iffeteoclr THE MAIL IS THE THE MAIL iw 1,40a mm. LARGEST PAPER IN SOUTHERN OREGON. VOL. VII. MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1895. NO. 21. JttoiL PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T J. BENNET, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Plans, Specifications and Details. Perspeo tive Drawings and Blueprints. Ventilation and Drainage a Specialty. Hamltn Block, - - Medford, Oregon. WHITE & JEFFREY, O. W. White. J. A. Jeffrey. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Medford, Oregon. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Special attention given to all kinds of convey ancing. Notary work and collections at reas onable rates and remittances promptly made. Mining law a specialty. Office on Seventh street, opposite Opera House. QROWELL & PARKER, W. S. Crowell. W. H. Parker. . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office rn Hamlin Block. Medford, Or. "W. B- OFFICER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Eagle Point, Oregon. Bee Inlow residence. KIRCHGESSNER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, i Medford, Oiegon. tmlce Phipps' Block, Cor C and Seventh sts. ?RANCIS FITCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Medford, Ore. Will practice in all courts of state or U. S J, H. WHITMAN, ABSTRACTOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in bank building, Medford. Or Have the most complete and reliable abstracts of title in Jackson county. . JJAMMOND & VAWTER, Austin S. Hammond. Wm. I. Vawter. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office L.O. O.K. building, Medford, Or E. B. PICKEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Medford, Or Office: H ask in Block. - PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON. Oifice in Childcrs" Block. Medford, Or P. GEARY, PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON. Oficc Cor. C and Seventh sts.. Medford, Or T)R. O. F. DEMOREST, RESIDENT DENTIST, Hakes a specialty of first-class work at reason able rates. Office in Opera House, Medford, Or. QDGERS & HALL, I DENTISTS. Have permanently located in Medford for the practice of dentistry. From a continued prac tice of over 14 years, we are prepared to guaran ty entire satisfaction. Give us a call. Over Slovers drug store. T A TUT irYTT"W aOTI' ! J JXLV J J.' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in..- Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Cigars and Todacco. jerance Drinks riety... OREGON For pine Candy. Cigars and CffolCC NOVELS. XI W First uoor aouin 01 du FLOUR P FEED STORE. t At the old stand on Seventh Street. FLOUR WHEAT, o OATS AND BARLEY, Whole or chopped, Corn. Potatoes and Beans, ALSO BALED HAY FCR SALE, gash paid for Eggs, or taken in exchange. J. R. ERFORD, Proprietor. Medford, Oregon, Shoice tine 1 1 Opposite Postomce. MftVCanWalace Choice Tobacco- We Have the Largest, Best Assorted ... And cheapest stock of Stoves and Hardware in Southern Oregon. We also carry a large stock of Masury's Mixed Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils of all kinds. The fishing season has arrived and we are well prepared for it with a complete supply of fishing tackle. If you want anything in Granite ware now is vour time to buy it, as prices are low in that line J. Medford, SELL a I HOTEL BEEK ' mm a I II IMPORTED BY I LiSDHUI W in m n f , MEDFORD. PH. JaCK HORRIS .... The Ond Is strietlv '"in it" n new and 2nd hand v ' v a.' 7 c o - ' C -r r u is West Side of. Rail Road Track Photos, Photos . . THP MFriFOPH Are now DHATfirDADHCDC with promptness and with entire satisfaction to PIlU I UUKAKrltK all patrons. Fine instruments; good gallery; expert workmen. Call at our btudio ana TYLEB k NISEI IIi,ml MEDFORD, OREGON. I Prescriptions -:- Carefullv : Compounded. Main Street, Medford Oregon. J. W. DEALER IN - ARNESS AND OADELERY. )rder Work Given Special Attention. REPAIRING IS. RIGHT IN MY LINE. Hand-made and Campbell lock stitck machine-made harness always on hand. SEVENTH STREET, -o- MEDFORD, OREGON. ru Kinas of Legal BianKs ai inis Office & CO., Oregon Lumsden & Berlin GROCERIES, TEAS AND COFFEES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO AJL Wholesale anfl Retail.... Our goods are fresh and our P"003 are as lw as g0(ls can ue soiu ior cash, uoous e livered free within the citv limits. flEDFORD BLOCK.... n Hp9 & $wM ug c c o .y .