The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 29, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Little Paragraphs and Big Paragraphs
Penciled and Published for the
People's Perusal.
The Doings of the Busiest City In
the Rogue River Valley All the
News Once a Week.
While wo are all doing a greater
or lesser amount of talk on the sower
matter suppose we sfive you post
master J. S. Howard's idea: This
gentleman would propose that a tunnel
be started at Bear creek, about four
feet above low water-mark and extend
from there up Seventh street to the
Clarendon hotel, or, if deemed ex
pedient, on to the water ditch, at a
point where the ditch intersects
Seventh street. This tunnel to be
four feet wide and five feet high and
its roof supported by bxti timbers.
Inside the tunnel to be built a 2x3 foot
wood flume. At the west or terminal
end, he would prouose to conduct the
water from the ditch into this flume
and a point just east of the Claren
don he would put in a turbin water
whtel of sufficient size to develop
power required in pumping water for
the city's use. With 400 inches of
water at command he claims a fifteen
horse power can be developed and the
waste water right at hand for continual
flushing for the sewer. At the end
of Bear creek bridge the tunnel would
be eight feet under ground, at the
postoffice sixteen, and at the Clarendon
uighteen or twenty. The sewer could
be -easily connected with by property
owners by putting down a mau-hole at
the desired point lne tunnel, Air,
Howard states, could be put in at a
cost of about $4 per foot. Another
proposition Mr. Howard litis to offer
is that of organizing a stock company,
get a franchise from the city, put in
the sewer and charge monthly rental
to people using it, the city council
making its use by property owners
Our novelty shoes in Oxfords, .tans,
russets, patent leather and Viei I: itis
will be opened for inspection about
Wednesday of next week. Newest
styles in Columbia and Philadelphia
toe. These are positively the latest;
all fresh from the factories in Xew
York, Philadelphia and Boston. Buy
of us. Thompson, VanDyke & Co.
The Clarendon hotel has changed
management again. When Alex.
Ireland rturned last week he found
Landlord Thomason in waiting and
anxious to bill of sale the whole busi
ness back to him again. When the
consideration from Ireland to Thoma
son was named, it was $700, now when
the bill of sale is made again the con
sideration is $300, leaving Alex, with
$400 clear profit. When the transfer
. had been made between these parties
Mr. Ireland began drifting about for
another purchaser. He soon found
one in the person of S. S. Wilson, but
at a very different figure than any of
the above. Mr. Wilson took possession
Monday and is now in charge with
Harry Rankin his best man. The old
help will be employed, for a time, at
least. Some several changes will be
made in arrangement of things and
where necessary new furniture will
be added. "Sim" states that it
will be run strictly first class, upon
business principles and that if cater
ing to the public's wants, supplying
the tables with the very best of edi
bles and courteous treatment of all
patrons wiil work up a trade he will
have it. If '"Sim"' carries out the
above there is not the least possible
chance for the slightest mistake.
When looking for a spring and
summer hat or bonnet don't forget to
call oa Mrs. C. W. Palm, headquarters
for fashionable millinery, where you
will always find a large and complete
assortment of trim red goods at from
25 to 50 per cent less than any other
place in the valley.
The last few days have not been
especially conducive to the blooming
forth of the ladies in their new spring
hats, but while the husbands and in
dulgent parents are congratulating
themselves that the milliners' harvest
has been deferred, the good ladies are
given just a little more time to figure
on getting something a trii'.o nicer
than they had at first thought of.
While the weather is damp now there
will be a calm and much sunshine in a
lew davs and it will be then that you
will want that new spring bat. You j
had probably better lay your plans lor
a general inspection of pretty things
about next Friday and Saturday, March
29th and 30th the days and dates upon
which Mrs. Sears will have her open
ing. The lady has a most elegant dis
play of trimmed hats and millinery
novelties. She wants to see all the
ladies of Medford and all the country
'round present upon these dates.
See. the new cuts of Kid Fitting
corsets in Thompson, VanDyke & Co.'s
ad, on another page.
Spence Childers is making ready
to manufacture brick in quantities
great in number. This week he
received a Kells & Son brick machine,
which has a capacity of 20,000 brick
- per day. The machine arrived Tues
day and was taken at once to the brick
yard, east of Medford, where, in about
ten days' time it well bogin grinding.
