The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 22, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Thu Chiiago Civic Federation
declares that there are 60,000 vic
tims of the opium habit in that
Ferdinand Ward, who robbed
and ruined General Grant, is now
working in Genessee, N. Y., at a
salary of $6 a week.
""The Louisville Courier-Journal
writes an editorial to prove that
Kentucky is gradually being edu
cated up to drinking water.
A Bucksport (Me.) man spat on
the floor of the postoffice, and was
sentenced to get a scrubbing brush
and scrub the floor or go to jail.
It was said of both Athens and
Rome that so numerous were the
temples and statues of gods it was
easier to nna a goa man a man.
The caterpillar in the course of a
month will devour 6,000 times its
own weight in food. It will take a
man three months to eat an amount
of food equaj to his own weight.
South Carolina believes in new
blood. Her new governor is only
31 years old, the attorney general
is 25 and the adjutant general 24,
New York has a surprising num
ber of poor rich men. Last week
1200 supposedly wealthy persons
swore that thev had no taxable
, The supreme court of Idaho has
decided that a drummer selling
liquors through the state makes
the sales at the domicile of his firm
and does not violate the Iowa laws,
Squibnocket is a village on Mar
tha's Vineyard island, where one out
of every four of the inhabitants were
y born deaf-mutes. In five oft the
families there are twenty-eight
children, of whom fifteen are deaf
mutes and five are feeble-minded.
I Many people think that Harvard
i university is the biggest institution
V of learning in the country. This is
a a mistake. The University of
. Michigan, with its 4000 students,
i'ff heads the procession. Harvard is
second, Pennsylvania third, and
y Yale fourth.
V A war correspondent, writing,
i after familiar association with
Japan's leading soldiers, says:
"The Japanese officers are a niix-
?ure of the French officers and the
erman sous officers. They live
rieht among their men, sleep near
them, eat the same food in sight of
all, expose themselves to all kinds
of danger and hardship. No won
der the soldiers have the greatest
confidence in them! I found every
Japanese general I met to be brave,
generous, kind, polite, ready to
eive his life for his men and for
his flas. When the detailed his
torv of the life of some of these
men is written it will undoubtedly
call forth the admiration of the
Gilbertian humor has been exem
plified by an itfcident at Southport,
England. Last week birth tooK j
Tlace in two families living in the i
same house. In one case twins ar
rived, and one baby in the other.
As a joke the three infants were
placed in one bed , to make the
father of the twins believe that his
wife had given birth to triplets.
Everything passed off pleasantly
and satisfactory until the ''lark"
was exploin-.-d and the business of
restoring the infants to their re
spective mothers began. Here a
serious difficulty presented itself,
for the attendants were unable to
sav which was which. The inden
tification has not yet been satisfac
torily established.
Sayings Having a Holy Writ Flavor.
Job was .never Ueard
'after the
A pie-eater is not necessarily
It i? a Ion
time since the Dead
sea died.
Shekels ivere
not made to fit a
slot machine, r
A crimson stain may
consist of
blackberry juice.
Dudes who imbibe Angelica are
not always angelic.
The Gospel provides no salvation
for spirits frumenti.
Solomon was not wise enough to
pick the winner at long odds.
Mules and Mulattoes were not on
Noah's bill of lading when he went
into the ark.
Water cannot be made holy by
throwing stones into it and looking
for the holes.
It Would Be Nice,
If servant girls hadn't such a
tendency "to quit."
If our old maids and old bache
lors would get together.
If peopla who work were as much
respected as people who don't.
If the cigarette were a thousand
fold more deadly to the smoker.
Troubles of a Wealthy Fresno Man A
Coat.t Uoud Tram San Francisco tc
Santa Cruz Crap Games Closed at ViU
lejo Irrigation Suit at Bttkersfleld.
Perrv Gibson of Seattle is tiniler ar
rest at Portland for smuggling opium.
lie could not give bonus.
