NEWS OF THE aWORLD. THE GIST OF THE WEEK'S HAPPEN INGS AS TOLD BY TELEGRAPH. Interesting Item From Europe. Asia, Africa and North and South America, With Particular Attention to Impor tant Home News. The millowners at Providence and Pawtucket, R. I., claim that the back bone of the weavers' strike has been broken. The Denver board of snpervisors has passed an appropriation of $."0,000 for the mining and industrial exposition to be held in Denver next year. A Merrimac carriage firm has shipped to Constantinople a coupe for the use of the sultan. The inside is trimmed with drab brocatelle, with silk lace. The hearing in the five suits of equity against the estate of the late B. F. But ler, aggregating $218,000, has begun in the supreme court of Massachusetts. The Mexican Herald is the name of a new English daily which will be pub lished next month in the City of Mexi co in the interest of railroad companies. The Odd Fellows' grand lodge has completed the work of its annual ses sion at Taeonia and selected Vancouver, Wash., as the place of the meeting next year. The reported killing of Zeke Procter, deputy United States marshal, by lieu Stanley in the Cherokee nation, proves to be untrue as he has arrived at Fort Smith, Ark., alive and well. It is reported that the principal clause in the agreement for the loan which has been granted Newfoundland provides that the bondholders shall have the first claim on the revenues of the colony. About 20 citizens of Tnskogee, Ala., recently called on one Rev. Mr. Kelly, a white man of Ohio, and informed him that his presence was obnoxious and disgusting to the white people of Macon county, and that he must leave the town and county on the first train. The trial of John K. Love, charged with the bnraing of the Empire livery stable at Modesto in July last, in which 1-4 horses were cremated, was concluded in Modesto by a verdict of not guilty. Love is now charged with burglary in connection with the same disaster. A strange story of the fate of F. J. Lenz, who started around the world on a bicycle and who disappeared in Asi atic Turkey, comes from Constantinople. Two Turkish sentries at Erzeronm saw something which they took for the devil coming down the street on big wheels, nd they fired upou him. Their shots took effect and the rider fell from his wheel dead. It is probable that the wheelman killed was Lenz. Nothing can be learned of the disposition of the body. George Parker, a citizen of Alva. O. T., arraigned a few days ago before Judge Goodwin for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Judge Goodwin impaneled a jury of twelve men to try the case, who returned a verdict against the court. The verdict read: "We find the defendant, George Parker, not guilty as charged, but we find the jndge of this court guilty of the offense chargol against the defendant, and that the cost in this case lie assessed against him. " Since the trial Parker has had the judge arrested for drunkenness in office. The jury was composed of the liest men in town. The Pomona Valley Fruit Growers" association finds by reports from every part of that section that the apricot crop for the season will be less than two thirds of the full 3'ield, or aliout 2.0O0 tons. Peaches will be a very heavy crop and trees will have to be thoroughly trimmed to keep the limbs from break ing away under the excessive loads of ripening fruit. Of pruues there will be all over Pomona valley the largest crop in several years. Fruit growers expect that this will le a very prosperous sea- son for them, and believe that good prices for deciduous fruits will be ob tained. It is no longer a secret that the Illi nois silverites, under the leadership i f Governor Aitgeld and Willliam II. iiin richsen. intend to cut loose from the . present national Democratic organiza tion and form a new Democratic 'ree ' silver par'.y. The plans were laid months ago and so far everything has worked smoothly in the interest of the managers. The echoes of the receut i convention in Illinois had scarcely died i away when Chairman Hinrichsen de '. flared that the state committee would . immediately start in on national work. If