. - ' " ' ... V t 1 ROYALISTS REVOLT. Futile Outbreak by Hawaiian Natives, Led by .Whites. EX-MINISTER CARTER KILLED. Plot to Restore the Monarchy Frus trated in Its Inception The Natives Driven to the Mountains and Routed. ; Probable End of Attempts to Reseat Ulinokalanl. . The Hawaiian Islands are again in the i of a revolution. The present one materially from any of its pre- (JSfeeSaors so far as bloodshed is con- WrYied. Upon to Jan. 11 there has been tor day of fighting, marching and eototer-marching on the part of the fOVernment forces and those of the BheAr, the latter being hid in the fountains oloee to Honolulu, with but ItW followers, half-starved, ill-clad, closely pursued and nearly surrounded. It is now bat a question of a few hoars datU the rebellion will be at an end and the leaders and followers of the hostile tS&vemsnt under arrest . For a number of weeks past the gov tnunent has known there was a plot on loot to pverthrow the republic and re titbuah the monarchy. Men in the tefiret service of the republic had been hard at work and scares had been fre quent, so frequent, in fact, that many fSre inclined to believe that the de tectives were manufacturing stories, attempts to get at the leaders who urging the natives to rise in re- pn were without effective results. 6atfird.y night there were m- l evidences of an uprising. Hands ives were seen coming into Hono lulu from outlying districts and there Jas a general disposition toward con Mttration at Waikiki and Palama, out lying districts on either side of the city. Sunday all was activity at the police nation, and the government became convinced from the reports brought in that the time of striking the blow was ot itar distant Fit was known that the lookout at Dia mond Head had been approached to pre vent bis reporting the vessel from which the arms were to be landed. On Sunday, Jan. 6, information was received by the government that a large number of natives had gathered at the house of Henry Bertelmann, situated seme four miles out of the city, toward jpiamond Head. The circumstances sur rounding the reported gathering led the Officials to search the premises for con cealed arms and break up the gather ing. The congregating of native revo lutionists at Berteimann's place was in keeping with the proposed plans of the rebels, and it was from that point the first movement was to be made against the government, as events which trans pired later proved. Senior Police Captain Robert Parker, a half-white, and one of the most trusted and competent men on the po lice force, with a party of six native policemen, were detailed for the work. ,They went to the house soon after dark and were joined there by Deputy Mar shal Arthur Brown. They were met by a guard and challenged. As they ad vanced they were fired upon, the guards retreating to the house. The police re tired and soon went forward, accompa nied by Representative-elect Charles L. Carter, Collector General James B. Castje and other men living in the vi cinity. 1 When they returned to the house it had been darkened and Bertelmann was found in his sitting-room with a loaded rifle handy by. He was informed of the object of the officers' visit and requested that the warrant be read. While this was being done by Deputy Marshal Brown shots were heard outside, and suspecting treachery the officers and posse went to the rear of the premises to a canoe house, where a party of na tives were found. Deputy Marshal Brown was the first to discover them, and pushed forward with the cry, Here they are!" At that moment the natives opened fire on the officers, but as they were partly concealed their fire was not re turned. Charles L. Carter and James B. Castle were standing in such a position that the light from the sitting-room hone full upon them. Both were armed, but could not see the party fir ing. After the second volley Carter sank to the ground fatally wounded, having been shot in the pit of the stom ach, right side and left leg. Lieutenant Holi and Policeman Lo gan were also wounded. The natives in the canoe bouse retreated np the beach, keeping up a running fire. Ber telmen, Jim Lane and another native were captured. Lane fired the shots that killed Carter, and only missed kill ing Captain Parker by the pistol being knocked from his hand. Immediately after news reached the city an alarm was sent out, and volun teers rushed from the chnrches and houses to take the places assigned to them. Lieutenant