The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 08, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Little Paragraphs and Big Paragraphs
Penciled .and Published for the
People's Perusal.
The Doings of the Busiest City In
the Rogue River Valley All the
News Once a Week.
While a Mail reporter was mak
iug his round of inspection this week,
he dropped in upon Mr. Middleton,
the gentlomau who has the curing of
meats in hand at the Southern Oregon
Pork Paeking company's rooms in
north Medford. He round the gentle
man "out of sight," almost, in carved
pork in its various forms and stages of
curing. Mr. Middleton is a perfect
gentleman in every respect and hav
ing been in his line of work 'or a great
number of years it did not reauire any
great amount of time for him to under
stand the points which a newspaper
man most desired, to get at. The first
bit of information given was that up
to date the company had killed and
dressed 1373 hogs. This meat has all
been trimmed, salted and the hums
packed and smoked under Mr. Middle
ton's personal supervision. On this
side of the building our reporter found
a stack of bacon piled up like cord
wood and almost ceiling high. This
the gentleman explained was going
through a curing process. On the
other side, and in fact on all sides, were
large piles of bacon and hams which
-were awaiting the advancement to
another stage of curing which ulti
mately leads to the smoke room. The
meat looked white and clear and was
as sweet to the smell as a June rose.
It was last year that the company lost
a great amount of money on its meats
by lacfc 01 proper curing, out tne -gentleman
stated that no such misfor-
. tune would befall the company this
year, if his experience and reputation
for sweet meat would profit anything.
There were scattered about the estab
lishment several large tanks filled
with hams, the same being in the
sweet pickle. The smoke room was
filled with hams and bacon almost
to the roof, and still there are tons
upon tons of meat yet be thus treat-
. ed this season. As the reporter looked
about him his mind went back to the
brief mention which he had made df
this institution in other issues of
The Mail, ajid he could but th:nk
how very weak they were when com
pared with the actual business of the
company. While this company sup
plies the local markets hereabouts
. with meats it as well reaches beyond
our state lines, and much of it goes
into many different California locali
ties. Today the company will ship a
ear load of bacon to San Francisco.
Mr. Middleton is here only under one
year's contract, but it is more than
probable that he will be retained
longer. His thirty years experience
places a premium upon his services.
The Mail, wants to see success crown
the effects of the Southern Oregon
Pork Packing company it"s lots -of
good to southern Oregon.
' Go to Smith's candy palace: pay j
' 25 cents; get a standard novel; read it
and return it with 10 cents and make
another selection.
The prospects for the erection of
several fine dwelling houses in. this
city for the coming season are most
flattering. As a matter of positive fact
the prospects brighten with the advent
of each new day. and in two - instances
which we have in mind the plans and
specifications have already been made
by Architect Bennet and as soon as the
contractors shall have been given
ample time to submit figures on their
construction, work will commence on
the same. One of these is to be built
by Merebant E. E- Thompson, upon
his property in southwest Medford.
The building will be 30x40 feet in size,
two stories high and will be Eastlake
in general design. At the front will be
a balcony, piazza and a bay window,
the bay surmounted by a lower. At
the rear will be a broad veranda, sur
rounding two sides of the house all
the same southern residence. The es
timated eost of the building, complete,
is $1000. Attorney V. H. Parker is
another gentleman who is going to in
vest a few of his shekels in a splendid
home dwelling. It is to be built out
oa West Seventh street: will be a one
and a half story, eight-room, southern
eottage, 32x44 feet in size, and superb
in architectural design and finish. The
house will be modern in all its appoint
ments. It will be supplied with water
. throughout, bath rooms, china closets
and everything that convenience can
suggest. The cost of the building when
completed will be about fcJOUO. Archi
tect Bennet is doing some most excel
lent work on these jobs and they ean
well be aught else than beautiful struc
tures. . . ,
You make no mistake when you take
De Witt's Little Early Risers for bil
iousness, dyspepsia or headache, be
cause these little pills cure them. Geo.
