NEWS OF THE WORLD. THE GIST OF THE WEEK'S HAFHEN- INGS AS TOLD BY TELEGRAPH. Interesting Item From Europe, Asia, Africa ami North and South America, With Particular Attention to Iinpoiw tant Heme New. The NewJYork detective bureau is be ing completely reorganized. The sealing schooners in Japanese Waters have all made good catches this season. A ball was recently held at Chicago at which the ladies appeared in bloomer costume. Charles Kimball, a New York oil broker, committed suicide by turning cn the gas in his room. It is reported in Colon that work will be commenced on a grand scale on the Panama canal on Aug. 1. The wholesale grocers of New Eng land have refused to deal in cigarettes manufactured by the trust. It is reported in Washington that the Knights of Labor will shortly declare a boycott on national baak notes. The fifth international convention of the Baptist Young People's Society of America is in session at Baltimore. ;The pacer Pat Cooney died on the track at .Sacramento while being tried out. The horse was too fat for fast work. '" v Efforts are being made at Folsom to nforce the law which prevents the sale of whisky within two miles of a state prison. 35. S. Strahan, ex-judge of the su preme court of Oregon, fell dead on the stairway of the Abington building at Portland recently. Employes of the pension bureau have been placed nader civil service regula tions. About 500 persons are affected by the new regulations. The state department has received a report from the consul at San Juan del Norte, inclosing a copy of a decree of the governor of the department of Zel aya, prohibiting the landing of Chinese on the eastern coast of Nicaragua and providing for th deportation of those arriving thereafter. A fine is to be levied on violators of the decree. Several property owners on one of the proposed routes of the San Joaquin Val ley railroad through Fresno are asking from 20 to 25 times what their land is worth. The board of supervisors is in session as a board of equalization, ami these land owners have been summoned to appear before the board and show cause why their assessments should not be raised. West Side saloon-keepers in New York did a good "growler" business on the quiet last Sunday, notwithstanding the fact that the police kept a sharp watch. The district is in the center of a negro colony and watermelon rinds were used to get beer in. A colored man, woman or child with an innocent-looking water melon was certainly not a suspicious character and beer was procured by the subterfuge in large quantities. Great excitement was caused at Key West, Fla., the other day by the action of the United States revenue cutter Mc Laneia firing on the tug George W. Childs. The tng left port and the Span ish consul informed the collector of cus . toms that she was bound on a filibuster ing expedition. The McLane took after the tng and signaled to heave to were hoisted. No attention was paid to the McLane's signals and two shots and one shell were sent close to the tug. She then came about and was taken back to port. Captain Swain of the Childs de nies that he was filibustering. Forty graduates in this country of the great English public schools met in Chicago recently to effect an organiza tion among themselves. The object of the association is to establish local branches in New York, San Francisco and Chicago, to own a club house in each of these cities and to hold an an nual dinner on the same day in each center. To each member will lie sent a list of all the public school boys and university men now in the United States, as far as can be ascertained, and to consolidate on satisfactory basis this great English element, which is now scattered throughout the country, it is proposed to enroll both resident and non-resident members. A syndicate of wealthy New Yorkers, it is learned from state department sources, has been formed and is await ing the proper crisis in Cuban affairs to ' advance the proposition for the practi cal purchase of Cuba. The plan is the . same as the scheme onoe considered by Secretary of State Hamilton Fish dur ing. President Grant's administration. It looks to an