The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 15, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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PWC 1)1? m fllTY
raragrupns anu Dig raragrapiia
Penciled and Published for the
People's Perusal.
The Doings of the Busiest City In
the Rogue River Valley All the
News Once a Week.
You may talk of county sent re
movals', of railroad extensions and
diverse other exciting topics we
might mention, but nothing so com-
J pletely excites as does a reported uew
gold find. Over in Odd Fellows ceme
tery W. P. Dodge is putting down a
well. He is down into the earth with
his drill about 230 feet. The last few
days he worked there came to light of
v day from this hole several pieces of
quartz. In these pieces of quartz was
found cemented small particles of gold
that is, some of our citizens of sup
Dosedlv good mineral judgement say it
is gold, while others who claim to be
endoowed with an Intellect equal to
the occasion claim the mineral is not
"old. and base their assertions upon
the fact that acids will eat it, but as to
iust what it is. they saynota word.
However, there is considerable mineral
showing up, and if it be gold, there is
not a question but that there is plenty
of it. And while we are saying a word
or two in this line, it would be good
-"Togic for us to agree with our good
friend J. C. Whipp, of Jacksonville.
-who asserts that in bis honest belief
the richest gold mines of Southern
Ore son are yet to be discovered, and
further that these may be a greater or
lesser distance under ground.
"Black Hussar" will be produced
here upon a scale of magnificence never
before attempted, by the Calhoun
y-. rnn.non, Via nirrVit .if VnliriliirT
c letn.
Br. Pickel assisted by Dr. Wait,
performed last Friday a very difficult
. bit of surgery upon the person of the
two-vear-old son ol Dr Geary, tne same
being that of an operation for the per
manent cure ol strangulated inguinal
hernia, and is known as Basinni's oper
ation. Tne litue leiiow went tnrougn
the ordeal, which required one and a
half hours' time, in fine shape and will
f undoubtedly be all right in a couple of
weeks. All possible precaution was
used to prevent the admission into the
incision" made, of any foreign sub
stances or microbe germs, and as to
how successful these operators were is
best told by relating that no fever has
been manifest since the operation was
performed. This 19 an entirety new
lilt . L Li LAI VI kicabuiou, ui vuo ulvuwlg
I and this is the first operation of its
S kind ever performed in Southern Ore-
cron. The Mail has said repeatedly
ithat Medford has medical and surgical
N practitioners of which we all ought to
De proud, ana mis insii uwnuuu mius
anotner prooi w our cuum ui recogui-
tion for the proficiency of our gentle-
. i ll r ? ii .
men wnose names nave .u. u. aiuxeu.
Are vou going to get some trees
this winter? If so, you had better get
are as cheap there as anywhere.
C. L. Magnum, a mining man of
, Tacoma, writes us requesting a copy
k of The Mail containing the Forest
A creek write-up. That is right, brother,
we wrote up Forest creek, and the
y sterling worth of that mining district
is exciting attention in all lands. We
only mention this one as a sample of
hundreds of letters we get almost daily
from business men in all parts of the
world, who have heard of our efforts
to herald to the countrv at large some
thing of this country s real merit from
a mininsr standpoint. We are Working
early and late to advance the best in
terests of Medford and vicinity, and
we are srlad to note that it is being
appreciated at home and abroad.
While our shoulders are broad and
our disposition willing, we cannot do
' all that snoula oe aone anu wouiu
- again suggest that every man interest-
ed in the welfare of Southern Oregon
come to the rescue. How? By send
ing a few extra copies of our paper to
friends in otner lanas.
Whv don't vou bring in that kev?
4 Only four hundred still out yours is
A probably tne one. xnompson.s:.ieeKer.
And still with a steady flow the
immense stock product of the great
Rogue riyer valley finds its way to
marts of our big "cities. From early
September until the gambols of the
ft quadruped young make merry the
rancher's prospects for gold in his
I purse, and they seek the nutritious
range pasture in early spring is the
procession of loaded stock cars kept in
A motion between valley points and the
cities north and south. Today it wUl
be cattle, next week hogs, and the week
' after sheep will receive the shippers
attention. This -round of shipment is
kept in motion for at least seven
months of the year, and many thou
sands of dollar through these chan-
nels reach the pockets o? the farmers
and stockmen of the valley. Six car
loads of sheep, in number 601, were
loaded and shipped from Medford to
San Francisco, by J. W. Hockersmith,
last Monday.
See the bargains at the Racket,
.... new goods.