- TYLER & MISER, prepared to do all work in our line see samples or our work: BRING THE BABIES to THE MORTAR D$UG STOHE, . 11. HASKINS, Trop'r. Ha antthihs in tmi lini or - - ...... 0 Pure Diugs, Patent Medicines, Hooks, Stationery, PAINTS and OILS, Tobaccoes, Cigars, Perfumery. Toilet Article and Everything that Is curried in a first class DRUG STORK Lawton, PACIFIC' coast items. NEWS NUGGETS PICKED UP WEST OF THE SIERRAS. Killed by m Runaway Tram S.rtont Ac cident Near Fuad.na Kell.vlng Se attle Unemployed en the Pingree Plan. San Di.go Apple Crop. Horse meat is being canned at The Dalles, Or., for export. The Washington State Christian n ifaror Union held a session at Seattle last week. The Episcopal diocesan convention at Los Angeles deoided in favor of woman inffrage. The vote was 03 to 10. Dr. Cooper, one of the best known medical men and citizens of New West minster, B. C, is dead of heart disease. Ex-Jailer Newton Brown is on trial at San Bernardino for aiding a prisoner named Luik Pierce in an attempt to escape. Five hundred homed toads will be shipped from San Diego to Ilawaii. The toads are wanted at the islands for bug catchers. The police of Sacramento have made wholesale arrests of bicyclists who did not carry headlights on their wheels as required by the city ordinance. An order of the A P. A is in process of organization in Carson City and Reno, Nev. A big excursion went down from Virginia City to complete the work. Rev. Q. A Otttnan of Sacramento has been chosen to represent the Protestant Episcopal missionary jurisdiction of Northern California at Minneapolis in October. Major A W. Barrett of Los Aageles has been appointed adjutant general of the National Uuard of California by Governor Budd. R, E. Peeler of Fresno will be assistant adjutant general A freight train on the E. and N. rail road ran into a fallen tree near Chema nna, B. C, 50 miles from Victoria. The locomotive went into the ditch and the engineer, Tony Silkene, was badly hurt. The Frisbie house in South Vallejo is in ashes. The place was fired by an in cendiary and there is not a stick left of the building. Several previous efforts had been made to burn the structure. An Anglo-Canadian syndicate will purchase a uumber of wooden sailing vessels in England with a view to estab lish in British Columbia and at points on Pugvt Sound a local lumber fleet. The Pinjnve plan of rvlu-ving the in dustrious joor at Seattle is proving suc cessful. Two hinulreti men have been temporarily gm-u laud to cultivate and their crops lire now beginning to ripen. John Lirbe:tu. tried at Mariitosa for the murder of Bernard Marki of Coul t?rville in July last, has afu-r a second attempt been convicted of murder in the first degree with imprisonment for life. Farmers on the islands l-elow Stvvk- ton and other lowlands in San Joaquin county are deploring the recent warm weather. It has incited the snow in the mouuuius nud the rivers are risiug dangerously. The estimates of the cost of the Coxey disturbance and the strike in Idaho have been completed. The grand total reaches about filS.OOO. The Coxey move ment was responsible for f 19.CHK) of this amount. John Bradbury of Los Angeles is be ing sued for 25.000 damages for in juries to a coachman named Ostiano Ocampo. Bradbury was driving and upset the coach, OcamjK) receiving in juries to his back, spine and hips. An effort is to be made to establish a new steamship service between British Columbia, Puget Sound and Oriental points. It is understood that the Great Noitheru railroad is interested to the extent, at any rate, of affording freight facilities. The apple crop of San Diego county, in the mountain section, is immense this year. The total yield of the Julian apple lxlt will be between 50,000 and 00,000 boxes. The fruit is of suierior quality as well as abundant. Other fruits are equally plentiful. Large forest fires are raging along both sides of the Northern Pacific rail road's tracks from