JIML III m. LM ... 21 VOL. VIL MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 180.5. NO. 5. 2k. 1 r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. "W, J. SEXNET, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. plans. Specifications ami Details. Perspec tive Drawings ami Blueprints. Ventilation and Drainage a Specialty. Hamlin Block, iledforil, Oyegon. "W H. PARKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Hamlin Block. Mcilfonl, Or. Will be at my Jacksonville branch odlce at each reralar term of l'robate.County and CMrcuit Court. Telephone calls Irom Jacksonville and i Ashland promptly attended to. Practice in all courts of the state and land omce. j J Y. GEARY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Central Point, Oregon. KIRCHGESSXER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Med ford, Oiegon. Onlce Phipps' Block, Cor C and Seventh sts. FRANCIS FITCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Medford, Ore. ' i Will practice in ail courts of state or U. S ypi. I. VAWTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Bank Buildinff. Medford. Or J. H. WHITMAN, ABSTRACTOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in bank building, Medford, Or Have the most complete and reliable abstracts of title in Jackson county. "WEBSTER & HAMMOND, Lionel R. Webster. Austin S. Hammond ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office l.O. O. F. building, Medford, Or J?. B. PICKEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Medford. Or Office: Room 5; Opera Block. J. B. WAIT, PHYSICIAN AND SJUKGEON, Office in Cbilders" Block. Medford. Or J2. P. GEARY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Cor. C and Seventh sts.. Medford, Or J)R, O. F. DEMOREST, RESIDENT DENTIST, Makes a specialty of first-class work at reason able rates. Office in Opera House. Medford, Or. QDGERS & HALL, DENTISTS. Have permanently located In Medford for the practi-e of dentistry. From a continued prac tice of over 14 years, we are prepared lo guaran tee entire satisfaction. Give us a call. Over Stovers drug store. I. A.. MOUNOE.... Wholesale and Retail Dealer in.. Choice Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Fins Cigars and Todacco. Temperance Drinks in Variety opposite Postofflce. MEDFORD, - OREGON CHASE For Fine Candy. Choice Cigars and Tobacco. Also News Depot and Choice novels. tg First Door South of Bank. Fruit Farm for Sale. A fortv-acre tract of good fruit land, fifteen acres of this set out to winter apple trees five years old, one acre of choice berries, twelve acres of alfalfa, all plow land, running water on farm, soil is a black loam. Farm is situated one and one-fourth miles from railroad station. All this can ba had cheap. -' Inquire at this office. into... Smith's Candy Palace THEY ARE COMING . . fesBY Those Nickel Tea Kettles "will be here very soon. Wo want you to call and see them when they arrive. They are the best in the market. We have Copper Tea "kettles, Nickel Tea and Coffee pots, and in faet everything in the line of Hard ware, Stoves and Tinware. Largest stock, lowest prices. 1 M J. BEEK ODD FELLOWS' BLOCK. Medford, Before sending notice that the Central Point Nursery. Has au unusually line, large stock of trees of all strndard varieties that are true to label and free from insect pests at as low prices as any reliable nursery in the northwest. I grow all my trees here at Central Point. Call at nursery and inspect trees and rel irices that will surprise you. Samples may be sn at my healing grounds on J. S. Hagey"s place, in East Medford. I pay freight to all points in Southern Oregon. Central Point Nursery, Central Point, Oregon. Lumsden HOTEL Wholesale ad Retail Grocers. fiapls, Paper, Curtains, I. A. WEBB, JIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMtimiMMHtmiMMIMIHIMtMIIMHIk UNDERTAKING j nilfv1ltllt1MlllMlfll!iaitmUlllltfllMIIIIM!ltlltllC ; : " ' class DRlS STORE Prescriptions - :- Carefullv ": Compounded" Main Street, Medford Oregon. J. W. Lawton, o DEALER IN" o H ARNESS AND QADDLERY. Order Work Given REPAIRING IS RIGHT IN MY LINE. Hand-made and Campbell lock stitck SEVENTH STREET, - o W. I. VAWTER. Pres. Wm. Jackson County Bank. CAPITAL, - $50,000 Medford, Oregon Loan money on approved security, and transact a general banking business on the most favorable terms. BSrVbur Business Solicited. Correspondents: Ladd & Bush, Salem. Anglo-California Bank, San Francisco. l,add & Tilton, Portland. Corbin BankiDg Co., N. Y n Of E FAST FREIGHT. & SON, Oregon. away for your trees please & Berlin, BLOCK fledford, Oregon. .iitMiiMUiiiittiiiMiaimMtiMMMtiitMiitimmitni , FURNITURE. iiiitiiMmmtiiiiMiiMimiiiiiiMiititmMmiir is. sides, Pictures MEDFORD.