The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 08, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    They Do Not Frleliten the Game Out of
Districts as AVhlto Men Do,
It is a remark often made by old
timers who knew the -vestern country
when the red man was as common there
as the tenderfoot is now, said a sports
man from the Koekies, that Indians
never scare away game from a region
in which they hunt. But, they say,
wherever the vi hite man comes wi th his
firearms game is bonnd to be killed off
or driven away. These sayings are
true, with the qualifying statement
that by reasonable game laws game of
all kinds can be preserved and even
when nearly exterminated restored to
almost its original plentifulness in dis
tricts not too fully occupied by man
and his domestic creatures.
Note the Indian in hunting as he
searches out and steals upon the deer
or wild turkeys with his soft tread of
moccasined feet. In the twang of his
bow string and the flight cf the whist
ling arrow there is no explosive sound
to alarm the creatures near the one
that is struck. He, like themselves, is
in sympathetic accord with the tints
and tones of plain mountain and for
est, and while endeavoring to match
their craft against his they are satis
fied with trying to avoid him without
abandoning the region where he abides.
It is when white hunters of the
sportsmen variety invade its haunts,
their presence heralded by the tread of
their booted feet, their clothes alien in
appearance to the hues and contours of
the creatures of the wilds, and their
purpose shown by the crack and crash
of firearms, that game begins to mi
grate to other feeding grounds. Add
to this the increasing and indiscrimi
nate slaughter for slaughter's sake that
characterizes the white man's hunting
and it is easy to see why the depopula
tion of the forest and plain, when un
restricted by law, is speedy and sure.
Ever since the general adoption by In
dians of firearms for their hunting it
has not been found that large game
has diminished materially in regions ic
which the white man is an infrequent
visitor, although Sir Samuel Baker, the
explorer, asserts of African game and
predatory creatures that ""animals can
endure traps, pitfalls, fire, and cvery
savage method of hunting: but fire
arms will speedily clear them out from
extensive district-"
s m Reservoir in a Thirsty Land,
Also Tsed for Meciiei:le-
In the arid plains of Brazil and Mex
ico, where all nature seems parched up
for six months in the vear. the cacti
serve as reservoirs of moist are, we are
told, and not only the natives, by
wounding the fleshy stems with their
long forest knives, supply themselves :
with a cool and refreshing juice, but
even the cattle contrive to break
through the skin with their hoofs and
then to suck the liquid they contain,
instinct teaching them io avoid wound
ing themselves with the spines.
Where the prickly pear cactus grows
to an immense size the branches are
fed to cattle and sheep after the thorns
are burned oS. The milt is large and
pear-shaped, blood red in color when
ripe and very sweet. The fruit is used
in the fall to color preserves or jellies.
The fruit of all kinds is edible and
some very palatable. The leaves of the
prickly pear are used for poultices for
wounds or bruises, end the root is rich
in medicinal qualities. The Mexican
Indians are said to be very fond of the
leaves of different rarities of opuntia:
they fry them in batter like cakes. A
luscious beverage is afforded the thirs
ty traveler by some of the larger speci
mens. The tops are cut off in such a
manner as to leave a basin-like cavity,
which is soon filled with the juice of
the plant. It is said that beautiful
furniture, tables costing as much as
four hundred dollars, are made from
the large-growing varieties, and vari
ous ornaments, napkin rings, paper
knives, match safes, inkstands, etc..
are made from the beautiful wood of
the candle cactus. It seems strange,
says the Ladies" Home Journal, that
human habitations can be made from
thsese queer succulent plants, yet we
are told that huts are built with the
lumber of cereus giganteous. Fences,
impenetrable to man or beast, are made
of opuntia tuna and of various rapid
growing cereuses. and hedges from a
variety known as the strawberry.
It I One of the Deadliest Serpents round
ln New Guinea.
