county wm Our Several Hustling Correspond ents About the County Tell Terse Paragraphs of the Doings of the People m Their Re- spective Districts A Tab Kept on Everybody and Friends. Eagle Point Eaglets. BY A. C HOW LETT. Geo. Morine was on the sick list last week. Mrs. A. J. Florey is quite sick. Dr. Stanfield is in attendance. Mrs. Clara Kader and Wort Tool, of Antelope, were doing business in Medford Saturday. Last Wednesday D. M. Simon 'and T. L. Linkswiler were at the county seat. Rev. L. L. G rover and Dailev were attending to Wm. B. business in Jacksonville last week. Mrs. Minnie DuVaul, who has beeu stopping in Med ford for some time, has returned to Eagle Point. Mrs. Rolston, of Jacksonville, oniric nut Saturdav to visit mends in our town. She returned Monday. Mrs. J. E. Stickle, who has been j in gardening these days, afflicted with an abscess on the eye, ! Ben Edwards, of Medford, vis had it lanced last Saturday, and is j ited friends here last week, getting along very well. j Mrs. Rebecca Witt is staying There were quite a number of j with Mrs. Tabor, of Woodville. strangers in town Monday, and the Mrs. W. L. Bradley has been prospect is favorable for a nice j quite ill, but is much better now. batch of news next week. j L gcott exi)ect3 to start for P. B. Davis and Mike Mayfield, Glendale Saturday, on a visit to of the Meadows, are gathering and j relatives. branding cattle at V. 1 . uatinews i place, lhey have nougni four hundred head. ! Born Near Brownsboro, May 8, 1 181)5. to Mr. and Mrs. W m. Comp- ton. twins, a boy and a girl: weight, 6i and 54 pounds respective y At last accounts mother and chddren were doing well. Dr. Pickel.ot Mediord, was called . m - it ...i,-. h .c ' to s?e Mrs. G. W . Apger, who has been sick for several" weeks. He . pronounced her disease cancer of the stomach. She is in a very crit-' ioai ivmdition. and little hope'is en-1 tertained for her recovery. i Mr. Layman, who has been work- j ing at Pokegama, returned to his j home in this neiahborhood last Fri-' day to see his children, their moth- j er being in the asylum at Salem. ! He reports business lively in that j locality. i Miss A. M. Thomas, who has ; been out in Klamath county for some weeks, returned yesterday. I 111.:?,-. l..-.... . filrtit fr. o trat . iif; ..imcu. v.... "enjoying t, too. land for a homestead. She expects to return to Klamath in the near Miss May Sackett came up to future. Asbestos recently and is now mak- The farmers have beeu very busy ! ug some improvements about her during the past week, planting corn, i hous and -vard-and with a few showers of rain, ; Our new road commissioner, Dan the present indications are that i Butte Creek will turn out more grain and hay this year than has been produced here for years. Prosjiect Items. BY REG LETS. That frost got most everything, i but E. 8. Moore's fruit is not in-; jured. His apple and prune trees are full of blossoms and the chances are now goou ior a oig yieia ior ; neid in gathering a drove ot live young trees. Mr. Moore has one of; hundred head of cattle for buyers the finest homes in Oregon. j from Colorado. Wm. Forsythe The hall in the hotel building of i takes Lark's place with the mail. A. H. Boothbv was christened re-; centiy by a" party. Miss Maud lalent Items. Boot Id y was assisted by her sister, ; i)V ikuegulak. Mrs. Rebecca Buck, in receiving ' The prospects are fine for fruit, her many friends who attended, i garden and grain crops in abund- Jlrs. Boothbv prepared one of those ! ance. Our next worry will be a good buptiers for which the estinia- j market for the large yield. ble lady is renowned. The music j j. j. Over js ari assaver of no was all rtzht and all had a good ltiean proportions. As a' matter of ime- ! fact he is an expert at the business McDonald Perdue has a most ; and can tell you acurately the pleasant home on the banks of our j value of your rock on very short Roguish stream, about three miles ; notice. from Prospect. It takes much to ; The o(1 u.uv al,out "winter get Mac out of his customary good !ingerillg in the jap of ppring humor. He is hospitable, too ; ; plave1 out in this locuUtv- I think tells otio to come and stay two or:we-,nay f. congra"tuiate olir. three days and means what he,si.ivf.s th;.t. ws r,re now to b.iv. ays. However, as we dropped in to this ordinarily happy home the other day, we noticed an air of gloom resting over the place. Mac had the appearance of one tore up the back." We noticed he was comparing the silver editorials in the Oregonian with those on the same subject in the San Francisco Chronicle a bad sign. After we ; had filled our pipe out of his tobac-1 o box and had something to stim late conversation, he said it was like this : During high water it is difficult to cross the river in his email boat, as there are rapids below, so he had prepared to run a