Professor Sanders has written a letter
to a Fresno paper declaring that the
press is hounding him, and says that
when Wootton comas back there will be
a settlement to make with the papers
which have charged him with crime.
He has over 80 papers on his list.
A bill has been introduced in the Ne
vada legislature which provides that
sleeping car companies shall not charge
more than one-half a cent a mile for the
use of sleeping cars.
August B. Hansen of Petaluma, ChI.,
kidnaped his own child recently at San
Jose. Hansen's wife left him to go with
F. W. Fox. Hansen learned the couple
were at San Jose and went there and
took his child. Mrs. Hansen is under
20 years of age and very pretty. Fox,
her paramour, is over 40.
Sheriff Jay Scott of Fresno county,
ex-Jailor Brown and Turnkey Tabor of
San Bernardino, charged with allowing
prisoners to go free without legal pro
cess, were discharged by Judge Koss at
Los Angeles.
Thirteen canal companies have com
menced suit in Bakersneld for the pur
pose of obtaining a perpetual injunction
against the South Park or Panama
Slough Canal company. It is claimed
that the defendant concern is not incor
porated, and being a very valuable
water right it is proposed to prevent the
company frcm taking water out of the
Kern river.
Henry S. Foote of San Francisco has
been appointed Cuited States district
attorney for the northern district of
Washimrton's birthday will be cele
brated on a grand scale"by the X.itive
Sons of the Golden West at Shu Fran
cisco. Governor Bndd will review the
parade, which will be participated in
by the militia, the regular army troojw
of the presidio and the parlors about
the bay. The corner-stone of the Native
Sons' building is to be laid.
The second chapter in the Denieke
family trouble at Fresno has begun. I
Major Deuicke bas filed an action for
divorce against his wife. She brought
suit & short time ago against him for
divorce, but the i-apers were not legally
served, and now he has reversed mat
ters and made her the defendant. He
is a wealthy fig raiser, 60 years of age.
She is 20 years old. He charges her
with cruelty and alleges that she has de
clared in the presence of various per
sons that she married him for his money
and cared nothing for him. He says
that on one occasion she threw articles
of crockery at him and cut his head se
verely. He also charges her with infi
delity, which he alleges occurred in San
Francisco soon after their marriage
seven months ago. Mrs. Denicke is
charged with locking her hnsband out
of their room, compelling him to sleep
in the hall, and take his meals at res
taurants or go without food.
For years the project of a coast road,
from Santa Cruz to San Francisco via
Pescadero and Hiilf Moon bay, has been
bilked of. The route was surveyed sev
eral years ago and then the matter
rested. Interest has been revived at
Santa Cruz by a gentleman interview
ing citizens as to what that city would
do toward a coast road. He said that a
capitalist ana railroad builder was
anxious to construct the road. The citi
zens interviewed are enthusiastic over
the project and will soon hold a meet
ing to consider it. They are now wait
ing to hear what plan the capitalist has
to submit.
Sheriff Rush of Solano connty has or
dered all "crap" games in Valleio to
close. For over a year Vallejo has been
apparently the headquarters of "crap"
plHyers. Small boys frequented the re-1
sorts in large numliers, and nightly !
hundreds of dollars changed hands. The !
ministers of the city ami others have j
organized a purity committee and .nc- ,
ceeded in persuading the sheriS to en-1
force the law. - ' j
Joseph P. Marks of Eureka, Cal., u !
totally biind from the effects of a beat
ing received from a footpad in
Francisco. John McShnne is charged
with the crime and Marks has gone to
San Francisco to testify in the case.
A question is puzzling the officers of
Fresno county and an act of the legis
lature may lx? necessary to settle it. V.
B. Cobb's property was ordered under !
attachment and the sheriff has theitodoit- Tho market for fins, or nva-
papers to serve, but the property is on j
an island in the San Joaquin river, and
it cannot be determined whether it is in !
