County Treasurer's Fifth Notice. Office of County Treasurkr 1 of Jackson county, Oregon. V Jacksonville, Oregon, July 13, 1SB5. ) NOTICE is hereby given that there are funds in the County Treasury for the redemption of all outstanding county warrants protested from December 10, 1SSS, to January 12. 1889. Interest on the same will cease after the above date. M. S. Welch, County Treasurer. By L. L. Jacobs, Deputy. STUDEBAKER BROS' ... r s Studebaker's agent in Medford. DCcrcMT Rirvri r: Price fs5. It's good goods He also sells the famous KC3tCl I OICTWUC for little money. THIS 5PACE Is fledford Steam Laundry .... IN NEW QUARTERS' I am now located ' am prepared to show you my NEW SPRING STOCK Consisting of latest styles in gent's furnishing goods, hats and caps, boots and shoes. Reduced prices in all lines. S. ROSENTHAL. Medford, Oregon. Notice to Fruit Growers. Has been generally improved. No pains or expense spared to put in first-class condition for a big run. I respectfully solicit your patronage. Please call when you are in town and give me an estimate of the amount of fruit you wish to have worked. Thanking you for your liberal patronage last year and soliciting a continuance of the auie, I am, Yours truly, WHY YOU SHOULD 1st. It is the BEST. 2nd. If you are not satisfied or a new knife. We A FULL LINE OF Shelf and heavy hardware, garden and farm tools, rope, piiKs atvtuys on uauu at p. ices to suit, tne times KAME & CILKEY, Medford, Oregon. D. H- jwmLtEH FISHING TACKLE In great variety i HEADQUARTERS FOR .... . I HARDWARE, STOVES Al TINWARE,! Plumbing Goods of All Kinds In Stock Plumbing Done on Short Notice. Paints, Oils and Painters' Supplies. Cartridges and Ammunition of all kinds, and in fact a full line of everything carried in the hardware and tinware business. First-class goods and prices as low as the lowest. Miners' supplies of all kinds in stock. The Empire Steel Ranges Every Range guaranteed to work perfectly. TINSHOP IN CONNECTION m7r We Have 'Em! Fly nets, lap robes, dusters and whips at all prices bingle harness from saddles for ladies and vited to call and look , ... naui, to uuy ui nut. e repair anu uuim every thing in our line from a pump-value to a breeching harness. BEIDLEflAN & NICHOLSON, - Medford, - Oregon. ORIENTAL LIVERY CRANE We have opened a stable in Medford and are located in the barn west of the Clarendon hotel. Our prices are reasonable and we solicit a share of the public patronage Real Estate For Sale. Five acres choice land for sale in north Medford also some desirable town lots. Call on or address WM. CHURCHMAN. Medford, Or. Wells, the drayman, has spring trucks especially adapted for moving household goods. Wagons - aitf - Carnages Are positively tho best in the market When you have used a Studcbnkvr vehicle once you will use them always Kvery inch of Studebuker is solid prof it to the purchaser. J. A. WHITHAN l reserved for the in mv new brick block and THE ALOAH EVAPORATOR )J I 5 t i tr ' ViV H ' A. T. MARKLEY, Medford, Oregon. BU -rr- L -rr j, J.ULL6I KntlfirV J we give you back your money ' mean just what we say. j tinware, stoves building material. glass and putty, also miners' sup- J $0.o0 to 18. A fine line of ! gentlemen. Everybody in- ' over our stock whether vou I . , ; STABLES j & BESSE, Propr's. 4 1 Complete line of new rigs. Good stock of horses all good roadsters ; . . Several New York physicians have written letters in condemnation of in flicting the death penalty by electrocu tion. They claim that Taylor, who was executed at