THE MEDFORD MAIL BLIION & YORK, Publishers. A. S. Bliton, - Editor W. T. Yokk, - Manager Published Every Friday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. MAN WAS 80RN TO HUSTLE. He Is of few days; but quite a plenty. Ebiered In th Postofllce at Medford, Oregon as Second-Class Mail Matter. Medford, Fridat, Jan. 4, 1895. NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS- Excbance. an Francisco, is our authorized agent. This pa per s kept on tile in his office. T P. FISHER. Li ing Agent, SI Merchants Sixteen Names 14 Days. Since December 21, 1894, we have taken 1 new subscribers. The total number received Since January 1. 18M, is just 439. Here is the list: D Fulton, Medford. W Eaton, Medford. B B GeVrais. Medford. Vs Hover, Over, Neb. Win Bateman, Medfotl. Mrs J E Savre, Medford. Frank Vanina, Medford. C E Wilkinson. Medford. ' J C Rnnyon. Applegate, Or, J J Fryer, Eagle Point. Or. Miss Halle Hoyt, Merlin, Or. J E Stickle, Eagle Point. Or. G W Matthews, Rock Point, Or. J V Bontrager, Central Point, Or. Mrs H Richards. Midland City, Mich. Mrs F M Crane, South Quincy, Mass. The man who rides a hobby pays well for his transportation, but he has an awfully lot of fun and satis faction while making the trip. The Supreme court of Massa chusetts has decided that Marriage is a business. The girls will now be more than ever impressed that young men ought to get down to business. Spxra has decreed the abolition of public executions, the ostensible reason being that anarchists and others about .to be executed abused the occasion by making incendiary speeches or posing as martyrs. It is a safe guess that Dolph don't get a vote for U. S. senator from Jackson county. We doubt if any of the members are pledged to him, and we know some of them are a long ways from being favcT-ibla to his re-election. The Eugene perm-weekly Register came out Monday morning as a daily edition. It is- a cracking fine looking sheet and contains lots of eood. reading matter. Eugene is to be congratulated, so also are warrant such persistent hustling for the job it ought to be just enough a snap to fall to the lot of those to whom custom lias made it their duty. Sheriff Patterson is most certainly being imposed upon in ma'.ters of this nature. Maoimxe Pollard whose name is known because of the Breckin-ridge-Pollard scandal, applied for a position as governess in a New York family. When she disclosed her identity the advertiser said to begone and was greatly shocked be cause Miss Pollard had had the temerity to respond to her adver tisement. The man in the case found a large bunch of beautiful roses on his desk when the present session of congress opened the other day and his name is always men tioned when candidates for senator are named in Kentucky. After Miss Pollard has vainly tried to se cure honest employment for a few month she will understand that the world forgives a man and then evens up matters by kicking the woman into the street and bolts the door in her face. 35S7fe I :M III -ieir. tj " . i- - . : TTi PURELY PERSONAL. R While all Catholics have a great amount of reverence for their church and the Pope, the latest edict from the high ruler and church officials, to the effect that Catholics are forbidden to unite themselves with any secret society, is not received with especial favor by many church members in the United States. As many Catholics in America are prominent members of our best and- most popular 6ecret societies, and by so becoming they are apparently none the less loyal to their church and its dictates, but instead, by admission to them are made better men among their fel lowmen and better citizens gener ally, in any country or community, it is difficult to ascertain', with any degree of satisfaction, where the harm is either brought upon them selves or the church. Someone has circulated the re port that the publishers of this paper were working in the interests of one of the two tickets recently nominated to fill the several city officers. And again someone else said we were working for the other tieket. In the minds of some of means for the purchase of his bread and clothing. "The land in Jack son county is almost useless, owing to the sticky nature of the soil." Not