The machine is so constructed that
very little water is required in its use,
in consequence of which the customary
drying process is done away with, the
brick only requiring about two days'
airing while stacked up in "hacks"
before they are ready for the kiln.
Mr. Childers will operate the machine
with steam power, he having rented
Mr. Cock's engine for that purpose.
Twelve men will be employed. A
kiln of 200,000 will at once be gotten
ready for burning after which a second
one to contain from 400,000 to 500,030
will be filled and burned.
C. C. Pletcher will be at Mrs.
Simon's, Eagle Point, Or., on April
JOth and 11th, fully equipped to do all
classes of dental work.
There was considerable of a circus
over at the depot Sunday and a most
disgusting one it was. A couple, man
ana wife, were on the platform waiting
for the southbound train and the man
was intoxicated to that extent that
navigation was difficult. When the
train pulled in he did not desire par-ticularly-to
got on board the train, but a
couple of swift slaps on the side of his
head from his wife put to flight all
foolish notions of remaining in Med
ford and the couple took seats in the
smoking car and sped southward. The
fellow has been traveling back and
forth between here and Ashland for
the last three or four months in quest
of work and alcohol. Work he didn't
seem to want very badly, but alcohol,
he always got very awfully. His Ama
zon wife handled him admirably and
the only regret is that sho didn't pum
mell him harder.
Dr. II. K. Fish, of Grnvois Mills,
Mo., a practicing physician of many
years' experience, writes: "Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve has no equal for
indolent sores, scalds and burns. It
stops pain instnutlv, heals a burn
quickly and leaves no scar."' Geo. 11.
tlaskius, druggist.
Eugene V. Debs passed south on
tho overland Saturday morning, and
quite a number gathered on the depot
platform to get a glimpse of hiin. As
the train came to a standstill the great
strike leader stopped down from a
second class Pullman sleeper in which
he was traveling, and very socially
shook hands with a number who were
there to meet him. Mr. Debs is a tall,
hearty looking man, apparently not
over 40 years old, and smooth shaven .
He said that he was quite glad to see
so many out to meet him, and in so
doing created among the unsuspecting
quite a friendly feeling, but no one
can blame him for making for himself
as strong a case as possible. He
lectured at prominent points along the
line from the east, and had a large
audience at Portland Thursday evening
of last week.
Found Oa railroad track, near the
Orchard Home tract, a lady's gold
watch chain and charm. Owner will
please call at MAIL otlice.
Is it not a fact that the men folks
are always trying to figure out how
b:g a mistake it is possible for a wo
man to make? But was a woman ever
known to blow out tho gas or to be
buncoed bv a man who wanted to bor
row monev to pav a freight bill? l)vs
she ever get her pockets picked or lose
monev on a "little game?" If she ha
a roll of monev with her, does she ever
flash it out when she wauts to buy a
cake for chewing? Isn't it a fact that
she is wiser with monev when sho is
travelling than the men and more to
be trusted? Instead of a woman hav
ing a man along to "protect"' her, the
dailv papers prove that every man
that goes awav from home should have
a woman to act as a guardian and keep
him from making a bigger fool of him
self than he naturally is.
Gentlemen: If you are needing
a new suit of clothes call at G. L.
Webb's Racket store and see the
largest line of samples ever displayed
in the city; either domestic or im
ported goods.
Some time ago Mr. and Mrs. Max
Pracht left their home in Ashland for
a trip to England, and a letter received
by their children a few days ago slated
they arrived in Manchester, the great
manufacturing town, on the Tlh of the
present month. Mr. Pracht is a repre
sentative of the American u tnding
company, and he will make Manches
ter his headquarters for sometime to
come, during which time he will visit
England, France, Germany, Russia.
Belgium, Italy, Spain and Sweden.
The trip home will be made via. the
Suez canal and the Orient, thus com
pleting the trip around the world an
undertaking which has long been Mr.
Pracht' s desire to accomplish.
I have removed my barber shop
from Hotel Medford to first door south
of Free Coinage saloon. Front street
Call and see mo wheu you want a hrst-
class shave or bair cut. W. L. Town
The Mail likes to see the small
boy engage in pursuits that bring in a
lew honest dunes, and right now one
of his avocations is that of gat In
wild mustard plants and
selling them
about the city for greens. We want
to admonish this smail boy. or boys, to
gather his greens in other localities
than in orchards where the trees have
been sprayed with substances for the
extermination of fruit pests. These
spray solutions are poisonous and the
ground round about the trees is covered
with it. Last year a number of people
hereabouts are reported to have been
made ill by eating greens procured in
sprayed orchards.
