The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 14, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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Our Several Hustling- Correspond
ents About the Count' Tell
Terse Paragraph.1 of the
Doings of the People in their Re
spective Districts-A Tab Kept
on Everybody and Friends.
Eagle Point Eaglets.
1JY a. c. IIOVJ.V.TT.
Miss C&iri? Brown is visiting her
sister at Central Point this week.
Mrs. Minnie Duvall is visiting
friends at Talent and Ashland this
George 1-uurine moved into his
new quarters Mr. Farlow's house
Miss Hart, of Med ford, has Leen
visiting friends on Butte creek dur-
ing the past week.
Joe Kader. one of our hustling
stockmen, went to Ashland Sunday,
ou a business trip.
John Watkins, who has been
living on Big Butte creek during
the past summer, lias moved onto
the Raymond place.
Rev. Kennedy will preach here
next Sunday at eleven a. in., and
seven p. m., and at the Mound
school house at two o'clock p. m.
H. T. Severence run a sliver in
his hand about a week ago and it
seems as though a part of it still
remains in his hand as it is quite
The dramatic entertainment
which was to have been given here
this week has been indefinitely
postponed, owing to the illness of
one of the performers.
In my communication last week,
in'giving an account of the lost child
I was misinformed as to the bov's
name it was Farlev instead of
. Harlow, as stated by me last week.
. James Pen, who has been living
with David Cincaide let his team,
which was hitched to a plow, get
away with him, and in the run
came near getting his neck broken.
The team escaped uninjured.
I understand that the school
directors have secured the services
of a Miss AVhite, of Medford, to
teach the remainder of the winter
and that school will begin the first
Monday in January.
Last Friday as two teams at-
tempted to pass on the bridge at!
this place the wagons became
iocKeu ana were detained some
time during a heavy rain storm,
but fortunately the bridge was
covered .
V. H. Schmerker, the rustling
superiuter.dent 01 the Snowy Butte)"1"- 1 "u;,T-""-
and Central Point flourinc mills. Miss .Ella Griffith. .f t Hill
left Monday for Baker City for the !
purpose of erecting a flouring mill j
in that locality. He will be greatly i
missed by his many friends in this j
vicinity. ;
Rev. Robert Ennis preached at
this place Sunday, morning and j
eveninsr. Owiiicr to the inclement
weather the attendance was small
in the forenoon but the attendence
was much larger in the evening.
He will preach at Eagle Point on
the second Sunday in January nest.
"We have floor in our post
office building. Frank Brown and
Wilber Ashpole vere the mechanics
who finished the job, although Wm.
Brown assisted during the first part
of the job, but while attempting to
shave off the edge of a board the
knife, with which he was doing the
shaving, slipped and entered the
thick part of his leg, cutting a deep
gash. Dr. Officer dressed the
ound and at last accounts he was
getting along very well. .
Among the crowd that thronged
the streets of Medford last Saturday
I noticed Jacob Waltz, of Antelope,
Mrs. J. A. Jones, of Eagle Point,
and Miss Ora Woods, all of them
intent on buying goods. Your cor
respondent also had business with j
several gentlemen and ladies and
the result was that I did . not get
home until late, on account of the
crowd that was in Medford, notwith
standing that the day was anything
but pleasant, especially under foot,
and I have corne to the conclusion
that there must be some change
made for the accommodation of the
patrons of your business houses
who live at a distance for I noticed
one lady there who lives twelve or
fifteen miles from Medford, in two
different stores waiting for her turn
to trade. I would suggest that the
"city dads" pass an ordinance al
lotting a special day for each com
Tunnitv sav Monday and Tuesday
for the Medfordites, and we might
give them uniir 10 a. m., rest of the
week.excent Saturday: Wednesday
for Sams Valley, Thursday for the
Stickevites, Friday for Central
Point, "Jacksonville and the country
south of Medford and all day Sat
urday for Butte creek, Antelope
and Dry creek, for we have to go to
the Hub at least once a week, and
in the winter time it works a hard
ship on us to have to wait as I had
to last Saturday. I . would suggest
to The Mail publishers that they
emyloy an assistant to attend to
the wants of those who have busi
ness willi .them and not keep us
waiting as I had to last Saturday
why one would think that there was
an auction sale there by - the looks
of the crowd. And while on the
subject of Ti'.E -.Mail allow me to
congratulate you upon the neat
appearance of the paper in its new
form and make-up. One of your
lady readers, at. this place, was
hoard to remark that '"llie paper
was just- delightful, and 'all it cost
was one dollar and a. half a year."
