The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 23, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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J. B. Wrisley is laid up somewhat
sinee last week, from the effects of a
badly sprained wrist.
J. R. Erford has this week beaten
his apple record of last week. Tie now
has an apple which weighs twenty-two
The blacksmith firm of Merriman
& Purdiu has dissolved partnership,
Mr. Merrimau havincr purchased Mr.
Purdiu's interest.
Attorney V. S. Crowell. we are
grieved to learn, is quite ill at his Mt.
Sunset ranch. He has been confined to
his bed for a number of days. (
Mr. Russ has moved his chop mill
from the sidehill location to level
ground further from the residence.
He is prepraed to do all kinds of chop
work .
G. D. Perfection corsets, W. H.
Meeker & Co.
It is said so perfect is the construc
tion of the bicycle wheel, that, it will
carry with safety a larger load in pro
portion to its weight than any other
wheel made.
Perfection corsets, 'G. D,v at V.
H. Meeker & Co.
The Baptist church repairs being
completed, pastor V. C. Jenkins will
occupy the pulpit next Sunday, own
ing and evening, as usual. All are
cordially invited. a
You can get fruit cans at Brook's
E. T. Nichols, of Table Rock, was
loading up our merchants with water
melons hist Saturday. The gentleman
has a fine crop this year and the size
and flavor is all right.
Demorest, the dentist opera block,
A lawyer down in West Virginia
advertises": "Will appear for the prose
cution in all eases where 1 am not re
tained for the defense." That fellow
is determined to get a job.
Peach boxes for sale by Wallace
Woods, also dried fruit boxes.
J. R. Wilson on Wednesday moved
his blacksmith tools to a temporarily
constructed shop, corner, eight and D
street. Work on his new brick will
begin in about two weeks.
Boots and shoes at Angle & Ply
male's for cost and freight.
An Ashland gentleman has had ex
ceptional success in the extermination
of grass hoppers. Tho compound, or
mixture, used is the same as given by
Edwin Russ in another column of this
For bargains in real estate go to
Hamilton & Palm.
Rev. E. E. Thompson will preach
at the M. E. church next Sunday,
morning and evening at the usual
hours. Presiding Elder Jones will
preach in the same pulpit on the even
ing of September 1st.
Patronize Tyler & Miser, the only
photographers in Medford.
J. A. Whiteside writes from Stock
ton that things arc alfired quiet down
that way and there are about several,
or more, applicants for every job. He
-has steady work but the price is not up
Will exchange lumber for hay or
grain. Wallace Woods, Medford, Ore.
The fifth annual Jackson county
Sunday school convention will be held
in Central Point September 3rd and
4th. Rev. Strange, of Ashland, will
deliver the opening address on Mon
day evening, September 2nd.
Photcs of the school and school
building, for sale at Tyleri Miser's
The successful applicants for teach
ers' certificates at the Central Point
examination, last Wednesday week,
were Hattie Gleason, 1st grade: Belle
Potter, 2nd grade: Edith M. White, 2nd
grade, and Jessie Wait, 3rd grade.
Neatly fitting, easy to wear and
durable all the same G. D. Perfection
corsets, W. H. Meeker & Co,
Abstractor J. H. Whitman and his
able assistant, Miss Clara Skeel, have
been busily engaged during the past
few weeks in comparing his abstract
books with the county records. They
have about three weeks' work yet to
I will trade either new or second
hand harness for loose hay. W. D.
Beidleman, Medford.
A. T. Markley, proprietor of the
Aloha evaporator, has asked us to say
to the fruit growers hereabouts lhat he
would deem tt a special favor if they
would not bring to the evaporator any
more Hungarian prunes all other
varieties gladly taken.
We have received a carload of
Cumberland coal, which we will sell at
lowest rates. J. Beek & Co.