I have just received a carload of
Studebaker s wagons, buggies, hacks
and surreys. When the car arrives
come in and see what a bargain I can
give you. J. A. Whitman, Medford.
John Morris made a (iiscoverv
Wednesday morning that somewhat
startled him, and well it might. While
at the rear end of his Second Hand
store he. discovered that someone, dur
ing th previous Hight, had set fire to
bis building. The fir: was started at
the corner of the building and near
the woodpile, and one sill of the build
ing and several joists were burned was also a portion of the
wood pile. What is "queering" John
most of all is to know ivho put the
fire out after it was once started. It
surely did not quit burning of its own
accord, as the timbers are very dry.
For your shoes and boots go to
Thompson, VanDyke & Co.'s shoe par
lors, where your comfort and tastes are
studied and where satisfaction is guar
anteed. There is considerable la grippe go
ing the rounds right now. It, is a little
late for it to set in, but if you haven't
had it you better not rejoice to plenti
fully as it is not yet too late in the sea
son for the all-over, feverish, devilish,
every-bone-in-the-body-aching feeling
to strike you, like a shock from an
electric light wire. One minute you
feel you have a chronic wellness, i.'e.,
the minute just before the Russian
monster grip's you. The minute after
3'ou don't care a continental how wide
or deep they dig your grave or if you
are a cremationist how soon they light
the fire.
Have you sprayed your trees? If
not, you ought to do so at once. You
can buy all the compound wash you
need from one gallon to one hundred
barrels at two cents a gallon, at D. H.
Hill's place, in southwest Medford.
Religous services are still being
conducted at the Christian church.
Rev Skeggs, of Junction City, arrived
Wednesday morning and will assist
Rev. Fisher in conducting the services.
The church people hope to be able to
retain Rev. Skeggs until next week
and possibly over two Sundays. Rev.
Fisher's discourses are reported to be
very interesting and instructive, par
ticularly is such the case with his
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
references to dates of organization of
different churches and creeds. There
had been seven accessions to thechureh
made up to Tuesday of this week.
Our patrons will find Do Witt's
Little Karlv Kisers a safe and reliable j
remedy for constipation, dyspepsia and
liver complaints. Geo. 11. llaskins,
Out in Eden precinct, at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, las',
Sunday, March 24th. Rev. C. II. Iloxie
joined in wedlock. Mr. C. E. 11. Ilukell
and Miss Mida Woody. Theit were
about sixty friends and relatives pres
ent and a very pleasant occasion it was.
After the ceremony had been perform
ed a splendid dinner was served. Both
bride and groom are among the most
respected of our people. May all their
troubles bo minature and all their hap
piness be mountain high aud as lasting
and congenial us a Southern Oregon
I wish voii to call and see my new
spring stock. Have bought it at hard
time prices and can sell it very cheap.
I. A. A"ebb, the furniture man.
The boys are having wagon loads
of fun over in Jacksonville, at the ex
pense of our friend Xickell. and
Charlie is setting up the cigars in
consequence. Al the first meetit'gof the
new trustees of Jacksonville, of which
Charlie is a memlh-r. there had b-.en
two or three ballots tuk,ii for the elec
tion of chairman of the boarj and
without result. On the next ballot
there were live votes cast, and all for
Xickell Charlie had voted for him
self, and is now getting the guying
that is due him.
Sick headache, constipation and
indigestion are ouieklv cured bv
Do Witt's Little Enrlv Risers, the
famous little pills. Geo. li. llaskins.
The little child of J. T. Sutton
died of consumption, at the residence
of Kobl. Moore, in this city hist Satur
day night. Funeral services were held
at the residence on North D street
Monday forenoon. Interment in the
Central Point cemetery. It was only
last summer that the child's mother
died of tho same disease. Tho child
had leeu ill for about four montns,
having first bad an attack of measles.
and from this consumption developed.
Tayler. the Foot Fitter, has just
received the first shipment of elegantly
designed Oxford ties, bootees and
Juliets. Come early, as these styles
cannot be duplicated again this season.
Let all road supervisors prepare
for prospective grading by doing nec
essary plowing while the soil will ad
mit of it. Alongside the average
highway one man and team can accom
plish more right now than five outfits
can accomplish when the ground is
crusted and baked later on. Road
work to he efficacious should be done
early in the season. Especially is this
true of plowing for the purpose of re
moving dirt for grading.