Auburn prison on Jnly 27, was not killed by electricity, but that his death was due to drugs adminis tered by attending physicians. In the Seventh congressional district of Kentucky a nice little political scrap Is just beginning. W. C. Owens, who defeated Breckinridge for congress, de feated Judge Denny, a Republican, by 101 votes at the last election. Denny's friends charged fraud and demanded an Investigation. Then some one stole all the records and registration books in the conrt house. San Jose has potitioned its supervisors for a pnblic uicrgue. A paper trust is the latest monopoly organized in the East. Lumber has advanced in price 20 to 85 per cent at Portland. The dock strike on the isthmus of Panama has been compromised. The whisky trust has been enjoined from reorganizing in New York. Free Pills! Sond your address to H. E. Buclen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Those pills are easy n action and nre particulnrily effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have tven proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from evorv ieleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weak en by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowls greatly in V ijrornte the system . Regular sizo 2.", Eer box. Sold by Geo. H. Raskins, riijjgist. Uawug -ay 'J 'aH puu smsupjoh "H S!H!AV -au 'navies jdiwq -Sun, -qo t)Jg BKipj 'jjoos; ajvaaBj ejq jiq pauduiooo q jjija oh -roujV ;o aojut qj uj arrojC $Z etq jo uam uoiaunr -j Aq poptwn, aq i".ivd eqj, -nounoo Xivncpwip; viqdjap -l!1d m jo jCjuoSh eq; qSuoaqj xju unpuog jo; oawi p.?- 'twtjvitort -uai paviat nwaiajv 0 J l'Uq JB 2fUI8UdujOO 'MLjKUOtSSIUt jo i)Jd V" "jno rnqj puoj ahvuuia pirn mqj joj qonm ooj mm sjv)iuun qj p.aitq "1 I! "UJX rtjqiKUKld pKq KJUOISSIIU -mo.) eqt qSnoqj, ntoptMiib pipos tU jo 3utpuvq kj jo jmuvj.iu uo uots -minuioo qj xut)i(.f y tujq iAnq salu'd -m.u eqi puu uoijuiJOKh-K MiUitjvtuuu jqX ""! lutu tn imioui tunuoj . .-. t r-ii" i"1 : M:l r -t.iii??icl ...t. ... .. .w... . . . -"nto .tiod m jo jtui.u auo jnq Wv q aujina .,i l. 1 ! I L' Thoo who have usod Dr. Kinns Now I Discovery know its value, and those who hv.; not h,v 1 , h, s 'V '-. - , hi-i uiiukim niui j;ei a trial ooiue, I free. S,-nd vour name and addss U i II . H Huckll-n i k. Chleapo, and fet ; sample box of Dr. King's New Life, j i I'Ui. free, us wHl copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free, j 'AH of which is cuaranued to do vou r .BUt)ou notnin?, at i.eo. n. , a i . . . i ... -.. Uaskin's druirUire. Th Publics Own ImuIL. ! Jazkins Bicvclists are bo common ! nowadays, I suppose, that nobody pavs anv attentiou to Uiem. BirmoK That's jrwt it. People pay ! j MU w 4(, VM IUV-IU, All, VUVJT Uf , J nouuee the bicyclists for running then' i I down. RoiLbnrv f M.ass. 1 (in7tt.v First Chnrch Bolldlns In Chicago. 1 Erected in 1S33. Dedicated Jan. 4. , 1S34. Location, a block miii a half f mm South Water street, on the alley ou Chirk . street, in the rear of the present Sher man Hooss. Denomination, Presbyte riiu Deafness Cannot le Cured By local application as thev cannot reach the diseased Mnion of the ear. I halls. There is only one way to cure deafness, i and that is by coniimtional remedies.; KAKl.V f.oVKH tuxvr. tlie reat Deafnesss is caused by mi intbtmed con- i blood purifier ives fnhnesand clear uition of the uiueous liniiifi o? the Bus-. tiers to the complexion mid cures tuchian Tube. When tho lube is in-1 Const imt ion. cts.. M cUs.. Jl.Uti. llatned you have a rumblinjr sound or 'Sold by