H. Haskins, druggist.
Last week we mentioned the desti
tute circumstances of T. J. Henry and
family. No sooner was their condition
made known to the Ladies Benevolent
society of this city than did they at
once set to work to relieve the distress.
Saturday morning Mrs A. A. Kellogg,
acting for the society, began a solicit
ing tour among our merchant and in
a very few hours she had gathered to
gether about 303 pounds of provisions,
consisting bl potatoes, floury meats,
groceries fruits and jellies. These
together with several articles of wear
' ing apparel, donated by the ladies of the
church societies, were taken out to Mr.
Henry's place the same afternoon by
Mrs. Kellogg and W. H, Him bree. They
found Mrs." Henry sick jn bed, Mr.
Henry almost the shadow of a man,
and six children, ranging in age from
one and a half years to twelve, almost
destitute of clothing, and two of thom
barefooted. They had in the house
in the way of provisions, about fifteen
pounds of flour. The house is a poor
excuse of an affair, with open cracks
on all sides. The assistance came
none too soon to prevent extreme suf
fering, but what is troubling the good
ladies most just now is the . how of
further providing for their needs.
The only way which seems to be feasi
ble is to move them to Medford where
they can have medical attention, and
this will probably be done, provided a
house can be rented for their use.
Dr. Pickel. who is the attending physi
cian, has agreed to attend to their pro
fessional wants in his lino free of
Smith's confectionery rooms are
the place to get the full valuo of your
We are told that a very amusing
spectacle was open to the view of sev
eral obsorvers receutly, in a justice
court room not a thousand miles out
side of Jackson county. A prisoner
was arraigned before the venerable
justice, where his honor sat clothed
with gold-rimmed glasses and a look of
much legal wisdom and amid a library
of leather bound printed law. A depu
ty district attornev appeared for the
state, but after extolling the merits of
the prisoner ho moved that, dismissal
bo written o:i the justice's big book.
"All right,'! says the judge, "You may
go your way a free man I discharge
you." uut betore permiiiing me pris
oner to leave the court room ho read
seventeen pages of law from a criminal
code in vindication of his acts, and
charged mileage for the distance cov
ered. This was a corker for the
prisoner's attorney, who would get no
fee unless he made his little talk in de
fense of his client. This he did in a
two hours' speech and at the close he
moved that his client be hoxorahly
discharged. "All right." says his
honor, ' I honorably discharge the
prisoner.'' The prisoner went his way
and the attorneys and judge figured
Mrs. P. Stewart's dressmaking
Darlors. iu Hal lev block. Ladies are
invited to call.
Last Saturday evening was one ol
heap good timeout at the M.Bellin
ger farm residence. It was the occa
sion of Mr. Bellinger's sixty-second
birthday and his good lady prepared
a little surprise celebration for him
in the shape of a bountiful supper of
roast turkey and its accompanying
jrood thincrs. and had also invited
several of their neighbors aud friends
to be present. There is almost always
something which occurs upon these
occasions which is really funny. The
funny thing connected with this was
that rather than allow Mr. B. to catch
onto the surprise part, Mrs. B. pre
pared the usual meal, and at the usual
hour, and permitted Mr. B. to eat
heartily thereor, in consequence oi
which when the turkey was served
later his disposition was nil right, but
the capacity had vanished. However,
the others present made good the defi
ciencies and a general, all 'round good
time was had. xnose present were
Mr. and Mrs. J. M Lofland. Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. True. Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Elmer. John Shideler and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Rapholtz. Mr. and Mrs. John
Bellinger. Frank Bellinger and sister.
Lulu and Maggie and U. M. Damon.
Hot cakes with Log Cabin syrup
dressing, is an article just suited for a
morning meal. Woiters sells the
Last Friday was Singer day in
Medford. F. W. Gihbs. local agent for
the Singer Sewing Machine company,
was mingling wnn me 4iw oi ine
company's coast representatives quite
a plenty.