South Prairie to the summit of the Cascade mountains in Washington, a distance of 53 miles. At Lester the post office building and two small residences were burned with all their contents. The rose carnival at Healdsburg, Cal., last week was a great success. The features were beautifully decorated floats representing all manner of things. A tilting contest by the horsemen fur nished exciting entertainment for the crowd of visitors. Miss Emma Meiler was queen of the fiesta. A conference has been held at Santa Rosa to consider the proposition ot James Keyes and others to build a nar row gauge railroad from tide water at Petaluina to Santa Rosa. W. D. Rey nolds, T. P. Keegan, F. A Brush and B. M. Spencer were appointed a com mittee to confer with the Petaluma men and report upon the scheme. "Toronto" Reed, a newsboy of New York aged 23 years, leaped from the Brooklyn bridge on a wager of $700 and escaped without injury. Chicago wheat speculators were badly bitten recently. Armour cleaned up fully $2,000,000 by bulling the market. It is thought wheat will soon reach the dollar mark. WASHINGTON NOTES. Interesting Items Picked Oat from the Dally Dispatches. Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle made a speech at Covington, Ky., on the financial questions of the day in which he denounced the free coinage of silver. The secretary blamed the Re publican party for the crisis brought upon the country and said that too much silver had already been coined. A Madrid dispatch says that the gov ernment of Spain has completed its final answer to the United States in re gar to the firing upon the American steamer Allianca by the Spanish war ship Conde de Venadito off Cape JIaj-sL The reply is couched in cordial and friendly terms and will be entirely agreeable to tho requests made npon Spain by Secretary of State Gresham for a full and satisfactory answer. In the answer the evidence received by Spain is repeated, and it is understood that Spain disavows the action of the officer of the warship in firing upon the American merchantman. It is also un derstood that Spain admits she has no rights over foreign vessels where the firing took place. The United States supreme court by a vote of 5 to 4 has declared the income tax law, passed by the last congress, unconstitutional Chief Justice Fuller read the majority opinion. Justices liar lan and White read vigorous dis senting opinions. Their opinions inti mated that the majority decision was revolutionary and suggested the neces sity of a constitutional amendment. The features which invalidate the act are the taxes imposed on land, land rents, personal property and incomes from personal property. These are de clared direct taxes and therefore they are unconstitutional. Justice Shiras changed hi opinion since the first hear ing. Then he favored the law and the court stood 4 to 4, Justice Jackson be ing absent The latter favored the law. Real Estate Transfers. State of Oreon to J L Worlow. ) acres. m.-c. . tp ST , r I e Mrs Melissa 1' Anderson to W K Kre inrr. lot HO feet souare Robert Hlel loZT and K T Jordan. 30 acres, sec 1 tp 40 s. r t w Matilda K Yonker to Mrs Grade A Hoi man. lot 31. Woolrn's add. Ah!nnd. . K J Churrhnian tn H N McKay. & acres in Medford Job K Toter to Louisa C Tojcr, 2 acres in Ahland. l.avtma it Bninrs tn Klla -V Urijrgs. S lots. liallowar's add. Mcdfotd 50 AM 10 500 i John Meek to Mrs H:uc K Glcason. lot 1. block H. A-tnland j Susie M Terry to Wiiiium IVrry. t& acres. I ec v. tp s; . r: e ! t: II Van Kiper to Henderson Hash. .41 ' acre., so :i v r 1 e Circuit Court Doings. J.v.' ilourk .ht:ii:il Mimnc ; n: M I v : iaml tor phtinlitT tr cost. ,;-. taxed at f-V. j V I VatrvsS 1" iVnirtT r! al tV; ju;liT --".t.-.l and jtu!trul I (i J.C Mi Co and s P to v John Perdue: , 1'jiijrnei.t fortUiandorderforcxivation istied. I.inie Kmj.-sbury vs Hentley K Kitiv-sbury. John K reilon. as.n:m'e: Kate Lembetver appointed referee, to report the same by sept lHH L Benson, district attorney, allowed Si for one day's attendance on circuit court, and a n arrant drawn on the treasurer therefor. K H Medynskl vs II P Thelss and G W Hash ford; referred lo John A Whitman to take lesli monv . 