4 -S"7 1?' HAPPY NEW YEAR, one and all 1 May roses strew your way. Anil paths be Rlad and beautiful on wliich you start to-day: ' May hours of Kolaen sunlight Drlnt; DUt just a u&sn ui rum. And gracious gifts of pleasure hold the faint est touch of pain. For skies are fairer which betimes tho clouds have overcast And pleasure is the sweeter when the grief and pain are past. And if among your roses red the ivy is en twined Your heart will beat the nearer to the heart ot all mankind. A Happy Xew Year, one and alii Ah! who could wish you loss! Mijy all the gracious charities that heal and soothe and bless Drop down into your waiting hands, and may you e'er impart To all the weary souls of men the Joy within your heart. For hearts that hold no warmth ne'er know the joy it is to live: Ou-lives are measured by the joy which we to others give. Let all the year be golden with our deeds of gracious love. Aid earth will swing the nearer to tho sky - ' ' that bends above. ' Jfixos Waterman. O INCIPLE. mrt. 7I7.X..fjayne. It was Xew Year's eve in that cold ind glorious climate where the snow iies on the bosom of the earth like a protecting- mantle from December to March and the nights are crisp and cold, -with a resinous tang- in the air, due to the forests of odorous pine. Sew Year's eve and the merry jingle of sleighbells in the little town ol Brandon made a harmonious discord that reached the ears of two people who were having- the first quarrel of their lives, and who presented if they had only known it an absurd appear ance, one in a lachrymose, the other in a belligerent, state. It came about in the strangest way, this quarrel be tween two married lovers who had es tablished their lives upon a firm foundation of principle and respect, as well as mutual love, before they took upon themselves the responsibilities of wedded life. These were the first holidays since their wedding and they had antiei- ateda season of quiet enjoyment with each other, and now they were hardly on speaking terms. And there was no one to blame but themselves. It happened in this way: Alioe, Mrs. Eversham. had been very anxious to make her husband. Horace, a Xew Year's present, but had refrained from prudential reasons. They were saving money to pay on a home and were exercising a rigid economy in which both were equally interested. If Horace went without cigars and other luxuries, his wife gave up hav ing afternoon teas, and hired only one domestic, who worked by the day. A certain amonnt was reserved for char ity, and as the end of the year ap proached and cold weather brought extra demands, this fund gave out and there were several cases of destitution "which they could not relieve, but were compelled to hand over to the char- , itable society of the church. Therefore it was at Alice's own sug gestion that the society got up a bazar for the sale of contributed goods, and took the proceeds to ameliorate the conditions of their poor. This was . the beginning of the trouble- When the sales were over, they took the things that remained un . sold and put them up at so much a chanee. Alice had put her foot down it was a very pretty foot against the proceedings, but had been over persuaded that it was perfectly riht; as the church would sanction it. Still. .. she only gave a negative consent, for she would neither buy nor sell any of the chances. 