Madera or Fresno county. The river is
the boundary linev The officers refuse
to serve the papers till jurisdiction is
determined. The act creating Madera
county omitted the island and there
ceeuis to be no way to settle the matter.
Mrs. Claribel Langley of Riverside is
suing her husband, Thomas E. Lang
ley, for divorce. Langley is a well
known fruit packer. The complaint
charges failure to provide and infidel
ity. A Mrs. Webber is made core
spondent. '
Frank B. Woodruff, president of the
Pacific Commercial company of Tacoma,
who has returned from a business trip
to Japan, says that the country is des
tined to become the greatest manufac
turing and exporting country in the
world, on account of the Japanese in
genuity and cheap lalxir. They are tak
ing apart, scrutinizing and learning
how to make all kinds of machinery,
from electrical apparatus down, and are
also developing great marble and onyx
mines. A large trade can be built up
between the Pacific Coast and Japan,
he says, but the exports to the Orient
most be chiefly of raw materials.
Interesting Iteni Picked Out from the
I:iily Dispatches.
The house of representatives has voted
down President Cleveland's scheme to
issue bonds.
It is possible the Nicaragua caniil bill
may not be reached by the house before
adjournment. Congressman Geary h:is
presented a petition signed by 110 Demo
crats and 70 Republicans to the commit
tee on rules asking for a day to be fixed
to debate the bill.
The court of appeals has affirmed the
judgment of the lower court refusing to
grant John G. Moore of Now York an
injunction restraining Internal Revenue
Commissioner Miller from proceeding
to collect the income tax from the com
plainant. Counsel for Moore immedi
ately noted an appeal to the United
States supreme court, and the matter
will probably be brought to the atten
tion of the court of last resort book
after it reconvenes next month.
Collectors of internal revenue through
out the country have already begun to
receive returns under the income tax
law. In a number of instances the cash
has accompanied the returns. Inasmuch
as the tax is not required to be paid be
fore July 1 next, several collectors have
asked to be instructed as to whether
they could accept payment at this time.
To these inquiries Commissioner Miller
has replied that the tax might be re
ceived at any timo provided the col
lector is satisfied that the return is correct
Senator Perkins, from the committee
on education and labor, has reported his
uill for the creation of au industrial
commission of 21 persons which is in
tended to arbitrate labor difficulties.
The committee presented a writteu re
port in which it estimates the aggregate
loss to all concerned on account of
strikes during the past six years at $DS,
5oO,So9. Surgeon General Wyman of the ma
rine hospital service, as requested bv
Senator Perkins and Representative
Loud, has sent a letter to the senate !
urging the appropriation of $12,000 to !
enable the government to take charge j
of the quarantine station at Sua Fran- '
The civil service commission has com- j
pleted a schedule of examinations of the ;
first six months of the present year. On j
the Pacific Coast they will occur as fol- j
lows: Tucson. A. T.. April lo; Los Au-
jreles, April 1U; San Francisco. April 2: '
Ueuii, Nev., April 20; Koseburjr, Or.,
April 29: Portland. May 1; Seattle. May j
4; jx)kane, iiay . The examinations
will be for applicants for the depart
mental railway mail and Indian service.
A White Riblmn petition containing
over 00,000,000 names has bern seut to
congress by the W. C. T. U. The peti
tion has been around the world and is
signed in 50 different languages. They
were of all sorts and sizes and were to
be trimmed ami prepared for mounting
as compactly as o6sible on interminate
webs of muslin half a yard in width,
one edge of which was bound with red
and the other with blue ribbon red,
white and blue being the prevalent
colors of the flags of all nations and the
symbolic badges of the great temper
ance movement of modern times. Mrs.
Schnman. who has had charire of this
branch of the work, has mounted 1.203 '
yards, or over one mile of canvas, mak
ing five miles of names written solidly,
one underneath the other. This is ex
clusive of about a.V),000 names that
came from Great Britain mounted. Be
sides these there are hundreds of thou
sands of names yet waiting to be added
to the long roll. 1
The general conference of the Seventh
Day AdventUts inet at Detroit last week.
