The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 14, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Little Paragraphs and Big Paragraphs
Penciled and Published for the
People's Perusal.
The Doings of the Busiest City In
the Rogue River Valley AH the
News Once a Week.
W. M. Smith and George and Jeff
Hamlin were circulating a petition
about Medlord this week asking for
signatures and receiving a great mnny
of them. The petition asks the county
court to cause a road to be laid out and
put in shape for use, from a point about
two miles south of Medford, at the
northeast corner of the Hamlin dona
tion claim, and running south along
the west line of above named land to
the southwest corner of the Edsall
farm; thjnct west on line between
Bennett's and Gallagher's farms
and then soutfj to the old military
road, where the new road will termi
nate. There were HO names to the
petition. The road as mapped out
would save about two miles of travel to
nearly all farmers of that locality who
come this way to do their trading.
More new,goods at G. L. Webb's
Racket store consisting Of Stamjied
goods, crochet cotton, tassels, pom
pous, fringe, cord and other materials
for fancy work. Also a nice line of
fine imported Saxony and German
knitting yarn. Come see prices and
quality. "
Last week we wrote a small item
on the weather a subject which all
newspapermen resort to when hard
pushed for something to write about
and the "prints" are shouting for
copy. This, however, was not our fix
The weather was so fine that we
couldn't resist the temptation to say
something, but when we put that item
on paper with printer's iuk it was one
of the bisrsrest lies one could well
print. It was a bigger lie than that
deer storr D. S. ountrs tells is an
esasrsreration. The snow was falling
at the time this item was printed in
darkening whiteness, and it didn't
auit until somethins like five inches
was spread at our feet. The weather
business with us has forever been
settled it must be understood that it
is pleasant all the time.
Bamboo sroods make as pretty
Christmas presents as anything one can
think of. They are not only articles of
beauty but they are useful as well and
will give good seryiee a constant re
minder of the sriver. I have them, I.
A. Webb, Medford.
Last week ex-Landlord M. Purdin
sold his real estate in Medford, com
prising a house and lot, corner C and
Xinth streets, and two vacant lots
nearly opposite oil C street, to Mer
chant F. K. Deuel, consideration be-
; " tween 700 and Si)0. As soon as the
sale had been consummated Mr. Purdin
began arrangements for the removal of
his family from this city to some Cali
fornia point, and on Monday ho left for
San Francisco, his family to follow
- about January first, or soon-r should
he be successful in finding a location to
his liking before that time. These
people have a great many friends in
Medford who sympathize with them in
their reverse of circumstances and will
wish them success in any new field.
. Santa Claus has left half a car load
of holiday goods at G. L. Webb's
Racket store. Come and see them.
Largest and cheapest stock ever
brought to Medford.
The social at Mrs. J. H. Faris'
residence Tuesday evening of this
week was attended by from fifty to
sixty people and just a splendid time
was bad. Singing, games and much
talk were the routine exercises of the
evening, with ice cream and cake re-?
freshments as accompaniments. The
refreshments were simply excellent
so everybody declared. Mrs. Faria
has a splendid home and understands
full well how to make all people wel
come who enter her doors. The re
ceipts ware So. It is the intention of
the Presbyterian people to give these
socials at" intervals of four or six
weeks during the winter and at, dif
ferent homes about the city.
Kid fitting corsets. An entirely
new and beautiful line, by far the best
ever shown in Medford. AH lengths
and sizes. Price, from 50 cents to S-.
Where? At Thompson & Meeker's.
Charlie Damon will give a dance
in the opera house on Saturday evening
of this week. Charlie has been to a
big expense in tilting up the hall
and has it now in pretty good shape.
The improvements made have been a
continued draft of funds from his purse,
while the incoming tariff has been de
cidedly light. The Saturday nijrht
party is to be a sort of a benefit to Mr.
Damon, and as the tickets are only fifty
cents each it is safe to presume that
many will chip in who do not dance.
Charlie deserves mst a little remem
brance for his enterprise in fitting up
the house so nicely.
