The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 23, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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BLaTON & YORK, Publishers.
A. S. Bliton. - - - Editor
W. T. Yonrc, - - - Manager
Published Every Friday Morning.
are many other workers in the field
whose names we do not know, with
reti lions and good words for this
protection of one of our chief enter
prises and means of support. These
petitions and protests when all
ELlered in the Postofflce at Medford, Oregon . have Signed who wish to Will bo
i -fn;i K.itt... i , . .
sent to Koseburg and Iron, there
they will go to the general land of
fice at Washington, from which of
fice it is expected that orders will
He is of few days; but quite a plenty.
era Oregon. The work being done
Dy ;ur. coivig is mvsi comijuen'.i-1
able and too many kind words cu
not be said to the gentleman's cred
it, and aside from him there
as Second-Class Mail Matter.
Medford, Fridat, Nov. 23, 1894.
The Virginia train robbers are
very smooth in making a haul, but be ;ggued to investigate all cases
when it comes to eluding capture nrotesteA
Thanksgiving Services.
The pastors of the various churches
in the city have arranged for Union
Thanksgiving services ou Thanks
giving day, Thursday. November 29th,
to he held in ine m. cnurcn aoutn,
at 10:30 a. m., and -have arranged the
following appointments for said ser
To Preside.: Rev. Ales. S. Foster
Scripture Reading, .... Kev. J. Money
Prayer, Rev-. E. S. Craven
Sermon, Rev. J. !. Jones
Prayer," Rev. E. Russ
Benediction .". Rev. Dr. Kendall
A collection will be taken for the poor
and needy of the city. Said collection
to be distributed by the Ladies' Benevo
lent Association, of which Mrs. A. A.
Kellogg is president, and Mrs. tr. ti.
Haskins. vice-president ana airs. u. .
Lawton treasurer.
It is honed that this day will be
generally observed by all and that the
services will De well attended, for
the convenience of worshipers the bell
on the Presbyterian church will bo
rung at 10 and 10:30 o'clock a. m.
Gave Them a Recptlon.
oar Western artists can walk
straight away from them.
A wtLii filed in San Francisco
consisting of twenty-four words, dis
poses of $300,000 and can't be
broken. A lawyer-proof will is a
pleasing and valuable couriosity.
A youxg woman of Stockton, Cal.,
is now on her wedding trip. When
she started she stole all the money
her old father had, and he killed
himself rather than starve. The
joy that lights that young lady's
honeymooh will probably be as re
fulgent as she deserves.
- It has hesn found that whiskey
can be made from beets. It was
known long ago that beats can be
made from whiskey, and there has
ever since been an overproduction.
The American steer has been
fenced out of Germany, but the
" American tourist with a ready
check book and the American heir
ess in search of a title are still re
ceived with open arms.
In China, the heathen, who car
ries anything from the farm to
town, carries back to the farm two
buckets of refuse to enrich his soil.
In the civilized citias of the new
world we fling away all the garbage
that would, when properly treated
at little expense, be of incalcuable
value to the farms of the vicinity.
When the city of Medford shall
have reached proportions that will
warrant it a dailv saper will b-i is
sued from this office. At the rate
our city has teen forging ahead for
the past two years it will not be
many more until that time arrives,
but until then we will print all the
news once a week.
This issue of The Mail is the
first paper ever printed" in Medford
On a cylinder press. The much
talked of new machine is here and
is doing good execution. The pa
per is a little spotted, but we'll over
' come all that by another week
Can t expect tOO much all at Once, dav settlers. While the place is quiet
. . , ... , I many respects she is a cyclone at grinding
u arc uiiui iuu w inuuui. w
those who have made it possible to
so nicely equip our office.
evening Mr. P. W. Parker, proprietor
of the opera house, tendered the Stuttz
company a reception. About 40 per
sons were present. A fine mustcal
program was rendered, among which
should be mentioned a violin solo by
E. Alma Stuttz and a vocal solo by Mr.
Frank Readick. An elegant lunch
was spread, after . which the stage
of the opera nouse was cieareu ana
dancing was indulged in. It was in the
wee sma' hours when the party broke
up, all voting it a most pleasant suc
cess. Eugene Guard.
