The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, April 05, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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Our Several Hustling Correspond
ents About the County Tell
Terse Paragraphs of the
Doings of the People in their Re
spective Districts-A Tab Kept
on Everybody and Frinds.
Eagle Point Kaglets.
-by a. c. howlktt. ;
John Young's family are ill with j
la grippe. j
Mrs. Vol. Stickle visited Central j
Point last week.
We are all glad to welcome Miss j
Cora Brown among us again.
Ex-Sheriff Jacobs was in town
one day last week interviewing old j
County Commissioner Bradshaw
was interviewing our townsmen j
Saturday. I
J. W. Smith, of Rill Sticky. Was:
doing business in Eagle Point the to get slightly crippled, while work- i Mrs- V- I'arra, who has been vis
latter part of last week, i ing in the saw-mill last week. ' : Uing her mother, Mrs. Dean, has
Bert Higenbotham was over from
Big Butte Saturday. Bert informs
i,:, ;.,(t,n ;- ;.i
us that ms lather is nl.
r , t f.
instructors, commenced his school
. , . - , , . ,
in the Lone district last week.
Mrs. John Dalev. who has been
severely afflicted with poison oak,
has so far recovered as to be able to
be out.
Died, March "2tUh. at the family
residence, the infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Wooley, aged about
six weeks.
Captain John Black, of. the free
ferrv on Rogue river, passed
through town Saturday on his way
from the valley.
Matt. Ish, a pioneer of Jackson
county-, was in town Thursday of
last week. He says stock is doing
well and loss has ben very light.
Vol. Stickle was at the Steeling
mines a few days ago. He reports
that little is being done except
cleaning up, as tnere is no prospect
for much water.
A number of strangers were in
our town during the last few days.
That fact, -coupled with the railroad,
rumors, causes some speculation as
to railroad extension.
ueo. -uoriiit- int.- auoui uoi
,11- -. i- , i - i
through looking alter his stock and
settled down to work in his black
smith shop. By-t he-way. George
will l-e a reader of'Tn:-: Mail for the
next year.
Geo. Morine and family visited
Jas. Mills' family Sunday. Mrs.
Mo-.r. relates that the local talent
of Brownsboro gnve a very interest
ing entertainment at that place
Saturday evening.
Mr. Marlow. of Salt creek, passed
through this place last week, on his
way to Med ford. He expects his
two married daughters. Mrs. Eugene-
Hitchens and Mrs. Jennie
, here on a visit in a few da vs.
Chas. Knishton. of Prospect, who
has been here fur some time under
Dr. Officer's care, has entirelv re
covered and returned home last
Fridav. Mr. K. requested me to
' .
tender his thank? to the manv
friends who were so kind to him
., , , ., , ., ,
self a;.d familv while thev were
.Sunday evening; your correspond
ent had the pleasure and privilege
of preaching to a full house at this
place, and there was marked atten
tion and good behavior. ltev.
Bryant will occupy the pulpit next
Saturday evening and Sunday
anoriiing and evening, at usual
Last w.-ek Mrs. A. C. Hewlett
and Mrs. Geo. Morine visited friends
on P.ig P.utte. Mrs. Howlett pro
longed her visit until Friday, but
Mrs. Morine received word that her ,
little ciri, Mabel, was ill and in
consequence returned home Tues-
c'nv- Mrs. Howlett savs there was
asocial party Wednesday evening
of last week, "at John Obcneha'm's.
in honor of his daughter. Mrs.
Chas. Ldmondson, who lias moved
to that l.-ca'.ity from Tolo.
Watkins Wait-.
Wui. Dieneff was over from ;
Jacksonville a few days last week. :
Raymond Phillips, the horse
breaker, has located on Applegate.
T. Winsiow has returned from
San Francisco, where he has bewii ,
spending the winter.
S. Mulvyhill and wife, of Tolo,
were visiting friends and relatives '
iierc a short time since.
Mr. Nickerson's house burned to
the ground March Kith. The family j
were able to save nothing but the
clothes oil their backs. :
Mrs. Terry Burns has left for!
Jacksonville, and was accompanied
by her youngest daughter, who has
been quite ill for some time.
K. Boazer's team ran away while
coming from Jacksonville a few
days ago. Mr. P. was thrown to the
ground, but fortunately was not
seriously injured. The team ran
about six miles and was finally
caught, when one mile from home,
by Carl Hwayne.
Sardine Creek Items.
1 iiY noi!?i;i:ois.
