Farm and Fruit Notes. From the Rural Northwest. The price of hides in Eastern markets is now nealy double what it was at this time last year. A correspondent of the Agricul tural Journal of Cape Colony states that he has for the last eighteen years been grafting apples on pear stock with most satisfactory result. The scions take well, the union is good and the growth robust. The principal advantage of the practice is the freedom thus obtained from the attacks of the Woolly Aphis. In Australia it is becoming a popular practice to alternate rape with wheat in place of bare snmmer fallow. The rape is sown on stub ble immediately after the first aut umn rains at the rate of four pounds of seeds per acre and is harrowed in. If the season following is favorable the crop of rape will be sufficient to fatten from six to ten sheep per acre. In mineral or volcanic soils the Errowth of a crop ot rape is specially beneficial to the soil from the mould furnished bv the decay ing roots. The cherries of the future for the Pacific Northwest now appear to be the Bins, Lambert and Iloskins. These are all cherries of the largest size, of unsurpassod quality and stand shipment well. As our cher ries follow those of California in the Eastern markets it is necessary to send fruit of extra size in order to secure paying returns. The Kings and the few boxes of Lamberts whice went East this year brought twice as much as the best Royal Anns and Black Republicans ship ped at th same time. Thinks Jackson County Is All Right. A. II. Simpson sends The Mail, from Paisley, Lane county. Oregon, the following few items, which, while not encouraging on all sides they are 'mighty flattering to Med ford and Jackson county: I have traveled considerable and have not found a place as prosper ous as Southern Oregon. I have been informed by parties who seem to know that settlers are leaving the state of Washington and other states. Some are leaving on foot nnd bv hand carts and everv avail- ". able contrivance that can be thought of. The people of Southern Oregon do not know what hard times are. .' You ask one. or all of those many 1 travelers the cause of such emigra tion and the answer is tne de- pressed conaiuon ui smcr. iu iuy many..friends in Jackson county: . j r :i t1- If you are making anywhere near a living, stay where you are. I have seen more people destitute in one month's travel than I ever saw in my life in Jackson county. Paisley is quite prosperous! present but one business house in Medford does more business in a day than all the stores here. Vacation Time Is st hand and is gladly welcomed by all. especially by those whose duties in lue have caused, them to ffreatiy run aown their system to meet the requirements, physical and mental, forced upon them. With these and others, it is importaut. whether at home, at the seashore or in the country, that some thought be given to diet, and as further assistance to Nature, a pood building-up medi cine like Hood's Sarsaparilla had best be resorted to. If the digestion is poor, liver deranged and frequent headaches seem to be the rule. Hood's will change all this and enable every one to return to their home and busi ness in a refreshed state of mind and bodily health. The Albany Democrat has this: "Mr. F. M. Redfield received an in teresting letter this noon from his eon Charles, now working with a corps of engineers on a railroad iu Jamaca. The road was begun nearly 60 years ago and it is not yet completed. It will be 1S6 miles long and cost $12,000,000. They are now making several tunnels toward Annotta Bay. He reports a delightful climate, never warmer than 96 and never colder than 54, and yet he will be glad to get back into Grover's Kingdom. He is fill ing up on fruit at 3 cents a dozen for bananas and 3 cents for pine apples. Cocoa nuts are only a cent. Imported articles though are high, floor 19 a barrel, potatoes over a dollar a bushel, etc. Hence board is higher for foreigners, but living is nominal for natives, who in turn only receive about 50 cents a day, while Mr Redfield, an expert civil engineer, gets $75 a month and ex penses. Jamaca is twice the Bize of Linn county, 45 miles in the widest part and 146 miles long. Its population is 720,000, mostly back people. A peculiarity of the natives is their custom of carryng everything on their heads, the men even started to carry wheelbarrows when they first saw them. The women particularly are very profi cient at this." For Sale. An acre of ground; all set out to fruit: good house and barn; good well , . r ; . : nr:n DientV 01 water lor irrigation, win aell cheap for cash or on easy pay meats. Inquire at Mail office. Legal Blanks for sale at this office THE GREELEY COLONY. A Happy People anil a High Standard of Public Moral. The Greeley colony was composed of the best elements of eastern citizen ship; and the lh-st and most important lesson it teaches is that people of this class are responsive to such a call as Mr. Meeker put forth. He did not ap peal to the instinct of speculation. He pleaded for new institutions, and aimed at high ideals; and he found that men of