Death of a Pioneer. By the death of Mrs. Eliza J. Ham lin, which occurred Sunday, July 28, 1895, another one of Southern Oregon's pioneers passed away. Mrs. Hamlin with her husband, the late James Ham lin, crossed the plains to Oregon in 1851, and settled in Jacksonville. For about three years Mr. Hamlin was en gaged in the merchantile business in Jacksonville, after which the family moved to the farm where he and Mrs. Hamlan lived until their death. Their home was blessed with a large family of children, all of whom are grown. By hard work and careful management they accumulated a goodly amount of this world s goods, which at the death of Mr. Hamlin was equally devided among the children. Mrs. Hamlin seemed stout and hearty up to a short time before her death, and was sick only a few days previous thereto. She was sixty-seven years of age. She was a friendly neighbor, a kind and loving mother. The funeral took place at the farm residence, three miles South of Medford. Tuesday at 10 o'clock and interment was made in Odd Fellows cemetery, near Medford. And the County Pays the Bills.. Medford and Her Industries. Ira A. Phelps, who is connected with Tiik Mail as reporter and printer, and who is also corres pondent for the Portland Daily Oregonian, has written a very terse and interesting article for the Ore gonian, which appeared therein under date of July'ii, relative to the Rogne river valley and Medford a part of which we reproduce below. Mr. Phelps is a steadfast friend to Southern Oregon and Medford and is entitled to much credit for the kind and true words he has for this section: "In topography, climate, water, soil and products, the Rogue river valley has its own peculiar char acter. There is a strange comming ling of mountains and plains, hills and " valleys, gardens antl glades, which in their unsual 'and unex pected combination are, ever ready to interest and instruct the intel ligent observer. In its climate, the T? h!..ib.....11i.. I. iw ll,,t,(M,,blt,lfl .fcJaltor itooens. oi iue viuiu nm , - , .- . ...;.i, . . , ,, j , advantages of other sections, with- Miner, gives the fo lowing version o a ecompan vin drawbacks, justice trial held m that place last , . of weeh" , , . . . I the warmth of summer without Joi either; has ample Judge Richards. These trials are j rainfall for all purposes, and escapes about the only source of amusement the continual rains so peculiar to the people of Gold Hill are able to en-1 other sectjou3 f the coast states. i0um1ntd;the case was the most j The average rainfall for a number rediculous one on record. Someoue i of years past is about '-) inches, lost an old strap halter, worth about! It was onlv a few short years ago eleven cents. A warrant ued i that Medford was founded. At first fi? tdSSriSSrPtJ2iit but a small village, but soon summoned and a jury empaneled, and j its advantages were foreseen by cn the case presented . '; terprising business men, and it was The case was clearly without good j b fc sbort timfi until her appear. and sufficient cause, and after the usual i . ... A crw,t tiM. irritable verdict of not nce foretold that some day the spot . t IA wuv. - - guilty was announced. The people generally throughout the ! where Medford then stood would le covered bv a large and prosperous nountrv will not object to Gold Hill or I city. To some that realization lias Mk iitrn n vino- ft littl exeit-i arrived, but still Medford pushes UJ w" . r. " . . montnonasionallv. or for that matter, ahead. Her mills, ice factory, ail the time, but they don't fancy they J ore weiy and porkpacking houses ouffht to be compelled to pay for the j find a market for their products taxes which other people not only in the Rogue river valley enjoy. Justices of the peace can by j but far into Klamath, Josephine a tv,ot Hnnria Ho rlptiositd to i and Douelas counties, and as well 4kW UCUWUU l t. I. wwuuv t i o . cover costs, before issuing papers, in j into Northern California. such cases as above, and they ought to j Medford has now about -IlW m- ir, 4ncri fcn their own conscience I habitants. Cvclones. tlootls. drouths and out of the respect they ought to j and failure of crops are unknown. wih for their neighbors' financial j Like all new towns, Med ford's early - tu. iu o dm, nut hneinoss linnses wprp cheat) frame WO 11" IX; in if - lucre ujuai own : - t to these little fool justice cases. The , buildings, but in almost every case several justices of the county can do it j these have given way to brick and the people expect that they will j structures strong, substantial, preform that act and by so doing nn-1 beautiful in architecture and con ,n.oi;, thBmuins s servants of the ! venient in arrangement. 