Look for the name "Studehaker"
if you find it printed on th box, that
is the wagon you are looking for. J.
A. Whitman sells them.
About that key proposition, i
There are sliil about 2-Vt keys that;
have not been tried . and the box with j
twenty big silver dollars on the in-;
side is still unojiciied. Messrs. Thomi-!
rtn jiml ! .n L't- v:in! nil Ivil'Ttes
i,ni,l;,. L-evs In r.nne in ami trv them!
within the next thirty days. If thj
box has not been oiiened by that time
its contents wnl b; taken out and given
to the Ladies Benevolent society of
this city.
Karn & Gilkey have tho sole ajen
cy for the Oliver Chilled. Steel ainl
Black Land plows, and repairs for
There is a kind of comfort iu the
fact that the grip pays no more resreel
to princes than to p.mpers. The i':i
ease has laid hold of the prince of
Wales, and his royal kn-es ache and
his royal nos-i sneezes just as though
im iTf ui uuuioie oiriu. intTf n "
precaution known that wiil scare off
this vicious uisorder. 1 lie man who
lives according to the rules of the san-
itjtfiiin fun. mi l.TTt thnn lh must
Direct from New York. tl"(M rolls
paper has arrived, and on exhibition.
Prices lower than ever before. I. A.
The V. M. C. A. committee on
constitution and by-laws have prepared
their report and as soon as action is
taken, propositions for furnishing a
site will be accepted. There are three
sites mentioned and inducements of
fered from all three ways. One is
opposite the postollice, another on the
corner of Seventh and B streets and
another on the vacant lot just cast
of I. A. Webb's furniture store.
Today and tomorrow are opening
days at Mrs. Sears' millinery store
fine, spring hats, nicely trimmed and
reasonable in price.
C. 1. Huntington has Kintod out
thu way for a young man with a little
capital to make a barrel of money. In
the Congo Free State, he says, beyond
the mountains, crude rubber gum can
be bought for about a cent a pound; it
can be got down to t ho sea for another
cent and in Xew York it. will bring not
less than 1 a pound. There is more
wealth in this kind of profit than in all
the gold mining in the world.
All kinds of clocks, watches and
jewelry repaired at 15. X. Butler's,
opposite Strang's drug store.
Superintendent Newbury was in
Medford Tuesday. From him we learn
ed that all the seventy-five school dis
tricts in Jackson county had forwarded
their reports to him and he, in turn,
had forwarded them to the State
Superintendent. The children of school
age in this county number just 4'.l!).!.
All schools are provided with teachers
and school will begin in each of them
between April 1st and 15th.
See Chappell for cheap d raying.
Joo.Shone and his planing mill are
kept busy these times getting out
finishings for the Kubli residence in
Jacksonville, and furniture for Joe's
own household as well us a consider
able amount for John Morris' second
hand store. Joe is doing some good
work in house finishings and there
scorns no good reason for our people to
send out of the city
for their work in
this lux
Repairing watches and jewelry is
right in in v line. All work warranted.
B. X. BittW, Medford, Oregon.
A stock company hiis been organ
ized up at Ashland and a $io,(K)l) brick
block is going to be buiit by th-j com
pany. Architect Henimt, of this city,
lias the plans all perfect for tho build
ing and a beautiful structure it is to
be. It will lie located on the Judge
Konsel property and contain five store
buildings, a bank and hall, besides
numerous offices on the second floor.
Wanted 10,00) men, to buy and
feed noon bread made by Frank Wil
son, tho baker.
There are probably no two persons
iu Medford who delight in handling
the leins over a good driving horse
more than does I). T. and J. V.". Law
ton and thev almost always have a
couple or more good drivers
Hin-ht I
now J. W . is making a little light
harness for his l,u Davis yearling j
colt, which he prouu-s h. eaking to;
drive during the simmer, i
Spring wagons, cart, harness and
buggies for sale, at J. Morri-' second
hand store, west of S. I. depot. I
Music, 'tis said, has charms to
smash a hole in a rook. The fellow
who wrote these words referred to
I'rilchard's excellent slock of violins,
harmonicas, with bell attachment,
and autoharps. This gentleman also
carries a full assortment of strings for
all stringed instruments. Eye glasses
from 2o up. Glasses fitted to the
eyes free of charge.