amicable settlement of the Cuban question by purchasing the independence-of the island for $100, 000,000. The good offices of the United States will be solicited and the govern ment, it is expected, will be asked to guarantee the principal and interest of the loan advanced by the syndicate. An impression prevails in the state de partment that the Rothschilds are back of the scheme. A Chicago dispatch says: The silver leaders are not ready to form a new po litical party. A campaign of education, organization and crystallization seems to be favored by the men who are at tending the conference which is being held rather than a launching out into an aggressive fight by means of a new party. There is also an idea in the sil ver ranks that the white metalites must wait and see what stand the old parties will take on the question before any real step is taken. "Patty ties are too Strong in many states, " sfeid Congress man Acklen of Tennessee, who is one of the delegates, "to warrant any attempt at forming a new party. The people are with as, and we must wait until their respective political parties refuse to recognize the coinage of silver be fore we ask them to break those ties and cast their lots with the fortunes of a new party." This. sentiment is re garded as the keynote of the situation. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. TIoq Acts of Lawbreaker anil I.neae bv Fire anil Accidents. liiais Schmidt, a Milwaukee pugi list, was killed in the ring ut that city by a blow struck by Frank Klein. At the last session of the United States court at Fort Smith, Ark., 32 convicts were sent to the penitentiary and six to the gallows. Mrs. Alice Coloumbo of New Haven, Conn., was killed by her husband be cause she threatened to cause his arrest for cruelty. The murderer is in jail. An attempt to blow up William Wat son, a miner, at Pinos Altos, N. M., was futile because of the fact that he was sleeping on two heavy woolen mat tresses. John Radaniaaher, who had been ill treating his wife at Westphalia, Mich., was hanged by a crowd of well-to-do farmers and whipped until he promised to reform. Alexandria Garrn.who shot and killed Captain II. C. King at Atl -nta. Ga., be cause of a debt due, wj s d clarel sane by a jury summoned to pass npon his mental condition. Jerry Gardner, the murderer of E. 1L Hendsch at Dos Palmes Springs, Cnl., near Riverside, is in jaiL Uarduer was tracked to the mountains and arrested by Deputy Sheriff Dickson. Thomas Hanley, au opium fiend, as saulted his mother and brother with a hatchet while they were asleep in their home at San Francisco. The mother's skull was fractured in four places and she will probably die. The brother will recover. Tom Johnson, a negro, killed Mrs. A. D. llartfielil and her two daughters at South Meridan, Miss., and then ran sacked the house. The girls were killed with a hatchet and the mother was shot three times. Johnson will be lynched if caught. Lee Hoffman, the water works con tractor of Portland, against whom seri ous charges were pending in the federal court, was killed by the accidental ex plosion of a rifle which he used as a walking staff while on an outing in the woods. John Luck cut his vife's throat and then severed his own windpipe at Los Angeles. He suspected her of infidel ity. Both wounds were fatal. Luck came from Nashville, Tenn., and his Wife was from Modesto, Oil., where her parents now reside. Sentence of death by electrocution has been passed upon Maria Barbieri at New York city, who on April 'M cut tin throat of Dominca Ottaldo, a boot Muck with whom she hail leeii living and who cast her off. The execution was set for the week beginning Aur. 111. Frank Ware, aged i.". and Mrs. are under arrest at Fort Worth. Tex., for murdering Martin Black, husband of the woman. Black's life was insured for $7,000 and the woman aiul Ware were to be married as nm as he was put out of the way. Mrs. Black has confessed. A pleasure party of five men. while driving across the railroad track be tween Williamstown. Mass., and Pew na, Vt-. was struck by a train. Three of the men were instantly killed, one died shortly afterward and the