culture and of means were ready to cooperate heartily in such nn under taking. This fact lends encourage ment to those who are hoping for great things to come from the development of the arid region. The site of the Greeley colony, writes W. G. Smythe in Century, was not well chosen or, at least, it did not in all respeets meet the expectations of those who selected it. They were there fore nnable to realize all their plans. They3made some serious miscalcula tions. For instance, they estimated the cost of their canals at twenty thou sand dollars, while the actual cost was more than twenty times as great. Fruit-culture was mentioned in tht prospectus as certain to be an impor tant industry, but the soil anil cliuia'e proved unsuitable. The dream of an improved household economy, based on a plan for cooperative bakeries and laundries, also proved delusive. There were other disappointments; but the fundamental claims of irrigation wen all vindicated at Greeley, as they hava been whenever and wherever brought fairlv to the test. A few rears of intelligent labor broiurht a high degree of average prov perity, based upon substantial founda tions. Even the severe panic of th summer of lS:i did not materially dia turb these foundations. During tluxsa trying weeks, when mines and smcltera shut down, and banks and stores closed their doors, water, soil and sunshine continued to do-their perfect work in the I'nion colony. Greelej seemed like an oasis of prosperity in a desert of despair. The farmers received as the reward of the summers Iatxr more than a million dollars in cash for the single item of potatoes. Hut this is the chief crop at Greeley, after the neces sities of life have been provided for; and the wide reputation and handsome financial returns won for the Greeley potato illustrate the wisdom of a sur plus crop of the highest quality. Greeley's civic institutions are like her potatoes. They represent the best standard available, and are the pride of the people. To sell any kind of - intoxi cating liquor within the boundaries of the Union colony invalidates the title to the soil. Thus is one of the original plans that worked well; and the schools, churches, lihraries and lyceuins are all in keeping with thishisrh standard of public morals. A careful study of the development of Greeley, alike in its social and industrial aspects, would throw much more lie'it upon the prob lems of arid America; but this cannot be entered upon now. CLOWN WORTH MILLIONS. In Twenty Irani Itarnato ll Acquired Over ff lOO.OOO.Ooo. Paris has a king within its walls to day, one whose subjects do him hom age throughout the world of business, for the monarch is none other than Karnato. the king of mines, who at the lowest computation is worth one hun dred and twenty million dollars. Twenty years ago. says a foreign ex change, a circus which had traveled. goodness knows how. from Kngland to j South Africa, arrived at Kimlerlcy. It was not a big circus, in fact it was only ; composed of the manager, the man-j a?er"s wife, a clown and two trained , mules. At that epoch Kimberley was not the diamond town that it haslieeoine since. The circus did a poor business, and one morning the director and directress fled, leaving the clown with two mules and thirty shilling. in his pocket, which is not much in Europe, but which is still leas at the Cape of ( iood Hope. During a ride in the outskirts of Kim berley he found in the field traces of diamonds; he took some stones, showed them to a miner, and. entering into partnership with him. went to sell them in the town. Then, without di vulging his discovery, he bought the field where he had made his find. tooc out only a few stones, for fear of arous ing suspicion, tionght other fields, and soon found himself a large landholder. It was with these fields that the fa mous Society of Iioers was created, of which Mr. JJarnato is now governor. with Sir Cecil Rhodes and another; each of these three gentlemen now re ceives an annual salary of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars from the company. When the first gold mines were dis covered at Johannesburg, Mr. Harnato rushed there, bought as much land as he could find, organized societies on the London market and In-come king of the mines. He also went in for politics, and. although not a fol lower of Sir Cecil Rhodes' policy, he caused himself to be elected deputy to the British parliament from the Cape of Good Hope. Now Mr. Barnato lives in London and only goes to the cape for the parlia mentary sessions. ne is a little man, about forty-five years old. wearing a slight mustache. In dress he is very simple, and behind a pincenez mounted in gold (it is the only trace on his person of the metal king) he has two eyes of an incredible vivacity. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Ganajoharie, N. Y., says that be always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it. if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, druggist, Katskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best Cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has nevtr failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Geo. H. Buskins' drug store. Regular size 00c and $1 . PACIFIC COAST ITEMS. NEWS NUGGETS PICKED UP WEST OF THE SIERRAS. Scaliloil by Rolling Syrup Irrigation Law to He Tested A Wire Murdera Her HuNband California Fruit for the London Market A Proponed Debate. Four San Francisco youths went to Petaluma and stole a horse. Sixty acres of wheat, the property of James Nelson, was destroyed by fire near Stockton recently. John Hughes was stabbed and badly wounded by George Williams at Sacra mento iu a quarrel over a meal. Governor Jones of Nevada has ap pointed a commission to represent that tate at the fair in Mexico in 181X1. Spokane authorities have acquired a moral spasm and dance halls and vari ety theatres are iu danger of being closed. The Southern Pacific company has re duced the freight rate on wheat from Paso Robles to San Francisco from $3.70 to $3 per ton. The State Grange of California met at Wrights bust week. Many interesting and instructive papers were read by eminent specialists. At the Ministers' convention at Santa Cruz a resolution was adopted indors ing the woman suffrage amendment pro posed at the hist legislature and recom mending its adoption. The stage running between Conlter villo, in Mariposa county, and Merced was heM up and robbed by three masktd men some days ago. The robbers se cured about $l.U)0 in treasure. Attorney General Fitzgerald has ren dered an opinion that Governor Bndd exceeded his authority iu removing the board of health of San Francisco and the new appointments are illegal. Two men who have been prospecting on Trinity mountain for some time past found a pocket near the foot of the mountain 25 miles from Shasta and about midway between Trinity Center and Shasta. The pocket contained gold valued at $11,200. J. F. Miller of Marysville. represent ing the National Frnit association, has forwarded a carload of frnit for the London market. The car contained pears, peach and plums, and the fruit will arrive at London from California in 14 days. All the fruit canneries in California are reported to le running to their full rapacity and heavy shipments to the East will soon begin. Transportation rntea on canned have been re duced by both the Santa Fe and the Southern Pacific. I'pon receipt of news that ex-Senator Horr and Congressman Bryan were to debate on the financial question, the Oregon state fair management U'gat: arrangements for having the debate held at the fair in SeptemWr. Bryan has already accepted the invitation and will come to Salem. Horr has been in Yited. It is proposed to have the do- bate over five davs. Governors Budd of California. McConnell of Idaho and Mettraw of Washington will l invited to act as referees. The management of i in the base of the candlestick. The cau the state fair is unite anxious to secure dies of course arc extinguished on being the delwters. It is believed Liorr will 1 taken from the table and arc relighted consent to the arrangement. Secretary Alles of tho national com mittee of the Irrigation congress said at L Angeles that an net similar to the Wright art will probably lie presented for approval at the congress to be held in S-ptemVvr at Albuquerque. X. M. It is exacted that at the coming Irriga tion congress an act will lie prepared with a view to having it adopted in as many states of the arid West as possi ble. It will lw drawn in some respects like the present Wright irritation law. but will have eliminated from it such of the features as would probably causa the courts to decide against its validity. Mount Adams, Wash., is 12,402 feet high, according to figures based on cal culations made by Professor Edward McClure of the University of Oregon who carried a mercurial barometer to the summit on July 10, with the helio graphic party. He has deducted the altitude from figures taken at Seattle, Portland and Eugene, Or., and finds the above result as a mean. Heretofore Mount Adams has beeu thought to be only a little more than 11,000 feet high, hut the new figures make it 197 feet higher than Mount Hood, Or., and es tablishes the fact that Washington has the highest and next highest peaks in the Cascade range from the British Co lumbia line to California. John W. Downs, a capitalist of Snn Bernardino, has appropriated all the water flowing out of the Grapeland tun nel and proposes to protect the $2,000 worth of bonds of the district which he purchased some mouths ago. His notice appropriating the water was posted on July 20, and Downs says preparations will be at once made to use the water. The law requires that this shall be done within 00 days from the date of filing the notice, and Downs says that within that time water from the Grapeland tunnel will be flowing out on the land, and that he will thus, make his notice good. The whole proceeding is the re sult of Judge Ross knocking out the ir rigation district law. W. E. Bassett, a young man in the employ of the Flickinger Canning com pany at Lob Angeles, was badly burned by boiling syrup. He was in charge of the syrup room where the large kettles are watched