1UU11KUU.V. .. - . .,, ublic and for the public's good. ! U hlie a great number ol ounu- ings have not been erecteu in .neu- Taxes Doubled Up. ; ford, still those which have been '. kAAoA in th onmrnerrial list are of J. L. .Wigle reports a peculiar tax j , , important type. Sfimpr niniT lite two veara . ORIGIN OF SPOONJNQ. KxpUnktlon ot a Term Muoh In Vorub Present. Apropos the recent disturbance In re ligious circles over the definition of "spooning" the Tennessee version of it is given, mivs the St. Louis Republic. "Spooning" parties niv popular in some quarters. They take their namo from a good old English word, which was intended to ridicule the alleged fatitastie net ions of n young ninn or a young woman who is in love. For some reason, which no one ever could explain, everylxvly pokes fun at the lover. In fact, that unhappy ehurncter is never heroic in real life, no matter what great gobs of heroism are piled about him on the stage, nud in all the romantic story hooks. The girl iu love, and the lwy in love, are said to be "spooney." When a "spooning" party is given the committee in charge of the event receives a spoon from each person who attends, or else presents each guest with a spoon. These spoons are fanci fully dressed in male ami female attire, and are mated either by the similarity of costume or by a distingishing rib Imhi. The girls and Ixiys whose spoons are mates are expected to take care of oneh other during the continuance of the social gathering. Of course, the distribution of the spoons is made with the greatest possi ble carefulness, the aim Wing to so place them as to properly fit the case of the young people to whom they are pre sented. The parties are usually given by the young people of some neighlor hood, where the personal preferences of each spooney is well known, ami they are the source of no end of fun. It is possible, also, that thev serve as aids to matrimony as well, and are there fore commendable, since an avowal is rendered niore easy to a diftident swain after he feels that his passion is not a secret, but that his weakness for a spooney maiden is known to his friends and enemies on the committee which dispenses the spoons. It may be men tioned tliat after the spoons have been distributed among tfie guests, each couple retires for consultation regard ing the reasons which caused the award of mated spoons in their case. This consultation is known by the name of "spoouiuj." DUPLICATE NAMES. TOURNAMENT AT BOMBAY. In procecui. V"-B ;'""iTU K.Uirxr et l.v Mr. S. ago Mr. Wigle purcaaatu mi litre "tv : m. iv wLiiiui- . . - - of land froni-.Isaac Skeeters. Since j Rosenthal, Medford's pioneer mer that time he has paid taxes on the !chant . i3 one of the handsomest in land, but imagine his surprise when in- rn Oregon. The Hotel Med- formed recently by Xssessor G. A. Jack son that this particular piece of prop erty had been sold for delinquent taxes in 1893 and bid in by Mrs. Isaac Skeei ers. It appears that theproperty had been assessed to both Mr. Wigle and Mr. Skeeters. but taxes only had been paid by Mr. "Wigle until they had be come delinauent and they were bid in by the wife of the alleged owner. The county officials now realize that an er ror has been made by ex-Assessor ford has also undergone a complete reconstruction this Fpring, and in so doing distributed among the brick manufacturers and machanics 'about $10,000. Beside these, there ! have been erected a number of resi jdences which are architectural i beauties, and modern throughout. I All branches of trade industry Wooldridge and there is no way out of i an(l all professions have able repre the affair but for the county to pay j gentatives in Medford. One does SKKUfaSBMSijj-. ve .o cr u. WW . the countv has done this who will put learn of her public schools. It is a up to the" county? . j well-known fact that her public ln- What a god send it was to this . Rtitntions of learnine; are rarely ex- e T .. 