other man in the carriage escaped injury by jumping. The trial of Theodore Durrant for the atrocious murders in Emmanuel church at San Francisco is about to commence. A jury is being drawn this week. Much difficulty will be experienced in getting a jury, and the defense has asked for a change of venue. Durrant's attorneys are confident that an acquittal will be secured. The defense in both cases will be an alibi. George H. Tewes was acquitted at Stockton of the charge of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to murder J. A. Kelly, a real estate man. Tewes some months ago stepped to the front of Kelly's office and took a shot at him. The bullet passed only a few inches from Kelly's head. In conrt the plea of emotional insanity was made to save Tewes from a term in the jienitentiary, and there was ample evidence that he was subject to being carried away with the beliefs that hud taken possession of him. Tewes is the man who returned from Honolulu and startled his friends by asserting that be had succeeded in landing a cargo of arms for the support ers of ex-Qaeen Lilinokalani. A terrible accident, resulting in the loss of 148 lives, occurred near tho month of the gulf of Spezzia, Italy. The steamers Ortigia and Maria P. ran into each other, and the latter vessel was so badly damaged that she sank in a short time. The Maria P. had on board, in addition to her crew, 173 pas sengers bound from Naples for the river Platte, by far the larger part of whom were emigrants. The night was pitch dark when the collision occurred and the scene on board the sinking Maria P. was heartrending. Most of the passen gers were asleep at the time and were awakened by the crashing of the steam er's plates, deck beams and deck planks. They were panic-stricken and rushed pell-mell on deck where they ran hither and thither, calling upon the saints to save them. George McFadden was shot and mw tally wounded near East St. Louis. He said he shot himself by accident with a pistol, but investigation showed he was shot with a gnn loaded with buckshot. McFadden assisted Prentice Tiller, who robbed the Adams Express company at St. Louis 12 years ago of $12,000. Both were arrested, but McFadden never re turned his share of the plunder. After two years in the state prison McFadden Joined Marion Hedgepeth, train robber. It was through McFadden'S treachery that Hedgepeth was arrested and sent to the penitentiary. Since McFadden's return to St. Louis he has been allowed to remain unmolested by the police in consideration of pointing out notorious crooks. In this he has been faithful and the police say that the fatal shot was fired by one of the crooks he had informed upon. '.. ...-; ..... . . New York has 9,000 saloons. Spain has the oldest lighthouse. Seven-eighths of blood is water. The eyes of birds are microscopic. This country has 45,018,917 sheep. May is often called the virgins month. Artificial ice was made as long ago as 17S;. Austrian members of parliament get $1 a day. Tho Chinese encyclopedia has ", 000 volumes. A fair illuminating oil can be made of grapes. There are eighteen crematories in the United States. Our telephone exchanges repre sent 100,000,000. The big Washington monument sways with the wind. Four Biff Successes. Having the needed merit to mora than make good all tho advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies havn renched a phenomenal saio: Dr. King's New Discovery, for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle, guaranteed Electric Bitters, tho great remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys, Hucklen's Arnica Salve, tho best in thn world, and Dr. King's Now Life) Pills, which are a perfect pill. All those remedies arc guaran teed to do just what is claimed for them, and tho dealer whoso name is attached herewith will be glad to toll you more of them. Sold tit Geo. 11. llaskins' drug store. The debts of the world are esti mated at $1"0,000,000. The corn-fields of America cover more than 7-UHX),(MH acres. The United States produce annu ally -J.r.,000,000 tops of hay. In l&l'i the site of the city of Bos ton, Mass., was sold for $1"0. The only use of a bird's tail is to serve as a rudd :r during flight. The wool product of the world is 2,4"i,773,OOu pounds annually. (Jreat Britain's debts of all kinds are estimated at $2:!.t)00,000,000. Kaising peppermint is the leading industry of Wayne county, X. Y. AlMit fifty gamblers commit suicide at Monte Carlo every year. Ninety-seven out of every lt.H Arctic explorers have returned alive. 