The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 01, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    noonville's Masquerade Ball.
On the evening of February 14th, at Moon
Tille, there was a scene of brilliant gaiety, the
occasion being a masquerade ball. The ball
was well attended and every person present
thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Following Is
the list of masquers:
Lucy Wyott, Diamonds; Etta Conley, Pop
corn; Mary Pankey, Good Luc'; Earl Woolcy.
Hayseed; Wm. Jones, Baseball Man; Robert
Bailey, Greer.horn; Howard Rodgers, Sailor
Boy; Thomas Jones, Whiskers: Silas Fleming.
Mother Hubbard; Ellis Gall, The Old Girl:
Winnie Rodgers, Shepherdess; Emily Pan
key, Stars; Kmma Wyott, Stars: Huldah
Craddock, Good Luck: Ollie Pankey. Snow
flake; Mrs. M. Deboy, Schoolgirl; Mamie Gall,
Persian Bride; Nora McClandon. Popcorn
Girl- MartPerry,Jockcy;DoraGall. Chinaman.
J. T. Hi
-Ruoirlnn's Arnica Salve.
rm. ant .iIva in t.lit world fur Puts
j. uq i ... k out - - -
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25c
per box. For sale by G. H. Haskins.
For sale bv G. H. Haskins, Medford
The regular subscription price of
THE Mail is $1.50 a year, and the reg
ular subscription price of the Weekly
Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscrib
ing for TnE Mail and va'in? one J'ear
in advance can set both The Mail and
the Weekly Oregonian one year for $2.
All old subscribers paying their sob
scriptions for one year in advance will
be entitled to the same offer.
Are You Going
to riove? ...
It's cheaper to move
than to pay rent and
We'll Move You
I Cheaper than vou can
v' move yourself with a
.: wheelbarrow. We do
Sy all kinds of hauling at
lowest living rates.
Bellinger & Wells, The Draymen.
Will sell tracts of land, in from
one to three acre chunks, on the
installment plan $i.3S per week
or $5.00 per montn. w e will
also selk
From $S0 to $100 per lot and upon
same terms as above. e nave
one choice
Five Acre Tract,
Of land, inside the city limits.
' uml set out to fruit which we will
sell lor $of0. This is a splendid
bargain. We also have a number
of choice farms for sale.
Hamilton & Palm,
Plain and
Orders for plain or fancy baking
will receive prompt attention
Bakery in Woolf building, on
worth C street,
At the old stand on Seventh Street.
Whole or chopped. Corn. Potatoes and Beans,
Cash paid tor Eggs, or taken in exchange.
J. R. ERFORD, Proprietor.
. Medford, Oregon
How Big
Is a Dollar?
You'll never know until
you bring one to my store
and see the values I give
for a dollar. I have a lull
stock of
Feed for Man or Beast,...
$$ Including wheat, oats, rolled bar-
ley, beans, corn, nour, rye ana
$$ buckwheat fltur and rolled oats.
Baled hay in any quantity.
A. M. Woodford
South C street, op-
( posile Kacicei siore
. . - Furniture, Stoves, Guns,
. . Glassware and Crockery,
South of the Clarenden
The Variety Store
Is the place to got
uficoiu--M Ms,
That Medford Will Have a Cream
eryCan Have It If the Farmers
Will Furnish Enough Cows
There Is Big Profit In the Business
If Conducted Properly, to Both
Farmer and Creamery.
J. W. Ling, of Harrisburg. arrived
in Medford last week, and since his
coining he has been doing a consider
able creamery talk among our towns
noonle and what few farmers he -has
bjen able to see. The gentlemnu is
formerly from that groat creamery belt
of the world, which is in and about
Elgin, Illinois, and is in consequeucu
well versed in that line of business.
Last spring he built a creamery at
Harrisburg, Oregon, and successfully
ooerated it during the season, so suc
cessful in fuel that recently he told the
pltnt to good yiront to himself. At the
outset it was an up-hill job to get the
attention of farmers to flout in the
creamery channel, but at the close of
the season he nud ou cows listed una
even a greater number than that is
promised for the coming season.