Two bits for a shirt is pretty cheap.
but so lonsr as it is a good article
worth twice that figure you of course
will want one, at Muller's corner gro
Dr. E. B. Picket made the pur-!
chase last week of a fane team of driving
horses and this week he is fitting him
self out with a new carriage and a fine
nickel-plated harness. The horses are
from the stock farm of D. B. Mc
Knight, at Tolman, Oregon, and are
blooded stock. They are four and six
years old, came from fast stock, and
one of them has a track record of 2::io.
They are fine drivers and the doctor is
justly proud of them, but, is not our
doctor getting a little foxy? Fast driv
ing horses almost always travel a road
that leads to a fast trotting ground.
Lots of farmers prefere chain to
strap harness. I have a complete
stock of them. I also do repairing
of all harness nature. Step in and see
me. W. L. Beidleman,' the harness
maker, Medford.
The Kpworth League society of the
Methodist church will give a social
this. Friday, evening at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Lawton. The
league is endeavoring to get a few
nickels and dimes together with which
to purchase a carpet for their church,
and as Mr. and Mr. Lawton are known
to be most hospitable' entertainers,
the good time you are sure to have and
the purpose for which you contribute
ought to be an incentive sufficient to
prompt a liberal attendance. You are
all asked to bo there.
Found on north C street, a bunch
of keys attached to key chain. Owner
will pleaso call at tnis omca ana get i
Dr. C. H. Chapman, president oj
the University of Oregon, will visit
Medford and the public schools on
Thursday, December 20th, and on Fri
day, the 2lst, will attend the Christ
mas exercises at tne punne scnoois
and address the pupils and their
friends on educational subjects. The
object of the doctor's visit to our city
is to awaken an interest in university
extension and he will- be pleased to
speak to all who have children whom
I hey wish to give the advantages of a
higher education.
One-half block of desirable resi
dence property for sale. Terms reason
able. Inquire of Dr. E. B. Picket.
It was about a year ago now that
evidence in the Salstrom land contest
was being taken. The contest was
made bv E. G. Salstrom against Miss
Anna C. Salstrom, he alleging as
grounds for contest that the young
lady was not of ago and that proper
notices had not been posted on the land
prior to the repeal of the pre-emption
law. The officials at the Roseburg
land office have decided in favor of
Anna C. Salstrom. The findings of
the officials will appear in these col
umns next week.
I am selling rugs, beautiful rugs.
and rugs that wear like iron. A
Christinas present would be a beauty
if 'twas one of them. I. A. Webb.
It is just a little late to mention,
but the news has just reached us of the
marriage of one of Medford's old-time
boys. Robert S. Coker. to Miss Rosa C.
Egeberg. of Sacamento, Calif., which
event took place at the residence of the
bride's parents, on Thanksgiving day.
Robert is a. brother of Mrs. Oliver
MeGee. of this city. He was a printer
in the first newspaper office ever estab
lished in this city, ana lias menus an
over the county who are now extend
ing their congratulations.
Parties holding tickets Xo. !:'.
series A. and Xo. 0, series It, will
please call at the I. X. L. store aad
get their presents.
Prof. Rigby. of the Medford Busi
ness college, relates to us that the
college is right now in a more pros
perous condition than it has ever been.
The attendance is large and the names
of new pupils are beiug added nearly
every week. The new ones for last
week were: Harry Hollingsworlh. Miss
Rubv Clark. Miss" Margery Lute. Robt.
Lute. Medford; Miss Hattie Beckett,
Eugene: Miss Annie Rodschaw. Samuel
Sweenv. C. X. Swansea, and T. C.
Hill, Big Sticky.
I have a quantity of good shakes
which I will Sell cheaper than anvom
in Medford. Inquire at the Big T;
store. i
J. C. Elder has leased his store!
building, corner Seventh and B streets.
to Talbot & Alt, in which these gentle-
men will open a meat market about
next Saturday week. The new estab
lishment is "to be called the Star
market. Mr. Elder will move to his
farm, near Waldo. Josephine county, i
where he will reside. For years Mr.
Eldeijhas been a respected resident of j
Medford and his departure will cause
a regret among his many friend.
Mrs. C. W. Palm has just received
another large stock of fall and winter
millinery which is being sold at prices
lower than ever before. '
Mesdames R. A. Finnay and A.