Hold Hill Nuggets.
Keceivod too lute lor lust wt-?k.
J. V. Hav, of Rock Point,
been ill the past week.
Israel Cox is confined to
room with pneumonia.
F. V. JefTcrs is doing business in
Eagle Point this week.
Miss Grace Foster, of Medford,
was recently visiting at this place.
Last. Sunday Miss Stella Brill
was the guest of friends in Medford.
" Rev. Kennedy, of Central Point,
preached in Gold II ill last Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Griffith, who has
been ill for some time, is able to be
out again.
The Gold Hill Euphonium Band
will give a concert at this place on
Christmas eve.
Miss Lulu Newton of Central
Point, visited relatives on Sardine
creek last week.
On Sunday last Misses Rosa and
Lilly McClcndon were over from
Sams Valley visiting friends here.
A. Marcuson. and Jas. Peiton, of
Galls creek, were transacting busi- .
ness in Medford a few days sine?.
J. E. De Boy's new drug store
will soon be complete, and as soon
as it is finished ho intends opening
up with a full line of drugs.
Kanes Creek Items.
Geo. Way, of Oregon City, is vis
iting relatives at this place.
Mrs. Emma Boggs visited with
Mrs. Stover a few days since.
Miss Annie Knotts is stopping
with her sister. Mrs. Sninden.
Mrs. Crabtree, who has been ill
for some time, is recovering slowly. ;
The miners are becoming
'jubilant over the recent
i rains.
Mr. and Mrs. Bird.-ey were at the!
i count" seat one uav last wceK, on
i T;.s W..., Th,.m ....r, ji...f
, r-" H-"---
Uiuj-' l-'u"p "u"
closed a very siu-cessful term of
school, at the Dardanelles. last;
Friday. There were not many j
visitors, owing to the inclemency of!
the weather. ,
Toots From Toln.
Received too late for la.l wfek.
W. P. Counts visited his brothers,
in the Willamette valley, last week.
' John McDonough has raised over
500 sacks of fine Oregon Burbank
potatoes the past season.
A literary society was organized
at Tolo hall, on Tuesday evening,
with Prof. J. E. Hitch as chairman.
Wm. H. Pankey, one of our en
terprising young farmers, sold
thirty tons of grain hay last week.
J. G. McIIolald is clearing up his
land, back of the hotel, and will
set out fruit trees thereon this win
ter. James Waters, of California, ar
rived in Tolo this week. We hope
he will permanently 'locate in the
F. A. Brant, a Montana mining
man. has been prospecting in the
Blackwell district, and has located
a claim.
Potatoes are shipped from here
by the carload. Another shipment
was recently made by 'Scott Oriflin
to California. '
P. J. Vanllardenburg, of St.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A Dure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
Louis, has been looking around in
this vicinity for a small pinco of
land, to make a home ot. We did
not learn whether or not the gentle
man succeeded in finding a place
that suited him.
The Tolo Mining company has
men at work on its claim. This
company was organized by .Judge
Reed, Attorney White and other
Tacoma capitalists and "mining
men. They have one of the richest
mining propositions in .Southern
A number of our citizens were in
Medford this week, trying to buy
out all the stores, but on their re
turn reported that it was too large
a contract for them, as Medford was
full of stores, ami good ones, too.
But they traded only with those
who advertise through Tiik Mail.
We do not believe in boycotting
but we know that those who adver
tise through reputable papers will
Lie more apt to deal fairly with us.
Sardine Creek Items.
Received too lato for lust week.
Oliver Benson is very ill at this
The saw-mill here is now
ning order.
in run-!
. rooman is attending court at
T , .,, .
Arthur Caldwell has been at
(old Hill for the past week.