1 hiring: 1 $'.."! "7,'J17 vessels enter ed ami cleared at Canadian jtrts. The United States exports about ?10.tH0.Ui0 of cotton goods a year. British capitalists have $."00 fHK), 00 invested in American railways. Marvelous Results. From a letter written by llov. J. (iuiulerman. of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as th re sults wore almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While 1 wai pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junc tion she was brought down with pneu monia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption, and it seemed in if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; It was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in re sults." Trial bottles free at Geo. H. llaskins' drug store. Regular size 50c nndtl.UO. The total manufactures of the United States exceed $0,000,000, 000. The United States used about '22, 000,000 in gold in the arts alone in 1SIU. There are 23,000 species of fishes, one-tenth of which inhabit fresh water. There are 5-15,000 articles on which there are patents in this country. Ten per cent of the inhabited houses of England and Wales are in London. Buffalo is the only city in the United States that has furnished two presidents. A Washington woman supports herself by shopping for other women on commission. John Bull benefited his diges tive organs by eating 3,000,000,000 oysters last year. The population of tho United States doubles in a period of about thirty-four years. The art of dressmaking, as dis tinct from tailoring, originated in the present century. Silver was full legal tender until lSlti in England, when the gold standard was adopted. miiloh s cure, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pock et size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Chas. Strang, druggist, Medford. A drunken Chicago man cut his wife's throat and his own after wards instead of first, as he should have done. A cousin of Hoke Smith claims a fee of S'24,000 for engineering an Indian deal through the interior department. According to the New York Herald the three industrial kings in the United States are John Rock efeller, Andrew Carnegie and Henry G. Havemeyer. They manipulate respectively the oil, iron and sugar industries of the world. HI II n lilllMtlllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIMHMIIIIIMIIIIIMMMMIIIIIIIM IIMIIIIIIMI llllllr Are Highest of all High Grades Warranted Superior to any Bicycle built in the win-in, I j .... Regardless of Price.... rllluh Frame, Wood Kim, Itctnchablu Tire. Scorcher. : weight SI lbs. Sep Steel Kilns, Wavcrlt-y : Clincher Tire. wrlKllt -1 lhs. JB5 Kegiiinr frame, same 5 wcuthta $88 : Ladies' Prop I-'ranie same wclulit ami : tire $76 ; lKlies' Iiinuiond wo'd : Kims wcieht '3) : lb STB 1 Deuel & Stevens, Agt's MEDFORD, OREGON S INDIANAPOLIS, INI). i..i...i.iiiiii...i.i.i...iiM..iiiio....iti....i.i......iit...i.ifi.ii.....iiiii.i.i.i...t...i.iii....tiii... ...r Tim Suioiim county RTitrw crop is not j ti to the average this year. I Ironworker in Eastern Ohio have j been rantivl an increase of 1(1 tier cent I in wa's. ! Charles Kimball. New York oil ! broker, coniinitled suiciile by turning i on the as in his room. I Forest fires are still raffing renrTrav- I ersp City. Mich. The losses from this ; source will aprt'catf '.'.iii.'NiO. ' The Atlantic ami Pacific bondholders ! (Mill intie to take detsieits of 4 jer cent I otitis in New York uuder a penalty of f.'iti a bond. There is jcreat excitement auiouj; the , Creek Indiana in Indian territory owinjf ! to an insurrection against Chief Bullet's i authority. It is feared hostilities will ! follow. How's This! We offer tini" hundred dollars reward for any cae of catarrh that cannot ! cured hv Hall's Catarrh Cure. '. .1. CllK.NKY .V CO.. Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known !. .1. Cheney for the past l"i years, and be lieve him perfectly honorab!- in all business transnetit n- ami financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WkT c TKIWX. Wholesale Drujjsisls, Toledo. I). W.t.tIN;, KlNNAN - M.vitvix, Whole sale Driijrcists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. j Testimonials sent free. Price 7.V- per bottle, hold py all ilrujrjrtsts. "The Maid of Erin" ia the title of a comic opera being written br Stanislaus Ptanpe and Julian Edwards for W. A. Krady. Jes-iie West, formerly with "Shaft No. 10." ws especially enifaiietl for the i;;.ubrette part iu "Au American ; Hero. " i When Will:.-.! j Gillette's new play. ; "Secret Service." is produced iu Lrni- : don next winter, it will have a cast of American actors. Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo. The "nest salve in the world for cuts i bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever j sores, letter. chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and osi- i tively cures piles, or no pay rotuired. I It is euaratileed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded . Price 2.V' per box. For sale by .;. H. llaskins. j Forbes Robertson commences his sea- j ou at the Lyceum theater. Loudon, ! Sept. H, with "Romeo and Juliet." j Mrs. Patrick Campbell will bo the Ju- I liet William F. Owen, who has retired from Angustin Daly's company, will be a member of Jnlia Marlow-Tabr's oompany next season. He will play Falataif in-the production of "Henry rv.M When Baby was rick, we gn her Castoria. When she was Child, she cried for CastorU. When she became Miss, she clung to Caxtoris, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, It ia rumored that Maud Adams ia to marry Richard Harding Daria. John Drew is booked for the Vaude ville theater, London, for May 13, 1696, in "A Love Knot." The furniture of Mrs. Kate Chase, daughter of the late Chief Justice Chase and former wife of the late Senator Sprague of Rhode Island, has been at tached for debt and Is about to be sold at auction in Washington. We recommend De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure because we believe it a safe and reliable remedy. Its good ef fects are shown at once in cases of cholera morbus and similar com plaints. Geo. II. llaskins, druggist . The Bannock Indians, south of the Yellowstone park, are on the war path and a number of white men have been killed. Persons who are subject to diar rhiva will find a speedy cure in Do Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Uso no other. It is the best that can be made or that money can procure. It leaves the system in natural condition after its use. We sell it. Geo. II. llaskins, drupgist. ICYCLES. Kciitl the fnllc.wini! opinion ot one of 1 lie mcRl prcininent Amcrl ; can (U'uUth who huh .-old hundreds olllii(,e wheel: : KiciimoKD, Va., Oct. 'J, 1MM, Indiana Hicvci.k Co.. IixliiinnpollH. Ind.: : tjKNTi.KMKS The Wnvcrley Scorcher mid Hcllecnme to hnnd yes-; terilnv. We arc afraid you haw sent u the high priced wheel by z mistake. You can't mean to tell im that thin wheel rclnilH fur J-V? ; We nmxtsiiy that it Is, without exception, the prettiest wliwl we r have ever Keen, and, moreover, wo have faith In It. although it welRhs only iMllw.. for of all Wnverleyn wo have sold thin yrar and : lant land viiti know that is a rlhl nood number!, we have never had ; a single frame nor fork broken, ollher from acoident or defect, aud : that is more than we can say of any other wheel, however hleh grade. 5 so called, that we M'll. We congratulate omsclves every day that we z are the Wavcrlcy Agents. Yours truly, Waltkii C. Mekckr & Co. ; ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE INDIANA BICYCLE CO. f Fierce forest tires are raping at Tele praph bay, four miles from Victoria, B. C. , and the destruction of the powder works is threatened. In the magazine is storetl pounds of nitro glycer ine ami the trrave.