tNEWS OF THE .WORLD. THE GIST OF THE WEEK'S HAPPEN INGS AS TOLD BY TELEGRAPH. Interesting Items From Europe, Asia, Africa ami North and South America, , With Particular Attention to lmpor 1 tant Home Newn. the hay crop in California this season Will be large. A ministerial crisis is threatened in " Germany. Yellow- fever patients fill nearly all the hospitals in Cuba. The street car postal service in Chi cago has been nut in operation. Grasshoppers are reported to be doing some damage to growing crops in sev eral sections of the state. L Martinez, Cal., is experiencing a lively bpom as a result of the San Joaquin railroad project. Over 3000 wheelmen participated in the annual parade of the Associated Cy cling clubs at Chicago the other day, . A call for a convention of the advo cates of free silver to meet at Memphis ttXs been issued by the Central Bimetal Kojeague. ! Th$ National Municipal league is in Convention at Cleveland, O, Reform in municipal governments is the object of the convention. EXathaniel S. Jones, formerly a well known millionaire of Chicago, died re cently. He left only $700. He lost $2, 000,010 on the Board of Trade, Oregon expects to raise 100,000 bales of hops this year, basing the figure on the early growth of vine and crop con ditions. The crop last year amounted to 65,000 bales. It is claimed that 600,000 olive trees were planted in California this year. TTjese added to those already in bearing will make a pretty good showing within a few years. The California State Horticultural so ciety wjll hold a series ot meetings in the various fruit raising sections Airing the next few months, commencing at Yuba City May 31. The will of the late ex-Governor Downey was found' at San Diego re cently. A contest is probable. The will is dated May 1,5, 1877, and United States Senator White is the only suviv ing executor named. Recent weddings in high life will all be eclipsed by the nuptials of Adele Vanderbilt Sloane and J. AbercromDie Burden, which will be celebrated at 2Cew York early this month. Both are Americans and their joint fortuues.with what they have and what they will in herit, will amount to $00,000,000. A serious high school fight is racing at San Bernardino. It is the intention of Professor Richardson's friends to dis place Miss S. D. Laae. late of Berkeley, and install Mrs. F. B. Daley, wife of the district attorney. The studeuts are op posed to Mrs. Daley and they have taken an active part in the fight. The detectives in the Carson mint af are giving considerable attention to the theory that the bullion which James Heney work at the Reno reduction works was not stolen from the mint, but he came into possession of it in a manner which it would be equally em barrassing to explain. T Fire broke out in a creamery iu a "Wisconsin town, near Madison. The water supply was sKn exhausted and 300 gallons of milk stored in the build ing were used to extinguish the fire. The insurance companies have received a claim from John L. Elverson. owner of the creamery, for $t4 for damage done to the building and the loss of '!, 300 gallons of milk. The Ohio Republican convention met Tuesday at Zanesville. There are a dozen candidates for governor, the fav orites being General Asa S. Bushnell. Jndge Nash and James EL Hoyt. The Cincinnati delegation wants Bushnell for governor, and the delegates from Cleveland are booming Hoyt. The con vention is a nnit on McKinley for presi dent and Foraker for senator. Reform of the Xew York police force js beginning at the top. Inspector Will iams has been retired and it is now re ported that ;he new board of cominis- j gjoners will remove Superintendent j rsyrnes. ins connection wuu veoige j Gould and the great services be ren- I dgred the multi-millionaire in the Zella j isicolaus case are said to be sufficient evidence of supererogation to cause the dismissal of the chief. An interesting and successful experi ment was made at Louisville recently when, the Associated Press news was taken direct from the wire by a type setting operator. The introduction of typewriting into the telegraph business has been a means of