Mr. Uing is here tor tuo purpose 01
establishing a ereumory in Medford,
provided he can secure, encouragement
utheient to warrant the undertaking
The plan of operations as mapped out
by Mr. Ling is, not to build a creamery
here this spring, but instead formulate
all plans for its erection next fall, and
be in readiness ror operation one year
from this spring. But belore making
the outlay ot money, something liKe
$1500, amount required in putting in the
machinery and erecting the building?,
he must be guaranteed by the farmers
hereabouts that they will supply him
with the cream from at least i"0 cows.
In consideration of this guarantee
from the farmers Mr. Ling agrees to
make a contract with them to the ef
fect that he will have the creamery
in shape to receive their cream at a
time not later than the spring of 1896.
There is one problem which is at
present baffling the proposition some
what which is the possibility of there
not being range suUicient for feed for
this number of cows. But a way out
of this, which seems plausible to us,
would be the sowingof a fewaeres more
to alfalfa and less to wheat.
With the creamery located at Med
ford, the distance on all sides from
which cream can be profitably gath
ered will be ten miles. The creamerv
sends eut teams each morning which
visits the farms of all those who have
contracted to supply, and lakes in all
the cream- from the two uiukings of
the day before. This is measured and
placed to the farmers credit, and at the
end of each month the cash is paid for
all cream delivered during the month.
As to tne prom which accrues 10 the
farmer, there is no question but that it
is a big item, accepting the tabulated
reports from farmers who have given
the business a fair test, as our proof.
we have now in mind one gentleman,
who is a patron of the Cons Hav cream
ery, who reports that from cream sup-
piled that creamery he made, during
the year lS'.M. an average prvrit in'
Sot. 12 from each of his twenty-nine
The question which see ins the otilv
oue that riht uow Mauds in tne
light of our establishing this enter
prise is. will our farmers o shape their
lai'tu matters as ;o provide the iir-
ducts from the necessary 2"0 cows.
The question of profit can b- fully
demonstrated by appl.vint: for informa
tion lo any well coiiu'jot.m ereamery
or its patrons. Mr. Ling fee is himself
safe in staling that cream sufficient to
produco one pound of butter, will
n . ver le worth 1 -ss than twenty cents,
net to Ihi- fanner and the work of
manuiaetui-ing the butter is a great
load taken fixim the shoulders of the
good housewife.
Thk Mail, would like to s"e the prop
osition come to asucce: ul issue, as we
firmly believe there is money to be
made out of it by the farmers. We
would liki to have the farmers livii.g
within the radius of ten Tiles of this
city report at this office the number of
cows they can put to this use. It is
desired that not less than eight cowj
be listed by any "one farmer and as
many more as he wishes. The plant
will have acata:ityfor handling the
cream from 430 cows.
Jacksonville News.
Miss Amy Cantrall. of Uniontown,
was here Tuesday visiting relatives.
Judge Neil, Hon. T. Cameron and
Chas. Nickel! have returned from a
visit at the Cupital city.
Hon. W. F. Songer, of Ashland, was
at this place a few days ago on probate
business connected with the Wells es
tate. Mrs. J. Beech, of Lis Angeles, ar
rived in Jacksonville Thursday evening
for an extended visit with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. T. .Miller.
The Lenten season begun Wednes
day. Services appropriate to the
occasion were held at St. Josheph's
church, Rev. Faber officiating.
John Jacobs, of Central Point, who
has recently finished a business course
at the Stockton Business college, is
now clerking in the store of R .-umas,
While & Co.
Misses Kate and Emma Plyraalc, who
have been paying relatives here a brief
visit, left for Salem during the week.
Miss Emma will accept a position in a
millinery store in that city.
W. E. Coul and family have become
permanent residents of Jacksonville.
Their household goods arrived from
Tacoma a few days since, and now these
estimable people are ''at home" one
block north of the court house.
A few weeks ago we predicted that
A. N. Soliss would bear a title before
his return. So it is. When his old
haunts know him again bis card will
r-ad "A. N. Soliss, Attorney and
Counsellor at Law." Mr. Soliss was
admitted to the bur laut week.