I have 1.77 acres of laud for sale,
two miles from Medford, at $-15 per
acre. C. P. Buck.
Some twenty-five or thirty couples
attended Charlie Damon's dance last
Friday evening. There were about
twelve couples over from Jacksonville.
A very fine luncheon was served at
the Star restaurant and if there was
anyone present who did not have a
cracking good time it was truly no
fault of Mr. Damon.
Opening days Mrs. Sears' milli
nery store Friday and Saturday this
A Mr. Kalev, or lmer. who was
in Medford Monday, was suddenly tak
en with hemorhage of the stomach,
while in Haskins' drug store, and not
until medical attention was called was
the hemorrhage stopped. The gentle
man is now stopping at Mrs. Gulp's
and is Mill quite ill. His wife was
sent for Tuesday.
Don't send away for fine tailor
made clothing until vou see the new j
line of samples al G. L. Webb's Racket.
An exchange says: "There is !
hardly a married man who does not ;
carry in bis pocket the picture of an I
attractive young lady not his wife, j
We violate no confidence in saving
that her name is Miss Annie Wildis;
Williams, of Pa., and her picture or-
naments the silver dollar that we all j
G. l Webb wants fresh eggs at
the Racket. Will pay cash or trade.
Atorney Ilamakar, of Klamath
Falls, teils the Express, of that city.
i that
the case of the defaulting tvas-
urer. W. E. Howe, will come before
the supreme court in n few weeks, and
that there is no doubt but that a new
tria. will bo granted. Ilamakar and
Cogswell are Howe's attorneys.
Found An opal watch charm. Call
.t this t:T
At the IJiptist church next Sun-1
day. Pa-tor W. C. Jenkins will preach ;
morning ami ev; i:ine;. His morning I
subj -el wili be, "Gikl a Son and Shield." ;
His evening subj -ct w ill be. "Two j
lltai-s." H iptism will also be admin-:
i ;i; t'VellUr'
'. cordially invited.
service. All I
Men's working shirts, full length j
and futi width, al the Racket. I
I G. W. Galloway i
making a
noticeable improvement in front of his I
tine residence on two sides by grad- ,
ing and graveling the streets. This '
place is one Of the beauty s;ots of the ,
city and the street improvements add i
greatly thereto as they do in all !o-J
call lies. J
Smith retails nt wholesale prices, j
but don I wholesale at retail prices.
The old Rosenthal building began
t ) move from its place of ten years'
location Tuesday. There were four
men at work on the job and seven
hundred and eighty-three men
uclual count looking on, and each had
a suggestion to otter.
Smith don't wholesale at retail
prices, but retails at wholesale prices.
E. J. Pool writes from Olene,
Klamath county: "The weather is
line, with plenty of suckers in the
river and lots of work in the black
smith shop. Like the country very
well hut not as well as the Rogue river
Children's trimmed hats at cents
and up at Mrs. C. W. Palm's.
Throw a fine net-work of line
gravelled and graded roads and boule
vards over this mountain girth valley
aud the whole continent might well
sing our praises. There is not a fairer
spot from the Andes to the Pyrin nees.
Ijidies' night, gowns from To cts.
up, this week, at Fair store.
The organization of the local
lodge of "Woodmen of tho World"
which was to have been perfected last
Friday night was deferred one week
because of other engagements of those
citizens who contemplate joining.
Spray mixtures prepared, for the
San .lose scale, and for sale by Frank
Olwell, Central Point, Oregon.
Tho la grippe struck A. M. Wood
ford's family with a decided grip last
week. Throe mombers of the family
were taken ill Mr. Woodford Myrtle
and tho baby. They are all bettor
now. Dr. Geary is in attendance.
Bigger bundles for less money than
ever, so bring your wagons to J. E.
Roberts' Fair store.
Arthur Wilson'sentire family were
taken ill with the" la grippe last Satur
day. In Miss Allie's case pneumonia
has developed and the young lady is
quite seriously ill. Dr. Wait is in at
tendance. Snow Ball and Davis' best flour at
Lumsden & Berlin's.
Key. Father De.smarais will hold
divine services, and Ie::lure on the sub
ject of "Faith," in the Catholic church
at Medford on Sunday March 31st, nt
10 a. in. Every body welcome.
Carpets and wall paper direct from
the east. Call and see this stock aud
get prices. I. A. Webb.