W. E. McCauley: "I was out at
wthe Hon. J. H. Stewart big fruit fsrrn
last week. I found six or eight men at
wj-ifV in hia rnvhrrt nriinine unci fr&t-
ting ready for plowing. Mr. btewart
is figuring on an Immense crop of fruit
this coming year, ana u anyone gets a
crop he surely ought to, as bis trees
' are in an excellent condition. He has
now on hand a large bin of last year's
crop of Newtown pippiii9. Messrs.
Weeks & Orr are also -pruning, as
well as spraying their several acres of
, fine orchard". Their trees are also in
fine shape. Let me incidentally remark
that if everything goes well there will
be the largest crop of fruit ever known
in the valley, next season. The light
crop last year gave the trees a splend id
chance for a good growth."
If you want a bargain, go to the
Racket, Saturday. .
C. F. Lewis, the present very com
petent engineer on the Medford-Jack-sonville
shortline, has a notion in his
head that he would like a situation on
San Francisco's proposed railroad and
to give the officials of that road an
aidea as to how he stands with his home
.people a paper bearing a recommenda- j
tion was being circulated among the
business men of this city this week for
signatures and one sheet wouldn't
hold the names of our best and most
reputable citizens who were anxious to
pen their endorsement of so worthy a
gentleman. The Mail hopes that
Charlie gets that which he seeks he
deserves the best of everything that's
going. He is competent, thorough
and trustworthy.
The Buckingham & Hecht and
Henderson boots are the best on the
market. Found only at Thompson &
A new deal has been made in the
partnership of the Clarendon hotel, T.
A. Ireland having sold his interest in
the house to Messrs J. W. Toniason
and J. Gilchrist, both of Grants Pass.
The deal was consummated Monday and
possession taken Wednesday. The
new proprietors seem to be possessed
with the requisite amount of hustle
necessary to proper management of a
public hostelry. They propose to ar
range the interior of the houso and
re-liuish entire, in fact add all to it
necessary to make it first-class in every
respect. Air. Gilchr is a gentleman
of family and they are now installed
as full and uni-cstMcted monarchs in
all entirety.
Thompson & Meeker have some
great bargains, still, but are rapidly
closing out the winter stock.
-r-In the line of things novel and
unique nothing has presented itself to
us for some time with as much favor as
has a copy of a neatly printed news
paper, which was handed us this week
by M. L. Alford, the same being the
work of the daughters of L. B. Apple
gate, who lives in Swan lake valley,
Klamath county. The paper is four
page, four columns to the page, and
all printing is done with a lead
pencil. It contains editorial, local and
general news, communications, press
comments and advertisements. It is a
thing of beauty and Mr. and Mrs.
Alford have every reason to be proud
of their nieces.
Xew supply of kid fitting corsets
superior to all others. Thompson &
Meeker, sole agents.
Last fall Jos. Hill purchased Tokio,
a young trotting stallion, from F. K.
Deuel, who brought the horse to Med
ford only a short time before. An ad
for this animal will appear within a
few weeks. In this Mr. Hill will tell
of the especially fine points of the ani
mal and will ask all breeders of good
stock, or those who wish to get into
the channel, to call at the stable of U.
D. Hill, just south and west of Medford,
and permit him to prove to them the
truthfulness of his assertions. The
horse is truly a fine one and without
work, has done better than three iniu
utes on the track.
Most people cannot atlord to experi
ment. They want immediate relief.
That's why they use One Minute Cough
Cure. Geo. H."Haskics. druggist.
That key proposition at Thompson
Meeker's is rather of a peculiar one.
Out of 2000 keys sold only about 3o0
remain untried in the lock that closets
twenty big silver dollars. While it is
possible the very next one that comes
in may be the right one. it is as well
probable that someone who has already
tried their keys did not do it thorough
ly enough and they might have had
the lucky one. If, after due time, the
right key is not found they propose to
try all those turned in and if the right
one has been overlooked they will
donate the money to some charitable
Prune trees from $2.50 to 85 per
hundred. All trees are thrifty and as
large as can be gotten elsewhere.
Medford Nursery.
Alex. Ireland, now that he is out
of the hotel business, is going to take
to the tall timber. In company with
M. L. Joslin, he will go over to the
coast and do trapping; yes, and watch
the "shins that pass in the night."
They will leave Medlord with nine
pack ponies and will return to the
place ol starting aoout June nrst, wnen
Alex, will leave for Montana, in which
state he will engage himself to a taxi
dermist party as guide and a slayer of
taxidermy subjects and for 4100 per
month. His family, in the meantime,
wiil remain in Medford.
