NFOBMATION FOR ALL READERS. The natij.ial debt is $l,G33,S0o, 240. Carpenters in China get 30 cents a day. The world contains 1142 railroad tunnels. New Yok lias about $40,000 ten ement houses. The Dominion of Canada owes $300,000,000. New Hampshire pays a bounty for grasshoppers. The railroad system of this coun try began in 1827. Paper carpets are cheap and answer the purpose. The luntrs of the average man hold five quarts of air. Aluminium drums are finding place in military bands. Forty-three million stars can be seen by a powerful telescope. Roots of hair penetrate the skin about one-twelfth of an inch. There are 13,000,000 men of mili tary age in the United States. The mean temperature of the whole earth" is about 50 degrees. The pecan tree3 of Texas yield every year 9,000,000 pounds of nuts. Female bootblacks are getting a fair share of the business in Paris. Eight million people in the United States own their own homes. More than 2o!oOO,000 cows are needed to furnish milk to Ameri cans. An extension ladder tor upper berths of sleeping cars has been de vised. The size number of a woman s shoe should be just half that of her glove. The hottest region on the earth's snrface is the southwest coast of Persia, The average man can do the most work at 3 p. m. and the least at 9 a. m. A rich Laplander sometimes keeps as many as 5000 reindeer in his service. There is more money in raising frm't. in Missouri, than in almost any other crop. "Come. Ye Disconsolate," a hymn sung the world over, was written by Thomas Moore. A croun of gold mines on Douglas island, Alaska, is alleged to be worth $50,000,000. One horse power is the power re quired to lift 33,000 pounds one foot in one minute. Branding live stock, as well as dressed meats, by electricity lias come largely into use. Lager beer was so named because in order to ripen it was allowed to , lie in a lager, or cellar. The elephant is the longest-lived ' land animal, and the whale the longest-lived sea animal. Maps were first made on piects of cloth like napkins. The punic word for napkin is mappa. The 271 parks of London are not considered, an over-supply. They are maintained at little cost. In San Domingo articles of cloth ing are unknown to ' children until after they are twelve years of age. A Hungarian inventor claims to be able to to make from wood pulp a fabric suitable for durable cloth ing. A 130 tori cannon costs nearly $200,000 and can be fired about sixty times, at a cost of 4,700 per shot. Minneapolis mills saw over 360,- 000.000 feet of lumber every year and turn out 7.000,000 barrels of flour. John Burns, of Boston, say3 he is the oldest street car driver in the world. He has been at work forty years. , Amelia Rives Chandler is pro nounced by the London Literary World ''the most beautiful women in literature." According to statistics, women to-day are two inches taller on an average than they were twenty or thirty years ago. There are in the United States 37,129,564 single persons, 22,321, 424 married, 2,970,052 widowed and 120,996 divorced. The great artesian well at Gren elle, France, has been flowing steadily for fifty-two years, without apparent diminution of volume. Camels are, perhaps, the only animals that cannot swim; imme diately after ' they enter the water thev turn on their backs and are drowned. France has more inhabitants over the age of sixty year3, in proportion to the population, than any other country in the world save Ireland, which conies first. The greatest daily change of temperature to be found on the earth's surface is in Arizona. There is frequently a change of eighty de grees in twelve hours. Bunford Samuel, assistant libra rian' of a Philadelphia library, can recall instantly the title and loca tion on the shelves of any book mentioned an.o lg 110,000 volumes. A