.1. T. Miller is a Sardine maker
: now-a-days.
i Fred Phillips spent several days
j last week at tiranls l'ass.
i Mr and Mrs. Roenian are visit
ing relatives at Rock Point.
I A number of our citizens attended
tie ball at (Jold Hill last Friday.
Geo Adams moved his family to
Grants Pass Wednesday of last
Mr, Re!irti of Gold-Hill, has
rented II. Grillis' place for the coin-
ing year.
Rev. Kinney has just completed
a cosy little" cottage on his late
j purchase.
Arthur Fitzgerald was doing
business at the saw-mill the fore
part of last week.
Into Kiestt hi.1 th. misfortune
Mr. Dieter will leave in a short
s time tor -North Dakota, having re-
- i i .i . i
caved word trom there that his
,..,;.....i.. :n
. . r:r
Jackson me ews.
Miss Mol'.ie Miller is now snles-
lady at the City drug store
Representative Geo. W. Dunn
swnt last Friday at this nlace
y. D. Wagner, editor of the Ash-
lanj Tidings, was at the county
se;it last Friday,
Alice Matthews, of Rock
Point precinct, is visiting friends
; Jacksonville.
Attorneys Geo. W. Trefreii and
C. Watson are over from
attending circuit court.
Vshland ,
Miss Mary Devlin, of I'niontown.
left on Monday's train for a two
weeks' visit with Ashland friends, j
James Wilson. Jr.. has gone to
San Francisco, to complete his
course in a pharmaceutical college.
. Mrs.. Geo. Roln-rts. of Glcndale. is
spending the week in this city,
Mrs. R. is a si-ter nf- Mrs. W. .1.
Ply male.
Miss Pauline Karewski has gone
to Portland to visit her sister. Mrs.
A. E. Maeglv, and family, the chil-
i,, i - , . ;M -.i ,
ren liemg ill with la cripiH
L. F. Driggs. of Oregon City, and
Miiton W. Smith and Hiram
Mitchell, of Portland, all young
men. are here on legal business.
Mrs. Taylor Payne has returned
from her visit at Junction Citv.
The lady states that Jasper Dennis.
tier tattler, is sti.I very ill. iron,
. .
s.iomaen irounKS.
W. II. Parker. W. I. Vawt-r. C:..I.
W. .S. Croweil. P. Fitch att.l A. S.
Hammond, all Med fun! attorneys,
are here this wdek. each -.having
one sr more cases to he tried in. the
circuit court.
There arc more atturnevs in", at-1
tendance at the present term of !
:rcmt court than ever known be-
fore. There are just an even t-igh-
. . r . i t ii
lwu 01 1 f.Kai luminaries pres-
fnV not c'uJ"g Iwo honorable
A farewell sociable was given IL
t e..,. t, , i
M. b..eenson. luesday evening, at
the Presbvterian church. Mr.
Stevenson was the president of the
Christian Endeavor society and one
of the most zealous workers. His
manv friends regret his departure, !
but as it is to his interest to go thev j ,lar(l ,,me wl,, ')al lds, and sev
will wish him trie best of success in !, ral uf ,ll liuIt' ,iavc -""HVretl
his new home. ! from croup.
Th P-ivtufi C..i.i,.,1 .........n,.
gave four performances in Jackson
ville last week and were greeted
with large audiences on each occa
sion. On Saturday afternoon, at
the matinee, the -drama "Fast
Lynne" was presented and well
played. I he hall was filled with
children on this occasion, and they
were att-ntivc listeners. The com-
pany gave good satisfaction and
made many friends during their
stav in Jacksonville.
On Mondav evening was held a
business meeting of the Kpworth
Highest ficnors World's Fair.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
League, at the M. E. church. Every
seat was occupied, and after the
business matters were disposed of,
a very interesting program, con
sisting of recitations and songs by
members of the league and Chris
tian Endeavor societies, was given.
Attorney Penson, who is a member
of a League at Grants Pass, was
called on for a short address and
he responded very gracefully with
a few well chosen remarks.
Hon. William Kahler, who was
stricken with paralysis on March
'2(th, was too feeble to survive the
shock anil death ended his suffer
ing on Thursday evening following,
at 7 :'20 o'clock. Funeral services
were held at the M. K. church. Rev.
Moore olliciating, on Saturday after
noon. After the services the Masons
took charge of the burial. Mem
bers of Warren lodge No. 10 were
nearly all in attendance, as were
also several visiting brothers. De
ceased was over 78 years of age, and
leaves a family of grown sons and
Willow Springs Items.