15ut when one of her young friends took a couple of chances for her a dressing-gown and chocolate set she had said, laughingly, that if she won they might send them to her address. She did not say anything about it to Horace, who was too much occupied with the closing business of the 3'ear to attend the bazar, and knew nothing of this lottery feature. She would not have had himknow it on any account, inasmuch as he had been fond of games of chance when she mar ried him, and through her good in fluence had entirely reformed. That dangerous passion for gambling, which does so much harm in the world, had found an abiding-place with Horace Eversham, and was becoming one of the pernicious influences of his life, when Alice effected a cure which she believed to be permanent. Tbey had been happy and' larky as two children, until Uorace-came home bringing a fine goose. "It's for dinner Xew Year's day," he said, holding up the white-feathered i s length. Isn t it a beauty rdnmp?" tlTT we do with a whole l-d Alice. hy father nscd to say that is aij awkward bird, too pne, and not ciuiiigli for two. u'ist if EtfJVane does her- lg, won't tfa cush- frugal mum. -i i.i .jiiiuiiiig u got iccou cilod to tlie gotwi!." "It's a imMu bird, ami its cackling1 nnvi: saved Koine." remarked Horace, scntontiously. mid then they went to gether to the kitchen, where the jroose was laid on Ellen Jane'a shitless white table. When that functionary saw it, she lifted up both hands: "Oh. but it is a bennty, missis. An' what a pity that they hed to shoot so foine a burd!'' "Shoot it," echoed Alice, "well, don't they always kill jreese that way?" "Xo'in, only wan it's at a rallle. I heered me Tom savin' as Mr. Ever sham won it it's a foine shot he is, I'm told." A rallle! Alice's heart 'ent down to zero. Her husband shooting- birds at a raflle! All her year of faithful precept undone! "Where was the raffle?"' she asked in a voice that she tried to make firm and indifferent. "At Little Jake's, mam, in the back yard. There was a bip crowd of men, an' they do say Mr. Eversham was the first one out of the lot to hit the burd. and look how nate he did it that goose, mum, never knew what killed it." "You needn't cook it," said Alice, "I don't like goose." "l!ut vour husband, mum? lie would enjoy it since he fetched it down j love of truth and right, ami the I.iui with his own gun. It were banked in ' ; skeys were the happier for the appli the snow, my Tom said, with its head cation of that ofteu misinterpreted sticking out an' a moviu' it as fast as a j text to do evil that good may come, flash this way an' that, an' everybody that fired at it missed it " "That will do." said Mrs. Eversham. and she walked off leaving Jane Ellen j staring at the goose. j It was Xew Year's eve. Alice and Horace were only a few feet apart, in reality, but miles of distance could not have separated them so completely. Horace had tried to explain, but had been instantly silenced. "Xo, no. There can be no explana tion. Yon have broken a law of moral obligation. You have broken your promise to me, said Aliee. I I! I "IT S FOB DDTSEB 3TBW YEAB S DAT," SAID. Tap, tap. went her little foot: there j were tears in her voice. Horace felt that he was a criminal, yet if she only i would let him explain. He was verv j There was a ring at the door bell. The two com nosed themselves to mo callers. The conventionalities of life ! must be observed, and no one must know that they had quarreled. Kut it was only a boy with a note, and a package for Mrs. Kvei"shnm. It was the drcsving-gnwn from the bazar. The chance taken for Alice had drawn it. Alice did not look upon it with horror. On the c.