The discovery of the Horn expedition
to the McDonnell ranges in Australia
of a remarkable specimen of natural
history called a "whistling; spider,"
whose peculiarity consists in producing
a whistling' noise by the simple opera
tion of drawing its fore leg across its
jaw, seems at the moment to be out
done. Sir William 5Iaee-regcr, the ad
ministrator ot IJritish New Guinea, )3
now in the field with another extraor
dinary discovery a whistling snake.
In his latest report Sir William says
that a large number of deaths occurred
early this year in the Iiigo district of
New Guinea from snake bite. The ad
ministrator points ont that the island
is iniested by a small species of black
snake, which is very fierce. The
natives declare that whenever a man
goes nctir one it rushes at him, utter
ing sounds- which they describe as re
sembling a whistle. "Shortly before I
was at the government .station,"' writes
Sir William Macgrcgor, "one of these
reptiles attacked tiie government
agent, but v.t:s killed before it did any
harm. A little while before a boy of
four' ecu ycers was in the bush near the
station, whea one of tlicse snakes made
a rusli at !n:n with the r.:;t!:'-l peculiar
v.-hLstlicg :-.otind. The l.f.y thcught the
noise cinruited from s 1:1c cockatoos in
a tree and began to look f-;r them. He
did not discover his mistake un'ilhe
received a bite from the reptile, from
which he died in a little while in great
Y'ou mak-3 no mistake when you take
De. Witt's Little Early Risers" for bil
iousness, dystvpsia. or headache, be
cause these little pills euro them. Geo.
H. Haskins, druggist.
A Problem of Great Interest in a Pioneer
In African encampments the ques
tion of food is a burning one. How to
obtain provisions, how to cook them
when procured these are problems
of absorbing interest in a pioneer
camp. The authors of "Adventures in
JIashonaland'' say that it is curious
and interesting to watch the process of
victualing a new country. The trader
throws the most eccentric provisions
on the market. At one time, the author
says, nothing but tinned lobster could
be purchased at their settlement; ami
at another time the whole of Mauiea
breakfasted, dined and supped on foie
gras. Our cooking utensils consisted of a
three-legged pot and a frying-pan.
How were wo to create a dinner? Wo
boiled the ox-flesh in the three-legged
pot. whence it issued in the condition
of shoe-leather. Mixing the meal with
water, we maole the most horribly half
cooked flat cakes by heating the dough
on hot stones. There was neither bak
ing powder nor yeast in the country.
One day we received a present of
venison, shot by a Mr. Teal. Now I
had from time to time saved up a
small quantity of sardine oil. believing
myself to be a famous housekeeper. In
a moment of vain self confidence I
undertook the dinner that night, and
we invited Mr. Champion to come and
eat venison steaks.
I fried those steaks in my sardine oil
and served them proudly. They posi
tively looked like real steaks, such as
people "would eat at home. But alas!
scarcely had two mouthfuls been
eaten when everyone fled from the
table, and my wonderful dinner was
abandoned to the little native who
waited on us. He certainly enjoyed it
immensely, so even that ill wind blew
somebody good; but it was unanimously
decided that henceforth I was never to
be trusted with the preparation of
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction
City, 111., was told by her doctors she
had Consumption and that there was
no hope for her, but two bottles Dr.
King's New Discovery completely
cured her and she savs it saved her
life. Mr. Thos. Egers, l:S'J Florida
St., San Francisco, suffered from a
dreadful cold, approaching Consump
tion, tried without result everything
else, then bought one bottle bf Dr.
King's Xew Discovery and in two weeks
was cured. He is naturally thankful.
It is such results, of which theso are
samples, that prove the "wonderful ef
ficiency of this medicine in Coughs
and Colds. Free trial bottles at Ceo.
H. Haskins" Drug Store,
size oOc. and SI.
Ills Own t atllt.
A Chicago gcntlv'nmn. with a trouble
some memory, hr.d k.tely been taking
a twety-five-dc!!ar course of mnemon
ics irviiu c prcfi:r-r who has a new and.
accTdi,' to his cwn account of the
instlcr. a tliorouiraly c-Ccctivc system. (
r-ucrtly citcrwaru. says the
Tribune, a neighbor intrusted
Chicairo ;
a pac;i
aje to this je:!---'man "s care, which
i:ackag-c the fxcntleman forgot to de
liver. He made a handsome apology.