cable from bank to bank and ferry him self across. The cable was made fast on the home side and coiled in the boat and he attempted to row across. The cable assisted to draw the boat down stream, and a few feet from the opposite bank he was forced to jump into the water or be drawn over the falls there. Thej water was up to his chin, but he grasped the bow of the boat and, by an almost superhuman effort, succeeded in drawing the boat to the bank. The cable was made fast to a tree, a rope passed through the pulley and attached to the boat, and lie essayed to ferry himself home. All worked nicely until the middle of the stream was reached. i when the indlev became fast. The boat rapidly tilled with water and Mac hfld to swim for it. He came lout on the opposite side from home, ! carrying an axe with him from the boat, and tried to fell a tree across. The tree did not reach the opposite bank, but he thought he could wade out. In crossing on the log, he slipped as he reached the place where it was under water, falling backwards, and was washed under the log and down stream some dis tance before he reached the bank. Besides being chilled through, he lost his hat, an axe, two pairs of oars and the boat. We venture to say a man with less pluck would not be here to tell of it. Mac says he has boated on the Chesapeake, Gulf of Mexico and Crater lake, but Rogue river in a freshet is too much for him. Evans Creek Events. by gkneva. ! The farmers are busily engaged w D Wilcox has obtained a po- isition in the Lucky Bart ni me. on $ardine creek. BornTo the wifc 0f chas. Wil ,- ia r.,.. iSn-. nftnn uvi.Ti.t thirtn pj,um. Wt,k . . , ' to remain for some time. ! 1 nil miikins and little Ixiv. of . Bedford re v.s.ting relative here the Hrt of the week . J- R- Cunningham and wite took Tuesday mornings train for Los! Angeles, Cal., where they expect to "ide inJfuture; Asbestos item. Our school began lsst week with Miss Carrie Sackelt in charge. ji;ss jessaie p,eaver is attending school here, staying at the Oak Hill ranch. Little Herman Coeti is seeine mountains, and the wonders of the Kevnoius, went to Jacksonville Tuesday of last week to meet with 1 the county board. Frank Davis, our postmaster, was in Medford last week, getting ! a supply of the necessaries of life. i As Medford is the place, of course he directed his steps in that direc- turn. The popular mail carrier, Lark Reynolds, is assisting Mike Mav- spring and summer near together. The people up Wagner creek are making great changes in the geog- Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair. Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. raphy of that locality. The God dard estate has been divided and the sisters, Mrs. M. II. Coleman and Mrs. W. J. Dean are each build ing a new house and all other build ings necessary for a suburban residence. The oth?r heirs, H. H. and Ueno Goddard, take their shares in money. The greatest sensation that has struck Talent was the advent of the renowned Lecturess and Elocu tionist Mrs. Letitia Owen. She arrived from California on Wed nesday the Sth, and commenced a series of lectures in the Baptist church. The interest was good from the first. Last Monday even ing was the sixth of the series and there was hardly sitting room in the large audience room. Her sub jects are of a moral and religious character. The admission is free. iirowiisboro Items. HY UEHWCA. Mr. A. Hoyt, of Big Butte, made a business call in town this week. John Compton and son have just finished putting in a large corn crop. Miss Lulu Miller made a pleas ant visit to relatives residing at Big Butte last Friday. Mr. Ferguson, of Medford, was in our little town for a load of shakes one day this week. E. Casto, owner of White Eagle, of Eagle Point race fame, returned to his home in Klamath county a few days since. J. A. Miller and II. Wright are delivering several hundred fine ce dar posts for James Bell, to George Isaacs, of Medford. Mr. T. Baldwin, accompanied by James Bell, left town for the county seat Monday morning. They will also visit the Hub city ere they re turn. Mr. Frieze, of Central Point, made a call this weik. He is on a trip to his mountain place near Kaiicherie, where he will remain a few weeks. .1. H. Layman, our citizen who is now an employe in the Pokegama lumber mills, visited his home near Urowmdioro the 12th. Mr. L. states that the lumlcr company is doing a much more thriving bus iness than at this time last year. Table Kork Items. Cobb Law returned to his Wil low Springs farm Sunday. Fred Hansen went to the county seat Monday on legal business. iuite a number of our people at tended church services at Central Point last Sunday. J. O. Johnson went to Medford Monday. His children are nearly over their sickness. Mrs. Olive Kilburn left Sunday for Jacksonville where she exjH-cts to spend the summer. Pelton