There were here A. A
Allen and wife, Mr. Allen being su
perintendent for the several coast
states for the company, C. A. Chan
dler,' general manager from Portland,
and W. B. Fry, general manager
at San Francisco. These celebrities
were here looking over the situation
with a view to greater extensions
the Singer's well-boing hereabouts, j
The feotlemen reported business in
their line picking up to a degree
most noticeable. W hen the Singer
machine men report tbusly it is a
safe conjecuon that other business is
loosening up to a still greater extent.
I have moved mv stock ot contec-
tionery first door south of hank, where
you will find ma ready to wait upon
you. bmitn.
Every person, particularly those
who contemplate building this season,
are glad to know that Joe Shone, the
new planing mill man. is making ready
to supply their every demand. Joe is
now at work building a one hundred
foot lumber shed, a 2Ux3S sash, door
and glass house, and contractor B. F.
Crouch is engaged in putliug up a res
idence for Joe the business whirlwind.
Aside from his own work, ' he is
employing G. L. Schemerhorn, D. S.
Youngs and Dan't Tryer. who are
engaged at present in putting up four
hundred doors and a like number of
window sash. Mr. Shone will also
put up a new engine house, in which
he will put a mueh larger boiler than
is now in use. All suecess to Joe and
his hustle.
Flour sifters, coffee strainers, etc.,
The Fair.
D. W. Crosby was absent from
Medford last week". The occasion of his
"goneness" from familiar haunts here
abouts is explained by the following
from the Kiddle Enterprise: "Busi
ness about Hotel Riddle has beeu un
usually active this week, and just be
fore going to press noon, Friday, Feb.
1. 'Do. we learn of another prominent
guest putting io an appearance. Mrs.
D. W. Crosby, who recently arrived
from Medford for a visit with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kiddle,
has just been joined by a daughter, a
bright, buxom. 91 pound lass. Of
course Dave will say that she is just
the bestest' and sweetest- little babe
in the world."
There is no discount on the quality
of goods bought at Woiters.
C. E. Wolverton, the gentleman
from Nebraska, who recently pur
chased a fourteen acre tract of land
just out of Medford from Mr. Parker,
has moved his family to his newly
acquired M)ssessions and is making
ready for many improvements which
are to be made thereon. He will put
out several fruit trees, will grow con
siderable garden truck, but will give
his attention principally to bee culture.
Mr. Wolverton and family are just the
stamp of people this valley is looking
for and of whom it is impossible to get
an over stock they are typical hust
lers, and will bo good citizens gen
erally. C. Pletcher for first clas3 dentistry
at reasonable rate. Ollicc in McAn
drews block, Medford, Or.
Chas. II. Fisher, editor of the
Roseburg Review, hits made a life con
tract with tho person of his choice, the
sams being Miss Ellle Owens, a most
estimable young lady of tho blooming
city of Douglas county. Tho date of
this matrimonial alliance was January
30th. Charlie Fisher is all right, all
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Li & m&S25&
right, and if he proves himself as
good a husband as ho has already
proven himself in the capacity of a
newspaper nan, the young lady who
has linked fates with him will never
have occasion for complaint. May
their lives bo "thin spaced" and their
"plate mutter double, leaded."
."Snow Flake" baking' powder is as
good as the biist and you get half as
much more for your money Woiters
selis it.
W. K. Anderson brought in a few
more samples this week from the
Furry coalmine. These last are' the
irnnniiii, i..iitl. 'Phut, fiitil 11 ivkll 111 11
thti.iihniit4 i-i tin Innnrpr 11 nili'st.inn.
and that it is coal of a superior
quality is undisputed. Mr. Anderson
states'that the tunnel is now in about
sixtv-fivo feet and there is plenty of
good coal in sight, although they have
not commenced mining as yet only
prospecting. They have out a few tons
which can be had if people desire
to make a test of its qualities.
