IS THE THE MAIL UOfl PJIPEBS. ' LARGEST PAPER IN SOUTHERN OREGON. VOL. VII. MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1895. NO. 20. THE MAIL JfML PROFESSIONAL CARDS. y J. BENNET, ARCHITECT JAND SUPERINTENDENT. Plans, Specifications and Details.' Perspec Tive Drawings and Blueprints. Ventilation and Drainage a Specialty. Hamlin Block, - - Medford, Oregon. WHITE & JEFFREY, G. W. White. J- A. Jeffrey. ATTORM EYS AT LAW. Medford, Oregon. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Special attention given to all kinds of convey ancing. Notary work and collections at reas onable rates and remittances promptly made. Mining law a specialty. Office on seventh street, opposite Opera House. CJROWELL & PARKER, W. S- Crowell. W H. Parker. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Hamlin Block, Medford, Or. W." B- OFFICER, PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON, Eagle Point. Oregon- Office Inlow residence. - KIRCHGESSXER, PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON, Medford, Oiegon. r Phipps' Block, Cor C and Seventh sts. Ohio pRANCIS FITCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Medford, Ore. Will practice in all courts of state or U. S t Jb H. WHITMAN, ABSTRACTOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in bank buildine. Medford. Or Have the most complete and reliable abstracts of title in Jackson county. JJAMMOND & VAWTER, Austin S. Hammond. Wm. L Vawter. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, effice x.O.O. F. building. Medford. Or J B. PICKEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Medford. Or Office: Haskin Block. B. WAIT, PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON, OSce in Childers- Block. Medford. Or E. P- GEARY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Cor. C and Seventh sts.. Medford, Or. J)R. O. F. DEMOREST, RESIDENT DENTIST. Makes a specialty or first-class work at reason able rates. Office in Opera House, Medford, Or. QDGERS & HALL, DENTISTS. Have permanently located in Medford for the practice of dentistry. From a continued prac tice of over 14 years, we are prepared to guamn tee entire satisfaction. Give us a call. Over Slovers drug store. I. A.. MOUNCE.... Wholesale and Retail Dealer in. Choice Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Fine Cigars and Todacco. Temperance Drinks in Variety... Opposite Postofllce. MEDFORD, - . OREGON For Fine Candy. Choice Cigars and Tobacco. A.o News OePOT AfID ''SJS? Choice Novels. First Door South of Bank. I FLOUB END FEED STORE. At the old stand on Seventh Street. FLOUR WHEAT, o :OATS AND BARLEY, Whole or chopped. Corn, Potatoes and Deans, ALSO BALED HAY FCR SALE. Cash paid for Eggs, or taken In exchange. J. R. ERFORD, Proprietor. Medford, Oregon. f CHASE " Him J?? tV lnt... Sum Gantf Palace We Have the Largest, Best Assorted . . . And cheapest stock of Stoves and Hardware in Southern Oregon. We also carry a large stock of Masury's Mixed Paints, Linseed and Machine Oils of all kinds. The fishing season has arrived and we are well prepared for fishing tackle. If you want anything in Granite ware now is your time to buy it, as prices are low in that line J. BEEK & CO., Medford, -:- -:- Oregon SPIIS1 SELL CHOICEST! IMPORTED BY WDtfeBM. MEDFORD. OR. HOTEL lill. .1. i IB ... I rf?S In a JACK HORRIS The Is strictly "in it" on new and 2nd hand ::::: C C ir r West Side of Rail Road Track Photos, Photos. THE MEDFORD i PHOTOGRAPHERS expert workmen. Call at our Studio and TYLER k IMSEil A- LIB' 1 W-f Prescriptions -;- Carefullv ':' Compounded. Main Street. Medford Oregon. J. W. DEALER IN- HARNESS AND gADDLERY. Order Work Given Special Attention. REPAIRING IS RIGHT IN MY LINE. Hand-made and Campbell lock stitck machine-made harness always on hand. SEVENTH STREET, -o- MEDFORD, OREGON. HH Kinas of Legal "OS? it with a complete supply of Lumsden & Berlin GROCERIES, TEAS AND COFFEES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO AL Our jrols are fresh and prices are as low as goods our car. lo sold for live red free limits. cash. Goods de within the citv flEDFORD BLOCK... C 3 c ai Retail TYLER & MISER, Are now prepared to do all work in our line with promptness and with entire satisfaction to all patron. Fine instruments; goHi gallery: see samples of our work. BRING THE BABIES to Hamlin Mock, MEDFOKD, OliEGOX. THE MORTAR DHUG STOE, . II. HASKIXS, l'lop'r. H AHVTHINO IN TNC LINK Or - . q Purp Diiifrs, Patent MnlioincH, Books, Stationery, PAINTS and OILS, Tobuccoe. Cigars, rcrfunierv. Toilet Articles and Kvcrythlnir thnt Is oirrlcd lu a first cluss 1)RUU STORK Lawton, Blanks ai mis Office DOCTORS flEET. An Intresting Session of the Southern Oregon Medical Society. Discussions Had Upon Various Topics New Officers Elected Banquet at the Nash. The Southern Oregon Medical association met in the A. O. U. V. hall in this city Tues day, May 14th, at 11 a. m. The meeting was called to order by the president, Dr. J. S. I'arsons, of Ashland, Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, acting as secretary pro tem. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Dr. Joseph Myers, of Grants Pass, made application for member ship in the association, and upon motion was elected. Later in the day Dr. li. Officer, of Eagle Point, made application for mem bership, and was also elected. After the transaction of other minor matters, the annual address of the president was read. The subject was a review of the princi ples of bactenotherapy. It miite lengthy and was a well pared article. He dwelt at some ; and meeting if only once in a year length upon the anti-toxine treat- for the purpose of friendly dis'eus ment for diphtheria, his remarks j sion of new methods of treatment, being confined to scientific figures ; ew medicines, and relating past and principles. Taken as a whole the address was one of more than ordinary interest, and was highly appreciated by the members pres ent. A general discussion followed the reading of the address, and Dr. E. B. Pickel, of Medford, offered some very interesting remarks up on the subject of anti-toxine treat ment, lie being the only physician niwnt irhnW n.l minitirp.l U.o - - remedy for the fatal disease. He explained in detail the manner ol administering the medicine, the mode of treatment and the ultimate t , , , , . , , ,! Aruiur uhikiih, m ! and speedy result which followed lxHn ppojnU.d agon : in the case treated by him. Drs. jcgon for the Canadia VanDvke, Dollar, Moore and Krc- nu-r also took part m hn r!is 1110 OIM Us- j sion, ana their remarks were very ! instructive 11S well as interesting. On motion a vote of thanks was) ! tm., Mr P.r.n,,.- f. ,r ln n 1 .!. address. The election of officers was fje taken up and lr. DeHar was chosen president by acclamation. Dr. K. P. (ieary was also chosen by accla mation for secretary and treasurer. After a few remarks by the new ly elected president, discussion of cases and reading of papers was again taken up, and Dr. Van Dyke, of C5 rants Pass, reported a case of treatment of gunshot wound in shoulder joint, which was fully ex plained and upon which the doctor was congratulated for his success in savins: his patient's arm. Dr. Vandyke also told of a case of am - . . r.i r . .... r .... putation of the fore arm, for cancer on the hand. Three unique surgical cases were reported by Dr. Geary, and a short discussion followed. Dr. Pickel then read a paper on vaginal hysterectomy, with a full description of the case treated. A general discussion followed the reading of each of the papers, in which all members took part, after which the meeting adjourned for dinner, which was served at Hotel Nash at 2 p. in. The fact that the dinner was served by the members of the association residing in Med ford, and by their orders was spe cially prepared, and a glance at the bill of faro following, will readily convince . even ho of Delmonico tastes of its superbness and its abil ity to satisfy the inner man. The menu as served was as follows: Oyster Soup. Kudishe.x, Young Onions. Ollvi-s, Miikc-d Fresh Fish, Tomato Sauce Spring Chicken. Koust Sirloin of Heef. Mushed Potiitoes. tin-en Teas. Lettuce, with Muyoiumise. lMuln Hreml, Couni lllscuit. Crackers. Vunllln Ice Cream, Assorted Cakes. Nuts. oranges. Iced Ten. ColTee. After dinner was over the partici pants returned to the hall, where an hour was very pleasantly spent in smoking cigars, telling experi ences and spinning favorite yarns, when the meeting was again called to order and business resumed. The president appointed Dr. Brower, of Ashland, and Dr. Kre mer, of Grants Pass, censors for the ensuing year. A letter from Dr. Daly, of Lake view, was then read by the secre tary, in which he expressed his deepest regrets at his inability to be present at the meeting, which was placed on file. On motion, Drs. Geary, Parsons and Pickel were appointed a com mittee to draft suitable resolutions of respect to Dr. Rowland ,Pryce, a copy