The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, June 14, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Attorney Oeneral Olney Surcrel G rea
rm m Th Sew Attorney General.
President Cleveland has appointed
Attorney General Oluey to the vacancy
caused by the death of Secretary of
State Gresham. The transfer of Mr.
Olney meets with the general approval
of the Democrats.
Judge Jndson Harinon of Cincinnati
Bucceeds Mr. Olney in the department
of justice. The selection of Judge Har
mon is something of a surprise. Until
selected by President Cleveland for the
cabinet position he was not known out
side of Ohio. He is spoken of as an able
The Colima SurTlrorx.
Sixteen survivors of the wrecked Co
lima have arrived at San Francisco.
The Pacific Mail steamer San Juan
bronght them to port. All the rescued
men had hard battles for life. Their
tales of the terrible night spent on pieces
of the wrecked ship are more graphic
than any stories every penned by the
most talented writers. When the Co
lima went down it became a desperate
struggle agaiust sea and storm and
wreckage, and only a few of the strong
est escaped. These were bruised and
beaten by the waves and wreckage nn
til they, too. nearly succumbed. The
survivors assert that the storm encovin-
tered by the Colima was terrible in its
severity. They also say the Colima
was overloaded and her cargo shifted.
"When she met the storm she seenied
able to breast it and up to five minutes
before she sank no apprehension was
felt. When the cargo shifted the Co
lima was swung by the storm until she
lay in the trough of the sea. Then the
mighty waves made short work of her
and she was literally beaten to pieces.
All the women were in the cabin when
the ship keeled over and it was impossi
ble to get them out in time to save
them, even could the lifeboats have
been launched. The corrected list shows
that ITS lives were lost in the disaster
and 88 all men were saved.
Governor Budd is fishing in the Siski
you mountains.
Ex-Governor Waite of Colorado has
started on a lecturing tour.
Mrs. Marian Reid. mother of White
law Reid. died recently at Cedarville,
O., aged 91 years.
William B. Isaacs, grand secretary of
the grand encampment of Knights Tem
plar of the United States, died recently
at Richmond. Va., aged 82 years.
Captain Henry C Haff, the famous
skipper who sailed the Vigilant in the
international yacht race last year, is
Buffering with cancer of the throat.
Rev. Greenleaf Lee, a colored minis
ter, while preaching on "Death" at a
town iu Alabama, became so vehement
that he burst a blood vessel and died is
a few minutes.
Justice Field of the United States sn
preune court is visiting in San Fran
cisco. His wife and family are with
him. They came to California to escape
the heut of Washington.
Ex-United States Senator Martin has
returned to Topeka. Kan., from an ex
tended tour to the Pacific Coast He de
nies the story published in a Washing
ton dispatch that he has aspirations to
the governorship of Arizona.
Ex-Congressman Jerry Simpson, ac-
commnied by his wife, has left his
Medicine Lodge farm with a wagon and
mule ts-aui. He intends to load his
wagon with batter, eggs and provisions
and pay his way with them by selling
them iu the towns en route.
Bisiiop Downe f Aibany. N. Y., has
declared against woman suffrage. He
gays: "I am sick and tired of the way
in which the talk of woman's vocation
fills the air, not merely iu the wild
vagaries of its blataf assumptions, but
in file parade aud push of its claims for
recognition of what is called its rights. "
Freeman Ellsworth Lnrton. professor
of histruy ia the Milwaukee high school,
has 1-h asked to resign. He wrote an
articl" 'n w'r:i-h he lieliuled the Ameri
can revolution, .saving it was fought
without just as the colonists were
not oppressed. He disparages Wash
ington's military fame, saying his re
nown rests only on "his masterly re
treafo. "
Miss Emily Bigley of Dnbnqne. Ia.
whow uiarrage to Lord Arthur Hep
burn of England is announced to take
place t Los Angeles. Cal., is of great
personal beauty, highly cultured and of
English birth. She is a niece of Jean
Ingelow, the English poetess. Miss Big
ley c-aaie to this country some 10 years
ago uud was trained for a professional
nurse sit St. Luke's hospital, Chicago.
In lH'H she went to Dubuque to fill the
position of nurse at the Finley hospital
with other English nurses and proved
to bs unusually efficient. Her step
father.iives at Ls Angf-Ies.
Inlr?iiiZ fteiurt Pifrked Out frwm
I)Mily Disputf-he.
A United States warship has been
sent to Key West, Fla., to put a stop to
the iterations of Cuban filibusterers.