Strang, the druggist, Medford. Imperfect hearinir. and when it is j . "". entirely closed, denfr.ess is the nsult,j The Zion African Methodist and unless the inllamaiion can bo taken , church has 1704 societies, 439,788 Olll anu mis luDo restored hi N nnr.i mal condition, hairing will bo de-! stroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten j are causeu oy caturrii, winch is noth- in but an inflamed condition of the I mucous surface. j We will give One Hundred Dollars i for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. 3!Sold by drujrrit.ts. 75. A Thiladelphia dispatch savs: The j Baldwin Locomotive works and the Westinghonse Electric company have formed a working copartnership. The two firms represent an aggregate capi- tal of about $20,000,000. Negotiations had been roimr on for two month.,. 1 1, coalition of interests will result In the early introdnction of iniproveil forms of ,ctr,c ,I,otl"'3, for rrr.oua uiu n1YC eiumiiiciii, it over 1U.UUVI men in bnsy seasons. Each company will conduct its own plant, as at pres ent, extensions being made as business warrants. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts bruises, 9ores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded . Price 25c per box. For sale by G. II. Haskins. The Evangelical Adventists have a membership of 1147. They claim 22 churches, and have church property valued at $81,400. The Reformed Catholics claim eight societies, with 1000 members. They worship in eight halls, with a Beating capacity of 2600. Jli lllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIJlllllllllllllllllllllMIIIMIIIIIHIIimHIHIIIIllllllllllHllir h r Highest of all High Grades : H Igh Framoj S Him, IUu'lntle I T I r e. 8 c orclier, weight 31 lt. sbb ; Slwl HiuiH, Wavcrfey - Clincher Tires, Z weight 24 lbs. tea Regular frame, same : weights S8S S Ladies' Drop Frame : Mime wclulitsaiid S tlrc T5 Z l-julics' niftmiHrwo'il Klnis wcieht 'JO S lb" T5 i Deuel & Stevens, Agt's ) I MEDFORD, OREGON ; , ..HIIIII I Mil"" Religious Denominations. Tlio Society of Shakers has a memhership of 1728 and owns prop erty valued at 136,800. The Evangelistic Association claims 133,313 members associated together in 2310 societies. The Union American Methodist Episcopal church claims 42 societies and 22711 Tieinbers. ! Stomach and Bow 1 Coiuplainlsar U'st roleived bv the timely use of IV- Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure, insis n having this preparation. Don't try : any other. The Bundes Conference der Men ' noniten Bretider Genieinde have : 13SS memWrs and 11 churches. Ti... , have four , ,, . . 1 ..,..nlr I nov 0,vn ?ix churches, valued at 15,'20O. Tlle Afric!lll Methixlist Kpiscop.l church has --'., J members ana ti.4fsS,2SO worth of church proierty. . I -Kay to take, sure to cure, no pain. lr : .. , , . , ,Vii- .. .- for SlS.k heaUwrho, 1 Suur su,,ach t;"j:ttl,0 I . PrtfireneA of! t "c Lutherans in the United Mates has a mombershiD numberinc 3.ri7.1o3. l T. .jm,n: chmnn h, on or .ronJatinn n,l '20 members. Their i r .n.k;ri ;e i.nlnA.1 nt iiUYOT i t r The Reformed Presbyterian j (synod ) has 10.574 members and; 'owns church property valued at 1-' 071.400. 11 Children, csueciully inTants aro xin run tn.wn witn noi.-ra uiuiuiui.. ; in run tli-wn witn t. iioiith uiiaiiiiuii ".SuinuH-r t om,laint.!- IVn t wait detoi mine, but sivo IVWill" Colic or to arV1 "-' promptly, .vou can relv on it. no iither, The rivinouth Brethren in the i rutted States number 2279. They have HI halls seating 742 persons. The 2:12 in in five Primitive Quakers number nine societies, worshiping meetinsi houses and four i 3 .