A mm an VOL. VII. MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON,' FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1895. NO. 4. 3 V PROFESSIONAL CAHDS. J. BENNET, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Plans, Specifications and Details. Perspec tive Drawings and Blueprints. Ventilation and Hamlin Block, Medford, Oyegon. H. PARKER, ATT0BNEY AT LAW. OOce in Hamlin Block. Medford, Or. wfll be at my Jacksonville branch once at each regular term ot Probate.County and Circuit Court. Telephone calls from JacksonTill and Ashland promptly attended to. Practloe in all courts ot the state and land office. J, W. GEARY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON, ' Central Point, Oregon. E.' KIRCHGESSNER, ; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . Medford, Oiegon. Ottce Phlppt Block, Cor C and Seventh sts. FRANCIS FITCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Medford, Ore. Will practice in all courts of state orC.S M. L VAWTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Bank Building, Medford, Or J.H. WHITMAN, ABSTRACTOR AND ATTORNEY--' AT LAW. Office in bank bolldinr, Medford, Or Have the most complete and reliable abstracts of title in Jackson county. "EBSTER fe HAMMOND, . Lionel R- Webster. Austin S. Hammond ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' Office I.O. O. F. building, Medford, Or E. B. PICKEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ": " V- Medford, Or Office: Room 5; Opera Block. J.B. WAIT, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Childers' Block, Medford, Or E.P. GEARY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office Cor. C and Seventh sts.. Medford, Or J)R. O. F. DEMOREST, . RESIDENT DENTIST, Makes a specialty of first-class work at reason able rates. Office in Opera House, Medford, Or. QDGERS & HALL, ' "' , DENTISTS. Have permanently located In Medford for the practice of dentistry. From a continued prac tice of over 14 years, we are prepared to guaran tee entire satisfaction. . Give us a call. Over Slovers drug store. I. A.. MOUNCE. .. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in. Choice Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Fine Cigars and Todacco. Temperance Drinks in Variety... Opposite Postofflce. MEDFORD, OREGON CHASE Him Into... Smith's CaMy Palace For Fine Candy. Choice Cigars and Tobacco. LSO NtWS DIPOTSMO JSS1 CHOICE NOVELS. "as . 0 First Door South ot Bank. Rough and Ready. asm naa "".-.' a I am ready to do all kinds of work fencing, ditching,., grubbing, wood cutting, plowing, or any kind of farm work at living wages. Anyone wish ing to employ a good work hand will please call at Thb Mbdfobd Mall offlce, or write to . , . .. ' B. B. Gzabvk, - i ; Medford, Oregon. THEY ARE COMING.. .BY Those Nickel Tea Kettles will be here very soon. t, We wantyou to call and see them when they arrive. They are the best in the market. We : have Copper Tea kettles, Nickel Tea and Coffee 9 pots, and in fact everything in the line of Hard- ware, Stoves and Tinware. Largest stock, lowest prices. J. BEEK & SON, ODD FELLOWS' BLOCK, Medford, -:- -:- Oregon. Before sending away for your trees please notice that the Central Point Nursery. ' Has an unusually fine, large stock of trees of all strndard varieties that are true to label and free from insect , reliable nursery my .trees here at Call at my nursery and Inspect trees and get prices healing grounds on J. S. Hagey's place, ithernOregon. Southern Oregon. Central Point Nursery, Central Point, Oregon. Lumsden . HOTEL Wholesale and Retail Grocers. oooooo o o o 7r Carpsls, Paper, Curtate I. A. WEBB, jniuiMiiiaMMtiMmiMnsuuiiiiHiiiiiiv jJN DERTAKING "Picture Frying a Specialty. iiihtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: Prescriptions -:- Carefully -: Compounded Main Street, Medford Oregon. J. W. Lawton, 0 DEALER n HARNESS AND gADDLERY Order Work Given Special Attention. REPAIRING IS RIGHT IN MY LINE. Hand-made and Campbell lock stltck SEVENTH STREET, - o W. I. VAWTER, Pres. Wo. 8LINGER, Vtoe Pres. Jackson County Bank. CAPITAL, - $50,000 Loan money on approved security, receive deoosits subject to check, and transact a general banking business on the most favorable terms. aYour Business Solicited. Correspondents: Ladd & Bush, Salem. Anglo-California Bank, San Francisco. , Idd & Tilton, Portland. Corbin Banking Co., N. Y FAST FREIGHT. pests at as low prices as any in the northwest. I grow all Central romt. that will surprise yon. Samples may be seen at in East Medford. I pay freight to all potnu in & Berlin, BLOCK nedford, Oregon. jnuniMiiHitmiwiMMHMiwMMnmwwHa izizj FURNITURE.! iiiiiiiimiitiMiuiiiitiuHiM(Mnniiimuiiinmi , : - re. MEDFORD.