greatly facilitating the transmission of the press service, and this suggested the possibility of the receiving operator putting the report in type. Thirty policemen surrounded the St. Joseph (Mo.) opera house and arrested the principals and spectators of a bare knuckle finish prize fight which was in progress. The principals were "Red" i'insley of St. Joseph and "Kid" San ders of Omaha, lightweights, and. they were in the middle of the eighth round when the officers broke in the doors. The lights were extinguished and the officers used their revolvers, shooting holes through the scenery and doing a jgreat deal of damage. The New 'York Metal Worker says: The marvelous growth of the American tin plate manufacture in less than four years presents one of the most remark able instances of industrial efforts in history. From nothing it has become an established industry of such propor tions that it already gives employment to some 15,000 hands. At the present moment, so far as can be gathered from the latest reports, there are in actual operation 28 tin plate works proper, roll- ing their own plates. Ten more are be injj built, two or three of which are practically complete and ready to start op, while the majority of others are ex pected to be in operation by July. The damage done by heavy frosts last week to the crops on the Atlantic Coast, and especially through Southern and Western New York and in New Eng land, is incalculable. Conservative es timates place tho damage for the two days' frost at $3,000,000, and reports of blight and ruin by the late and unex pected cold snap are coming in from the more remote districts. One of tho best posted fruit men in New York says the misfortunes of Eastern growers must prove a boon in a business way to Culi fornians, as in some of tho most pro ductive grape sections of New York the best of the crop is almost entirely ruined. This dealer places tho loss at fully 1,000,000. At Jamestown, N. Y., immense damage was done by frost. All the fruit prospects are ruined. TJio grape belt suffered enormously. It is estimated that Chautauqua county's loss is fully $3,000,000. Nearly every thing in early fruit is already gone. Owing to the ruin of the grape crop 16 basket factories in Chautauqua couuty have closed, thereby throwing large numbers of men out of employment. Merchants who have been carrying grape growers along and taking as se curity the prospective crop of 1895 are in an uncomfortable predicament be cause of the crop failure. The calamity is go extensive that every kind of busi ness will feel the loss severely. Ohio and Pennsylvania fruit crops also suffer greatly. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she hud consumption and that there was no hoje for her, but two bottles lr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggers. 1: Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried without result everything else, then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are stun pies, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at lieo. 11. Haskins" drug store. Kegular size, ."ilk" and Sl.W. The population of Flolence, Italy, was thrown into a panic by a series of earthquakes the other night. The shake was the worst in the c.ty since Uto. Over 8,000 houses were damaged. Tho shocks were so violent that houses 6wayad like ships iu a rough sea. Tho wipest scenes weje at the theatres. The crowds rushed for the exits, trampling one any who might have bwn pushtsl down. Many were injured, but no deaths have been reported. Charles Fi.