S. Foster were pleasant callers
at this office last Saturday. They
were, shown through the office
took a look at the new cylin
der press and other machinery, said
many kind words complimentary to
The Mail and both are now readers
thereof, Mrs Finney having driven one
of the "wolves from our door" by regis
tering her name among our 12U0 sub
scribers. Call on L. B. Warner for all kinds
of ornamental trees and shrubs. Mon
terey Cypress and .Inpan Privet for
hedges a specialty. Delivery grounds
north of Jackson County Bank.
Brace Skeel "Stubb" for short, is
doing good service sis assistant elec
trician, with the Medford Electric
company. The Mail likes to dron
onto occasions that will permit of our
saying good things about the boys of
ouv city. The boys of to-day will be
the meu of the future, and in their
hands is placed the shaping of the
world's destiny. As the trail is blazed
in boyhood so will it be hewn in mature
Thompson & Meeker aro to the
front again with another big drop in
prices. You cannot do better than to
see them.
Watch night services will bo held
at the M. E. church on Monday night.
December 81. Supper will be served
by the ladies. Program will appear
next week in tnese columns. It will
consist ot speeches by men of various
vocations; such as legal, medical,
finance, journalism, the social world
and religion music and a general
social time. Other cnurcnes are in
vited to join in this service.
Hot cakes with Log Cabin syrup
dressing, is an article just suited lor a
morning meal. Woiters sells the
svru D.
D. L. McCabe. n gentleman who
moved from the Willamette valley to
Medford last summer, has leased the
Heckerthorno farm, uear Brownsboro.
for a term of live years and has moved
onto the place. There are "0 acres
in the farm and Mr. McCabe will
scratch ''dead hard"' to pull through
with a few dollars lor his stocking
repository after the rent is paid.
Big shipments of fine shoes, at
Thompson fc Mei.ker's. A $2.oi) shoe
for $1.;j(: S3.50 shoe for $2.00
The streets of Medford were shy
their arc lights Sunday and Monday
nights, occasioned by water having
gotten into one of the switch boxes
and. disarranging things generally.
Tuesday the difficulty was located and
a remedy at once applied. The shyness
was no fault of the electric conipuny,
but the ckmeuts, which no man can
control, were wholly responsible.
Mounce & Schermerhorn have put
in a splendid stock of candies and
nuts for the holiday trade, which they
will sell at wholesale or retail.
W. L. Townsend and R. F. High
have formed a partcnership, Mr. High
having bought iu with Mr. Townsend,
and has moved his barber shop to
The Medford. parlors, on Seventh
street. Both of these gentlemen are
artists in their line and will undoubt
edly increase the business of both by
the combine. They will make a spee
alty of lady shampooing.
Ono pair 10-4 blankets at Angle &
Plyinale's for 0 cents.
Win. Ulrich, administrator of his
mother's estate, has caused to be
erected a very lino doublo monument
over the graves of both his father and
mother, in the Jacksonville cemetery.
The monuments were made by J. C
Whiop. and as that gentleman turns
out nothing but good work it is not
necessary to tell of .the excellence of
this particular one.
Wolters' groceries are always fresh
and are sold cheap.
A meeting of the taxpayers of
Medford school district is called for
Saturday, December 22nd. ut one
o'clock p. m., at the public school
building. Object of said meeting is to
vote a tax for the purpose of defraying
the expenses of the public schools of
this district for the coining year and
to pay interest upon the indebtedness.
Dress goods! Dress goods and trim
mings! You ought to see them at
Anglo & Plymalo's.
. W. n. Stevens, one of the Stuttz
dramatic company, returned to Med
lord last Friday accompanied by a
young lady to whom he was married,
at Jacksonville, the folio .viug day. In
"Destiny,'" one of the plays put on here,
Mr. Stevens played the tramp, under
the stage name of Harold Ashley. The
couple are stopping at the Medford.
Just received at the Fair Store
the DeLong hooks and eyes, black and
w hite. See that hump?
Dr. B. F. Adkins: 'Did you
notice that Medford was becoming de
cidedly metropolitan? The largest
city in the United States has extended
its corporate limits to take in Brook
lyn nnd a dozen suburban cities, but
Medford stiil leads we have taken in
a new York entire. This is a pun. and
I II sinoke on Billy.
Don't fail to see Thompson & Meek
er's gold mii;e ad. They are rushing
things these days.
