The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 07, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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    , s.
Teachers' Institute of the First Judicial District
Holds Successful Session at Grants Pass.
Excellent Lecturers, Superb Papers and a Full and
Moust Thoroughly Interesting Attendance.
The district Teachers institute,
held at Grants Pass on Nov. "2Sth,
29th and 30th, was well attended
from all parts of the state, there
being ninety-two teachers present,
among whom we noticed several of
the most prominent educators -in
The institute commenced busi
ness at the school house, at 9:30
o'clock a. m., with the popular re
frain, "Ameriea." The morning
paper, "The Teacher's Daily Prepa
ration for the School Room," by Miss
Carson, superintendentof Josephine
county, was well'written. well read
and well received. She was in
favor of a thorough preparation in
all respects. "Shall We Sse Our
selves as Others See Us?" was a
spicy paper by Miss Ewan, of the
Ashland public schools. She took
up the well known saying of the
Scottish bard deftly wove it
into the evenr-day experience of
the teacher, maintaining that above
all else he should thoroughly know
A recess of five minutes was
taken immediately after Miss
Ewan's paper, during which Super
intendent McElroy, in a fatherly
manner, managed to make the
teachers acquainted with each
"Are Pupils and Teachers Over
worked?" by Miss Hudson, of
Grants Pass, was then called, but
the lady beinc absent. Prof. Rigler
took up the subject of primary
arithmetic. He explained methods
and processes in a manner vhich
showed a thorough appreciation of
the needs of schools in that depart
rnent. Miss Hudson, having come
in during the discussion upon anth
metic, read her paper afterwards.
She thought that some teachers and
pupils are sometimts over-worked,
but that the majority of them keep
well on the safe side of work.
The critic made an extensive re
port, which was received without
comment. The paper of Miss Delia
Pickel, of Medford, was then-
called; subject, "Mutual Duties of
Parents and Teachers." She thought
the teachers and pupils should visit
each other and become thoroughly
acquainted, and that their relations
with each other should be marked
by mutual compromise and for
bearance. "Exciting an Interest
in Study," by Miss S. A. Wilson, oft
Grants Pass, was a carefully pre-1
oared paper, dealing with the
teacher's means of stimulating his i
pupils to study for its own sake. A ;
song, by Miss Bertha Barrie, was
rendered in a manner that left no
doubt of her skill as a singer. Miss
Elva Galloway's paper, "A Plea for
Some of the Old-fashioned Meth
ods," was a philosophical inquiry
into the value of educational de
vices. The lady went to the bottom
of her subject and thoroughly vindi
cated the right of some of the old
methods to remain in our schools.
She was generously applauded at
the conclusion of her address.
After a short recess, Prof. Rigler
took up the subject of U. S. history.
The subject was thoroughly dis
cussed by the professor and gaye
entire satisfaction. He thought
patriotism could best be taught by
studying the lives of the nation's
SATURDAY morning session.
"Country Schools Their Needs,"
was discussed by ex-Superintendent
G. A. Savage. His opinion was
that it would be a good plan to
compel each school district to have
at least six months school each
year, or lose its apportionment. It
was a thoroughly practical paper,
dealing with the Oregon public
school as it is not as it might or
should be. "Methods of Teaching
Geography," by Mr. Smith, of the
Woodville schools, came next in
order. He dealt with methods of
teaching the subject in all grades
of the work. "What Constitutes a
Good Teacher," by Day Parker, of
the Gold Hill schools, was a spicy
essay, and well received.
A recess was then taken, after
which Prof. Rigler discussed meth
ods of teaching primary reading.
He examined the subject in detail,
0 giving good reasons for his posi
tions. "Corporal Punishment" was
taken up for general discussion. It
caused quite a lively debate
and was finally left unsettled the
preponderance of opinion seemed to
be in favor of corporal punishment.
literature in the Public Schools"
first. The discussion was led
tion. The sentiment of the
poet pervaded every heart:
Were I so tall that I could roach the pole,
Or srup the ocean in my span.