-ster. a teamster, threw his wife into a pool of water and held her head under until she was drowned, near Merlin, Or., the other day. Thntj of his small children were ttandiug by and saw the act. Fiester sent them to Merlin to notify his son, a young man 25 years of age. After drowning his wife Fiester tried to drown himself but failed, there not Wing sufhVioiit w ater in the pool. He avs he is glad lie mur dered uis wife ami is prepared to pay the penalty. We recommend I)e Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure because we believe it n safe and reliable remedy. Its good ef fects are shown at once in cases of choiera morbus and similar com plaints. Geo. Ik. Haskins. druiiL'i-t . Eighty thousand children, represent ing lNi Snuduv schools, t r 12 divisions, paraded in Brooklyn in honor of the CGth anniversary of the Brooklyn Sun day School Union. The Lenox. Astor and Tilden libra ries in New York have been consoli dated. The consolidation will be known as the "New York Public Library-Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundat ions. n A mob broke into the jail at Dan ville, III., and took John Hall, Jr., and William Royce from their cells and lynched them. Hall and Royce as saulted Miss Laura Baruett and she died from her injuries. John P. Gladden of Portland, Or., while seeing the sights in Chicago re cently was robbed of $3,'U0 in a Clark street house. He reported, his loss to the police and his money was returned by a messenger buy. Gladden immedi ately left the Wiudr City. There is more catarrh in ths section j of the country than all other diseases I put together, and until the Inst few years was supposed to bo incurable. For a great many yenrs doctors pro-1 nounced it a local disease. and prescribed local remedies, ami by con-, stanth failing to cure witn local 'reat lnent. pronounced it incurable. .Science has proven catarrh a constitu tional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .1. Cheney t Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tensiioonf ul. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to euro. Send for circulars ami testimonials. Address F. J. CHUNKY .V Co, Toledo. O. KVTSold by druggists, 7."c. Commander Ballinuton Booth and Irs wife were naturalized at Jersey City re cently. The Forty-nine mining cniup of the Midwinter Fair has lieen reproduced at Chicairo. Bigamy in the United States by Cana dian citizens is one of the subjects to ho grappled v ith at Toronto by the Na tional Council of Women of Canada under the presidency of its founder, the Countess of Aberdeen. The ravages of the chinch bugs in the wheat fields of Eastern Kansas have be come so destructive that the farmers of many counties are applying to Professor Snow, chancellor of the state university, requesting him to send them infected bugs with which to stop tho work of destruction. Karl's clovkk koot will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as bell. 2oc, ;"()., and $1.00. Sold by C. Strang, druggist, Medford. A railroad section hand named Isaac Passcolat fell under a car at Newcastle, Cal., mid was killed. James Smith, a wealthy rancher of Litt'o Shasta valley, was killed in a run away accident at Yrelta, Cal. Frost has destroyed tho grain crop of South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota and Wyoming. Fredericks, the convicted murderer of Bank Cashier llerriek, has lcen declared Bane by San Francisco physicians. Precocious juvenile criminals seem to abound in San Francisco. During the last two weeks 11) boys, whose ages run from 6 to 20 years, have lieen arrested for burglary. Two officers on bicycles in Chicago captured William Sullivan, a murderer, who would have escaped if the pursu ers had lieen on foot. Sullivan killed William Barrett during a quarrel. Emilo Garcia, who is under sentence of death at San Ouentin for murder committed at Sun Bernardino, has ap pealed to the Mexican government say ing he is a citizen of Mexico. He claims he did not have a fair trial. Old IVopIe. Old HopU who require medicine to regulate the Iko1s and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Hit ters. This medicine does not stimu late and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and al terative. It nets mildly on the stom- I ach and bowels, adding strength and I giving tone to the organs, thereby aid ! ing nature in the performance of the j functions. Electric Hitters is an ex j cedent apietizor and aids digestion. Old perple find ft just exactly what I they nivd. Price .10 cents per bottle at lieo. II. Haskins drugstore. Ex-Post master General Wanamaker proposes to bnild a hotel in Philadel phia at which any one may be fed and housed free of any ctst