Obituary Notice.
Died November 17, 1394, of con
sumption, a. her home on Galls creek,
near Gold Hill. Mrs. Julia Dungey,
wife of Thomas Dungey. Deceased
was born in England, August 6. 1357.
Came to this country with har hus
band about thirteen years ago, was
converted and joined the M. E. church
about three years ago, under the
pastorate of Rev. E. L. Thomson.
She leaves a husband, five children
and many friends to mourn. Almost
her last "words were. "I'm resting in
the arms of Jesus." Dr. G. Kahxer.
Jacksonville News.
Fred Furry and family were vis
iting relatives, Tnesduy and Wed
nesday. Miss Mamie Isaacs, of Medford,
was the guest of Mrs. S. J. Day,
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Lena Dunlap, of Phoenix, is
in Jacksonville and will remain
some time with Mrs. Q. R. Neil.
Miss Lillie Patterson, of Ashland,
a niece .of Sheriff Patterson, is
spending the week in Jacksonville.
Married in Jacksonville, Nov. 21,
1894, by Rev. W. B. Moore, Oliver
L. . Sargent and Miss Lizzie C.
C. C. Pletcher is located in Medford
fully equipped and qualified to do
dentistry in a careful and scientific
manner. Office in MoAndrews block.
D. Miller and wife, of Phoenix,
attended I he Sargent-Critchlow
wedding, Wednesday, at the M. E.
F. O. Hurd, foreman of the El
liott creek mines, was here a few
days this week after supplies for
his mining crew.
Wm. Miller and family who have
resided here for a year or more will
leave this week for Philadelphia,
their future home.
Little Vernon Applegate is very
ill with quinsy.
John Wright spent Sunday with
Ashland friends.
Dr. Hinkle made Ashland a visit
on last Saturday.
T. Hill, of Trail Creek, was
here on Tuesday.
W. W. Edington made Medford
a business trip last week. ;
A. J. Daley, of Eagle Point, spent
a day in town during the week.
Henry Clock and family, of Gold
Hill, spent a day here during the
James Hay, of Rock Point, spent
a day here last week with old
Mrs. Geo. Priddy, of Medford,
was visiting friends at this place
last week. .
James Shields, of Wellen, was
here Tuesday interviewing our
Mrs. Luela White, of Ashland,
visited relatives and friends of this
place last week
Miss Mary A. Mee has been suf-
foT-in cr V na at aa1t with a utvara
OWJffI)... : 11,1 I ? "
cmcim x oiKiwu 10 vwp attnnlr of anr throat
auuu, w .., M c fiu fin;she(j shelving
turn from California with John An- ,. . " . . , fi
, , : j u- ..J his store and is now putting in his
irM i iiu l i 1 1 u h i ii ;i i i i m l um iiua in - -.
whil. tmrhtimr from J stock of general merchandise,
J. t-ietcner is locatea in aieaiora
moing train. . eQuIrjDed and Qualified to do
Mother Provincial, of the Order dentistry io a careful and scientific
of Jesus and Marv, arrived here manner. Office in McAndrews block,
Tuesday, accompanied by another The lumber for the M. E. parson-
sister. Thev will spend a week age is now on the ground and the
with the sisters of St. Mary's Acade- j carpenters will begin work at once.
my in our city. ine trustees of the town are now
Geo. Neil's cup of happiness is having new sidewalks bunt on
brimine full since Sunday, upon rine street, which is a great lm-
which date a daughter arrived to provement to the town,
mate nis nome wun tnai .oung a. M. rord has purchased a
and promising attorney and share house and lot on Manzanita street,
the lather's joy. of Mrs. E. J. McClendon and oc
Mrs. J. M. McCall and Mrs. Rees- cupied the same at once.
er, of Ashland, spent last Thursday The Ladies' Christain Aid Society
in Jacksonville, i ney were especi- wall give a box social and free enter-
ally delighted with the various va- tainment on November 24th. All
. E
The annual report of R. A. Max-1
well, fourth assistant postmaster
general, has been submitted to the J ?f?1,
Phoenix Happenings.