- Picture Knunicg a Specialty. THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, O. II. HASKINS, 1'rop r. Ha AfivTMiNa in tmC umc or t Pure Dings, Putent Medicines, Book.. Stationery, iPVIiTS no OILS. Tobacco. Clears, Perfumery. Toilet Article ami Kvervthtni: that is carried lu a firsl- Special Attention. machine-made harness always ou hand. - MEDFORD, OREGON. Sr.INGKIt. Vice Pres. K. KNYAKT. Cnshlel receive deDOsits subject to check, DOLPH 42OTHERS SCATTERED. No Chansre In Senatorial ! Contest Several Bills Read Third Time and Passed. Bill to Abolish Railroad Commission Reported Favorable-Gold Hill Incorporated. A ui still the wheels do turn: The lawmakers are still working like beavers, and in the transaction of their duty at the milking; of laws, their at tention is principally taken up with the election of U. S. senator. With this work they are making: little head way. The prospects for a long and bitter fight increases with each day's balloting. The Uolph supporters are still confident of winning in the end, as also are the friends of the other candidates. The balloting Thursday gave Dolph 44, but on Friday last, he lost two votes and has not regained them, and prospects point very directly toward his defeat. The other work of the people's rep resentations is still dragging along, and many good and just bills are being acted upon; many others are being in troduced, whech in one sense do not amount to much, and some of them should never be passed. Till" USD AY JAN. 24. As usual Portland hassevoral '"bond" bills to be past and it is quite possible that all of them will iass. The one authorizing the bonding of her schools for some S-jo.UHO more has passed the senate, and now Senator Bancroft's bill, authorizing the city to bond for a quarter of a million and purchase the Morrison street bridge, is before the senate. A few bills were introduced, when the senate adjourued to go into joint convention, after which an adjourn ment was taken for the day. The house convened at 1") a. m.. and after the usual preliminaries the intro ductions of bills was taken up and a number of new ones introduced, also a few reached, the third reading aud were passed. Among those read first time were the following: Burleigh Uection of rood super visors. Votes Making and publishing monthly statements of county officers. Shulrum Relating to miieaae of jur rors. Jefferv Relating to the attachment ' of contra! ion proiKrrty . j Smith, of Josephine. Ij-i-.u for !aW ! ami material on min-s. 1 JctTerv Compelling traiisivxta lines lo earrv lime in bulk. n:it.v jan. -. was called to order E House as railed to order In" r. i'Shcibrede in a!fc-:'iie. of Sjx-aker Mirin-s. who. b-.'in mck si e.eu.eu. Crui oileivd u t'wjiu:ii)0 thai no appropriation for state university :uul arieultiimi eiill-'e hoi:U be a.kii f..r t-K!i.l u'4 r-. f . -r-r. il Bills were lii-n intPxlucxil to the numb-roiol. timkinj: a mti nurox-r of "J72. Following art a few ul the mol imorluutbilU read: Beach iVclarinff that amount nam - cd in iusuranec policy should be uinount of company's liability in case rf lo. Smith, of Josephine. ITeventin descriminattoii between lonj; and short: hauls bv rail roads. .letlery Morttfae lureelosure Jeffery Appointment of judges and clerks of election. Jeffery Helalinjr to r.H-ords of Jack son county, and a&lery of clerS: and recorder. Curtis Dofinini: libel and its puni.-h-menl. !yers For examination and lL'en.-e of Hteam enjlineers. i'alei-son Publication of county court proceedings. In the senate little w.is done oul-sid.' the routine bus:iii's.. and tho inlnHliie tion of a few bills. The result of the joint ballot for senator today. rMilted in voles for Dolph. t'eoper. of Benton, holtinir his former V4ii ? for Dolph. and Speaker Moores bAng excus.-d fio:n voting. SATrm.Y JAN. -. House convened at u?u;:l hour, and after atinou:ieem..iil of several special committees and otln-r routine bu-riess, iiitroduclion of bills was taken up. amoiiir them b- inr: Smith, of .lo-epliine. Payment of con n tv warrants. .... : i.l 1 wuuti incoi ru mil" .