Prune trees from to $." per
hundred. All trees are thrirty ami as
large as can be gotten elsewhere.
.Vied ford Nursery.
A. A. Davis: "My mill closed
down last Saturday and will remain
closed until stmw time in March.
Why, do you ask? Well, the one and
only reason is, that I am paying more
for 'wheal right here in Medford than
is being paid at any other place in the
United States, and under this condi
tion of affairs it is impossible to ship
Sour to any market outside the valley.
When the mill has a supply of Hour on
hand equal to the local demand for a
mouth or six weeks, there is no alter
native but to shut down."
Most people cannot afford to experi
ment. They want immediate relief.
That's why they use Oue Minute Cough
Cure Geo. H." Haskins. druggist.
Grand Chancellor J. L. Hill, of
Albany, met with the K. of P. boys of
this city in special session last Thurs
day evening.' The object of the visit
by the Grand. Chancellor was that of
inspection of the lodge and members
and to till the requirements of bis
office. He gave the members a friend
ly talk and went over the unwritten
work. The boys had prepared a ban
quet in honor of the occasion, and
much pleasurj was there bicause of
his coming.
Are vois iroinz to get some trees
this inter? If so. you had bettor gel
them at the Medford Nursery. Trees
j are as cheap there as anywhere.
D. T. Sears, of this city, has a
niece in the person of Miss Joau Ber
nadine Sargent whom ho has the best
of reasons to be proud of. The young
lady is a resident of Spokane. Wash
ington, is seventeen years of age, and
is a marvel in the arena of vocal music.
She is superbly handsome, as is proven
I b-v, a P"WrP, r?loivfd,by .Mr-.Sar
j a few days ago. The lady is soon to
leave for Paris, where she will com-
j plcte her education in t reucn.
Miners and settlers codes at
Smith's eonfeclicnery rooms.
A meeting of the stockholders
of the Jackson county bank was
held jn the bank offices lat Sat
urday, and the following gentlemen
wero elected directors: W.I. Vawter,
Win. Slinirer. A. A. Davis, J. E. Eo
yart and li. F. Adkins. On Tuesday
of this week a meeting of the directors
was had at the same place, when these
officers were elected: President. W. I.
Vawtor; vice president. Wm. Slinger:
- i. : f f L..
cashier, J. E. Enyart.
Keen Kutter Cutlery is tho best.
Call and see them nl Kame & Gil key's.
. They toll us that KH'ts are born
not made, but if the author of the fol
lowing lines, found in the Lakeview
Examiner, wasn't hammered out of the
raw material by a novice iu black
smithiug, then all signs ar? failures
during these depressing limes:
tie hinvl nrnt littli- -lrm-h
And ro;lc a'.HiUl Iwiini; ;n:tc ori?i.
Hut wtHn ihe bill catuv.
lie railed ft a hacit.. 1
ftnt ....... fninT...! nKKIfll
Something new at Smith's candy
palace. A cireulatinsr library.
The generosity of Medford people
crops out at every turn of the wheel.
Out on C street lives a poor widow
woman, Mrs. Malinda Sears, in front
of whose place it was required that a
sidewalk be buiit. The Udv had lum
ber sullicient. and P. H. O'Xeil. U.
II. Whitehead and V. B. Kolvrts
turned themselves loose and supplied
the necessary labor required to put
down tho walk and a noble act it was.
A new line of line cutlery at lvame
& Gilkey's.
J. A. Whitman and J. E. Enyart
have made tho purchase of two pair of
Uhina miensants, tne same nnvin
been procured for them at Salem by .1.
A. Whiteside. These gentlemen have
had an enclosure, or large, coop made
for thera out on J. U. Whitman's farm
where they will be kept and cared for
by Mr. Whitman. When these birds
shall have reared their young it is
probable they will bo liberated.