G. R. Meyer was in Medford a few
days ago and in the way of mining
aews gave out that quite recently one
of the Case boys, while driving along
the road near the Dowden place, not
far from Gold Hill, picked up a nugget
of "old from the roadside that weighed
The best shaves put up are those
you get at Bates Bros. 6hop, ditto hair
cuts first class, everything. South C
Many Medford people will remem
ber the Baptist preacher, E. G. Wheel
er, who was here in the fall of '91 with
his "Gospel Car Emmanuel," and who
preached in the Baptist church in this
city. A Gallup, New Mexico, paper
tells of his death in a railroad wreck,
in that county, on August 6th.
G.L.Schermerhoru is making a spe
cialty of carpenter job work in all
lines, from an ironing board to a state
John Veit and family left Talent a
a few days ago for Lampas, California,
where they expect to reside. Before
going Mr. Veit rented his farm, on
Wagner creek, to Mr. Hindman, a new
arrival in this county, from Idaho.
Chas. Phelps, also of Wagner creek,
left for California in company with Mr.
The new Foundry and Machine
shops, located at Ashland, are ready
to do all kinds of repair work and
make all kinds castings. Tutthill, Fen
tor. & Costel, proprietors.
Allotting Agent Worden, of the
Klamath reservation, reports having
made between 300 and 400 allotments to
the Klamath Indians during the past
year. He will now begin the allotment
of lands to tho Modocs and Piutes.
The entire reservation survey will be
completed by December 31st, of this
W. S. and D. A. Fitzgerald, of
Gold Hill, have commenced tho erec
tion of a dwelling on their proporty,
out on north C street. Tho building
will be 20x40 leet in size, two stories
high, and to this will bo added a 12x12
leau-to. Being carpenters they will do
their own work. The house will be
for rent.
A pair of eye glasses were found on
Sout h O street "this week. Pay for this
notice and take tho glasses.
Ed. Wilkinson has commenced work
upon the foundation of his new brick
building. He has moved his family to
the living rooms at the rear of Childers'
grocery store, and sometime this week
he will move his market to the Kldor
building, corner B and Seventh streets,
which he will occupy until the new
structure is completed.
We are now in shape to chop
wheat, barley and all kinds of small
grain. For" prices address Kastside
mill, Medford.
The Hayes family, which purchas
ed the Moreland ranch of ."20 acres,
over in the Antelope valley, is making
some considerable improvements on
the new purchase. There are three
families located on the innd the fath
er, son and grandson, and each family
is building a new dwelling and other
wise improving the premises.
Found, in ih-j yard of J . A. I -yon,
on north C street, a watch. Owner
please call for same, pay for ih;s notice,
and t;ike the watch.
A Alford. of Talent, is stopping in
Medford for a few davs and is being
treated for a throat and mouth alllic
tion which fastened onto him last week.
A swelling underneath the tongue and
in his throat is causing him no small
amount of unpleasantness. His many
Jackson county friends are hoping that
nothing serious will result. He was
reported greatly improved yesterday.
The Vienna bakery is the place
you are looking for when you want
bread, cakes, pies or a tine dish of ice
F. W. Beck, Dr. T. J. and II . L.
Patterson, of Visalia, California, Alex.
Ireland and Joe Delk, of Medford, and
Crit Tollman, of Ashland, made up a
party of hunters that left Medford last
Friday for a six weeks' tour of the Illi
nois Valley and the coast country. They
took with them eleven pack horses and
four bear dogs and will hunt deer and
Bellinger & Payne are in the field
for your work in the dray line. Ah
work done with dispatch and earv.
Every line of" work given opocial at
tention. W. L. Patterson, living up near
Phoenix, fell a couple of weeks ago and
broke a bone in one of his hands, but he
was not aware of the extent of his in
jury until he consulted a Medford phy
sician Monday. 1 he bone had oo:n
I menced knittiug together and nothing
j was done to it save several bandages
j and splints placed thereon to keep it
in place.
A general line of mill work is
carried on at G. L. Schermerhorn"
planing mill. Anything and every
thing made of wood can be turned
out at this mill.
W. W. Taylor began mill opera
tions on Wednesday of this week. K.
M. Barker and "family, of Collage
Grove, are all at the mill where Mr.