-t fears are enter tained that the lire will reach it. Local firemen fought the flames for a whole nifjht and were relieved by the em ployes of the powder works. Later the tireiueti again went to work. The maga zine is a wooden building ami it is feared one of the showers of sparlu may set fire to it. It is lieing guarded con stantly. The probability is that au at tempt will lie made to remove the pow der on liarges. Captain Sweenev. t". S. A -San Dire;;;. Cal.. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy is the lirst medicine I have lever found thai would do me any ;;ood."" Price -Vl t-ts. Sold by Chas. Slran?, d.-uist. Metifort'.. "The unite U:;t." the new melo drama by R. N. Stephens, will hav its 1 first production in August, at tiuj Na j tional theater, iu Philadelphia, . The prt-igramniiK of several t f t he Lon I don theaters contain -tiers positively : prohibiting the wearing of hat.-by worn -t en ocenpyiujt the high priced seats. i Annie Ward TiiT.aiy. who has been i starring in "Lutiv Lla-. vry," grs with I the "A Fatted Calf" c :r.:;:.:;y uext sea ' fou tti play the part t f Mrs. McOian. ! KAKI.'s CLOVKR WOT will purify , vour blood, clear your complexion, j reffuln'e your IJowels and make your i head clear as bell. iV., .VI., and il .0(1. i Sold bv C. Stranjj. drujrpisU Medford. ! - - -- . Judge (.'lark of Dallas lias given an ; opinion that there is no law iu lex as to j prevent the Corbett-Fitzsiminous fight, ; Kitisiinnions has leeu aitiuitted of the charge of mauslaugliter at !yracuse, 3. ' Y. The charge grew from the death of 1 Con Riordan. who was the sparring ! partner tf the AttstrHlian and who died exhibition bout at Syracuse. Root" ,Vjro' -ts- ro a case it will not cure. If An agreeable laxatlT and Ktrtb Toxra Sold by Dru frfrfstg orecntbyniaiL Wc and $0.00 per package. Samples free. fTO TIf The Favorite TMTH POTOI liw for tbo Teeth aoUUreUi,2Sc, Sold by Strang the drufpist. Medford. EAST AND SOUTH BY THE The Shasta Route OK THE SUOTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. EXPRESS TltAlXS LEAVE POKTI.AXD DAILY. South J North Wl. nill.v. Portland Ar. I S:10a. m IKS pm i,v. Mod lord l.v j 5Vp. m 12: lam J Ar. San FranclstM l.v. 6.00 p. ni Above trains stop at East Portland. Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jef ferson. Albany, Albany Junction. Tangent, Shetlds. llalsey, Harrisbtiis. Junction City, lr vIiir, Kuiiene, Creswell. Urains and at all sta tions from Koseburj; to Ashland inclusive. KOSKHUKU MAIL DAILY. SO a. in Lv VjO p. lit j l.v l'ort'.antt Rosebnrj Ar I 4:10 p. in Lv j SHA) a. in SALKM P.VSSKXCKU-DAILY. 40 p. ill l.v c; 15 p. in. Ar I 'on hi nil Salem Ar I 10:15a. ni. l.v j S:IXI a. m. Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Pullman HiiflVU Sleepers and Second Class SleepInK Cars at (ached to all tluoujjh trains Between Portland and Corvallis. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Mail trains dtillv, except Sunday: :S0h. in I Lv Portland Ar I b-A0 p. m 12:16 p hi I Ar Corvallis l.v 1S.HI p. m At Albany ami Corvallis connect with trains of oregon Pacific rallroml. Express Trains dall v, except Sunday: : p. iu I bv Porllantl Ar J S:25a. m 7:25 p. in I Ar McMiuuville Lv o:50 a. ni -ThroiiKh ticket to all point in the RaNtcrn states, Canada and F.urope can be ob tainrd at lowest ratcM from W. V. Lippincott, Aeent, Medford. K. KOKHI.UR, K.P.ROGERS, Manager. AsvL . F. & P Aft PORTLAND, OREGON. as SOCIETIES OF MEDFORD. KnightH of th MnccanepH. Triumph Tent No. M, mecth In regular review on the-.' 1 a'nl 4th Thursdays of each mouth in A.M. 17. W Hall at 7:30 p. m. Vfxllfng Sir Knivht cordiir ly Invited to attend. Wm. Sm 4 )S.C m n :i U-r S. 8. Pestz. R. K. A.O. U. W. Lodge :.. m "Mm en-ry tlr and third Wednexday in the nioi:tn at h p. n. In their hull in the opera hinels. ViMtii.x brothers invited to attend. -K W. CAiuiKit. M J. W. Lawton, liecorder. W. K. C. Chester A. Artuur Corp No. -Ji meets second and fourih Friday of each month at o'clock p. m.. in Woolf's hail. Mns. Saiiah I. svt iid.H i'r;-s MllS. ,M. K. 1avis. Sec. K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31, meets M m day evening at p. m. Visiting brother al ways welcome. i. luunv c V 1. M . Mct.i.Kli, K. of It. and S. 1. O. O. V. Ixslge No. Ki. meets in . o. O. V. hall every Saturday al al s p. m. Visiting brothers always welcome. .... maxev, n. a. A.S. Huton. Kec. Sec I. O. O. K. Kogue Kiver Kncampmetit. Lodge No. 30, meets In I. O. O. V. hall the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at H p. m. 11. ". Webb, c. P. Isaac W not. r. Scribe.