The (Jliinese minister at Washington
has presented to President Cleveland a
letter from the einperor of China,
thanking him in graceful terms for the
kindly offices exercised by the United
States tu behalf of the restoration of
peace between China and Japan. The
imperial communication is in the Chi
nese lauguage, hansomely incased in
royal yellow silk.
The war department has granted a
medal of honor to Captain Clinton A.
Cilly of the Second Minnesota Volunteer
Infantry, now a resident of Hickory, N.
C. On Sept. 20, 1863, on the field of
Chicamanga, Captain Cilly saw a regi
ment not his own leaving the line of
battle. He dashed after tt, seized the
colors and rode back into the battle, fol
lowed by the regiment, which afterward
did effective work.
The batteryof pneumatic guns for the
defense of San Francisco narbor will be
Jilaced iu position this fall.
The news of rebel successes in Ecua
dor is confirmed. The government has
been almost completely overthrown.
George Young Tweed, son of the fam
ous Boss Tweed of New York, has mys
teriously disappeared. Young Tweed
Was a hard drinker.
Lovejoy day was recently celebrated
at Alton, Ills., by various clubs bearing
his name. Lovejoy w;is the first martyr
to the cause of freeing slaves, and was
murdered Nov. 7, 18:17.
Eastern financiers assert that Presi
dent Cleveland will be compelled to call
an extra session of congress of issue
more bonds before fall to relieve the
stringency of the treasury.
The Venetian water carnival at Santa
Cruz was one of the most enjovable cel
ebrations held in California this spring.
An aquatic program composed of many
novelties was successfully brought off.
Wholesale druggists from every part
of the West held a secret conference in
at Chicago. The object of the meeting
was to agree upon a rebate system
kuown as the New England wholesale
grocers' plan.
Grasshoppers have appeared in Sutter
and Placer counties? Cal., in countless
numbers ami are doing great damage to
all kiuds of vegetation. They are par
ticularly destructive to vineyards and
Members of the G. A. R. and other
flag loving citizens of Butte, Mont., are
highly incensed at a company of uat vnal
guardsmen of that place. The militia
men, under command of Captain Gardi
ner, recently used the American Hag as
a target during ride practice,
Herman Fick of Paterson, a natural
ized citizen of New Jersey, has for rive
months been confined under military
charge in Germany. The cause alleged
for imprisonment is his liability to serv
ice in the German army. The state de
partment at Washington is investigating
the case.
Fifty citizens of Walla Walla, masked
and heavily armed, applied a coat of tar
and feathers to Joseph Fossati aud Ro
bie Allen, a colored woman who runs a
disreputable house. Although Fossati
is of a highly respectable family he per-1
sisted iu living with the woman and I
finally married her.
The new administration of the New
York police department seems to have
caused a revival of activity on the part
of the rank and file in making arreMa.
During last week 2,437 arrests were re
corded on the station houses and central
office blotters. This number is almost
unprecedented in the history of the de
partment. Mrs. Kate Barnes, who attempted to ,
poison her husband at San Bernardino, ; This little feat occupied 5 4-3 seconds,
has been acquitted of the charge of at- ! This light gun is used by the infantry,
tempting to commit murder. Her con- j It is importaut to learn how quickly it
fession, made when she was first arrest- ; can be taken from the packing case and
ed, was not admitted in evidence. Her ' put into action. Expert Huber hung it
husband has forgiven her and they are ' ever his shoulder in marching order,
again living together. ! At a won! from Captain Heath he be-
Nine thousand acres of hay were gan to take out the gun. He put it to
burned recently near Sanger. CaL The i get her. unpacked his cartridges and
fire originated near the railroad track, 1 fired his first shot 58 seconds after the
and after burning over the Hanks es- j alarm was given.
tate, crossed Kings river, burning np '
houses, fences, grain and hay. It was
stopped by back firing and a favorable
i wind. Sixir tons of hay was burned on
the Woods ranch alone.
General Wade Hampton. United State
! pailroad commissioner is making; a tnr
Tof inspection of the Pacific Coast. The
general is opposed to the free coinage of
silver and thinks President Cleveland is
right on the money question. He says
Cleveland would make a str. n ; candi
date if the Democrats should renomi
nate him next year.
Dr. Eli Qnigley. the Mount Ayr (Mo.)
physician, who was convicted and sen
tenced to the penitentiary a few years
ago for arson an attempting to defraud
life insurance companies out of $ 13,000
has just died iu Douglas City, Wash.
