The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 08, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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BLITON & TORE, Publishers.
A. S. Bliton, - Editor
W. T. York, - Manager
Published Every Friday Morning.
He is ot tew days; but quite a plenty.
Etilered In tbe Postofflco at Medford, Oregon
as Second-Class Mail Matter.
Aj ing Agent, SI Merchants
Excnansre. s-an
Francisco, is our authorized agent. This pa-
per s Kept on tile in nis omce.
Medford, Friday, Mar. 8, tS95.
The county court is m session
this week. Will the commission'
ere allow that bill for making copy
of assessment roll? We snail see
what we shall see.
Newfoundland wants to join us
Let her come. We need a key to
the Pacific Hawaii, and we might
as well have the key to the North
Atlantic. Besides, the quality of
our codfish- would be vastly im
It is a curious and suggestive
fact that of all the great fortunes
made on the Pacific slope in recent
years, only one that of Hunting
ton remains in the original hands.
All of the others have been divided
and scattered.
Rev. Dr. . L. Eaton denoun
ces Milwaukee s charity ball as "a
bacchanalian orgy." Charity cov
ereth a multitude of sins, but in
this case it seems there wasn t
enough charity to go around. The
ball cost $12,875 and petted $1,692,
while many of charity's votaries
were sent home in patrol wagons
after the bawl was over.
The end of the world is to t ome
on April 23, 1903, according to a
German theologian, who has just
alarmed Berlin by his prophecy.
Among his cheerful forecasts are
a great war in 1S97, the advent of a
new Napoleon in 1899 as King of
. Greece and Syria, and a terrific
earthquake in 1901.
The city council has promised
. to economize in the government of
affairs during the coining year,
and its members have promised
wiselv. There is surely need of
economy, particularly right now.
The citizens and taxpa-ers can
better afford to put up with a few
inconveniences than they can af
ford to pay a high tax rate. The
expenses of the city were lessened
last year cannot we do as well,
or better, this year? The officer
of either county or city who cuts
down the tax rate is a hero in the
eyes of those who "wood-up" for
expenses and they see him right.
Let us get this tax cut down first,
then indulge in luxuries.
The year 1895 will be a remark
able one, both from an astronomical
and a religiofis point of view. On
Good Friday next, April 12th, the
heavenly bodies which gravitate
around the sun will be in exactly
the same position that they occu
pied in the firmanent on the day
Christ died on the cross. It will be
the first time such a thing has oc
curred since that great day, just
1802 years ago. That was the
thirty-third year of the Christian
era, which dates from the birth of
Jesus Christ. At -1:20 in the
morning. Paris time, the moon will
pass before Virginia (Spica), and
hide that constellation from view
for over an hour.
Chautauqua Notes.
State Superintendent Irwin has de
cided to hold the District Teachers'
institure at Ashland, in connection
with the Chautauqua assembly. Thw
third assembly will be held .liilv 10 to
l." (inclu.sive),"l.S9.j. Dr. F. W." Gun
saulus, president of Armour institute,
Chicago, has been engaged for one
lecture. The doctor has the reputation
of being one of the best sneakers in the
United States. James Clement Am
brose, of Kvanston, has been engaged
for three dates. H-" has already spoken
at forty-six assemblies at many of
them twice. He has pleased others
he will please us. all who possibly
can spend the whole ton days at the
Schools of art. music, elocution,
Bible study, etc., will bo announced in
due time.
Are dangerous. A dollar spent for
Hood's Sarsaparil la now may prevent
illness which will be .expensive and
hard to bear. Now is the time to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, relieve
constipation and assist digestion. 25c.
Baptist Young People's Fleeting.
As per announcement made in this
paper last week, the Baptist Young
People's Union hold a two-days' ses
sion in Medford, beginning lust, Sat
urday morning and continuing; over
until Sunday evening.
There was a very largo attendance,
so large in fact that the church was
incapablo of accommodating all who
came. Aside from a largo general at
tendance of Medford people, there were
many representatives and visitors
present from Grants- Pass, Ashland,
Central Point, Williams creek, and
nearly all points of the Rogue riyer
Saturday's session opened at 10:1-5 a.
m. by "Praise service," lead by K.'J.
Lamar. Following this was an "ad
dress of welcome'' by Miss Minnie
Worraan. Down a few numbors further
on the program' came an essay, "Bene
fits of Activity" by Miss Elva Gallo
way. This was indeed an ably pre
pared article and to the young lady
there were given compliments in
numerable and these were well
placed. So greatly appreciated was
this essay that Sunday evening the
audience insisted upon her reading it
a second time, which she did, and was
again showered with compliments.