- Olive Kcbekah Lodge No. SK, meets In I. O. O. r.hall first and third Tuesdays of eaca month. Visiting sisters invited to attend. Ms MvHTt.E WiK iiromi, N. G. Mow Mamie Nic holson, Kec. Sec. A. F. i A. M. Meets flrst Friday on or le tore full moon at 8 p. m.. in A. O. U. W. ball. , W. I. Vmteii, W. M. W. V . Lippiscott, Kec. Sec tJ. A. It. Chester A. Arthur Host N. 47 nicets In Woolf's hall every second auJ fourth r rltlays in each month at T :: p. tn. xr -w .j.- J' w- Mii.LEH. Com. w.T. Kame. Adjutant. , , , O. O. Smith. C. T. J. A. JKKPKET. Rec. Sec. W. C. T. L'. Meets every Wedue.-UaT atle" noon in the Halley lilack. Mas. Aiiwk Van-Axni'FP, Pres Mrs. Hose Le(;hoot. Sec. Younu People's Heading Circle Tuesday even in- ut each week, under the au-pices of tfcc Kpworth League. r. A. & I. L.-L. L. Poik Iodt-e So. o. meets nery satnrday at S p. m. J. II. Smith, Pres. CHTJKCHJES OF MEDFOHD. Saint Marks Kpiscopal Sundav School meet at Kpiscopal Church even- Snnd'av afternoon a". 3 o clock. T. .V Wilson. Hector; S. S. Penlz Superintendent. Methodist Kpiscopal Church-E. S. Craven pastor. Services every Sunday morning and evenum al usual hours for church scrvice Kpwonh League meets al :3u p. m . Sundav' s-untlay school al IU a. m. Prayer meeUn,! Thursday evening. Pastor's residence ou 0,. uUr uiuck souin ot mail office. I Presbyterian Church Rev. A. S. Foster pa--I tor. Prcachinr al 1 1 a. m. and : -.m p. m Sun ! day school at iu a. m. Y. P. s. C. K . 6:15 p. m. Junior Kndeavor sstciety at 3 p. m.. Sundav , I raver meeting on Wednesdav cvenine al'T O ClOCK j "apt'st chnrch-W.c. Jenkins pastor. Wor j ship antl preacntne evrrv Sunday morn in p and evenitiir at usual htsjrs for church service 1 1 oven ant meetiop on Saiurdavat S o'clock prv t .-eduia each l:rs( Sunday. Prayer meettnif on ".-.inestlay rirninj. Haptisi YounR Petinle , l nion meet-at 6 on sundav evening. Sui. day school at lu a. m. Oin-tian church Corner of Sutn and I streets. Preachlnt! al 11 a. m. and 7pm .-.unday school al h) a. m.; Junoir Endeavor al i p. m.:Y. P. s. C. E. at 6:3u p. m. Prayer meetiDB rvery Thursday evening. Ladies j Missionary Auxiliary to C. W. B. E. first Thurs day 7M V. M. each month. Choral Union ' tV.''2.,'Jld"v ,7:aP-"s. The people welcome. I Ktsher pastor. Resides at the conch. I Methodist EpiscopalChurrh Sooth Kev.Jno., ; L. Jones, pastor. Services al 11 a. m. and " p. I , i i " -ro iMiooaui ; sjabbah w. io iu. cpwoxu. Lgesit MXi n m. e-ery sabbaih al Medford. Service-on 4th Sabbath al Soda Spnnnal II a. m. and Neji t reek school house al S p. m. A Oeartv wel come to all. ... Thos. F. Oakes. Henry C I"avne. Benry C House. Receivers ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. U Pullman Elegant Tourists Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeoins Cars KKKK -:- COLOXIST -:- SLEEPERS. 1st. pul Jminnciolis OuLUTH . tfitiHD rn... TO Gaano Foaaa nCaooKSTON WiNKieca Ihckn no ' IBOTTI THROUGH TICKETS -TO- CHiCAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEWYORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTSJEASTAND SOUTH A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pasisenger Agent. .No. SS5 Morrison St., cor. Third. OH.TI-A.lSriZ. OR Or C. C. Belknapp, Ticket Agent, Med Cord, Oregon, S. F. Casss. Ticket Agent. First Nat'l Batik, Grant Pass, Ore., Rout. Leon a kd, Ticket Agent, Ashland, Oregon CORRECTKD KVERY WEDNESDAY. Wheat, No. 1, Oats, Barley Corn, per bushel, foots .. w .. .. .. 4S .' NO " Potatoes, MEDFORD MARKETS Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts. perton, 16.0l Uav, baled, H0.00; loose. S.U0 Wood I Ook' per cord, S.50 Flour, wholesale, per barrel,' S.90 . Flour, retail, per sack, 80 ots Butter, per roll (two jKiunds) SO " Kt;ps, per doxen, 10 " . Bacon and Ham per id. isi Shoulder , per lb, 07 Beanst " " 2 Lard " " 10 tinner '.la,