one twentieth part of the land in Jackson county is "sticky soil," and even this is as productive as are any lands in the United Stales or England. And here is another quotation fro.n the letter : "A public-school man thinks he' will come here as a farm laborer. lie dops so, and his life is worse than that of a crossing-sweeper in England. There is- no one of his rank of society here." "A public-school man" in America is just as good a man as a crossing-sweeper, but he isn't any bet ter so long as both are honorable and act like men. That is where our Americanism developes itself to ade gree most pleasant to all lovers of free and equal standing and rights so long as we act honorable, the one toward the other. "There is no one of his rank of society here," is good, and the writer is correct in the assertion. ' When brainless English nabobs come to this country with the expectation of lording over the entire country they get "beautifully" and deservingly sat down upon we are not that class of people. If England has men of ability and good sense which can be spared America will furnish them a business proposition, but don't send us any more O'Donnels. Mr. Parker Declines. Mepfohd. Or., l)"C. :, !.'. To the chairman and secretary of the oeonle's municipal convention. Med- - Yoran bovs in branch out. being able to thus ford. I rc!roii f :..nil..m,n- As much as I would lie our good citizens the publishers of ; ,i..,lSed in accede 10 the wi:i -f th- this paper must be, us Bill Xve i convention which nominat-d mo for savs. between the office bov ami ; " '':-' ottceof mayor. I am imp lied. ,lo r , t !... iimdertheeNigeueyof trie oeea-lon. ... thn . 1 . . ' 1 "" decline the nomination. lusoUouigi ! irhinh frrA li'lCf.lir Next week we will commence the publication 01 Private .brown, ,a very interesting bit of romance as 'tis found at one of our frontier military norts. lour wives will want to read it and you men folks will also like it. If you are jHot a reader of The Mail you ought to be. Subscribe right now -and get the opening chapters of Private Brown. - The Georgia senate has passed a bill making it a penal offense for any person to make any remarks or write articles that reflect upon the good name of a woman. The bill calls to mind that in the old days there were laws against scold ing and tattling, as well as laws against slander, and that the duck . insr stool was hieh in favor as an inducer of polite conversation. Os o"E of our inside pages will pe found a communication trom a citizen of. Jacksonville upon the abolishing of the Oregon State rail road commission. The gentleman asked The Mail for its opinion re carding the subject. We refer him to his own article with the margin al note: "Them are cur sentiments, too." And while we are abolishing commissions why not do away with a few more of them? Jf what earth ly use is the domestic animal com mission and the food commission, except to draw their several thous and dollars a year salary from the state? The. Mail turns another mile post with this issue, the paper is now on its seventh year, and a very healthy and vigorous seyen-year-old it is. It never stood upon a more solid business footing than right now a newspaper proposition in the city of Medford is no longer a speculation. We are now print ing 1200 papers, actual count no more, no less; just that number. Our books are open . for inspection. We make 110 promises for the fu ture; we have never made any in the past; we are willing that our record for the past two years should be our pledge for the future. Sheriff Patterson's plums go begging sometimes, and many of these are times when they ought not to so go, The heretofore cus tom of sheriffs accompanying in sane people to the asylum has ' been knocked out by Judge Neil, An' act, on the judges part, which ' ought to' have never been perpetrat ed. If the conveying of these people . to the asylum is a snap sufficient to untrue, are not circulated with malicious intent. Every man whose name appears on these tickets is a professed friend to us. We have nothing but kind words for each and all of them. The peo ple of Medford are equal to the oc casion of electing the best men to office, and inasmuch as the gener al