The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, April 26, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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Our Several Hustling Correspon"
ents About the County Tell
Terse Paragraphs of the
Doings of the People in their Re
spective Districts-A Tab Kept
on Everybody and Frinds.
Eagle Point Eaglets.
Miss Cord a Waltz, of Antelope,
is reported to be ill.
Mrs. Xesler. of Trail creek, is
visiting friends in Eagle Point.
Mrs. G. V. Apger is confined to
her bed with nervous prostration.
Mr. Yancy and family liave
moved from the Clayton plane to
Your correspondent has been
ill for two days the past week
cause, inertia
Miss Daisy S
Big Sticky Items.
David Cingcade made a trip
Med ford last Thursday.
Mrs. Calvin Owens visited at W.
J. Gregory's one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. YV. Smith spent
Sunday with Mrs. Andrews of
An interesting hterarv
home Sunday, but the lady will re
main for several days.
Miss Agnes Devlin is haying a
severe siege of la grippe. Miss
llena Knowles is in charge of the
third department of the school
during Miss Devlin's illness.
Mrs. Florence Comstock, wife of
William Comstock. died at the
fumilv resilience. Thnrsdav even-
meeting .... ,0,1. ,.r "
, t lltii, ,lM II K'lll, 'l V-1II irll III I lilt II I .
church i. .... . i , ;,i V. ..
I M 1 11 I . . - .
children mourn me iosi companion
ship of a wife and mother.
News From Derby.
no 1 "" wi il.tcjfic.Hl hii hoin I I lur -i
last Sunday evening. j vear from l)e a(-t,r lfn,cts ()f ft
Mrs. Cochran, of Med ford, was j of ., grinne. A husl)and and four
a guest oi ner uatnrntcr, turs. i
James (Sregory, last Sunday.
Xye Turpin, of Lake Creek, is
making a short stay on P.ig Sticky
now, being engaged in plowing for
A number of the Holiness people
on Antelope have attended several
of the prayer meetings in our neigh
borhood. Little Karl, infant son of Mr. and
Mra. V. U. Moore, has been seri
ously ill, but at this writing is
A. C ranee's children have been
si x -year-old
is very ill.
Wrislev and
.f Mr.
,fi.d,l 'ri,,m,',l ! quite sick, but are improving now
home Wednesdav of last week from ? the w itchtul eare of Dr. Lee
a visit in Medford.
Mrs. .lerry Heckathorn, of Drain,
is visiting lier brother-in-law, (.
W. Heckathorn, near this place.
J. A. Jonas, who is teaching
school in the Lone district, reports i
.- u ,Yinkit in iHiinit-iinst ! ren.
IrClin III! IX JVII IO HI , , L , v.x
of Central Point.
Charles Schneilbacker departed
from our little valley one day last
week, and will probably make
southern California his destination.
Mr and Mrs. Pruett ami child-
llarvev and Jessie, are visiting
Miss Kdith White .teacher of the i; ' l)U 't i0'rtftlirn t,
jgiie unci uimmii -i iki, "-- o, .: 1, , :
the g
K'.mira. (California
I Mir 1, , .
the guest ot .nss rxipnia Miuoa iai i , ,
Mike Mayhehl that irrepressible j comluctlns, inwt'mgs at the
nastier ot 1 lie Meadows nas again , hou ai)J - hou for
been m our community, ins erranu
being that of preparing to gather
the cattle he has purchased. He
expects to commence driving them
to Eastern Oregon as soon as the
growth of grass is sufficient.
A disease of some kind is preva
lent among hogs in the Ilutte creek
country. The loss has been quite
heavy, in some cases reaching as
high as (t per cent. The disease
is not confined to age or sex. In
many cases brood sows have died
and their young have been left.
Mrs. Morine has recovered her
health sufficient! v to enable her to
go up in the Big Butte mountains.
e ana private nouse
three weeks. Messrs.
Beckett and Wiley cond
An interesting literarv
family vis
ited in the valley last week.
Miss Alt ha Mau.ey is teaching
school in the Ohcuchaiu district.
The dance given recently at Mrs.
Chatraw's was a decided success.
Mr. Wilkisou moved Mr. Van
Horn and family to Medford last
Miss Mary MeKee. of Big Butte,
visited Mr. Hig.-nltliani's family
Sunday of last week.
Among the scholars attending
school in this district is little Mabel
Chatraw, aged t'.iree years.
W. Taggert intends to move to
Talent soon, having
that place. His place
to be sold.