He was a fugitive from justice. He es
caped from the officers while being
taken to the penitentiary. Qnigley
robbed a grave and put the body in his
office, setting fire to the building and
destroying it. The charred remains of
a man were found but Qnigley was cap
tured liefore his relatives could collect
i the insurance.
J A special from Steilacoom, Wash.,
I says The Lighthouse, the chief hotel of
f2.000. A defective line was the canse.
This was the first hotel built in Wash
ington territory, having been erected in
tVs '30's. It was the scene of many
notable territorial gatherings In-fore the
war, when there was a large military
post at Steilacoom and it was the chief
town on the Sound. Generals Sheri
dan, McClellan and Grant had stopped
at the hotel while on duty and part of
the original structure remained stand
ing until the fire.
Chaiming B. Barnes, the Ontario (Cal.)
bank robln-i- vho is now serving a six
years' sentence in San Queiitin, did not
murder his partner, C. (i. Hiatt, as the
itticiTs of San Bernardino county sup
posed. District Attoriiey Daley has re
ceived a letter from Barnes m which
was enclosed a letter from Chief ( Mass
jf Los Angeles, saying that Hiatt was
seen in Los Angeles two days liefore
Barnes' arrest, and as Barnes was under
police surveillance a week before his ar
rest he could not have killed Hiatt. The
chief also states that he has hopes of
catching Hiatt before long.
A case without parallel in the British
navy is reported from Australia. Cap
tain Johnson of the cruiser Rigarooma
accused Surgeon Lea of neglect of duty.
Shortly afterward the surgeon informed
the captain that he had been placed on
the sick list. The captain denied that
he was sick and ordered the doctor un
der arrest. A court-martial found the
surgeon gnilty of disobedience of orders
and recommended his dismissal from
the navy. Lea will appeal to the ad
miralty, claiming that Johnson was un
fit physically to discharge the duties of
his position
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma.
When Medford "fellers" run
themselves short of wuys and means
to provoke a little sport it must bo
when the temperature is decidedly
chilly Last week thoy wcro running
short of material to work upon and
there was a chance for a big gap to ap
pear in their before unbroken program
when a happy thought showed itself
upon the inventive surface of their
fertilo brains. Over in Hamilton &
Palm's real estuto office U. M. Damon
has displayed several varieties of elec
tric cail bolls, which goods ho is sell
ing. Those bells wore brought into
uso in perpetrating their jokes. An
unsusocting gentleman passing on
tho street would bo invited in to look
at the workings of the bolls and by in
vitation ho would press on one of the
buttons and a call number would show
ilsolf in the glass front. This, tho
crowd, which was standing around,
would declare was "call for beer."
Hy prearrangonient Dave Crosby, one
of tho caterer for Hotel Medford,
would be standing on the corner by tho
hotel and at a given signal by someone
standing in Hamilton & Palm's ollico
he would at once proceed to draw a
bucket of beer and forthwith appear in
the aforesaid oHlee with his several
rounds of beverage, and with the re
mark "who rang for this beer?" The
victim always paid for the treat and
not until live rounds of treats had been
indulged in did the passer-bv come to
tho conclusion that the opposite side
of the street was a safer and more eco
nomical thoroughfare. The Mail is
not, ordinarily, given to biting at
another man's game, as Charlie Wel
ters will attest, but this one seemed
so easy that one of its publisher walk
ed right in and pu.-hed tin button.
"Kusy" was another of the victims,
but be likes those things so long as
the Ixiys have fun.
Forest fires are again raging in West
ern Pennsylvania.
Women are now allowed to vote in
the general Methodist Episcopal confer
ence of Colorado.
Excessive heat has done great damage
to crops ia Illinois.
Ex-Chief of Police Dillman of Sacra
mento committed suicide by shooting
himself in the head.
A special dispatch from . Shanghai
says it is almost certain that a massacre
of all the persons connected with the
English, French and American missions
Cheng lu has occurred. Neither men,
women, nor children have been spared,
according to the report. It is admitted
that telegrams have been intercepted by
the government, the object being to
conceal the news of the massacre. A
French gnulhutt is en route to Wuen
Chant: to investigate the report.
An test of the Maxim machine
gun. which ran be fired 600 times per
minute, was made at the Sandy Hook
(N. J.) proving grounds the other day.
First of all Expert Huber fired 50 shots.
Till' t'rrurh Celt.