B. will have general superinteiideuey
of the saw-mill and other matters ap
pertaining thereto. The mill is lo
cated on .1. N. Woody's place, winch is
about seven miles east and a little south
of Medford.
John Beek, Jr.. is a bicyclist with
a record hitched to. him that isn't s!-.
He returned from Portland last week,
on bis wheel, and made the e..tire dis
tance, ;52! mile, iu four days. Consid
ering that a good portion of the trip
was made over a mountainous road
the record is not o bad considering
the same thing over again it is a record
that's dog blasted good.
One of our good farmer friends, and
subscriber, Mr. Polk Hull, living out
near Spikenard, fell from a load of wheal
last week and received quite serious
injuries. He fell from the load down
behind the team and was thrown un
der the wheels and one of tbem ran
over his head. He was carefully cared
for but at last accounts his condition
was considered a critical one.
Root. Fleming, living out at An
telope, met with an accident a few
weeks ago which will undoubtedly
make him a cripple for life. He was
thrown from a horse and his bin badly
injured, and although eminent physi
cians and surgeons have been attending
him there seems to be no hope for re
covery. He is sixty years of age,
which fact would naturally retard his
Geo. F. Merriman, having pur
chased his late partner's interest in
the Seventh street blacksmith shop,
desires us to sav that bis old-time
friends and patrons will find him iu
readiness to wait upon them wiih the
best work there can possibly be turned
out in any shop of this kind. In
George's own language "the best that
is to be had is none too good for my
A North Dakota lawyer reports hav
ing heard a case plead like this: '"Gen
tlemen of the jury, my client ischarged
with stealing a hog. Ho is an idiot:
he does not know right from wrong; ho
is a non compos mentis. Iu the forum
of reason he sits idiotically. Yet, gen
tlemen of the jury, such is tne bumauity
of our great and glorious slate, that my
client, idiot though he is, can be tried
by a jury of his peers."
Regular services will be held at
the Presbyterian church next Sunday
morning. In the evening, instead of
preaching services the Junior En
deavor will give a number of exercises.
After the exercises the prize bibles
will be given those who have earned
them by committing to memory pas
sages of scripture. The club will rend
er a new anthem. Special collection will
be taken at evening services.
A feature of Mr. Cartor's fire, out
at Spikenard, which the gentleman
hardly expected to terminate as it did,
was the absolute destruction of his new
steel range, which he purchased some
time ago and which was warranted to
go through any amount of burning
without injury. This was the little
story Mr. C. states was told him when
he purchased it but he t'on't believe
it now: whether he did thon or not is
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
not given out. There is a morn! back
of this which teaches us that wisdom
comes high but we must havo it.
Nearly every day we hear someone
telling of the '."crying need" for more
buildings in which to open business on
Main or Seventh street. The "need
will be "crying" just as loud as now un
til suitable brick store buildings uro
built on north and South C street.
Property owners on this street, are
loosing sight of their lest interests by
not inviting greater value to their
property by putting up larger and
wore substantial buildings.
There was a fakir on the streets
Monday. Ho procured a license from
Recorder Webb to do street, peddling
and gave his name as Win. Curler.
Soon after the license had been procur
ed he opened up for business near
Hotel Nash, but his business was a
nut proposition and a fake and the re
corder proceeded to call in the issued
license, but not until some of our un
suspecting people hud been bornswagled
into the purchase of several of I he nuts.
II. I.. Gilkcy is the acknowledged
king of anglers mitre especially in
the case when it is fish he is angling
for. while Dr. Fletcher makes a good
fishing mate. They were over at
Rogue river last week and every time
the hooks went into the water
everv lime did there a fish come to a
landing on tho bank. When others
have fished all day and caught nothing
but dissapointment these gentlemen
caught large mountain trout and sal
mon. Edwin Russ rejwrts having killed
l.")(K) grasshoppers in twenty -four hours,
and all these under one fruit tree.
His death dealing rocipt is one pound
of arsenic, five pounds of bran and one
pound of syrup. To this add sutlieienl
water to make a thick paste. This
compound should le put on a new
shake and placed near or under the
trees upon which the hoppers are
working. The new shake is preferred
because of its brightness, by which the
hoppers are attracted.
