The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, April 19, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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BLITON & YORK, Publishers.
A. S. Bliton, ... Editor
W. T. York, ... Manager
Published Every Friday Morning.
He is of few days: but quite a plenty.
Euiered in the Postotllee at Medford, Oregou
as Second-Class Mail Matter.
insr Aceiit. 21 Merchants Exchange. San
Francisco, is our authorized agent. This pa
per s kept on Hie in his oillce.
T P.
J J.
oMedfokd, Friday, April. 19, IS95..
Our Clubbing List.
The Mail and Weekly S. F. Call. $2 25
" " " Examiner.. 2 3.1
" " " Chronicle. . 2 So
" " " Oregonian.. 2 00
" " " Portl'd Sun 2 00
" ." Cosmopolitan 2 65
" " Rural Northwest.. 1 50
The best insurance policy against
business failure is an effective ad
vertisement. "Private Brown" has been lost
again this week, but we will en
deavor to finish him next week.
A full account of the most
atrocious murder ever committed
on the Pacific coast will be found
on the inside page of today's Mailv
The subscriber, to a Jackson
county publication, who told its
editor that he had read all of his
editorials in the New York World
prior to reading them in his paper
is to be commended for his nerve
as well as his truthfulness.
There is no accounting for the
deep yearning some men have for
old rye. A pair of human beings
are digging up a steamer sunk in
the Missouri river thirty years ago.
their chief desire being to find out
if a large consignment of whisky
in the hold is still good.
authorize any rc-rating nor allow
the payment of back pension at the
$G rate to those who have been
receiving loss. Cases now pending
when allowed at a lower rate than
t( are to receive the lower rate for
the time prior to the passage of the
act and .f 6 for the time since. The
general intent of the law is to make
the minimum pension paid here
after to be !f( per month.
The Salem Daily Capital Jour
nal reproduced in its issue of
Monday an editorial which appeared
in this paper last week regarding
Secretary Kincaid and credited it
to "Medkoro Mail, Hop." Don't
do that again, please, Brother llofer,
or there will be trouble in our camp.
That "Rep." is supposed to mean
republican, but that is not the
complexion of The Mail, neither
is it Democratic or Populist it is
just plain "Independent with a
mission and unmuzzled. Being
independent, however, does not of
necessity blind us to the fact that
there is some little good in all
parties and that while the majority
of office holders may be thieves to
the public good, there is occasion
ally found one who is honest and a
friend to just government. This
being the case we are not so clan
nish as to refuse to extend a
deserved compliment hence our
kindly mention of Secretary Kin
caid's action in refusing to issue
warrants in payment for newspapers
furnished legislators.
G. U. Myers, of Beagle, eamo in
Monday to do business.
D. V. Scott was hero a few days
this week from Sisson, Calif.
Lewis Sciinkidki:, of Anderson
Crock, rotu rued lust, wook from a Cali
fornia visit.
(!. W. i?ASHK(H!l) was at Vreka and
I lornhrook. Calif., this week looking
uftor trade in ieu and 1) -or.
1). X. Johnson', an Klk crook farmer,
was mixed up in the shnlllo of many
traders in Medford last Saturday.
11. I). KlHI.l parsed through Med
ford Monday, en route from his Cold
Hill mining property to Applegate.
Attorney A. S. Hammond was at
(rants I 'ass this week upon business
before the courts of .Josephine nullity.
II. C. KINNEY of Grants l'ass all
the same Sugar I'ino Door & Lumber
company was hero Monday just busi
ness. Merchant Frank Bkown und Wil
HKUT A.silPOl.K. of Haul" Point, were
doing business nt the valley metropolis
last week.
Fred Str.U'H, of Central Point, was
here last Saturday. Ho hps some
horses and a wagon for sale see notice
V. II. MVER, of Heagle. was in Mod
ford this week engaged in working up
u possible exchange of his furm for
Medford property.
E. .T. Armstrong; returned Friday
from Calistoga, Calif. Ho will remain
during the summer and work at his
trade, that of masonry.
Mrs". L. M. ('UMMlNiiS left last week
for her home at Ager, Calif., after a
couple of weeks' visit with her father,
G. C. Garrett, and family
C. Farnham, of the Ashland roller
mill.'., was in Medford last week looking
up business in the corn meal and gra
ham line. The gentleman is not
handling Hour these times.