reputation of each candidate is as well known to every voter of this city as it is to us there is little need of our attempting to foster the interests of any of them. There are Englishmen in Amer ica who have made themselves rich off the products of our soil and the profits of our commercial advan tages. There are as well English men in America who have wallowed in the slums of the gutters and have experienced aught else than the most extreme poverty. This is equally true of all other foreign subjects who have sought this land as a means of pecuniary betterment, nor are these facts less true of the American , born. But when Eng lishmen of no greater calibre and means than one Elliott O'Donnell visits this our . garden land the Rogue river valley, and after a few months hibernation upon a farm, near Lagle Point, writes a scathing letter to "Answers." a London, England, publication, tell ing that Oregon is the most poverty stricken state in America, The Mail can but, in justice to our un usually prosperous state, brand the writer a liar in his every utter ance. O'Donnell came here bv the advice and promise of some alleged designing individual, to be moulded Mrs. Ym. Simmons visited at Ash land Tuesday with her friend Mrs. V. Grow. C. Llewellyn has returned from Smith's river, Calif., and has moved to the A. UorUon ranch, on urifnn creek. Dan'L Richards, a prominent real estate man of Gold Hill, was doing business in the metropolis Wednesday. B. S. Webb was in Jacksonville Tuesday making some needed repairs on the telephone instrument in that city. N. Charley, of Antelope, enme over to Medford this week to buy lots of pood poods at small prices und lie suc ceeded . Mrs. F. L. Ckankii.l was at Central Point Saturday nnd Sunday visiting her husband, and sort o' helping about the store. Hon. V. II. Hhandsuaw. of Urownsboro, came in Tuesday with a band of cattle for the Southern Oregon I'ork Packing conpany. Madison Jones and family, of Poudieton. Oregoj. are here looking for a location al present thev are domiciled at the CJarcndon. P. Donahce, of Ashland, was here Tuesday buyiiijj poultry. The gemle man supplies the Pullman cars on the S. P. with this Hue of goods. Rey. and Mrs. Reese P. Kendall wore at Ashland a few days this week for a visit with their daughter. Mrs. Jos. Polley, and family, of that city. Wm. Forsyth, of Asbestos, is don visiting his brother-in-low. Merchant Wilson. Mr. Forsyth has recently taken up a homestead, near the above place. W. C. Englkdow was over from Jacksonville yesterday. The gentle man has but recently completed a splendid job of painting and paper banging on the new Miller house. I'M IIost.Ki:. who recently moved with liis f.tiiiily from Gold Hii! to j Ashland, in Medford on business j Tue-day. The g'ntm:m i der-innis j of semiring a good farm location here-! ulicuts. I Wm. was in Tuesday from i Brownsb"ro. The gentleman has been ! on the road, as traveling salesman, for j f a school s-.i;p!y hoiw, during the sum- mernnd f.isl months, but is now home j for she winter mouths with friends. s Judge and Mrs. L. II. Wkhstkk left j ast welk for I ortl:ind-thcir new otne. ll.c judge is a verv bmuanl aitorner. and bis friends hereabouts ULLER. A Stands for Question, Quality and Quan tity. The first question is, where can you buy the best groceries in the. mar ket; the second question is, where can you buy the most for the least money? Q A Stands for Answer. The answer to the first question is, at I. ft. HuIIer's. The answer to the second question is at I. M. Muller's. P Stands for Proof. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The proof of the above assertion is in the fact that I am enjoying an exceptionally large trade. O UK line of Gent's Furnishing Goods is complete in ever particular. You should see those nobbv ties that I am selling at 2- cents each. I. M. MULLER. Corner Seventh and C, Medford. Ore. We are Still Here! And are keeping up our reputation as the .... assure you mat. i am noi :ncnsiiic u the earnest desire of those who nomi nated me. for this convention was com posed of representative taxpayers but '. j I feel thai it would bo imjK-litic to sup- j j plant one aireauv in iao Harness, nw WIIO Knows tne puuiic ntrusui me v.11. ; ... ,,,, ,..i,:.