His ntij-hbor accepted it in pood part,
but couid not forbear to aik. in a ban
tering tone: '"l!ut how about that
tv.-cnty-five-dollar system of mnemon
ics?"" Oh. that's all right," was the
reply. '"The system isn't to blame. I
only forgot to apply it. that's all."
SHILOH S CURE, the greatCouph and
Croup Cure, is in rreat demand. Pock
et size contains twenty-five doses, only
2.1c. Children love it. Sold by Chas.
Strang, Medlord.
Smallpox is epidemic at Hot Springs.
Ark. Three hundred badly scared pas
sengers from Hot Springs have arrived
at St. Louis. There are 47 cases in the
Hot Springs pesthonse and the number
is increasing.
Mason Braynian. aged SI, ex-governor
of Idaho, and said to have been the old
est Freemason in the United States, died
recently at Kansas City. He was once
associated, with Abraham Lincoln in
the practice of lw.
Colonel A. B. Coit, who commanded
the troops at Washington Courthouse
in Ohio last October, when they fired
upon a mob intent upon lynching Dolby,
a negro, hns pleaded not gnilty to a
charge of manslaughter.
Signor Giolitti, ex-premier of Italy,
bases his defense-011 lack of jurisdiction
in answering the charge of substituting
papers relating to the Banca Roma case.
He says that if he did abstract papers
he mnst be tried by the senate.
karts clover l:)OT will purify
your blood, clear your complexion,
regulate your Dowels and make your
head clear as be!!. i"ic.,. ')., and l .X
Sold by Chas. Strang. Med ford.
A blanket indictment litis Ix-en fnnnd
at Lexington, Ky.. under the ni-trupt
! law, against III representatives of So in- j
' snrauce companies which are associated j
; in an insurance compact nnd-r the title '
I of the "Kentucky and Tennessee Fire!
! association. " I
The Kansiu" legislature has parsed the
Eckstein atiti-bribrv law. It !"!
' wholi3- to the jriver and taker of bribes, j
' and every state ofiicer is included iti the i
! provisions of tiie law. Tiie penalties at- !
' taeli"d are l.ODO fine and seven Years in !
the penitentiary, or both.
! John W. Mtu'kay, Jr., gave a box
j ptirty at Ihe debut of Mute. Eejane in
: New York. The party consisted of Mrs.
i 'William IC. Vunuerbilt, Miss Cousuela
! Viiuderbih, -Mr. und Mrs. O.len 31iils,
Mr. and Sirs. Jiiines A. Bnrdan, Miss
Mary Tonmre, F. li. Baldwin and Clar
ence A. Miickny.
A black Hiisf surmounts the golden
cross on the Church of the Good Shep
herd at Rochester, N. Y. It was raised
i by the parishioners in protest of the ac
, tion of Bishop A. Cleveland Coxe in
j susiietidin Ftiiher J. Spencer Turner
I from his priestly functions. The con
gregation is practically' adrift during
the Lenten season. Father Turner
taught the full text of the High ClfTircb
ritual and the bishop objected to it.
St. Jacobs Gil
Eight Rev. John A. Watterson, bishop
of ttio Columbus (O.) dioceso, addressed
a big meeting at the hall of tuo Young
Men's Christina association in Columbus
on Sunday. As many persons us gained
admittance to the hall were turned
awny. This is the first time in history
that a Catholic clergyman had addressed
a meeting under the auspices of the
Young Men's Christian association, and
naturally it attracted wide ulteiilinn.
The bishop was introduced by General
Secretary Parkins and spoko fur an hour
and a half on Christian t itizen.-.hip, the
audience being held in wra; t attention
and frequently breaking into applause.