great many persons, including not a few Washingtonians, are una ware of the fact that a daughter of President Tyler is living at the Louis home in the national capital. As Presidential salaries go, the pav of the French President is liberal. He receives l,200,000f, or $240,000, per annum. The Presi dent of the Swiss Confederation has to be content with a very modest sum, his services being valued at only $3000 per annum. Final Road Communication. EDEN Phkcisct, Feb. 11, ISM. Editor Mail: It is an old saying that "no wan is so dead as be who has killed himself." Misleading and false statements about one's neighbors are very effective "kill ers" and when published, though slower to re-act. thev uro more deadly in eneci. inai me " queer uiiugs unuer me duu tup. ts putting it mini. i ue stiinemeui iimv i utnnuK are mistcud- hold These People Are Pioneers. During1 t he past couple or three months Mr. Wm. Grilliu has boon britifrin"; his pencil and note book into use, and as a result he has tnado the discovery that there uro now living in Jackson county just 134 of the etirly day settlers, all of whom en mo to this county prior to ISo". Beliovin-j that many of our readers would be pleased to read over the names of those ho were the early supports which settled and built up this part of the great Rojjiio river valley, and whose progeny are today tbo life and sinow of our wondrous country of value, we give their names and dates of birth below: the fort, with a pugnacious and tenacious crip ' worthy a better cause, o'outu natumiiy ieau i those outside of the neighborhood to thitik that j 1 have been acting stubbornly about the road, j and that, too, against tuv own Interests. When j the majority of the people who live in the im-1 mediate vicinity can wuh'iiuiliiiu.i, . llenuett's line is the most convenient and pr:ic j ieable route for a road to the seuooi uou.e, i then there will be no kick troiu me. There is a grade twenty rods long, wua an i levatton of three feet, two inches, per rod as I near as I could gel u witn a pirn invi-uu me , line between my place una me line running , west from the school house, and there has nev- j er before to my knowledge been a road pe'.i- j Honed tor, runumg over me mtuium , hill. The reader will please refer to the re- j mark about the"pack mule." and the "identical j road, with onlv two exceptions, ana juut-e wr himself. Now (or the statement he inade. speaking for the remonstrators, as it were: "Old Mr. riauiun. in nts day. wanoiw u, we will walloD the Hamlin boys, though il takes off our own nose to do it." 1 wish to say, for one, in justice to the departed pioneer, that during my acquaintance oi aiiuoi uc jra w was none other than a friend to me. And to be accused of possessing and practicing the princi ples of revenge and justice mai are uuy prac ticed among ignorant and unconquered Indians and savages don't set easy with me, to say the least. He states again: "The road will entire ly cut off thirty of Mr. Bennett's trees, len of them having been set out since the road busi ness was gotten up. ana me oiuer mcuij bcv out late iast spring, not having grown uiuea. A road there would cut off a row of my trees all right, but I bave not set any trees m that row since last spring, when 1 set len cherry inwa and a few il rune trees in place of those that had died, ins true me irees nac i grown much the past season, owing to my j horse being sick at the time the trees most needed cultivation; but how many et my read ers would destroy a row of their young fruit trees for the sum oi twenty aouars r uoso: I only have ten acres nearly all set to fruit and there is a county road on my north line: my west line is forty rods instead of forty-eight rods, and I paid sixty-five dollars per acre. The argument that I. "In common with, the