Dr. S. liANiELSON was called to
Grants Pass, Monday evening, by sub
poena to give testimony in the Vynes, the doctor having been
the examining physician at the coro
ner's inquest.
Mrs. G. A. K.oi'KKs and children
arrived in Medford this week from
Vancouver, Washington, and together
with the good husband they are now
housekeeping in the Damon residence,
on south D street.
W. W. SiMTT. of Central Point,
was up Monday doing business with
Medford dealers. V r. Scott is on." of
the commissioners of the Southern
new home, near Xewberg, Oregon,
where they will operate a small farm
of which Mr. Craven is the owner. In
leaving Medford they take with them
the best wishes ol the entire com
munity. Both Mr. Craven and his
most estimable family have made
friends in great numbers during their
slay boro.
KaSMCS UasMTSSICN. of Prospect,
was hero last, week visiting his friends.
Mr. Kasmussen is one of the noblemen
of our land a clear-cut gentleman and
the corners turned with a polish pecul
iarto his nationality. He isn rancher
"jini-s" claims with Stockton, the
printer and farmer, and is the posses
sor of one of tin; several homily spots of
fertility that are found up that way
and which to own is to be rich and
C. C. McCLENDON. of Sams Valley,
was in Medford last week. Mr. Mc
Clendon is considerable of a horse
man. and his stock, of which he lias
considerable, is wvll bred and tin
record of some of his colts stands well
at the head on the speed list. His
"Louis 1'." is the parent to many colts
of good record throughout the valley.
Mr. McClendon has seven colts which
have the promise of speed, two of
which he will work this season.
John j. Weidi.e, one of the Kldri
anna townsito promulgators, came in
from their proposed second edition of
Chicago last Sunday. Ho was here to
meet his wife and" son, who arrived
from Chicago Monday morning and the
same day they departed for Kldrianna.
The gentleman has been out at the new
towns-it, for a couple of months says
everything is blooming and ho likes
the country Immensely well. Mr.
Combs, ho stated, expects to leave soon
for Chicago, there to elose up some
land deals which the company have in
hand. Mr. Weidle also gave out that
there were about twenty people who
would soon leave Chicago for the new
townsite. It is ho'ied the company is
sending these people here under no
false represontatior.s. and that all will
be satisfactory when they arrive if
not as represented there will be
trouble in camp.
Christian Church Entertainment.
See the Sign
I Over th i Door
Wi; have had the door hinges and
latch oiled up so that
Is easy, so also tin;
( 'barges are very moderate. Your
prescript ion filled while you wait.
Toilet Article In t:nc!l. .ss Variety ?
l ine 1.111c i t Lij;ar
V" " ei'er.eo. ,,,;,.,.,.,., .,,,
intuitu 1 1 I H I
Do ftot Buy
Your Clothing
Medford is noted the state over
for her excellent schools, her able
preachers, progressive churches,
strong fraternal societies, live mer
chants and the best citizens on
earth. Our city has this reputa
tion among her neighbors we
ought to, and can maintain the
The general belief among busi
ness men of the east is that we are at
the becinmns of a business revival, on south D street. i
No doubt this very belief will help
materially to create the conditions
I Oregon agricultural s"e;el
industrial depression was niarkt d j go, man he is for the lmsition. j
by the withdrawal of monev from' W. M. tlinns. one of the thrifty!
.," , , - , , " , ' farmers i.ear To!... was nt the Hubeitr ,
the channels ot trade and nrodue-! -.,.i, ,....).., .?;,. i,.i,,... in.. ,.i....
! tion and bv a great and continuous ' "''" where " lap"' o'liarra lives and i
I e ,, . ". -.-. i , i he tells that '.l:u" is making things!
fall in pruvs. Cawtal, alarmed uok ,,.0j..,y dttr-rent therv,m:s
and distrustful, shrunk from the: Mrs. Tns. Loyxaoias left yester-,
most promising industrial invest-I ". f'' Pokegama. ( n'iif.. a:
. i which place her hu-oaiui has ln-en i
ments and from almost ail kinds of i stopping tor the pa: coup!-- or three'
propertv. and could onlv be tempt-! ,VVU:., H" lV'nf-'!,-'"a jW"';? i
' 1 - ' ; ano tti-.i remain for an imletuiite lime.
ed from its hiding places by gilt-; K,KI CIIAKKKK. aceomp.mied by his '
etle securities vieldinf small lint sifter and cou-in. made Medford a visit i
Following is the program lor
Auxiliary to the C. V. 15. M. of
Christian church, which will be pre- I
seated at th,' church next Sunday
evening, at 7 :."d o'clock: j
I'ROliKA.M. j
I Vvotintia! -x,'rvlo : sinini;. !! by !. I.. Webb
K.vulur tn;.ini'ss ui;! roil rail. rrVtH:el i
! liy sliurt missionary items
Insirum.'iiiat nmsjr Mal-I Ji.iirs
i'ttifr. "llimeru'ul Skrloh of l". W. 11. !.'
