The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 04, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Old horse-cars are sold in Boston
for $5 apiece.
The "earth weighs 6,049,S36,000,
000,000 tons."
A Scotch jury is fifteen and a
majority carries.
London pawnbrokers average 23
per cent, interest.
Petroleum is used for fuel on
Russian railroads.
The wheels of a watch travel
S.oSSf miles a year.
The first coper cent was coined in
New Haven in 16S7.
Prior to 16o tea was sold m
England for $50 a pound.
The nonulation of the United
. States in 1790 was 3,929,214.
Female barmaids and waiters are
not allowed in Chicago saloons.
New York city drank nearly
5,000,000 barrels of beer last year.
Cuvier said that a whale might
live to be one thousand years old
Windsor Castle has been used
for a royal residence lor i4 years.
American invention has three
times revolutionized the art of war.
The average annual rainfall over
the whole earth is thirty-six inches,
There are 4,570,000 more women
than men in Europe at the present
Ninety-seven out of every 100
Arctic explorers have returned
Football was a crime in Eng
land during the reign of Henry
The old Chinese nickname for
the s JaDanese was "the monkey
x x
Eight thousand carrier pigeons
are kent for use in the German
The Missouri Penitentiary start
ed bubiness in 1S35 with one
Savanese brides during the mar
riage ceremony wash the feet of the
' bridegroom.
Cheap woolen stockings are adul
terated by the addition of the fiber
of wood pulp.
Maine was a part of Massachu
setts until its admission into the
Union in 1S20.
There are about S0,000,000 cor
bels uLhome manufacture sold an
nually in Paris.
With the present optical instru
ments in use, 50,000.000 stars are
rendered visible.
A telegraph line now traverses
the Gobi Desert, in China, 3000
miles in length.
Lumbermen of Minneapolis will j
form a Liar I02 pool to cut 573,000.-1
000 feet of lumber.
, . ,
The number of members of the
G. A. R. in good standing on June
30, 1S94, was 369,061.
TW mm-A Irian 000.000.-
000 of money in the Unjted States, j
or about $34 per capita. j
Dr. Edward Jbverett Hale says
that only 11 per cent, of the Ameri-
can people are illiterate.
The United States still
about a billion acres of land.
third of this is in Alaska.
Russia has the largest standing
army and Great Britain has the
largest navy in the world.
The blood flows almost as freely
through the bones as through the
flesh of very young children.
Labrador has 900 species of flow
' ering plants, 59 ferns and over 250
species of mosses and lichens.
It is said that every ton of coal
on this continent will have been
consumed in 107 years from now.
Baltimore mills got a contract
lately for 200,000 yard.s of cotton
duck for the Japanese government.
Baltimore clothing manufactur
ers are increasing forces and have
advanced wages from 10 to 12 per
Within the last thirty days there
have been on the British coasts
66,377 wrecks, with the loss of 22,
312 lives.
It was customary, a hundred
years ago, when a gentleman bow
td to a lady, to scrape his foot upon
the ground.
The dominion of Russia takes in
alout one-sixth the land surface of
tie globe and one-fourteenth of its
In some Hindoo temples in
South India the collection is taken
up ty an elephant, that goes around
with a basket.
Ths net gold in the treasury at
the beginning of President Cleve
land's, administration, March 4,
1893, yas 1106,893,224.
TheJake of pitch, on a hill-
ilslanckof lnnidad,
I acreino man
rioliJ 2P, but
The substance is treated so as to
make it solid and used for Btreet
Paper niakinst has progressed so
far that a good imitation of linen
writing paper is manufactured
wholly from wood pulp.
Thirty thousand frogs a week are
brought into the Builulo market.
where the legs are frozen and dis
tributed over the country.
The Diamond Match company
has declared not only a stock divi
dend of 10 per cent., but an extra
cash dividend of 5 per cent.
The colored elephant is increas-
r 1!.. il il. -
ing much less rapiuiy man uic
white not onlv iu the country at
large but in the Southern States.
If vou never have heard of Wel
lington, Ohio, vou may remember
hereafter that it proudly calls itself
the cheese city of the United States.
In converting redwood into rail
road ties it is stated that for even-
tie nroduced. which is worth oo
cents, timber to the value or -Ti-oi
. , ......
is wasted.
There were two total eclipses of
the sun in the year of 1712 and two
in 1899. This rare phenomenon
will not happen again until the
year 2057.