rest of us in here, would be two miles nearer Medford. on the pound trip." is very nimsy when taking into consideration that the author of that article, "in common with the rest of us In here." almost invariably travels the valley road to Medford, by preference, even when the gates on the Hamlin property are open as they nnw are and I am all but positively certain that that article rode to The Mail offloe, with ; its author, via the valley road to Medford. j That limber thai would be "several miles ! nearer" Is at present jusl 41 li 10U chains from i my south lino. ' One day I was notified that on a certain da!e j our partnership fence which happened to all ! beious to me would be a tatr.g of the liasl : hence the lane, as he says, "between all oi us, ( and which is locally known as S spite lane. ; is not a lane for it is closed about the center. t Fmailv. 1 wish to stato that I was not even ' somueh'asaked U 1 wanud the roud cr nit. ' And while there may be some of tnuiih princlie aoul me. in coinmou with neariy all uianUmd. wL:c "wiii lead, bul may kielt if driven," I will ;gn an a.-revnacul in conimoa : wua ail tae rest ol my nciguuurs. to bave the , ocnrd ol coraailst n,ner or llirev eoii;j'cU :l. ; eor.M'ieniioa. di:nivr led men i-co-vn by !.- cliooi il.TvcUira ie' a a.j-s dam- ayes, to lae scii?; :.:a-c Iruin nil sines ar.d uu lines that will be the mu; cjuveuu-iit aau X ynwtiO.e tor :i;e gre-iVi-at number of ! If tiivv ie on i.y l:-e I wul set u. Ir-iee back 'Ailnout a luiiruiiir. and li oil otlivr lines i will snare the asses-sea daiaagrs in tae saiae ratio as lai valua'.iou of my properly is to liie : vatuu;i.n of tlie property ol the school dlnL Tbai.kiLg tne editor (or his kindness, I remain ' Vours resjectfu::y. j X. . BESNBIT. ; Busy people have no time, and sensi- i ble peopie have do inclination to use a j slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent rv suits Ceo. a. Has kins, druggist. Flooded With Stamps. NAMES. DATB Olf UlttTll. Anderson, Q N April IT, 1818 Anderson, E K Dec S, 1836 Anderson, E N Oct 30, 1S31 Adams, J L Dec 1.1. ISM Alison, H July 28, 1K!3 Ashmead, M July 24, 1834 Applcgate, E L April 8, 1KU Heekman, C C Jan M, 1828 lilshop, W U July 21). 1S31 Barneburg, F ' Jan 17, 1838 Brill, P Men 11, 1818 Brooks, E C Sept 16, 1821 Barksdull, C H Dec 21, 1M Bellinger. Merritt Feb 2, 1833 Bybee, Wm S Mch lft, 1S2U Beatl, Vincent June 13, 1S31 Barnes, D P Mch 4, 1S24 Collins, Thos Mch I, lsut Coleman. M H Feb IS, 16 Crnln.JA May 11, ISil Cary. Robt Feb S, IKS) Cook, HA May Si, ISM Curry, Thos Dec S3, ISO Caton. M Jan 27, ISSS Cuttle. J II Octil, 1-cU Cadby, 11 Aug 2, l.HM t'aiu.C Dec 24. 1828 Cameron. Tod ' June 21. l!U9 Coleman. J Jan 2. l.2l Dulllnp, K S Oct 8. is-'l Donigan, P May 18. ISS Doherty. Jas Nov 1, I'd Dunn r Mch 21. 1C21 Drum, Jas April 30, 1SH Day. Silas J April 3, ISM Davison, Jeplha June IS, lsSS Foudray , ED Jan 8, 1821 Fisher, Dan'l Dec 1, 1S17 Fryer, J J Oct 1. IS31 Grlffln John B Sept 14. 1S'3 C Ibson. T 11 Mch 23. IS2 Gall, LF Oct ), 1S."7 Griffin. W M FebS,lS Gall, W S Aug 11, IS3S ' G Ibson, Mary May 14, 1SS0 Hoges, C Dec SI. IS2 Hoges. RE Jan 24, 1S39 Hardin, J R April IS, 1S54 Buffer, M Aug 12, IS34 Bank. Silas Sept 12. 1819 Hugh-ins. Jessie March Id, 1831 Htnkle, Rtlcy Oct 1. 1S31 Haymond. B May 27. ISJB Helms. H Aug IS. ISU HoXle.CH Dec S3, 1S38 Hurd, Jas June 4, 1830 Hurst. Margaret F March 31. iS4j Hurst. M F Oct 11. IS Ivory, P March 17. 1819 Isaacs, G W Jany 19, ISJl Jordan. Jas April 2U, 1S31 Jones. S P May 23. 1SB Jacobs. AS Oct 3,183 Kentnor, W W . Nov 27, 1828 Kentnor. S A Oct . IS44 Klncaid. W B Aug IS. WO Klncald, J J Feb 20. 1N27 Klippel. H " Dec 11. 13 Kubli, K Aug I, ISM Kahler. C W Nov 4. iSW Lame. J 11 May 21. 1?34 Linn. D Oct 28. IS Lindley. Mtltc-n Aug II. 1 Unksw.ier, T I. Sept 7. 