of same to bo presented to Mrs. Pry ce. A vote of thanks was tendered the Medford physicians for the kind treatment and hospitality shown the visitors. There being no further business, the association adjourned, to meet at Jacksonville on the second Tues day in May, 1S0G. Following are the names of those in attendance: Drs. D. M. Brower, J. S. Parsons, Ashland; James S. Moore, W. T. Kremer, F. AW Van Dyke, Joseph Myers, Grants Pass; Geo. O'B. DcBar, Jacksonville; W. B. Officer, Eagle Point; J. P. Wait, E. P. Geary, K. B. Pickel, Medford. There is u:ore than ordinary sig nificance attached to meetings of this nature, as in the hands of these men the lives of many per- was pons are often placed, and by form-pre- j jnjT themselves into an association experiences, much good is bound to result. 1 lien again, they are ena bled to guard against the imposi tion by unskilled men who travel through the country and impose their presence upon the public. Thev all work under one set of reg ulations, and have one scale of prices, which alone is of great bene- fit in the nub c mxiri which thev n...i ............. nr....:t oicmh j.3ciiiai duty. Bits of Local Railway News. Arthur Conklin, of Grants Pass, has; t for Southern Or- :in Pacific railroad. ..:..: I- r I Atchison. Toneka A- Jvmla Feci ail- l road, was attached to No. l-. Sunday j evening. ,;, train was at work between I -...... . 1... .. ., I A -1 1 - ...I 1 ... li-.i-.f, j the week. Foreman Kelly has a new ! supply of ties now which he is put unjf in place 01 oiu ones. S. L. Whittle, formerly a Postal telegraph lineman, with headquarters at Ashland, is now employed in a like cajmeity for the Portland telephone company. Mr. Whittle is well known in Medford. . K. C. Kane, the S. 1. Company's afent at Ashland, denyes that he has left the employ of the company stat ing1 that he will again wait upon the traveling public at the old stand as soon as his sixty day vacation shall have expired. It was Conductor Jamison who was 1 charge of No. 15 on Sunday evening : of last week, and who backed up from , lVn(ni, lVmt u riWVor a Ii;lck5llfro ;of by htm at tins place. Last week in mentioning llie occurrence we stated that the train wa in charge of Con ductor Tynan. The C. I. K. 11. Co. has just paid into the county treasury of Siskiyou county. -Calif., at Yivka. the sum of S,nj.'.5 Lur redemption of tis.ooti acr s of land soltl for delinquent taxes in 1!1 and iv.:t. valued at f1.072. hav ing oaid the taxes of lSl'2 when due. In addition to this. S l.!?12 has also been paid on land taxes for IS;'!, besides ).0!0 tiueonthe second installment, or about 1.0thi during the past month. The county (Hirtion of the back taxes to lx- collected by the state controller on rolling stock and road bed, of which this county gets a portion for 1SSi-7. has not vet been received, owing to a disputo between controller and K. H. Company as to the amount. The Little Folk's Birthday. Last Saturday a birthday party was celebrated at tho beautiful large resi dence of Attorney G. V. White, in east Medford. It was the tenth birth day of little Clarice White and eleventh birthday of little Bernico Angle. To make the occasion a moro pleasant one, the two little ladies celebrated the event jointly, and accordingly invited a number of their young friends to bo present. There were about a dozen or fifteen present and an awfully nice tinio was enjoyed. During the after noon games of various nature were indulged in fund at tea time refresh ments of ice cream and cake were served. Tho older members of tho two families did all possible to amuse the young people and they succeeded admirably. Aside from the members of tho two families there were present, Gertrude Odgers: Helen Wait, Jennie Woodford, Anna Johnson, Laura Ben nett, Artie Bennett, Bernico Sayre, Hazlo Tiee, Olivo Hart, Daisy Howard, Gertrude Stewart, and Lulu Porter. BICYCLES AND BICYCLISTS. .1. A. Whitman will soon have in stock a supply of "Crescent' wheels, which are said to be high grade. If there is not less reckless riding on Hide walks in the residence portions of the city, there Is going to be trouble. The state agricultural board has au thorized the letting of a contract for the construction of a bicycle track on the fair grounds at Salem. The order . is for a three-lap track inside the main track. Those wheelmen who are contem plating a little "flying" on the glorious Fourth had better get to training pret ty soon. Medford and yicinity has