-intniry.shcconld not conceal her delight at having- won it. But she said coldly Ms she handed the handsome garment to Horace: "Your Xew Year's present. I hope it will lit." "Thank you very much." said norace. bis eyes sparkling with pleasure, "but I thought we were not to give each Other presents this year." "Why, there's tin: gose?" "Oh. that only c:st half a dollar and we must cat." "This cost only twenty ty-flve ccnt-s. I at our church won it in a chance at bazar. Horace threw back his head and laughed immoderately. "Mv dear little wife." he asked when he could get his breath, "do you know the difference between tweedle-dum and tweed le-ilcc?" J "I hope f know the difference be-j tween an enterain:iieut designed for charity under the auspices of the church and a low rallle with no other object" "A charity, my dear; you wouldn't let me explain, but 'the rallle was to ibta::i money for the bene'.il of a poor family ' "Name the family," commanded ,Aliee, who did not believe herhusban "YOtJB NEW YEAR'S PRESENT, SAID ALICE. was telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. - -. "The Liaipskeys. a poor family who have recently come here. ""Why, thev are the s:i' whom we yot up the b;j "And for whom I he goose. "It's the principle demoralizmjj. "Hut, my deur, i priiidiilc is tue siuue whether ltsiti the church-or the saloon. Itistnget something for nothing. 1 got the goose you got a dressing-gown, which, as it iloes not cost anything, you kind ly donate to me." It was I ite. and a merry peal of bells rang out the nntlieiu of the New Year. The two fell into each other's arms. "Send the goose to the Limpskeys," saiil Horace. "And 1 he dressing-gown, too," said Alice, with half a sigh. "Anil when we want to do a charita ble act. let us give from our own means." "f-nnlien like a dean! The best nnn-1 eip'.e in giving is that of sacrifice. We, won't imiUe any resolutions, but we'll try to-live up looiirUnowledgeof what is right and true. You don't care lor tnc goose. I les, i no very mueii. u m ,., i;,,:r:.-. ". . Ojfijor "M. make such good eating stuffed with -r;l0 wcjm::ker.i werj t::vr men sage and onions, and served with apple mouno.i ut.'a o.,:a;lrapk-t machine. snuce-' , , Thu:; for the Srst ;i:::e ::: :"n: worlds "No much the greater sacrifice if you h5stl,rv ;l ,,,, ; rrn-.llo.l him lf give it up. And you know that dress- n m;l( pmv,v , , 111Uf.u;;:r crtion ing gown would fit you elegantly, but fa!)U.r .!l:ln :,3 elc-; .r :;:-v other old Mr. I.mipskey is ragged and needs ,winjr t.wat, e-.vr csrr r:.-d K over il mVre,r , . . , ! the earth's -'.vi-faae. A:i a tri-.nnph of Vile shall have it. And we will be- Hum:,-., de-.vl .m.-nt. ni.lv i by the in gin the Xew Year poor but honest." 1 voutioas of huut-.n iiirv:-.-..i.v. over Alien i nose two voting people kissed and made up. while the Ivll rang out j A WELL-LAID PLAX. Young Mr. Tawker was going over ; his Xew Year's accounts. His counte nance iM-trr.ved a fact he would never I confess to Angelica that i. -. in a cot- j tage is much more cxpoiv.ive ii paper had considerately left the room: when the bills were put away she returned. Algernon, snc saul. "we really uuuf make some Xew Year's gifts. "But, dear, we really mutt econo mize." J "Hut see what a splendid plan I're , aevised. ion know we received some lovely things when we were married?" "Mostly useless ones, though. "The more suitable for presents. ell. 1 ve deciucu to you II never guess to use some of them for Kew Year's gifts. "What a head you have! But you must be careful. "I will. I remember just who gave each one. "Let's do them up at once, then." "This hanokerchicf case was from Dora; it is too limp to use, so I'M give "YOC ARK A MANAGER, ASGF.UCA- it to Eva- Having- so many babies, she never poes anywhere, so she'll think it the latest style." "Splentlid! "Isn't it? This pickle castor Kffie pave us; that can st to Fanny they ! in't scnk, so Kliie will i ; "You are a mancyiT." never sec it. "Now this Mrs. li:irplei)rh I want her t.i ak me t a: -i:-t at her rteip-: tion. so 1 11 irivc her the en". -?rla os IhiwI that is too Iare for our t.