Miss Hattie V rooman visited
Medford and Jacksonville last Mon
day. Geo Vronni.m tvns doinir business
in Jacksonville and Medford the j
first of the week. I
Mrs. Davidson, of Rock Point.
was the euest of Mrs. Adams for a !
few lavs" recently. j
Asbestos Gatherings.
The roads out this way are in a
pretty tough condition right now.
but in this instance we are not un
like our neighbors.
At a dancing par
rtv, given nt
John Bailey's place, November
30th, thirty-one couples were pres
ent and all had a splendid time.
Bailey Bros, have put in a large
crop of wheat this fall. The dry
weather was a stunner for some of
our farmers and the usual amount
of acreage has not been seeded this
The literary society meets every
Thursday night at the school house j
quite'111"' 11 splendid
enilul a:nl very interesting
heavy ' program is mere rendered. i-very-"
ibodv enjovs these meetings and
; thev
are productive c.f much good.
A physician would starve in this
,.' - - ., , .... . ,
aiitv. It is the heaitiiiest neck i
; loc
! 'o the
;h1s vou ever even heard !
No oi'ie sick no physicians '
no undertakers; we are all tin
! same
JMie. m lisiicr ii.-.ggaro
novel, perjh-tnal life.
From Over tlie ("reek-
Messrs. (I. P. Lindley, J. II.
Morris, and J. Smith, left Monday
morning lor 1 lie Appiegale mining
Attorney White has moved his
family into their new residence.
P. S. Slewart. the skillful mechan
ic, has proved himself a first-class
workman in wcod. and Mr. lute
is justly proud of his mansion.
Mr. Spease has been making a
few alterations about his premises
of late, for convenience. These
alterations are quite attractive to
the eye of passers by. Mr. Spease
has quite a taste for improvements
and is never idle on that line.
John Schurtz came in last week
from the Siskiyous, where he has
been prospecting for the last four
or five months. Jufct before leaving
the Siskiyous, on one of the high
ranges he discovered a vein 01 gold
bearing quartz. The ledge is about
one foot wide where it crops out.
and gold is visible to the naked eye.
He offers J. R. Hardin an equal
interest in the find. As the snow
is very deep there now, they will
postpone development work on
the new find until spring. If prou-
crlv developed, this property will
prove a bonanza to the owners.
Table Kock Items.
Mrs. A. P. Frierson left Tuesday
morning for an extended visit
among friends in Sacramento and
Oakland, Calif. .
Monday of this week Mr. Dicken
son drove about thirty head of hogs
to the Medford market. On his
return he wore a 3J-cent smile.
Mr. Bybee has moved nil of his
sheep, with the exception of about
a thousand head, from his Rogue
river place to the Jacksonville farm.
We understand that Mr. Cole, of
Sams Valley, who was so seriously
injured a few weeks ago by a load
of wood falling on him, is in a fair
way to recover.
Mr". Pickens found a better chick
en market in Medford, and also
Central Point, than in Portland or
San Francisco, and accordingly dis-
posed of five dozen fowls at the
above mentioned Rogue river valley
Some of Table Rock's citizens are
endeavoring to get up a Christinas
tree for the benefit of tho children.
We hope every one will join in and
help make it a success.
Mr. Vanllardenbcrg and family
have moved to a place near Momi
ville. which they have rented for
the coming year. Clias. Picket-on
and family have moved into the
house thev vacated.
R. E. Drum has reached his old
homo at Waverly, Kansas, and
writes from there that he is feeling
very well. The gentleman says
that sertior. of country is suffering
from a water famine, come farmers
having to drive their stock seven or
eight miles to water.
For the benefit of TllK Mail's
reai'.ers we offer the following cure
for lockjaw, as all are not compe
tent to apply the heroic tre:ment
used by l)r. Pickel, as related in
last week's issue . of your pajier.
Spread a thin cloth ovor the injured
'part and pour over it hot lve. The
jeloth will turn green as long as
I there is any poison in the wound.
This remedy saved
111 our
j family, when the patient was. so
I r..- l...t .1... ..1..
. , . . , tit
llaxed till the hot lve had been
1 ,. , , . T .
j applied for fifteen minutes. In this
I case the lve was made by shovel
ing hot coals and ashes Irom a
fireplace into a bucket of water.