We regret that space for. bids as
making individual mention of all par
ticipants, but if we say that all did
themselves credit, we will be but
voicing the sentiments of all present.
Among those of Medford people who
took part and who are entitled to
especial mention we will name Miss
Ora Adkins, Rev. J. Merley, Dr. B. F.
Adkins, Rev. Jenkins and Rev. Russ.
All in all the meetings were a pro
nounced success, and an unusual amount
of interest was manifest, and several
new names were added to the list of
Sunday evening there was an attend
ance of three hundred and sixty, one
hundred of which, for want of seats,
were compelled to stand in the vesti
bule and upon the walk leading to the
She is a Good Speaker.
Next week the people of Medford
are to be given a rare treat in the
lecture line: also in the line of pro
gress lor tne w. (J. T. U. of Oregon.
Upon dates even with next Tuesdav
and Wednesday evenings. March 12th
and 13th, Mrs. Ada w. TJnruh, the
State lecturer and national organizer
for the Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union, will speak in Medford
opera house, and to which lecturer the
admission will be free, and every man.
woman and child in this city is asked
to attend: yes. vou are urged to attend
by people who have heard the lady
speak and who know of her ability to
entertain and to intelligently point
out the route which leads up to and
enters the teetotaler's pleasant home.
The lady has been eiven many compli
mentary press mentions in all locali
ties where she has lectured. She is
not only an able speaker, but as well
an earnest, never ceasing worker in
the interest of sobriety and the better
ment of the human family Generally.
The lady will hold what is termed a
woman's meeting,'' at tbe Christian
church on Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock and at 4 o'clo;k of the same
day a "children's meeting" vill be
Id at the same nlace. and to which
all are inviled.
The K. O. T. 11. Install Officers.
On the evening of February 21st, E.
A. Heildreth. Deputy Superior Com
mander of ihe Kuigh'ts of the Macca
bees, came down from Ashland ami
installed tbe following officers in Med
ford Triumph Tent No. 14:
i ai Loramaadcr, i li. 1'orter: j
i.ommanuer, m. Simmons: Lieut. I
Webb; Record j
Chaplain. J. W.
Keeper, S. S. Pentz:
ltwion; t-nvsician. t. t . uearr:
Sergeant, J. li. Hardin; M. at A.. J. H.
ReaTield; 1st M. of G., W. H. Barr:
2nd M. of G.. C. I. Hutchison; Senti
nel. G. H. Haskins.
Triumph Tent members have been
just a littlo inert for the past few
months, but right now there seems to
be new energy displayed noticeable
in the activity of bolh "the officers and
members in their endeavor lo im
bue the Tent with new life and lo add
new members. Many members were
members oulv to the extent of the
benefits derived from the iusurance
carried, but these have now seen the
necessity of work and activity in their
ranks, and the attendance at meetings
is large while there is ho)n? of there
being ninny new members added lo
their list.
Robert. Hardman to Sulphur ;
Springs Hydraulic Mining Co:
undivided one-third interest in
the Fredenburg ledge in sec l.".
tp .'iO s, r .'i w
F.da M Morris to Jennie Town
send: lot 7, blk ."2, Medford
Jennie Townsend to F.da M Mor
ris: W) sec 11, tp .'! s, r
2 w
F T Downing to W 15 Roberts and
P I! O'Xeil ilj.T.": acres, in sec
1(5 Kt
tp.ii s. r 2 w
. 1 H)
Conrad Mingus to John and Fred
crick eeks; procrty in Med
ford J M Loftlnndto Nancy Dollarhidc;
one-half acre in sec tp ."'J s, r
1 e
Knapp Burrell & ( to F K D uel:
lot :!. blk 2. Medford
Josephine D Croker to Richard
Keswick: adeed of assignment to
personal property in Ashland
excepting tract No :;: the lioui'-st'-ail
of grantor
United States to Joeob Wagner:
lO'l.lli acres parts of sec 2:i and
2(i. tp ::s s, r 1 w, patent.
GeoJU Andrews to M! Fitzgerald:
lot !i, blk- 13. Gold Hill..".
Michael Cliavnor: to W H Rim
nells; lot li, blk 14, Gold Hill. ..
Jewelry and Real Estate For Sale.
A good, new watch and solid silver
chain, now, for $.!, at Smith's jewelry
shop. Ho still has a small lot of jew
elry which he will dispose of very
cheap. Also a largo and beautiful vol
ume containing some 2."0 largo photo
graphs of scenes and people in the
Hawaiian islands. Tho following real
estate is offered for sale by Mr. Smith:
Lots M. 4, 5 and li in block 31), and lots
11 and 12 in block 4(1, also one new
Kstey organ, Medford.