Last Sunday Victor and Ben 1'lymalo
and Luther Engledow became '"sadder
but wiser" boys. They ft.utid a box
that contained pebbles and powder, and
wishing to separate them they thought
the quicker way would bo to touch a
match to the same result, a loud re
port, and three boys minus eyebrows
and eyelashes, with hair badly singed
and faces and hands bearing some pain
ful burns. They will not repeat the
Sudden Death of "Irs. Justus.
The sudden and very unexpected
death of Mrs. Geo.-ge U. Justus, which
occurred last Thursday evening, cast a
shadow of gloom in the homes or the
lady's many friends in this city.
She was apparently in her usual good
health and spirit to within a few sec
onds of her death. She ate supper
with the family and soon after repaired
to the sitting room, where she spread
upon the floor some dress goods, from
which she was going to cut a dress for
her mother She hud just knell on the
floor, preparatory to the task, when
other occupants of the room, her hus
band, mother and adopted daughter,
heard her culling to them to catch
her, slating that she was fainting, but
before they could reach her side she
had fallen to the floor a corpse. All
possible attention was given her but to
no avail life was extinct, and another
evidence of the uncertainty of life was
given to the world.
Friends gathered about the grief
stricken relatives and every comfort
possible was tendered them, and by
these friends and especially the mem
bers of the Ciood Templars, of which
order she was an honored member.
were made the arrangements inci
dental to the sad occurrence. Funeral
services were hold at the family resi
dence, on G street, oil Saturday follow
ing and were attended by a la"ge
coucourse of sympathizing friends. The
services were conducted under the
management of the Good Templars
order and the sermon was preached by
Rev. K. S. Craven. Interment was
made in the family burial lot in the
Jacksonville cemetery.
Deceased, whoso maiden name was
Sarah Jane Kobb. w:is of Scotch par
entage, was born in Ireland, in 1S10.
She came to America with her parents
in 1S54 and located in Essex county,
Xew York. In lsiio she moved to
Weaver county, California, where soon
after she married Geo. V. McKnipht,
by which marriage two children were
born, one a girl, who died when quite
young and the other Wm. McKnight,
who now lives on Foots creek, this
county. In 1ST8 deceased, with her
family, moved to Jtickson county, Ore
gon, where two years later her husband
died. In 1SS2 she was again married,
to Geo. R. Justus, with whom she lived
until death took her from earth's
troubles to that promised bright and
perpetual home beyond the clouds.
Since early childhood she had been a
devout follower of Christ and a strict
adherent to his teachings, and was a
member of the l'resbylerian church,
during her early life but soon
after coming to Jackson county
she joined with the Methoiist church
and was a member of that church at
the time of her death. She was also
an honored member and earnest work
er in the Good Templars order ol this
She leaves to mourn ber very sudden
demise a kind husband, mother and
son, and many warm friends.
Vhkhks: Almighty and alwle Coil ha
removed bv dca'.h from oar mi.l-t Sister suruh
J. Justus, suj-l. of Jjver.lle Ti-inirtars of our
onier. we bow in Milrnis.ion to tJ-.e hand lhai
dirvets ail thmjrs weli. although the sliver eunl
b-l.viseo, nud the irWden bowi bi' limlirn. anil
the oitoier be brok'ru at Hie fountain, the tnwly
relunif-i! to arlh ts it was ana thw iru to
i,xl who travv lt:nu l whii w,iroi sytniKilutrlic
tears over he cravr ot oar uejarV"U staler, let
the present example stimulate our Ci(t sort
on thouirbt and -trtnijrlhsn oar r-wlutiODS of
nmeniment: b it therefore.
lfcsi.vKi. That e extend our heartfelt
sympathy hi the sad hour of and art'artion
M the husband, iselhvr. on. sis'.ers. brother
and relatives io lae loss of one - hose vavant
chair ran sever ie Klied a devotod wife,
lovinc daurhler, lacd mother. aneeUoaa.' sis
ter and charitable nriirhror. We tneri'lore
praver: ai'y comtr.cnd thera to th- ai 'scran
of I Ism who i,elh ali thuijrs well. Th IM
a,-e. tUc l.ord hatf taken away; blessed be Ihr
nnmr of the l-ord. lie it further
ICksoi.vkii. That a C"W ot these resolutions
be spread on the records of this lodire: al-o a be sent to the f.m!ly.