14 Leslie. J Sept 1. Is O Langvll. N June.i-Cl Lcts-lan.T Aug 1. IV- Li,-,-. 1'r.m'a J-.:y H. 1- Lacy. J 'ia J Viy JI. l-V. lAten.JC ?! iy is. r-:a Ma-.his. IV M Nov a. Md'.er. K .V. ' Jnsy 27. iss Myrvs B K A I1. I "21 McDonough. Jas J'J 8. ll .Mills, John W Jan . l-CB Maurry. K F May 2a. 1-21 Jtcrtevon, J V Feb IS. ISM Mlngus. Conrad May6,lS2S Muller. Max May 20, iv)6 Mcltoy. J W April 9. 1817 McCulley. Jane Mar-h 31. LS2I McAndrews. Thos Nor 2. IS2 McDonnell. J N" May 31. 1SS McCowl. J M Jan IS. ISii Nell.JR Feb2S. 1S41 Nell. R P Apr" Mrs. Charles Garnian, or Edna Brown, as she is known, the stamp collector who was assisted by many in this locality in securing her col lection, now regrets that she ever ' undertook the job, as also does the i postmaster at Kaneviile, Illinois,! her home. Miss Brown, who has now become Mrs. Graham, is re- i ceiving from KUKX) to 1",(JJJ every j day, and already has on had mill- j ions of canceled stamps which 6he does not want, and has no idea how to dispose of tham. Her wish now i is that stamps would quit coming, j Postmaster Shpellhoon, meanwhile, j has the distinction of handling ! more mail daily than any other j fourth-class postmaster ever did. One dav recently lie turned os-er 20,000 letters to Mrs. Carman. As i Kanevillo is not on anv road, the ! mail is brought once a day by stage from Sugar Grove, eight miles away. Before the "chain" got in working order, only a hand- tul of letters arrived daily: now i there are bags of them and the trouble continues to grow. Where it will end no one knows, but the postmaster and Mrs. Garman de voutly wish to have tho thing stopped at the earliest possible moment. It is estimated that if the "chain" could remain unbroken Mrs. Garman would receive in' round numbers 1,007,877,000,000, 000,000,000,000 letters. If eacli letter contained 10 canceled stamps Mrs. Garman would receive 1 1, 845, 647, 000,000,000,000,000,000 stamps, including the stamps on the envelops. You ought to know this: Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will heal a burn and stop tho pain instantly. It will cure badly chapped hands, ugly grounds, sores, and is a well known cure for Piles. Geo. H. Haskins, druggist. Nye. Chauncy Nay'.or. Granville Neil, C l'rnegar, David Plyroale. F M Pcnse. Jacob Ptymalc. W J I-arker. W II l-rlra. P P Pickel. Francis Payne. C T Kaiiisdalc. John Reames. Thos G Riggs, Michael ltlggs, Mary Richardson, Jessie Held. C B Simpson, J W Siuip-on, B Skeeters, Isaac Skeeters, Grace J Sebullz. Chas Snttertlold, John Sisemore, John S'Kirs, Granville Thornton, J Taylor. M A Town, Fran!: Taylor, S K True, J P Weiss. John Wagoner, Jacob Wright, Thos Wilson, W M Wrislcy. J B Walker, E F Woody. J N Young, N DANGER TO THE .WOULD. Ohina a Menace to the Civilization of All Lands. Japan Within Ilrr Lights In Her Kftorts to Maintain a Hold l pun Corrn Kzcluslve Nationality ot the Chinese. OTBL IIBDFORD, jvl Sir Edwin Arnold is a warm partisan of tho Japs, but lie had the privilege oi witnessing- the grand army maneuvers of some two or three yc:irr and no one will deny to him a knowledge of tho interior economy of the country. Sir Edwin Arnold, says the London Daily Graphic, will not countenance the belief of Mr. Curzon that the Jap anese government is desperately occu pied with domestic politics. I am surprised that so intelligent an observer should not have known how little the Japanese houses of parlia' ment count socially or politically against the policy of those ministers whom the emperor appoints and whom hp removes at his sole Pleasure. When the deputies make themselves impossi ble they are simply sent home; when they refuse supplies public funds are taken quietlv on account; and when thev brius things to a deadlock the emperor and his advisers carry on the business