whatever. The primary object of Mr. Wanamaker was to establish an institution for the refor mation of inebriates, and in connection with this to build an inn where unfor tunates could find a home. He has hern j giving tho matter considerable atten- j j tion of late and Li now determined to ; j carry his plans out. I The Illinois G. A. R. encampment at i i Bloomington referred the jiension mat- ! ter to the national encampment. The j i dedication of the Confederate monu- I ; ment at Chicago on Memorial day was : discussed at length. A resolution was ; adopted which deprecates.sneh a dispo- j sit ton of Decoration day. and while the G. A. R. cannot presume to deny the riht of individuals to participate in the ceremonies, the (t. A. K. organiz.i . tion as such will have nothing to do with it, adding that had any other day than the nation's .Memorial day lieen chosen for tin dedication of the Con federate monument no notice of the af fair would have lnvn taken. An Absolute Cure. The Original Ahictine im;niitit is only put up in large t ivouinf tin hove-, mi l is an ab-ol.jt'- cure for o'ii -oev. burns, wounds. chapped hands .and all -Win eruptions. Will positively : cure all kinds of pile.. .-k for the Original Abietine Ointment. Sold !v (J. li. HuskUi-. drii-rgisl, at ".'i cents per box by mail cents. Rolert Hnssell Booth has len chosen moderator by the delegates to the gen eral Presbyterian assembly in session at ' Pittsburg. Count Kalnoky. imperial minister of foreign affairs of Austria, has resigned i lieoause of a disagreement with the papal nuncio, i Pope Leo XIII has ordered the con ' M ruction of his tomb from designs fur ; uished by himself. It is thought the I poje's end is near. ! Henry l'radlmry was arrested at Al ' pena, Mich., and charged with having ! jHiisomsl his wife, who died under sus ! picious circumstances. I i Persons who are su'iicct to diar- rlni-a ill find a speedy our'- in D. Witt's t'oiie and Cholera t'ure. Use no other. It is the best that can b made or thai money can procure. It leaves the system in natural condition after its use. We sell it. Geo. II. Haskins, dreggist. The Catholic Knights of America are in session at Omaha. ! Jim Hill has secured control of the i Northern Pacific railroad. Several people were killed in the col ; lapse of a new building at Atlanta. Ga. j Gold has been discovered at Santa ! creek, near Chattanooga, Teiin., and j great excitement prevails, i Fifteen persons whose property snf ! fered damage in the railroad strike at I Chicago have sued the city to recover, i The German Deposit bank of Massil- 1'in, O., closed its doors because of the Midden death of its owner, who left no will. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The "nest salvo in tho world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlieiitu. fever sores, totter. chapped hands, chilblains, corn-., and nil skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay roiiiiivil. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 'J.'ic per box. For sale by I. II. Ilaskitis. Paso Koiilcs, t'nl., has decided to re main a city. An election was held for the purpose of disincoi -porat ing if the citizens desired, but the majority of the taxpayers favored the coryontle gov ernment. The Yankton Sioux reservation in South Dakota am! the Silet. reserva tion iu hegoii were opened for settle ment on the 21st. inst. The Yankton reservation includes about 1."iH,(IU0 acres of the best hind in South IV.kota. An order has been issued by Judge Fuiley ut Indianapolis li.xiug June 10 as the final date for all branches of the Or der of the Iron Hall to complete their accountings with the receiver. Claims for allowance lnnut be tiled before that time. sniLOH s CUHH, the givnt Cough and Croup Cure, is in great deinsind. Pock et size contains twenty-five doses, only 2"ic. Children lovo it. Sold by Chus. Strung, druggist, Medford. mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I il P Wl Are The A S?A?