1 - . n-Hon thQt '-' our coumy ui jacuwu ring was broken. The present officers may be a duplicate of those ot lormer celled in cities many times her superior in size, population and wealth. Medford is known as the "city of Vftars. but THE 31 Air. aon l neueve mej are. However, if anything crops out j SJS-if uarelTirom thi churches.'; nearly all denominations i ri nrn iu umi ( i j i i i : 1 1 a i, nuinn uaiitic iiuiii - " - " shoulder. for us to handle any rascality wun "loved hands. Mr. Wigle states that has another kick coming. He states thai the piece of property is assessed, or rather was assessed before he purchaser it, at 40. He has since placed a wire fence around it and these improvements are now as sessed at $400. How to Poison Grasshoppers. As grasshoppers are reported to be doing some considerable damage in a few localities of the valley we print the following recipe from the Sacramento Bee, which is a guaranteed extermina tor: "Several years ago when grasshop pers were infesting certain parts of this state, Henry Motte, a vineyardist residing in El Dorado county, two j than iocate jn Medford. miles above Mormon island, invented a ! Tr A poison which he found efficacious in de-' stroying the grasshoppers and keeping some imposing chureh edifices, and the membership of all is reasonably large. The financial standing of Med ford is as good as any city in Ore gon of its size rihe owns her own water works, and, although insuffi cient in capacity to Bupply the de mand of the fast-growing city, can not be be excelled for perfect ar rangement and working ability. Like the church denominations. the numerous secret organizations are ably represnted in Medford. All in all. one wishing to secure a home in some wide-awake city in the far West could not do better Phf.M'.h. them out of the vineyard. He was offered money for the exclusive use of the secret, but he declined to sell it, and instead gave the world the benefit of it by making it public. The poison is a compound of middlings, 25 pounds of bran, 25 pound of arsenic, 1 gallon of water and 3 gallons of molasses. This must be thoroughly ..mixed so that every particle of bran and middlings receive a portion of the arsenic. - A tablespoonful of the mixture is placed on a board which is placed near the foot of each vine. The hoppers leave the vine to eat the arsenic, and they die in about six minutes afterward. As the hoppers travel in a line of bat tle, it will be necessary to protect only a few rows in the line of march, ex tending the protection as the survivors advance. This remedy is now being used with success in the Asti Coloney, near Cloverdale." Our people unboubtedly will not re quire the full amount of the compound, but the proportions must be as above. Wood Wanted. Thirty cords of oak and fir wood wan ted iu exchange for pictures. Tyle & Misek The Wallace Soap Game. From the Eugene Guard. The Wallace Shows have no "shell or "bee hive" games. Its grafting de vice is what is known as tne "soap came." a very alluring and innocent little entertainment at which women little girls and boys, to say nothing of full srrown men, can iae a nanu Thi9 game is conducted under canvass awav from the main thoroughfare thronged by people passing into the bi tent, and is so innocent appearing as to sometimes escape the attention of the officers, even though they are disposed to suppress robbery oi every nature. The Guard in calling attention to this feature of the Wallace Shows does so as a matter of protection to the people and if they "bite" after being put on, their guard it serves them right. Advertised Letter. The following letters remained un culled for in the Medford pastonice on July , Andrews. .Sidney Carson, Charles Pirrv. Pick Shaffer. Jake. In ealling for the above, please hay adver Used. J. S. Howako, P. M. Legal blanks at TlJE Mail office F.oclUh and Indian Krclmrnu Join Mlllry n. Athlrllr Hports. A great deal of interest was mani fested in lSombay. recently, in the naval nnd military tournament. Kneouraged by the success which attended a similar programme previously given, lien. liatacre and the committee decided to add many new feature, with th result. that crowds assembled on each day to witness the various contests. Tickets were resold at a premium, and even trees overlooking the oval were thronged with sightseers. The second, evening, says a foreign exchange, the tournament was attended by the gov ernor general. Lurd Harris, who, as a