I must be im'usurcil by my snul
Tiio miml's the standard of the man.
by Prof. MoranJ In his opinion,
children are fed too largely on liter
ary fragments instead of complete
works. His paper was a masterly
plea for standard literature. "School
Management" was then discussed
by Prof. Price, of Grants Pass. He
said the sculpture of Michxl Angelo
was nothing in comparison with the
work of the public school teacher in
moulding character, and that the
teacher should be thorougly disci
plined himself before he undertakes
to manage a school. Also that the
good teacher should be a living em
bodiment of what he teaches. "Com
mon Complaints Made Against
Teachers," was ablv discussed by
Prof. Ilorton, of the Jacksonville
schools. He thought that some
teachers voluntarily lay themselves
open to criticism by attempting to
imitate some favorite hero: that
the teachers influence cannot be
The committee on resolutions
presented a very appropriate report,
which was accepted. "The Im
portance of Physical .Education,"
was discussed generally. President
Campbell, of the Monmouth normal
school, said teachers should lead in
calisthenic exercises. Several oth
ers were called and it was clearly
established that physical exercise
is the proper thing. Some fair
sized fish stories were told during
the discussion. The institute passed
a unanimous vote of thanks to Prof.
McElroy for services and courtesies
during his term of office.
Oelobratimj tho Foaet of San Lo
renzo in Now Mexico.
Resolved: That our (banks are due, and arc
hereby extended, to the citizens of Grants Pass
for their courtesy and hospitality enjoyed by us I
during the institute; o the ladies and gentle
men of Grants Pass, and to the cornet band for
excllent music furnished during the several ses
sions: to Superintendents Carson and Newbury
for their work: to Prof. C. S. Price and all
teachers of the Grants Pass public schools, for
their kindness during our sojourn among them ;
to those eminent educators from diflerent
points in the state, who have so ably aided us:
also to the Southern Pacific railroad company,
for reduced rates.
Resolved: That ve regard the Teachers In
stitute as an important factor In the educational
work of the state, aid that we, as teachers' of
the public schools, will use our InQucnc and
efforts to advance the Interests of this useful
feature of school work.
Resolved: That rre feel confident that we
voice the sentiment of the teachers of the state
in extending to Superintendent E. I). McElroy
our heartfelt thanks for his energy, zealous de
votion and efficiency as superintendent of
public instruction, and we hope he will meet
with the same success in whatever line of work
he may henceforth assume.
J. E. Bl.L'NUKU-
To sum up: All who
the institute unhesitatingly say it
was the best held in the district for
eonie years. And trulv, if the con
dition of the educational system of
our state is to be measured by the
enthusiasm shown throughout the
work, there is a bright future ahead
for school work in Oregon. No one
could listen to the splendid papers,
read by different teachers, and ob
serve the thorough interest and
attention manifested by the audi
ence, without becoming enthused,
reanimated, and proud to say that
he belonged to Southern Oregon.
The time has gone by when insti
tutes were a dead drag and a waste
of time. In the evolution of progress
we have reached that point where
all our people appreciate the value
of this kind of work. Such an im
pulse has been given to the subject
of institute work, that the next dis
trict institute will be even better
than this. There is sure to be a
constant onward march.
The resolution of thanks tendered
Superintendent McElroy was a
well deserved tribute to his worth.
In his official capacit' we shall
know him no more, but no teacher
in Southern Oregon will ever forget
his kind and fatherly interest in
the welfare of all. In his future
work we wish him all the success
which his genial, earnest nature
deserves, and hope that his path
way may be strewn with roses.
Too much space would be required
to note the valuable work per
formed by all. The addresses were
all good. The teachers of this sec
tion were fortunate in securing the
services of the able gentlemen who
came to us from our great institu
tions of learning maintained by the
government and state. We wish
them all continued success.
It was with something of regret
that the teachers heard the last
subject and realized that the insti
tute was all over, and one and all
turned homeward encouraged, en
thused, and resolved to raise still
higher the standard of true educa-
In connection with the institute,
the feature of entertainments was a
grand success. On the first even
ing, Nov. 28th, tho first one was
The address of welcome, ly Hon.