Master Everett Geary gave a pleas
ant birthday party to twenty of
his young friends on Thursday even
ing of last week. From seven until
nine o'clock the little folks were ciitir
taintil very pleasantly on the bea.ilihil
lawn in froul of Mr. Geary's line resi
dence, after which they wi-re invited
inside wtiere refreshments were served.
Both tin- doctor ami Mrs. Geary made
the evening very pleasant lur the little
people and a general good time wus
had. Il was MasW-r Everett's tenth
The practice of shooting pistols and
; guus its tire alarms is not so had until
; it beitmies a mania. The last two
! alarms were heralded about the city by
I several pistol shots iu all hx'alities.
i This is all wrong and unless a stop is
put to it some innocent jvrson will get
hurt. There is a city ordinance which
prohibits shooting inside the ineorpor-
j ate limits of the city, but the shots for
a fire alarm have been ermi.:'d -cause
of the goixl intent but the whole
sale discharge of arms the marshal de
clares must be sUpcd.
The ladies of Eden precinct will
give an icecream festival at the An
derson school house on the evening of
Thursday. S.-ptembcr ."itli. Mesdames
Miller and Gallaher are the ladies who
have the manag ment of affairs in
charge, and by them we are assured
that no pains will te spared to make
this one of the most pleasant occasions
known to their Eden precinct, lee
cream will sell for ten cents a dish and
lemonade five cents, a glass. A general
invitation is extended to people Kth
inside and outsiJe the precinct.
The M. E. church. South, confer
ence will be held at Oakland, Oregon,
beginning August 2!th. Rev. .1. L.
Jones, pastor of the M. E. church.
South, in this city, will leave for that
place Monday. Without any seeming
presumption upon our part we want to
say that Rev. Jones has made friends
on all sides and each and every one of
these are hoping that he will be return
ed to this charge. He is unquestion
ably one of the finest young clergymen
who has ever been among us, ana as to
his ability as a preacher and an ear
nest worker those who know most of
him are those most anxious for his re
turn. A. Wyland, of Antelope, was in Med
ford on Saturday of last week visiting
F. A. Bliss and family and doing trad
ing with our business men. The gen
tlemen related that an accident befell
Harry Worlow, of Climax, last week
which came very near severing the
strands which bind him to the land of
tho living. He was in the stable engag
ed in saddling his horse when tho ani-
i mal began kicking. The gentleman was
struck by both the horse's feet iu the
breast and stomach and on one leg.
His wounds were at once dressed and
they ure rapidly healing. It was a
closer call than any of us would care to
experience and even Harry isn't hank
ering for a second round up.
D. I. Waldrop didn't like South
C street as a place of business, but to
get on Seventh street it was necessary
to put up a building which he did,
near Hamilton & Palm's real estate
office It is a frame building eovered
with corrugated iron and tin. Tho in
terior has been beautfully papered and
paiHted and presents a line uppeareue.i;.
Dan has christened his little palace
"The Crater,'' in honor of that beauti
ful Crater lake painting which was
painted by Mr. Corson a few months
ago and by him presented to Mr. Wal
drop. This picture will be placed over
tho new store. Dan opened up for busi
ness this morning. Read his ad in an
other column of this paper.
Death visited the home of Mr. G.
S. Briggs, ot this city, last Friday and
look from the family circle ono of its
brightest and best loved members.
Miss Ella M. Briggs, daughter of G. S.
Briggs. She returned to her homo
from Portland, on tho morning of July
4th in very poor heallh, since which
time she grew worse until death came
to relieve her sufferings. The lady
had been in delicate health for
seven years, but since February last
her feeble condition was more marked.
She was twenty-eight years of age, a
most estimable young lady and always
surrounded with warm friends. While
at Portland she was engaged in stenog
raphy and typewriting. Funeral ser-
ices were conducted a, the residence
on Sunday, by Rev. M. D. Lute.
Dress goods in almost endless
quantities. We are selling lots of them
and every buyer eomplinieuts us upon
their quality and price and congrat
ulate themselves upon their good for
tune in being patrons of our store.