famous ath'.wte, enjoyed the capital sport provided. Little Miss Itraeken bury. attired iu the royal artillery uni form and escorted by trxxps. rode up to his excellency and presented him with programme, immediaieiy altcrward a bugle sounded, and the military tattoo commenced. All the tunes were Scotch, the pipers of the Koyal Scots regiment opening the proceedings. Five hundred men next inarched iu line, carrying colored lanterns, while twenty military bands concluded the music wi;h a splendid rendering ot the "ma Hundredth." Driving by the royal artil lery, and exhibition of skill with Indian clubs bv two native regiments, tent- pegging, trick-riding, and gun drill by men oi the royal navy were warmly ap preciated by the multitude. The Par- volunteers from 1'eona were espe cially popular. POLAR BEAR AND WALRUS. 8trmo Aocltlou Kxltln ilvtweaa lh Two Annuals. Old voyagers in Rehring sea tell of a strange association net ween ine wai- s and the polar lx-ar. lhe walrus furnishes the principal rod of this great carnivore, which is his deadliest foe. in fact, yet to see them together. as they frequently are encountered. one might thinlc tftey were boon com panions. Lying upon the Held ice will often be seen "patches of walrus con taining from thirty to fifty. Bnd with each of these groups will be found the polar bear. They all are apparently resting together in the happiest sort of unity. Occasionally a walrus flops into the water and sinks leisurely into the depths, while others will be seen emerging therefrom and climbing up on the ice. ' The bear Incomes hungry and de cides he will dine with the walrus that day. He rises to his haunches and sways himself heavilv upon all fours. After a yawn and a stretch he saunters to the nearest walrus and swings his power ful raw in a crushing blow on its head, instantly killing the animal. He then proceeds leisurely to make a com fortable dinner oft" the unfortunate oil ject of his selection. This perform ance, apparently, does not startle the others. Thev continue to bask un disturbed, seemingly indifferent to the fate of their comrade and awaiting their turn like stoics. The female wal rus with young, however, does not tol erate the presence of the bear. Sh reeards him with merited suspicion and promptly takes to the water with her offspring on his appearance, Honorable Uentlemon Who An Likely to ll Mixed l?p In CongrflM. The Fifty-fourth congress will con tain a considerable number of members of duplicate names, says the Washing ton Post. There are two members by the name of Arnold, one from Pennsyl vania and one from Uhodc Island; three linkers, from Kansas, Maryland and New Hampshire; two llartletts, from lieorgia and New York; two Bells, from Colorado and Texas; two lilaeks. from lieorgia and New York; two Uur tons, from Maryland and Ohio; three Chirks, from Alabama. Iowa and Mis souri; two Cannons, from Illinois and Utah; two Cooks, from Illinois and Wisconsin; three Coopers, from Florida, Texas and Wisconsin; three Curtises, from Iowa, Kansas aud New York; two Cobbs, from Alabama and Missouri; Gillett from Massachusetts and (lillet from New York; two Henrys, from Connecticut and Indiana; two John sons, from Indiana and North Dakota; two Millers, from Kansas and West Virginia; two Murphys, from Illinois and Arizona; two McCalls, from Massa chusetts and Tennessee; Miner from New York and Minor from Wisconsin bear the same name with the distinc tion of one letter; two members bear the name of Russell, one from Connecti cut and the other from Georgia. There are two Smiths, one from Illinois and one from Michigan; two Stones, both from Pennsylvania; two Turners, from Georgia and Virginia; two Walkers, from Massachusetts and Virginia. Then We have more men bearing the name of Wilson than any other four iu all from Idaho, New York, Ohio and South Carolina. To Manufacture Glaae Pip. A new method of manufacturing glass pipe has been discovered which prom ises to revolutionize that industry. It has hitherto been found impossible to mold large glass tules of any great length because the glass would cool while running into the mold, and th structure of the tube was not homo geneous. The new method consists of using a mold with a movable piston. The piston is just enough smaller than the outer shell of the mold to allow for the thickness of the tube to be made. The piston is