of the country, alter uiasoiv itig parliament, which, amid all these vao-.iries the lively worl:insr of new and generous wine remains steadfast ly loyal and ardently patriotic." ' That the two countries had equal rights in Oorea. and that w hen one in- crvost-d its foroethe other was bound I to do the same, was the writors con- j tontion in short, that Japan has done I and is doing precisely what England ; would have done under the same cir cumstances. "In the present struggle Ji.pau unquestionably stands the cham pion of progress, of justice, and of in ternational development, so that the partisanship shown in certain quar- 1 ters against her has in it an element of stupidity which cannot, therefore be easily excused." Mors interesting than this, though, is S ir Edwin Arnold's re minder of one of the forces "which more potently tends to hold China to gether in her intense and exclusive na tionality.'' namely, the extreme anx iety of the Celestial to be buried at home, "liut if some high ecclesias tical authority, or the Vermillion Pen cil itself, should decree as they well might, that Confucius should be sat isfied if a pinch of Chinese dust were thrown into the foreign grave then the floodgates would be open to a gen eral Chinese immigration into all lands. "One perceives how heavy the obliga tion is, and at the same time how bind ing, when airain and airain, at San Francisco and other ports of embarks tion, Chinese passengers are stopped carrvinir in a carpet-bag or a hat-box the bones of their relatives. Hut when any such general emigration of China men occurs as that which I am fore casting, it will be a social and industri al deluge. The markets of the world will tie literally swamped with the most industrious, persevering, fearless and frugal specimens oi mankind wao will everywhere underbid labor and monopolize trade, as they have done in imraoore. 1 enacs ana many o.jer HAMILTON & LEGATE, Proprietors. NEW MANAGEMENT. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, FREE SAHPLE ROOM The Medford has been thoroughly renovated. Accomodations the very best. If you try us once you will 6urely come again. RATES FROfl $1.00 TO $a.oo PER DAY. ... The Gem Saloon, In connection. The best and cigars courteous treatment. purest of wines, liquors and MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER COMPANY -DEALERS IN- MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. .. ?". v? f i We Carry the Celebrated: Mitetell Lmnlier anfl SDring Wagons, Corvallis Top and Open Buggies, Buckboards, Carts, and in fact a full line of vehicles of all descriptions, case ana canton uiacK land plowe, both single and gang. Bissil and Gale stubble plows, Case steel frame lever harrows. jCCalI and eee us before purchasing. Catalogue sent on application, ' Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Company ID. T. LAWTOX Manager, Medford Branch. "STU DEBASES" Is a name more fameus than Debs, but in a different way STUDEBAKER rra5- Wagons and Carriages are known the World over and ar first-class evervbodv wants a Studebaker A full line of Studebaker Wagons, Carriages, Carts, Phaetons and Surreys can be found at the warehouse of J. WHITIAX, Medford, Oregon sTso aijXiii;. iinnffonMiiir m fin nil n-'rsiren lIliJL sl.!':iful rcsonrees, the inoCkv.ey of i WORKS, Mjr In is Feb 1(5, li March 1. 11 Si-pl 5. 1SIT March IT. 1-33 JaniNl-W Fob . IT July IS, 1-lA My i l!M2 Nov -ii, !. Dec 5, ISU MaySJ, ls2 Dec IS. 1 Seil 1:1, l;Cl llcl 2. MM Auk IS. IS'.I Sept 8. l.'