with the greatest care, Bassett was standing beside one of the kettles when the syrup loiled over the ides. He attempted to stop it and iu his excitement put both arms down into the boiling liquid, with the intention of shutting off the steam at the bottom of the tank. The heat was so intense that Bassett had put his arms nearly as far up a8 the elbows, whan he fell back and sank helpless to the floor. He snffered intense agouy for several hours after and will be unable to use his arms for several weeks, as the skin peeled oil wherever the syrup touched. PLANET COLLISIONS. Should Star Knock Together the Fir Would lie Indescribable. Professor Ledger of London, whose series of Gresliam astronomy lectures on "Knocks Iu Their Relation to Astrono my" has been completed, in his last dis course pointed out that tho universe, instead of being fixed, is alivo with mo tion, each star witli its attendant plan ets hurrying through space. If star were to knock against star tho iiiteimo beat and fierce lire generated by tho enor mous velocity and vast momentum of tho two masses would bo such as to pass human conception. It may bo that the sun was formed by tho collision of two stars. The effect of two such bodies attnwting each other and meeting would bo to reduce them to a violently agitated gaseous masB, which would oscillate, first inward, pro ducing inconceivable heat, and then out ward again, ultimately assuming the condition of tho snn. Tho general re sult would be thnt tho two bodies would revolve around their common ceutor of gravity that is to say, around each oth er creating a double star. Lord Kel vin has calculated that if 2!),000,000 solid globes, each of tho mass of tho moon, should Ik) scattered over a spher ical snrfiico 100 times tho radius of tho earth's orbit, they would come together anil lo raised to a temperature of 100,000 degrees. They would oscillate outward and inward, reaching to a less distance each time, and ultimately set tling down into a sphere. llio nebnlip wo see nrouiul us may, Irofessor Ijodger suggests, have lioen produced by the knot-king together of two great bodies rather than by the ag gregation of many smaller ones. The collision of two huge suns would thus lead to rejuvenescence and the formation of new systems. Phenomena indicating that something very much in the nature of a collision had occurred are the out bursts of temporary stars fucIi as those observed by Tyclio Bralio iu 1372, by Kepler in 1004 and those of 1S43, 1SCU, 187G, 1SS5 and 1S02, tho hist being the new star Auriga, which declined through ten magnitude, or became 100,000 times loss bright in two months. TJie great increase in the light of a comet as it approaches tho sun mny bo duo to a tidal disturbance iu the bodies forming it, causing them to knock against each other, and thus generate heat and light. Iu the same way the twinkling of the stars may bo caused by tho knocks of tho molecules of the atmosphere on the ether, whose nudulations carry their light to us. The excessively great and the exceedingly small am all interde pendent, and the past, present and prob able future of nebulous bodies all hinge on the relations they lear to tho knocks of the molecules of their ir.ises. while the knocks of immense bodies depend J ultimately on the knocks of their constit lieu i atoms. The Klertrlo Candle. The electric candle is in great request in Kngland for the lighting and decora tion of dining and other tables. An in- geuious device for lighting the candles is provided bv placing small jvads under I I the tablecloth, and taking the current j from them by means of two pin points j when they arc rppkicvd in tho pro'vr po hitiou. They arc so arranged that the bulb and tho glass imitation of a wax raiidlo can bo removed, when the can dlestick can bo used for an ordinary can dle. When used with shades of colored silk, the electric candlo makes ouo of tho prettiest additions to a dinner table that is possiblo to imagine. Machiuist- Klnd Offer. Impoliteness may sometimes perhaps be answered properly w ith impertiuence. A struggling author went to an editor with a uiauuscripL "Oh," exclaimed the editor, "'dou'l ")other me now. I've other fish to fry." "Well. I'll fry your fish for yon." id the author, "while you read my manuscript. " So the editor had to rend it. Youth's Companion. n OTHERS recovering from the illness at tending child birth, or who auf 'fer from the ef fects of disorders, derangements and displace ments of the wo man! v organs, will find relief and a permanent aire in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Taken during pregnancy, the " Prescription " HAKES CHILDBIRTH EA5Y by preparing the system for parturition, thus assisting Mature and shortening "labor." The painful ordeal of child birth is robbed of its terrors, and the dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both mother and child. The period of confine ment is also greatly shortened, the mother strengthened and built up, and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. If THE MARRIED WOMAN be delicate, run-down, or overworked, it worries her husband as well as herself. This is the proper time to build up her strength and cure those weaknesses, or ailments, which are the cause of her trouble. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep and makes a new woman of her. Mrs. Aiiram I. von. of IjomxiHtJtffrrsa Co.,N. Y., write : " I had Iwon Buffering from ulceration and falling ot'the womb, for several years, or since the birth ormv vounccst child. I consulted all the phvicinns around here and they ruvc me up and said there was no help for me. At lait. almost discour aged, I began taking lr. lMeree's Favorite Pre scription and took five bottles. It is three years since and I have not had any return of thetrouble. I feel very grateful, and Mas. LVOM. for I do not think I should have been alive now if I had not taken your medicine. Aa UaoaL. Mr. Epsom Downes (seated beside a itranger in a street car) What time is it by your watch, please? Stranger I don't know. Mr. Epsom But yon jnst looked at it Stranger Yes. I only wanted to boo if it was still there. Loudon Tit-Bits. Memory is the primary and funda mental power without which thero could bo no other intellectual operation. Johnson. The Chickahomiuy had its designa tion from an Indian word, Chik-a-maw-hony, "the place of turkeys." A dispatch from Colon says: The Pa cific Mail steamship from Panama for San Francisco could not get her through cargo aliourd, it is reported, on account of the strike. Most of the strikers at Panama are Colombians. They have is sued a manifesto to proclaim as their motto "Unity and Strength." It is reported at Milwaukee that Ed ward C. SVall will l)e appointed minis ter to Japan to succeed Minister Dun. It is said that Senators Vilas and Mitch ell are willing to indorse him and that Wall's friends are active in his behalf. PALACE Tonsorial Isaacs & Snyder, Prop's. f-Shaviiig, Haircutling. Shampoo ing and Hoards Dyed. All work tirst-class or we will refund the price. i .J HOT AND COLD BATHS. IAgcnt for Salem StcarnLaundry . Seventh Sin-et, opposite Postofllce. MEDFORD, OREGON. fill Aboard.... Take inc. LOUDEN STAGE For all points on.... L'pper Applegate, Elliott Creek, Squaw Lake, Steamboat, Cin nabar Springs, Watkins : : : ami way stations. Rlajrc leave jucKunrt!ie Mondays ana r n i days, returning the foiloarlDgday ; Hunters will find this a plea-arid means of j -1- reaching the Unci nnhing and hunUng ground in the world. Kretgbl and paaaec-1 gers at Uiw rates. Apply to I JAS. LOUDEN, Prop'r., JACKSOXVILLE.OREGON. JACKSONVILLE H1RRBLE WORKS, ! J. C. AVHIPP, Propr. Does General Contracting in all GANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. Tackisoriville. J. R. WILSON, GENERAL BLACKSMITH m AVacrous and Huskies All Work Warranted First Class. Medford, . - - ,vr. I. VAWTKK. I'rcy. Wm. SLINGKK Vice Pres. Jackson County Bank. CAPITAL, - 850,000 Loan money on approved security, receive deoosits subject to check, and transact a general banking business on th most favorable terms. jir our Business bohcited. Corresrondfonts: Ladd & Bush. Salem. Ladd & Tilton, Portland. c o c c o c Carpels, Paper, Mains, & BBfrfgerators. snafles. Picte. I. A. WEBB, MEDFORD. inimiiiMiiiMMiiiMtitiiiMiinmiiMi HJNDERTAKING !iinttmiiiiHMiiiitMiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimittiir HOTEL I; L. HAMILTON. Proprietor. NEW MANAGEHENT, , STRICTLY 'The-Medford has heen the very best. If you RATES FROn $1.00 TO $2.00 PER The Gem Saloon, In connection. The oest and purest of wiues, liquors ant? cigars courteous treatment. CHICKEN MBBOHTC if yon Dtt the Pctalum Inrabatora a Brooders. Make money while others are wanting time by old proceaaea. Catalog tells all about It, and describe every article needed ior poultry business. I VU.KK. The "ERIE' mechanically the best 1 . 1 . 1 . we are Pacific Coast A (rents. Bicycle cata- logue,maileafrce,giTca itl description, prlcea. etc.. AOrr WAimro. PETALUMA ntCUBATO CO-.retalaJBa.Caa. Bbamch Uousb, 3I 8 Main 6t, Loa Angeles. RipansTabules. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi- cal authorities and are pre- $ sented in a form that is be- : coming the fashion every- where. I Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, : stomach and intestines; cure j dyspepsia, habitual constipa- : ti'on, offensive breath and head- : ache. One tabule taken at the : first symptom of indigestion, : biliousness, dizziness, distress : after eating, or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Price, 50 cents a box. RipansTabules may be ob- t. lined of nearest druggist; or bv mail on receipt of price. R!ANS CHEMICAL CO., :0 Spruce Street, NEW YORK. i : I . Lines. Pied 101 48 Page" , I 1 VI I Illustrated 1.1 vail BawaaBaBBan' riMB UiaiOVHC BkM CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY Oresron. HORSE SHOER IMade to Order (or. C and Eight street Oregon. - E. EXYART. Cashier Medford Oregon Anglo-California Bank, San Francisco. Corbm Banking Co., N. JliaiamtlUMtMMItMMHIMMIMMMHIIttttlMMMHIK FURNITURE.! o o Picture Framing a Specialty. MEDFORD, FIRST-CLASS, FREE SAMPLE ROOMS thoroughly renovated. Accomodations try us once you will surely come agaiu. DAY