Uaphel Mcssmr. of Gold Iliih
been,'"1 making shingles on Table
school ( nioun tain, in company with John
about 'r;iy- Andrew Chatraw is working
Bri,TiTs ' !l the same place,
.let the; One day recently while Miss
I Benson was out buggy riding with
some voting mends, tne learn im
at Leeds
meeting ;
was held at the school hoiiie. April
loth. A minstrel play by the
Troubadour troujH? was no small
addition to the entertainment. The
boys are but amattire?. but they
act their part in a remarkably tine
The people of the Mound school
came unmanageable and Miss
J henson was tnrown trom the car-
riage. but was not seriously injured.
; Charles Higenbotham. of Med
, ford. has been visiting Ben
' Higenbotham's family, ami went
: from here to his uncle's. Win. Ilig
enhotham. living near Kagle Point.
over a good county road ; two and a
half miles further on is Mr. Ilillis'
place, and turning north and pro
ceeding about one mile, on a branch
road, the center of the Saxo creek
district is reached.
Mr. Hammond's place is the
northern limit of the district, and
is about half a mile beyond the
central point. Coining south the
next ground reached is Mr. Neid
hamcr's. He has recently sold his
placer mine to Koland it Thompson,
of Seattle. The price paid was
$.")00(). Mining lias been actively
going cm since they came into j ins
session of the property, whenever
there was sufficient water.
The adjoining ground on the
south is owned by T. II. Brooks,
and consists of SO acres of placer
ami farming ground, upon which
considerable work has been done
the past few months.
Lying to the south and east is
Young A- Kernan's property, com
prising 100 acres of placer ground,
live locations being included within
its limits. Fine pay ground has
been found in what is known as the
"ancient blue gravel channel."
which promises to reimburse the
'owners for money and labor in-
vested, file owners a re r.uw engaged
! in running tunnels in their quail
'ledges, with excellent prospects of
developing some good paving mines.
Mr. lliliis' property, on the
! county road, opposite Kvans crcik.
comprises "Jul) acres oi fanning an
i mining ground, ami is deserving i f
; attention.
This is an excellent locality for
capitalists seeking inv stments in,
: mining propositions to examine.'
The mines are easy of access, over
, good county roads ; the land is well i
watered and timbered, and the stir-:
jroiindings are picturesque, j
; What is most needed in this!
district is capital to develop the;
i mines, and those seeking a field fori
'profitable investment will find this j If.
to be one of the most promising! 2"
districts in .lackson county. As
very little is generally known con
cerning this locality. I intend from
.time to time to inform the public
ot what is being
Maria Taouoni, the danscusc, was
ttie daughter of nn Italian ballet
muster. She was Imrn in lsoi, went on
the Htnge in Ih'l' ami continued her ap
pearances in public until 1M47, when
she retired. Her greatest mk-:cskch
were in f,:i Ilnvudcrc. I.a Syjhido and
I.a I'ille ,!! I); 'inU:
"Jnn, Thy jrlory fills the Heaven"
was the work of Richard Mant. It was
translated from a hymn in the Roman
"Uhv yet the trumpet, blow," was
one of !'v :."v::: ttyran, written by
Charts. : ! . ;.- f ;r .N e w Year's day. I t
was Urn'- .: ... ' i:; 1 '.'..
jii iiiiiiiiniMiiM iiMiiiiiiiiiii (tiiiiiiiiiiiiiu.iiiiiiiiiniiiliii nifiiiinr
i J
AI - 77 UV
f AreThe
Z V-?. l"r.i:;i'-. - 1
V.-.m. I'-lit.-h; .hit- ti-i.I.iv.
Z t'lii! c !t : T I tr i.
r v, r. 'ht l II'- 1
; K'i;ti!.tt intuiv. viin:r
E wt r.fiit- ins
I I 11.1!.-.. t:;i J-;t!li- NJ
1 Z "nine u-t lulit- anl nrr Ui
Him- w riiciit - I
- - 575
Warrauted Sageriar to any Bicycle bniii in the World. I
. Regardless of Price . '1
promiri'-nt Ami-ri
: t!h- fol!. (,' ;!iint'ii of one cl lh.- mit
i ii.-.oi r- Kim tuif, il liu:idr,-a-, ot t!i---i; Hli -U
I." I HMo.!, Va
-. ' i k l o. r , . 1 t n ( j. .1 1 in! : -
i.xri.i The Wav, rif V N.-o-ctu-r Ml.Ui,-Ilr-r:n,- t,. hH .