.'l Au 2V lT Dec 'A'-, ISiJ Doc IRJ.1 Auk i March S6, 1--M July 4. Dec II, 1 '-' April a. Is Doc I, ItM Ai-rilJ. 1) March ll. l:i Feb I'l. 1S3 Dec li l!.' June 21, ISPJ '. Sept V l!t Oct 23. isa juue ai. it; Aug l, 1S19 Jan IS, 1SU AprH'J9. ISM April 2, lstil which for actual service Japan has al- j readv exposed lv the brilliant com-1 niencenu-nt of the present cara;viiirn. -K,ir the.4c and other reasons it is to the intere.Nl of the civilized world that China : h.'til.l not Ixxonie more h.nn j.t'neous or any lr.rtTT than she is al j-.n-M-nt. and above all that the thould not i:i:rim-' with the second colossal standing menace to human proirreNS. the Iius:.ian empire, a!7aint the free dom ct the raoitic That Herman jour nal bad the true instinct in scicntiiic politics which lately wrote that, in the war just declared, the sympathies and pood wbJies of civilization were due en tirely to the side of Japan." It is estimated by jrardeners that in the course of a season a frojr will de vour fifty-seven times its weight in in sects. It is floured that every man, woman and child in the I'm ted Mates eats an j average of four and a nail rnisnels oi when, c year in the form of bread or breakfuN. cereals. A Nw View of the Ox. "A railroad tn::n that I was on the other day," said a man. "went with a rush and a roar a Utile bridfje under which at that moment there was n man drivhi'j mi us team. A moment later as we rushed on we saw the team out ou the road, the oxen jnm;iii:r and i.kipinff nrd anvavently trvinir to run away. The drier w::n str.iulin? in the cars, and swiniritiir his f:iaii unninl and brincinsr i down on them with vi-vr-oils wl'.aeUs: iip:'.'.'v he cheel.ed 'em. I don't pretend to 1; now much about oxen. may le tney re jriven to rutiuinp; away, but to me it w;:s a new view of the dull and ploddiiiff ox." J. C. AVHlPj Propr. ! Does General Contrsctins in a!! Unas l ----- GRANITE AND MAB3LE WORK. "CEMETERY Jacksonville, WORK A SPECIALTY O retro ii. J. R. WILSON, 6EHEBAL BLACKSMITH III! AID HORSE SHOES agons AH Work Warranted First Class. Medford, and 1 Juries !Made (or. to Order. C and Eight streets Oregon. n, mm nONTRACTOK : and T5UILDER. JLmP r All Yon make no mistake when you tako De Witt's Little. Early Risers for bil iousness, dyspepsia or headache, be causo those littlo pills euro thorn. Geo. II. Haskins, druggist. I.N recent legal proceedings in Lon don regarding the uoise and vibration caused by a neighboring factory, a phonograph was used to record these noi: es and reproduce them in court, at the suggestion of l'rof. S. 1". Thomp son. A hciiooi. district in Grant county, Kan., contains only one fam ily. The father, mother and eldest son have elected themselves trustees and appointed the eldest daughter, at thirty-tive dollars a month, to teach the younger children. ofmmiM JOB13tG OF ALL KIiS-rS. rk Guaranteed first-class. Plans and estimates f-irnished nil kind of work either brick or wood. for Hills el LVMHKK of all kln-.N title A on short notice. Sash. and Mill work or al Klnjs-oaj thing in lh shape ol eud work can le had on short notice. 3kIedford, Oregon. T. H. SHORT, AND Wagonmaker. m A Sovereign Remedy Sf G)UESi Colds.LaGrippe and ill Aifeclior cf feThroat. Chest ad Lvigs. 5tN0 TOR FRIWIK. ABiTiNlED.G).OraYilIe.Cal Legal Blanks for sale at this oflloo. My work is warranted,- and my prices reason able squarely in line with the times. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. TQfLocated at old stand, Medford, Mernman s Oregon. W.L.Douglas 63 CllnC I3 THE BEST. d3 WnUCnTFOR AKINS. $9. CORDOVAN, FnWHIiPWUUUUW. 4.3.sp Fine Dur&KMKAma 3.3? POLICE, 3 soles. 2.l.13B0YS'Safi0LSHSi LADIES cnin rnQ TATAl nrilir M8S6Bw.U.DOU6LAa l-Si..'W- BKOCKTOJtMASS. Over Ono Millloo People weir the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory They jrlve tho best value for the money. Thev equal custom shoes In style and lit. Their waring qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uau'onn, -stamped on sole. From Si to S3 saved over other makes, il your djNiler cannot supply you wo can. ooiaoy A. C. TAYLER. Meilford, Oregon.