1. Ii While vsO C Tlltany et al: Miss Kate Lcmbenter appointed referee, te report evi dence therein !cpl 1. lsHV Cbas Nlckell vs S It Sherman : demurrer sus tained and plaintiff granted leave to file amended complaint. State vs A Weiglc: motion lo remit bond de nied and district attorney ordered to collect same. Catharine Noland vs S J Day: ordered that a referee in California lake testimony and report by September term of court. William tlanicv rial vs J A Hanley et al; cause referred to Kate W Lemberger. to take testimony nnd report at the next regular term of court. Ordered that the bill of Charles Schull for .M for IS days' services as bailiff for April term of court be allowed. Adjourned until May'JMh. Pure Rich Blood, is essential to good lit tilth, because the blood is the vital fluid which supplies all the organs with life. Hood's Savsa pai illu is the grout blood purifier. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. harmless, effective, do not pain or gripe. For Sale or Trade for Cattle. Thirtv-three acivs outside tho city limits, "west or Medford. Small or chard, house and burn. Price. SioOO. Also 010 acres l." miles east of Prhie ville. Crook county, Oregon. Price. f.tlO. Terms. $"tK a year. Fkank Vauina, Medford, Or. Fruit Land and Farm For Sale. Four and seven-eighths acres of laud, set out to fruit, large eight room house, first-class, with closets, pantry, bath room, cellar, milk room, summer kiuihon, wood shed; good barn. Also 143 acre ranch, S miles from Medford, 'J0 per acre. Inquire at The Mail office. These Gentlemen Are Artists. Messrs. Coulter & Corson are right in line with very up to date work. There is nothing done with paint and brush that these gentlemen are not equal to. They can do calcimining, decorating, siguwriting, carriage and house painting, nnd paperhanging, and every piece of work they contract is guaranteed to be positively first-class. They have had years' of experience and no "botch job"' ever loaves their hnnds. A look at their pictorial sign writing will convince every one of their ability to execute the best work. Shop on north 1$ street, near Seveuth. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder World's Pair Highest Award. The Neathammer Robbery Case. Wm. liateman, Wm. Ennls, and Mrs. Xeat bammcr, of Medford, were arrested last San day by Deputy U. S. Marshal Wm. Webb and Constable Whipple, of Woodville, charged with having broke into the granery of Jacob Neat hammer near Kock Point, on the night of April . 18th, W9S, and taking therefrom a sack contain ing In the neighborhood of tseoo. They were taken to Woodville Sunday evening, and after a preliminary examination lasting three days, they were bound over to appear before the grand jury by Justice Slmpkins, before whom the trial took place. The warrants were sworn out by Root. Baben, a local detective who has been at work on the case for some time past. The ball of each was as follows: Wm. Bate man, FaOO; Wm. Ennls. (1300; Mrs. Neatham mer, 1750. Owing to the fact that Tub Mail bad no representative at Woodville to attend the examination we are unable to give the sub stance of the testimony, but we can say that the case is a decidedly mixed up adalr. and to print the story of both sides would take about seven and thr. e quarter columns of type, and lack of space prevents. Friends of the prose cution have one story to tell and those for the defense a different one. Which is correct is not tho province of this paper to state, and we couldn't tell if we did feel that way. We only hope that, if the guilty ones are those appre hended, they will be dealt with in accord with the law, but if innocent they ought not to be persecuted. As we go to press defendants are in Jackson ville with their bondsmen, fix tug up the re quired bonds. Fourth of July. It is now fully decided that Medford is to celebrate but what to wear is the question? Before deciding, remember that at the New Palace store, you will find the newest goods, latest styles, best assortment and lowest prices to be found in the state of Oregon. We carry in stock everything that a boy or man can call for in