alr.ild y 11 liavi- M ill us I hi- l-.t-li iri--;I whn-l' l. :
it-iiii t lenin to i.-ll u-ti a; thi rimK t,.r c.-: r
-ay Unit it u'iilmut excel.: ion. thr cieu i.-ss v. h.--l"we :
r -'11. Uli. I. Ill.T'-OV f. -.,- ii:V f:,i?h i r, ir ; 1 , 1 . ..1. .. -
iirli- oiilv -.'J lb-., fi.rof all Wm-crU-ysi -,- hnvr tiiU v,-ar"nl
aiel voi: Know !l:at i- a rirhl i':-i nimilu r. , I,,.,.- , , -
.. i.aui. ii. m iorn or. iti-n, eillK-r Iroin acrl.l. nl or k-l
.n n is nio:.- i hum juii -avo: ii r v otti.-r uiitt I iio r -.-, r bi-.h ,A.. -
lied, thnt wll. W.- concrntisUi:rmr--lvrrv,'Tv Hiih-,t .'.
Wavt-rli-y Aai-m-. vur.-iruly, Wai.ti.i: c. Mkkcck A- Oi. -
i Deuel & Stevens, At's INDIANA BICYCLE CO.
1IIIIII lllMIMUIIIIIIIIlllllllluillI,, 1 1 1 1 1 II I HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, , , , it ,J
one nereaiiouts.
a very en- "e was aeeonipanietl by bis eonsin.'ainl feel warranted in the assertion
j that when capitalists become more
(familiar with the mining prospects
: of the Saxe creek district tliev will
tf imitatior;
trade marks
and labels.
celebrated Arbor dav
tertaining manner." After recita- Kddic Higenbotham. They will
tions, readinir and singing by the vi-'t their uncle for a short time.
pupils, was the tree planting, which !
m$ havp semi
t in packages
! was followed bv a short, but verv
Oriftin ( reek tJatherinsrs-
where it is hoped she will regain I , v o..-,,; !
w ner .;.i ;.. : i. i... !. . . . :..
for' u.mi.Kiiio,i,u,,i; mi- ua.'-jis visiting .Miss Ida .aylor. j
Alfred Fish and Arthur Smith.; Chas. Lotland spent Sunday ofi
two of our mos-t enterprising and j last week visiting with his friend, j
estimable young men have left our F. K. True.
charming little valley, but their! Mrs. L. Shideler, of Mclford. is j
many friends hope that they will j at this place visiting her son. John, j
make a speedy return. The former !an,l family.
will endeavor to find work in (al
and the latter has gone to :
Seek to examine our mines.
,1. V
me to tender ner tnanKs
manv freinds in Kagle Point
their kindness during her late ill-iiess.
Mrs. A. M. Thomas and Missj
Faith, the latter living in the j
vicinity of Medford. have gone to
Klamath county. Mrs. Thomas
has business there connected with
Cnrlrnly Ila
i... r,..., ! norma.
Cfrigsbv. and she will also visit her j astern
children living in that locality, j "I,e ra"ch-
Miss Faith as well will visit with j
relatives. I
John Clrifiin came up from Grants
Pass the fore part of last week, on
1 a business trip.
Miss C. P.ahford. of Medford.
Jacksonville .New-
was visiting her parents, tin the
btt of tlt Cor!! Hotel
j The first tliin;r that Mrikivs a visitor
j to a Corcan villa jr is the surpriinc
sulijiopulution f ilopi, says l!nrx-r's
feklv. r.vory house si'oms to jX's-h'ss j
a pack of thoM- spiritless curs, which I
are a pray variety of the fhinese chow- ,
J ilttg. They display a more than passing
interest in a Kuropcau traveler, ami a
! frve user of one's stick is necessary to
j keep them at lay. On investigation
one iliseoverk that they form the staple
article of diet of the tHipulation. l"n-
j Costs no more than inferior package soda ,
V -serially acknowledged purest in fee -zorld. R1 J
Hais only rj CHURCH L CO., Rev York. y
S Soil ly rroccrs tc: wh-re. sfCTggg 2
Writ, for Arm ud Il3:!T Cock of rxl-jiblo Recipe FKEK.
Mi-- 1- 1
Mrs. S. K. Taylor, landlady of
the Taylor House, is very ill with
Wednesday of last week there Kd Helms, of Kugene.
was a quiet wedding, at the resi-! visit with his parents,
dence of the bride's parents, Mr. j Mrs. Mike llanlev.
and Mrs. G. W. Heckathorn. at (erect, wus visiting fri.
which time Mr. Oscar Simpkins, ofijiere Sundav.