II. L. Benson, was able and listened
to with close attention. lie plead
for milder methods in the school
room. The response, by Superin
tendent Newbury, of Jackson coun
ty, called forth considerable ap
plause. The recitations and music were
of the very best. All were so good
that we mako no special mention of
particular ones.
The first entertainment was so
successful and popular that it was
followed by one each ovening of the
three days.
Music and recitations were given
to infuse life into the programs, and
interesting addresses delivered each
evening, by prominent educators
from different parts of the state, and
one bv Hon. H. B. Miller, of Grants
Jackson county rather took the
lead in the institute. In our list
of warriors we very naturally
clai.ii Prof. C. S. Price, although he
is at present principal of the Grants
Pass public schools. The people of
Grants Pass are beginning to ap
preciate his sterling worth, lie is,
without doubt, one of the leading
educators of the Pacific coast. Mr.
Price labored zealously "for the
comfort, convenience and pleasure
of the entire body of teachers in
Miss Alice I. Carson, county
superintendent of Josephine county,
deserves the fairest compliment for
the energy and ability displayed in
making the institute a pleasant
success and everybody "feel at
home." ,
Prof. Gus Newbury's efforts to
make the institute advantageous
were fully appreciated.
Profs. Cantrall, Ilorton, Price,
Jeffrey, and others, from Jackson
county, defended the issue on "Cor
poral Punishment," and, in the
judgment of many, Jackson county
had the better of it.
The Mail's representative is un
der repeated obligations to Hon.
Jno. A. Jeffrey, for favors shown
during the institute.
Those present from Ashland were: A Adelaide
Bee be, Nellie Ewan. B R Stevens. Minnie K
Prendmore. Jessie Grant, Hallio Gieason, May
Tiffany, X 11 Clayton. Prof C A Hitchcock (Ash
land htch school). Etta Johnson.
Brownsboro A L. Uasclton.
Beagle Emma Burch.
Central Point J C Barnard, II W Korce.
L L Freeman. John A Harvey. Alctha Mauzcy,
Si.Ha Slldham. M M Nicholson E L Gibson, Ida
Corvallis Prof J II IIloss (state agricultural
Drain A O Lee, Prof J F Moran Drain nor
mal school.
Eugene Prof C H Chapman (president state
Grants Pass Arzella B Titas. Louisa Crock
ett. Alice Smith. Carrie C Karr, Mollle Powell.
G A Savage. K G Person. Geo Hart, Nettie
Hamlin. Fanny B Wertz, Ella Savagi, Blanch
Booth. I)ora Colvig, Ethel Holder. Elsie Pol
lock. Miss 3 A Wilson. Mrs C M Martin. Louisa
B Wade, lute Mcrrttl. Maud Mcrrttt, S C
Shcrrill. Mary L Dnvison. Miss Alice I Carson
(county superintendent Josephine county). Prof
C S Price (principal Grants Pass high school).
Sara Scovlll, Mrs T E Beard. Prof H L Benson.
Ida M Abbott. Victor Peterson.
Gold Hill D Parker. Rose Griffiths, M E
Griffiths. Ella L Benson.
Herllng T K Roberts, J A Jeffrey.
Jacksonville Mrs Mary Peter, Gus Newbury
(county superintendent Jackson county). Prof
J M Horton c principal Jacksonville school).
Miles Cantral, Agnes Devlin, Mrs C K Shepherd.
Kubll Lincoln Savage.
Medford Elva Galloway. Adcla J Pickel,
Lutie Burch, Baltic Bliss. Grace Foster, Viola'
Monmouth Prof P L Campbell (state nor
mal school).
Murphy Dottle Day, Eva I Sill, H G Harring
Merlin Miss 8 A Matthews, J D Hayes. Mrs
J D Hayes, David O Hayes.
Portland Prof Frank Rigler (principal Port
land high souool).
Phoenix A F Shldeler.
Rock Point Mrs S C Hohbs.
Salem State Superintendent E B McElroy.
Talent Percy Wells. Kitty Wells.
Wildervlle John II Robinson, Ida M Wade.
Williams Abble Stiles.
Woodville 11 1) Smith.