Rev. Dr. Madison Peters raised a
furore in New York by preaching a ser
niou on the marriage of Count tie Cits
tellaue to Anna Gould. Mr. Peters said:
"The wealth of tiiis nation is ln the
hands of a few, and these few are mar
rying off their daughters to titled imbe
ciles. This is the nkst successful way
of making a nation poor. A marriage
for money or title is humiliating to the
dust, a hollow mockery that blushes to
heaven. American men as a ruie marry
for love, royal scoundrels always for
money. With them Cupid has changed
his mime to cupidity." He stud such
marriages were not respectable and al
ways ended in miser-. Reward $r,iMX)
For a bettor or mora pleasant remedy
for the cure of consumption, bronchial
troubles, cough, croup and whooping
cough than Santa Abie, the Califo-nia
king of consumption. Every bottle
warranted. If you would be cured of
that disgusting disease, catarrh, ue
California Cat-K-Cure. $1 a jar: by
mail $1.(41. Santa Abie and Cal-K-Curi
are sold and warranted by (. H. Has
kitis, druggist.
The Santa Fe has cut the jv:iserg.r
rate between Lcs Angeles and Chicngo.
Mme. R?j:;n. the famous French act
ress, has arrived in New York witu lu-r
Gener.-.l Joseph II Carr died at Troy,
N. Y., a few days ago. His record wa
Tiie Dr.t:::i::ii gor:'r:i!iiont will try to
maiti? ttrstis vita tLc n vnlut:ui.i.-U cf
Rio Grande do Su!.
Stvrre fy.:)":iii: has ocru:rl between
the f.T-.-.i: ;,n.l i:: :iv-? ia tlv.
Bra.-. river ctr:!rT iu G:.i::ea.
Much stif.V:ihg and des'.:ln'.;o: cx;;ts
among the ceai mine: in Oi.i;. At
Buckingham the ineu had only tO d.-.y.'
work last year.
Jim t'orbett and George D.xon are
said to be tho oiiiv pugilists whose 111-
. 1 .i ...!i
comes exceed i-I.Oou a vear and who will j
have to lur the iiiromo Hi !
Old People.
Old people who require medicino to
regulnto their bowels and kidnevs will
find the true remedy in Electric Hit
ters. This medicine docs not stimulate
und contains no whiskey nor other in
toxicaut, but acts as a tonic and altera
tive. It acts railJly on the stomach
and bowels, adding 'strength and giv
ing tone So tho organs, thereby aiding
Nature in the iMrfornianec of the
functions. Kiectric Bitters is an ele
gant ape!iz.'r and aids digestion. Old
people find it just exactly what they
need. Price tifty cents per bottle at
Geo. H. Haskins' Drug Store.
From different cities come further re
ports of the discovery of the crooked
met nous employed to raise runds by
Frank H. Trnsdell, who was connected
with the Midwinter Fair at San Fran
cisco. It has come ont that he viulated
the trnst of the late James G. Blaine
and used the names of several senators
on checks while he was in 'Washington.
The postofSce inspector at Los Angeles
has sent a dispatch to Emporia. Kan.,
where Trnsdell is in jail, saving Hut if
the stale's action does iiot hold. Trns
dell is wanted iu for fraudu
lently using the maic
We might leil you more alxmt One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know that it cures a cough. Every one
does who has usjil it. It is a perfect
remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness.
It is tin especial favorite for children,
being pleasant to take and quick in
curing. G 'O. U. Haskins. druegist.
The Union Leagtte of the District of
Columbia, an organization of colored
meu, will wear mourning emblems 80
davs in niemorv of Fredejick Douglas,
Mrs. Lawler has bronght suit against
a New York theatrical manager for
damages on account of her husband's
death. She alleges : that her husband
was kicked by a horse while performing
! on the stage. The defendant asked for
a dismissal on the ground that the horse
had a right to kick Lawler ou account
of abuse.