--"-- THE MORTAR DrUG STORE, G. IT. HASKISS, Prop'r. Ha aNTTWIR3 IH THC UNC OF - Q . Pure Drugs, mtent Medicines, Books, Stationery, PAINTS no OILS, Toboccoen. Cigars, Perfumery. Toilet Articles and Kvcrvthlne that is carried In a first class DRUG STORK machine - made harness always on band. - MEDFORD, OREGON. J. E. ENYART. Cashier Medford. Oregon POSSIBLE DEAD-LOCK. No Senator Yet Elected 44 Only Are Solid for Dolph His Chances Waning:. Ho re Bills Introduced Committees Appointed Important Resolu tions Adopted. Special to Tbb Medford Mail. Salem. Jan. 24, 8:30 p. m. N'o elec tion to-day for U. S. Senator. Ballot resulted as follows: Dolph, 44; Moore, 19: Hare. 10: Bennett. 8: Moody. 4; Kln- caid, 2; Williams, 1; Lord, 2. Dolph's vote was same as yesterday. .Repre sentative J. H. Scott, who bas been confined to tbe bouse by illness, was brought to tbe state bouse to cast bis vote, which was anti-DolDh and onlv changed tbe general result one vote. Ballot again to-morrow. The wheels of the law making ma chine at Salem, are slowly grinding away, and though they are quite slow it is tne general opinion 01 ail mat whatever is done will be in the line of economy, and the bills that are passed will be in line with the wants of the common people, and in this one par ticular, tne members of tbe present legislature will win tbe distinction of doing a few things for the people who sent them there, THURSDAY. Senator Woodard earns the distinc tion of setting the first bill through tbe senate, which was a bill for the general expenses of the present session, j it was iimeiy, as secretary 01 state Kincaid bad no money on hand with which to buy stamps, and as it required $30 for that purpose, the bill was pass ed none too soon. Resolution by Senator Cogswell authorizing secretary of state to pur chase ninety copies of Oregon code for use of members was adopted. Gesner, of Marion, introduced a joint resolution to amend constitution pro viding for the introdupting of no bills conveying appropriations at least five days before adjournment, which was referred to judiciary committee. A number of bills were Introduced, among them being one by Brownell, of Clackamas, providing for a bank ex examiner. Holt, act incorporating Gold Hill; Vanderburg, of Coos, am mending code, relative to assessment and taxation and repealing military and university tax. - Sterwer, of Gilliam, providing for a simple form ot deeds and doing away with private seals. Senate adjourned until Monday. , The bouse opened at 10 a. m. and a number ot resolutions were introduced, most of which were referred to com mittee. Jeffery, of Jackson, bad a res olution for the investigation ot the reform school. W ben the house fin ally got down to busines seventy-five bills were introduced. Speaker Moor' bill to wipe out railroad commission being tbe first. The house then ad journed until Monday. MONDAY. Senate convened at 1 p. m., and the usual number ot resolutions were intro duced and discussed. Committee clerks were recommended as follows: Irrigation, judiciary and puouc lanas, eacn printing, assess ment, railroads and revision of laws. each S; enrolled bills, 10: engrossed bills, y; otners, 1 each. Compensation in most cases, 33 per day, and none over 5. This resolution was adopted, therein' gtvinz employment to as many clerks as has been (he custom at former sessions ot this body, although the compensation in most cases is not as high as usuul. Among tbe numerous bills intro duced we notice the following: Brownell To create oflieo of state irrigation engineer, being n move to reclaim arid lands. Price Creating office of examiners of slate and county treasuries. Brownell Amending code, making legal interest rate 6 per cent, contract rale 8 per cent. Holt Concerning npiointment of judges and clerks of election . Dawson For relief of Ida Templeton in sum of J20.000, for injuries sustained on public highways. Cogswell liequiring superintendent of insane asylum to report deaths, es capes, etc., to county courts. House convened with usual prelimi naries. Resolution regarding clerks and experts to examine state institu tions was adopted, making pay for ex- peris ..ou per any ana clerics So. Resolution making sessions of houss from 9:30 to 12, and 1:30 to 5 o clock. was adopted. A few bills were intro duced, alter which house adjourned. TUESDAY. Senate called to order by president and after some debate following nomi nations were made for United States senator. Dolnh. hv Rrownpll! Rnnnett. by Huston, and Hare, by Holt. After a ballot was taken on senator, follow ing were some or the bills Introduced Holt Amending law creating state Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AD6O UUTCEY PURE board of equalization, as to classifica tion of property. Uenny Amending act creatine- rail road commission, makiner coventor. secretary of state and state treasurer said commission, without salary. 