-vsuiauu. : t' eseimte'afewlTills were Jniro- duced. and alter beinjr read were te- ferred, and second reading of bills taken up and a Urjre number read and referred to dilTerent committees. In joint convention the vote for U. S. senator was the same as Friday with me txeeiuion oi lu'inicii. wuo.-c iiuuu- had h,en withdrawn and the namo of J. K. Wetitlierford substituted, who received eiht votes on tlie n ivt ballot. Monday. The house was culled to order tit 10, Highcst of all in Leavening ABOtTEtV RUBE 0,111 1011 cal1 found most of the mem- uers present. Thompson's resolution asking tho re-instatement by congress of the tariff on wool, was adopted. Nealon's bill incorporating Gold Ilill was passed. The bill changing tho name of east Cottage Grove to Iemati passed. Dunn's bill to reimburse school dis trict No. "3 in Jackson county was read second time and referred to com mittee on claims. In tho senate a uumber of new bills were introduced. Severul bills were reported on by the different com mittees some favorably and others to I be laid on the table. Aside from the joint ballot for sena tor very little work was done. TUESDAY. Senate was called to order and at once proceeded with their day's labor. A bill was passed fixing the salaries of the Lincoln county officials and at taching the county to second judicial district. First reading of bills was taken up, among them being the following: Patterson to make streets public highways; read second time. Senate joint resolution. Carter, for improvement of the Willamette, from Corvallis to Eugene; ordered printed. Senate joint resolution, Raley, for joint committee of three from house and two from senate, to consider the purchase of "an executive mansion was adopted . In the house the usual preliminary business was transacted, and a few bills read first time. The second reading of the bills was taken up, and uikju passage, mention ' will be made in the; columns of all iniortant bills. WEDNESDAY. In the senate a number of bills were passed. Here are a few of them. McCIung Authorizing mayors to bid in property for taxes. Hoit Incorporating Gold Hill. Bancroft Sale of firearms tj minors: third reading. In the house Kenears'n offered a memorial to congress asking reimburse ment of the state for the anount if lalwr and property furnished in the Indian wars of 1S.V"; and for easions of soldiers of these war as well as soldiers of the Carouse wars. Moorehead's bill prohibiting a black list by corporations, was read second time and referred to committee on labor. The senatorial, cxintest. i As yet no senator has been chosen by ! our legislative bod v. uca lar In ballot has remained the same with most candidates. The populists aie! I roting solid lur ll:in uid the IXilph : men are staying by hi.ti to the number ! of 42. On 'f uesdnv Davis changej his i vo;, to Lowell, and t,oo!x wno huo Cr?t vo:eu for Hn'.j.U and In.-n bo'.Vii. ajiain voted for l)ol;ih. H-. cave a hi fscuw ;h:il ht Ivlii'Ved the niajoriii of hiMistitj'n',s r:i!ik.d IV)t; h ekv! 'J. Ttse miti-lMlph mun 'iro coatidtin of r. 'iitniniT in the vtiii.ana it wouia not Nr suriirifin-T to s-e .hem join forvvs a! "iv time. But lhi-y aro :;o more confident than tiie Dol;h support ers. In ail probability a M-nator will be e!-ol.Ki Nfore mir nxt issue: wnetner u i:i bi Dulph or no', rv- , mains io i- wn. . I JWksiraui-Jt. ; ... j Dr. J. H. Uobinson arrived home ' nn Sundar evening's train, from a i,:., ;., JT,,r...;. ...... . " , , ! Jlrs. ,1. W . Alorrntaiiu tlHUgnier, of Central Point, are visiting .Mr, Merritt' narents V. Moore aini wife, of this place. Miss I'ona Montgomery has be come a student of St. Mary's acad emy. This youtis; lady is a daughter of J. 1?. Montgomery, of Central Point precinct. Mrs. V. H. Brunk and children, of Ashland, spent tho greater part of the "eek visiting in this citv with relatives and friends. Mrs. Bmnk is a daughter of the late John Ilockonjos. J. Nunan ami wife have returned from a pleasure trip to Southern California. They were as far south as S:in liego. and Mr. Nunan's health was greatly beneiited by the rest from business affairs. Henry Ireland and wife have re turned from Eagle Point, and have , . i .i i i -i taken up their place of residence tie.ir llie scliool House. Air. treiana : j.s ensaced in the manufacture of ; hriHWns witll which he is sunplv- ! ini the local trade. ; The dime social at the M. K. par- ... , , r i .. j Wednesday evening of last J week, was one of the most successful ! entertainments both socially and i financially that has taken place in ! our city for some time. The treas- Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ury of that church was enriched $13 by that erening's entertainment. C. O. Damon, manager cf tho Medford opera house, wa3 over from that city Thursday in compa ny with a Mr. Shaw, business man ager of a theatrical company, who came to see how many of our people would attend a performance to be given in Medford in a shor time. These gentlemen stated tha the company is composed of forty five people, and is first-class in every respect. Little Sticky Ke-ws. BY THE DOCTOR. An abscess was removed recently from the back of Harry Mathes' head. C. C. Taylor, clerk of school dis trict No. 24, is taking the census for 1S95. We are sorry to report the death of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiley, on the 22nd of Janu ary. Work is progressing rapidly on the Furry coal mine, under the clever superintendency of Sam'I Wayman. A social dance was given at the residence of W. W. Taylor last Fri day night, and a very pleasant oc casion it was. Mr. Taylor and Ed Anderson furnished the music and good music, too. Everyone went away feeling at peace with all man kind and hoping for another as good a time in the near future. GATHtftED TO THEIR FATHERS. Ei-Congresaman Eben F. Stone of Miusachosetts died a few days ago at Newburyport. Lord Randolph ChnrehUl, one of the fading men in English politics for the last few years, died recently. The Right Hon. Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill was the second son of tike sirth Duke of Marlborough by his mar riage with Lady Frances Anne Emily and was bora Feb. 13, 1S49, at Blen heim palace. " He was a brother of the late Dnke of Murlborongh, who married the wealthy Mrs. Haramexsley. and whose career as Marqnis of Blandford created considerable criticism. Lord ' Churchill, or ""Randy," as he was fa miliarly known in tiigiana, like many other young aristocrats, was educated st Eton and graduated from Jierton cUee. Oxford. On leaving: Oxford he traveled on the continent for a time, iud rvturrii-.g to England made his first entrance into political life in 1ST-4, be ji elected to the house of commons. il;s career was meteoric Lady Church ul was Jennie Jerome of Xenr York. -si:e was a famous beautv and very wealth-.'. Trviuble seems imminent oeiweea Frr.Kce and the Dominican republic A. French man-of-war appeared off San Domingo city a few days ago aud began to take soundings. Soon after she de parted another appeared. The San Do mingo authorities had a dispute with a bank a few years ago and eventually took $60,000 from it. The bank was backed by French capital and the back ers laid the case before the French gov- j w"M1t trance aemanuea tuat tne I resiereu 10 me Dans, cue ine diplomatic negotiations serm to have resulted iu nothing. A correspondent learns upon trustworthy authority that the French ultimatum has already been sent in, and it demands the return of ftW.000 and $200,000 indemnity. Presi dent Heureaux has declared that he has no money with which to Day. Buckleys Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, telter.ehaiiped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles. or no pay required. It is sruarauteed to srive tvrfeet satis faction or money refunded. Price 2,"c per box. For sale by O. H. Haskins. For sale bv O. H. Haskins, Medford Land for 5a!e. Five acres of laud for sale: or ten uers with od house, barn and out bui'.dinys. Nice location east Med ford. Ten minutes walk from depot. Call at The Mail office for further information. For Sale. 1 have for sale putt bred p'uiltrv and eir-is for hatching Brown Lesrhorns Langrshaus and Minorcas. Polk Hull. Spikenard, Or. For Exchange, Trade or Sale. Farm properties, east or west: town properties, east or west. Strike quick while the iron is hot. Cail at this office. For Sale. Eiirhtv acres of good land at a bar- R. K. Dkum. Table Uock, Or. For Sale or Rent. A five-acre tract, house and barn: one-quarter mile from school house. J. S. HOWARD. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder AwardcU Cold Medal Uidwiaur Fur, Su Fnaciwo.