King with a detach ment of regulars was sent to occupy the Bertelman house. Carter died in terrible agony several hours after he was shot. From the men captured it was learned that the natives were divided into two companies commanded by Robert Wil cox and Sam Nowlein respectively. Carl Wideman, son of Judge Wideman, who recently returned from a trip to Europe in bohalf of the ex-queen, and William Greig were lieutenants under Nowlein. The plan of attack was for Kowlein's party to march on the city from Waikiki, Wilcox coming from the rear of the city. Once in the city they expected assistance from a party of na tives who were to come from from ' Maui on the Einau, also a force from Palama and the many native In the city T9t m of fiai who were ready to rise at a moment's notice. The attack was to be made Monday morning , The prompt action of the government overturned their plans. During Sunday night the government were busy organizing their foroes and preparing for an attack on the crater of Diamond Head, where the active forces had made their stronghold. A cabinet meeting was held and martial law was proclaimed. Then commenced a scene the like of fc-hich was never been witnessed in the Islands. Men rushed frantically to their homes and reported the marshal, whose office had by this time been filled with arms of all kinds. On Sunday night, after the raid on Bertelman's place and the shooting of Carter, the hardware houses of Castle & Cooke and E. O. Hall & Son were thrown open and 'all those who not already armed vwere soon supplied. As quickly as in could be ef fected armed guards were detailed for duty throughout the city. There was strong determination on all sides to put down the rebellion, and there was no disposition on the part of any one to shirk duty. In fact so many men ware available and reported for duty that there was for a time a scarcity of arms. "Monday morning Lieutenant KSBg, who had held Bertelman's house all Sunday night, retired to the less ex posed position at Sans Soucct At the Bertelman place the men served as a good target for the rebels on the moun tains, but were unable to return an ef fective fire. At San Saueci a desultory fight was kept up with no apparent effect on either side, though the shells from the govern ment forces kept the rebels in a decid edly nerypus state.. ' The rebels showed no disposition to advance on the government forces, and during the forenoon the citizens' guard sand a squad of sharpshooters' advanced on the rebel position. The advance of the men in the Palolo region met with strong resistance. The sharpshooters advanced under cover of a field piece and captured 14 natives who were caught in a tight place and gave up the fight Lieutenant Ludwig of the regulars was the only man in jured, receiving a flesh wound in the let The firing from the sea cut off any re treat in the direction of Waialae. The presence of 65 men of Company E of the regulars on the Waikiki road prevented any escape toward the city. These were under command of Lieutenant Coyne, who was vsent out during the morning with a field piece and additional men. When uight fell Monday the rebels had been forced to the crater of Dia mond Head where it was hoped they could be held until morning. Though three avenues of escape were cut off, their knowledge of the passes in the mountains enabled them to get away toward Waialae. During the early hours of Tuesday morning no shot were fired from the top of the mountain. This tact was looked upon with suspicion by the mili tary officers stationed in the vicinity. and atter a conference it was decided to move closer and make an ascent to the rebels stronghold to ascertain if they had really fled or were merely resting on their arms. Company F, under Captain Zeigler, started to climb from the side near the ostrich farm, while Lieutenant Coyne's company followed the beach. Two sol diers named Reed and Wagner, mem bers of Company F, volunteered to climb the mountain, which they pro ceeded to do under cover of their com pany's guns. It took them some time to reach the top, and when they did so the men weje surprised to find no signs of the rebels. . . "Among the arrests made are 15 Eng lishmen who sympathized with the roy alists. They appealed to the British consul and that official demanded their release. President Dole emphatically refused to comply with the demand, and informed the British consul that nationality did not protect lawbreakers. If