-3 Grades -rzr Sri-; .P TLJL - - ; IHffh Krtime, ,.oh1 ; Him, Pelueluilile Z Tire. Scorcher. : weiclu SI lli. san i Sti-el iti l us, W nverTey : Clincher Tires, 1 weight -'I It's. $85 2 Keulnr frame, same Z wrltlhlH $8S : Ladies' Prop Frame - siimc weluhts nuil ; lire sts - IjiiIics' Iiiniiiiuni wu'il : Kims wrictit 5 ltif. .. .. T8 I Deuel & Stevens, Agt's MKDFOIU), OUKtJON S 1IIIMI MIIIIIIIMIIIIIMI llllllllllllllllllll Iilllllllllllilll William J. Hoffman, a stockholder in the Oregon Improvement company, has obtained from the superior court in New York an order directing the officers of the company to furnish Hoffman with a list of the stockholders of record on the closing of the transfer books of the an nual election. War is to be declared by the Illinois Ssociety of Colonial Wars on all who in sist upon putting the American flag to iruprojer uses. The Sons of the Revo lution are after the same people, and there is evidence that enough sentiment on the subject is being raised to make those back of the agitation feel sure of nxccess. Legislation is to lie asked for, a::d if it passes many who now freely nse the flag will have to find some other way to advertise their wares. There will I- no mure "war" pl.tys with a lib eral display of "Oh! ( Slot y, " the .Salva tion Army will not 1- able to carry the Hag m its street parade. Kilzimuioiis and others cannot wear it around their waists, depart Pient stores cannot use it for ihv-.ratioiis. and the yor.t.g w. uian wu.. tapers nimbly in ai.'i r.-viat. d skirts, the while with brasy Voice slrit tenug the atmosphere of the "varie ties. " will no longer fiamil it as a or.'itioii to her topu-al ballad. Vbcn R-ily was wo jnve her CVIorLv When s!ie a Ch:i.l. she ensl for C.vaorU. When slie Isx-amo i;ss, iie clung to CastoriA. Vuen tlie lia.I niii-in-n, she guvr tiicai storm. A collision N'twn'ii dt'tric cars at Lincoln 1'ark. thret- miles from Pasa dena, on the l.os Angeles and Pasadena Electric railway, resulted in serious in jury to a dozen passengers. The cars crashrd together, head on. and nearly every occupant of l..lii cars was more or less injured. Frank IVriiiad of li Angeles was so badly injured that am putation of his leg was nec-ssary. l.ire lcsMiess of the railway employes is given as the cause of the collision. The wife of Kev. L. IX Hathlsuie of Kedw.vod Oty. t'al.. w:is kilhsl in a col-i lision ln'twrt'ii a runaway team and the rig in which she was riding with her husUind. The accident occurred in' the hills near Kedw.s..! City. Mr. Kath Ix ne heard the runaways coming le hitid 4iim and drove close to the bank, hoping the frantic team would take the outside. Instead the team ran on the inside and wrecked Mr. Kathlsjue's rig, throwing Mrs. Kathlk-ne 'iit. Captain Sa ti. v. I". S. A.. San Diegg. i':.. says: "Slnioh's t alarrli Keined is the lirst medicine I have ever foil mi that wouiil iio ineatiy goo.1." Price .'l cts. Sola In tints. .Strang,' d.'iiggist. Mod for,;. Justice Field has completed his thirty second year of service on the bench of the supreme court. He will 1h 7i years of age in Novemler and is getting very focbie. Lieutenant Governor Alfred Milnes of Michigan has resigned, the resigna tion to take effect May 81. Milnes has succeeded Julius C. Burrows as con gressman. The observance of the golden jubilee of the ordination to the priesthood of Archbishop John .1. NYillianis was cele brated at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross ai Host on last week. Minnie Kobinson of St. Lonis has ob- tained a judgment for $,. "i 75 against ! the United Stales Mutual Accident as i sociation. This establishes the proposi ; lion that n woman who is engaged to ' marry a man has tin insurable interest ' in his life. An aprrecnble Tiixntlvo andKERVB Tonto. Bold by DrugRlsta or sent by mall. 155o., uOo. and 81.00 per pnekage. Samples f reo. ff .TTf The Favorite TOOTH POWDES Ml W llwrtboTecthandllreaUi,iJjj. Sold by Strung tho druggist, Medford, llllllllll iilllllllllllilll liiiiiMiiiiiilllir ICYCLES. ii? I Warranted Superior to any Bicycle tinili in the World. I .... Regardless of Price . . . . j Hrait Hie fiiliiiwitiK opinion of one of the most prominent Aineri cun dealers who has sulil hundreds of these wheels: z Hk iimoNI), Va., Oct. 2. 