the national committee refuses to call a national Democratic convention, ' Hinrichsen will call on the various state : committees to act with the Illinois com mittee in calling such a convention. This scheme is backed no by Governor Aitgeld, who says the calling of u na tional convention was the originial pur pose of the men who called the Illinois silver convention. The impending tronble between the sheepmen and cattlemen in Northwest ern Colorado, near the Wyoming bor der, from appearances is about to cul minate in as bloody a meeting as that of last year near the Utah border. The blood this time will not be of sheep, but of men. Last year the farmers of West ern Colorado whose crops were threat ened by an invasion of sheep from Utah captured one herd of 4.500 and several of lesser size, numbering altogether over 6.000, and slaughtered every ani mal. This, year the sheep of Northern I ol irado in order to get to a railroad point in Wyoming must graze over the cattlemen's ranges. This is public land, but is pre-euipted by custom, and where the sheep graze there is not a blade of grass left for the cattle. The sheep men were warned to not make the drive and it was thought they had abandoned the project, but word was received at Den ver that under the protection of 150 heavily armed. Pinkertons bunches of Edwards & Osborne's-herds, numbering 40,000 sheep, had started for the Wyo . fining point and tttatjt-ifually well armed 800 farmers -had'" joined themselves to gether to meet the invaders there. DEPLORED HIS OWN WEAKNESS. Cucle JoKiah'g Habit of Ksnilirenitlou Too Deeply Hooted lor K.railiration. There lived down in Cambridge. Ind.. a well-known old gentleman ly the name of .losiah Nixon who in early boyhood had acquired the habit of gross exaggeration, says t lie Indianap olis Sentinel. The habit had grown upon him so that he believed that everything he said was the truth, no matter how great the exaggeration. After he had reached the ripe old :ige of three score and ten some of the dea cons in the church thought his peeul iarity was too much like lying to pass unnoticed, and it was decided, after a great deal of consideration, that the old irentlenian must be churched. One evening, while he was seated in front, of his door telling a small circle of neighbors about the way pioneers had to live, the gate opened and the delegation of deacons filed in. "Yes." the old gentleman was saying, "we had hard times then. I lived two years on grass ami hickory bark on Sundays. Wo used to call Sundays "bark days' on that account, and that's the only way we could tell when Sun day come, lienrs! I see twelve .hundred great big varmints mic't around our camp, and I killed " "I'nele .losiali." broke in one of the deacons, "we have come to see you alxuit this halit of yours. You have the unpleasant habit of forgetting the truth when talUiinr. and we have come to remonstrate with you." "I know it. la-aeon." replied the old man, as he looked around. "I know it. and I want to tell you that I have grieved over that failin' of mine five hundred thousand times n day for the past two hundred years." (until Health And a good appetite go hand in hand. With the loss of apetite, the system cannot long sustain itself. Thus the fortifications of good health are brokt n down and the system is liable to attacks of disease. It is in such cases that the medicinal owcrs of Hood's Sarsana rilla are clearly shown. Thousands who have taken Hood's Sursnpurilla testify to its great merits as a purifier of the blood, its jiowers to restore and sharpen the appetite and promote a healthy action of the digestive organs. Thus it is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla docs, which tells the story and constitutes the M rouge! recommendation that can he urged for any medicine. Why not take Hood" Sarsaparilla now' IT IS NOT SLANG. The Trriu "i;rnt" ami lt Mmlrrn Ap plication. Thf word "gent" nowadays seems to wear its hat eoeked on one si !e of the head and to walk with a e;iidi:Ji sv;.g ger of vulgar s,lf-; Hut I know a worthy old lady in the eountrv. writes Kdward Kggleslon in t'ente.ry. who calls her hushai.d the "obi s'.