- f bv nuolher who is not fully conversant ',., .,. : , 1...,-i ..,; Vtllll ! . ' I IV 1 . . i .. v ....... .. v. - - - conduce to lhe general interests of the citv. I have not come to this conclu sion hastily, for I have given the mat ter mature consideration in that tne importunities for me to accept the nom- nation ticket have been so persistent and pressing. I have no doubt out mat .Mr. nasKins will encourage a spirit of progress and not allow our common interests to lie dormant or to retrograde, for he is a taxpayer and a substantial citizen of the to'wn. But I sincerelv appreciate this high honor, and shall ever cherish this mnrk of commence reposed in me as a token of unselfish friendship. Very respectfully. 1 our uoeuienv --rvufc. W. II. Parker. A New Year Calls for tions. New Resolu. Resolved, First that our thanks are due and hereby expressed to the public, for the liberal patronage we have received during the past six months. Second that for the ensu ing year we will try hard to merit your favors. Third and best that we "shall continue selling the most and best goods, attainable in Southern Ore gon for the least money, Thompson & Meeker. Death of Mr. J. W, Plymire. Mr. J. W. Plymire, an old resident of this part of Jackson county, ditd nt his farm house, throe miles northeast of Medford, on Monday of this week. Fnneral services were held the follow ing dav. conducted bv the members of the A. O. U. W. lodge, of this city, to which he belonged. Somo twenty odd , i . .... i r.. from a London clerk with little - ,7, .bout two money into an American landed we"t,ks prior to his death and was only lord with dollars galore, but fortu- confined to his bed five days. His nately for us, unfortunately for malady wits Hrighfs disease. Deceased rvn,. il ..- ,!,.' I....-- l.wl I came to Jackson county in 1.0 and ODoni.el , e don t h.ite h'"d h aud un the land upon which he lords in this country lliey are junt llsl M,iuy. Ho was born in plain farmers without tin- prefix or ; Missouri in is:t!. " In lxiiis, or soon after aflix of handed down titles. Let; the close of tho war, ho moved to Xe ,..., f-, i,!o l..t t .... . I vada where ho remained until IJmO, Great argain House...- rv from English gentleman who lias money invests it, and loses it nil." An Englishman who has not hrains Eulllcicnt to conduct Lusiness suc cessfully in his own country may lose his four bits in this country, hut EnglishMEN with the liea'd capacity to nmass a fortune anJ the prudence to keep it, are com fortably and independently situated and there are many such right here in Medford. Let us quote fur ther from his letter to show to what extent a shallow, disgruntled would be American nabob will lead him self to do dishonor to American soil and our citizens, and bolster up his excuse for returning to England and to the protection of those who have brains enough to provide when In? came to Oregon, as above soiled. Hu leaves a wife and f-ur chil li ion to mourn his sudden demise. Of the children there are two sons and two daughters, the oldest, Lilah, being fourteen years of age. the three young er being Jessu, Carrie and Oiyde. lUieuiuntisui In the back, shoulders, hips, ankles, elbows or wrists, is caused by aeeiimu lalion of iicid in the blood. Hood's Sarsiipnrilla neutralizes tho acid und cures rheumal ism. Hood's Pills arc the best cathartic and liver medicine, less and reliable. For Sale.. Eight v acres of good land family Harm- it a bar- It. K. DitUM. Table Koek, Or. Legal Blanks for salo at this oflioo. W. II. Bark is back from bis several wesks' visit to Uriggs valley. He came out at the same time as did Mr. Hurt, but unlike the latter gentleman did not get frel bitten. He reports ex tensive piping being done on his com pany's mine. Miss GRACE I SHAM, of West Fork. Douglas county, was in Medford n few days hist week visiting with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Drisco. The young lady is a telegraphy student at "the above statiou under her brother who is agent and operator. Hon. Geo. DUNN was down from Ashland this week having a talk with bis friends upon matters general, but particularly, in the interests of coming legislation. Mr. Dunn hits