Vr I. A. Wi-M.
jl j S.'nTencf pm cr by :C1..
.it l-'aiimu t 'ty
ir Yi.ur.K I'.m'.iIi- Work"
I. Wr!
IriNirtiJUrji'.al trio.
. M Jt iirs, M t.r'. M it.
S!i--rl n -j.ii!. . Mrs .
Mr K
Until You
Our Stock
We will avo yon mmiov.
old chostmits to Avork off
our riothinjr purchased since
Fehruarv 1, IS!)."), and we jrive
you the henelit of the irreat re
duction under tin- new tariff law.
t fuliv.
Tor Sale.
Parties knowing of any irregu
larities in the supervisor work in
any road district of Jackson county
will confer a favor bv communicat
ing the same to this olYice. The
purchase of material at exorbitant
prices, constructed days work or
receipting for work not actually
performed may be classed as irregu
larities and unlawful.
Before the delinquent tax list
is published Sheriff Patterson owes
it to his constituents, and especially
to the unfortunates who are on the
delinquent list, to get figures on the
publication work from the several
newspapers of the county, and give
it to the one that can do it the
cheapest. Fifty cents a line, the
price chargod last year, is by far
too much.
will i
! iiere
r;d fo
n. v.. i
. Vail
v. or
re .
Barnum Block,
Medford, Oregon.
fixed and safe returns. So vast an
amount of idle money meant to
thousands of people a loss or
Widllesdav of last Week tllC g
nests ol i
ttiein. j
asant homo '
It 13 as true today as it ever was
that united we stand, divided we
fall by the wayside. If good comes
to any city, town or hamlet it must
come by concerted action. Con
tention must be foreign to all moves
of progress. If differences arise
between men of one locality one
city or one village it is not wise
to presume that those men of one
opinion are wholly in the right and
those of another opinion wholly in
the wrong; but it is wise to pre
sume that there is a line between
the two upon which all may stand
with equal profit ; a line which all
may hitch to and pull for the com
mon good of each individual.
The pension appropriation bill
passed in the closing days of the
last congress and approved by Pres
ident Cleveland, March 2nd, con
tains a clause of much interest to
certain pensioners, the existence
of which may not be generally
known in this region. This clause
raises the minimum rate of pen
sion to $6 per month. From and
after the passage of the act all
pensioners now receiving less than
$6 are entitled to the same amount
on allowance of their claims. The
new law does not cover any period
prior to its passage nor does it
i the Misses Sackett. On their
i.MissLila Sackett accompanied
i for u short visit at their oh
j at A-bcsto.
i C. .1. liW.K! .a at Crants l'ass
: this week, upon business oonmvlod
! with his last year's survev'of lauds for
lands for the company
diminution of income, and the
H)int is now reached where this
Consideration IS becoming stronger the So.ithern Pacific ra.lroad. Notis-
!,.... . . r . l ;....,...;,! iug definite is given on; regarding th
lil.ui liiu n:m o L;ein.-.ii iiivlllllT : .
of investments. The heavy losses
involved in suspended enterprises,
while interest and other fixed
charges go on, are tempting men
to again set the wheels of produc
tion in motion. With renewed em
ployment for labor at fair wages
must come an increase of eon
sumption to check the fall in
prices, hope will revive, confidence
will be re-established and fresh life
be infused into all the shrunken
veins of trade.
Bits of Local Railway News.
Wallace Woods received a carload of
shingles from Kast Portland Monday.
Passenger travel is picking up a
little of late, and the S. P. company
anticipates a gtiod season's work in
this line.
P. 15. Whitney, traveling Ireight
agent for the S. P., was in Medford
Monday morning, having been at Jack
sonville on business for his companv.