Bert Hukell is improving from bis recent
Wm. Cbastain came over from Klamath. last
Frank Robison has moved bis barber shop
to Talent.
Henry Stancliff is doing considerable build
ing tbese times.
George Epps will leave this week for Apple
gate, where be will do a turn at mining.
John Stewart, as a bicyclist is nothing slow.
His time, on that new wheel, is not given out
bat it is harrying Zigler right swift.
Phornixissaidtobe a Quite old place, bnt
she is dear to the heart ot many of the early
weddings and we will pnt ber up against any
town in the valley.
Griffin Creek Gatherings.
Mr. Poley and daughter Clara, of Ashland,
spent Friday Bks with relatives here.
3Uas KstWTVaiatrir,' of Ashland, spent a few
neties of chrysanthemums now in
bloom and which are extensively
cultivated by many of our floralists.
N. Langell has returned from a
trip to Klamath Falls where he
went to attend the trial of F. Swin
gle for the murder of Arthur Lan
gell. The case was continued un
til June owing to the illness of
Swingle's wife, an important wit
ness. Adarel Chapter No. 3, O. E. S.,
elected officers at its last meeting.
Miss Alice Hanley, W. M: Mrs. P.
Elmer, A. M; Geo. W. Love. W. P;
Miss Pauline Karewski, Cond; Mrs.
Lizzie Cronemiller, A. Con; Miss
Estella Levy, Treas. and Miss Issie
McCulley, Secy. The installation
will take place in four weeks.
Messrs Norton and Uaay, ac
companied bv their fa.vilies. ar
rived here recently from Seattle,
Washington, in quest of homes.
These gentlemen are carpenters and
anticipated plenty of work in their
line, having rtad graphic accounts
of the great mines being opened in
(k;. .nnnnomn fhnt than
wna mnre nr Ipps hnilflin? in con-l K
mvtinn thorpnnth hilt nrt A trifle I i rOl. M.
are cordially invited to attend.
W. B. Kincaid is now building
a residence on his lots in the Con
stant addition and will be a citizen
of our town in the near future.
Dr. Hinkle is at his North Star
ledge this week. The ore is very
rich and he is now having several
tons crushed at the Lindley quartz
J. G. Conley, of Sams Valley.
and Miss Eva Pankey of this place,
were married at Jacksonville, on
the loth inst. They have the
best wishes of their many friends
News From Unlontown.
Baylor, last week.
. . -, - - n - i ' 1 1 - r i ii linn nsi rn Trmirr vuniea
general. XT? J ttwrt I gJ iu bUt MS. rathe pupils some good
-postmaster v
covers fTfo'nKalyea?
ended JThetotal nunJ
bei f poSoffiees in operation in tbe
United S&fit9,8d5: ' During
the year 3jl3G postofEces were es
tablished and 1J34 discontinued.
The total number of appointments
during the year was 23,166.
stoat Mk
P.Truehod OMalsfortnne to have a fine
nrala oolt severaly tottea d a few days ago by
tn coKtaot wlta a aarnoa wire fence.
A young nU Mn B Ike name of Dan Chap
man, died Monday at JO o'clock p. m..
having angered mrmrnl mamkt with consump
tion. ..; 5:;.
As Governor PsamATwr -irlfsfr-oancluded to
mud with the nMiaU Wilmoaron Thanks
giving uay, we wm avw m iuai.w muuj uu
once ana gei w amvw w t n--.