W. A. Buchanan came up from
Portland yesterday.
J. H. CltAWKOKD, a liolil mil mine
owner, was at the Hub Monday busi
ness. John Simons, a Jackson creek pros
pector, was in Medford Wednesday up
on business.
J. Grizzle and family left Monday
evenir.g for Grants Pass, where they
expect to reside.
Wm. Ray, of Applegate, was in Wed
nesday with a load of very line apples
which he quickly disposed of,
J. J. Maul, of Anderson, Douglas
county, was before tho pension examin
ing board in Medford, Wednnsday.
W. C. Thiele and family, of Port
land, aro here in quest of bettor
health. They are domiciled at tho
W. R. CULTOX, of Gold Hill, passed
through Medford Monday morning en
route to Red Bluff, Calif., for a two
weeks' visit.
K. McTavish, of Phoenix, was here
Monday looking around fot a prospect
to get in a bid on the construction of
Hotel Nash.
J. J. Ullwan, the Gold Hill real
estate dealer and very fine gentleman,
was visiting his many Medford friends
D. B. Dygert, of Cottage Grove, is
here visiting his friends, C. S. Smith
and family, and to locate in our city,
He is a painter and paperhanger.
M.A.Shirley, of Prospect, was down
for a couple or three days last week
visiting his several friends hereabouts,
among them being Cashier Enyart.
F. F. Patterson, a brick contrac
tor from Roseburg, was up Monday
sort o; taking in tbe lay of the ground
'round about where is to stand the new
Nash hotel.
J. A. Sterling, assessor of Doug
las county with sixteen years actual
service to his credit in that capacity
was in Medford Tuesday upon a visit
to Assessor Jackson.
Rev. E. E. Thompson was at Ash
land Sunday and. occupied the M. E.
church pulpit in that city. On tbe
evening of the same day h occupied
the M. E. church pulpit in this city.
S. Skyman (pronounced Sherman in
English), of Trail, was in Medford
Tuesday loading his wagon with goods
from live merchants. Mr. Skyman is
road supervisor of the Trail district.
W. P. Do DOE has side tracked his
well boring at the cemetery for a few
weeks, awaiting the arrival of a new
d t ill. during which wait ho is put
ting down a well for Attorney Parker.
Miss Francis Finley, a cousin of
Mrs. H. U. Lumsden, is expected to
arrive in .Medford tomorrow from
Pitsburgh Pa., for a visit amid the
splendors and bloom of Southern Ore
gon. Mrs. H. G. Nicholson left Tuesday
evening lor a visit with Koseburg
friends. She was accompanied by her
cousin. Miss Blanch Autenrith, who
has been visiting in this citv for a few
Miss Anna Gilhekts left Medford
Tuesday evening for Crescent Citv,
where she will engage in school teach-!
ing. The young lady's several friends
will regret her departure, but they
will all wish her success.
L. CoK. of Vancouver, Washing
ton, arrived in Medford Tuesday. The
gentleman is a brick mason and if he
likes the country hereabouts he wiil ;
anchor himself and family in Med-j
ford, he having-di-nosed of his Van-j
couvor property with this end in view.j
Jos. CiiatmaN and J. R. Iiinnvy re- j
turned from a quite ox:.?iidsl presp--ct- j
ing tour over on tin
north for of;
Utile Aopieg.ile. Thev
oro.igui in
gnxilv amount of vt-rv "line tars jro'o
which" they washed from a nlacer
osilum they have out recently located.
O. C. SllKI.t.KY. who ha be n visit
ing with his sister. Mrs. T. V. GoK-h.
and family, for the past couple oi
weeks, returned to his homo at Haines.
Oregon. Sunday evening. Should he
be successful in disposing of his prop
erly at Haines he will invest in Med
ford real estate and bo a lixture among i
us. I
John E;iKKs. of Haves, Wash
ington, is among the latest arrivals.
He is an acquaintance of llev. Jenkins,
and Peter Stewart, of this city, and is
also father of Grant Kggers. of Ash
land. If all things about hens suit
him ho will dispose of his farm in
Washington and move her.; with his
Mrs. r. W. Ckoshy and tho babies
returned lo Medford Saturday morn
ing, and now the handsome Davie
j snilies not once, hut- twice, tnneo and
even one continued round of "smoles"
j lighten his glad, happy countenance
i from rise until set of sun. Verily, the
' new babe is a counterpart of its father
! and Dave knows it.
j T. 1'AXKKY, of Sams valley, was in
i Medford Wednesday, returning from
Jacksonville, at which place he pre
j sen ted a petition, with eighty-one
I signatures, asking the county court to
, remove the present road supervisor of
! that'll istriet and appoint Martin Perry
i to that position. The board promised
, to con-id-.T the matter.