It cures piles, it cures obstinate sores,
chapped bands, wounds. It does this
quickly. Is there any good reason why
you should not use De Witt's Hazel
Salve? Geo. H. Haskins, druggist.
O. Carpenter, livingeast and south
of Medford. has formed a partnership
with Hy. Allison, of Jacksonville, and
the two have formed a company, to be
known and styled the Southern Oregon
Lime company. The gentlemen pro
pose making a business of the manu
facture and sale of lime, and hope to be
able to supply all the demands of the
valley. The Jacksonville kiln ia to
be shut down and one at Gold Hill
opened up for general use. It is pos
sible one will be opened at another
point in this locality.
Mrs. P. Stewart's dressmaking
parlors, in Hal ley block. Ladies are
invited to call.
The pears that ripens in the winter
have nothing in common with the
flowers that bloom in the spring, ex
cept that peare that ripen in February
are more out of the ordinary than
roses that bloom in May. Mr. Gran
ville Kaylor presented us with a pear
this week, which was just at the right
stage of ripeness to be palatable. He
relates that this variety of fruit which
is without a name other than pear
can be kept in a perfectly sound con
dition until May, provided it is kept in
a dark room.
Paris green for spraying. G. H.
Haskins, druggist.
C. J. Clark has been doing a little
real estate dickering this week. He
has traded his 135 acres of Sams Valley
farming land, with improvements,
stock and farm implements, to Walter
Scott, of this city, for two and one-half
acres of Medford property and $1500 in
cash. The Scott property is in south
west Medford and is across the street
and directly east of C. J. Howard's
place. Mr. Scott win move to bams
Valley at once. Mr. Clark will offer
his Medford property for sale.
C. Pletcher for first class dentistry
at reasonable rate. Office in McAn
drews block, Medford, Or.
Report reaches us that the wrought
iron stove agents are getting in their
work in Jackson county. Some sales
are reported as having been made at
Eagle Point ana in tne Appiegate coun
try. These agents are said to be sell
ing these stoves lor eio eacn, ana lor
cash. If this be true our good farm
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
11 NCT
Absolutely pure
people are being fooled to the extent,
of just an even $.!), us Medford mer
chants claim to be selling an identical
article for $45. ,
A special sale at the Racket Satur
day. A thing of beauty is of much joy,
especially so if it be oiie of usefulness
as well. " That bolt rack at J. Beck &
son's hardware store possesses both
beauty and utility. It is the handi
work ol IS. is. juradoury, too very.
namly contractor and builder. The
bolt cabinet, or rack, has si'perate
compartments for "Hi different sizes of
bolts, and underneath these are re
ceptacles for 1200 pounds of horse
Corticolli wash silks at Thompson
& Meeker's.
Frank Jordan, the young man who,
unfortunately, was mistaken for a deer
up Talent way several weeks ago, and
shot in the leg by one of his companion
hunters, did not get along as well with
his wound as was hoped for, and last
week he was brought to Medford and
Drs. Pickel and Geary were called.
The wound was cleansed and dressed
and thev hare soma hope of saving the
leg. "
Flour sifters, coffee strainers, etc.,
The Fair.
A free train will bo run between
Jacksonville aud Medford on Saturtlay
j night of this week to accommodate
those of that city who wish to attend
; the entertainment to bo given by the
n .il . t .... n'u i- -1 i
of an admission ticket to the tiitcrUiiii
ment will bo accorded free trans
portation upon exhibiting same to
Conductor Dyer.
Just received a full line of Key
West cigars. I. A. Mounce.
These people do move. Merchant
F. E. Deuel, from the Galloway resi
dence to his own home, the t'urdin
place; Merchant B. F. Stevens from
j the Joe Kelly residence to the Gal-
loway property, on North C street, and
H. Lame from T. F. West's resi-
' dence to Joe Kelly's place. North
! slreet.
All latest
sensational novels at
Rumors are now current that the
! reason gien by tii-j Southern Pacitic
j railroad company for not putting out
! parks near ineir Medford- depot is that
J they do not want to go to tne expeuse
j which such a move would incur, until
: the deot is moved to a more suitable
localiou which move they coiuem
! plate making now pretty soon,
j Fittest candy in town at Smith's
j confectionery rooms. .