-! .t. n , ""U wwl" m clluuC" property, 1 he Herman Seventh-lJav Bap- tists have six societies and 194 members. They claim three churches and one hall. i siUI.oil s CX'RK is sold on a gruaran I tee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one j cent a dose, 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1.00. ! Sold by Straus, the druggist, Medford. " T''0 Kthical Culturists have 1094 members and four societies. They worship in five halls, seating G2G0 people. J, 'p f i r l . The Reformed Presbyterian (gen- eral synod) has 33 societies, 4G02 members and $409,000 worth of church property. Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. Poor Farm, Winnesheik, county la., says: Last winter Mr. Holier t" Loach used two boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and cured a large running sore on his leg. Had been under care of physician for mouths without obtaining relief. Suro cure for Piles. The Regular Colored Baptists number 1,362,140 and have church property valued at $S,1 75,587. The Seventh-Day Baptists have 106 societies and 9123 members, with church property valued at $264, 010. Drs. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'saved my life.' I consider it tho best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. Sold by Chas.Strangdriiggist,Mcdford. Wood CYCLES. Warranted Snucrior to any Bicycle built in the w ui Id, ....Regardless of Price.... j Komi lh followlnn i)nioii of one of the mot pmiilntnt Ameri ; run ili-ulurs who bus olcl humlrnlN of Ibi-hc wlitcU: : 1( 1111 moki, Va., Oct. 2. 1M, ; IsniANA lliCvn.K Co.. IinliiinnMllM, Inil.: s !kNT1.kmk.n-TIic Wavcrli-y rtrcher mid Urllociimc to lmnd yc-s trrdiiv V-an-arrald you buve wnt u the hi(fh prlt-cd wheel by s inistn'kc You cun't mean to tell u that this wheel reliuU for $' I We inuHtBiiy that it K without exception, the irttlet whert we: have ever Keen, nnd, mor.over, w have faith In it. allhouKh it : welch onlv -.Mlbs., for of all Wnverley wo have U1 thi year and : hit (and vou know that i rlKht uood number), we have never had ; a Kimcle frame nor fork broken, cither from accident or defect, and I that i more thnn we ran nay of any other wheel, however hlRh grade;, S w railed llinl ' wll. Wi congratulate oursclven every day that wcr are Uio Wavwley Aiceiitft. Yount truly, Wai.tkk C. Mebckr 4 Co. ; ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE INDIANA BICYCLE CO. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. f "I"'1' """ I IMI.M.I Mir The Colored Methodist Episcopal church has a working force of 121), 3S3. They own church property valued at $ 1.713,306. The Cumberland Presbyterian church claims a membership of 190,940, and has church property valued at 3, 515, 511. Diarrhoea should be stopped promptly. It soon becomes chronic. DoWitt'a Colic and Cholera Cure is ef fective, safe and certain. Hundreds of testimonials bear witness to the virtue nf th rrot mriicin.. It ran slwarH OI Itie great ineoicinc. It can Miwaj ?- be depended upon, its use saves time and monev. The Church of God has 479 or pauizations and 22.511 members. It claims 3."S church buildings, valued at $(543,185. The Independent Churches of Christ in Christian I'nion number 294 organizations. with 183 churches and 18,214 members. When Baby was sick, we ga her Oastoria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Csstoria. Vuen she had Children, the ga them Castoria. The Universalists claim 9o(J so cieties, .N2 churches and a me m- bershiD of 49.194. Their chtire :h ; ,.j. .i tvirooo V - " . 