1WH, z Inimana Hicvci.k '.. Indianapolis, I ml : ; ;i-:nti.fmi-'.n The Wuvcrley Siorcher sud Brlle dime to hand yen- terdiiy. We are afraid ymi have sent us the hijih prii-ed wheel hv : mistake. Von can'J iiieau to lell us that this whii-l relails for Ssor Z We mtlstsuy that T; Is, without exception, the prettiest wheel we; have ever seen. unci, moreover, we have faith In It alllioimli it weighs only 2'J Hs.. for of all Wuvcricyi we have sold this year and z lust und vou know that is a rlhl uood nntiiheri. we have never had Z h single frame nor fork hroken, either from accident or defect. Hud z that is more than we can suy of nny other wheel, however lilh irrade. Z soeitlled. that we sell. We conj;rafiilalcMirselvesevery clay that we: ure the Waverley Agent. Yours trulv, Wai.tkk C. Mkkcp.r & Co. - ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE jj INDIANA BICYCLE CO. INDIANAPOLIS, INI). IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ItlUIUIIIIIIII Mir Lawyer Kate Kane of Chicago stabbed a city hall loafer with a hat pin because he insulted her. Mrs. Mary A. Lease has decided to open a law office in Topc!:a. Kan. She has formed a partnership with Miss Mary Morrill. Miss Genevieve Xannary. the yonng actress, will soon K-come the bride of Irving L. Winn, the only child of the Los Angeles millionaire lumber dealer. Aliitiine Balsam L i cid, at;t.Mi v l Ol(J ID IllC lU'rld lAlirr!til Ufii and Sort E;s'lt nfaUflfrATfii. ELViis 51 Tun i-: fSWaSMT BREATH. A 'TCP?. tR1A"?CURc. BY MAIL fOP. PK1HD OR.OY1U-E.CAL, I - 1 0. K. Barter Slop. I liATKS IU;)S.. l'lops. '. i l': si ,S:t-s :arv.Tvpan;i!i;.ir. Ag. t.- !"r t::c 1' iliar,.'. S'.i a::: L:u;r..iry SNep en v' sire-!. I MKl)i'tlJ!. UUKliON. I i: liiit.(iiiitit.ii,iiii,iiiiiiiiii.,....,oiiii,tii.f EAST AND SOUTH Y THK The Shasta Route the SUOTHERN PACIFIC KXPKKSS TKAIXS l.KAVK POKTl-AXU 1VW1.Y. South ; i North :!.'. p. m I. v. Portland Ar. I :l !. in j l.v. Medlord t.v Ap. ill li':i inc. ; Ar. Sun i-'rancisco l.v. T.tVp. in Als.c trains t.p al all slaltons from Port land t.i Albany inclusive. Also Tnngmt.. S!iedd. IliiUrv. Hatrislmrg. Junction Citv. Irving. Kciienc mid at all stations from Kose litirg I.) inclusive. ROSIUU'Kt; MAIL DAILY. i 3U a. in ! Lv V.V p. in , Lv Portland Koscbur Ar I p. m j Lv i : Aa. in i Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Pullman Huilett SUn-irrs nn,l S.von.! Class Sleeping Cars at (ached to all tllrmgn train Between rortlaiui and Uorvallis. WKST SIDii DIVISION. Mail tniins datly, except Sunday: .' :U n. in Lv Portlai.d Ar I :.:;, p. in 12. IS p m j Ar Coi vallis Lv 1 l:v0 p. m At Albany and Cnrvnlli eonneet with trains ot" Oregon Pacitic railciil. l-'.x press Trains dailv. ex.ept Sunday: 1:10 p. in Lv Portland Ar j S:i".a. in Ti'M'.iH I Ar Mc.Miiuivllle Lv ,":.' a. in -Tbroin:li tickets to nil points in the Knstci u suites. Canada and Karope can be ob- tainrd in lowest talcs Iioiii W. V. l.ippimvtt. Ascnl. Medlord. K. KOKIII.l-K K. 1". KOC.KKS. .Manager. PORTLAND, Asst. li. K OREGON. vS: P At COnilKCTKll I'.VKltV WKONKSKAV. WllCllt, No. 1, Hals. Hurley Coin, per bushel. i'ct 4S ' .V) Potunies, till Mill l-Vcd, It ran and Shorts, per ton, fli' ilav, baled, JUUW: loose, S. wood ,,:.rl",.?1 5; Kliiur. w liolesulc, per barrel, S. Kloiir, retail, per sack. SOc Hutter, per roll itwo riounds) si Kirirs, per doren, U Hacon mid Hum' ,vr lb. 1SS Shoulder per lb, 07 Hciins " " '-'i Lard " " H llouey ' ' l; "l liTc t . . x IDF RD MARKETS SOCIETIES OF HEDFOSD. Knights of the MiiccanoeH. Triumph Tent Jo. 11, meets in regular review on the 2d and Ith Tliurwlava of each month in A. . V. W, Hall ut7::ip. m. Visiiing.Sir Knights cordial ly Invited to attend. Wm., Commander. S. S. I'kntz. K. K . A.O. I.'. W. -Lodge .n.cs, mc'-ts every first and third Wednesday In the mouth lit t p. m . in their hall In the opera Visiting brothers Invited to attend. K. W. C ahI'KU, M .W. J. W. Lawtii.n, Kccordcr. W. . ('. Chester A. Arlliur Corps Xo. 21 meets second and fourth Friday of cacti ..,,..,11, . y ,..-!.,.. lr .. . In Ve....lfu 1.