The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 01, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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BLITON & YORK, Publishers.
A. S. Buton, ... Editor
W. T. YORK, - - . - Manager
Published Every Friday Morning.
. Ho is of few days; but quito a plenty.
Entered in the Postofflce at Medford, Oregon
as Second-Class Mail Matter.
Medford, Friday, Feb. 1, TS95.
ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, Sun
Francisco, is our authorized agent. This pa
per s kept on hie in his ofllee.
The Mail has taken seventy-one
subscriptions since January 4, 1S93.
Dolph, 42 same old combine,
same old pledge, same old stocking.
Why don't some one in Medford
circulate an anti-Dolph petition
just to show our legislators how we
feel regarding the senatorial con
test down this wav. .
Cannot something be done by
Medford business men reaching up
to the improvement of roads leading
into our city? Surely there ought to
be some move made with that end
in view.
South Dakota has lost her treas
urer, but she has her "wide open"
divorce law, and that alone ought
to be financial assistance enough
to make good all the treasurer's
short-comings, or swift-goings.
While we are piping about these
frosty nights being the clear thing
for fruit, it might be well to say
that the frost which bodes good to
fruit is not just the thing for wheat,
however, as yet there is very little
damage reported.
Doctors are reiterating that many
growing girls incur curvature of
the spine by practicing hours each
day without support for back or
feet. And they might add that a
great many girls are left without
support after they grow up because
they have practiced piano playing
to the exclusion of more useful if
less ornamental exercises.
Can any part of the great reform
' wave which is turning up the old
ruts in our cities be due to hard
times? When striken, most of us
smite our breasts and say: '"Lord
I am a sinner!" Is this one of such
occasions? How many consciences
will be thus striken in Jackson coun
ty, and will these smites save us the
expense of experting the county
A telegram to the Oregonian,
from Jacksonville, states that nine
tenths of the people of this county
are in favor of Dolph. The fellow
who wrote that telegram is a falsi
fier, and he knew he prevaricated
when he wrote it. Perhaps he
could enlighten us as to how much
of that -"fSUO campaign fund was
necessary to get the telegram trans
mitted. Petition's are being circulated
hereabouts asking the Southern
Oregon legislators to introduce a
bill in the legislature providing for
the establishment of an insane
asylum in Southern Oregon.
Where the notion originated we
are unable to state, but before sign
ing our people would like to know
if all Southern Oregon towns will
be given an equal chance for its
A Massachusetts judge has de
cided that it is not highway robbery
if a man's money is demanded by
a footpad and he gives it up with
out resistance or refusal. That
judge must be on a level of intelli
gence with the Chicago grand jury
which refused to indict an alder
man for soliciting a bribe on the
ground that one of the witnesses
overneard the conversation from an
adjoining room and testified to
its language, had not a gas light
burning to enable-him to listen to
what was said.
which would not bo a bad one, but
if these rooms are especially valua
blo for attorneys' ollices why not
allow the highest bidder to have
them? If especially desirable there
are several attorneys who would
bo willing to pay a saug little- sum
for their use. Is not the county
court house for the use of county
officers? If so, why not give the
county assessor and surveyor an
oQice therein?
The Ashland Tidings feels itself
called upon to criticise The Mail
for devoting a goodly amount of
space in our last week's issue to
censuring Senate Bill Xo. CG, rela
tive to public printing. This paper
wants to be put on record as wast-
ing(?) space on just such bills as
is this one. If all papers of the
state, and particularly of Jackson
county, had, in years . agone,
'wasted" more space in defending
the people's interests, there would
not have been built up the big bill
of unnecessary expense against the
county, which the taxpayers are
now endeavoring to pay oft' by long
hours of toil. We may be wasting
space in opposing such nefarious,
thievish bills as No. Gl, which are
prepared for but the one purpose
that of bleeding the people and fill
ing the purses of some few who
seek to enrich themselves by im
poverishing others. These are but
human vultures, ghouls of a type
worse than vampires, because
that they prey both upon the living
and the estates of the dead. If the
space is wasted it is our space. The
Tidings need give itself no uneasi
ness because that we waste space
we are willing that our 1400 sub
scribers shall be our judges. The
Mail is not courting favor at the
hands of the press will it please
permit us to "waste space, and
add seventy-one new subscribers to
our list each thirty days. The
Tiding's excuse for not wasting
space in its own columns will hard
ly be accepted as being in good
Can Mine for One Hundred Years.