The total number of teachers present was
ninety-two, of which number something over
tony were I rum Jackson county.
A Weird Performance In Which. Grotcsquo
lanccrs Pay Tribute to tho Saint
Ludicrous Features of tho
Shortly after sundown the fete of San
Lorenzo was inaugurated. It was an
opening performance, as weird as a
witches' dance, with a fiend from the
Inferuo fiddling out the accompani
ment, sr.ys a Ilc-rnnlillo dispatch to the
New York advertiser. Fugot lires were
lighted in every square of tho narrow,
dusty streets, ami soon the town was
all ablaze with the yellow glare that
cast fantastic shadows upon tho walls
of the little cubes of mud, the abode
houses of a sun-kissed clime. A shot
was lired. and there emerged from one
of the low buildings a string of as
peculiarly-garbed men as one might
.see in a year's travel through foreign
countries. They came tripping out in
single file, alxmt twenty in number,
swaying their lissome bodies in rhythm
with a two-string iiddle and a guitar
that was sadly out of tune, the while
executing a dance that was never seen
upon any stage. The costume was re
ully a wonderful affair, the headdress
being markedly striking in design and
finish. In shape something like the
French chnpeau, it served the double
purpose of a mask and headgear, ex
tending to the mouth and enveloping
the greater part of the head. It was
gayly tinseled and tasscled and fairly
shone with Ih'IhIs and all the ornamen
tation which the Mexican fancy can
suggest. The lower part of the face
was concealed by a silk handkerchief
of brilliant color, leaving a small aper
ture for breathing purposes. Down the
lock floated vari-colored streamers,
end capos of rich material drooped
gracefully from the shoulders. In one
hand they carried scroll work that
looked lake the substantial suie of a
paper rack, and with the other they
rattled their prettily decorated casta
nets in tunc with the monotonous
movements of the dance. Some of the
dancers were distinguished in an origi
nal and startling way, which, to tho
American onlooker, lent ridicule to the
whole inane proceeding. Over thcir
velvct trousers were drawn abbreviated
balloon pantalettes of the style so af
fected by the comic paper cartoonists
in their sketches of the aunties of col
ored society.
Around the flaming fagot fires they
formed and amid a silence as profound
as a graveyard at night they circled
these tributes to the saint, neverchang
ing the step, but varying Uie move
ments of the body at command of the
leader. Sometimes ther would bow
and scrape to the flames, and then fall
to the earth and squirm and wriggle
like so many horrid makes. It was a
weird scene. The glow from the fires
dreadfully accentuated the painted
faces of the Indians.whostood stoically
:jlent, with no manifestation of 6p
proval or displeasure. They formed a
lurid background to a decidedly dra
matic ceremony. The senors them
selves, mantled in their scrapes, were
nn interesting part of the stage group.
and the gaunt and sallow faces of the i
senoras seemed to reflect the spirit of
superstition that swayed the scene. ,
The dancers never appeared to grow
tired. It was "Oh. on with the dance"
all the time, until a diversion was
created by the sudden appearance of an
evil spirit in the makeup of a bull.
This fellow wore horns, and the greater
part of his body was incased in the
hide of the animal that shows so much
antipathy to red. 4
4 1JL
HAMILTON & LEGATE, Proprietors.
The Medford has been thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
the yery best. If you try us once you will surely come again.
RATES FROJ1 $1.00 TO $2.00 PER DAY. . . .
The Gem Saloon,"
In connection. Tho best and
cigars courteous treatment.
purest of wines, liquors and
We Carry the Celebrated:
liM Limber ai Spring Wagons,
Corvallis Top and Open Buggies, Buckboards, Carts, and in fact a full
line of vehicles of all descriptions. Case and Canton black
land plows, both single and gang. Bissil and Gale
stubble plows, Case steel frame lever harrows.
"Call and see us before purchasing. Catalogue sent on application.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company,
3D. T. LA-AVTCXN" Manager, Medford Branch.
CflSS &
Correspondence Solicited. . .
Cass & Mee,
Grants Pass
Is a name more fameus than Debs, but in a different way
Wagons and Carriages are known the World over and are
first-class everybody wants a Studebaker.
lie Wann't Afraid of It.