Submitted in Kaith. Hoi and Charity.
A. X. S"AVH.
. K. A. Johssos.
The following lines written in
memory of Mrs Justus.
Oar xKlcr 1 gone.
She has left us forever.
No more will she meet with us In
The lode room;
But one week ago
We met. and we parted.
And now she Is sleeping within
The col J tomb.
How bright wis her smile.
How cheerful her presence.
None thought that the Amrel of
Ueaifc was so near.
None thought tha.
The next l.m wc gnlhered together
One chair would be vacant, one
Member not here.
So sadden the call.
So un looked for the summons.
So soon did !he pass to
Eternity's shore;
O. shall we not miss her.
And wish with sad hearts she was
Wiui us once more
She rests from her work.
All her labors are ended.
Life's burdens and care she will
Carry uo more;
Hut still in our hearts
Will her memory be cherished.
And the hope of reunion, when
Life shall be o'er.
adie Squires.
Central INhiu Items.
J. T. Miller, of Gold Hill, s;eit Wcdn-sday
. 1 1 our city.
I Hev. K. H Chaplain rlsited relatives on Wil
, Hams creek last week.
Born, February !.. to Mr, and Mrs. K.
M. Leaver, a dtinghier.
1 V. H. Kincnld and fumlly have moved onto
! their land atijji.ilng town.
1 A. K. Menitt his rr.ovtl his cnHery stock to
th- room adjoining Her-r.bcrat'r s store.
Mrs. E. Ross and daughter, Mr. Minnie Cun
ningiiaiu. are vi.-iting rulalive-lt Ashland this
wek .
Rew Kennedy Is now holding a series of
meetings at the M. K. ehureu which arc well at
tended. J. K. Norris and family are ut Kagle Point
wner Mr. Norris has opened a photograph
MKs Mary A. Mee, who has been visltinir her
nioT.ier nt Cirants Pas during the past month,
returned h me .Monday.
II. )l Clark has purchased the store building
on Pine street opposite the towu hull and ha?
opened a shoe store therein.
Kdward Huifhes. oi Pho?nix. In conducting a
wriutiu schKl in this city. We understand that
he is meeting with fair success.
Mrs T M. Jones left for (Jridli-y. California-
: last week to join her uusbmid. who Is pastor of
the Chrislaiii ehuruli aL that plnco.
j Mrs. VV. Vtrth and stepson. Henry Wert It.
j have purchase! the h'iU'hvr siiop f'"' Vt . l;.
: Case and w ill at one tak- poM!Ssliii.
I Hggs for Hatchinx.
j From thoronjjhbtvocl fowls Ulurk
Minorca?, ISrown und White Iliorns,
I Hlack Luntjshiins and Iilit Unihmas,
' p;ood hutch ouanmtcod, and uo lxUer
; Htock any place, (egsfs 1 l'r sot of
I Address L'mpqua Poultry Yards,
I HoHebur Or. Fred Tolle.s prop.
It Appropriates $1,200,000.
Following are the separate amounts
embodied in the Oregon biennial ap
propriation hill, which was passed lale
last Saturday night:
. (11CNKUAI. Ktr.ND.