1101 1 creating omce 01 state as sessor. Speaker Moo res called house to order at 9:30 All members present except Scott. Among standing committees ap pointed by chair the following names appear: Education, Jeffrey; mining, uunn; agriculture, uunn; alcoholic traffic, Nealon; rules and ioint rules. Jeffrey; manufactures, Nealon. Ninety-nine bills were then intro duced, among which we make special mention 01 tne iouowing: Smith, of Josephine To repeal pres ent system of adopting school books. Dunn To establish state normal school at Ashland. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Bills 12 to 63 were read second time and referred. H. C. R., Coon For election ol TJ. S. senators by direct vote of people; Mcuinn moved to reier to committee on revision of laws, and so referred by aye and nay vote. In tbe house a number of resolutions were introduced aside from the nomi nation of, and ballotling on United States senator; vote standing, Dolph, 29; Moore, 22; Hare, 7; Lord, 1; absent, Scott, ol Linn. 1. Burleigh offered a joint resolution asking for foreclosure of Pacific rail road mortgages. . Moorehead Joint resolution for an amendment to constitution, placing general elections first Tuesday after nrst Monday in November. Special committee reported unfavor ably resolution for a special committee to investigate scandals at the asylum, for reason that no authoritative charges had been made. WEDNESDAY. House convened at 8:30 and reading of journal was, as usual, dispensed with, and as a result Hofer gave notice that he would move for a committee to investigate each journal not read. - Rules were amended so as to provide tor all messages between the two houses to be placed in sealed envelopes. Five bills passed by the legislature in loss, and vetoed by uovernor fen noyer, were sent In by the secsetary of state. First reading of bills was then taken up and Mooreuead introduced a bill cbanging name of East Cottage Grove to Lamali. Senate opened and immediately pro ceeded 10 tne nrst reading 01 Dill. Go wan Establishing graded school at Burns and appropriating money tnereiore. Butler Amending code, providing that judges' instructions to juries sbaU uo in writing. The house was packed to suffocation when the hour arrived for the joint ballot on U. S. Senator. At 12:05 tbe senators came in and were given seats in front, and roll call showed 89 members present, Scott being too sick to attend. THE ROLL CALL. After some preliminaries the fateful roll call, upon which hung, as by a thread, the late ol J. -S. Dolph, began. Rumors ot bolting were current, and all held their breath as the names were called. Senator Alter was the first man called upon, and saying that "As he was the third oldest tree-coinage silver man in tbe state be would put himsell on record for tbe choice ol Lane county Hon. Binge r Hermann, a man who had never spent a dollar to promote bis political interests in an improper manner." Mr. Alley voted for Dolph ou tbe first baliot Tuesday. and his vote for Hermann was received with great enthusiasm. Brownell's vote for Dolph was hissed. Jeffrey made an eloquent plea for Judge Hare, "a pioneer, rich in cour age, and a millionaire in braius." He got several rounds of applause. Lister's speech was to the effect that bis first choice was Fuiton, his second. Dolph. but it was asserted and not denied that unfair means had been used. Force and corruption had been employed, and he would now vole for Moore. Senator McClung, of Lane, was tbe next man to boll Tuesday's ballot, and voted for Hermann. Smith, of Josephine defended tbe caucus and voted for Dolph. Cole, of Multnomah, bolted the cau cus and voted against Dolph. The roll was called again and checked correctly. TOTAL VOTE. Dolph :.... Moore 17 Hare -10 Bennett 6 Lord 5 Hermann 4 Geo. H. Williams 1 Total 89 For Sale or Rent. A five-acre tract, house and barn; one-quarter mile from school house. J. s. Howard. WHERE WAS EDEN LOCATED? 4 Scholars of Distinction Po Kot Agras aaa tha Mystery Remains TJnsolvsd. 