Frank Wail. Jr., has purchased
fruit trees sufficient to plant five acres
of Ground and is now at work planting
them. Last spring he purchased a
live acre tract of land north of J. II .
Wilson's place, west of Medford.
The plnnting of trees is an act worthy
of emulation by every furm-'r of the
Honey, honey! We sold over 12o0
pounds of honey in November. Have a
few cases left. Lumsdeu & Berlin.
It will be necessary that a conven
tion le called by the citizen? of Med
ford for the purpose of nominating
candidates for the January election.
Any one can vail a convention and auv
number of ivisons can nominate
ticket: :;ml ly consent o! iioiam.'rs can ;
have their name? placed on the tickets, i
KiduetioH on all wa:l pr.p.'r until?
February 1st, to s-i ready f.r n .-. j
stock. 1. A. Webb, Medford. t
The uutriliousness of alfalfa is I
known the world over, but Waiter
Gore gathers in all the records and i
scatters them to the fc.urwimls when
he relates that hoi;s feeding in his
alfalfn Held, and -riven a little grain on
the side, gained four pounds in weight
every twenty-four hours.
For Christmas candy give Smith's
Candy Palace a call and s.-e his stock I
before purchasing. j
Miss Ida Weaver gave a party to
her young friends last Friday evening,
at her parents" pleasant home on west
seventh street. the amusements ot
the evening were card playing and va
rious other games, and refreshments
were sweetmeats, and everybody pres
ent had a tine time.
A full line of fresh groceries at
Wilson's new grocery, MeAndrews
building sign of the big T.
There don't seem to lie many peo
ple about Medford but that are enjoying
pretty good health, but the doctors are
sprucing up not a little. Dr. W. S.
Jones has recently decorated his driv
ing team with .new paraphernalia
peculiar to horse wear ail the same
new harness.
The Gents nnd ladies" macintoshes
have arrived! Make your selections
now. Alible ,V Plymale.
Gordon Schermerhorn is buiit a
Iouk ways between joiuts but it is good
timber all the way noticeable is the
spurt of genius displayed in the manu
facture of that merry-gi-round. used
as a fruit receptacle in the fruit emno
rium of Mounce A Schermerhorn.
Cigars and tobacco of all kinds.
Cigars by the box a specialty, at Lums
den & iterl ill's.
Henry Demorest, aa crstwhilo
Medford lad. has recently graduated
from a dental college at Neche. North
Dakota, and about January first will
arrive in Medford and enter into part
nership with his brother in the dental
Sewing machine needles and sup
plies of al 1 kinds, at Simmons' second
hand store.
J. II. Uutler, painter nnd sign
writer, has his siirn pinned to the
outer wall of tho llalley block. The
gentleman has recently coinnleted a
line job of painting and paper-hangin!;
on E. W. Starr's new C street resi-
! dencc.
Mrs. 1'. Stewart's dressmaking
parlors, in llalley block. Ladies are
invited to call.
Too turkey and purse shoot, an-.
uoniiced for Decemlior "Jlth, is a
promised success on all sides. Those
turkeys Landlord Trebim! has pur-;
chased for the occasion aro a templing
bait for the seekers of Christmas din
ners. Beans, :f cents per pound. We j
are closing them out at cost. Thomp- I
son & Meeker.
At tho school meeting held at the I
public school building last Saturday
tho voters decided, by vole, to autho
rize the directors to fund the present
indebtedness and place the loan in
other places at a lower rate of interest.
Uread Three loaves for a dime at
the new bikery.
To-morrow night will occur the re
union of pupils of the .Medford business
college at the college hail. A lino
literary and musical program has been
prepared, and as well, a splendid
luncheon will bo served.
The Mail is printing tickets and
programs for the 1C. of P. dance, to
be given ou Christmas eve. The boys
are everlastingly "rolling logs" to
make this better than any former oc
casions of the kind.
Ladies '.Misses' snd children's cloaks.
Prices cant be beat Angle & Ply male.
Clarence Kellogg is maimed, not
for life, but for several days, at least
got li is foot between the Hour of Mr.
Wilson's blacksmith shop and a heavy
bar of iron that had only gravity to
rest upon .
Wood for sale dry fir. E. E.