Wootlville. and Miss Jennie Hecka-j "(Jc0 V.arron, of
thorn were umted in niarnage bv , stockinai,. s rn-nt
Uev. h. K. Thompson of Medford cj ht n JacUsoilviI,!.
in.s ma; riiiiie mil uepric ui
one of our most amiable young
ladies one of our leading christian
workers and a lady in every re
spect. Her many friends in this
'vicinity will miss her from our com
munity, but she goes to grace the
home of one who we trust is worthy
of so fair a bride.
Mr. Pruett family, of Big
' Sticky, time over last Sunday to
n. t lend fbureh. but were disap
pointed owinz to a misunderstand- jay, at 12 o'clock
ing concerning the appointments of
Rev. Kennedy, as there was an
appointment for him at Antelope
and Eagle. Point for the same
hour. He preached at this
place Sunday evening. Uev.
Bryant, of the M. K. church, South,
will hrA-l services at the Mound
school house next Sunday, at p.
m.. and on May 4lh-and 5th will!
is up tor a
t-iMii Siiruhiv of bi-t Wi-ek- ! like most Asiatic races, the Coreans
-, , . t- ii m ir i ! are meat eaters, mid the' does. lvinr !
Mrs. A. A. Kellogg, ot Medford,)..... ... ... .... ..
j spent several diys here recently ; fvKHl vith tho miui,ntmi f exertion,
Putte j visiting friends. She expects to and expense. Another curious feat ure ;
over ' leave tor Portland in ' a few weeks , of the l orean diet is the total absence
i to spend the summer with her hllS-1 of tea. the most uuiversal beverage of ;
I'.-irrim ,, i band.
Saturday' The Sunday school at this jdace i
I was re-organized last Sunday week.
Miss Fannie Iialnh. of Ashland. The following oihcers were elected:
and Miss Frankie P.arnes. of Med-' Superintendent, Mr. Hoover; assist
ford, visited friends here duriug the j a,,t lormtendent, Mr. Cray: sec-
' O t t IT .1
reiary, .u. i. iiuriiey ; treasurer,
Frank True; Chorister. Marion
Location of Land I. vine luit a v rls lnon- tiian one
Dr. is
in at-!
The funeral of U". II. Wilson,
wlio died near Medford, took place
at the Jacksonville cemetery Tues-
kaues Creek Items.
.agle ri'oiiu
p. in.
the re-anvone
1 ..!
quarterly meeting, ai
P'agle Point. Your correspondent
will hi -III services in hag! n.muav fo.'iuiig. at i ' j
A few days ago I heard
mark made that scarcely
was now going from here to Med-
ford, but. although I have been ill!
and unable to gather the news as j
closely as usual, 1 can name tne
following people who visited the
"Hub" the latter part of last week:
Mesclaiues C W. Taylor, John
Williscroft. E. Simon. J. A. Jonas!
and M. S. Wood and Joseph I'ader.
There were a number of others who
went in that direction but whose
destination was unknown to me.
I also heard the remark made, a
short time ago, that one of the
merchants of a neighboring town
said that while the roads to Med
ford were almost impassable he did
a good business but now the farm
ers passed right on to Medford just
as if he was not in business. That
remark shows to your business n.en
and women the necessity of secur
ing a passable road this summer
from Eagle Point to Medford.
Mrs. Orlando Rose, of Applegate.
is in town, at the bedside of her
sister, Mrs. Taylor, whose illness
is mentioned in an item above.
Mrs. I. X. Shook and Mrs. J. II.
Wick, wife of Deputy Sheriff Wick,
of Ashland, were the guests of
Mrs. S. Patterson several days last
('Inus Klcinhammer and family,1
of Phoenix, were here on Friday to
attend the funeral of Mrs. William
Comstock. Mr. K. is an uncle of j
the deceased. i
Lindsey Sisenmre and family, of !
Sams Valley, came over from their5
farm Saturday. Mr. S. returned
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
I Mr. and Mrs. Poggis have moved
j to (ialls creek to remain during
the summer.
! Mrs." U. Knotts and Mrs. I.
Knotts spent last Sundav on (falls
! creek visiting Mrs. Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. ISryant and son,
j Walter, left on Monday morning's
i train for San Francisco, their
; former home.
John Thompson and family have
'moved from the Dardanells farm to
!a ranch on Rogue river. Their
many friend-1 lure regret their de
parture. A gentleman from Ashland pre
icinct, while passing through the
hills near the Rraideu mill, hap
pened across a large bear, but
I'lruin became frightened and lied.