Centra! Point Items.
f.. T . . i).: 1 1.. . 1 1.1 1 .
Mrs. James Pnddv spent r ndav
. ' -
111 K-xitora.
0. II. Ercanbrack was up McJ-
f'd wa'
1 ' Kelso, of 1 rail creek, spent
.v m our city.
! .Monuav Mrs. r-. Woss vis-
itcd the county seat.
Miss Martha Card well visited
Mediiird Tuesday last.
Born, December oth, to Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Geer, a daughter.
R. K. Price, of Tolo, spent a day
in our town the fore part of the
Mr. Tomkins, who has been very
ill, is now able to be on the streets
C. E. Pomeroy, of Table Rock,
was in Central Point this week do
ing trading.
John A. Harvey has -just closed
a successful term of school at
j.,,,it, pinj
W. T. Ijeever has a brother and
sister in-law visiting him this week
from Albany.
m: t.i.. -,.!- ,.r .. ..!
. .. 1 1 - .'" w-'i
U-aclnni: selnml l: tae n:ow
. ,. .
l)r: " h-'vR il t,w'A n
. ...,-v etiKe, .. . ..iM.ue . e.r.,.
. the ore prospects very net..
i Tl'.e c:;rper.! rs havo liniyheii
iim-ir was on i;ie tiarsonase, amn
it is now ready l-.'r the painters. -All
wishing -a 1:11 time Christ
v.ias can find diversified amuse-'
Uient by coining to Central Point. 1
Wm. Constant, of Beagle, was
here Monday, looking alter the
shipment of his hay, to Grants Pass.
Thomas Coker, who has been
working at Pokegama. Calif, the
! nasi summer returned home Tues
Mr. Warwick and family, late of
Joplin, Missouri, arrived here last
week and will make this their fu
ture home.
B. Vincent and wife, of Sams
j Valley, were in our city Tuesday,
j They relate that the measles are
i owite urevalent in their section.
. j Mrs. I. M. Nichols, who has ln-en
employed at the Uirtn rhoto gal
lery in Medfoad the -past summer,
has returned home and all wishing
work done will find the lady in her
gallery, on Laurel street.
Xews From Unioiitown. ,
Unin, rain, rain! It bodes a
prosperous mining season on the
The Kingsbury place was sold
last Saturday and We understand
that Zack Cameron, of Uniontown,
was the purchaser for $1000.
1 be L inontown Heaver club is
enjoying an unparalleled record of
prosperity. Each meeting tests the
capacity of the house and proves to
be a moral, social and intellectual
Frittering away is tho taxpayers'
substance with a prodigal, and the
only consolation that can bo derived
from it, is that it might have
been worse had some one else been
elected. Can it be possiblo Shake
speare had his eagle eye on Jack
son county when ho wrote, "Plate
sin with gold and tho strong lance
of Justice hurtless fall?; clothe it in
rags and a pigmy's straw doth
pierce it." Again, ''Sec yon simple
rail on yon "simple thief handy
dandy with, and which is the
justice and which is tho thief?"
D. P. Freeze, Win. Ilalnon,
"Doc" Watkins and others from
the Klliott creek country, passed
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
through to the county seat Sunday.
The gentlemen are down to recite
before the grand jury what they
know concerning the robbery and
perjury case which occurred at
Watkins, last summer. While
talking of prosecutions, it may be
well to state that all elapses, with-
out regard to political shade, are
watching with interest the squabble
now 111 progress between the great
triumvirate of democratic judge,
populist sheriff nnd republican
Putt.; Nuggets.
Chris Pearson and Curt Tungatc
are preparing to make shingles this'
Thos. Fredenburg has returned
home from Mr. Edsall's, where he
has been engaged in doing some
grubbing. ltnttn u.,!,.i,,.) ,
- , io 1 1 j 1 tujovu outsit;
fsrm rL
place, among 'which is a new
wagon '
X 1. . " . ,
Un Christmas eve there will be a
. 7 . 7
Christmas tree exhibition and
Yu'1-lL,,Ja lree. t-.xiuoiiioit anu
dance at 1 A. Fredenburg's place !
better known as the Charley j
1 arker place. Ad are invited and ;
; a good time is expected. i
Sir.ce the last issue of The Mail
we are liav:ng quite a heavy fan of;
snow. It is fiv; or six inches deep on 1
the ground and it is still snowing. !