Some of our dress goods are in single
patterns. vV. II. Meeker & Co.
Many jeople of this city will re
memlrr the France family who used to
live in Medford Mr. France being
connected with A. A. Davis in tho
mill business. One of the sons, For
rest W. France, who now lives at
Buckley, Washington, was recently
married to a Miss Helen Boerner, a
most estimable lady of Tacoma. The
Buckley Banner has this regarding the
jK'ople above mentioned: 'The high
contracting parlies and all the parties
named herein, have been residents of
Buckley at different times and are well
known and highlv esteemed through
out this valley. Ir. France has N en
a member of the Bucklev Lumber Co.
and a leading merchant here. He is
I matui ing plans for going into the store
business here agiiu soon."
('. S. Smith, who left here a few
! wevks ago for Gallup, New Mexico, to
accept a position as carpenter o-i a
: building contract, writes that we Ore
gon km.ti1. don't half appreciate the
: worth of Southern Oregon. He states
i lhat the scrubbiest fruit the Rogue
. river valley evi-r produced is a prime
! article where he is and 'he price he
' pays for one pound of inferior truck
; there would buy two pounds of the vi ry
i best grown here. This is invariably
the opinion form-d by people who have
enjoyed a season of Rogue river valley
, fruits and afterwards find themselves
in a less favored sHit. These little
eilais. like Mr. Smith's, proves with an
undisputed firmness that Oregon p -pie
are hardly up to the limit in their
appreciation of the manifold blessing
we enjoy .
Dr. O. F. Deioro:. has with him
Dr. S. l". Foive. of Ashland, an ex'-Tt-diced
workman in gold and porcelain
bridges. Gold crowns titled the
seamless method. Teeth iii- rted with
out plat"s. All his work is first-cla-s.
Dr. D . niorest has a painless nvtho.l
for the extraction of teeth. Oihce
in opera block, l 'ail and s -c Dr Fonv
if you wear partial piat s, arid have a
bridge put in.
A meeting of the alumni of the
Medford public schools, classes of ''X
and '!.". was held at th' spacious resi
dence of Prof, and Mrs. N. L. Narn-
' gun last Saturday evening. There un
til ii teen members in the class of "'.'.!.
three of which were absent, and of the
three one is married Mrs. P. G. I'ly
inale, nee Bess I Irons: one. Amos Fries,
is at the military academy at West
Point, and one. Sliss Grace Elder, is
living with her father, on a farm near
Waldo. Josephine county. Of the class
of '!C, fourteen members, four were ab
sent. One, Walter Squires, is in Kan
sas; the other three. Frankie Barnes.
Walter Coffer and Orton Wiley, are
still liviug in Jackson county, but were
just absent from the alumni because
they couldn't be present. Mr. and
Mrs. Narregan entertained their guests
very pleasantly with refreshments and
music and just an awfully nice time
was had. The old school songs were a
part of the program as well as elect iou
of officers: Miss Clara Skeel was elect
ed aiumni president: Miss Mayste Fos
ter, vice president; Miss Bess Wait,
secretary; Carl Crystal, treasurer; ex
ecutive committee John Van Dyke,
Misses Fannie Haskins and Maysie
Just Arrived.
Convention and Camp fleeting.
Rev. G. W. Kennedy, of Central
Point, sends us the following notices
and asks that we print thorn which
request wc gladly comply with:
The Jackson County Sunday School
Convention will meet at Central Point
on September 2nl at 8 p. m. and con
tinue in session until Wednesday even
eing the 4th inst. All denominations of
christians are interested, and the pub
lic genarally invited to attend.
The Rogue River Valley Camp
Meeting Association will hold its
annual meeting on the grounds near
Central Point, embracing September
iith to 15th. Dr. J. V. Djnuison has
consented to be present and take tho
entire leadership of the meeting. Dr.
Deunison has had large experience and
success iu such work. The public gen
erally, and especially all christian peo
ple, are invited to attend and assist.