I You fellows that were kinder sort
'o? woudoi-ing what Ernest Langley was
; going to do with bis original small
Uweliinz with big two-story additions
; on two sides, can now see very easily
; that it makes a splendid foundation for
.UllUlUrCU gUUU 1UV&1II IV CI Lit liMb
1 the entii-e structure looks fint-rate
! "Get on to" the nice display at
i Smith's.
Joe Kelly and his gang of able
i tie tampers are making daily trips to
Ashlaud, wnere lacy iwing into line
with others of the section force in pre
paring grounds for the railroad park
' whicn is to bo put out by the company.
j The grounds chosen are south and
i east of the depot.
Men's pauls from 75 to lO cents at
T. F. West this week sold lot 7,
block 2, West's addition to Medford. to
Theresa J. Boardiuan. wife of C. M.
Board man , of this city, the consider
ation being 4125. Mr. Board man, we
understand, contemplates the early
construction of a uweliing house on the
recent Durehaso.
Deraorest, the dentist oiK-ra block.
I -Mr. Orr, of tho firm of Weeks i
Orr, was unloading several "xixes oi
splenuid -Newtown pippin apples.
among our mercnanU i ueai u
i iiiti:;in i it mi -t uiinii iiiii iiiir i m.iic
iauywhere about these nothing but
! good sound, solid apples and heaps ol
! good tlavo-.
j --uouse ana lonor sa.e. inqu. ul
' . ,
i Whnt. hn k-nmtii about beans, rave
' to John Bellinger a box of good cigars
jthis week. His guess on mat jar of
beans at 1. A. -Mounce s Oemg tne
nearest to the exact number conuunud
h., h..m. th. sol., tiosse-sor
i of the coveted box o. cigars.
! f have an organ fott sale cheap. C.
i P. Buck.
At tho Presbyterian church there
.1. 1 . L . ..1 , . II n ,n
win oa me usuni "
and 7:30 p. m. Junior endeavor at 8 p.
m. Senior endeavor at b:l.j p. m. In
addition to the anthem in tho evening
there will be a beautiful solo and duett.
All this next Sunday.
" All kinds of wood for sale Bellin
ger & Wells.
Messrs. Deuel 4: Stevens have
placed shelving and tables in their
recently acquired department rooms.
In those rooms will bo kept gents' and
house furnishings. They are expecting
an immense stock soon.
W. II. McGowan, the China Bazaar
man, has decided to put in a stock of
groceries at his place of business, on
Vest Seventh street. The goods have
been ordered and are expected to ar
rive now nrettv soon.
Mrs. F. W. Hutchison, who has been
quite seriously ill for tho past several
days, is considerably improved. Hor
friends, and there are -many of them,
will be pleased to hear of this change
for the better.
Miss Carrie Lumsden, of this city,
who is a most proficient musician, now
has a class of thirty pupils. Of these
some are taking a course in voice cul
ture and others are receiving musical
A high board fence has been placed
around the Standard Oil Company's oil
tank this week presumably to keep
the small boy from opening up the
'aucet and luttlng 'er go Standard oil.
i Powder
Great preparations are being made
for the successful production of "Ulack
Hussar," being revived this season by
the Calhoun Opera company at the
opera house, Saturday, February ltith.
Messrs. Craulill & Hutchison, gen
eral merchants, have swung to the
breeze a very artistically designed
siyn. upon which are plainly seen the
handy brush strokes of Geo. Colter.
F. H. Bower, who has rented an
eighty acre tract of land from Thos. Mc
Andrews, just north of Medford, is
getting things in shape to put out
several acres of potatoes.
The Young People's meeting, held
at the M. E. church Monday eveniug,
was well attended and much interest
manifest in the good work which they
have mopped out.
We said last week that "Col. Ed
wards" was here from New York city.
We should have said ''Col. Edward
Hill" instead. The rest of the item
was all right.
Jas. Smith and family, who are
living on the Barr place, in Southwest
Medford, are desirous of purchasing
farm property in this locality.
SU-phen Swncker has leased the
Gold Hill hotel from his father, O.
Swacker, and is now chief de host of
that hostlery.
A. C. Squire is improving his east
side property by putting up a goodly
amount of Fradenberg's unequalled
wire fence.
The Calhoun Ooera company in
''Biack Hussar," is announced for
next Saturday eveniug.
J. H. Stewart is shipping several
wagonloads of Ben Davis apples to
Portland this week.
F. M. Judd. the jeweler, has taken
rooms in the Hamilton & Palm real
estate building.
V. D. Townsend has moved his
' tnnsnrUl nurlnrs t Kmnh n tr.t
The Kates boys are out putting
up that big farm barn for George
Mrs. V. J. Plynial accom
panied by Miss Emma, returned to
Salem last Saturday.