Our readers will remember that
early in the winter a party of Seattle
capitalists purchased a tract of nearly
one thousand acres of mining ground
on Foots creek, this county. The
ground is in the old river channel, and
the gravel, which varies in depth from
ten to eighty feet, carries gold through
out. The parties purchasing the
property mean business. A company
has been formed, known us "The Black
Gold Channel Mining comnny." with
headquarters at Seattle: Byron rhelps,
mayor of Seattle, president: Frank
ltivers. Secretary. A large force is at
work dav and night developing the
property and no means or pains will be
spared to place it in iir.uu'diate and
successful operation.
Milo P. ard. genernl manager for
the comiKiny. writes a mining man in
this valley as follows: "Nothing in
recent years has excited ao interest
in raining circles equal to that of the
Southern Oregon mines. They always
prove by actual examination to surpass
the representations made of them."
The property above described is not
ou the market. 1 he present owners
beiictv. as they have good reason to.
that their property will uay handsome
dividends on ev.i-y dollar invested.
The redeeming feature o; this proposi
tion is its permanency. With a hy
draulic process ol Ul.r iao-t approved
pattern, the ground in ir.i 'stion ciiinol
be exhausted in less t::u i on hundre.1
yea s.
iuus the wheel of fortune turns, and
we are glad o not " that capitalists in
all lands are turning to our section for
investment. While the above propjrty
is good, it is only one of many, that lie
within ojr favored borders, awaiting
the magic touch of enterprise, to
spring into a lifo of activity, results
which will startle the world.
Every fair means should bo em
ployed to send to the inquiring world
such knowledge and data of this coun
try as may be conveniently at hand.
Who shall do this? Each and all of us.
How? By answering carefully, plainly
and truthfully all letters of inquiry
and what is still better, by sending
to tbosj seeking information such local
papers as have exhibited a spirit un
selfish enough to gather and publish
interesting truths about the country,
regardless of the fact that such "a
course is contrary to the spirit ol econ
omy usually exercised during the
present lethargic state of commerce.
That, which is to everybody's good,
is everybody's duty. Many bauds make
light work. Brother, will you put
your shouidor to the wheel?
G. W. Smith, of Beagle, was in the
Hub yesterday.
School Superintendent Newhuky
left Tuesday evening for Portland.
Mokt Foster, tho bright young
Gold Hill merchant, was up Tuesday.
A. .T. BAKLOW, deputy U. S. reve
nue collector, was in town Wednesday.
II. A. Fekgus, a minor of Uuioii
town, is spending a few days with Ash
land friends.
FoiiNl.Y and Donia Holt were visit
ing Grants Pass uud Central Point
friends this week.
.1. K. KoitlNSON and family have
moved to tho Granville Soars farm,
near Central Point.
Wm. CoLVHi, attorney of Jackson
ville, passed through town Wednesday
evening,enrouto to Salem.
Dr. and Mrs. K.mii.e Kikchokssnkk
were at Grants Pass this week the
doctor upon professional business and
his good lady to visit friends.
Mrs. A. II. Jackson and her two
grandchildren left Wednesday morn
ing lor Santa Rosa, Calif., where they
expect to reside permanently.
A. W. LACY, from the Green Spring
Mountain country, who has been visit
ing his father, J. S. Lacy and family
since Chrisnmas, returned to his home
list week.
Rev. W. J. Fkvtox, of Grants Pass,
and formerly pastor of the M. K.
church south, came to Medford to at
tend the social Monday evening and re
new old acquaintance.
The first regular meeting of the
Y. M. C. A. will convene at th M. K.
church. Sunday, Feb. :ld, at S p. m.
All are cordially invited to attend.
E. E. YauAutwerp, secretary.
Eli Hogan was down from Wellan
last week, but not as nimble as is his
wont to be nccouuled for by the fact
that he quite seriously buried a knife
blade in his foot a few weeks ago.
WM. ENN1S leU Medford Tuesday
evening for a visit to Willamette val
ley and coast points, in tho capacity of
traveling salesman for tho Medford
Distillery and Hetining Company.
David Payne is up from Redding.
Calif., for a few days' visit. He is
doing teaming in that country, but at
present he is laying off waiting for
tho several feet of snow to disappear.
Dr.A.MoOHE, veteriparyof Ashland,'
is spending a few days in Medford with
Dr. McDonald, his college mate. Mr. ,
Moore located in Ashland siiuie i
months ago, and is very we:! satisfied
with his held.