Bros, are gathering their cattle now. they will soon move them to their range east of the mountains. E. P. and Will Pickens are both in Siskiyou County. Calif. Will went to accept a position there and E. P. on a business trip. J. C. Pendleton, sent his trotting colt, "Macbeth," to the Central Point track to be trained. G. W. McDonald has him in charge. Davis, the cattle buyer from the Linkville country, had all his herd ready to move from Butte creek Tuesday. He bought about four hundred head. Mr. By bee finished shearing Saturday ; fleeces are not reported very heavy this year, but they ex pect quite an advance over last year in prices. If the road overseer would dig up the stumps in the road before put ting on gravel, the road between here and Central Point would be much smoother and safer. We have had several hot days lately, but it was just what was needed. In California it has been so hot that in several places crops were injured. We have no such complaints to offer. Mr. Simons, our hard working school teacher went fishing Satur dav. The biggest thing he caught was a fall. In jumping from one rock to another he lost his footing and fell, striking his back on a sharp rock. 'Twas a hard jolt but he has kept going and will soon be as good as new. J. C. P. Jacksonville News. Ex-Sheriff Pelton and family, of Ashland, visited friends here Fri day. G. W. Trefern, C. B. Watson and E. I). Briggs, Ashland attorneys, were attending circuit court Mon day. Prof. X. L. Xarregan, of Medford, was in town Saturday assisting Superintendent Newbury grade the papers of the applicants for certifi cates. II. D. Kubli. and family, of Ap plegate, are stopping in Jackson- Kubli is temporarily in charge of the Kubli hardware store. K. Kubli and wife, Mrs. PI finale, J. A. Boyer and John Arnold are spending the week at Salem attend ing the annual meetings of the I. O. O. F. and Uebekah lodges. Deputy Clerk E. E.- Smith is not j slow as a bicycle rider, and is i merely a beginner. He left Ash land Monday morning and rode to I Jacksonville, a distance of seventeen ' miles, and arrived herein time to; write a letter to his father and send j it on the 8:;0 o'clock train. j Andrew J. Walls, a resident of! the meadow, was brought to town 1 Saturday on complaint of some of j his hcighbors who thought him to be insane. Alter a thorough ex amination bv Drs. DeBar and Rob inson, they declared him not a fit j subject for the asylum and he was in consequence discharged. The anniversary ball of the I. 0. R. M. took place last Friday even-! ing at the U. S. hall. The ball! was not so well attended as on for mer occasions but there were enough dancers present to have a real pleasant time. Thirty-eight tickets ville this week. Mr. were sold. Several couples from : medford, and a number of Grants i Pass' popular young men were in i attendance. The music was a de-; cided improvement over former oc- if casions. i A committee consisting of Chris. Ulrich, John Orth and Geo. 1 lines, was appointed by the city council ( last Tuesday evening to investigate;! the feasibility of procuring water z for the town. They made a survey during the week and found they can easily get the water from the I head of Walker creek, which is z just one mile west of the cemetery, f ami they propose to construct a.: large reservoir in the cemetery and f then lay pipes from there for the distribution of the water. With a I I supply of water ! rank with any of Jacksonville will the towns in the v.ilK-v fur beautv. fni Ira I Point Item. Dr. E. P. ( iearv was in our city Monday. George Bradley started fjr Prine ville Thursday. John Stidham is now employed on the Tolo section. Mrs. J. G. McDonald of Tolo. was here on Monday. A. J. Walls, of Meadows pent .Monday in our city. Dr. J. Hinkle made a trip to Jacksonville on Monday. Wm. Pickens has gone to Coles. Calif, to sjend the summer. J. W. Hays, of Gold Hill, spent Monday here on business. Elder Stine, of Roseburg. held divine services hers last week. Mrs. John Hacey, of Medford. -pent Tuesday with friends here. Mrs. B. Vincent, of Sams Valley. spent a day here during the week., P. Devlin, of Jacksonville was in town on business the first of the week. F. T. Fradenburg. f Hotel Ore gon, Ashland, spent Monday in our city. Mrs. A. L. Harvey spent last week with friends in Gold Hill precinct. W. C. Dickinson and family, of Table Rock, attended church here last Sunday. Mark Applcgate took the (rain Monday evening for the north part of the state. A party of young ladies and gen tlemen from here held a picnic on Table Rock Wednesday. i Edwin Pierce, who has been min ing in Steamboat district, is spend ing a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan, of Sams Valley, visited with relatives of this place during the week. Mrs. (J. T. llershberger, who has been quite ill the past two weeks, is not improving, we