Rears are quite numerous here this
Saxe Creek Mining District.
Now on the flarket
eastern Asia.
I'reiptently one see a CVirean forag- (
ing for the evening meal. The method Amount of Ljind
is simple, tnough unpleasant, lie is
armed with a short pole, to the end of
which is attached a noose. This he
throws over the head of the nearest
dog. and then proceeds to screw the
pole round till the nse tightens, and
slowly throttles the dog, who is uiean-
i while prevented from getting to close
quarters with its butcher by thrusts of
the jKle.
This country is much infested ly the long-coated Mongolian tiger.
This magnificent animal, though a con
l si.'.en-.l.ic source of revenue on ucccitn'
i ....
;t its valuable skin, is neverl .iciess
::;ueii drca.'ed I'V the natives. So
-orions ::n- the ravages committed by
t'i -in tae king whs forced Prga!i
:.e u regiment of "royal tiger hunters." these eo-istituto the corps d'clitc
of i'i." t'oreaii armv.
-vr... . ;,,, :., Ivinlh- lie i?
-ii'i-.i as luxurious. The t 'urea n is
e l !.!vi- ;of home comforts for liiai-
;;. i ier for-.-.
,i I i-o:ti-
Commands an
eel lent View of
:-i I !l.
i of the
,lT. Til
slim:.- 1.
iv. I lie Uli.lsl ol su:1
IV of cm; .le ::'., 1 lo
r.- wiiich shall lie a::
.ri:.iay' viii-l. a
Is. and other
Most Perfect JIade.
40 Years the Standard.
Wrltti-11 for Thk Miainuni Mail
As mining is the chief industry J
of this part of the country, any in-j
formation concerning prospecting
and developing of the mines in this'
locality will no doubt be of interest !
to vim r readers, therefore I will;
give some particulars concerning'
the same, from time to time. j
There are a number of promising!
mines within a radius oT ten miles;
from this poin'., which I will leave
to others who are more conversant!
with them, and will confine myself
to this district. Saxe creek is a;
branch of Evans creek, ten miles
north of Woodville
TlitncK l.i'nriie'.l In the Morj;ins
The old keeper of the morgue in this i
city, who has seen hundreds of tin- i
known iMHiies exhibited for identitica- j
tion, has arrived at some interesting ,
conclusions, says the Philadelphia Kee- :
nrd. If the face of the dead p'i-son is I
perfectly composed ami natural, of I
course, intimate friends or relatives!
recognize them immediately. Hut. he !
says, if the face is distorted through
pain or liisfigured by injuries, a casual j
acquaintance can identify the body 1
much easier than the closest relation. !
lie explains this by spying that people
who have known a persiin well for a j
long time lose sight of the features and j
sec rather the personality rellected in i
the lines of the face. A casual ac-j
itiaintance notes the features, and can j
recognize them when seen again, even
if ootibidcublv distorted. I
Hu.MMixo birds have been known to
show anger if the flower they approach
contains no honey. Audubon says he
From Wood-j llls sotn them more than once tear
1 sucn a uower irom tne stem, at tne
. -n 1 .,t..,
uie you jHi-ci-it. u ""v"" time chattering loudly, usthough
seven and one-hall miles distant, I m Wrath.
f to tln cast of
....Medford, Oregon,
Is ituatcil liU) aeres of laiul whit-h is
t'sioi-ialIv adapted to
Fruit Growing.
This land has recently been placed
upon the market and is now offered for
sale in tracts of from
21 to 10 Acres.
The name. "Kairview." is given this
property because, that being located as
it is. on a slight eminence, a view of all
parts of Medford and a good portion of
the valley can be had from any part of
the land. Nearly alt of this land has
been cleared ami has been under culti
vation tor a nunihi-r of years. The soil
isoi'an exceptionally tine tjualitv and its
adaptability to fruit-growing has been
proven. Tins land will be sold upon the
Installment Plan.
Payment may be made at SI. 2") per
week. S" per month or Sl" every quar
ter, or a liberal discount will be made
for all cash purchases.
The .success attending
no longer an experiment.
ysis the soil i found to contain all the
elements required to produce fruits from
the semi-tropical to the hardiest varie
ties. Over these favorable conditions
hangs a climate co-ordinated and adjust
ed to the nature of the soil.
Why to Address For further information cencerning
this desirable property call on or address
How Payments Can
he Made
Fruit and Fruit Culture
fruit culture is
IW direct anal-