-.l-'e. Let me j see. it was ' Smith? Xo from sue, or was it Mr. ' matter which: it lo.ks ; handsome. '"The very idea! I hr-.re to pass! Eva's and can deliver her "'resent." "(iood. I'll take Mrs. -ii:;rpleijrhR j myself will lie a yoi char.ee for her to ask me about the reception." j Mr. Tawker. eominir ii rr.e with a; lonjr countenance, found hi.- wife iu the dark. j "Did yon deliver Eva's present?" she ; asked in an anxious tone, "and was it j ttllriht'?"' i "Fin afraid not. Dora was there, and j she recognized it by a place inside ' where the silk was stained." "Oh. mercy!" she burst into tears; "what shall I do"."" "W'as Mrs. Sharplei-h pleased?"' "O, Algernon, how shall I ever tell you? It was the very bowl she had g-iven us herself she reeopnized it by tiny flaw in the bottom; she says she will never speak to me again as long as she lives!" OUTRACING A THOROUGHBRED. Tho Alan Astrtdo a rneumatlc-TlrHl Wheel Trlauphft Over llnrse. The thoroughbred race horse is be lieved to be tho swiftest animal on the globe. So when the king of racers, Sal vator, covered a mile on a straight track at Monmouth park on August 28, 18D0, in 1:35' which is still the record he probably went the distance in less than it "was ever traversed before or since by a living creature of any kind moving unaided over the surface of the earth. Had anyone at that time predict- c'Lthat within five years a man on a bi- would propel himself over the distance on a similar or any other in faster time than that of the Highbred, he would, says Harper's cly, have been considered some s' more than merely visionary. At U time the bicyclist was competing he trotting horse, but thut he bearing the head work of grocer or J Jff-fr W" a. c 's butcher than on that on which tho i JT !!!ltjjii'. fjtmm, Till H ' young couples make their calculations. t !:;!!!)' ifS I f) 4'.ii I ' Angelica. perfectLv aware of this fact, MU' JWtft' jl ! !l, IK I tnf- rrT-Tlf; JOHNTS NEW YEAR'S DREAM. WOlll'.l CVOl CtJ.Ul Lily luil.lvt' tV.i.1 l.i. dreamed of even by ultra enthusiast And vet this un:hv.i.:ie l-';f feat has now teen uc-):n)li:.h-j.l. Sirs-.- the ad vent of tho iiiieuuiatic lire v.-:i.-cl wit V ball bearings. retv.ivVi h:ivj !i.m:i fall ing before the bleycle. more rapKi!;. than be Tore the tr-I U-r notwithstand ing I'.'.o '''.lenome'i'il .".1v;::ol-; of the tall. h::ve -anta of l::f.) :l"t. - liivr mile -..h-j:::k':i iV.M lain-.-: ov.i . f '.::is c ::!. 1.-1 i'-tos, leaving the tr.-tlvr ,.: the racir. i'-'.it n '.il.-yc!-. withhi stri!;i:ig di .t:vi j.; C of even u:i Unary r '.!" til of a :iU'ii'ro:i" n ;.r.!'ew-.io: .yclist, Johu S. ,lo'i:iso:i. tin. .V' .:i l 'r." took fou-iecri :ac.) bicycl, record at a sin-fic i s;ie -.. red. un- "wc tern '."r, o.ri" I'.;.! cli;i, :t::.l ci.'.i;'--1 :i:-.t .-Mly :i.j:n2 but al! L!i lire 1:; ov ri.liir a mile in !:::. :.'-.' rf:n-r!i-T!io feai w::s aj.-.Kiiplii-.vl over :. r.traight mere a:ii:sial devel .pTn-.-m. tL.ac'.iieve- m.'iit i ; here fore unique and worthy of record ;-!: te :rarl from its interest to the sp.)rt-.'.;i:iii. GREAT UISAI'I'OINTMENT. iff She I hear you got a little brother for a Xew Year's present. Ain't yer glad? He Xaw! She Did yer want a sister? He Xaw. I didn't want no brudder i nor no sister neider. I wanted a fight- i " dorg an n pair o" skates! Life- Tlir Wlff. On Xew Year's, -.vbe- hc hears him say He'll wror cIT everj.