It is a positive fact, without the
least shadow of a doubt adljeaiing
thereto, that G:-orge Parker is work
ing into a very efficient clerk at Mull
er's grocery. George is all right.
1-arirost stock of fall and winter
clothing in the valley at Angle & Ply-
Christinas at the public schools.
Friday December 21 si. Open aii-
concert at 2 o'clock, by public school
band. Program bv tho class of 'iO,
address by Dr.'C. H. Chapman.
Gang plow, mower, rake and har
row for sale. Call and see Muller.
In Rome family lieople never bake
bread; they buy it. This Ur just what
all Medford people are doing who have
tried r rank Uson s new bake shop.
corner C and Sixth streets.
Chilled plow points, Hubbard Bros.
A Mr. Lichteuberger, of Wood
ville, met with a verv painful acci
dent, at the Herriott mill a few days
ago. breaking one arm aud otherwise
disabling him.
Posts, fine square ones, for sale.
Thompson & Meeker.
John Wright, a recent new comer
to the valley, has moved his family
from Phoenix to a farm near Central
Point, which he purchased a few
months ago.
Those Rex brand hams at Liinisden
& Berlin's are very nice. Also dry
salt pork.
The new ads this week are those
of Thompson & Meeker: Wirth Pholo
company. 1XL store, A. !. Wood
ford. O K. Barber Shop and Palace
Teas the largest line of teas in
town, at Lumsden & Berlin's.
Marshal Eecleston, M. Johnson,
John and Wili Million), of the Apple
gate country, have gone to their home
at Junction City, to spend the holidays.
BuUorick's patterns Thompson &
Meeker, agents.
Dr. J. V. Odgers has purchasd a
fine piano nnd has presented the same
to his daughters, who, by-lhe-way. are
becoming quite proficient musicians.
Prices on Millinery goods are al
ways the lowest at "Mrs. C. W. Palms.
Thos. H. B. Taylor, of Woouvil'.e.
is still lying in bel from the ciTects
of that t am runaway ot s.-.ieral weeks
Gr. cries, v. hol.-sali: :ul rota:'.
Lumsd-u i 11 rli;..
The Wizard Oil Compiiny is hilled
for n-.t Mon.!:iy night ar.d Uci-u'.itiue
six nights, admission t:ft.-eii c-nt
Chilled plow lMiuts. !iiibiai-d
cov -rin"
Mrs. C. G. Johnson is re
from her r-'cviit tuness. Dr. J. 1.
Wait is in attendance.
Pickles in bulk. Lumsden A Ber
lin. Attend the K. of P. ball, you can't
miss having a good time.
E. Ross, tbc Mcxitord ourserymao. pissod
through the city yesie? Jay morolog. ea rout
for dpt. A. C. Smith's place, with a urapon load
of truil tire for Mr. Smith's excellent
farm. Kd relates that business Iscrcrlastitgly
coming hi wy.
' Citizens' Convention Call.
We. the undersigned. legal voters of the ton
of Mcdfon!. Oregon, respect fully call a citiiens
convention, for the purpose cf nominating oSi
cere for the lin of Medford. for the ensuing
year: said convention to be held al the town
hail. tVcember 21. 11. at T: p. m.
(.Signed by thirteen rotcrs-
New This Week.
C. I. Buck is the happy parvnt to a line boy
baby, which came to his home on Wednesday
of this tV.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Tire are parents
tontine bv baby which arrived al
l heir home la.-l Thursday mornin-'.
C. W. Fntley. living over on Gi-ii,.:n
creek, reports the .'imiing of a uiue
iHHind iroid tiuiTirct. the same In-insf a
Imy luiby of lhat v.-vghl. which c;
to "his fireside on Sunday last.
W. T. York, of TllK M.vtt.. failed to
show up at the office the fore part of
this week the whyforeness of which
was explained when it was mentioned
on the streets lhat household ntTairs
in tho shape of a seven and half pound
t:irl were demanding his attention
The Utile one made its debut into
The Mail family Monday morning
and is as bright and lively a is the
countenance and step of the proud
father as he sallits forth to buy
cigars iu honor of the occasion.
Davis Is a Bigamist.
As will ho seen by court records,
published elsewhere, one 1). H. Davis
has been arrested for bigamy and ha
nleaded iruiitv to the charge.