There will be a grove meeting held
on Rogue river, near tho Table Rock
school house, on the first Sunday in
September. Services at 11 a. rn. and 3
I), rn . The good eople furnish a
basket dinner. AH are cordially invited.
The Only
They Returned Well Pleased.
About three weeks ago The Mail
made mention of tho departure, for
Klamath county, by the Itogue river
route, of a partv consisting of W. A.
Buchanan, E. J."DeIIart. W. E. Coul,
Elliott G. Hughes and Misses Buchanan
and Steers, together with the neces
sary drivers, cooks and other atten-
ei .i. . . ..
nuii'n. a oe iiii i ci e i lie represen la- j
lives of the Rogue River Valley rail- j
road, and their mission was to look i
over the ground with the possible yiew
of extending this road east of the
Near Crater lake they werejoined by
W. C. Warner, of Oregon City, who
came out on a bicycle and made the re
mainder of the trip on his wheel.
They returned by Ager and the Sis
kiyous, aud arrived in Medford last
Saturday, and took the evening train
for Portland. The route traveled and
places visited was as follows, as given
by Mr. Buchanan to a Mail represen
tative: The party visited the upper and low
er Rogue river falls, and from there
they went to Crater lake, arriving
there on August 4lh. While there
they enjoyed ihe pleasure of snowball
ing in midsummer. From Crater lake
they traveled to Klamath county by
way of the Anna creek canyon. They
visited Ft. Klamath, Klamatb AgeneV
and Klamath Falls. Owing u the
dense smot e the party did not have an
opportunity to venture out on the lakes
Great and thoroughly re
liable building-up medicine,
nerve tonic, vitalizer and
Before the people today, and
which stands preeminently
above all other medicines, is
It has won its hol3 upon the
hearts of the people by its
own absolute intrinsic merit.
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story:
Hood's Cures
Even when all other prepar
ations and prescriptions fatt.
" Formerly every year I had an erup
tion on my body, and a kind of biting
pain besides. I have bad It noWfor
fonr years every summer, bnt since I
began taking Eood's Sarsaparilla I
have had no trace of it. I have taken
seven bottles." Fred Foster, 101
Black St., Denver, Colorado.
Hftnn'c Dillc tasteless, mild, tffec
I1UUU i fills ure. 4.11 drugKUu. o.
or get a very pood view of the sur
rounding country.
Mr.Buchanan says that the people of
Southeastern Oregon are very much
pleased with the prospect of baring a
railroad, and although their trip was
one purely of pleasure they were often
assured that should they conclude to
extend the Rogue river road into that
country they would receive the hearty
support of the entire population of that
Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
Mining deeds at The Mail office.
New goods! New goods! Dry good,
dress goods, fancy goods and ladies'
furnishing goods. Beautiful silks,
figured and plain for trimmings or
waist patterns; ladies' muslin under
wear: children's caps, "cloaks and jack
ets. September 1st we will open our
new line of ladies' cloaks and caps.
The latest, styles, best quality, and
they will bo sold cheaper than you
ever bought them before. Two hun
dred dollars' worth of buttons jioarls
of every description. Come and ex
amine. Yours, and anxious to please.
Thompson. VasDykb& Co.
Can Can
x What fruit vou
fan can and
what you can't
can you can oat
r dry
In this c:n-m-ction
wv want t exclaim
that :::
Lots of them-
v . ..
Groceries r
L. j"
-T" T T T ' T 7" ' T '
r- - - -
Chas. Strang
and Accurately
Cnninnundeil -
, VJl
- a I'
s'mmmmm Are still at the front and as
usual are giving the
Best Bargains, Most Goods,
Best Values For Cash. '(
Our stock is nice, clean and ne"v. We have
a beautiful line of ladies' spring dress goods
( wash goods ot every description. Quantities
of laces, embroideries, gimps, etc. Trices on
a lines lower than the lowest. We buy and
.v!v soii ou a Bed Rock Basis CASH. New
line of spring shoes. New goods arriving
daily. Call at once before the assortment is
Same assortment of poods aud same
prices at our Contral l'oint Store.
Cram & Hntcmson