- fault. She lake- it lr z. quU t war, Aad with a grain o( salt. Jndce. '"What shall we do with him. grand pa?" asked the gobbler. Harper's Young- People. t-lqulppctl. "Arc you ready t meet that solemn ; event in every man s cM-tcno". the new ! year?" asked the meditative man. "You Jvt I am." friend. "1 have swenrinrT otT than mv life.'" Wa-.h'-' replied his I'inpar.t inre uia'erial for I ever had Iv'ore in 't,.:i ;:,r. Scvcd Mis Lire by a foniin.itc dis-; c ivl-tj- ::i the r.iek of , time. ihn:lrvis of j person sadcrin? j irom ci!i:i;!:;)ti.':i j lave b id the " pto- i Tc-iS et" ihtr ciistase stoircd. and h:ive i ... j. "31. ric;-n hroiKjiil b.iok to 1 -r"5:'' i- liiVamUKMlthbythel !.-' - ' iiPhlcil Jicdicai : tCvinicovery " of l'r. " i'i-.-Te. I 4 ears r.c-o Dr. R. V. ri-.rcc. nrw chief consultiuit pliy?ici:iii to the Invalids Houl and Siir-ic.il I.itiiute of IiusT.-.io. N. Y., rccoiHiiriiis; the f.iot that cons-.nr.i.-.ion was essentially a ppnn disease, :::d ;l!;:t a rcni ctly which would drive the trcrms and their poison from tiic blond would cure consump tion, at last found a medicine which cured oS prr cent, of all cases, if taken in the earlier staires of the disease. The tissues of the lunirs beinir irritr.tcd by the pcrnis nurl rtfti-,i,a in tl,. )1.l I ins tliroui'n them, the germs find lodgment mere, ana inc lunirs begin to break clown: Soon the general health begins to fail, and the person feels languid, weak, faint, drowsy and confused. This is the time to take Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery; it drives the germs and poisons from the blood, and has a sooth ing effect upon the dry cough. In cases of bronchitis the "Discovery" is invaluable. "Golden Medical Discovery" increases the amount and quality of the blood, thus invig orating and fortifying the svstcm against dis ease and builds up wholesome flesh and strength after wasting diseases, as fevers pneumonia, grip and other debilitating af- JNO. M. IIlTr, Of (ll- duton, A uiiuoH G., la., snvs: "I toofc a wvcre cold which settled on in y luntrs nml chest, mid I snllcrcd intensely with it. I tried several ol our best phv.sieiuns here nnd they gave I nil hones of mv rccoxrv. nnd thought I would have to iiie. I would eouirh nnd spit MikmI fur hours, ami I was pale nnd weak. 1 was ireal 1 v discouraged wheii I Ik. gau the useol'the "His covcry,' hut I soon eot better. H has liecn five years since I took it and have had no return of that trouble since." life s. .f.".-J. J. M. Hite, Ksq. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fercrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas tori;t is the Children's Panacea tTio 3Iother,s Friend. Castoria. . " Castoria Is an excvllcnt medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told nie of iu ffood effict upon Uicir childrea." Da. G. C. Osooro, Lowell, Mit-sa. Cc-t:or:a is Uie bcr reruedr for children of wbicli I ain arquainled. 1 hope tbt day is cot far distant when moLhrrs will consider the ncA inlcrest of their children, and use Casuiria In stead of the Tariousquack nostruma which are destroying their krred ooea, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, Uteretrf sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Knrnrnos, Ooowsy, Ark. Th Caatsur Compaaw, TT Union Iiivery Stables, FRANK MINGUS, Proprietor, Successor to ED. WORMAN. ... Having lately imrchaJ this popular, stable and stocked it with new rigf. saf- Rud t-:in-s I in now prepared to meet the want3 of the traveling public i:i a alisfactory manner. CDRMCR SEVENTH AND B. MEDFORD, OREGON. BaM to a Delicate That's th best thin-r a housewife can say for a cook stove or range. The stove that cooks well is the stove tout suits, providde it is eco noroienl on fi:cl. I have an extensive rtook of stow and and ranees, and ach one is thij very best stove lh;t m3ey will buy. I.