J.C. Haiku returned from his quite
. CJ.lein'e il lVrtlaud visit Monday morn
I i:.g. lie tells us it Is hardly probable
ilhatC. W. Slratton will return again
to Medford for present residence, as
: it- is expect , he will be appointed nd
2."i0 ' minis! rator of his father's estate which
; is quite a large one, and this will re
quite Ms undivided attention.
' V. G !If':i.KY, of Talent, was in the
.U'i'y Tuesday upon business. A few
j minutes' talk with the gentleman con
' vinees one that he is well up in the
j ways of the world and the eceentrici
Ities ot her people. Mr. H. has been
on the road for years as a canvasser
for various articles and has therefore
seen all sides of much of human nature.
S.R. Ctlll.DS. tho ex-t -legraph oper
ator, returned from. Evans creek this
week, at which place he is engaged in
mining, in company with bis uncle, J.
J. Watts. Mr. Childs is thinking of
laking up a homestead in that locality
and moving his family thereto.
He's a good, square gentleman,
whether on a ranch or in a telegraph
Attorney W. vV. Cardwki.l, of
Roseburg, was in Medford Monday upon
business the nature of which wo did not
ascertain. He reports that he is doing
a fairly good business in the city on tho
roaring Umpqua and his multitude of
Medford friends are glad it's just that
way. Ho makes a specialty of cases
beforo the land office, and those he
loses are few.
Emmet and Welhokn Bkkson were
iu from Talent Monday. Thn latter
named gentleman has hut recently re
turned from Salem where he has been
attending business college. Speaking
of the dairy business they both seemed
quite positive that at least fifty or
soventy-five cows could bo mustered
for roll call on the creamery proposi
tion in their immediate locality.
W. R. Kingsolver was in from
Wagner croek Saturday, buying sup
plies nnd subscribing for the largest
newspaper in Southern Oregon. The
gentleman is doing considerable amount
of mining on tho above named creek,
in company with Thos. Cline, and of
tho several ledges which tho two own
nearly all of them prospect well in free
gold, and some of the ledges aro from
four to six feet in width.
Attorney J. B. Wells, of Applegate,
has accepted a good paying position in
the law office of P. O. Chilstrom, San
Francisco, and on Friday of last week
loft for that city. Mr. Wells has been
conducting a law office in Jacksonville
ior a lew montns past, but a proposi
tion of the above nature, with salary
attachments, is one that don't happen
along often and the gentleman wisely
took it in. He is an unusually bright
young man and will, we opine, make
several big marks for himself in the
practice of his profession.
H. A. Handscomk and family, of
Blencoe, Iowa, arrived in Medford
Sunday morning and wiil make this
locality their future home. Mr. H.
was here for a month or six weeks last
fall and was most favorably impressed
with the country and climate hence
the arrival of himself and family is but
the natural sequence. They are old
time friends of the Lindley people of
this city. If thev find a small farm for
sale that is to their liking thev will
purchase and turn themselves and I
their Iowa ambitions loose for the pro
duction of our farm diversities.
Hon. H. B. MILLER was un from
Grants Pass last week visiting his
several friends hereabouts. Mr. Mil
ler is well known all over Oregon and
none know him better than do the poli
ticians. He is said to be able to read
political slates at a longer range than
any man in the state, and coupled with
this is his ability to break the combine,
and with both these accomplishments
he is said to be loyal to his friends an
unknown quantity in many politicians
when once their point has been
achieved. When here last Saturday a
Mail reporter caught him in close,
earnest converse with that stalwart
democrat. Hon. J. H. Stewart. Whether
Mr. Miller was bent upon evil intent
toward democracy or not. wo don't
know, hut we will" give Mr. Stewart a
quiet tip that unless he keeps his dem
ocracy well but'oned up Harry Miller
will swipe it.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter. chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and nil skin eruptions, and ixsi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 2."c
per box. For sjiie by G. H. Raskins.
For sale by G. H. Raskins, Medford
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
In order to make ready for our
Immense Spring Stock we will
put on the market our entire
line of....
At COST with freight added
- - m
i i
Our Spring Stock of
Boys' Clothing
jf Www
HI Era '
FOR $4.00.
We Need Room!
You Need Goods!
Clothing', Boots and
Shoes, Winter Dress :
Goods, Hats Hi Caps, j
,5ssv,Come and See Us
Angle & Plynaale,
ONLY $1.75.
Call and Look
Them Over
Before the
Assortment is
1 ft
Style Up to Date
Value Guaranteed
for CASH, j