furnishings, clothing, boots, shoes, hats and caps, we have just received some beautiful new suits in fine foods, (and cheap ones too) for the Fourth trade. In la dies wear-at present we have complete lines in hosery, gloves, corsets ucbrel las, parasols, ribbons and novelties, shoes and Oxford ties, both in black and tan. Thompson-, Van Dyke & Co. Central Point Will So Ordain. Peter Applegate, the eentiemanly and always courteous and ever able city recorder of Central Point, is as Bill Nye would say 4an original cuss.' This week he wrote to The j .mail, ior prices on printing the city aw! ordinances, for that city, and to ex aoiplaiu just what he wants he states i "there will lie sub-heads to the ordi w nances, something like what is shown vwlon the back of this letter." Upon turning the letter over this is what we found: "OKDINANCE NO. -S." "TO P if EVENT PEOPLE FROM OIN To MKDFOUD AFTER MAGS, ETC." Attention, Pioneers! The nineteenth annual tneclsnsj of ! ,,. Pioneer Society of Southel i .... . , , , ; . ! wl" "'. the town rn Ore- hall in jai'hxini isie. 1 nursuav. J tine tu Jslo. i al I o Clock l. m.. for the purpose of Meeting Officers of th society for the j nsinn; ear, ana to transact any other business that may legitimately be brought before the meetinsr. Silas J. Day. Secretary. Griffin Creek Gatheriuars. BY OCCASIONAL. Mrs.J.r. True was a pleasant caller on Crooked creek Monday. A. N. Soliss was out from lacksonville Sun day, visiting his parents. Mr. IViley came dowu from Ashland one day recently on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Griffin were visiting C W. Fraley and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Priddy, of Medford, were visiting relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kedpath were visiting Mr. Kedpath's mother near Medford last Sun day. Mrs. Kendall, of Medferd. spent a Tew days recently visiting her daughter, Mrs. Andrews, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Lawton. of Medford, spent Friday of last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Soliss, f this place. Misses Sadie Amnnn and Ida Redden were out froiu Medford Wednesday, visiting with tho former's grandmother. Mr. Guches was very unfortunate in getting oue of his eyes badly hurt recently, which is j causing him considerable trouble, j Miss Kydul Bradbury and brother came I out from Medford last Saturday to make a visit t of several days with Mrs. True and son Charles. Sir. brown anil famtlv came in from Eastern Oregon Saturday. After inakiug a several weeks' vi.sit wiili relatives and friends, thev wtll be accompanied home bv their cousin. Miss E. McUuniels. One of the most pleasant ami enjoyable times that your correspondent has ever had the pleas ure of unending in this community, was held at the home of G. W. Uashford last Friday eve ning, and none have been more surprised than were Mr. Bushford and wife when about sixty of their neighbors and friends marched in by twos to spend a good old-fashioned eve ling. They took with them plenty of cake and a big chunk of ice, and ice cream and cake were served very bountifully at 10 p. m. ty the ladies. The following gentlemen and their wives were present: 1. M. Lotiand, W. K. Gnttln, L. A. Murphy. M. Bellinger. C. W. Fraley. J. Bellin ger, J.V. True. N. Kime, J. Hartley. H. L. Griftln. D. B. Soliss. P. Elmer. 1. Whetstone. Also Mrs. Fry and Mrs. Anu Stephenson, Misses Ella McDunlel. Eva Soliss, Anna Fry, Jane Whetstone. Katie Bellinger, Millie Soliss an.l Cora Uashford, Messrs. Frank True. Clinton Spencer, Joo Thomas, Jake Hereford. Klnier Bashford, Omar Murphy, Marion Hartley. Or en Murphy, Weldon Hartley, Ben Whetstoiie. Chas. True, Frank Bellinger, Bud Laoy, Ernest and Alfred Elmer, and several little children thrown in. Wants to Trade Farm Property. Two farms in the Willamette valley to trade for Medford city or suburban property. For particulars inquire or write to Henry Hot.st, Medford, Or. Mackey, the Photographer. Since pitching his photo tent in Medford Mackey has turned out some clegaut work. A call at this gallery will convince you that Mackey is a first class workman. Photo tent on Sevonth street opposite Clarendon hotel.