Smith's confectionery rooms is the
place for choice candy."
The sheet and pillowcase dimcrt,
given last Friday evening by C O.
Damon, was nttonded by about twenty
couples. A very fine time was enjoyed
as was also a cracking good supiier at
tho Star restaurant. Most ".veeUcm
music was furnished by W. T. Butcher,
1st violin; Geo. Hum, 2nd violin: M.A.
Lioosley. clarionet: O. Ilelinen, cornet;
Bruce Sktel, trombone; piano, Miss
Just received a full line of Key
West cigars. I. A. Mounce.
.1. W. Scogginand family, who came
from Lincoln city, Nebraska, a couple
of months ago, have engaged to operate
tho G. V. Bashford farm. These peo
ple tiro most favorably impressed with
this country so much so that they are
sending advertising matter and nows-
Eapeis back to their friends in Nu
raska, in hopes of Inducing them to
cast thtir lot tu Jackson county.
All patrons of the I. A. Webb fur
niture house in this city, who have
dropped in there during the last few
days, are broad gauged in their udmira-
tion of the wall panel decorations
placed there by .1. II. Butler, the
piiperhanger. 'i'he gentleman is an
artist sure enough and the improve
ments made upon the room are notica
ble, neat and attractive.
The name One Minute Cough Cure
suggests a medicine that relieves at
once, and quickly cures. Its use proves
it. Geo. H. Haskins, druggist.
Tho Calhoun Opera Company lias
again made a hit. This season in the
opera comic, "Black Hussar, wnlcn
is being played to the capacity of the
opera house, in which it is produced.
The play is elaborately mounted, and
all the origiual realistic effects care
fully reproduced. The company comes
to the opera house the night of Febru
ary Hith.
Woiters' groceries are always fresh
and are sold cheap.
Died in Medford. Or., Feb. 7,
1S0", Lorie. infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. lloel. Funeral services
will be hold at Mr. HjcI's residence,
opimsite Dr. Atkins', at 10 o'clock a.
m., Feb. bin. r riends and acquain
tances are invited to attend obsequies,
liev. E. E. Thompson will officiate.
have an organ for sale cheap. C.
P. Buck.
There will surely be a couple of
j young Blackstone graduates in Med
ford one of these davs if indications
don't foo! us. George Parker is study
ing law in his father's office and itobl.
Galloway is similarly engaged in the
law office of Hammond & Vawter.
--House and lot for-sale. Inquire at
this office.
A. Fetsch, the tailor, has decided
to move to Grants Pass and open up
business in company with his brother.
The business will be that of retail
clothing and merchant tailoring. He
removed bis stock of goods to the
above named place this week.
Men's pants from 75 to IK) cents at
The ratr.
If anyone was to ask yoa what
kind of a Tellow Dan Fisher was. you
couldn't help saving "he's all right
all right"' if you were personally ac-
auainled with him, and knwo of bis
excellent qualification as a draftsman.
DemoresV the dentist opera block.
T. F. West is doing quite a little
real estate business this winter. His
last sale was made this week to J. and
J. E. Randies, the same being lot S,
block 2, West's addition to Medford.
Consideration, (125.
Woiters keeps the very best of
everything in bis line.
"Black Hussar"' will be produced
here upon a scale of magnificence never
before attempted, bv the Call
Qpern Companv , the night of Fobr
; 16' h -
! Over o.OHO.OOO cans of tomatoes
were put up in the dieted States last
year. J tie otiliOOK lor goal provenuer .
this year is exceptionally good
Standard novels at Smith's candy
Special services will be hold at the
M. E. church, south, next SuuUay
evening, for the benefit of the women's
Parsonage and Mission society.
Latest novels at Smith's.
J. S. Howard: " our paper mis-
I quoted me last week
17 , , - ,
I said 1 wantHl
You printed it
to see Dolph endorsed
J. W. Uockersmith shipped a car
load of hogs to San Francisco Sunday
Read Fredetibursfs fence ad.