the men arrested were proven guilt; of aiding the insurrection they would j receive the same penaltv that natives j receive. The United States cruise. Philadelphia. Admiral Beardslee, has gone to the islands to protect Americr.: citizens and interests. KARL'S CLOVER KOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as bell." 25c., 50., and $1 .00. Sold by Chas. Strang, Medford. A introduced in ihe Texas assem bly by Representative Seabury provides that any person who receives a letter and fails to answer it within 10 days shall be subject to a fine of 1 1,000 or im prisonment in the county jail for one year. In aggravated cases both penal ties shall be enforced. Serious riots are expected at Brook lyn. The striking street car employes ! are desperate and the militia has been called out. All the reserve police are on duty. Attempts to start cars on the tied-np lines meet with the strongest resistance from the strikers and their sympathizers. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diegg, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Tiemedv is the iirst medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Chas. Strang, Medford. WASHINGTON NOTES. Interesting; Items Picked Out from the Dally Dispatches. Major General Ruger has left Chi cago for the Indian territory to inspect the forts and to inquire as to the condi tion of Geronimo and his 300 fellow prisoners of war confined at Fort Sill. While at Washington at the beginning of the year General Ruger had a con ference with war department officials concerning the prisoners, and it is prob able that a recommendation of release will follow the report of the general The army officers believe that Gero nimo is now so old and feeble and lack- ilrit tit lp would not give th in any more trouuie. r TP If'- tffiRWft THE GREAT REME A petition is to be presented to Jud;; Sanborn at St. Louis soon looking to thi foreclosure of the first mortgage on t!i main line of the Union Pacific Raiim.-si company. The report of tho Lexow coimnilti embodying the results of its protrarlo.. investigation of the New York po.ic. 1 department, has been submitted toil New York senate. 'Ike reporc ileui. the work of the committee. Ii wniu mends the concentration of power ia tu hands of a chief of police; the estalil.Mi ment of a bi-partisan board of pi.c. commissioners with exclusive autm-ni; over elections on the force, in conform ity with civil service rules; the ex:iu::j ation of the accounts of the dopaitru.a; in the same manner that other depart ments of municipal government are ex amined; the reorganization of the police department by commissioners who shall co-operate with the mayor, and the con tinuance of the committee of investiga tion. Senator Canton is the only mem ber of the committee who did not sigD the report Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercurv, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Tole do, Ohio, by F. J" Cheney Jc Co. Testi monials free. tiTSold bv druggists, price 7.V. per bottle. A big movement of negroes from Ala bama and Mississippi to Mexico is o:i. The Mexican Colonization cotuuuny has opened headquarters at Birmingham. Ala., and promises the neuron frw transportation to the state of Imrango. Mexico, mid corn and otton lauds there to be cultivated for half the irocr"ils. The negroes are taking to the scheme, and already 300 family's in Ulount county. Ala., h:ive signed a contract to go. Two special trains will leave Bir mingham soon for Mexico. Henrv Welxter. agtnl 60 yei,rs. an In dian of the Oneidu reservation i:i Wis. j oonsin. has been arrested on a charge of ; marrying his 14-year-old daughter j Christine. He claims the laws of the Oneida nation allow the union, and members of the tribe say a traditional law sustains such conduct. Kmgnts of the Uaccabses. The State Commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After try ing other medicines for what sccnird to be a very obstinate cough in our two children, we tried Dr. Kind's New Discovery and at the end of two days the cough entirely. left them. We will not be without it hereafter, as our ex perience proves thnt it cures where all other remedies fail.'' Signed F. V. SteveDs. State Coin. Why not give this great medicine a triaU as it is guaranteed and trial botlles are free at Geo. H. Haskins" drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. ""The valleys in San Diego county wero flooded last week and great damage re sulted. Mission valley was devastated. Homes were destroyed, crops ruined and stock swept away by the torrent which raged in the bed of the San Diego river. Many people narrowly escaped drowning. Homes were abandoned and people sought the ridg8 for safety. The California supreme court has af- firmed the judgment of the lower court iu the case of Anthony .aioii, conviciea of the murder of Detective Len Harris of tut txnnnern l aciuc company and It May Do as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, or Irving. III., writes that he had a Severe. Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he be gan use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is es pecially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives al most instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c. for large bottle at G. H. Haskins Drug Store. Casimir-Perier, president of France, resigned last week without a word of warning. He plunged the republic into a sharp crisis for the moment by his ac tion. Royalists took advantage of the disorder to shont "Long live the king, but the national assembly convened at Versailles iinnediately and elected M. Felix Fanre, minister of marine of the present cabinet, to the presidency. The crisis was passed as soon as the an nouncement of Faure's election wa made. An agreeable laxative and NnvaJ ToHia BoldbyDrunrlstsorsentbynau. Sa.Me and twper package. Samples tree. Tfff TfA The Favorite T00T1 fOTtn IkV iiwortheTeethudBreatb,o, For sale by Charles Strang Medford. CURES PAINS or MAN & vj. beast; The stallion JS'apa Wilkes, owned by Baker & Hamilton of Sacramento and in chargo of Dr. Faulkner, a veterinary surgeon, at Salinas, attacked a young stableman named John Gately a few days ago and would have killed him uuu ,lot lIle '4n''l been shot. Uately " b,,dl'r injured, but to what extent has not yet been ascertained. His arm is terribly lacerated and will have to be amputated, and it is feared he is also hurt internally. Arthur, the 14-year-old son of George M. Evans, a farmer living near Fort Jones, CaL, was sent to carry in wood for the night. He did not return and his brother went to look for him and found him hanging by a strap from a rafter, dead. It is not known whether the act was accidental of premeditated. T. S. Spalding, a prominent merchant of Woodland, CaL, had a narrow escape from death by poison. He had muscu lar rheumatism and his physician in tended to prescribe codeia. Instead he wrote atropia. Shortly after the dose was swallowed Mr. Spalding was taken suddenly ill. He soon became uncon scious and was with difficulty resusci tated. He is out of danger and his rheumatism is cured. Clarence Lugi, a young man 20 years of age, of fine family at Redlands, CaL, has been arrested on a charge of at tempted criminal assault on the 17-year-old child of a prominent merchant Make Xo Mistake. Bv dispelling the symptoms so often taken for consumption. Santa Abie has brought gladness to many a house hold. By its prompt use for breaking up tho cold that too often dereloiies into that fatal diseaae, thousands can be saved from an untimely grave. You make no mistake by keeping this pleasant remedy in your house. Cali fornia C'al-r-cure is equally effective in eradicating all cases of Nasal Catarrh. ttotb ol i he.? wonderful California remedies are sold and warranted bv Geo. h. Hu.-kins, at 5Ul and $1 a package. "The body of Barrett Scott, ln de faulting treasurer of Hoit county. Neb., who while out riding with his family on New Yew day was fired npon by a party of vigilantes, and after bring wounded was dragged from his car riage, blindfolded and then placed in another vehicle and taken in a north erly d:rw:in. was found n few nights ago iu tho Niobrara river about J feet below the t'ridge. on the Boyd county Je. close np to the hank and in about seven !.-et of water. He was in his shirt -leeve-, but had his watch and chain ami other persoiial effects on just as he wore tbriu in life. Following np the dew of linding a blanket answering the description of one taken with Barrett Scott at the time of his capture, the sciinhtug party renewed its energy and was rewarded by finding the body of ;?cott. r&LIFRNIft A scientific preparation 0 Abidine Balsam UVTARRH totu in ine neau, Catarrhal Peilnca end Sore EytS It JttflWB W TUT! MS, mCURE raOL OHOVWE.CA1. j RipansTabules. 