Ed. Hitch, of Tolo, has returned
from Med ford.
i iciui nni ii'iiui.
i I 1....1 1.;.-
, , , - , . ,. .
frozen a icw wccks a;o. is aoie 10
, , ,
, be about again.
I Miss Nannie Matney, who has
been visiting at this place with Mrs.
II. Roe, has returned home.
Our school is progressing nicely.
-'n 1 ' "i '" ,,
I I -
J. W. McDanough. the most pop
ular young man of our neighbor
hood, will soon leave for Silver
Lake to reside.
Gus Samuels, one of our ener
getic young men. has commenced a
term of school on Lake creek. We
. i i .
i wisn mm success.
A p.pant nartv was h..1(1 at tjK.
residence of B. Pearls, last Friday.
About liftv guests were present and
all had an enjoyable time,
0,)0 rwpntW .
IUImi,er of the young folks hied
themselves to the 'residence of Ralph
Deans. Although Ralph was taken
by surprise, all enioved themselves
Prof. E.
!o.-ed a su:
P. 'Hughes recently
ce-sful writing scliOAii
at this place. 'Mr. H.'s smiling
face will be )uised by i;:re than
one of tin- young friends he made
in this locality.
Table Kiuk Items.
E. P. Pi.kens made
Applegate la.-t week.
a trip to
Hon. S. M. Nealon paid Jackson
ville a v i ? i t Saturday.
Pendleton and Frit rson have
rented Mrs. Drum's farm this year
Wt;i. PyWe Sr.. has been spend
ing a few days on his llgue river
J.iltle Irace. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs (.'has. Dickinson, is reported
very sick, j
tro W II Ar.w,l.l..f ,., vi
,ev wllo h.S ,H,en ,,lliu. U.k for a
' i. r ,,.,., ,,.,,'1,
m , . , i
i ne naru wind nisi weunesaay
blew down several large trees and
scattered considerable fencing, no
serious damage reported.
Messrs. .Sheffield and Hubbard.
Medford agents tor the McLormick
h , ,. . ,
mowers and hinders, were here
soliciting trade from our farmers
Xearlv cvervbndv in this neck
of t5u "ok!s have lately had a
Assessor (ii
A. Jackson, has
been working this section lately,
lie says the census taking makes
his work slow and in some cases
The wind and rain tho last few
days have stopped the tree sprayers
from work; this is to-, bad for manv
trees are now too far advanced to
do good work without injuring
some of the fruit.
Table Pock people propose to
have a Sunday school again this
season. Next Sundav is the dav
set for the iirst meeting to re-orga
ni.e. K very body that can come,
are earnestly invited to be present
j to help the work along.
Thos. Leever, of Central Point,
has been engaged to take charge
of" ipiartz gold mine in (iranite
ISasin, Plumas County, Calif. Your
correspondent lived near there for
several years anil feels quite sure
that Tom will find a good minim:
I country and a jolly lot of people.
I " ' J. C. P.
Wontlville News.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox paid Sykes
creek a visit Tuesday.
Fred Otter camo over to Wood
viile one day last week.
Johnny Xeathamer is suffering
with a felon on his forefinger.
Merchant Jones made a business
trip to Jacksonville Saturday.
The young ladies of this place
are arranging to give a ball, in the
school house, in the near future.
James Whipple, constable of
this precinct, spent Sunday at this
Mrs. Matthews and Mr. White
made a business trip In Jackson
ville last week.
("has. Taylor, one of (he railroad
bridge -carpenters, spent Sunday
and Monday at this place.
Rui'us Phelps and Dick Moreland
came down from the I lanmiersley
mine Thursday of last week and
went ;ip to Gold Hill.
Wes. Lewis passed through (his
plaee one day last week on his way
up to the Lindley mine, to work in
tho tunnel. Wes. is a Number One
hand and his services are always in
Tom Kinney, of Jacksonville,
passed through Wood vi lie Monday
on his way to Grants Pass with a
load of beans, which he disposed of
and the ne xt day returned with a
load of doors and windows.
Out nil Point Items.
J. G. McDonald and wife
Monday in our city.
' A. R. Merritt, made
(iold Hill, Tuesday.
John M. I lav. of Gold
i trip to
Hill, was
here trailing on Saturday.
Attorney Win. Cardwcll, .spent a
day in our city last week.
Zeb. Hide, of Woodviile, spent a
day here on business, last week.
I.. Harding and family, of Wood
viile, are now resideTrts of our city.
Miss Simons, of Eagle Point,
spent last Week with friends hire.