K. C. Cross, of Salem, was, up in this
section the fore part of the week and
purchased a car load of beef cattle,
which were shipped north Monday
Hon. W. F. Herrin. a prominent
San Francisco attorney and chief coun
sel for the Southern Paid lie, passed
north Sunday evening, traveling in a
private car attatched to Xo. I.". He
is a son of Hon J. S. Herrin or Ashland
and is quite will known in Jackson
count v.
As an indication of the increase in
the freight business on the S. P.. the
daily freight trains have not been
pulled oil the past winter. In pis',
vears trie daily service lias neen an-
survev ol anv
tills season.
J. II. KulilSoN and fair.ih were in
from Anderson ere-k Monday. They
were accompanied by .J.-sse Adams, of
Talent, and Miss Lena Klliott. of Ash
land. These p"-otle were here doing
trading considerable, and visiting
friends on the side.
Mrs. K. M. Lt'.MSPKN and Mrs. A.
X. HkhI.IN. and the Itahy, took Sunday
evening's train for the north, the
former going to Portland for a few
weeks visit with friends and the latter
to Kent. Washington, for a summer's
visit with her parents.
.1. A. XYSWAXKl:. ol Ueagle, was
piddling flower jxts alnit the city
last week. The pots were the oroduo!
of .1. ilanna's skilled hands, ami whose
pottery is hx,'ated not a great way from
IJeagle. Mr. Hamia has a reputation
for putting oursome splendid waie. but
this last load brougtit in is superior to
all others.
Bkkt Vixi'KXT left Medfcrd Sunday
eveniii! for Syracuse. X. V. his old
home. Hert is a right clever lad. but !
we'll wager that the frosts of York
State's bleak wi.iters will not sit light
ly Uxn him of tender years, after hav
ing enjoyed the mildness of a Southern
Oregon summertime in midwinter
F. M. Pakkkie and family, of Cold
Hill, were welcome visitors to Medford
last Saturday. They called at Till-:
M All. olliee, dropped a dollar and four
bits into our colter and made two
families happy. Mr. Parker is the
newly elected marshal of (odd Hill and
unless we misjudge th gentleman
there will be nothing but good order
in that city.
FliKO STTltcis was in from the
famous A. W. Sturgis mine Mi nday.
The gentleman reports everything
moving along nicely at the mine. Says
workmen are now engaged in both
mining and cleaning up bed rock, yet
when we asked as to aliout what, he
thought the season's clean-up would be
he didn't sav a word, but wo all know
r 1
r i
r (
r i
. I Z.L.A.
A Pretty Foot
Is largely due to the kind offline
there is on tlia: fnit. No matter
how shapely the feet themselves
are, if the shoes are not the pro
;or shape, size and style, thti
effect will be disappointing.
This much is certain whether
a lady's foot is pretty or other
wise, it will at least look pretty
in our New Oxfords. ."0 cents to
$.'.4" per pair.
Thompson, VanDyke & Co.,
! i
Real Estate Transfers.
C n Canlvrll t Ji-ri'iiiiati Xiiiuin: V
aores in Mrs I'tinlwrll's uill to J.u-k
sonvdle ?
I 1 Ki-llo):ir in K.innui ' l-ll.i-: : It I
ami s ot 11 !. hlk II. Meiifenl
J W Hays lo Win FlipM'n; ;iO:u-r-s. see
Jl mul tp :i s. r a w
It Uasimisson to J S llacey: Us .1 ami I.
lilk l". M.slleril
K K An.lerstm lo Matilda Xyswiiner: li
tu-res lt-twt-cii sees lfl ami .'l . tt :S s. r
-I w
L J Roberts to W S Cutler; in lu-res. sec
:m. ip :ts
S Patterson. slierttT. to J Nuuan; "-V-
iu-res, tp s. r 2 w
Probate Court Doings.
:v. !
nulled during the winter and spring j that the figures are 'way up.
mouths, but this year, so far, has been
an exception.
Win. L. Boydston, a young man,
quite well dressed, who was attempt
ing to steal a ride on the brake-beam
of the south bound freight last Friday
fell between the cars and his left arm
fell across the rail and the wheels of
twelve ears run over it, crushing it to
shreads, and making amputation near
the shoulder joint necessary. He was
taken to the Steinman section house,
near which place the accident occurred
and there taken care of until the ar
rival of the company's surgeon. Dr.
Parson, of Ashland, reached there on
No. 16. Dr. Parson, assisted by Dr.