Those who have stock on the range '
should look after it at once as win
tor is here and there is
of considerable snow.
a prospect
Talent Items.
find our telephone line a
convenience these slippery
Presiding Elder Jones will hold a
quarterly meeting at Phoenix, next
1 Saturday and Sunday, IVcember
j loth and lGth.
1 On account of the illness of R?v.
j C. P. tocvl, his Talent appoint
uient for next Sund.iv
j ltUh, is caneelltd.
I a pension of six dollars iht month, j
to commence from date of npplica-j
1 lion atnjut Pteniler, l-t2.
I Miss, s Belle and Myrtle Stearns
; .,re m c,ar!:t, 0j tJu. Siler:ii:i: TCS-
jtaurant at present. Meals at ali
j lu;rs :.nd styles t suit c.'.it.e.ners.
1 ,;...- . . 1. .1 ,
1- iv.
.1 preliminary contrai l with .:. a:i
Francisco syndicate, t i s-t-Il the
ilokie-i F'eeee minef.r.t hand-one i
si::a. j
Born, 1. 1 Mr. and Mrs. !I. II. j
Ooddard. war Talent, December j
Ml. an eleven-pound son. t-o the
popli-t lit increaseth, both in
weight and numbers.
IWtor Leon, a French Indian
physician, has rooms at the Sher
man Hjuse. ami seems to have
good success as a specialist. He
has tinder treatment several chronic
cases- of catarrh iind liver com
plaint and is an herb doctor.
The new grocery -tore of Hur
vison t Nt therlMin!. in the Shcr;
block, has opened with a complete
line of grveeiit-s. ineiuding llour
:md l.-vii. It denting, with
"live and let live" prices and gen
tlemanly treatment, count for
anything these young men . will be
rushed with business.
Prospect Pointers.
F. C. Ladd is now prospecting,
with headquarters at Gold Hill.
Messrs. John Brown, J. C. Van
Cleve and Andy Fuller are pros
pecting in the Jump off-Joe country.
Irving MeCail is spend ins; the
1 winter in town, having doubled up
-., -I . - IT II t 1 .1
with mail carrier Hollenbeek in the!
baching business, at Prospect.
c.l I ...:n :.. c
ct;niji tit ojn-ti in a ie u;t,
with .Miss rJla Benson as teacher.
Miss Benson is an able instructor
and also a most pleasant voting
More copies of The Mail come
to Prospect each week than all
other county papers combined. A
paper that gives all the. news, and
is conducted in' the interest of the
people instead of the interest of a
political party, suits us pretty well.
Moonville is very close to the
band in the way of improvements.
E. S. Moore has built a com
modious cellar and root" house, in
which to store tlie largo crops he
raises. 11. Kasmussen has built a
barn, as also has Georgo Stockton.
Messrs. Mooro & Kasnnlssen are
syndicating in the logging business,
clearing tho hillside adjacent to
more, fruit trees.
0. R. liourcgard is spemPng the
winter months en his property ' on
Mill creek. This is the gentleman
who can make absolutely anything
out of
wouii. and v.
ho had the
! world's fair.
famous cabinet ;;t tin
offering to anyone able to open
all of the "00 drawers which it
contained. He has put a current
wheel in the creek, running a shaft
into the cabin, and will work on a
few inventions he contemplates
haying patented. He has presented
Mrs. Stan. Aiken with a handsome
flower stand, made in the rustic
style, of native woods.
There has been little news of
general interest in this vicinity for
sometime, but Prospect is moving
the procession in the way of im
provements. A. II. Boothbv has
completed a new barn, done a good
denl rif flpnmnnr mi b?c form nl'
Ideal of cleaning on his farm and
1 . i - , ,
putting things- in good shoe gen
I era"" Stan. Aiken has also been
I niakln& niany improvements about
! his town property. Has excavated
: i 1.: " 1 t
Plate near ma uouse jor a usu
1 1 V
noi'd. made nrtnaraMnns fir sn ft.
tensive flower eanlen and added a
new industriaUnterprise .a cooper
cimtl ,..;,i, fr r,trt,. : i,o,
who is now turnin-r out a rami
'quality of everything in that line.
to their respective houses.