1 The location of the earthly paradise jl or Garden of Eden, is still a matter of dispute among orientalists and Scrip-' . tnral scholars of highest reputation,' says the St. Louis Republic Some . have endeavored to locate it by tha fruits and mineral production named in the Biblical descriptions as they ap-! pear in the second chapter of Genesis;1 others by tbe rivers mentioned in verses eleven to fourteen of the above men tioned chapter. The weight of invesr tigation and tradition incline to as? agreement that the Tigris and tha Euphrates of modern geography are the third and fourth rivers mentioned in the Biblical description of the gar j den. Those who agree so far differ! widely aa to what rivers should now be regarded as the ancient Pison and Gihon. The Buddhistic scholars, air though they - reject our Bible in the' greater part, incline to the opinion' that the Pison is the sacred Ganges and . that the Gihon is none other than the Kile. As to the last it is altogther probable that they are correct on that point because the Biblical account plainly says that Gihon "compassethj the whole land of Ethiopia." borne in-' vestigationsaffirm that Eden was a spot of comparatively small area located on! the table lands of what is now Armenia from which rise the Tigris and the' Euphrates. A few scholars of distinct tion argue that the Adamic paradise' was located in Africa, in the vicinity; of the Mountains of the Moon. Still' another school of orientalists locate! the celebrated garden in the vicinity of, the ancient city of Babylon. None of these theorists have been able to get the four rivers mentionedj in the Biblical account properly lo cated; neither have they found a place? where one great river "separates into, four heads." This being the case it ia hardly necessary to add that the ex-j act location of Eden is a mystery tha will probably never be solved. ..STonian snffrager of Wyoming-. was ting her first vote, and, woman-' like, she was making a mess of it. She fooled around with her ticket and asked questions until the clerk who was attending to her case was in the last stages - of patience. "Madam," he said, when he could stand it no longer, "I beg your pardon, but do yon shoot the way yon vote? She had learned this famous expression among her first lessons in politics and prided herself on her knowledge. "Indeed. I do, sir, she replied, drawing herself up proud ly. "Then, madam." inquired the clerk with great interest, "will yon be kind enough not to begin shooting until I can get out of the state?" Table Bock Items. Clint Hubbs is still confined at home, suffering from the effects of th&t sprained ankle. - There is b-dng constructed a new grade from the Bybee bridge up. into the desert. Ve are not in formed whether the work is being done by private individuals or by those in authority. Otis Frierson is having made about a quarter of a mile of under-, ground flume, to convey water ' from the Table Rock irrigation . ditch to his place. "Kit" Carson of Central Point has charge of the work. Mr. Dunn writes from Kansas . that people in the Rogue river valley are living in a favored spot, and do not know what "hard times" mean. Where he is good men are working for their board, and a most excellent hand gets but $6 per month. ' The survevors for the proposed :i - 1 . ,.: 1. 1 1. 1 .it l iuau rAicuuuu uatc ucrcu word ing on this side of the river. We are told that the line shows very easr e-rades. and so far nothiiio more expensive . than the bridge over Roeue river has been encoun tered. Most of the people in this vicinity manifest quite an interest in the enterprise The weather of the fourteen days since last writing has given us five days of ram with two nights when it snowed a little ; one foggy and one showery forenoon, but in both cases the afternoons were pleasant. The remaining seven days were pleasant, and on Janu ary 11th, the thermometer climbed up to 60 ; degrees. The coldest morning, January ISth. it was 29 degrees. Since last writing your corres pondent has visited the Rock creek placer diggings. We found enough gold in the ground to inter est old prospectors, but we believe f hat? will hoA fs vtif in baima VaAVJ Hill tlHtU Irvr fUV AU OOM1U talsjb chinery, and work the ground in a systematic manner, as the gold is very fine and inclined to float. We recommend the Gould pro cess. Success to the enterprise, aa it means dollars to all of us. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder AwanM CM Mass! MMwssisr Fsar. aa rrisisjis