placed the bottom of the mold and as the molten glass is poured in the piston is forced upward by hydraulic pressure. Pipes are made by this process in sections six feet long and are used for sewers and water pipes. printed as "great debates between great men on the financial question." The fact is reported to be that Haryey's backers pay Congressman tlorr to ask questions, to which answers are made by a coterie of experts in com word ing snutchos are sent out to the press to whet the appetite of the readers and then a book will be padded out and a pot of Monev "coined" by the projectors of the enterprise" who seek to augment the plethora of their individual pocket books. Stock Ranch For Sale. This ranch consists of 400 acres, KiO acres under fence, 00 acres under culti vation; well watered with living springs, good barn, house with seven rooms, orchard all first-class fruit bearing. Good range for cattle or hogs, especially hogs. Situated elev en miles from Medford: cood road. Price $2200. Inquire at The Mail offce. ' CHICKEN Rwsina PAYS if you dh the Petaktm locnbaton A Brooderb Make money while other are wasting time by old procewieo. Cataloirtelln all about It, and describe every article needea lor m. poultry business. jfli Jiiustraiea m ,M The "ERIE" mechanically the best i i . . . . i i We are Pacinc Coast Atrcnln. Bicycle cata- logue,maiica frill dmcrlnHon. prices, etc.. aokwts WAirrro. FETALUM A HTCUBATOK CO., Pett1mm.Cl. Branch House, rii 8 Main BU, Los Angel. Wanted. Filty tiers of hard wood at the Ex celsior Dye Works taken in exchange for cleaning, dyeing and repairing of ladies' and gentlemen's clothing. Med ford, Oregon. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Cold Medil Midwinter Fair. San Francisco- PALACE Tonsorial RipansTabules.1 Ripans Tabules are com- pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi- cal authorities ana are pre sented in a form that is be coming the fashion everywhere. I Isaacs & Snydr, Prop's. t fShaving. Haircutting, Shampoo- ! I I iug and Beards Dyed. All work j first-class or we will refund the ; t price. v HOT i'n rni n a i tm c Agent for Salem SteamLaundry. Seventh Street, opposite Postodlce. MEDFORD, OREGON. All flboafd.:.. Take I minrU CTIfir For all nofnt ! imiirn naaM . wwaai w I nwa Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, i stomach and intestines; cure dyspepsia, habitual constipa- tion, offensive breath and head- ache. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, t biliousness, dizziness, distress : after eating, or depression of : spirits, will surely and quickly remove tne wnole amicuiiy. the... In a Woman's Stomach. In a woman died at Albany, N. V,. who had for a number of years been possessed with an uncontrollable desire to swallow all sorts of indigestible sub stances. A record kept by the physi cian who performed the autopsy gives the following as a list of the articles found in her stomach: Fifty-one hair pins, sixteen needles, three darning needles, thirty-two nails of all sizes, two screws, three pieces of an iron rod three inches long and one-fourth of an inch thick, two rolls of hair, two pieces of wood and three pieces of cloth, each of the latter being about five inches lor" -- i - i- wi.le. on.... L'pper Applegate, Elliott Creek, I Squaw Lake, Steamboat, CIn- , nabar Springs, Watkins : : : ! and way ntaiions. Stage leaves Jacksonville Mondays and Kn days, returning the followiDgday tHuntora will find this a pleasand means of ; reaching the finest Oahina; and hunting ground!) In the world. Freight and passes-1 gers at low rates. Apply lo JAS. LOUDEN, Prop'r., JACKSOXVH.LE.OREGON. Price, 50 cents a box. RipansTabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. RPANS CHEMICAL CO., lO Spruce Street, NEW YORK. Feeding Wheat to Hogs. Up in Whitman county, Washington, instead of swamping the market with cheap wheat the farmers have hit upon the idea of feeding their wheat to hogs and -shipping them to Chicago. One farmer recently dipped ten carloads of hogs toChicago. He ".ells a Spokane newspaper reporter that "Three cent hogs are equal to thirty-five cent wheat and three and a half cent hogs equal fiftv-cent wheat. Some even figure that thev can make money feeding fifty-cent wheat to three and a half cent hogs. There, are now feeding in hitman countv I thiuK at loaM .w carloads of bogs, which will be