-st baker, broiler, best burner all best. I also carry " Hardware, Tinware and Fine Building Material; Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Etc. Ret) Jacket Force Pumps. For Deep or 5halIow Wells. MEDFORD BRICK MEDFORD, - First-class quality of Brick always j promptly tilled. . j BRICK WORK OF AIL KKiDS PROMPTLY EXEC-TIB. Give uie a cail when in r.eed of anytiiiiig in my line. All Aboard.... T.k( :r.c... LOUDEN STAGE I'ppcr Appiegate. IZIliott Creek, I Squaw Lake Steamboat. Cin- nabar Springs, atkin : : : am! w,iy s:u:ior.. Sj.- lo;vr- t Jiu-krmnvU M'i;iiav-. ;in-.i Kri- tlu. rvUirr.mt; ihti'oi!t.uitiCii:ys 9 ; i- -Hur.tors w:l: fin! !h:s : v'tisiu ! "r-"!!- t r';Mhi: The tim-"- t .inv nnd -.".'in fnuint in H:o worlii. V?!;.r-t :-. r-ti-rS-T. - jrvt ul low rates. .ViMly t? JAS. LOUDEN, Prep.-., JAl'K-SOXVII.I.K. OUIaSOX. SHOW IT.. A younir mnn infornnMl his sweet hoit ot hi-love foi her. ami ho "if Viu ik), show it." So tltcs Alison's Monarch Sarsapariila show you what i pewer it is to clcnsothe hUxxl and the entire system. tvmovtiiQ 1'imples, Hoilsaiid all diseases arising from impure and weak blmxl. Trv a MV: bottle ami you will hnc no other MONARCH SARSAPARILLA l true to Its name Dr. Rush, founder ot Kush Meliint leue, onee Miid this remedy is the World's treat est remedy for tho blood. Try it and let it show you what It cuu do Mrtf..bv WILL-SON HKOS., Edtferton. Ws consiu. For sale by (5. 11. HASKlXS, MeiUotrU Notice of Finai Settlement. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Jackson Couuty. In the mutter of the estate of Uurbarn X'lrlch. deceased. "V'OTlcK Is hereby Kivon that the udmistrator i of the estate of liarburu I'lrich. deveasett has tiled in the County Court his limit account in saul mailer, and by order of sutd Court. Tuesd.iy. January S. 1SK", at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., is set ftr hearln-f thciwf. All persons interested ure herx'by notiiU-d lo ap pear luid tile his objections to said account on or before said da v. Published by urder of Hon. J. R. Neil, Judge 1 of said Court. Dated Nov. 30, ISM. WM. ULR1C1I. Administrator of satd estate. 1 Castoria. " Castoria is so v. ;'. adrtT--I recomnieuJ it is superior;. -.'real rip known to mir." IT. A. Ancnts.ll. D., ill So. OxfonlSt., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our phrsicians in the children's depart ment have Eo-ca hiculr of their eiperi ecoe in tlieir outssie practice with Castoria, ai:d altho:h we only hare among oar medical suitplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Ca&Lona has won us to look with favor upon it." Us usu EosRzu. in Dnmsur, Boston, 1 sua C Sans, iVes, ISnxraj Street, Hrw Terk Ctty. BrowD. D. H. MILLER. YARD, - - OREGON. on hand. Iirt; atid stnaii orderf lV:btfil Soods alone. The bert arv e.tsy 10 &vu atii rot r.o more. Ass your uca!er far SEEDS . Alnar the et. Krotrri everyvho;x Krrrr'- Scri A u u u m I for Isvs to Us yoa ' what, how, ami when to il;r.u i ir-eui Free. Jvt it- Address , Detroit, .Mich. PALACE Tonsoria!. G. W. Isaacs, Proprietor. t ShavinTliaircutsinsr, Shvrnjwx)- lug ana iieartls Uvea. All work first-class or wo will ivfuml tha price. 4 HOT AND COLD BATHS. Agent for Salem Steam Laundry. Seventh Street, opposite Posuifflee. MEDFORD, OREGON. I HAVE FOUXD S PGGET! That is. I have received jtriee from Krarer it Chamlcis. tf rhuagt, on it Whlrh will prove of more value than the finding of several miRuxts to iu tcndlnjcpurehasers. Oct prices from F. LEWIS, Mechanical Kturtncer and Ma chinist. Medford, Orejrou. rTave l 111132 aGDiflBrT