Sir Francis Johnson, chief-justice
of the superior court of Province of
Quebec, on one of his circuits in tho
eastern townships during' the winter,
put up ut a country hotel. The night
was bitterly cold, and the hotel pro
prietor was not extravagant in his fuel
supply or in the weight of his blankets.
The judge put over his bed-coverings
his heavy coat and other clothes; still
the wind and arctic frost became colder
and colder, and sleep he found impos
sible. It was after midnight, and no
one round to make a fire. The judge
arose, and. putting on his slippers and
dressing-gown, went into the passage
and shouted with all his power: "Fire,
fire, fire." In a few seconds tho whole
of the hotel was aroused, and each
frightened one inquiring where it was.
Then came tho proprietor. Panting
and scared, he ran for tho judge an
screamed out: "Where is tho fire,
where is it?" The judge, with a merry
twinkle in his eye, replied: "That's
what I am trying to find." A good
fire was at once made in the hall, and
the rest of the night passed in comfort.
San Francisco Argcuaut -
An Arm J" Lieutenant Handle a FUtol and
a Kaarally Contractor Equally Well.
The following story is told by the
New Orleans Picayune about Lieut.
John W. Heard, of the Third cavalry,
who is one of the best shots in the
army and has a reputation for personal
bravery which is second to none: Some
time ago he was detailed as quarter
master at Fort Thomas. A. T., where
for a good while there had been an
enormous lot of swindling going on
and several quartermasters had made
a wreck of their reputations. The con
tractors had had their own way for a
long time and imagined that the new
management would be like the old.
Kids were sent in and contracts at a
certain fijrure were awarded for sup
plies, when one day Lieut. Heard dis
covered that the papers setting forth
the goods and figures bid by one of the
contractors were missing. He insti
tuted an inquiry, and found that the
papers were in the hands of the con
tractor. The quartermaster at once
rode to town and. seeking thecontrnct-
-.. .! 1. . ti..
contractor, smiling, refused to surren- Cash UP or 110 E- '
fine (Imm Inllitir Il.tiiT.innn lin f
would be taken care of in 'the matter, j
A full line of Studebaker Wagons, Carriages, Carts, Phaetons and
Surreys can be found at the warehouse of
Medfokd, Oregon
r G. L. DAVIS,
Corner Seventh and A.
Xear Bear Creek Bridge, -
Liivery and peed Stable.
First-class rigs, safe and fast teams furnished on short notice. Special
attention given to commercial travelers.
j"Vhip light and drive slow,
Give me a call. My prices are
reasonable. Fair treatment to all
In a moment he was looking down the j e"t
barrel of Lieut. Heard s pistol. 'tive
me the papers!" commanded the
quartermaster sternly. The contrac
tor delivered them up with all conven
ient haste, and Heard then took them
back to the post and found that they
had lcen altered so as to defraud the
government out of thousands of dol
lars. A short time after Lieut. Heard
was sot upon by four armed men at
Pittsburg, Tex. He made for one -of
them, wrested his pistol from him aud
killed him with it. The other assail
ants took to their heels. The man
killed was the nephew of the con
tractor whose rascality had been check
mated by Heard.
A Cat That Ixives the. Water.
A San Francisco fisherman has a cat
that is said to love water as much as
other cats love a rug in front of a grate
fire. IVhen.he goes fishing the cat lies
quietly in the boat and does not appear
to mind how wet ho gets. When tho
seino with its load of living fishes is
hauled in the cat seizes the largest one,
trying to shake it as ho would a mouse.
He does it entirely for sport, as he
never attenipts to cat tho largo fish,
and lives almost wholly on the smaller
ones usod for bait.
Wragons and
Brigades Made to Order
Work Warranted First Class.
(or. C and Eight streets
oBBnsra of all Kinsnos.s
All work guaranteed first-class. Tlans and estimates furnished for
all kind of work either brick or wood.
Gills of LUMBER of nil kinds filled on short notice. Sash, Doors and Mill wort of
Kinds aay thing in the shape ot wood work can be had ou short notice.