Governor's fmlury S.UKi
Governor's privutu secretary :'..i0o
Governor's stenographer l.(V.l
Secretary of Htute'8 sulnry 3,jm
Secretary of state's chief clerk H.illM
Secretary of state's clerical service ll.ttKI
Treasurer' salary l.lVib
Treasurer's clerk 4.wiu
Treasurer's advertising; i'oi
Superintendent school's salary 3,tv
siupt. school's clerical uld 3..J
Supt. school's traveling expenses l.VO
AUoruey-Keucral . li.OO
State librarian H.mi
State librarian's exiK-uses (iud
Hooks and ImkiL cases.
liXi copies court reports ' o.4u
Salary pilot commission 1,'Jiu
Salary pilot commission clerlt l.'Jii)
Kxpeuses pilot schooner 3,(WU
l'ilot commission attorney fiou
Pilot commission rent '-'Hi
Hailroad commission IJO.Uuo
Salary health officer 4.4UH
Salary boatman. Astoria l.llil
Stulediouse janitors
Slate-house miit watchman l.silu
State-house Improvements 3.t
Drain from capitol grounds S.rtii)
l'atuliug interior capitol tf.tkll
Wood steam heatinK 4.1100
Klectrtc lights, capttol Iijq
lHaf mute school. i.0i
Kleetnc llifluing same S..HI
r'illtutf same Iti.uo
Hlliid school l.'t.OO
WorklnK home for blind 3.u)
Kxpeuses and repairs same S.OUi
Klectrlc lic.hlln- same '.Va.O
Stale board of agriculture 10.0O)
SupMirl same 5.IIKI
Kastern orci?ou district fair C.ono
Southern Or.-Kou district fair S.uu
Fish and Kume protector. 6 (AO
Dairy and lood commlssiorer Sim
Domestic animal commission K"ii
Sta'e board of e,Uaiizalin tv.."ml
Itewanis for arrests l.yil
Weston normal school IuMiO
G rounds for same l.ulj
Monmuuth normal school. ls.itu
uetlctcncli s same K.V.Ti
So.ilters' lloniiv 2l.o
S,ldiers' Home detlciency Io.!
G. s. 1kw nice, attorney fees IT
J. W.Maxwell. same l.t.'w
Home at Portland J 00
Home at Albany i.'o m
Home nl Soiem &.in in
CalH Home. Portland l UO
KWuiceHonie. Portland I-dliul
Mimdalrn Home. Portland 4.U.J
Hoys' and Girls' Aid Society. 1'ortl'd -j.;a) u
Patton Home. Portland 2.0i OJ
SU Mat"s Home, ltevrrtnn.... 4.O1O00
Ifnpmwment t'ascade Portage Ry 'J.ooooo
Keuilnt same ij. ll 00
To pay governor flooo a year and sec
retary of state and treasurer a
year each to supervise public works 4.000 00
Codes for justices, etc 4 K OO
Ketittinft state treasurer's office .. .. 2, 000 00
Lute SuvuiTe. detlcb-ncy on land o 4o
Mrs. C. t. Snyder, binding. 1-11 3S 7o
Hrowu Siuiih. asvlum. l-va loto
J. W. Miller and Phoebe Kilrbell. cx-
fiense soldiers' Home 96 IS
O'f'oni.or A Co relief deaf mule school
rinlrarl 1.410 OO
Senator 1'oirawell. attorney tec in state
land ca-e 2ooo 00
DmenboflT. flass & Co., return of
fuiratlve frim justice 3SS IS
Attorneys tHard ot rernl acriroj.
lural coil-w I..V3 a
Claims oicainst world's fatr commis
sion 1.V.000
"Testimonial" for Kep. Meyer. 00000
A. S. Huntley, deficit asylum t 9,i S-
Deaf ant" school ... S4
Blind school I.I' ?
i.'onevinje nrtrt. Sk s
Wood (or pcnilcui.ary ;7 21
Sa.arles J'jtU-'s. . . . . 4 -s cs
K!ec:'..n supplies r."l 4-
Horticultural txarl "'."3 45
IlKroKM S-ltKl
l-r.clency on b-it'.din
. . . f S.IT
i..Sou 00
aoi? f-.i.K1 tt
4.Tq 00
I l vt;ru-ncy tn rxpcnM-a.
i rmrHi t-pru"
Unm!ry. C'1,. etr . . .
I Near wau r 01 and lard (or
rlifclric .iiChi:aft.