J. II. Butler is applying paint to
Dr. Kirchgessner's new residence.
Veri'.j, nil things do beautify with the
coming of spring and the bloom of
Clothing aud furnishing goods,
new and light weight for summer, W.
H. Meeker & Co.
J. J. L'llman has been placed in
charge of the Dr. Stanley stock of
goods, at Gold Hill. The gentleman
wili perform his work well and honest
ly. Call at B. X. Butler's for eye
glasses. Eyes tested free of charge.
Robt. Moore was taken suddenly
ill Sunday evening with neuralgia of
the heart. Dr. Wait was called. The
gentleman is now all right again.
A petition was going the rounds of
MVdford this wek askinr for the ap-
..I,,,!., i .Ma !,,.
I'wiuiiuviii ki .ii. x u I u iii aj iuu uuniuuu
H. C. Klock. who used to be at
olil Hill, is now at Dun.-muire. C ahf..
but for how long a time our informant ;
does not state. 1
(live Smith a call for choice candv. !
Marriage license was issued by
County Clerk Jacobs, March ll'.ih. to
L. V.- Rogers and Mrs. Catherine
arren .
Smith for candy.
Rev. Foster will occupy the Pres
byterian church pulpit at usual hours,
next Sunday. Good singing at all
W. P. Dodge has just completed
an lli loot well (or Jas. .Mcl-arren, out
southeast of Medford, and found plenty
of wal?r-
Photographers Tyler & Miser were
out Tuesday with their camera taking
iewMi .lujioru. irora me waicr worts,
An account of the death of R. E.
"Drum, formerly of Table Rock, will bo
found on our correspondence page.
S. E. Delk & Co. opened up busi -
Seventh Street
When Starting Out
For a Walk
Trv an.i nialio it :i poir.t t visit
m v grocery. If you are intcrct
o.l in pure foK Tin sure the
visit will W interesting. I keep
only 'the belter grades of groceries
the kinds I know from long ex
perience to le
The ixiorer
of the store? may cost a little less
in the beginning, but the litter
enee is more than made up when
vou send for the doctor.
His Hired Man.
Best Bargains, Most Goods,
Best Values For Cash.
Call at
Same assortment of goods aud ianie
prices at our Central Poiut Store.
Grail & HntcMson,
Heart is Stronger
Fainting Spells, Neuralgia and
Blood Poison
Hood's Sarsapariila Clves
and Comfort.
'C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Dear Sirs: I saw Hood's Sarsapariila
highly recommended in newspapers. I
liv-, had neuralgia in,
my head, bade
and arms. I also
had weak fainting
BpellB and could
find nothing to
do me any good.
After reading the
about the good
Hood's Sarsapa
riila was doing I
decided to give it
a trial. I have
taken it regularly
since early last
MIu Rou Sheldon
La Center. Tub.
year and can truthfully say it
Has Perfectly Cured Me.
I do not Buffer now with any breaking oot
on my head, nor have any fainting spell.
The action of my heart has been strength-
pariila Cures
Be Sure
to Get Hood"a.
j 3 t m ii :
ratu 1M 1 .m liw uvu.
I cheer
fully recommend Hood's Sarsapariila to
. . t, c '.. ;. t . r- .
fort." Mif3 Kosa Sheldos, La Center,
"Washington. N". E. Ee to get Hood's.
Prepared only bv C. I. Hood & Co.,Lowell,
Mass. Sold bv all bit for fo.
Hood's Pills cure Nausea, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, Biliousness. Sc per box.
ness in their new saloon building last
week near the Clarendon.
The grading for the sidewalk on
west Seventh street is nearly completed
and some of the walk is laid.
F. J. Head, the blind
! has his residence on west
street nearly completed.
J Boots and shoes at Angle & Ply-
I male's for cost and freight,
Demorest, the dentist opera block.
For Sale.
Forty acre farm in Sams Valley, or
will trade for Medford property. Ad-
; dress D. Z. Beidler, Sams Vaiiey, Ore.
grades sold at some
Are still at the front and as
usual are sivin the
1 J
Our stuck is nice, clean and new. We have
a beautiful line of ladies' sprins; dress goods
wash goods of every description. Quantities
of laces, embroideries, gimps, etc. Trices on
all lines lower than the lowest. We buy and
sell on a Bed Rock Basis CASH. New
line of spring shoes. New goods arriving
once before the assortment is