It is announced that Congressman
Wilson of West Virginia has been ten
dered by the regents the position of
president of the University of Texas,
which offer he has under consideration.
A bill is now pending in the Texas legis
lature creating the office and it has no
opposition. .
The Chicago Jewish Courier pub
lishes the following editorial: A young
Jew living on Maxwell street undertook
to take Un)U himself and atone for the
sins of his lieighlxir. Being quite poor
he made a bargain to assume the Sab
bath sins of one of them for 5'J cents.
Another neighlxir wished to le rid of
his sins and con- id ring tlm hard tims
the young man ngre;--l to take his sin of
the Si'.bbat'.i and u!."i the sin he to;n:?iit
t.d by eai::g meat which was t.i t Uillvd
bv the Jewish maftfr fir -1" .:. !s.
I When the first neighl r i!i;inrr.-d thai
j the other had J aid 1 ' c nts inr 1
' ing rid ot the s-ius of the S.iMi.s;!; nudoi
eating uncleim lii'-a:, woilf li... paw .v,i
cents for the taking awy o; only hi.
sins of the Sabbath, he K"t mud. lie
was going to have the young iimu ar
rested had not roine people told him not
ras, is now slacken Maxwell street."
The San Francisco Weekly Examiner
"THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG." in Co'ors, by Thjrlsirui thi CrcA Car Artlit
"THE SIRENS," h Colo's a Painting Famous lha World Cvjr.
"CHRIST OR DIANA." Illustrating an Historical vcnl ol !atly Christ s:ii'.y.
"PEEK-A-E00!" a First-Prize Winner at the Paris Sa'on.
Each of thesa Pictures I Jlx'.M Inches, and they nro ek'iMntty ivrruluc. d in fa
feature of tbe great 01 lylnals. either one of wlilcli could Lot no irhea f .r
Th prloe of th Wkeklt Exaxixib Is H BO por year, tii frtvulu-ii l'l-u,-- til r.
tbara of tho H5,000 list of Promlumt. which r fulu doiurllrad la iho iwo.vo-.f i-rmiiiu:u :?pi.
meat, which will be teat free om application to
W. R. HEAHST, Publlohor. 'an fr.- j. ...i.
Ilonr the Irish Money Was Brought from
Franco to Kncland.
An interesting account of the trans
mission of the released I'arisfundsfrom
Paris to London has been furnished by
the London correspondent of the Free
man. With the exception of a very
small proportion, the funds, it should
be explained, are in the form of Amer
ican bonds of various kinds, payable to
When the order for their surrender
to Mr. McCarthy was delivered by the
French courts to the Paris bankers,
Messrs. Monroe, the question arose as
to the best means of transporting them
across the channel. The junior part
ner of the firm of Messrs. Longmans &
Co.. who acted as Mr. McCarthy's solic
licitors, considered it undesirable to
travel with so large a sum of negotiable
bonds in hit! possession without insur
ing them. However, on inquiring of
several leading insurance companies
he found that none of them would un
dertake the risk'. The result was that
Mr. Longmans decided not to hazard
the chances of the road with the securi
ties. Inquiry was instituted among per
sons accustomed to sending valuables
of various kinds from the French to the
English capital, in order to discover
the plan usually adopted. To the sur
prise of those concerned, they learned
that the only really safe method in the
case of such valuable parcels was to
tend them by registered letter, and
this method was ultimately successful
ly adopted.