W. H. BosTWK K. of L', i
was in Medford Wednesday on hii way ,
to Ashland. Mr. Hoslwiek is opera -f
ing his mine on Forest creek, near '
; Bishop Flat, wish good returns for ths (
laoor luvesieu. j
W. P. II. LEUATK. or Hotel .Mod-;
ford, has been absent from his pol of j
duty and when called upon "to show
cause."' he staled that he had been to
Grants Pass and intervening hamlets '
for a few days on busiuess. !
Col. J. D. STEVENS, of Jacksonville, i
made our office a brief call Wednesday, j
The gallant colonel has reformed if j
bis story is true he says he has actu
ally bees performing manual labor, and
what is far worse been, culling stove
wood. Mayor Phelps and Son, of Seattle,
are al Ihe Foots creek camp examin
ing the work under progress on the
Black Gold Channel Mining company's
ground. The company has over 20Uuj
feet of tunneling on the property and
the drifting thus far has almost paid '
its own expense. " j
A. C. Smith. Jr.. of Phoenix, was in
Medford Saturday upon business. It
was Mr. Smith who purchased ten ;
j acres of hind from the Fish tract a few j
montns agi but yon would hardly!
know i he place now. The gentleman!
now has the eniiri chunk grulihed and i
in line sIuuk for fruit tree setting. j
Mr. and Mrs. O. K ALSTON, of I-a !
Grande. Oregon, are here looking for!
a suitable location. Want to settle!
down some place where there is good '
luaith. good society. go:i climat" and
not oflicial plunderers whether thev
bo from republican, democrat or popu
ulist ranks.
Oscah Swackkh, proprietor of Gold
Hill hotel, but every inch a miner,
was hero for a few days this week, but
left for his home on the freight, Wed
nesday night. While Mr. Swacker
was not to tho manor of hotel-keeping
born, Ik; is a valuable acquisition to
the business world of this valley. He
has been in the valley for twenty-five
years, knows the people, the roads, the
towns, the general resources of the
country mid what is better than all, he
is a miner of forty years experience
and can talk intelligently about mines
to strangers who come within our
borders. This last named feature is
invaluable in a host.
J P Doiljf c to 1 ra c Dodge ; 2.2:1 acres iu
- sec i. i 3i s. r 1 c 9
West Ashland Ditch Co to city Vif Asii-
huiil: deed to water ditch la Ashland . .
Edward Alliricht and () M IteumcrtocUy
of Ashland: tract of land 2t) feet wide..
West Ashlund Ditch Co to city of Ash
land: ij c d to a water rlRlit lit Ashland.
J W Merritl. trustee, to J W l'riddy; It 4
b!k w. Central Point
W P llenn to A C Mice; It 10, blk D, K It
add to Ashland
Ira Dodge, and wife to J P Dodge ; SKI
acres in sec 9. tp :o s. r I e
Sheriff of Jucksou comity to James Long:
KI. sr. acres in sec V. tu :i s. r 1 e
J II I'rlckelt to I O Shearer: a) acre-s of
mining Kround in Steamlsmi district. .
Jos Harvey to ihe deacons of I tie German
Itaplisl llrethren church: lund to Talent
D H Horn to Mary A Parker: so acres iu
sec A, t p ;u s, r w
Jackson llockcrsumu to A 1" Weiss; laud
iu tp s. r 1 c .
EluulH-th Thornton, -to j K VanSant: a
strip of laud one too: w ulc. iu Asliluud..
K I" l.iH.mis to Horace Rice; land la .
A C Rice to K K I-oomls: It .10 oik b. k
It add to Ashland
W 11 I'arkrr to C E Wolverton : liW acres
in sec a. tp j. r 3 w
II II Hill to sullie A Hill: land in to :ii s",
r te .
! MutV
E a
14 j U. ;.
I -. S .
New management Splendid Accommodations.
I wish to announce that I have pur
chased the Gold Hill hotel, and 'am
now at work making many improve
ments about the place. This house is
to bo ursl-clas throughout. New
furniture is being put in, and each and
every room is being renovated and
placed iu the best possible shape. My
daughter, Mrs. Ida McBrid- will have
charge of the culinary department.
My terms are reasonable and my ac
commodations will bo found second to
none in the valley. One trial ill in
sure your s! 'dy patronage.
O. SWACKEK. t txil. Oregon.
Notice to Our Patrons and ths
lie Generally.
Pub. :
On and afvr the date given Ivlow. i
the unueoigned Hill charge ?2 for!
horse-shoeing, but -iil give a rebate!
or discount of ii per oet;t for cash. '
J. R. Wilson.
G. F. Merkiman f
Dated at Medford. January ls'.i. !