Davis came to .Meuioru jusi we eai
tbis iiiiin'h. Soon after his arrival.
be en "-aired his services as a farm
Iwrer to Mrs. Lucimia 1.. Wilson, a
widow lady owning nnd living
upon a farm which is located a
few miles east of Medford. He proved
himself verv proficient in farm work
and appai tly was a gentleman in
every respect. An nltachinent sprung
up lietweeu himself and Mrs. Wilson
and thev were married at the farm
residence, bv Kev. A. C. llowlett. on
April 8th. Soon after the marriage
news came from Norlh Yamhill, Ore
gon, to the e fleet that he already had a
wife and as well, three children, re
siding at that place. Investigation
proved tho first report to be true and
upon Davis being confronted with
this evidence of his double life he
denied all. but found it convenient to
leave this immediate locality soon
thereafter, since which time ho has
been working in mines at Gold Hill
and Cinnabar. A warrant was sworn
out for his arrest several days ago by
Mrs. Wilson nnd placed in the hands
of Deputy Sheriff Barnes, who located
him at the Cinnabar mine and took
hint to Jacksonville, where ho was
arraigned for a trial and pleaded guilty
to the charge, that of bigamy.
J. A. Whitman shipped a carload of
apples to Houston. Texas, last week.
J. W. Wiley shipped a car of hogs
to San Francisco on Tuesday's freight.
A. V. Markley shipne.l a co-loa l of
priiii'-.s to N York by Monday's
Coiiside.-nble snow has fallen in ih;
Siskiyou injuiitairs and as result,
No. l.j was four hours late Saturday
and Suiiiiiiy nig hit.
Robison's photograph car. So. 13,
was on the side-truck' Tuesday night,
having arrived from Jacksonville,
where it had lu-en for the last two
weeks. It was taken to Sissions, Cal.,
ou No. 32 Wednesday morning.
Conductor Dyer and Engineer Lewis,
together with Fireman Tryer and
a whole lot of other fellows, turned the
short line engine Tuesday. They be
gan the work at 10 o'clock a. m. and at
1 p. m. the work was completed, and
not a trip was missed. The reason
for turning was that more fuel was
required to keep up steam as the en
gine has leen running, and a general
inconvenience all round.
The postal car on Xo. 15. Friday
evening week, was lighted with the
much talked of Pintsch gas, the first
car on this road to be so equipped.
This gas was placed in the mail car as
a test, to ascertain if the gas was the
most profitable light to be used in cars.
It gives a much better light than coal
oil and is cheaper, and will no doubt be
placed in all tho company's paseetiger
cars. The gas is stored in tanks under
neath the cars, and this mode of light
ing has bLen in general use on a
number of roads in the east for some
time, giving eminent satisfaction.
It is reKrted that a change will soon
be made in the "engine runs" between
Portland and Ashland, wherebv seven
engineers and nine firemen will ba laid
off. The change will affect trains Xo.
15 and Hi, and is made by the iutroduc
tion of the new "hog" engines which
the company is placing on their roads
for fast aiV'nger service. There will
be but one change of engineers from
Portland to Ashland, that being at
Roseburg. leaving out Junction and
Granta Pass, at which places engineers
change at present. The men who take
thuui !.,.- fiifi i-iiitc tt-iil in all
bility. be pail $2 1 p-r month
more than at present
to the company will
while the saviug
be considerable.
There is quite a "kick" a
movement bv those ir.tere.-!
us IV is 1
ditlieui: to gu-ss j:
ftc-i dow.-i a ml ou:.
wiil h iv to
il.-ai;.-n.a i II. F
iv.i.r. o.i i . ,
.. .. '- 1. ..1 -,o
s.iiuiay in. i. .'.in.: I
-.!Koii;i:-r '.:l;i t'.