A Ruined Institution In the Great City of
The chiffoniers of Paris have lost
their trade at least it has become so
totally modified that they no longer
pursue it in its ancient form. The
waste and dirt from every house used
to be poured out into the street before
the front door ouch evening at nine or
ten o'clock, and the chiff'-nier. with
Ir.s lantern aud.his hook in his hands
and his liasket on his hack, arrived at
once and raked the heaps over, to see
what he could find in them. Hut it be
came forbidden, says lilack wood's
Magazine, either to throw the refuse
into the street or to bring it out at
It was prescriU'd that it should be
carried down in the early morning, in a
box. wnieh is placed, full, at the door,
and is emptied In-fore nine o'clock in
the dust carts, which go round each
Jay. The chiffoniers, therefore, have
no longer the opportunity of picking
aver the dirt, for it bas ceased to offi-r
itself in an accessible form: they have,
for the most part, to carry on their
trade after the rvfuse is discharged
from the carts at the depots, and. con
sequently, have almost disappeared
from the streets. They cannot be re
irartled as a loss, for they were, of
necessity, dirty and bad smelling, and
looked, as they prowled about with
their dull lanterns in the dark, like
siircivta ui uiiseraoie evuness. iut,
all the ame. they were thoroughly
typical of old Paris.
An A;loc-'l Mlrarlr.
At Itadiccna. in Calabria, a statue of
the virpin which bad blood quietly for
one hundred years in the village church,
suddenly Iviran to move its eyes on the
Sth of September last. The miracle
was seen bv ell the inhabitants, who
took the statue out that nig-ht and car- j
ried it about in procession, when a
stranpe halo in the shape of the cross, j
was seen around the moon. From that j
day the Church of the Mauonna of the j
Mountain has been crowded cioy and !
night, pilgrimages to her are Wing or- J
panized. jrifts are pouring in. and al
ready fifty thousand francs in money
have lcen recrived. The syndic of the
town asserts that the miracle rvaliy
happened, and a dep station has started
for i.oine to lay the facts before the
A Sovereign Remedy IsrGsyghs
CoIdsXaGrippe ad all Afiection.s
o'lheThroat. Chest ad Lvngs.
!' h tnc every
4-100 IKItl.
Are 9,009 Premiums
i if i
HAMILTON & LEGATE. Proprietors.
The Medford has been
me yery best. II you try us once you will surely come again.
RATES FRO1 $1.00 TO $a.oo PER DAY. . . .
The Gem Saloon,
In connection. The best and
cigars courteous treatment.
We Carry the Celebrated:
MitcM Lml6r ani Spring Wagons,
Corvallis Top and Open Buggies, Buckboards, Carts, and in fact a full
line of vehicles of all descriptions. Case and Canton black
land plows, both Eingle and gang. Bissil and Gale
stubble plows, Case steel frame lever harrows.
fjyCall and see us before purchasing. Catalogue sent on application.
Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Company
D. T. HiAAVTONT Manager, Medford Branch.
Is a naaie more famous than Pebs, but in a different way
Wagons and Carriages
first-class everybody
A full line of Studebaker Wagons, Carriages, Carts, Phaetons and
Surreys can be found at the warehouse of
J. V. WHITMAN, - - Medfobd, Oregon
Does General Contracting in all Lints
Ja cksonvillo.
"Wagons and 13urpies
Work Warranted First Class.
Medford, -
All work
guaranteed first-class,
all kind of work
. of LfMKKK of U kini'.s tillrd on short n.Mic. S:h. Poor and Mill work of al
Kiuils any thing in the sl.a;w of wood vorL can be had on short uoik-v.
t. h. short,
My work is warranted.-'"'
and my prices reason-
able squarely in line
with thf times.
nJF'Located at Merriman's
old stand,
thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
purest of wines, liquors and.
are known the World over and ar
wants a Studebaker
iade to Ordcr.HZS
( or. C and Eight streets
Plans ami
either brick
estimates furnished foi
or woikS.
i w. L. Douglas
s. cordovan;
4.3SP FlNE&lFlltofiJlROIl
3.50 P0UCE.3 SOLES.
ff"&T Best e "A.
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AU our shoes are equally satisfactory
They rive the best value for the tnener.
They equal custom shoes in stvle and fit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, stsmpco on sole.
From $ to $3 saved over other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply you we can- Sold by
A. C. TAYIER, Medford. Oregon.