IVftYieiacy cottage and f tnn brltaTrs..$ & 4 ti
C.nv4j:.' Uiunt drflc;: i K c't
CriHTii lum Iui;U : . . . ... o
l.itnwy . ... I.oa
kriurnii.g pa'.ienl . .. . .oo
ItnprxtVt-nicut farm '.nuooo
iii-TiiVccirni at av iuu ...... . -'.oo 00
l-Vti ia:;tl . , 1 ix o
t-.l".-c:ric i;:ch:?k... . , uv 00
To",!. y ...
SSuslaw fish hatrhry 5
Kcjw;.:tt (uud h.unu a.rt'aay p-
Juiliriki (mid
iucUiro'.ai fund for M-itehouse de
lJf oh
partmrnts ?vooo
pk:ntin; axo u:nii sr..
For two years' cx proves 9 V oon
IH'tlcienctes . .
Iteconls and blAnksstJite school su-
per.u!eudvat and deilctcut ... . . 3. 000
tar toes rest.
Indigent poor
Salary superintendent
Salary wardens .
Salary farmer and teamster
Salary bookkeev'r
Pay of shop guards
Pay of guants
Pay of engineer and plumber
Pay of night watchmen . . .
I'ay of governor as Inspector.. .
Pay of visiting physician..
Keep ol prisoners
Fencing. etc ... .
Rogues' gallery
Building road ,
sttft-l cells..
Boiler for heating
Fund for stove works
Kleclrie lighting
Cleaning Mill creek and levees
New bath tubs
K.tuu TKrsr nso:
C!erk school land board ....
Maps. fees, etc
Attorney fee
Clerical service . .
I'ntversity laud inanageuu'nt
AKricultural laud nianaeuient..
Uetarned innty on loan
Ke;ay on swamp land, etc
Kepay ott tldeia::d
i. 000
lO.Ai O
l.o o
.9 131
New riaiiagcment Splendid Accom
modations. To TIIK TKAVKLINli I'LMll.IO:
I vvish to aniioiiiicc that 1 have, pur
chased the Cold Hill hotel, and am
nuvv nl work making many improve
ments about the plui.v. This house is
to Ihj first-class throughout. New
furniture is being put in, and each and
every room it being renovated and
placed in the best possible shape. My
daughter. Mrs. Ida Mclirid-j will have
charge of the culinary department.
My terms are reasonable and my ac
commodations will be found second to
none in tho valley. One trial will in
sure your steady patronage.
Gold Hill. Oregon.
I-or RentI For Sale.
Ten aeivs on Anderson creek, with I
house. II miles of Talent, 4 acres good:
fruit, good vegetable land with water, j
1 mile from school. Will bo rented
for cash or sold reasonable. 40 acres j
2 miles of Talent, for snto. Good fruit
and vegetable table land, will be sold
for less than cost. I
i W. H. Hurley, i
Talent, Oregon, j
Been Reading the Hail.
From the Portland Sunday Welcome.
A Southern Oregon riud advertises four jacks
for sale. Perhaps he has an Idea that his oppo
nent has four queens or better.
See C. M. Harvey's advertisement
in another column of this paper.
You make no mistake when you take
Do Will's Little Early Risers" for bil
iousness, dyspepsia or headache, be
cause these little pills cure ilium. Geo.
II. Haskins, druggist.
Mrs. George Danville, wife of a farmer
living near Yankton, S. D., is reported
to be the mother of 27 children. Mrs.
Danville is a Norwegian 30 years of age.
All her children were born three at a
time. The oldest net of triplets are now
13 years old. Only three of the children
are girls.
House and lot for sale. Inquire at
this otllce.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World' Fair Hlznt Medal and Diploma.
....Clarendon Hotel
1. j TV jf-
Tables Second to None. Rates $i Per Day.
Board by week $4.50. Special rates to Families.
i!LfJL!L?!?5L- J. W. THOflASON, Prop.
D. H- jVHLibER . . .
In great variety
Plumbing Goods of AH Kinds in Stock
Plumbing Done on Short Notice
Paints, Oils and Painters' Supplies. Cartridges and Ammunition
of all kinds, and in fact a full line of everything carried in the
hardware and tinware business. First-class goods and prices as
low as the lowest. Miners' supplies of all kinds in stock.