To Trade for Cattle.
1 light two horse wagon, 1 cart. 1 st
new ningle harness.
J. o. Johnson.
Table Rock Ranch .
To Owners of Cows.
Thoroughbred Durham hull, for ser
vice, at the Karhart farm, one-half mi!.
south of Medford.
On the basis of the
New Tariff Law.
Do you really wish to
Save Money?
Until our 500 Suits arrive,
Which will be in in a short time
These iruotjU are purchased for sfpot Cash, and
will be sold for from loto 2o per cent less than
ever before. One low price to all marked in
plain iiirures in connection with our large,
well-lighted Double Storeroom, makes this
the most desirable place to purchase your
clothing outside of Portland. Xo old chest
nuts to work off on you at war prices, but fresh,
new goods direct from manufacturers, at east
ern prices.
A Reply Thai Road flatter.
The question has been aked us;
"What right has the county court to
lease office rooms in the court
house to attorneys?" We have
been uYiable to find law which bears
them out in their leasing these
rooms. The court may advance
the excuseof revenue to the county,
Editoic Mail: In answering the
gentlemen of last week, iu regard to
tho road sought to bn established
through tho Hamlin estate to the old
county road, we believe the road to be
of great, detriment to three of our best
citizens, and of no betielit whatever to
unyonu but the Hamlin boys. Wo wish
the gentlemen would take the trouble
to go out and see this impracliea'i'e
routu for a highway. Nothing, with
the exception of a pack mule, could get
through. If tho road would run on
different lines, and open a way to the
echool house in.thaU vicinity, 'it would
then bo of some benefit to the commu
nity. Respectfully,
J. W. MII.1.S,
John Coleman.
a soil that produe.-s the h.'st of fruits 1
and c Teals th.-y hive found it right'
h-re. " j
M. Pi-jMHN an.l fami'y I -ft Widnes-:
d iv for Oakland, faHf., whore they
will remain a short lime, during which j
Mr. Fur!i-i will c:i-t about for a leva-1
tion. Th-y ex;vet to b- joined at!
Msson oy i:vir so:i Ira. who lias been
at. work at thnt p!a.:e for a few weeks.
The b.-si wishes of all Medford jn-ople
go with Ihem.
Merchant W. H. Stevens left for the
east Sunday evening. lit go- to
Chillicothe and Trenton. Missouri, for
a visit with friends, and from thesc
places he will go to Chicago and New
York city, his visit to iheso cities to
bo made for the purchase of goods for
the firm of Deuel & Stevens. He ex
pects to be absent four or six weeks.
Mr. KlN'G. a Seattle capitalist, who
has been examining mining property
about Gold Hill for a few days, passed
through town Wednesday on his way
to Sterling, where he will examine the
methods employed by Cook iV Ankeny
in their hydraulic plant. White feath
ers are not always a sign of a duck's
nest, hence It's pretty clear that Mr.
King will soon be numbered among the
mine owners of Southern Oregon.
I. Hanson from the Yakima country,
Washington, is here for a visit with
his old friend It. H Whitehead. He
is most favorably impressd with our
country and will probably remain.
He knows our man Lcadbettcr, the
railroad magiiate(V). Says the gentle
man's Yakima irrigating ditch propo
sition is "busted, feadbetter is now
at S-atlle and, while Mr. H. didn't
sny so. one would conclude, from his
general remarks, that the magnate
was flouting not very buoyantly upon
the waters of that '"busted" ditch.
Aaron Wyi.and, of ('Umax, was
here Monday visiting I. A. Hi iss. do
ing trading and looking after school
j matters. The gentlemen is one of tho
several gooil, honest ranelimiMi of that
locality who tiro wondering just how it
happened tlml :i prosperous county
like Jackson, could possibly get in
debt. Thesis are, facts which many are
lacking their brains to find out with
no satisfn-torv conclusion. Thero
soems hut tho one lvnoiirso left t'iem
pay for the "dead horse," hut in tho
future see that the debt is not increas
ed lessened instead, which can bo
dono by electing to olllco only those
whom they know to bo honest tncu and
u we iMeea jcioom:
Yon Nftpri iTonrlR!
In order to make ready for our
Immense Spring Stock we will
put on the market our entire
line of....
Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Winter Dress
Goods, Hats ii Caps,
At COST with freight added for CASH.
V.-1 V
! 1
-BB 'Come and See Us.
Angle & Plymale,
The "Ftaoanf Store."