He is quoting prices.
M. S. Damon is improving in
health he having been quite ill
for a week or ten diys.
John Iledden, who has been
rmilA il I fiir t tu rmst pftlinlp nf vvih-1s
, t 1 ,
: . .n - - i.- t
is ai'io iu us nwut again.
Rev. Jenkins has been assist
ing in conducting revival services
at Central Point this week.
Parties wishing a splendid ar
ticle in hoinony can be supplied
twice a week by applying to L. E.
That big coal oil tank came
this week ami is now being put in
position by the Standard Oil com
pany's representative in this city.
Wm. Johnson, of Kiona, Wash
i .
ington, and J. Hanson, of Seattle,
are fitting up the rooms on Seventh
street, former! v occupied by Tailor
Fctsch, and arc going to put in a
restaurant and lunch counter. I
At Christian church next Sun- j
day morning sermon, "Business in j
Christianity.'' Evening sermon i
to young men text, .'"Wherewith-j
all shall a young man choose his !
way?" Every body welcome,
Strangers in the city especially in- j
At the 1'aptist church next
Sunday morning Pastor W. C.
Jenkins will preach on the subject,
"The Perpetual Childhood of the
Soul." In the evening at 7 o'clock
lie will ppcak on the subject,
' Christ a Warrior." All .are cor
dially invited.
Those who joined the Portland
excursion from Medford. Tuesday
evening, were Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
Merriman, 1. T. L:vton, J. A
Wliitinan, C. O. Damon, J. C. Buird,
Jas. Gaines and W. L. Halley.
The latter gentleman will visit
Heppner on business during his
Scarlet fever, in a mild form,
is reported by Dr. Pickel, at the
home of J. W. Curry little Miss
Ethel, six years old, being afflicted.
Every precaution possible is being
used to prevent its spreading an 1
the doctor hopes to be able to
arrest its progress.
Rev. Dr. Gwynnn closed his se
ries of meetings, at the I'resbyierian
church, Wednesday evening and on
I hursilay the gentleman returned
ta his home in the Willamette val
ley. Tho revival meetings, how
ever, are still in progress and will
continue until Sunday evening, and
are conducted by Rev. A. S. Foster.
Married On Monday evening
of this week, by Judge G. S. Wal
ton, Mr. Jas. Mcfrurren and Mrs.
Henrietta Smith. Also by Judge
Walton on Wednesday evening, at
the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. Sherman A. Orten and Miss
Carrie Roussum, both the last
named of Medford.
About one mile more of tele
graph line was put up by the
Medford amateur company this
week. The new line was run from
Mr. Damon's residence to the resi
dences of D. T. Sears, J. W. Lawton
and C. T. Nicholson, at which re
spective places Miss Grac-; Foster,
Roht. Lawton and Miss Mamie
Nicholson hope to become proficient
in the art telegraphy.
The Mail has a communica
tion charging a couple of our busi
ness men with having swindled the
writers out of monev owed them for
the purchase of products of their
farms. The alleged swindler?, we
are pleased to state, are not repre
sentative business men no more of
Medford than of any other town in
which they choose to cast anchor
for a few months. The communi
cation is too libelous to permit of it3
being published.
A Communication.
Mr. editor.
Please say to Jackson, and adjoin
ing counties, that we have been too
busy waiting on customers, wrapping
up goods etc. to. write any special ad.
this week. Also lei them, if they
want to shvc money and be guaranteed
satisfaction in wear of goods, to follow
the crowd to our store, where we will
toil them, and show thera what we
cannol write for the-wanl o' time.
TiiOMreox & Mekker.
F. M. CEXTElts. of Wellen. dropp-.-d
in Tuesday to toll us that he wanted a
year's subscription to our great family
journal, and to further relate thai he
has been sowing rain for the past
week and that the ground was never in
belter shape.