1 : Ripans Tabules are coin- j : pounded from a prescription j cal authorities and are pre- ; sen ted i:i a form that is be- j coming the f-shion every- where. j Ripans Tabules act gc::'.!;: but promptly upon the liver, : stomach and intestines; cure j dyspepsia, habitual constipa- j tion, offensive breath and head- : ache. One tabule taken at the I first symptom of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Price, 50 cents a box. RipansTabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., lO Spruce Street, NEW YORK. D YJ . Judge Cole at Washington in the cases of the sugar trust magnates rules that a communication given a newspaper is not to be considered as privileged. St. Joseph's Catholic church at Ala meda, Cal., just completed, was fit tingly dedicated last Sunday. One of the features of the labor arbi tration plan of Attorney General Olney, considered in the house committee on labor, is that employers who forbid em ployes to lxdong to labor organization. or conspire against the men are subject to fine. It is reported that Mrs. Ida Smith has left Xauvoo, 111., for California for the pnrpo.se of petitioning the legislature to appropriate $10,000 for her relief. Her husband was sent to the penitentiary from San Francisco on the evidence of two men which was afterward declared to be false by the supreme court. On the day of the decision her husband died. slur ru e trip tri-enl Coutzh and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pock et size contains twenty-five doses, only 2.5c. Children love it. Sold by Chas. Strang, Medford. The Cincinnati and New Orleans packet steamer State of Missouri was sunk in the Ohio river just below Al ton. Ind., the other evening, and it is believed at least 10 lives were lost. The vessel struck a sharp rock and ripped the starboard side open from one end to the other. In less than five minutes she was a complete wreck. The crew and passengers, nearly 100 in all, were para lysed by the shock and nothing could be done, the vessel being almost com pletely under water. The upper deck broke away and floated off. Nearly everybody jumped into the river and made for the shore, some hundred yards away. When Bbr ru Kick, we gmve her OutorU. Wbm she wm a Child, the cried for OuaorU. When she became ItiaB, she done to Cutoria. H3en be had Children, be gave them Castoria. The house territories committee has reported a bill to regulate the liquor traffic in Alaska. The effect of the measure will be to restrict that traffic, and it will confine the issue of licenses to white people, thus preventing its in discriminate sale. Favorable action was also taken on the bill giving Alaska the right to be represented in congress by a delegate. 10. K. Bate Slop. I z BATES BROS., Props. I Ail work Crst class In every particular. : ; Agents for the Portland Steam Laundry - ; z Shop on C street, ,o MEDFORD, OREGON'. ii--- - -ii Tho, F. Oafce. Henry C ryn. Hecrjr C Rous. Kocrlrrr. TVTORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. "R TJ s Pullman Elegant Tourists Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars 1 Minneapolis TO Crano Foaaa A CHOOKSTOM HCICNA AND 1 UTTC THROUGH TICKETS -TO- CH CAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH A. P. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. I No. 131 First St.. cor. Washington SOH.TI-A.ISII3. OR COKHKCTKD BVKRY WEDNESDAY. brat. No. 1, Oats. per bushel, 45 cts Hurley " ' -io Corn, ' " " Potutoes, " 4j Mill Fed. Bran and Shorts. m-rton. tlMV llay. baled. IS.U0: loose. "M Wood! I Oak, f Fir. per cord, S.50 Flour, wholesale. Flour, retail, Butter, Eggs, Onions, Apples, llacon and Ram Shoulder Beans Lard Honey per barrel. 8.1H) per sack, SO cts per roll (two pounds) 0 ' per dozen, 15 " per pound, 14 " per box, (one rushel) 674 " irlb. 10 " per lb, 08 OS . io MEDFORD MARKETS SOCIETIES OF MEDFOEB. KntKhtH if 'he M:tc.'.-uu:c. 1 r;::.;.Il T'-nt o. 14, ijii-i-tK in r-'uiiir r'Vi'. ' "il th Thurt:iys of M.-!i l:r-'- '-i . V. V'. Hull at T::ai ji. m. S.; II::t;: ; .vu il ly invited t.) iittiT.il. LlTlliCtt !. 1 nry ;. ': -' ) .: :-r. West Lawtxn. U. : A.O. V. V-. Li. and UiSkI Vidni-.i:::v in th'-ir hull in tin brother Inviti'ti t m: r-y !ir-t i:. J. V I.awton, Id ecru. r. W. K. C ( h. !i-r A. Ar!.:-r I'lrrs Xr. 21 cie-t hrcon.l ai!i lourih Vrit'ay of e-.ib n.onth tl ti o'cl'x-k p. in., i.-i '" Mas. Sahaii i. -v :uz Fr?,. MllS. F. M. Foe. Set. K. of F. Talisman Uxli.' So. S:. nn--i M )n tlay evening at 8 p. m. ViMtintr brother al ways welcome. ".. 