Chairman Tanbeneck of the People's
party national organization has sent mi
ulriuiatnin from Washiu-ton to the Na-
tional Reform Press association, in sen
sum at Kansas City to advance the in
terests of the People's parly, setting
fort;. I is views as to how th party
should b- lnaua'ed and threatening
th.'.: tir.lefs these are carried out ho will
resign his iiresent position.
An agreeable Laxative anlKEKVE Tosic
Boldhy DniirpistsorBcrt bymall. 23c,lWc
and $LC0per package. Samples tree
IfA 'Err Tho Favorite T00T3 fOWIES
M9 Xlvl fortho Teeth and iireuth,&o.
Sold by Stranjj tho drttjfgist, Medlord,
is made to cure
FiKf.n-MAiisiiAi. Sn: Pa-thick Craxt
is now ninety years oil. Ke entered
the military service of the East India
company in IS:.'!).
The Choctaw valedictorian of Roan
oke college. Va.. in lS'.ill, Sohiinon Jones
Homer, of lSennin'Mon, I. T.. has en
tered the Harvard law school. '
In spite of his eighty-live years. Dr.
Oliver Wendell Holmes wa., accustomed
to walk at Beverly a mile every inrti-j
ing ami to drive a dozen miles every
Tin: discussion as to how many wr.r
governors are still living it revived by
the deaths of ex-Guvs. Austin Blair, of
Michigan: Klrkwood. of Iwa, t:nd
Curtin, of Pennsylvania. The list seems
to lie. now reduced to Spraguc. of Rhode
Island: Salomon, of Wisconsin, and
Saunders, of Nebraska.
Fin V years have now elapsed since
Herr .lohann Strauss, then a lad of
nineteen, male his first lw as a con
ductor at Vi nr.a. aiid his friends have
been celebrating the anniversary with
great enthusiasm. The first day was
marked by the production of the com
poser's new operetta "Johaka" Cro
atian for "The Feast of Apples."
How's Tliis!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured bv HaM's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO..lJrops..Toh do,0.
Wo. the undersigned, have knowu
F. J. Cheney for l." years, ami believe
him perfectly honorable in till busiiuss
transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligation made by their
West & Tkcax, Wholesale Druggists.
Toledo. O.
Dniggis-ts. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the Wood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price .",c. tv;r bottle. Sold bv all
druggists. Testimonials free.
A card a-a.eaM'1 lo the Chicagj Tri
bune adds au ia.-r;;:!g i;:;!i lo wai
kUtory. fh writer says -s,lu:.cwall "
Jamison was not k:Kcl by his own
tr.i;ci. but was shot by four Uaiea
Mia.-jiui.iiers. intuit of ilo:;rje.
Wis., is tjtveu ji one of ihc uieu wau
shot at J.'icV'!!. ll ha: alu;ivs bovli be-
iu-ved :h.;l "Stonewall" was shot by Lis
1 own s. ud. -re.
'1 ne worst fears of fruit growers iu
1 the vicinity of Nashville, li!., have tx-en
j rvaiiz-d fcS to the effect of the severe
I cold weather oa peaches. An iuvesti-
i ", , . . - , 11
the crop ul pi actus will lie harvested.
even with the most favorable condi
........ a .. .. I ..t ;
ui'.in. -1- " imkc uuuiiTi 01 1 ai iiieuse
1 orciianls have been set out in the last
i few years, this is very utifortuuate. It
is yet too esirly to ascertain the condi
tion of other truit, but hopes are enter
tained for its escape.
Abtdine Balsam
r ftrihecenror
CatarrtwJ ftskiyai
indSertEvei It
RY r- -a--p -sif w -w-atwe
rr privhu OROY111-E.CAL
j Ripans Tabules. j
: Ripans Tabules nre coin-
j ponndcJ from a prescription I
widely used by the best modi-
c:il authorities anil are pre- :
senteJ in a form that is be- :
every- :
nipnns TabuJcs act gently
but promptly upon the'liver,
stonuch :md intestines; cure
dyspepsia. li;iWiu;tI constip;i
tion, o!Te;isive breath and head
ache. One tabule taken at the
(In t svmptom of indigestion,
biiioiisness, dizziness, distress
catintf, or depression of t
!s, will surely and quickly ;
remove the whole dilbcuity.