Will cnahie. tiicm to tj:it (HI
Tlie Boy ne a Short ChUdliood In
In Corea the bovs are called men as
soon as they reach the ajre of ten. They
receive t'jeir tinal names at that age.
and asscme the frarments of fnll-gTOwn
men, all except the horsehair hat. which
they cannot put on until they have
parsed through a period of probation,
l'crttiiijon to wear the horsehair hat is
the final act of transforming- the small
boy into a real, sore-enough, man
tho-igh he doesn't look it. j
Such a bhort childhood may, at first
thought, posseses a charm for boys in f
our coluer climate, liut it will be
j ouicklv understood that making bovs
) into men as soon as thev are old enousrh
to feel that they would like to be men
is n;it a wise i-Jea. The Corcani al
vhoajrh posscsvlnir & certain degree of
; a queer l::ml 01 e:nUzatjon. are not a
j pcjple ta S? pctterned after. In Corea.
:z a yu'ui: maa totvdis are not nea.
he can never bi-; to become so by his
own efToris. .VeL if he is not a member
of a noalo family he can never hope to
reach an cxttc.l position. As for conr
rre thv iVr.'-as have never shown
rauch tf vlia. The Coreaa men are in thent-o'vo-i a cood artrument for
a brief ehiHho..
Irr Are WftodcrfuL
The tond is r. hhcr aci .cl than the.
fro?:, bees is ro :: rr:ves llrth to little air
Vrea".V.?r. " t-ci-:. v.-hereKs the frog- lays
ctt lh:".t r.v.3 v0i-i:ke tadpoles.
X.vx ih? i'r-r i:; certain respects is the
iro; ; v.vr.rrful erja'.rje ir. the world.
Th;::-: r: a. ve.TetaMe-eaUnjf fish with
Fill;" t'-.r. tr.rr;. into an air-breathing-Ir.r.i
cr.imch Oevclopicsr teeth end be
comi::rr r. carnivorous quadruped. That
is the life history of the frog-.
I. sjnso n-wtiensof Florida outdoor
workmen have to wecr mosquito masks.
A Xr.w Yous btato grower has a good
bor.ri:; poach orchard thirty years old.
M12.K xvhen pure and fresh can be
heateil without injury, but cream must
act be hcate.i uftcr it bcxmes acid.
Tfcts exia
orviiaary Ke
Jtiveaator is
tho most
discovery of
Fs!Ung Sn
of the eyes
and ether
&nd tones the
entire ytem.
Hudtan cures
Peh llltr,
rid restores
ureak organs.
Pains in the
baei. kxset
by day or
nij,hi stopped
hba eu-
ino ana. it
j iS!ainst;.
i t'tio litea of
i Kurope and
Hu(!)an Is
T'-trely vega
table, Hudyait Ktoris
of the d Is-
rharfre in 20
days. Cures
.('Tl'titi. .'.'.11
quictty. Over 2,V rrivsto endorsemenrs.
Preiuaturents rtteans iinrotency in the first
Pttyro. It is a symptom of seminal weakness
and barrenness "11 c&n bo s'.OFsed in od&ys
by tho use of Hndvan.
The new diseovery was mad( by the Sreeial-ist-ioftho
old famous Hudson HeiitcsJ Institute.
li is tho strongest vuaiiier laade. It is very
powerful, but oatraU-ss. Sold for 51.00 a paci
asworfi ickajres for S3,fXi5Jaiusealed boxeX
Written iriiarauteo given frvr a euro, lfyoubuy
six boxes and are not entirely cured, six mora
will lw sent to you free of ail chanws.
Send fop eireulr.rsand testimonials. AdditSS
Juuctlou Stocklon, Kiarket JL: alllta Sts.
Suu 1-raueisco, Cul.
I oniiasrv Ke- . tM;?S
Jnveaator is tSlS'