It it figured that every man, wo
man and child in the United States
eats an average of 4i bushels of
wheat a year in the form of bread
or breakfast cereals.
A Bangor man bought a large
tract of land for $150 some years
ago, and sold it to another man for
$20,000, who subsequently cut off
$300,000 worth of logs.
Judge Russell has on his farm in
Arcadia Valley, Mo., to apple
trees that have borne fruit every
year for the last fifty-five years.
They were planted in 1807.
The outstanding debt of the Uni
ted States at the close of the civil
war, less cash in treasury, was
$2,508,151,211. In 1S93 it had
been reduced to $800,901,084.
According to statistics just com
pleted there are 5735 steamers fly
ing the British flag, 810 the Ger-
man, 510 the Norwegian. 303 the
French and 430 the American.
The larses and oldest chain
bridge in the world is said to be at
Kins: Tumr. in China, where it
forms a perfect road from the top of i
one mountain to the top of another.
In 1S59 the New York
paid Horace Greelev $"0
a week
and afterwards reduced it to $-50.
At the same time Charles A' Dana
received $43 and George William
Curtis, as city editor, $20.
When Mr. Carnegie visited his
great steel plant at Braddock, Penn.,
recently, for the first time in several
years, lie found that in the interval
1 electricity had enabled eight men
do the work which in 1 S 1 required
300 hands.
j Ex-Sccretary of Stuto FoMrr A-krd to
; Asut , w.
1 cl,jca beg,,,, uegariations looking
j to the relation of hostilities with Jiipan
I the restoration of iK-aee. Es-Secre-
tary of State John AV. Foster has beeu
asked by the Chiuese government to as
sist the commissioners of that country
in bringing about a settlement of the
war. Air. Foster will not act as a repre
sentative of the United States, but
rather as an attorney for the Chinese.
Japan may object to Thao Yoo Tien,
one of the Chinese peace commission
ers. He was formerly governor of For
mosa and offered a reward of $12,000
for the destruction of big Japanese war
ships and for the capture or destruction
of smaller Japanese warships $0.XH).
He offered schedule rewards to be paid
to Chinese who took Japanese soldiers
or sailors, dead or alive. For the head
of a Japanese officer S0J taels were of
fered, and for the head of a Japanese
private llK) taels.
A mob of 100 negroes caught Jim
Chockley at Tullahoma, Tenn.. took
him to the woods during a blinding
snowstorm, strippwl him and whipped
him nearly to death and ordered him to
leave the country. While drunk he left
his wife one night, while she was sick,
and when he returned 24 hours later she
was dead.
A copy of "My Country 'Tis of Thee."
in the handwriting of Rev. Dr. Samuel
Smith, who wrote the hymn in 18:12, is
now on the way to Rome, the tnft of
David Secor Pell of Bridgeport, Conn.,
to the pope for the Vatican library. It
is not the original manuscript as has
been stated. Mr. Pell said in an inter
view: "The author of 'America,' Dr.
Smith, who was in the same class with
Oliver Wendell Holmes, is now living
in Newton, Mass. He is 86 years old.
Dr. Smith and I were together at the
World's Fair. Dr. Smith wrote out five
copies of 'America for me, which were
sent to Russia, Denmark, Spain, Italy
and Japan."
The Discovery Saved His Life.
Mr. GXaillouetto.Drugpist.Beavers
ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with La Gripno and tried all the phy
sieans for miles about, but of no avail
and was given up and told I could not
live. Having Dr. King's New Dis
covery in my store I sent for a bottle
and began its use and from the first
dose began to get better, and after us
ing three bottles was up and about
again. It is worth its weight in gold.
We won't keep store or house without
it." Get a free trial bottle at Geo
Haskm's Drug Store
A Jacksonville Correspondent Proves
Conclusively that the R. R. Com
mission Is Not a Necessity.
He Favors Abolishing this Luxury
and Save the State of Oregon Each Year.
Written for The Mkdfokd Mail
The legislature to convene on the
14th should make it its first duty
to abolish the railroad commission.