Col. EUWAHDS and wife, of w
Yoi k City, arrived in this city last Sat
urday and will remain here for so-ne
little time. Mr. Edwards, who was
here four vcars ajro. bus limber inter-1
iv.ts on Jennv creek. Ttv-v are s:o--
j pig with Sir. and Mrs. L. L. Anglv.
Dissolution of Partencrship.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of 1. A. Mounce and G. L. Sliermer
horn, doing business under the firm
name of Mounce & Shermerhom, is
this day dissolved. All bills due the
firm and all bills owed by the firm will
be payable to aud settled by I. A
Mounce. t
I. A. Mor.WE. '
G. L. Shervekiiokx. ,
Dated at Medford, Jan. 11, 15.
Seventh Street
Seventh Street, Medford Oregon
Mr. Chariot O. lansher
Walla Walla, Wash.
Much Treatment Without Avail
Hood's Sarsaparilla Effects Benefi
cial Change in Constitution.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Dear Sirs: At the age of 10 yean I was
confined to my bed with inflammatory
rheumatism. I was treated by a local
physician,but relief only came to me with
the warm weather. For 12 years doctoring
did me bat little good. We read abonfc
the great change Hood's Sarsaparilla
could effect in the entire constitution.
We concluded to give it a trial and it ha
Made a New Young Men of Me.
After taking the content of three bot
tles 1 was able to walk a little. I hve
continued to take it and have not missed
a day for air months. Daring the bad
Hood's?" Cures1
winter weather nor any time since have I
felt any of the symptom of the return
of my rheumatic trouble." Chas. G.
FiSBHKR, Walla Walla, Washington.
Hood's Pills ore purely vegetable and do
not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. Se. ;
Where is Our Hired Man ?
The followinjr communication, pub
lished in the Portland Daily Sun, gets
after Mr. Dolph in a most approved
Portland, Or., Feb. 2, 1S95.
Mr. J. X. Dolph: If the tran who
attends your stables, garden or house
hold work should go away for a month,
would you allow him wages during bis
absence? Under the same rule, do
you think you are entitled to your
tilarv whi:c anv from your duties
at Wahincton? If there ever was a
time a United Siat.'S senator was need
ed it is now. Why didn't Mr.
Herman come home and help to re-elect
himself? If you had done your duty as
Uuited States senator, there would be .
no use looking after your re-election.
Such men as John H. Mitchell and
Dinger Hermann are standing by their
duties faithfully, and when it comes to
another election, the people will not
forgrt them. Your neglect of duty
should cause vour. defeat.
A Taxpayer.
It cures piles, it cures obstinate sores,
chapped bands, wounds. It does this
quickly. Is there any good reason why
you should not use De Witt's Hazel
Salve? Geo. H. Hawkins, drusrgist.
Burnett's Portable Fence.
Burnett's 3 P P P Portable Wire
Brace Picket Fence is a success. It will
be sold only on the royalty or install
1 ment plan. Will guarantee satisfaction
j or u collections made. The Boss Hose
! Patch and Hydraulic or Pioneer Iron
! Pipe I!iti'h. on the same plan my own
invention-. t-.'stvo to the strongest ca
pacity. No bilking fraud in this busi
ness." Write for particulars. Agents
wanted on this coast. No others need (
C. A. D. ErRN'ETT, Manager.
Easle Point, Oregon.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Aw ard.
OWisthis? Hats, Gloves,
Neckwear and mv entire
line of Gent's Furnishings
....At Cost!
This is an opportunity sel
dom offered. This stock em
braces a very complete line
of silk handkerchiefs, linen
cuffs and collars, overshirts,
underwear, cottonade pants
and other articles too numer
ous to mention. I also have
a full stock of staple and fan
cy Groceries. Crockery and
Glassware. My prices are as
low as the lowest and my goods
areas good as money can buy.