1 "? Lhurch of U.xl in Christ "& a lonuwing oi -1, 1 memlers. in io societies, inev nave inree! .UIUV IH, lUIUl'M 111 TIWU j I'tiited Brethren in Christ . . I ""mb.T 292. 4 .4. and own property j valued at ?4.29'2,G43. They nave j o$3G churches and 7S0 halls. It U sold on Kuarmnta by all dmr KKta. It cures Incipient Consumption. mask im mo cost uouca ana vroup vur. - hi" g the drufeist. Medford EAST AND SOUTH BV THE The Shasta Route K THE SUOTHERN PACIFIC KXl'KKSS TKAIXS LEAVE POKTLAXD DAILY. Smith North p. m I l.v. Portland Ar. I S.I0a. m S pin Lv. Mod font Lv I 1 p. Ill In m ! Ar. San Frum-isco Lv. 6.-00 p. in Above trains stop at Kst Portland. Orexon City. Woodtmrn. Kalcm. Turner. Marion. Jef ferson. Alhiiny, Albany Junction. TaiiRent, Shedds. llalsoy, liarrlsbiir. Jum-tlou Citv. Ir ving. Kiim-ne, Crvswell. Plains nnd at all" sta turns from Kosoburg to Ashland inclusive. RO.SKHURG MAIL DAILY. :SU n. ill I Lv Portland Ar I 4:40 p. in 5-20 p. m j Lv Rost'bur Lv j S.Wa. Ill SA LKM PASSKXG Kit DAILY. p. 111. 6:1A p. 111. Lv Ar Portland Salom 10:15 a. w. S:00a. m. i.ooBotti9.l K 1 1 1 r J X I Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Plillinau HitflTott Slorjxrrs nnd Second Class Sleeping Curs at (ached toall llirouj;li trains Between Portland and Corvallis. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Mall trains dally, except Sundav: :S0 n. Ill I Lv Portland Ar I f:40 p. m 12:15 p m I Ar Corvallis Lv 1:00 p. ra At Albany nnd Corvallia connect with trains of oivkoii Pacific railwad. Expmsa Trnlns dallv, except sundav: 4:45 p. 111 1 Lv Portland Ar J 8:35a, m 7:25 p. m I Ar McMlnnvllle Lv 5:60 a. 111 a-ThrouRh tickets to all points in the Eastern suites, Canada and Europe can bo ob tain rd at lowest rates lroiu W. V. Llppincott, Ajfent, Medford. R. KOEHI.KR, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. U. F. & P Agt PORTLAND, OREGON. SOCIETIES OF MEDFORD. KnlglitH of tho MiiccaoceK. Triumph Tent No. 14, mwth in regular r!Vii-,w on th-2J ori Ith Thursdays of each month in A. . IT. W. Hall at 7::l p. tn. Visiting SIk KniKbis cordial ly Invited to attend. Wm. Simmons, Commander. S. S. Pbntz. R. K. A. O. V. W. J,ods;; No. I. meeto every flro and third Wednesday In the month at h' p. m In their hall in the oi-ru blotk. Vihilii, J. w Lawton, Hecorder. W. 1. ;. CheHter A. Arthur i.vwps No. 21 meets reond and lo::rlh Kriilay of each month ::l o'clock p. m.. in W.H.ifs iia.l. M lis. .!i X. gi'iiini. I'm MhS, M. k. Uavia s-c. K. of P. Talisman lod.-e No. .11, meets M-m (lay evening at H p.m. Viltinif Brothers al ways welcome. ;. j. Liamon, C. C I. M. Mri.l.KH, K. of R. am! S. I. O. O. K. Lodifc No. Ki, meets In 1. O. O. t'. hall every Saturday at at 8 p. in. Vhiiting brothers alwuys welcome. Z. Maxky, X. G. A.H. Bmtox. Rec. Sec I. O. O. V. Kopuc River Kncampment. Ll(re No. M, meets In I. O. O. F. ball the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at s p. m. H. S. WKHB, C. P. Isaac Wooi.r, Scrile.' Olive R;hekah Loape No. i, meets In I. O. O. K. hall Urst and third Tuesdays of each month. Visiting sisters InvlUrd to attnd. Miss .M vhti.e WoobroKu, X. G. Miss Mamie Nicholson, rc. Sec. A. F. A A. M. Meets first Friday on or be fore full moon at 8 p. m.. In A. O. U. W. hall. W. I. Vawter. W. M. W. V. Lippikcott, Hkc. Sec. G. A. K. Chester A. Arthur Post No. 7. meets In Woolf'a ball every w cond and fourth Fridays in each month al 7 p. m. J. V. Miij-EH, Com. W. T., Adjutant. I. O. G