Tlie common b.'i.-f is that the French crued interest thereon, and said war
are a Celtic me-, but. ccvordiiijr t M. j rant will cease to draw interest on and
Kiviere. the Cell is nol eveu tbe largest
clement in tliat mixed raw called the
French. It is probable that they de
rive niueh of their artistic faculty from
their savage ancestors in the stone age.
who carved quite artistic designs with
a tlint burin mi Imnos. The genuine
Celt docs not appear to W particularly
I artistic. The Auvergnats are almost
pure t elt. auil yet tneir reputation,
mainly rests upon their capacities as j
as cabmen. The true Celt. 11. Riviere ,
asserts, is chiefly to In? found in n Wit :
drawn across Franco from Savoy to'
Ixv llrittany. and he has not been :
identified at all in the Tinted Kingdom.
All kinds
Ar Wells.
of wood for sale Bclliii-
I gT
Farms for Sale.
1 miroveil ranch for sale.
! rude for Medford pronerty. vi..:
I liiu acres, lit) in grain; house: new
I barn: all fenced.
i acres in grain: fenced: no build
so acres, .) in wheat: timber ami
garden land: no buildings.
L't'l acres. l.'iO in crop. 'St in alfalfa:
good house. large barn, granary, all
neei -ssH ry oil t hi i i I U i n gs .
.1. o. Johnson.
Table Kock, Oregon.
Real Estate For Sale.
acres choice land for sale in
Medford nlso some desirable
town lots. Call on or address
W.M. ClH ltl llMAN.
Medford. Or.
Is doiiiir a lanl nHire Inisinoss in Mi'dforil. You
will liutl his w ork tin- host that luisrvrr horn mailt
in tho llojrue river vallov. 1 lo will remain until
- JULY 15, 1895.
I'lioto Tent on S-ventli street, oppiislu.- Clurtimlon Hotel.
I am now located in the McAntlrews
am prepared to show you my
Consisting of latest styles in li'ent s
roods, hats and eaps, hoots and shoos
prices in all lines.
Notes From Eden Precinct.
Mrs. Charles Anderson Is visiting with her
mother in RoKcburg.
Mesilumcs GnlliiKhur and Dennett started
Tuesday for Urunts I'uss with a hack Umd of
dried fruit.
Tho farmers arc Just getting a nlco sturt ut
liuylng. Soon the music of the sickle will be
heard on ull Hides.
W. T. York, Thk Mail's manager, pnld these
parts a llyhiK visit Tuesday. Come uguin Mr
York when you cun stuy longer.
Judging from the many beautiful boijucts
clipped from Mrs, Dennett's flower garden for
the neighbors, the sick rooms, picnics, etc., one
would naturally conclude that (lowers can be
successfully grown in the country without Irri
gation. A budded rose bearing six varieties of
roses from a single center stock Is one of Mrs.
ll.'s novelties.
Quite a crowd of young people gathered at
Mrs. (iiillughcr's lust Friday evening to spend
tho evening in social chat, with Ico creum and
fruit sandwiched In at intervals to suit the
crowd. That they bad a good time gov without
baying. Those present were: C. K. Stewart,
Thora and Wilfred Smith, Kllle, Hello and Will
Mil!;-. Minu Sloops, Lily and Krt'd Kdsull, L.ena
and Kd. Hamlin, Keuben Daw, Sarah ('opelund,
Kose Chapman, Mrs. M. K. Hamlin, Mr. and
Mrs. N. S. Ilennetl and little girls, Mr. and Mrs
F. M. Stewart.
I.ust Friday Miss Amy Canlrill closed a very
successful three months' term of school In
district No. l.". Thirty seven visitors and
the school enjoyed a splendid picnic dinner
which the good ladies of the neighborhood had
prcpurcd and spread beneath n shady oak. A
good programme was prepared for the after
noon, cousisling of dialogues, recltutious. songs
and instrumental music. Over two hours was
required lo complete the exercises, which were
delivered in u way that spoke loud words of
pral-' for Inith teacher and pupils.
A lit inch (iathciings.
Hen liowell returned home last week from
his prospecting tour.
Howard Kodgers, who has been umii the sick
list, is iniprovini; slowly.
tii-orge Stacy and John Hxlgcrs were doing
business In Medford Saturday.
The smiling faces of the MKnvillc boys were
seen on the baseball grounds last Sunday.
Hubert Isiwc, of Medford. was visiting the
family of Mr. IKiwell. bis uncle, over Sunday.
William Jones, who is working at the saw
mill, was seen on the streets of Hengle Sunday.
1. V. iter by and family, of Central Point,
were visiting his brother at this place one day
last week.
I. A. Houston and A. W. Heeby were in Cen
tral iunt Sunday to attend the funeral service
of Alfred Klsh.