Price, 50 cents a box.
K;p:;r:s Tabules may be ob
tai:v.i nearest druggist; or
In' sr;::;! on receipt of price.
: Spruit Street,
rirr m
: the usnion
: wiiere.
j ; "-.:. j
Tlio letters of Itoliert Louis Si'."'.'--.-son
will be published, with the '. '
of his widow. All who have h;i.n -.-from
the great romancer are re;;u:;'.. i
to send them to Sydney Colvilie at L '.
j il. A' Stralton, rresid'.-nt ot i,i
Portland National bank, i;:,i rt-c-of
apoplexy, lie whs aoji:-t::;g a n.c
for his sou when lie sndilei:iy . u ;J.
floor, sU'ikiug his bcud a In u . .
He appeared daze 1 and a j .-, ... j .. .
summoned, but sirmiy mi ; . ,; .
tors arrival uu expired. iir.-;s.i:n. .
win a brother of Judge J. A. .
of Seattle.
David StockVridge, colored, i..
nearly every m;ui who has Ulu-m
Yuit) college liming In , pait ;Jj y..-a a:.
"Old l.'uvy," yv;;s iourni tu-;ni ;) cj.. ,
at h.s home in Ne'.v Haven, Conn., uv
neighbors recently, lia w;a about
years of agw and had peddled candv
about Y'ale for inure than a quarter oi u
century. Death wiu due to heart uis
eas, and when found he had eviuenliv
been dead for- teveral days, as his buuy
wiw horribiy uiutiUtecLby rata.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diegg. Cal., says: "Shilolvs Catarrh
Hctnedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold by Chus. Strang,
Med ford.
General LewVwiilace, author of "Ben
Hur, " delivered a lecture at Chicago
the other night on "Turkey and the
Tnrks, " in which he said ha believed
the tales of horror in Armenia were ex
aggerated and he enlogrzed the sultan.
He was hissed by Armenians who were
preseitt, and they say they will prepare
an answer to the general's address.
It is said that Anna Gould will, when
she assumes the title of Countess de
Casteliane on her wedding day, receive
a coronet of gold srt with precions
j stones. It will be a gift from her
t i . i. . . i - .
uroiuer utvrge aim is to cost atwut
r."hm Bobr was sick, vo sre her CasorU.
When sh vas a Chii-1. she cried for Castorix.
Whrn shr became Hiss, she citing to Casxoria.
j r-ret.yterian A. S. Foster, pas
! Ur. Preachai at 1 1 a. tn. and 7 zjt p. m San- -!
day schooi a; M . m. Y. P. s. C. rL, 6:15 p. m.
, Juai. r Kauacr So.-:, tv at 3 p. ai Sandav
, Prayer mie-.snir 03 IVwlc-sday evening at'f
; O clock
r.etreseiitat-ve -M-rmm ha intro- j -HTptr.; chura-w. c. Jcnk:n ttor. vl '
UUCOJ a fill m IP.e 1; ir.ots n-,-lslatnre to
uucen a e.ii la ii:e i. ,.:.ii a-,-lS!ature to
prevent the C.-.thoUc church from a - -
quiring more protx-rlr n.-t r..-a for
charitable or re!:g:cKs Brj..-s.
is not taxed in the regular order of as-
tessmen:. tie claims that tte arch-
bLhop holds va!nab!e tracts of realry
on which no taxes are faiiL
, , , ,
1 0. K. Barter Siiop.
All work first class la every particular.
Arrnu tor the Portland Strim Laundry
Shop on C street.
0 1
z t
- 1
111 45!
The Shasta Route
I North !
ith !
:i: i. m ; I.v.
:( p. m I.v.
ant Ar.
IVrtinnil Ar.