are sorry to say. .!. C. Barnard, who has charge of the Eagle Point school, spent Sat urday and Sunday with his friends here. Mrs. R. W. Kennedy took Tues day's train for Roseburg. She goes as a delegate to the W. C. T. U. : convention. Albert Reynolds, John Williams and Joseph Boswell, who are now working at the tailoring business i at Medford, spent Sunday at their j respective homes here. i John Hall, who has been attend- j ing a medical school the past two j years, is paying his brother, J. 0. Hall of this place a visit. He has j many warm friends here. i H. H. Howman, publisher Kmpiir-j er, of Bremen, Intl., writes: "Lust j week our iiltlo ffirl baby, tho only one ; we have, was taken sick with croup, j After two doctors tailed to fj'h'e. relief, j and life was hanging on a mere thread, ' wo tried Duo Minute Cough Cure and I its life was saved.'' l!eo. II. Haskins, druggist. House uud lot tor sale, this ollioo. Iuquiro at A boy was born near the Btimmit of Pike's Peak, Colo., recently. The parents are Air. mid Mrs. John TaRRert. Taggert is foreman of the cog rail road which carries tourists uj tho jx-nk. The boy bus been nauHfd Pike's Peak Taggert. 4 i i i i i 4 BEWARE of Imitation trad mark and labels. is the about kRt AflP HAffK SODA J 111 ITOrtrCPC C0315 no 4 111 paviyuV. flour - 3 Made only by CHURCH fc CO., Hew J ' - 'AMjMuaer U-VV WW j 1 z" ' '"""""hmi Ilith Knit: IVUi.-!iall" T I r f . corchrr. !1 Kiin. Wax crii-y Clin c h r r Tlrr. 1 Z wrlsrht J ( 1 ! v $65 z K,-x:lar frame, sume E u-richl. S85 Z Initio' lrt I-raiao atur w-t'lyul ami 5 tirr . jrs - I jt-.hcV I'iatnon d wo'd Z Kims in c i hi 31 H 75 Deuel & Stvens, Agt's MEDFORD, ORKCON 1 tlHIMIIIIMIIIMMMIIIIIIIIMIMMIII.ini Illllllll t n r F ' Are The jFhF,2 Highest of all High 'ijp'v Grades ...-j Location of Land Lvinjr but a few roils 'mile to the east of Amount Tract of Land in Now on the flarket Commands an cellent View of Medford Ex- How Payments may be Made Fruit and Fruit Cul ture Who to Address Dr. H. It. Fish, of Gravois Mills Mo., a practicing physician of many years' experience, writes: "De Witt's Witch IJaz-il Salve has no equal for indolent sores', scalds and burns. It stops pain insluntlv, heals a burn quickly und leaves no scar.'' Geo. II. I J asking, lrugLt. iHD HA. whole story mo" thin other package soda never spoib veryacknowledgedptirestfJitteworM. York. Sold by tracers ererywhere. .boo or r loabto ttnrlpca fn;, , m mmmu r (filCYCLES. Warranted SnpBrior to any Bicycle lmili in the Worlfl. I ... . Regarfe of Price.... Kea-l U:.- follotrinir opiniup of one of ihe mrst prominent Ameri": can .U-ak-r-i wiiu ha-, suij buuured of lhi-e wheels: ; Kichsio.vh, Va., Oct. 2. 1S3J. i 1ni.iv r.icvr: k Co.. Indianapolis. Imi.: : .i vri.i MKS-Thc Wavrrl.-y onhcr .-ud Belle came to hand ves-E In. lay. We an-alraul y i have -nt us Ihe hiRh priced wheel' bv : mistake Viu can t menn lo tell us that this wheel retails for 1 Ut miiM say that it is. without exception, the prettiest wheel wt have ever seen. aixl. moreover, we have faith in it. although it : weigh only ll... for of all Wnvcrlcys we have sold this war anil: last an.l v.i know that is a right sood number', we have never had : a single frame nor fork broken, either from a-eident or defect, and z that i more than we ran say of any other wheel, however high erade. -so that we sell. We congratulate ourselves cverv dav that we: are the Waverley Aseuts. Yours truly, Walter C. 51 kkcek A: Co. - ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE INDIANA BICYCLE CO. I INDIANAPOLIS, IND. I III III Mlllltim lllllllllltllt IIIC S. CHlLtEfS' mm mm more than ....Medford, Oregon, Is situated ll"0 acres of land which is especially adapted to Fruit Growing. This land has recently been placed upon the market and is now offered for sale in tracts of from 21 to 10 Acres. The name. "Fairview," is given this property because, that being located as it is. on a flight eminence, a view of all parts of .Medford and a good portion of the valley can be had from any part of the land. Nearly ail of this land has been cleared and has been under culti vation for a number of years. The soil is of an exceptionally line quality and its adaptability to fruit-growing has been proven. This land will be sold upon the Installment Plan. Payments may be made at $1.2o per week, per month or $lo every quar ter, or a liberal discount will be made for all cash purchases. The success attending fruit culture is no longer an experiment. By direct anal ysis the soil is found to contain all the elements required to produce fruits from the semi-tropical to the hardiest varie ties. Over these favorable conditions hangs a climate co-ordinated, and adjust ed to the nature of the soil. For further information cencerninjr this desirable property call on or address S, CHILDERS, MEDFORD, - - OREGON. 1 one - i j