Sanger, and Mrs. Sayles, the lady who
keeps the section house, amputated the
arm, and the young man will in all
probability recover. He said he was
going to Valleio to visit hia mother.
and was tryine to save monev bv
riding the breakbeam.
Deputy !e venue Collector H.utl.ow
was up from Cold Hill Saturday. Dur
ing the last few weeks Mr. li. has been
prospecting for a good time and a little
rest up in Eastern Washington and the
Sound country, lie relates that there
is a mighty heap o' stringency in busi
ness up that way. He further assev
erates that there is no section in the
known land equal to the Koguo river
Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Lamar, left
Monday evening for Grants Pass, whore
they will reside. The depot platform
was crowded with friends, and all
wished them happiness in quantities
unlimited. In leaving Medford Mrs.
Lamar, nee Ora Adkins, Mikes with
her the best wishes and kindly bless
ings of every person with whom she is
acquainted, and there a are great many
of them.
Rev. E. S. Craven and family left
Wednesday morning, by team, for their
In 'lie mutter of Hie estate of Samuel K.
Holmes; final iii-ooimt approved and the admin
istrator ordered to pay I :!T. ;V to each of the
four heirs. Administrator disi-hurjsed from
further nubilities.
Kslateof A. Judson (ianiaril: onlcr appoint
iui; administrator and appraisers KranU Hasty
administrator, with bonds ut SttUi; J. K. Pel
ton. K. P. Neil and Walter Donoiinhuo. apprais
ers. Kslntc of Wm Ktthler; order appointing C.
W. Kahlor administrator, with bonds fixed lit
f-'KW. ami 8. J. Duy, F. K. Nell and N. LnnKell,
Are dangorous. A dollar spent for
Hood's Sarsaparilla now may prevent
illness which will he expeusivo and
hard to bear. Now is the time to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, relieve
constipation and assist digeston. 25c.
Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
Autioch (iatlieniigs.
K. C romeroy made Mcdfoui a visit Monday.
Mr. Wllhiie. who has been ipiite ill is much
Kev. Hryant prearhed at !hc school house last
Sunday, mouiini; and ev.-ninj:.
Ttie dance which took place at Mr. fuse's,
last Friday nii;ht. was reinirled a success.
The school al Anlioch is pro-ressini; very
nicely, with thirty live scholars in attendance.
Mr. Jack Houston and family retur.ied to
Health, last l-'riday. from their mountain ranch.
Mij,s Myrtle Rodders is liviuc with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Houston, while at
tending; school ul Antitx-h.
Mr. Rodders and two liau-rliters. Misses
Myrtle and Winnie, were doiiu business in
Medford one day last week.
For Sale.
AN OklMNANCK lo Proviso for the Cnuiioz
ami ;ravclnK Is" I reel Fro:n Hie Intr
srrti.m o! Scon,t trvx-t so the I:j;crstiiion
of Ninth Sircti in In Town o! Mc!lird.
Tin I't-nplr of t!io Towa of Mvi!ri do OrdsiJn
Il loliott's:
Si v'tion 1. Ix i ?u-!v!y imrr'ft that The
wnor-of l'toB 1h l-'.t ami V-; si-icof
-.'.wi frf'r.i tn I tHMwvcn liu ia:crrct:t:i
f mul Ninth sirttl witi;. s..ii
Thfir rtjvrctiv ins r iruTx-ny and io t;c
o-ntcr o! sui H"- s.rt-rl. atiit t si:c Tn!tr
of aSi nct- an! aiic - lul !n;rrct saivi ' li''
trr-: lv n-.uiii-i uf ihc noTvssrv cut aa-;J
"Vj. J Sai'l criiiirs -hnU ct'-form the t-s-.AN.'shf-i
-cT'U a pn Mnl i'or in (.Tciin;in-
N, nuv y-t! ht -sai.l T n tf Mci!;'oni and
tn .ictinbc: r wi'.l; the- surwy now on rccrii
tn th- Kccnur oilier
rc. It shaU U ;hf du;y of lUfonicr.