Med ford Lv
tn r'nmelsco Lv.
7 N) p. IU
AM'e trains slop at nil stntUms from INirl
Iniid Io Albany incluivr. Al Tanprnl,
Shctlds, linlscy. I'.ar nursr. Jt: not ion City.
Irvmc. Kuerne ami at ml ;atums from Kom
burg to A.-thLtud inclusive-
a. m Lv
V?) p. in 1 Lv
Ar4:?50p. m
Lv i : -vj a. m
Dining Cars on Ogdea Route.
rnt! I'tif; :t suppers anJ SuJ ilnss
SkciMi:g Ciraltaf!:cu :aall thtvuli tratus
Bhwooii TortlaiHl and Corvallis.
y.n trains tindv, oxv;t Sumiay;
:S0a. iu j I.v l' Arj in
t m j Ar 1'urviilns Lv p. in
At Alfciny amt Cttrvnilis oomuN! with trains
it timcmi Ptu-iho r:ulrMtl.
Kxprvi intiii tttttly. cxA-.t sundayr
4:40 j. in j i.v por:t:imi Ar ' m
p. iu ( Ar MtM;r.iivit!o Lv j oCvVta. m
Throti:h tfekots to ivmis in V.w
KaU'ro ?.l:iu. riuit!i aiitt Km';h' tn o!v.
taitml at Urnct rmos :roiu H . V. i.i;ipinouU,
A cent. Mctiiirxl.
R. KlKliLKK. !:. 1KOOFKS.
Mnnuccr. AssU ti. K. it l Ac
eoitttriTEn evkuv 'i:ti.vrsn.v.
I riit. Nil. 1,
I 'em.
per bt:'t. -1 ct
Mill Keeit, ttrati ami SVev'.'.
i,Ttn. tfl.'vi"1
tuned. Ki: too ..iv
Fl'iur. wiuilesiilo,
I'leur. re-tail,
FHT lMlTTt'1. tt.)
1HT s:u-'k. SO Ot ?
por nill two jttmiIs) .V "
por itoon. t- "
pT noumi, I't "
por la, (one I'Mshol (IIS "
,.orll. H "
l.orlti, l
" 10
! o-liiii.s.
Itueoi: ami Ham
Knii;JtH rr tl:n Ma'-:r.iri'--; -- '
1 1. inc. : in r-VJliir r-vi -k
th 'i'inir.-'!.;;.'', 'ji mn.
H:iU at i. Ift. isila-j,' Si.
!y invileU K
I-i: viiKit i . PoaTKK. ".:
. V.'kst Lav.t:);;. i;. i;.
A.O. V. W.-Un,; -.;
and ihinl
in th '.r bull !:i tKf
brctliers ii.vitt ti Ut at:
;"-ra I'
K. V.". r.".!:i.i:::. i: .'A'..
J. W. l.AUION. i:
V. K. ":!:-;. t A. Art;::- .-; .".:. J4
n:"i-'s i:i,:fi :.r..i in.irO i-'rin-..,- jt e:w.-h
L'iwinh at 'i o'c i.--i: p. ia.. : i 'iV.-:i". ijnii.
.;.;. SAtt.ii I, .--iKi. i'r;-s.
KliS. M. K. IiAVi.i.
K. :f 1'. Ti'Ji-rnan iixl'i N.
evMi'nt: at 8 p.m. A'l-::;
Way w-loi:::. '.'..
I. .:. Mi i.i.kk. K. of K, a;.ij s.
S";. n.-e-.s M .n
I- lir-:hi n
t.-Ay.i. :. c.
I. O. l. I.o.:- N.j. HI. sr.'
huil i;very ratura-y
brotiiors ultu va welcta:o.
. . ir. JTSA
a n; ,-. ii. r,. .
. Vi.-:i.r,
:s ln 1. O. r. .