The Empire Steel Ranges
Every Range guaranteed to work perfectly.
All Others Reduced in Prcpirtion.
Photos, Photos . . .
THE MEDFORD Are no prepared to do all work in our line
mi r a nunnc with promptness and with entire satisfaction to
rnUIUUKAHllbKo a!) patrons. Fine instrumente: good gallery:
expert workmen. Call at our Studio and see samples of our work.
And I Drcrr have any altercations, and our neighbors mairel at oar con
genially. wtini's Ui rrnson for this blcM state or affairs ? you ask.
Well, nhvn first our two tarubbins hearts were made one. we established
a sort of a ot rales which both ot us have adhered to very steadfastly.
Hut even then riiBerercs wor.Id arise. For instance: We needed a stove.
She wa in favor of a CHARTER OAK. while 1 favored another make. She
wanted her wav and I wanted mine.
Did we quarrel ; Not a bit of it we effected a compromise. That's an
asree.ble ay to settle such dispute;-, you know.
Whieh 1M we buy! H'm well, we boujtht the hind my wife wanted a
Charter Oak stoves have no equal in quality
venience. We are sole ao?ut for Ihein In
W e also have a full MorkVf slielf and heavy haniware. I
l Spe:ia! Reduction During tha Hard Times.
Tayler, the Shoemaker
and Foot Fitter ...
irsn Will until further notice, halt sole ladies' shot s from 35 cents per air. an I
rC m-:'s shivs from o cents per pair. This in done to meet Ihe hard times a id
;i,t. i -rade of sho-s which are being sold at the present time. Now lines ot
"Up to date" shoes at "up
for two months. Look for
Seventh Street
"To the jeople
much talked
full Hue of nil horse and carriage wear, such as saddles, lap robes, horse
blunkets whips, currv com us und brushes, aud in fact everythins you
would expect 10 tlml In a well regulated shop of this nature. My harness
are all li'and made and are better than machine made affairs. I want to
get acquainted with the people of this valley you wUl want to know me.
W. 33. AJST. South C St., Medford, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
of the County of Jackson.
Ida McBridc, PlttT.Kuil lnFllllly
J. W. McHride,defl. f for tt ivoree.
To J. V. McBriUe, the above named defend
ant: IN the name of the Stntc of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint of the above plaintiff, in the above
fitttiled Court, now on file with the Clerk of
nald Court, within ten day from the date of
1 in? service ot tnis tiummunt upon you, U served
iit Jackm couniv. Oregon; but if served in any
oth-r county in the State of Oregon, then with
in twenty days from the date of the service of
thih fcuiiiMons upon you ; or if served on you out
of the State of Ort'on, or by publication, then
by the first day of the ensuing April term of
said Court, to-wit: the flrst day of April, WAz
Hnd you are hereby notified that If you fail to
appear and answer said complaint, as hereby
required, the plaintiff will take a default
against you and will apply to the Court for the
reiiif prayed for in the said complaint, to-wit:
for a decree severing the marriage bonds here
tofore existing between plaintiS and defendant.
This summons is published in Thk Mkdfohd
Mail for six consecutive weeks, by order of
the Hon. W.c. Hale, one of the Judges of the
First Judicial District, made at chambers, this
the 22ud day of January, l&ft.
w. H. Parker.
f li-m-22 Atty. for Pltff.
Prospectors and
PURGED OM Price. Xew Price
5 wire 4 ft., liidi Si. 30. $1.00
4 " o " 1.10. .tv3
wire 4 " 1.00. .SO
" 4 " (split) .)o. .75
A. J. Fredenburg.
Hamlin Block.
and con ) IT o "TT I7DV
Medfonl. J- IV C if 1 t-i VJllJUla
to date" prices. Every pair warranted eol to rip
the signs of foot and bot. also footprints on the
Med foid, Oregon.
of the valley that I have opened the
ot new harness shop in wedlord.