A. E. ('ranee's two small child
ren are very sick, we are sorry to
Mrs. W. H. Norcross, who has
been ijuite ill. is now able to be out
C. H. Ercanlirack made a busi
ness trip to Jacksonville last Sat
urday. Edwin Pierce and family, late of
(iold Hill, have becalm- residents
ot our town.
E. P. Pickens was over from
Table Rock during the week, visit
ing bis family.
W. H. Lewis has purchased the
StiUwell projierty and moved his
family thereto.
O. S. .-in. an.l J. X. Hursh
made the count v .-at a l".:i::e
viit la-t week.
L. G. Ros and sister. Mrs. Addic
Sehu.itl Hind.- a visit to Jackson
ville. Saturd.iv.
Mrs. S-itu'l McClendon. who lias
been very sick the past month, is
r.oiv about again.
NT iss Luitif
.t K
Point, is making her sifter. Mrs
Win. Holmes, a visit.
Kid'er S. P. Chastain. who has
been holding protracted meetings
at Ialent. has returned home.
Miss Stella Stidham i-pened a
school at Applegate last Mondav
in what is known as the Prake dis
trict. W. I. Yawter and Capt. Xash.
two prominent business men of
Medford. were here Wednesday on
Warren Mee. of the lumbering
firm of Mee Brothers A- Co.. o:
(trants Pass, spent a couple of davs
here last week with his sister. Marv
Mr. Mills and family, hit" ol
Missoula. Montana, have taker
rooms at Mrs. H. Amy's. Thev
are looking over the valley with :
view of locating.
Last Thursday evening our ci'i
zens gathered after prayer meeting,
and gavi a surprise party in houo;
of the birthday of Mrs. K. W. Ken
nedv. wite of our resident pastor o!
the M. K. Church. Thev donate.1,
a large a mount of provisions and
purse ot money to the good lad v.
Missionary children's dav. al
Central Point, was a v. rv pleasant
occasion on last Sundav evening
The children who took part wen
under splendid drill and prepara
tion. Much credit is due the
pastor's wife, who had the wiiol.
matter in charge, and made th
program of songs, recitations, mis
sionary addresses and class services
a decided success.
Mt'rrhatita Komrtluiri Come l.iwn with
m .lump In Th.-lr l'rlr9.
Indian travel Is full of surprise,
pleasant and otherwise. A tfent lenian,
wishinir to pur.-liase some of the )euii
t i f ill Cashmere shawls which are made
not far from lvlhi. wvnt to one of the
largest estalilishments ill the city. The
iiieivliant showeil him n hooU in which
uas written recommendations of his
(fen. Is ly lion, (irant and his son, as
well us ly many otlu rs.
Aiiioiifr the receinmendat ions was
this uiie in llcrman: "'1 have hourht
: haw's of this man and think 1 et
them cheap: hut do not olTcr him :i
third of what he asks."
The gentleman selected two very
lieiiutife.l shawls, and asked the price.
The merchant, after a little consulta
tion with his clerks said:
'I have not sold a shawl to your
party. I sell you very, very cheap.
You may have these beautiful shawls
for fourteen hundred rupees."
"Absurd: Let us jfo!" said the gen
tleman, having iti mind tlie (uTinan's
udviee. and lie s'arted for the door.
"Don't K." said the merchant;
"inalie me nn offer."
"I will ive V"U four hundred rupees
fur hotli sbawls."
To his astonishment the merchant
'Take them; I will semi them to your
At Jaipur the same traveler lodged
in a hotel eondue'i-d l.y a native, hut
owiH d by the rajah, lie f"iin.l the
fcdlowinr,' aiiiiisiiijf nutiees posted in
various places:
"If visitors are not satisfied with the
f 1 or cookintf they can iiediu-t from
the bill what they cuiit-idcr fair."
(iiiests are reijuested not to strike
the sxTvants."
'liui--ts wi'hintr iee are requested to
jfive it day's not iee ami name how much
they require."
"Come. O mj- soul in sacred lays" was
written by Thomas I'daeklock. a blind
man. It contains a pathetic allusion
to the poet's condition.
"ItHHUlTEST and Wst of the sons of
the morning" was written by Repinald
llclier and first published in the "Chris
tian Observer" in 1S11.
Czar I'aii.. nneestor of the pres
ent emperor of Russia. eonstru-ted a
rHm formed entirely of hiiL'e mirrors,
when' he sj nt sev-ral hour?, walking
ti anil fro in full uniform a singular
taste for the ugliest man in Knssia.