Merchant Thompson made a
quick business slide into Grants
Pass Wednesday evening.
S. Childers ha? been awarded
tho contract for building Attorney
Parker's liew residence for II S00
The Manama Minstrel Com
pany have cancelled their date in
Medford and the bills have been
torn down no reason given.
Only the one case of scarlet
fever that of Mr. Curry's child
has been reported, and this one is
almost entirely recovered.
The next people's party meet
ing will be held at the residence of
E. P. Hammond, Saturday evening.
Subject "Graduated Income Tax."
Miss Kate Ply male, who is
here from Salem visiting her inanv
ifriends, will return to the above
: place in a couple of weeks. The
lady has a position in one of the
wards of the insane asylum.
Dr. Wait reports the death
from diphtheria of an eight-year-old
child of A. Lamb, at Phoenif, ves-
Iterdav morning. There are several
I cases of severe colds and sore throat
thereabouts, but diphtheria is not
rei.ruru in uwy me one case.
At the iajtist church, next
s , v ,hft '
- r ... - - - z
W. C. Jenkins, will preach on the
subject. The Man under the Juni
1er Tree." In the evening his sub
:.ct wijj be "The Voice in the
: Wilderness." All are cordially
.... J
( The Y. M. C. A. subscription
; t k owned Tuesday
. , , ' . ,
evening anu aoout 4uuu nas ai-
j ready been subscribed, in amounts
of from 1200 to $500. The com-
i mitteo feel confident thev can se-
; cure the amount necessary to put
...... - 1
up u,e building,
r f
! Ueo. l. 1 l.munersley was up
from the mine ednesdav. He
gt!ltes( lmit ,he ;omrftIlv'8 nijne nag
already paid olF irlo.000 of "dead
horses and is square with the
world, and the mines are scarcely
opened as yet. Development work
is still being pushed.
At the coroner's inquest over
the remains-of Mrs. Edith E. Ells
worth, in Portland, Monday, we
notice that upon the certificate and
testimony of Dr. Everett Mingus tho
jury found a verdict of death by
strychnine poisoning, and later, the
husband of the dead woman was
arrested and charged with murder.
Dr. Mingus has many friends in
and about Medford, who will be
pleased to learn that he holds such
a responsible position among the
physicians of Portland.
Land for nle.
Five acres of land for sale; or tori
acres . with good houfe, barn and out
buildings. Nico location east Med
ford. Ten minutes walk from depot.
Call at The Mail office for further
New Law Finn.
A new law firm springs into exis
tence this week. The sign of W. H.
Parker, attorney at law, takes a walk
in the garden, as it were, and in its
place springs up, fresh and blooming
like a June rose, a sign which tells tho
locations, and reads in letters "Crowell
& Parker Attorneys at Law." and so
plain that none may los- their way
who seek legal counsi-l. The consolo
dation of tho two legal g"ntlemen,
Captain W. S. Crowell and Mr. VV. H.
Parker, under a firm name was brought
about on Monday of this week and tney
at oiicl! dropped into business as natur
ally and with as much becoming digni
ty anil grace as though driven in team
harness for years. A professional
card published elsewhere will tell you
of l-ication of these gentlemen. Capt.
CroVell, while new to us in a profes
sional way, is far from being a stranger
to a great many of us, he having been
a resident of this locality for a number
of years, and engaged in farming pur
suits. Prior tocoming to Oregon, Mr.
Crowell practiced law in Ohio and
was district attorney in one of the
judicial districts in that Stale for two
terms, and was as well a member of
the Ohio state senate. For five years
ho was ex-olliicio1 judge of the U.S.
consular courts at Amoy, China. Sum
ming up all facts relative to Mr.
Crowell's career as a practitioner at
the bar, we have but to stale that he
has followed this profession all bis life.
The gentleman informs us that he will
not take civil cases in justice court, or
any criminal casos in said courts of
lesser grade than felony.
Mr. Parker, the junior member of
of the firm, needs no lengthy talk from
us by way of introduction. He has
practiced law in this county for several
years and has bandied all cases en
trusted to him in a manner most
commendable. The gentleman, when
county clerk of the county, familiar-ix-d
himself with all the ins and outs
of the proceedings of the county courts
hence in his practice of law since
that time, he is belter qualified to
handle cases that come up therein. He
will make a specialty of handling busi
ness pertaining thereto. Tub Mail
has nothing but the heartiest wish for
the success of the new firm.