ready to turn into monev between ijeptomber and December oO." HSOPVILLE P18BBLE WORKS. J. C. AVHIII, Ooes General Contracting in all Lines. IPr opr. GANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. J acksonville, n CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY Oresron. GENERAL J. R. WILSON, 1 1 1 II i i i i i i i i in i i i i i i BLACK! She Knew Thaiu. At a teachers' association in Newark the other dav a class of small children were giving an exercise in phonics. The teacher had received correct an swers to descriptions she had given them of trees, wood. etc.. and then thought she would describe a brook "What do you find running through the woods, moving silently on the ground with but little noise?" she asked. For a long time the little ones were quiet, and then a little hand was raised. "Well, Hessic, what is the answer?" the teacher questioned, smilingly. "Tramps,'' piped out the little one. Hon- and Harvey as Coin Speculators. From the Korgo. (North Dakota) Daily Fonini. Horr. the Michigan joKer, and iiar- vev, the Coin crank, are iockcu up in a Chicago hotel hollering into an txli son phonograph "questions and an swers on the great financial issues of of the day." These are sent out aud THE AND HORSE SHOER AVagons and 13agpies !M!ade to Order All Work Warranted First Class. Medford, Cor. C and Eight street Oregon. V. I. VAWTKK. Pres. Wm. SLIXGER Vice Pres. J. E. BSYART. Cshle- nUSCULAR SYSTEM of every weary, thin or thin blood ed person doei its work with con stant difficulty and fatigue. They feel "worn," or tired out, "run-down" or nervous. Feeble people who are dyspep tic, find that ex ercise after a meal is sure to cause I lessened power to digest food be cause there is so little blood, and what there is, is carried off from the gastric organs to the muscles. What is needed is plenty of blood, and that of the rieht kind. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes pure, rich blood, and to Rain in blood is nearly always to gain in u-holesontrjiesh up to the healthy standard. Every one should have a certain surplus of flesh to meet the emergencies of sick ness ; to resist the attack of consumption, grip, malaria aud fevers. Thin blooded people are always getting sick, and none of the organs of the body can get along with out the food they require for work, which is, pure blood. To gain and to keep strength and flesh is the secret of health, usefulness and happiness. With new blood and re freshed nerves a confident feeling of return ing health comes also. Nervous manifestations, such as sleep lessness, nervous debility and nervous prostration are in nine cases out often "the cry of the starved nerves for food." If you feed the nerves on pure rich blood the nervous symptoms will cease. It is bad practice to put the nerves to sleep with so called celerv mixtures, coca compounds or malt extracts ; what is needed is a blocd maker. The " Discovery " is composed of vegetable ingredients which have an es pecial effect "upon the stoninch, liver, and blood making glands. Ifor the cure of dyspepsia, indigestion, liver complaint, weakened vitality, and for puny, pale peo ple, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery cannot be equaled. Thousands hav testified to iu merits. Jaekson County Bank. CAPITAL, - $50,000 Medford Oregon Loan money on approved security, receive deposits subject to check, and transact a general banking business on ths most favorable terms. Hi? Your Business Solicited. Corresoondtents: Ladd & Bush. Salem. Anglo-California Bank, San, Francisco. Ladd & Tilton, Portland. Corbin Banking Co., K. Y OOOOO O O O C 5 c o : Carpels, Paper, Curtains, JIMIMIIMIMItinmillHMIIIMHHtHHnHHMtHfllli: FURNITURE.! fiiiitiiiiiitittiiitiiiitititiiiittitiiitiitiitittiiiiiMir Rr nnfiratiirc UUUIIjVlUl.ll "i"1 I. A. WEBB, MEDFORD. tlltltllllttlltlltMltltl JIMMItlllltllllllltlltlllltlMlttllllllllllllllllltM !U NDERTAKING iiiiiiaiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir TjOTEL h L. HAMILTON. Proprietor. MEDFORD, NEW MANAGEHENT, W STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, FREE SAMPLE ROOMS The Medford has boon thoroughly renovated. Accomodations the ycry best. If you try us once you will surely come again. RATES FROH $i.oo TO $a.oo PER DAY. . . . The Gem Saloon, In connection. The best and c i ga rs courteous treatmen t. purest of wines, liquors and