1jaMoX.CC. I. M. JIli.i.eh. K. of K. and H. I. O. O. F. Lodpe No. W. meet in 1. O. O. F hall every Saturday at at f p. m. VislUnu brothers alwsya welcome. ' I. A. ylF.HIIlVAS, N. G. W. T. Yiiiik. Rec. Sec I. O. O. F. Rofue River Fneamument. Lede No. 30. meets in I. O. O. F. hall the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at ft p. m. B. S. Webb, C. F. A. C. Xicholsox, Scribe. Olive Kebekah Lodf. Vn mt In T O O. F. hall tirwt and third Tuesdays of each month, visiting sisters invited to attend. M1ss:dkixa Pick ei, N. G. Mrs M. Engledce. Rec. Sec. A P Jfc A f UmIb flm, L" I M ., fore full moon at 8 p. m., in A. Q. TJ. W. hall. 1 . 1. AWTEK, . . W. V. Lippiscott, Rec. Sec U. A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post . 47, meets in Wooirs hall every second and fourth Fridays In each month at 7:30 p. m. J. W. Miller, Com. W.T. Kame. Adjutant. I. O. O T. Meets Tuesday night at 7 p. m. at A. O. C. W halL Geo. H. Llndlet, C, T. O. O. Smith, Rec, Sec W. C. T. U. Meets every Wednesday after noon in the Halley Black. Mrs. addie vaxAxtwfp, Pres. Mrs. Rose DeGroot. Sec Young People's Reading Circle Tuesday even ing ef each week, under the auspices of the Ep worth League. F. A. I. U. L. L. Polk lodge No. 865, meets every Saturday at S p. m. J. H. Smith, Pres. CHURCHES OF MEDFORD. Saint Marks Episcopal Sunday School meets at Episcopal Church every Sunday afternoon at S o'clock. T. X. Wilson, Rector; S. S. Penlx, Superintendent. Methodist Episcopal Church E. S. Craven, pastor. Services every Sunday morning and evening at usual hours for church services. Epworth Leaeue meets at JO p. m . Sunday. Sunday school at lu a. m. Prayer meetfng Thursday evening. Pastor's residence o: C street, one block South of Mail office. Pretibytertan Church Rer. A. S. Foster, pas tor. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. and T M p. m. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. K.. 6:15 p. m. Junior Endeavor Society at S p. nu. Sunday. Prayer meetlCir on Wednesday evening 1 7 t o'clock j Baptist Church Rer. J.Merlevwillpreachon Hot and third Sunday and Rev. E. Russ on : iecnad and foorth Sundays of each month. Preaching at 11 a. m. and p. m. t Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Janier Band at 3 p. m. Methodist Episcopal Church South ReT.Jno. . Jones, pastor. Services at II a. m. and 7 p. on the 1st. Jnd and 3rd Sabbath: Sabbath j school at 10 a. m. and Epworth League at 6 p. m. every Sabbath at Medford. Services on!4th !abt)aui at Moda Spruurs at II a. m. and Neil Creek school house at S p. m. A hearty wel come to ail. EAST AND SOUTH bv the The Shasta Route OF THE PACIFIC COMMY. ! EXPRESS TKAIXS LEAVE PORTLAND i DAILY. i South I North :15 p. m I Lv. Portland Ar. I a. m 9:4S p. m I Lv. Medford Lr I 5-05 p. tu lOcio an: ; Ar. Sail Francisco Lv. 7.-00 p. m Above trains stop at all stations from Port land to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent, Shedds. Haisey. Harrisbcrg. Junction City, Irving. Eugene and at all stations from Rose burg to Ashland inclusive. ROSEBVRli MAIL DAILY. SO a. m I Lv V5U p. m i Lv Portland R05ebur Ar I 4 JO p. m Lv t-OOa. m Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Pullman Ruffe 1 1 Sleepers and Second Class Sleeping Cars attached to all through trains Between Portland and Corvallis. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Mail trains dally, except Sunday; ' SOa-mlLv Portland Ar I p. m 1215 p iu I Ar Corvallis Lv InM p. m At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. Express Trains daily, except snndav: 4:40 p. in I Lv Portland Ar;S:oa.m 7.25 p. m Ar Mcilinnville LvJ&50a.m -Through tickets to alt points in the Eastern states. Canada and Europe can be ob tained at lowest rales Irani W. V. Lippincott, Agent. Medford. R. KOEHLHR. E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. K. & P Agt PORTLAND. OREGON. GEO. F. MERRIMAX, BLBCKSmiTHIHG. initiimiiimmimMmiiiiHiiiMiiMiiimmt mmi HORSE SHOEING AND WHuONIfluIHIi. Seventh Street. Medford, Orejrou. CIIICKEUMMxaHYS If yon ue the Pctalaav acabatar ft BrKln. Make money while others are wasting time by old processes. Catalog tells all about It, and describe every article needed ior th poultry business. The "ERIE' mechanically the best .waect. rmiKHBoaci. We are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicvcle cata logue, mailed free .gives full description . prices, etc.. Aosatra WAimro. WTAXUMA nKUBaVTOK CO..rtalsa.CaL Baftxca Uocss, S3 1 8 Main St., Los Angeles. Mi iitasSateal 1 Ii