-.II : j Mils. Sauaii i. SeiiiKS, I'res. ; j MuS. M. K. KAVis. Sec. :! K. of Talisman lodge N i. 31. meets M m : day evening ut S p. iu. Visiting brothers al - wavs welcome. C. U. IlAMON. C. C. I l I v it 1." ttt T run! s I. O. O. V. Lodge No. K.I, meets In I. f). O. F. hall every Saturday at al h p. m. Visiting brothers always welcome. I. A. Mkkkiman, N". G. W. T. Voiik. Rcc. Sec I. O. O. K. Rogue Kiver Encampment. Idge No. :), meets in I. O. . F. hall tie: second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at p. m. I!, s. Webb, C. P- Isaac Wooi.F, Scribe.' Olive Hebekab Lodge No. as, meets In I. O. O. F. hull lirst and third Tuesdays of eacii mouth. Visiting sisters invited U attend. Miss Dkmji Pickki.. X. G. Mas M. iMil.KUL'E, Kec. Sec. A. F. & A. M. Meets first Friday on or be fore full moon at 8 p. m.. In A. O. V. W. ball. W. I. Vawter. W. M. W. V. LlPPIKCOTT. Rec. Sec. G. A. K Chester A. Arthur Post No. A'.. meets in Woolf's hall every second and fourth Fridays in each month at 7 :. p. m. J. W. M11.1.EK. Com. W. T. KaME. Adjutanu I. O. G T. Meets Tuesday night al k p. m at A. O. U. W ball. O. . Smith. C. T. J. A. Jekkkev. Rec, Sec. W. C. T. V .Meets every Wednesday after noon in the Haliey Hlacfc. Mas. Ain.iE VasA.mwii-. Ires. Mrs. Rose DeGhoot. Sec Voung People's Reading Circle Tuesday even Ing f each week, under the auspices of the Epworlh League. F. A. i I. V. L. L. Polk lodge Xo. S65. meets every Samrday al p. ai. J. H. Smith. Pres. CHTJKCHZS OF MEDFORD. Saint Marks Kpiscopal Sunday school meets at Kpiscopal Church every Sunday aflemoon al 3 o'clock. T.X.Wilson. Keclor: S. S. Pcntz Superintendent. ) Methodist Kpiscopal Church E. S. Craven. pastor. sSvrricvii every Sunday morning and evening al usual hours for church services. Kpwonh Leacue meets at p. m '. Snndav. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Pntver meetics Thursday evening. Pastor's residence on C , mm. one UiocK outa of MAIL ortlce. j Pre.l.yterian Church Rev. A. S. Foster, pas I lor. Preaching at II a. m. and 7 :J0 p. m. Sur. I day school at M a. m. Y. P. S. C. F... 6:15 p. re. j Junior Kndearor Society at .1 p. m.. Suudav! Prayer ejecting on Wednesday evening al 7 , o'clock llapiis; church -W. c. Jenkins pastor. Wor hlil an. I preaching every Sundav morning and even:ng at trsual h.vjrV for church serv ices. . Covenant zneciisg (n Satijrviiivat S o'clock pre ; cecditig each hrst Sunday. 1'raycr meeting on tsl:ieiav evcniiii:. it. iapiist iounc Ceoplcs :u on sunday evening. Sun I luon meets at clay schts'i at lu a. m iliristian church Corner of Sixth and 1 streets Preaching at 11 a m and 7. p. in. uday schoid al ;o a m . Junoir Kndeavoral a P m. : V. P. f. C. K al 6:A p. ra. Prav. r meeting every Thursday evening. Ladies : Missionary Auxiliary to C.'w. B. K. lirst Tburs day 7:: 1'. M each Chora! I'nioa every Friday at 7:.J.' p m. Tbeprople wolcoruc. j Kii Fisher pastr. i:e-.idc.s m the chrrva. M thodis! Kl!-ccla; Church South H,.v Jnn L. Jones, parlor, x-mo-s at 11 a. m. and I p. m on the 1st. :id and 3rd Sabbatb: Sabhatri , school at In a. ai and F.pworth 1-eui-u" al 6 p J iu. . ry Sabbath at Medford. Services on t:h ' ssibbath a! SsJa Spr.ugs a; n a. m. and Xe i CrT,s scho-Ji house S p. ni. A hcar:y wel : corae to ail. : Th ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. i Elssant Tourists Sleeping Cars Cars SleeDins Cars FKKK -:- CCiLONIST -:- SLEKPKKS. St. Paul MlNNCAPOLIS DULUTH Fargo TO . Grand rom I Crookston I Winnipeg f HELENA AND , Butte THROUGH TICKETS" -TO- -o QZH CAC.O WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK . BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH A. 1. UMAKLTOX. Ni. Morrison St.. cor. Third. PORTLAND. OR ' Dt' C. C. liKLKN API', Ticket Agent, j Medlord, CMVgOtl. : . , , . : " '' -s- 1 H'Ot AgCtlt. First .at I Hank, (.i::ints t ass. ,'t'C., Hoist. I.kona i:i. Ticket Agent. Ashland. Orcffon Are You Going to Move? . . . It's cheaper to move than to pay rent and We'll Move You I Cheaper than you can y move yourself with a vheel harrow. Wo do all kinds of hauling at lowest living rates. Bellinger & Wells, The Draymen. F. Hakes, iienry C Payee. Henry C iC.-use'. K.ce;ver. 1 -Pullman