T. Meets Tuesday nfrht at p. m l A. O. U. W ball. at O. ). Smitu, C, T. J. A. Jekfrey. Rec, Sec. W. C. T.U. Meets every Wednesday after noon In the Hallcy Klack. Mrs. auuie VaxA.itwfp, Pres. Mrs. Rose DbGhoot. Sec. Young People's Reading CI rele Tuesday even Ing ef each week, under the auspices of the Cpwortb League. .. F. A. & I. U. L. L. Polk lodie Xo. S6&, meets every Satnrda j at 8 p. m. J. H. Smith. Pres. CHUKCHES OF MEDFORD. Saint Marks Episcopal Sunday School meois. at Kpiscopal Cburrb every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. T. X. Wilson, Rector; S. S, Pentz Superintendent. rmuui.i r-pmcopiu tnorcn-t. 3. uraen, pastor. Sen ices every Sunday moraine ami evening at usual hours for church services.. r.pwunu leairue meets at o:3U p. m . bunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Pastor's residence on C street, one block South of Mail office. Presbyterian Church Rev. A. S. Foster, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and ut p. m. Sun " day school al 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E, 6:15 p.m." Junior Endeavor Society al 3 p. m.. Sunday. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at I o'clock ituptutt church W. c. Jenkins pastor. Wor ship and preaching every Sunday morning and evening at usual hours for church Kerrlees j Covenant meeting on Saturday at o'clock pre : ceeding each Brst Sunday. Prarer meeting on Wednesday evening. Baptist Young Peonies L nion meets at t:30on Sunday evening. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Christian church Corner of Suth and I streets. Preaching al 11 a. m. and 7. p. m Sunday school at K a. m.; Junoir Endeavor at S p. m.;Y. P. S. C. E. at :3u p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursdav evening. Ladies Missionary Auxiliary to C W. B. E. first Thars day 1 1&) P. M. each month. Choral Union every Friday at 7-J30 n. m. The Deonle welcome Ell Fisher paotor. ti I isavr niwr. osli 1 1 . ,, T. " - T ides al the chrrch. Methodist Episcopal Church South Eer. Jdo. L. Jones, pastor. Services at 1 1 a. m. aad 7 p. m. on the let. id and 3rd Sabbath; Sabbath school at in a. m. and Epwono. Leache al S p m. every Sabbath al Medford. Services on 4fc Sabbath at Soda Sprinrs at II a. m. and 'eil Creek school hoase at 3 p. m. A hearty wel come to alL ' . .': Thos. F. Oakm, Henry C Payne, Henry C House. Receivers. TVFORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. U s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Elegant Tourists Sfeening Cars FRKE -:- COLONIST -:- SLEEPERS. 1st. pol IMINNCAPOLIS DoLutm Faaeo Grand roi TO nCROOKSTON 1 Winnipeg Hcicna AN BOTTC HCLCNA AND THROUGH TICKETS' - : o CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA -TO- 0 NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL ?JNII. ?AS-L.AN.P SOUTH A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Xo. SSo Morrison St., cor. Third. Or C. C. Belkxapp, Ticket Agent, Medford, Oregon. S. F. Cass, Ticket Agent, First Nat'l Bank, Grants Pass, Ore., Romt. Lkoxa rd, Ticket Agent, Ahland, Oregon CORRRCTKD BVEBY WKD.NKSBAY. Wheat, No. 1, Oats, Barley Corn, Potatoes, per bushel, Wots 40 " " SO " .... " Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts, per ton, (16.00- Uav. baled, 110.00; loose, tt.00 MEDFORD markets Wood O-J. Flour, wholesale. Flour, retail. Butter, Eggs. Bacon and Ham Shoulder Beansj ' Lard HnueV , .. per cord, 8.50 " " 8.00 per barrel, 3j per sack, 80 cts per roll (two poundi,) 30 " . per dozen, 10 " per lb. 13 perlb.i 07 .. i. i3 ., 6