Why? Because it is not only a
useless burden to taxpayers, in re
turn for which they receive noth
ing, but it is also a great and
needless expense to the railroad
companies. What has the commis
sion accomplished to commend it
to public favor? Nothing! Have
freights and fares been reduced at
its instance? No! lias uniform
ity in freights between intermediate
points, as compared with terminal
points, been established? No! Has
the passenger service been made
uniform.' ol Can you buy a
round trip ticket, at reduced rates,
from Portland to Ashland and in
terior points, with stop oft" privi
leges on return? Yes 1 Can you
buy the same ticket, with the same
privileges, from Ashland to Port
land and interior points? No! Can
you buy a round trip ticket, at re
duced rate, from any interior point
to either Portland or Ashland? No!
Then there is no uniformity, is
there. The citizens of Portland are
thus accorded privileges denied to
all other citizens, aro they not?
Is the railroad service any better,
safer or more satisfactory uuder the
supervision of the commission than
it was before? No! What has the
commission accomplished for which
it receives the munificent sum of
$10,000 a year and free transporta
tion over the country, iu a palace
car, at the expense of the railroad
company? Nothing! i
It is claimed that freights have
been reduced. Let us see: Asa'
fact have freights lieen reduced, at
the instance or through the intlu-1
- . . , , . .
ence of the commission, Wow what j
the railroad company in its own ;
interests would have reduced them?
We think not. Freights have
liuirontlv liw-n r..!iire.l inst rMimn'ti i
t"r,., pArtlm.l t.- i.t..ri,r rw i 1. 1 t. !
, ,. . - j
" . . T"
Portland and San Francisco, and
lO avoid the long, hard haul over
the Sacramento and Siskiyou
mountains. This is all, and this
lli intor..U r.f th. rnilron.l ronuvt-
nv would have constrained it to do, !
i without a commission. j
j The broad question is: Has the !
! commission rendered Mich service:
j to the public as would justify its
' continuance at an cxim-ii.-c uf;
UlO.UM a year? Have damag. s
j and disputes, arising from freight
: and passenger tral'.ic, been more ;
speedily and satisfactorily settled;
than before?
Admitting what has been held to
be good public ..olicv, bv the courts
f 1 ' - .
thut a state mav exercise reason
able supervision over its railroads, j
can it be justified in so far abusing
this right as to virtually confiscate,
its property and place its rolling
stock and employees at the disposal
of a commission, to use and enjoy
without compensation? Is this not
a direct violation of the constitution,
which declares that private prop
erly shall not be taken for publie
use without just compensation? If
the iftate has this authority and
can require, by legislative act, the
railroad company to place one of
its trains at the disposal of the
commission, by an extension of this
authority can it not assume control
over all trains and thus convert,
without compensation, the whole
property of the company to its own
use? This is absurd, and shows
conclusively that the State has no
such power or authority in the
premises. So far as the principle
is concerned, it had as well be
maintained that the legislature has
the authority to pass an act requir
ing liverymen or oth'T private
persons to surrender their property
to the commission, or an act con
fiscating any property without
compensation, so far as that is con
cerned. .The commission, by reason of its
sweeping and unjust privileges and
immunities over private property,
is a reproach to the State, an inex
cusable burden to taxpayers and
an illegal and outrageous imposi
tion upon the railroad company.
Let it be abolished by all means
and at once.
The United States vessels Bennington
and Grant have been sent out to search
for derelict colliers which were caught
in the recent storm while coming from
Seattle to San Francisco.
At the preliminary examination of
Elta Stokes nt Visalia, charged with as
sault to murder Will Smith, the South
ern Pacific detective, March 5, 1890,
whilo resisting arrest for the Armona
ion robbery, the defendant was held
Bail. $3,500.
The Brownsmiths were preparing to
retire; the parlor clock had been
wound, the window paVdrn covered
with newspaper mid the hey to the
front door hidden tinder tlio mat.
"Dear me!" cried Mrs. Jirowusmith,
"this is New Year's eve."
"So it is," responded her husband,
"and I haven't told you how I intend
to betfin the year."
"True; and I haven't (riven it a thoupht
myself, 1 my goodness! Look, listen!
There is somebody under the sofa!"
"Xonsense! It's only the cat. IwLsh
you would cultivate a little bravery."
"I will. I'll turn over a new leaf to
morrow; I know I'm a coward."
"You certainly are. And I have de
cided to arijw early after this; I lose the
best part of the day, as it is."
"True; besides, you put buck all the
"After all, I don't lie abed
so very
"Indeed you do. You've often
promised to rise earlier, but vou never
j .-.-
j "And you've often promised to be
I sensible and not be afraid of your
"Afraid of my shadow! I'm not."