While H. L. Oriffln WM ngags4 at Work In
the Seld a few davs av BS aMesXlaa aras av
1 tmHMl hff t,p Antm liniMI a. ahflrfc dlatance
AfTBnnv who wants a water SUP- from him and upon invewdsmtlon 'ud they
DCIBf n iww r me
dead as dead eould
had treed a wildcat.
hand he threw a rock to I
dogs, and down it came
ply that, is absolutely pure
have it bv rigging UP a Still, and a be, he having struck It in the head. Henry
- 60 . , , . geems to hit the mark It makes no difference
still is easily made Dy placing
glass retort or a tin one, it glass
is not obtainable over a tea ket
tle and so distilling his drinking
water. Condensed steam is abso
lutely free from any animal life.
what he goes at.
Willow Springs School Report,
eport of
No. 14, fa
The following is a :
Springs school, district
ending Nov. s, ltvt.
the Willow
for the month
rl Mansfield 100: Sonhla Davis 100: Hat-
tie Penninger 100; Lottie ftowe 85; Kate Davis
ning 75; Agnes Ash worth 95; Ethel Patrick iuu;
Water that drips from the tube of a .."gJfSJSr mLTiS
retort is absolutely sterilized. No nj&&&t
person who drinks distilled water is TS&s$3fi&mg
: A-;1r in la worms of 100: George Jones AO; Ira Jones 96; Horace
cici6imi5iuuliiiu 6 Jones 100; Charles McDonald 70: MetaMorine
1,M fcr fe. Albert Clifton 100; Harry Beal 86: Ralph
j r '
Real estate is always moving in
Medford not a3 swift as we have
seen it jump about, in North Da-
koto where banks of it shift from
one man's ranch to within his
neighbor's inclosure3 in less time
than it take3 to write this and all
due to the storng. healthy winds
Beal 80; Arthur Beal 75; Eber Davis 100; Ben-
nle Peart S5; James i-eari w; te rainca
Perry Patrick 80; Harvey Gray 100; Becca Gray
juu: iienie narr iw; aiyrue nittu, naw;i wjwoi
Mima Clampltt, Maggie Clampltt, Genie Turn-
Danger of Catarrh.
T. M. Reed was at Gold Hill
Saturday and Sunday.
Dr. A. T. McMurtrey is teaching
music in this settlement.
Misses Grace Throckmorton and
Mary Jeffrey visited Medford Sat
Mrs. J. D. Matney and children
are visiting her mother on Little
E. Rigby. of Medford,
will lecture at Bridge Point, Satur
day evening, November 24th.
C. C. Pletcher is located in Medford
fully equipped and Qualified to do
dentistry in a careful and scientific
manner. Office In McAndrews block.
m. Kay, Sr., ana sons are
gathering cattle. The cattle came
nQSpAll persons knowing themselves from the range this year in first
uB tn h indebted to E. Worman. I i-lnaa nrdw
One pair 10-4 blankets at Angle &
Flymale a lor w cents.
Fine line of cigars and tobaccos at
the Big T grocery.
to be indebted to E. Worman,
either by note or book account, are
asked to call inside of thirty days and
settle, and save costs.
Sewing maehine needles and sup-
ues of all Kinds, at bimmons' second
and store.
class order.
Chris. Weis & Co., of the Klam
ath river country, nave just pur
chased of John Pelton the Kings
bury band of cattle, paying eight
dollars per head for the same,
The literary society at this place
We are
Still Here !
And are keeping up our
reputation as the . . . .
Of this valley. We will soon receive a new
line of fine Dress Goods, at greatly reduced
prices. Uur low prices to all, niarKeu in plain
figures. Honest goods and fair treatment.
Stands for Question, Quality and Quan
tity. The first question is, where can
you buy the best groceries in the mar
ket; the second question is, where can you buy
the most lor the least money
at I.
Stands for Answer. The answer to the
first question is, at I. M. fluller's.
The answer to the second question is
Al. Muller's.
Stands for Proof. The proof of the
puddine is in the eatine. The proof of -
the above assertion is in the fact that I
am enjoying an exceptionally large trade.
UR line of Gent's Furnishing Goods is
complete in every particular. You
should see those nobby ties that I am
selling at 25 cents each.
Corner Seventh and C,
Medford, Ore.
Keep Your Eye on the Flag.