-nt." n -ing it as a title of respeet. and uch it was in her childhood and hng 1. fore. In lT.'-l Kev. :sjiiiiiiel Pavies. afterwanl president of Princeton e--l-lege. traveling in Kigland. desi-riU-s Kev. Ilr. Iardncr as "u little i rt old gent." epithets t hat would not K- thit tering to a minister t.dav. n. r even iligniiiel for a minister to u-v. "1'ert" lure lui.s tht sense of "lively " much lis a Iventuckian might use "p '::rt" or a New Knglander "jhtU." Indeed. I .suspect that Havies gavr the word the :i.uud of "peart." That I'avies used "gent" as a term of resjvet is shown by his characterization of another rev erend doctor as "a venerable. Ir.Mul.le ar. : r.iTectionate old pent." It will not do. therefore, to account a word recent lceause of its slanginess. When a smoker professes fondness for "the "Veed" he does not dream that he is using an epithet applied to tobacco by King. lames I. in lo.O. anil that nearly two hundred years earlier th...i .lames, in the reign 't Iv''"rrd VI.. the hop plant just coming into Kr.gkind was called "the wicked wee:!.'" What plant had worn this title of contempt. leforc the hov I do not know. Reward. U. . The readers of this paper will lie pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has lioen able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. . Hall's ( atarrh Cure is the only ositive -cure now known to the medical fraternity, ('atarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cine is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tin: system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving the (Kitient strength by buildingup tho constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. .1. CIIK.NK.Y & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. Toe. A GAMBLER S SUPERSTITION. IIu Viewed with Horror the !'roiMl:ion to nurn a Deck of Curtis. They were playing a quiet rubber of whist and bad called for a new deck of cards. One of the players was an eld timer, a card player of years of expe rience, and he took up the old worn out pack and put them on the window sill. "Throw them, in the fire," said the young man who was his partner. "What!" said the elder, "throw a pack of cards in the fire? Young man. yon don't know what you are talking about. I wouldn't do it for one thou sand dollars." "Why not?' "Superstition." was the answer. "Iturn a pack of cards and they will never give you another hand and will mock you to the last. They are bad enough at best, but you never saw a gambler curse the cards or abuse them, or burn them or otherwise ill treat them. He doesn't dare to. I knew a 'successful' card player who did it. lie was dwelling on velvet then. In a year he was a beggar, and he never won a game wort h mention ing forever after. It's a whim, but thel gentlemen of the , cloth of green re spect it, and they won't burn a pack of cards." The Pekin Gazette is Raid to be the oldest newspaper in the world. It has been published continuously for 1000 years, and during that time 11)00 editors have been beheaded, and China has had free silver all the time. There nre two things, says the Portland Welcome, that no man by inquiry can find out; one is the true inwardness of a sausage, and the other is the reason of a jury's verdict. A century :i;o there was not a mile of telegraph or telephone wire in existence, not a foot of railway, not a steamship. You can't tell how a man and his wife gets along by the way they sit when their photographs are taken togetjier. Mothers, Head. The proprietors of Santa Abie have authorized Geo. Haskins. druggist, to refund vour money if. after giving this California, king of cough cures a fair trial, as directed, it fails to irivo satis faction for I he euro of coughs, croup, whoonini' cough and all throat and i lull" troubles. When l lie disease ai- t I... ...I ...i.l ,ucimi,s Mi,, form of ( catarrh, nothing is so effective as Cali fornia l'at-K-f lire. These preparations are without equals as household reme dies. Sold at l.o a package. Three for J..".0. loeici me ...... - - - - It is not generally known that ; when a person falls -nto the water a coiiiinon felt hat can he iiiaie use of