They lMtli flounced off to bed with
out even sayinff irood nijrht.
In the very early morninfr. Mrs.
Iirownsmith. awakened at some sound,
thought of the dining-room window
"''"V Sl, wa u"loc,i,"I? wh'n, Mrfc
Nkviifivntle was almost sure that some
t,n;. rtl,,in. ,.r mL
.u.ut t.i aw:ik.n h. r hnsimnd she
j n-me:ui
-rcd t!ut tins as the time U
her courage. Svi.-.!n dreeing
n and slippers, she crept out and
The window was locked,
but on ro
..r .1...
; tnrI,in... a s1(. cached ln,.
j s:air.siie luard m:uc one .-t.-althily
moving aK.ut the W-droom. She
lil-ned aain; yr.-. then- it was aaiu!
' "f vin.lK-niinc lurx lf. she flew
, " "' "r--lar alarm ami iwcK spun.
I!'!1.:" her hu!and called. "Don't
mive or I'll slt'H-t:"
'liixn! (.-r.ioi'Uis;"' she thought, '"what
if Henry is killed:" aud her knees jrir
wsv she sank to the floor with a
There was a scramble at the head of;
the s:;;irN and sotnf one railed down, j i
ail tin trr-aiis rer shrieks.
When the uei;rh'- rs aud police ar
rived tiny found Mrs lirowusuiith ill
stroll.: hysterics mid Mr. Iirownsmith
wish a d
cated shoulder at the foot
I th" s,a,rs-
i " ,1,V."?, Wl7. 1,"rs!ars
! and cave the alarm, she sooIhmi. wheu
the tumult was sulniued.
"And I was merely doinjj as I re
solved, and rising early when I heard
some one moving alKiut the house,"
groaned her husband.
And that was a.s near as they ever
came to keeping iheir New Year's reso
The Old One i'ull fair
gets it. Chicasro Tribune.
Thk man who is constantly thinking
ovil finds a thousand ways to speak it,
Nouonv ever made life any brighter
for another by growling and grum
bling. A Sovereign Remedy rcrCpughSi
Colds.LaGrippe ad all Auctions
oflheThroat. Chest and Lungs.
i - w,r
the lonircnd nTHTTITl 1 T
Of iropi
HAMILTON & LEGATE, Proprietors.
m" The Medford hns been thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
the very best. If you try us ouce you will surely come again.
RATES FROn $1.00 TO $2.00 PER DAY. ...
The Gem Saloon,
In connection. The best and
cigars courteous treatment.
We Carry the Celebrated:
IcM Liber and. Spring Wagons,
Corvallis Top and Open Buggies, Buckboards, Carts, and iu fact a fall
line of vehicles of all descriptions. Case and Canton black
land plows, both single and gang. Bissil and Gale
stubble plows, Case steel frame lever harrows.
fVCall and see us before purchasing. Catalogue sent on application.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company,
T. T. LVAVTOST Manager, Medford Branch.
Is a name more famous than Debs, but in a different way.
STUDEBAKER .-"."..".M....."
Wagons and Carriages are known the World over and are
first-class everybody wants a Studebaker
A full line of Studebaker Wagons, Carriages, Carts, Phaetons and
Surreys C3n be found at the warehouse of
J. V. AVHITZMAs", - - Medford, Okegox
! r
Lihery and peed Stable.
First-class rigs, safe and fast teams furnished on short notice. Special
attention given to commercial travelers.
"Whip light and drive slow,
Cash up or no go."
J. C. AYtllT?!?, Propr.
Dees General Contracting in all Lines cf
I I i I I i 1
"Wagons and 13ugpies Made to Order.
All Work Warranted First Class. Cor. C and Eight streets
Medford, Oregon.
All work
Guaranteed first-class.
all kind of work
Hills of Il'MHKHof nil Allod on short notice. Sash. Poors ami Mill work of at
III1U or l-lKl; ! l!llns iu lUo stul,e ot wcoa work can be had on short uouco.
oSIe dford,
Legal Blanks-all kinds-Printed and for sale at The Mail office.
purest of wines, liquors and
Comer Seventh and A,
Near Bear Creek Bridge,
Give me a call. My prices are
reasonable. Fair treatment to all
and gUILDER.
Plans and estimates furnished for
either brick or wood.