
f11cti-rtntion.T-.Hres etc.. aok?ts wahthd.
bhanch llui hB, ill g Main bt., Los Angeles.
I KipansTabules. i
j :
: Ripans Tabules are com-
f pounJcd from a prescription :
j widely used by the best medi-
: c;il authorities and are pre- :
i sented in a form that is be- :
coming the fashion every-
I wliere.
Ripans Tabules act gently :
! but promptly upon the liver, :
stomach and intestines; cure :
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i tion, offensive breath and head- :
: ache. One tabule taken at the :
first symptom of indigestion,
i biliousness, dizziness, distress :
I after eating, or depression of j
: spirits, will surely and quickly
i remove the whole difficulty. :
Price, 50 cents a box.
Ripans Tabules may be ob
tained of nearest druggist; or
by mail on receipt of price.
!0 Spruce Street,
W'i Illustrated i . 1
I Unifies .Made to Order
-t Class. Cor. C and Might Greets
l.lNl.K.t: -
V:(f l're-.
iitimiiiiitmitiiiMtiiititiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiii tititir
Befilptois. Siiases, Picte.
l'ii-ture Framing: a Specialty.