as a life preserver. I y phicini; the hat upon the water, rim ilown ' with the arm arimiul it, pressing it ! slightly to the breast, it will hear a : man up for hours. The reason why birds do not fall j off the perch is because tliev can-j nut open the foot when the leg is, bent. Ioik at a lien when walking i atut you will see it close its toes as it raises the fool ami open them as , it touches the ground. The population of the (Jtrinati empire is. increasing at the rati' i t five millions a ytar. Marvelous Results. From a letter written by 1 J-v. .1. iuti dcrtuaii. of Uiuiondale. Mich.. e are K'nr.i:leil to make this extract: '1 have no h. sl'.a: ion in recommending Dr. Kind's New l)is-over. as th- re sult weii almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While 1 was pastor of Ui liaptisl church at K:os .lurieiion she wa tii-ougnt down nitn ptii-uiuonia su--v-eei'.ing hi trippc- Terrihle paroxii!s of eimhing would last hours w ith litti. ir.tTr.ittoti and it n-cmcd as ii she could not survive them. A friend rec ommended lr. King's New Iiscovcr: il was quick in its work and highly sat isfactory in results." Trial hultlen free attieo. H. Haskins' drug store. Iteg ular size ,MK- and Jl Another shockine mnrder has been : committetl in San Francisco. Miss El- tal incapacity and the dangerous condi len Harrington. gsl 40. wiui the vie-j t ion of the business affairs of the dio tim. The murderer b-at her head in ' Archbishop Hendrick s mental with some blunt instrument and set fire infirmity displayed itself in the form of to her room. The crime was commit- ; violent upposition to his coadjutor, ted alxmt 1 o'clock in the afternoon. ' Archbishop Kiiin. He regarded him as Smoke was se.'n issuing from the win- i n interlojwr and refused at times to dow of Miss Harrington's room and the x !lt "n WiU,p xMp or 'he same door was burst open. Lying on the r,K"!l w He is now in his Shu h floor covered with burning clothing i yr- He has always been one of t re was the inutilat.l corpse. A tragic in- j i roa l-st minded ecclesiaMs of the Amer cident in conne-tion with the case is tho j I 'an hierarchy. death of ex-State Senator Buck of So- ! lano county, the well-known orchard- 1 ist. He was an intimate friend of Miss Harrington and was sent for by the police, and while riding to the railroad Station from his home in Oakland he fell from the cart and received fatal injuries. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The "oest salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ' sores, tetter. chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and jnisi tively cures piles, or no pay required. ' It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded . I 'rice L'.V per Ih'X. For sale by H. H:Lskins. King Oscar of Sweden has subscribed 30.000 krone to the fund to assist M. Andre's projected trip to the North 1 Pole in a balloon. M. Andre is an ex pert aeronaut and is chief of the Swed ish patent department. He has made many successful air voyages. Two sci- entists will accompany M. Andre, The expedition will leave Spitzbergeu about one year from the present time. silll.ou s (TKK, the frent Coujrh and Croup Cine, is in ureal demand. Pock et size contains tw'etitv-live doses, only i"ic. Children love it. Sold by Chas. Slrano-. tlnijjist, Medford. j An Indiana couple married last week after n courtship of thirty j years. What hastened the cere-, nionv is not disclosed in our dis-1 patclii's. Bicycles may not be ridden in Danish cities faster tlian tfte cabs are driven. Ilosc-leaf j;itn is a common dish in ILoiiiaiiia, where ruses are grown liv tin- million. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Dieo, Cab, says: "Shiloh's Catarrh j Ketnedy is the. "first medicine I have i ever found that would do me any jjood."' l'rico r0 cts. Sold by Chas. Straiij', di-uooist, Meufon.. Sonne of the largest ocean steam ers can be converted into armed cruisers in thirty hours. To make cod liver oil palatable take it in tomato catsup. We recommend Do Wilt's Colic and Cholera Cure because wo believe it a safe and reliable remedy. Itsoood ef fects are shown' nt once in' cases of! chirrerii morbus anil similar emit plaints. Geo. II. Haskins, druggist. l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilitiiiiiiiiliillliiiiilliilliiiiiioiiinitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii limit i Grades '-- Warranted Superior iiWy - ..... rflte of Prat,,.. !W ; II Iv-li I-Ynmo, oocl Kim. lielHrhnlile i Tire, Scorcher, : weight :il lln. $e5 i Siel Kims, Wuvciiry - riin c h c r Tire s. s wriuiit us. $8s - Keituliir frame. Mint 2 I.ii'Ih s' lrn I'Taim Z mi nit wrtaliis mul 5 Itrr ST5 Z I.:i'!i V Pmmoii'l vvu tl Z Kims w hi M I Deuel & Stevens, AgVs i MKHKOUI). OKKUON iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiir 1 A shockini; t.utrage was jH-rpetrated upon Joel Ham 1st. a farmer living in Kichtield township. Henry county, (). Numerous depredations were made on his farms, but no one was punished. Becoming suspicious of his forlicarance his enemies began to associate his name with several mysterious disapeurances of farmers during the last year, and band of masked men finally went to his cottage in white cap attire. Handst was praying when the marauders forcibly entered. He continued in a suppliant attitude while- bis premises were lieing ransacked. Not timhin; their suspicions verified by anything, the maskers delilk eratelv cut off his riht ear and half of the left. He made no resistance. His wounds were dr.-s.sed by his wife, who takes the outrage as cooliy as himself. The sheriff is investigating the case, but Hands! will not prosecute it. -I. rlin-a Will's no ot Ii i sous n ho a' e lii tiiui a iH uiij.'c; :i ilv cur. cm Cure that e ill ar ia II- I s,- no .' ( ohc and t lo! r. P. i the i). made or ! L a v. s : hi' si s after it- use. Hask itis, il rut money 'm in We gist- can priH'ure. It natural eomiilion sell it. ;. II. Archbishop Kenrick of St. Louis has teen deposed by the Vatican. His re- j tirement is the result of a jetition to the IVopuganda setting forth his men- iVhen Rib.' si.-!;, we jraw her ;isiori.v When sho was a Clukl. she cnrl for la.,ria. When she became Miss, slip china to Casie-ria. H'iicn she liad Children, she ave them C-u3oria. The .-eiil-:it feller :;: : Hatold cao is annotiM-'d. feller is freipii-ntly :" Miss l-Miti, K. Mi-1'..riui.-k . f t !,i Miss Edith R.n-ke-sp il;-u of as .me of the two wealth: st lieiie-si s in Amer ica. Tlie other is her sister. Mi,. Ait.i Rockefeller. It is said they will each come into JI.-i.iMk'.OOO. The wedding will take place in September and le celebrated with lieeominir splendor. Mr. McCormick is of the Chicago fatnilv of that nam identified with the reajH'r manufactory . KAK1.S CI.OVKK your blood, clear regulate your Howe head clear as hell. K.iOT will purify your complexion. Is and make vour 2.V...".0., and $i .(Hi. Sold bv C. Stranjr. drutririst. Medford. Warden Chase of the Kansas peni tentiary has been found guilty of unle cominir conduct and has been recom mended to Governor Morrill for dismis sal. The charge was improper relations with Miss Lou Williams, assistant ma tron at the penitentiary. Sirs. Candace Root, a widow 40 years of age. has brought suit against W. S Stratum, a Cripple Creek (Colo.) mill ionaire mine owner, for $'.'00,000. for alleged breach of promise. Mrs. Root claims that Stratum proposed to her in lS'.li, before his Independence mine made him wealthy. She then kept a boarding house. Four Hig; Successes. Having tho needed merit lo more than make good all tho advertising claimed for t-ho'i:, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, (or consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle giiaran teed Electric Hitters, the great remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys, 1 hick leu's Arnica Salve, the best in tho world, and Dr. King's New , tt ... , r ....-I . , , Idle i 1 1 is, wnicu are n perieci pin. .u these wined les are guaranteed to dp just, what is claimed for them, and the dealer whose name is attached here with will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Ceo. 11. Mask ins' drug stoic. , hack Of ; i.T);y ii yv'V towel on tho tho neck for sleeplessness. ICYOLES. to any Bicycle Mil in the World, ji Keu.l the following opinion of one of the most prominent Am.