I. A. J'F.UmjtAX
W. T. York. V.rv. Sec
I. O. O. F. lioirut: K'Vr K::: niTjnn-r.t. I-wtce
So. :. KW.r in 1. O. . V. hall the econ;l
fourth Wcui;jiy3 o' eacii icoriti: at t p. m.
a. b. ebb, c. i:
i 's.'-At: Wooi.r. Scrii.c.
I "oiivT itelbTx75s"
T'l '-" T -4 in T O
O.F. hall tint ac'l third Tuesdays cl each
wuwlu. ismuj, wrttnB ill, uci iO i;'.ienJ.
l l.-S 'llKIJ PlCKEI, X.G.
Mas M. IKGI.EDCE, liec. Sec. ;
A. F. A. M. Mejt linn Friday on or be- '
lore full moon at r p. m.. in A. ). t". W. hall.
W. I. Vawteb. W. M.
W. V. LlPPISCOTT, Sec. Sec.
G. A. It Chenter A. Arthur Post No. 4",
meets in Woolf'b hall every second a&d tourth
Fridays in each month at T:'HJ p. m.
. J. W. MtiXfK, Com. .m
W.T. Kajie. Adjutant.
I. O. G T. Meets Tuesday nicht u7p.nL
at A. O. C. W hail.
Geo. n. L.1NOLET, C. T.
O. O. Smith. Rec. Sec
w C. T. I". Mts every Wednesday after
noon in the Halley Hlaril.
Mks. au::b V.isAstvfp, Pres.
Mrs. Rose UeGkhot. S?c.
Yoanjr People's Hecd:c(r Circle Tasdaj- ev-3 .
Ic? of each wt-k. under the au.-psces o the
Epirorth League.
F. A. 4 I. V. L. L. Polk iodc Xo. SS.V, meets
every Satnrday at b p. m.
J. H. Pmith. Pres.
Saint Marks Ept-copi Sunday School meets
at Kpi.cornlCburrbrTerv Ss.-i.t3rrii--rn
j.. o'clock. T. X. Wusoa. Rector; S. S. Pentz,
; upenutendcat.
Methodist KpiscopaJ Church K. S. Craven. "
pasuir. S.rru.erery Bandar raornini anL
eyenini? at uuai ht-crs tor chcrca services.
Kporth League n;ets at p. tn . Suodav
;sumiay school at 11 a. a. rmv-rr meetini
! ""'P nd preioiirt -rrrj- Suadsy lEorninrcnd
! 'P preiOElrff -rrn- Sii-div lEornin-end
! FV".ae ,t "r"5 ' chirch service.
ce-MiM each Cm asuUv. i-v.-r -.g eJ
i-T??rt .5.iS- B?tt Yocti PetSei-
dai' school at Ui"E. " " "
' reVte. PreaT-Sicc 1 . S. S;.""
: J"1"1 ; a: a. m.-. Juaoir Kndeavorat
:3 P. n:.:. P. c. E. at 6.SU p. m. Prarer
! nsevocjr rrery Tuarsdav erenice. Ladies
' SisK.aaT Auxiliary so l '.V. B. E. itrst Thurs-
l ' " . x:.xa month. Oioral Union
. - ' 1 ri, 1 ri m ThMwUHiu.
I -sher pas-or. Resides at the chrreh.
j Methodist Rpiscopai Church South Rev. J no,
j L. Jones, pastor. Semces at 11 a. m. and T 0.
m mi l!i K- .n.4 . t . - - . . r
school at in a. m. and Epworta League at 6 p
m. every Sabbath at Medford. Services on lh
Sabbath at Soda Sprcns at ll a. m. and Veil
t reek school house at 3 p. m. a heau-tv wel
come to all.
Thos. F. Oakcs. henry C Payne. Henry C
Ronse. Receivers.
! Pullman
'Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
'St. Put
' Gi
Gkanc Forks
Ais::it Conorti! rasKsrer Asvnt,
No. k- Morrison S;.. cor. TUir4.
till IKllKllllltlll It tllilttttilttlttt! llllltltl
Sereuth Street, Medford, Oresron.