The bright and shining physiognomy of Mr.
Wilson Is missed In thl neighborhood, as he
departed upon a prospecting trip last Monday.
yutle a crowd guthrrcd ut the scboolhouso
last Sundav. expecting lo hear Mr. Hrvant
preach, but for some
unknown cause he was
noi prvsenl.
All persons art? hereby notified on
account of the condition of Mr. C T.
Payne's mind, not to transact any kind
of business or make any kind of trades
with him in the future without my con
sent. Mrs. C. A. Pays'k,
Wifj of the said C. T. Payne.
Treasurer's Notice.
i Notice is hereby given that upon
I presentation at my office, anv and all
I warrants of the town of Medford. pro
i tested prior to and including October
! P.I. lS'.il. will be paid together with ac-
after the date of thi notice.
Chas. STRAXu,
Treasurer Town of Medford.
Dated, Medford. Oregon. May SI. 1.C.
We Want to Trade.
(khk! horses, wagons, and buggies to
trade for hay or grain. Will give you
a bargain.
MlNUCSiV l.KtiATE, 1'rop's
1'iiion Livery Stables.
Wants to Trade.
I will trade dry cedar pists. shakes,
fir or cedar picKets for team, wagon
and harness.
M. A. SlUKI.KV, Prospect, Or.
Asked to Make Settlement.
! All parties indebted to me are asked
: to call aud settle In-fore July 1. ls!i.i.
j Accounts not settled by that dat w ill
i lu- ulaci d fa the hand-of an attorney
j for collection .
Cot ttT H.U.I.,
Central Point. Oregon.
PIrst Mortgages On Improved Farm Property j
We are prepared to negotiate ffl-st
mortgages upon improved farms in Or-!
egou with eastern parties at a rate of'
interest not to exceed ! K-r cent, per j
annum. I
Mortgages renewed that hav
taken by other companies.
Address, with stamp.
been j
linker Citv
hlock and
Mf,dford' ?re,gon;
" " '"Keen Kutter Kutlery
1st, It is the BEST.
2nd. Jf you are not satisfied we give you back your money
or a new knife. Wo mean hist what we saw
Shelf and heavy hardware, tinware, stoves building material,
garden and farm tools, rope, glass and putt', also miners' sup
plier! always on hand at prices to suit the ti;iies.
KAME & CILKEY, Medford, Oregon.
We Hvc 'Em!
Fly nets, lap robes, dusters and whips at all prices.
Single harness from $l',A) to 18. A fine line of
saddles for ladies and gentlemen. Everybody in
vited to call and look over our stock whether you
want to buy or not, We repair and build every
thing in our line from a pump-value to a breeching
BEIDLEMAN & NICHOLSON, - Hedford, -.Oregon.
full ....
In great variety
riUIIIUIll LfUllC Ull OllUI L 1ULCC.
Paints, Oils and Painters' Supplies. Cartridges and Ammunition
of all kinds, and in fact a full line of everything carried in the
hardware and tinware business. First-class goods and prices as
low as the lowest. Miners' supplies of all kinds in stock.
The Empire Steel Ranges
Every Range guaranteed to work perfectly.
Herhant Tailoring
Ueceollv from Oakland. Cal
Suits Made to Order .... . Pants Made to Order ....
From $1'0 to as hijrli asj From $-3. 50 to a higher
your purse will permit. J figure.
Our suits are warranted to be good goods and well and fashionably made.
Up to Date Boot and Shoe Dealer
Haker and Repairer
Dou't fail to call in and sih?
The latest thing out for repairing lioots and Shoes
Restores Old Boots and Shoes lAX'k
to Original Shape .... i
....Clarendon Hotel
1 1 K A 1 HJl" A KTERS FOH
Si'ooml to Nom. Uatos SI l r l; .
Iv wvik Sl.oO. SiHH'i:il ratrs to Families.
Barn in i Connection i With Hotel.
rs -A
We carry the Craven Pipe Frame Header, Cham
pion Mo'wers, Reapers and Binders. Royal Self
Dunn) Daisv, Hollimrsworth, Simerior and
t r
Hoover Sulky
Twine, Champion
Mitchell Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies,
Carts, Etc. Give us a call.
XiiVAVTOJSr Manager, Medford Branch.
3D. T.
Plumbing Goods of All Kinds In Stock
.'or the sign of foot and boot, also foot
.... prints on the sidewalk
Miners, Prospectors and
g WILSON, Prop.
Rakes. Pure Manilla
Press and Bale Ties.