-ri ; tun ileulcrs who has sold hundreds of these wheel.: Z Richmond, Va., Oct. 2. lXU, Inimana Hicvci.k I'..., Iiiilmnapollx, In.) : : i.i:NTi.i-.Mi:N-Thc Wavrrlev Scorcher mI Itclleciime to hntxl ye- tcrihiv. Wcnrc afraid von have w-nt us the hinli priced wheel hv ; mitukc. You ciin l iiunn to tell lis llml this wheel retails for --.: We mllstsuy tllllt it is. without exception, the prettiest wheel we; have ever seen, iilel. nioieovcr. we have faith In it nlthoUKli it : weighs oul 2: li.s.. for of all Vt llvi rh ys we hnvc soht tills y-ar lind r hit mild von know that is n rleht L'oo.1 nmiiheri. we have never had ; a siuule liaiiie nor fork hr.ikeii. either Iroiii accident or defect . and : that is mute than we cull say of any ..tlier w heel. 'how ever liith arad.-. ; mi nilled. lliat we H.-II. W e eitii:r:liihite uui selves every day tiiat wi- : are the Wav. ili v gt nl. Yoiiisiiulv, Wai.ii i: C. Mkiu i a A i 'o. ; ILLUSTRATED CATALOOL'E FREE INDIANA BICYCLE CO. INDIANAI'OI.IS, INI. A gang of ruffians who were ejected from the Missouri I'acilic yards at St. Ivouis turned on Private Watchman Joe Ketchum and stoned him. Ketchum, who was badly injured on the head and body by the flying missiles, shot into the crowd several times, two of the shots taking effect upon Kdward Lor- a i Miz. a former emnlove of the road, who was instantly killed. Ketchnm was ar rested. yrl" -B- uJkdjUllff-V'kt'JJJ-H H!f LI gj 50. FOn A CASE IT WILL NOT CUReT An agreeable TAxativ and Kravr Tojrrc. Sold by DTOirjrlsts or sent by mail. 23ft, 60c aoa i-w per rocgakre. fcamptea irce. I7A TJf The Favorite T0CT3 PtTOl 11. W fortbeTccihaad lirelii,ic. Sold hv Strang tin- druggist. Medford. Abiclfrie Balsam fa-theccf-if l old ui tiiehenu and Sort Ej-ti it rsi,faii.y,.:3fi l'l;C.VT BSEAH.' TRIAUajCURE. U 1 MAIL UjIFJIMMtfttO. roR Vim OROYIU-E.CAL EAST AND SOUTH r.Y Tin-: The Shasta Route t'K TIIK SUOTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. KXl'KKS Soultl :!.'. p. in ' !:1 p. Ill In: r an: TKAlNs l.KWK U All.Y. IVKTLANH Nort h :-Ma. in U", p. m 7 eX p. in I. v. l.. Ar. Purl hind Medford -an l-'rimeisco Ar. I A'sAe trains st. j. nt all stations from i ml - j laud lo Albany inclusive Also Tiincent. ; Shvlds. llalsev. llai ristmri; .Itin.-tion City. Iivltiic. Kuxeuc and at all stal ions from Kose- . Imri: l. Ashland inclusive. 1 KOSlMU Kii M All. 1 All.Y s i. in i ' p. in l.v i l.v Portland Kosebar Ar l.v Dining Cars on Ogden Route !m:oi I'.ulT. II Sleepers :md s,vou,l ll:iss n-rHlni; C :rs ;(t taelu'd to all liiroull iruins lict ween Portland and t'orvahis. i wim1 sun- mvisiox. I Mail minis dailv. e.t pt Sunday: ! , -10 a. in i l.v I'm! land Ar! p. in ! !J 1.'. p in I Ar l orvnUis l.v l.ui i. in I At Albany and I'orvallis connect with trains I oi ores;. mi I'acilic railroad. Kxpivss Trams dai! . repl sundav: 4:1(1 p. in ! l.v IMi lland Ar ' S:J.".a. ill ".-.'. p. in Ar M.-MinnvlMc I v ."..-."Hi a. in -Tliioin:li tickets to all points' in the Hasteni stales. I'anatla and Kmopo eau be ot taiiud at lowest lan-s liein W. V. l.ippineott, Ajenl. Medlord. R. KOKItl.l-K V.. 1. RlH'.l'KS. M.niasi-r. Asst. U. K. J4 I" Acl PORTLAND, OREGON. COUIiKCTKP l:'KI!V WKUNKSPAY, ;, No. I, per bushel When Ollls. HK'ts -ui Ilaiicy I'orn. 4S Ml " Isl " per toil, JH'..11 I0.ui; loose. S.Hl .'.;. o.-s !otaloes. ! nu tved llrail and Sliorls. baled. liny. Wood Oak. Kir. per cord, Jv.hi S.iVI tier barrel. S.'-V per sack, SiU'ts per roll .two pounds) :m " per liozcii, 10 " ,erll. I-" - " per lb. OT ' ,. ,. 1 1 . .. .. 10 .. Klour.'salo Klour. retail. Hutler, ! Itacon and Ham' ; Shoulder I Ueans , f.ard ' Honey - mi uArwy' tJVU:J V I I t::5t p. ill ; medford mm SOCIETIES OF KEDFORD. Knights of the Mai-csutM u. . Ti irmph T'n. Co. ! I. meets in regular ri jew on th- 2.1 ami Ith 'fliiirj.ilay.H ol arti month in A u. I" V. Iliill at ::'J )i. m. Vlsiiin s:r K::!"':!- vn ljal ly invited to attend. V, M. SIMM.. S. S. J'KNTX. K. K. ''Ur. A.ti. I". l'"' .vi. . ami third vV"ilni..Nli!y i;: In their hall in tin jj--: brother ir.vit'-.i To aM.-,;., V. '' .1 W. Lav.ion. i;i.,i.pi. r ry i;--' " in W. H ,... t. r A . A r' i '., i lourlli Frit;. p. in., ii. . im-el -i.