a number of good wheelmen and some good records are looked for. Tom Winder, the journalist, who is making a trip around the edge of the United States on a wheel, passed through Medford last week. He was compelled to walk much of the way across the Siskiyous on account of rough roads. It is understood that the Studebaker Wagon company will soon receive, at their warerooms in Portland, a ship ment of 1000 standard high grade wheels, which they propose to put on the market at 8i5 each. They could sell about a carload of them out this way at that figure. The Bicycle club has decided to pur chase an eightaere tract of land over near B. S. Webb's place, and upon this build their track. The club promises to have the track ready for the Fourth. There will be a grand stand built and everything put in shape to make it a place of much pleasure. A number of the lady bicyclists of Medford have expressed a desire to join the bicycle club, provided there is to be no racing for money on the track. As the gentleman members have promised there shall be nothing of this natute on the track and there is no rule prohibiting the ladies, the club will without a doubt be thus aug mented . , There is no good reason why anyone should go wiihout a "wheel" in this locality if it is only variety to select from that thev want. We have six (dealers and all claim to be handling; ' m5:l graue neeis. luxinold Lros. have the Imperial. J. Bock A Co. th' . victor, Kame - Ci Gilkcv the Ea-rle. j Deuel & Stevens the Waverly, IX H. j Miller the Falcon aud J. A. Whitman I the Crescent. If everything moves as 'tis now ex- i pocted, there will be a hotly contested ' bicycle race in Medford on the Fourth. The e!uh nnvf)vj.s ofT.-rimr . 1 .rnl.l . . ' ' . . rueuai to me cnaiUDion rmer m a ten- ,;t.. ... r.. ... ..n ; -,.... ern orvon south of and uicludin"- : Koseburg. Ihiv Parker will undouM- edlyoe one of the eonu-!auts. aud without doubt There will Ov- a contest . l V v"1,"lT J ant! Koseburir. A 10 silver medal will ai?o be iriven the champion rider of Jackson and Jo sephine counties. Medal to be the voucher for the championship in both ca.os, the latter race to bo for live miles. Public School Entertainment. We give below the public school entertainment program which is to bo given at the opera house in this city tomorrow night. Saturday, May IStb. Last week we stated it would be giveu on the 17th. but the date has been changed. Hero is the.. rKOGKAJI. Open air concert lub!ic School 15ud Overture. 'Anvil Chorus.' . One Hundred Voices, Anvils and Or:m Recitation. "Kale- Shelley." Hessie Condo UialoEite. "The Monnon Family." CAST OK CH AK.HTKItS. Mr. Manley . .. t.. C Bradley Mrs. Mauley F.dith A VunOylto Alice Sinclair (."race Amana i Arthur Mayton Carl Crystal i Children Tommy W. A squires I Sallie Frances Karnes Jerusha Jess Wail I Pick Kalph Woodford I Hob Waller Lippincoii Keciiation, "The Men Who Lilt.'" ... Kmmctt liarKdull Keciiation. "The Inventor's Wife" Olive Hart Sons;, "The Tide of Life." (."iris" t'lee Ciuli Kecitation, "Fidelity." W. A. "squires Keciiation. "If We Kneiv." .. Pearl 'el! OiaUvuo. "Noble Women." . Kdilh A. Vunl'yke, Mayic Foster. Maud Johnson, Viriiie oodfor.t. Anna Carney, hta Weaver, tirace Anianu. Jess Wail. May Pkipps. Fran ces Harncs. Ktvitation. "Kuniiiii an" IVrvy IK-tiriHt Kecitaiion. "A Fin." Kdna Wait Keciiation. "An l nhappy Little t'irl's SoltKv iny ." Jennie Woodford Souk. "-Coniiii)! Through tie Kye." Girls' Glee Club Keciiation. "The Awful Mistake.". Keruice Angle Kecitation. "Yes. I'm Uuilty." . Jas. Su-wart Kecitation, "What Are Little liirls tJoixl For;" Hazel Knyart, Grace Law ton. Fern N orris. Kecituiion. "Little Sunbeam.".. . Ethel Currv The entertainment will close with the won derful living flag and tableau. Admission, & cents. A Call People's Party. To the members of tho People's party. There will he a meeting of- the Medford People's Party elub next Sat urday night at S p. iu.,May IS, ISi5, at Woolfs hal', (or the purpose of elect ing a club committee and attending to other business that may be properly brought before the club. H. Hollings worth. Pres. Asked to Make Settlement. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCKKX. All parties indebted to me are asked to call and settle before July 1, 1S!5. Accounts not settled by that date will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. . Court Hall, Central Point. Oregou. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award.