New nanagement Splendid Accom
modations. To the traveling public:
I wish to announce that I have pur
chased the Gold Hill hotel, and am
now at work making many improve
ments about the platv. Thi hous is
to be first-clas throughout. New
furniture is being put in, and each and
every room is being renovated and
placed in the best possible shape. My
daughter. Mrs. Ida McBrida will have
charge of the culinary department.
My terms are reasonabfe and my ac
commodations will be found second to
none in the valiey. One trial will iu
sure your steady patronage.
O. Swacker,
Gold Hill, Oregon.
In Memory of Little Lovie.
Died. February 7. Lovie. young
est child and only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. iloel." Her life here with us
was short, but she will be greatly
missed by her parents and brother.
IVnri Ixirir, bow we miss her.
Wtieo we sec her empty cnulir:
Hul we know teal :ih h lakra
And he knows her leader care.
A precious oa from us is cnr.
i oe roice we loveo i stilled:
A place Is racaat In our home
Which never can be nUetl.
Mlt. and Mhs. J. P. HoEL.
For Sale Four Jacks.
I have for sale at my farm, one mile
north of Talent, four thorouirhbred
Kentucky Mammoth Jacks. Two of
these are two years old and two are
three years old. Three are black in
color wish white points, and one inal
tese with white points. They will be
sold at a reasonable price. All cor
respondents answeivd pnvnpt'v.
C. M. Haisvey,
Talent, Orvgon.
Seventh Street
li VJ!
! ili
. i
i i
news --"vr...
Seventh Street, Medford Oregon
I necessity because the tonio of winter
air is gone, and milder weather, increased
moisture, accumulated impurities in the
blood and debilitated condition of tba
body, open the way for that tired feeling,
nervous troubles, and other ills. The
skin, mucous membrane and the various
organs strive in vain to relieve tho im
pure current of life. They all welcome
to assist Nature at this time when sha
most needs help, to purify the blood, tonal
nd strengthen the laboring organs and
build up the nerves.
" I was not able to wait on myself and
could not gain any strength until I began
taking Hood's SarsapariUa about three
months as. Now I am doing my house
work. My right lung was badly e fleeted,
and in the spring and summer I was Terr
weak, but Hood 's SarsapariUa has don me
much eood snd I have great confidence 1b
it." Mas. E. R. Knight, Tecomseh, Okla,
The Blood
" I have taken Hood's 6a raa par ilia and it
has always built up mv svstem, given me
good appetite and cleansed my blood."
Thomas Kbooer, Tulare, California.
Hood's Pills
The "Black Hussar."
From Balte City Miner.
"The 'Black Hussar.' in conjunction
with the living pictures, was presented
to a large audience at Maguire's. last
evening, by the Calhoun Comic Opera,
company. That the author of the
piece was something of a humorist is
evidenced by the fact that in addition
to the splenuid music the 'Black Hus
sar" contains enough wit to make it
highly interesting and laughable from
beginning to finish. I: is certainly all
that the company clairs for It a
comic opera." At Medford opera house
Saturday evening, February ltith.
Drs. G. V. McDonald, of this
city, and A. Moore, of Ashland,
performed a very difficult operation
in veterinary surgery, the lirst part
of this week, upon a horse owned
by A. P. Creed. The operation
was that of removing a ruolenetic
tumor, of a cancerous nature,
from the animal's eye. The tumor
had formed in the lower corner of
the eye, but had grown until it
entirely covered the sight of the
eye, and was about the size of a
walnut. The operation was a coai-
j plete success and the animal is
j getting well right quick.
For Rent! For Sale.
Ten acrvs on Anderson creek, witb
house. 3 miles of Talent. 4 acres good
fruit, good vegetable land with water.
mile from school. Wiil be rented
- - . . - . . . - .--........ ir u J
2 miles of Talent, for sale. Good fruit
and vegetable table land, will bo sold
for less than cost.
V. H. Hcrlev.
Talent, Oregon.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
HOW is this? Hats, Gloves,
Xeckwe nd mv entire
I line of Gout's Furnishings
....At Cost!
This is an opportunity sel-
dom offered. This stock em
; braces a very complete line
1 of silk handkerchiefs, linen
; cuffs and collars, overshirts,
underwear, cottonade pants
and other articles too numer
ous to mention. I also have
a full stock of staple and fan
cy Groceries, Crockery and
Glassware. My prices, are as
low as the lowest and my goods
are as good as money can buy.