sold to Mr. Hoekersmith a carload of cattle which are this week being shipped to San Francisco. Mrs. I it A A. PltKLPS :md the chil dren returned to Medford last Friday from their quite extended visit at sev eral Willnmette valley points. Before their coming, the lady's husband, Ira, the printer, had caused to be fitted up a suite of rooms in the new Barnum brick block, in which they are now nicely situated. E. G. HURT returned Monday of this week from an extended trip to the mining district of Briggs valley. The gentleman was pretty badly crippled the effects of having his feet frost bit ten while crossing he mountanis He relates that in Briggs valley the snow is two and a half feet deep while in the mountains it measures easy ten faet, and this for a distance of about- four miles. Ten miles of the trip was made out on snow shoes nnd it was while thus traveling that the frost nipped his feet. W. V. Lipri scott nnd D. T. Sf.aks were at Hoseburg last week, in attend ance upon a regular meeting of the Masonic order of that city. I'pon tho evening these gentle men were present tho third degreo in Masonry whs ci n'urred upon three rail road conductors on tho S. P. road, they being P. H. Tynan. Lee Hender son and James Hansbro. After the work of the evening was over a ban quiet was given in h mm' of the event. Both Messrs Lippiin-ott nnd Sears de clare the Hoseburg Vns royal enter tainers and a clover crowd of gentle men to meet. C. D. Kki.Lhoo loft- Tuesday for Portland, where ho wili accept a posi tion for a few weeks as fireman on the steamer Northwest, plying between Portland and Kahuna. His father, liison Kellogg, who has been visiting in Medford during the holiilnys, re turned with him and will resume work in his old position, that of captain on this same steamer. I ho eld Kellogg has held this positio for over fifteen years. Mrs. remnin in Medford, After months Clm-eiicu hopes to bo pi to tho position of engineer, a friends here hope with him. Miss Hali.k Hoyt left Sati evening for a three months' her 3ister, at Merlin, Oreg however, will visit Grants Of this vallev. Wo will soon receive a new line of fine Dress Goods, at greatly reduced prices. Our low prices to all. marked in plain figures. Honest goods and fair treatment. Keep Your Eye on the Flag.' Deuel & Stevens, l, - - Meflforfl, Oregon. Seventh AT COST . . . Having on hand an immense stock of Clothing and Gents!" Furnishing Goods and being in need of more room and money, too I will offer my entire stock At Cost for tie M 60 Days, for Casl Only. Come and see for yourself and you convinced that I mean business. will surely be S. Rosenthal, MEDFORD, ORE. for a few weeks before going K Merlin. For over two years Miss Hoyt has held tho responsible position of book keeper in the mercantile store of Angle & Plymale, nnd during this tiaie she lias made scores of friends who will re gret the absence of her pleasant face from its familiar haunts. The lady lias proven herself a very proficient n.-couutnnt and tho position, which, by-the-way. she "lias resigucd, will be difficult to till with another equally as capable. Many Ktmld of I).i-a In Our. A mean solar day is the average or mean of all the apparent solar days in. aycar. Mean solar time is that shown by a well regulated clock or watch, while nppnrcnt solar time is that shown by a well constructed sun dial. The differ ence K'twecn the two at any time is f tune, and may amount MedtT regou. The Mail will taky " scrivtion. We will 5 I .itOwermtinil lor a tieV L.i.W L. ,.f , ,. . , V. I . mm Ul MU.iii'-u 1.4 ill , .mt mill itiuvim . 1 11111 l IH ill" 111111X7 LU.tll Vi- ij tiVvunutos and twvnty-ono soo you want t apply it all 1 1 Vivil day at the preceding1 into a rd, .a vii i it ! him imiTi v. i m m invariable, but one S -y J M-r is .equal to one day J- -f r inn ou.-'.u seconus 01 tne I r i Photographs of the Departed. We have the 13,000. more or less, negatives made by Kifinburg & Mur phy, from which we will print dupli cate copies, at Si. 00 per dozen. Wirtu Photo Co. For Sale or Rent. A five-acre tract, house and barn; one-quarter mile from schooi bouse. J. S. For Sale. Howard. For $.") each, St. Bernard and Siber ian blood hound pups. C. J. HOWARD. I "N. I X. I