(.f,rn! aji inclitii at oYioek Mil: 1111 I. -J"U, IV MllS. M. !:. Iiavis. s- K. ciay f I'. Talisman lod lenin:.' ai s p. in. No ."'.I. meet, M m Vi;iir.t' iiro!ii-r ui uvs welcome. I. M Ml I.I.KH. K. I'.. It. IiAMOS. '. C. ami S. f i: - I. . (. K.'.. N.. ti. meets In 1. O. O. F. Saturday nt at s i. m. YUftin-j. brothers alwuy welcome. I. A. Mkiuumas, N. G. W. T Viiiik. K.-e. K-.-c- I. O. o. F Rouue Kn er Knrampment. I-ooce No. .Hi. meets in I. J. ( ). K. hall the .-cond and fourth Wednesdays of each month at H p. m. H. S. Webb. C. P. Is a W.hii.f. SeritK-.' . Olive Itehekah I.olne No. , meetx In I. O. 1j. r.nan nrst and third TuesduVH of month. Visilinj; ist.-rs invited to attend. eaci I Miss Dku.a Pickei., N. G. Mas M. lN(.i.i:iii E, fi.-c. Sec. A. F. A: A. M.-M fore full moon at s i ei tir-t Friday on or be m.. in A (. L". W. hall. W I. Vawteb. W. it. ITT. !it. S c. W. V. I.M'I'iS. ;. A I! - het. r A. ni.-.. !n W.Kiir' hail e.-r Fridavs in each n:;:r.h aT J. VV. T. K imk. Aditaiii trtiiur I.j-t No. 47. i end und fount ::'. r:i. ' . Com. I. . H T t A. II. !'. -M.-ts Tji W hall. day I.:!.: ai i p. i '. . Smith, C, T. J. A. Jeituev. live. Sei VV. c. T. I" Meets every W.-d!:eday after noon in Halley IHarfc. MHS. A l.l.IK VAN VNTWI I' Pros Mrs. Hose UeC;kimjt. Sec Vounn People's Readlr.R Circle Tuesday even irurof each week, under the auspicvt of the Kpwonh League. F. A. & I. L'.-L. L. pi odj.e x0 mwts fiery satnrday at S p. m. J. H. Smith. Pres. CHUKCHES OF MEDFOED. Saint Marks Kpisropal .Sunday School mt. at Kpisctinal Chureheverv s..r.rt',.,. .ri.. I 3 o'clock. T N. Wilson. Hector;" .S. S. Pemz" ! superintendent. ( .leoio.nst r.pi-coial t'hureh K. S. Craven : P"'t,,r- Sl '"' every Sundav mornins and jey.-nini: at u-ual hours tor chureii .service , Kpvorth I.eav-ue meets nt 6:.i p. m . Sundav Sunday seh,l at Ri a. in. Praver meet in TUursilay eveniiikr. Pastor's residence on C stn-et. one block south of Mm oin !ret.yterian Churi-h Rev x c ! 'or- Pre.u hintr at 1 1 a. m. anil ; :l p. m Sun ;day M.h.H.l atlua. m. Y. P. s. C. K.. 6:15 p. m. . Junior Knd.-avor Suciclv at .1 n. m.. Sundav raver meetinK on Wednesday o'cloik eveninc al a-iptist rhurch-W. c. Jenkins mMor. Wor ship and preacbinir everv Sundav morninr anil evecniir m usual hours for church services . t -nenant meetini: on Satunlaval S o'clock pre- rt-cd:C. ,.aro nrt Sunday. Praver meeting on WedneMlay eenine. Haptisi vOUne Peoples I mon meets al u' on Sundav evening. SDn. day school at lo a. m. , Christian church Corner of Sixth; and I streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p m Sunday M-hiwi at W a. m.:Junoir Endeavor at 1 p. m.:V. P. S. C. K. at :30 p. m. Prave- , mwtmir every Thursdav evening. I-adies Missionarj- Auxiliary to C. W. B. E. rirst Thurs day .:.' '. M. eaeh mnnili i-hr-i r-i 'i- .Tls h.n,la v ? :' P m. The people welcome. .... - i -wr. i .e resides at the chrrch. Methodist Kplscopol Church South Rev Jno I I Jones, pastor. Services al 11 a. m. and 7 p. m on the 1st. Jnd and Srd Sabbath: Sabbatt , school at 10 a. m. and Kpworth League at 6 f , m every Sabbath at Medford. Services on s . Sabbath al Soda Springs at 11 . m. and Nei' re-k !ho.l house at 3 p m. hcartv'we'. come to a!:. ' Thos. K. ake. Henry C Payee. Henry C House. Receivers. TVTORTHERN JJ PACIFIC R. R. u 2 s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Elegant Tourists Sleeping Cars FHEK -:- COLONIST -:- SLEEPERS. ' ST. POL 1 MlNNCPOLIS ICULOTM F Fargo r; TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg helen and Butte CHICAGO WASHINGTON Philadelphia NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH A. P. CHARLTON, Assistant Passenger Apont. Xv.. SV Morrison St., cor. Third. PORTLAND. OR Or (.'. t 15klkxaim Ticket Agent, ' Medford, Oregon. S. T. Cass. Ticket Agent. First Nat'l Hank, Crants Pass, Ore., Hum'. Lkoxako, Ticket Agent, Ashland. Oregon Are You Going to Hove? . . . It's cheaper to move than to pay rent and We'll Move You Cheaper than yon can move yourself with a wheelbarro-w. We do all kintU of hauling at lowest living rates. Bellinger & Wells, The Draymen. In Tiinniinii Tinipm ! ' o TO o