My:t: t';v.i.. :,;,-ii
in- fa-::y tj
"lisej" ;.: toah
, i.k.)os. u j-
.uie ii ai- re., ist-
ikiiur o'T
.as eiliu-' on
the triji. ;,ad
! a-a'a w:it" ol the ho 13 Vlirew a st .e al
nun. s;rik!UL; u::n iu iue i;.ce
and knocking him oon. His uoper OMcers Elected A. F. and A. M.
lip wa bad y cut aud his face o.her-
wise badiy urused. Ho finished bis Ou Friday evening of last week oc
run t Ashl.nid with his fae. lied j curred the election of officers in Med
up and on arrivin? theiv Dr. Pa-s.ns ' ford l-xlge No. 10:. A. F. and A. M.
was called and dn-ssej his wo.inds. elected were: W. I. Vawier,
Through the diligence and active iW. M.t 1). T. Sears. S. W.v E. B.
work of Attorney r!ch. who was on
the train, the thrrs? hobos were locat
ed and captured before night and nre
now in charge of the sheriff of Djugias
county, nnd will 110 doubt rec.-ive the
punishment due such vicious criminal.
Gentlemen Do you want an all
wool suit cheap? Cail aud see Geo.
Webb's nev lot of samples.
Photographs of the Departed.
We have the
lj.W. more or less.
negatives mad'
phy. from whi
caie copies, al
Wikth Photo Co.
Iiair wavers arain at the Fair store
ne m.ism. more or less. 1 --- ------- - . r
le bvP.itinburg & Mur- 'uo!or aen: Z. Mey. high
cH we will print dupli- r".. ", S J
2.0o per dozen. j w- J- A- A l'bb- t'i"''-
")i SELL
1 l.j
CEflT . .
I r"7
Ii- WJ
liOYvatlays -"every solitary
the cents count, however
must always see that vm
Let me
Put you onto a
I am prepared to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt thsit
inv stock of
Groceries, Gent's Furnishing
present opportunities for money
I've been here eight vears-
-will be
Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon.
Burning Pain ;
Erysipelas in Face and Eyes
Inflammation Subdued and Tor
tures Ended by Hood's.
" I am so Rlad to le relieved of my tortures
that I am willing to tell the benefits I have de
rived from Hood's Barsaparilla. In April and
May, I was afflicved with erysipelas In my face
and eyes, which spread to my throat and neck.
I tried divers ointments and alteratives, but
there was no permanent abatement of the trarn
ln. Urturuis p:'ln. peculiar v this complaint.
I began to lake Hood's Sarsapaiilla and
Felt Marked Relief
before I had finished the Cm bottle. I con
tinued to Improve until, when I had taken four
bottles. I was completely cured, aad felt that at
signs, mrj-kj an-1 symptoms o! that dire eom
plalnt had forever vanished." Mbs. . E.
Ottawa. HilUluro, Wisconsin.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet
easy la action. Sold by ail druggists. 25c.
Mistook Him for a De
A telephone message from Phoe
nix, received morning,
tells us of a quite serious accident
which happened Wednesday after
noon to Frank Jordun. of Tl;nt.
Mr. Jordnn and his two brothers,
from The Dalles, wTe out deer
hunting and during the afternoon
one of the brothers mistook Frank
i tor a Uecr
and shot him. the bul-
let entering his leg. fracturing the
! hnno hi. IK- T)r fi It (Y.!p of
t Plw-iiv n-!is 1 nnd nrfer re-
I moving
scvora! pieces of bone
the wound and left the
rt'-ting comfortably, witli
-I irvliciMon? f "aving tl
i M-it". trtovjvn at nrst it was tnougtit
j sMiii!i":itvi would be necessary.
I Veu ca get window glass and
nutty at Kame & Gilkev's new hard-
j ware store.
V . V
1. J. W.: D: H. Miller, treasurer:
. Lippincott. secretary.
All bread, one day old 2 loaves for
0 cents, al the new baKery.
The Encampment Elect Officers.
Wednesday night of this week there
was an election of oRicers in liogue
River Encampment No. :, of this city,
and these sentiemen were elected:
G. F. Merriman. chief patriarch: B. S.
Wehb, senior warden. A. C. N icholson.
Try Our General Sve coat cigar at
Mounce & Schermerho:-n.
Is what 1 trive t every customer,
fur 1 Wliove tho best avlvertisment
noss'hle aw people pleased with
the groceries I've sold them
pleased with their investment
clear through. They will come
again and again, and their friends
will come. too.
t a
r- t
r t
S- J
c J
penny does so. In order to make
and the big. round dollars, too you
got the best value for vour ujotiev.
Goods, Crockery and Glassware,
saving not to be found elsewhere.
here eight more, FroviJonee permitting