1'ossiblv he wished to ret used to him
self. vk of the native princes of .lava
cooled his palace by making a stream
fall in a cascade over the tratewa v; and
the Indian desxt . Tippi Saliili. placed
ln-side his dinner table a lifc-sicd fig
ure of a tij.-er devouring an Kuyiish
ollieer. the roar of the beast a'ld t
shrieks of the victim liein' imitated bv
hidden machinerv.
ol imiutloo tnia
curtu and
is the" whole story
UWiycl5V'j. fiour unirersallyicktiowledjed purest la OieTorld. ji
JUde only by CHURCH i CO., Kcw
fr'rlte for Arm nd Iltmmcr
Location of t-and l.vinir lmt a U v ris moiv than one
mile t tiic east t
....Medford, Oregon,
Amount of Land in
Mow on the Harket
Commands an tlx-
Iccllent View of
How Payments Can
be Made
Fruit and Fruit Culture
ysis tho soil is found to contain all tho
element required to produce fruits from
the semi-tropical to the hardiest- varie
ties. Over these favorable conditions
lianas a climate co-ordinated and adjust
ed to the nature of the soil. .
Who to Address For further information cencernimr
this desirable property call on or address
I. ami unine at Kfwi-bur, rrc(ron, March 2ft,
lv;'o. Nxtie - Is hereby iriven thiit the following
:iitinr-r 'i-n!i-r iui.H hied notice of his Intention
t :..iik" ti;i;ii i.i .if in support of his claim, anri
. Unit sa;.' ro f will lie made tvfore J. U. Neil,
rourcy j:iti-.',- ,i Jackson coiiinv. Oregon, at
j Jack-on-, ,11. . i'r ;.o:i. on May is. ixv:,, vij-:
1 0:01:1:1: I'. 1 ;ori.n.
j on Iiori: t ai i-:i:1ry No. for Th: K'i
; N W;4. W, N K',. S. e. ' 1. Tp. :i:.S.. 11 2 West"
j lie name- tin- fniio-Aiii w!tii-ss..s to prove his
emit intjon.-. n-si i upon aii'l cultivation of
I s.ud 1-md. viz: Al! rl 1.. Vino nt. il nton
i oecr.t and John V. Vtnct-nt. ol Table Kock,
; I ir-.. and 1 . 1 Jali. of Sains Valley, Ore.
' a ' in Id I:. M. Vkah 11. ieg:ster.
! I. a'id !!ice at Koseburt;. tire'on. March 2.
j !".' -. Notice is le-reby given that the following
I nameil settler has Hied notice of his intention
, to make Jlnal pnwif m support of his claim, and
. that said proof will lie mu'le before James k.
I Neil, county judjjc of Jackson county, al Jack
j sonville, oreifon. on May 11. lhY". viz:
I li KtiKC K H. JOJt-STON.
I 'i Homestead Kntrv No. HiVi, for the S W1,'
j N V.-A. N ij s KV and KJ4 S E'-J- 31. Tp.
' ai S.. K. 1 West, lie namctj the following wit-
masses 10 prove nis coniinuouH residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph C
'iatfe. 1.. C. Katney and A. N. Kan-ey. of Beavle,
Ore., and Iee lilack, of Etna, Ore.
a -5 in -10 K. 11. Veatch, Register.
To Owners of Cows.
Thoroughbred Durham bull, for ser
vice, at the Earhartfarm, one-half milt
south of Medford.
Are You Going
to ilove? . . .
It's cheaper to move
than to pav rent and
We'll Move You
I 'heajer than you can
y move yourself with a
wheelharrow. We Jo
1 all kinds of hauling at
lowest living rates.
Bellinger & Wells, The Draymen.
York. Sold kr rroccrs crtmrhcre. 9
Book tit r. tmmhla CiWv.rvcv
mi " J U II 9.
Is situated ldO aere of land which is
especially adapted to
Fruit Growing.
This land has recently been placed
upon the market and is now offered for
sale in tracts of from
2 o to 10 Acres.
The name. "Fairview." is jrmMi this
property ln-cause, that heing located as
it i. on a slight eminence, a view of all
pari of Midfurd and a irood portion of
the valley can le had from anv part of
the lan-l. Nearly all of this land has
Leeii ch ared and has Leen under culti
vation for a number of years. The soil
is of an exceptionally tine quality and its
adaptability I" Iruii-o'rowino- has been
proven. This land will be sold upon the
Installment Plan.
Payment may be made at $1.2o per
week. So per month or Sdo every quar
ter, or a liberal discount wiil be made
for all cash purchases.
The Msceos-; atti-ndino- fruit culture is
no 'longer an experiment. v direct anal