Within ihtriy o.iys fnm the ;u.vaf i Ulis
' irti;;:anoc to m;kr out a of a I! rral pnjpcrrv
fr-Hitinc upon isi "li ' sirwi .-su-c'n the
' ;mti dt'si'cui'ttcvi in Hlioa one tli
d!;:ain,T'. together with :ho niie of ;he own-
er or owners then-of ami th'Itver the simc 10
; the Street CommK-iioney.
nc. 4. l"j.n the receipt of ueh U-a the
'Street 'omniijuT s!Mll notify sueh owner
, or owners ly delivering or sriulini; u him or
lliera a written not tee requiring him or them
to crude and snivel B " Mreet as provided for
( in HVtwi one I and tw e of this said Ordi
; niinw.nn or before Jtuie 1. l5i".
I Stv .. The ijradin and traveling of said
' "li' street shall he under the supervision of
; the Street Committee, who shalt see that the
" work is done :a a proper manner and srniwlevl
as they deem necessary.
k ti. All persons owning pniHrty upon
I that iHrtion of the street named lienin and
; after liaviii.c In-eu duty notiritxi t eompiy with
the requirements ol this trdinance and upon
their lathtrc so to do on or before June 1,
as pnvided in the fourth ;4th soetiou of this
' iid trUimnce, the Street Commissioner shall
lo and he is horehy empowered and directed
to do said work and the expense ol same when
ascertained shall ho and is herehv made a Hen
1 on the lot or lots adjoining said '"11" street on
either side that the same may le -ituateii on.
and in default ot the pax-mem of the amount
; assts-eti gainst said prptkrty t-r said im
' pnvcments the same may he sold by the Board
of Trustees of the said Town, in the same man-
net as is pmvitU-d in seelxms -V o. T. S. 9 and 10.
o triiuaniv No. eighty -four s-4.. of sit id Town.
; passeii August Sc. lsSi, and rgpa i rut j; sidewalks.
StV 7. This Ordinance shall le in lull force
and en'ivt after its pasago.
This Onlinanee was passed by the Towu
Hoard of Trustees a, their regular meeting held
in the Town Hall, of the Town of Med lord. lre-g-ui,
on the S:il day of April. ISA as there
names were ealled: J. W. .awton. aw: C.J.
Ilowarxl. aye: J. K. Wils, K. W.Starr.avc.
Attst: J. H. Haskins.
It. S. W'KUti, keconler. Mavor.
1.10 acre homestead. Will sell im
provements very cheu. --frond house;
ubout 10 iieros elenivd. in -rood shape
for tree plnntiii;. About 1M acres
heavy timber. Good spriiifT water the
year 'round: three miles west of Jack
sonville jrood wag-on road to place.
Also have 1000 fruit trees ready for
sottinp; next fall. John Pultzek,
llerling;, Oregon.
Real Estate For Sale.
l - - ..... .
Notice to Contractors.
'UK I'XOKKSU'NKO will receive sealed
bids for the rv-l'Uilrfinso! his hole!, in Med
ford, Jackson coumy. inwn. as per plans ami
speeitU-alious. to In seen al the e:tce of The
Medford Hotel, in Medford aforesaid. All bids
to le seaUtl and mlilivssed to the undersigned.
I at Meiif(rd. Jackson county, Oren. Hids lo
; be opened al the oillce of the undersigned, in
j Medford, (.iremm. on 1'hursday. April i m
! 10 o'clock a. m. li;!n is reserved to reject any
and all Kids. Alt bids to be ticmmpuuieil with
proof that bidder is able tlnaneially to furnish
material and construct building, if contract is
awarded to him. And whoever receives the
contract will be required to give good bond to
carry out terms of contract.
J. T. C. Nash.
To Parties Going East.
Five acres choice, land for sale iu
north Medford also some desirable
town lots. Cull ou or address
Medford, Or.
Spring wasrons, carts, harness and
buggies for sale, at J. Morris' second
hand store, west of S. P. depot.
To passengers going east the new time card
of the Northern Pacific K. K. will be of great
Interest. You can now make the trip from all
Southern Oregon points to I'hicago lu about S4
hours less than formerly the running time on
the N. P. has been shortened ten hours and the
time card changed so that you can leave Port
land at 9 o'clock a. m., instead of 5 o'clock p.
m., as heretofore. The new connection made
by the N. P. with the Burlington rood makes
this also the shortest, quickest and best routs
to Kansas, Nebraska, St. Louis and all Missouri
river points. For safety, comfort and fair
honorable treatment all unite in saying that
the N. P. is unequalled. If you wish to go east,
southeast, northeast or to Europe apply to S.
P. Cass, N. P. Agent, at the First National
Bank, Grants Pass, Ore. He will do you good.