Deuel & Stevens,
I, - - Meufori, Oregon.
Front street, first door south of Hotel Medford. Our tables
are supplied with everything the market aifords. Suppers
(or dances ana parties on snort notice.
h Heals at all hours, Day or Night, square Meal 25 cents.
Give me a call when you are hungry and want a good meal.
B. TRAINOR, Proprietor.
n V
HAMILTON & LEGATE, Proprietors.
mmw The Medford has been thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
the very best. If you try us once you will surely come again.
RATES FROfl $1.00 TO Sa.oo PER DAY. ...
4y 1
Our Prices are the Lowest.
An Inspection of our
Will Convince you. Come all. It is no trouble
to show goods. Remember the place,
Union Iihery Stables,
FRANK MINGUS, Proprietor,
Successor to ED. WORMAN. ...
Having lately purchased this popular stable and stocked it with
new rigs, safe vnd fast teams I am now prepared to meet the wants of
the traveling public in a satisfactory manner.
Comes Hard
To some people; especially in these close times, when dollars
are hard to get, it behooves everybody to study values and
prices before investing even small sums in goods. Have
you been buying carelessly? We have a general line of
Hardware, Builders Materia!, Cutlery, Ammunition and Tinware.
KAME & GILKEY, - medford, precox.
The Gem Saloon,"
In connection. Tho best and
cigars courteous treatment.
purest of wines, liquors and
Cooking Prunes in Tea.
Lareest stock of fall and winter
clothing in the valley at Angle & Ply-1 is training a wide reputation for the
males. excellent and diversified character
of its work. Last Saturday eve-
nine was a red letter day a re-
A lady of Sauealito, who has a viral of the debating club marked
deservedly high reputation , among the evening's entertainment. Vocal
her friends for the dainty excellence selections by Aria Throckmorton,
of her household cousine, informs Will Matney and Miss Mildred
us that prunes are greatly improved Matney were well received. Misses
by cooking in tea. The fruit Anna Jeffrey and Grace Throck
should be soaked in cold tea during morton favored the audience with
the night and then the whole choice recitations. The debate was
placed on the back part of the stove hotly contested by Miss Anna
to 6lowly simmer until the proper Jeffrey, assisted by Messrs. Floyd
stage of tenderness is reached. Pierce and O. V. Stickle on the
The tea imparts a pleasing flavor, part of the affirmative, while Hon
and many who never eat prunes John Jeffrey. Wm. Banister and
otherwise prepared take kindly to Frank Farrell defended the nega'
the tea flavored article.
Fruit Grower.
-California tive side in a creditable manner.
Is fully equiped and qualified
to do Gold and Porcelain
crown work. Gold, Silver
and Cement fillings. Artific
ial teeth in all styles. I also
make the improved partial
Special attention given to
Children's teeth.
Office in McAndrews Block,
The most important feature about
that very common complaint, catarrh
in the head, is its tendency to devel
od into some other more serioos and
dangerous aisease. i ne ioui manor
dropping from the head into the bron-
of that country, but here the moves lead bronchitis or consumption, that
are iust swift enough to be of a destroyer which causes more aeatns m
the blood, local applications can do
but little good. The common sense
method of treatment is to purify tne
blood, and for this purpose there is no
nrpnuratinn superior to Hood's Sar
rtlll IKI..fl onllnn i.f ttiil
The first nine months of The mlciDe upon the blood expels every
Mail's existence under its present impurity, and by so doing cures catar-
Vli nil rn anQ gives neaitn to tne enure ur-
.. 1 ort,arn
. .. , mis cuuoirv tuau nuv
nature most wholesome to our cuy s catarrh originates in impurities
prosperity, enly, the Hub do
move and it do move ahead we
never retrograde.
management was an up
all the way and a heavy lug.
people had been bilked by newspa
per publishers until they had lost
all confidence in members of the
craft. At that time we had five
Miners' rubber Md boots at Kauf
man & Fisher's IaL general store,
-Kock Candy Drips and sorghum
molasses. Lumsden & Berlin,
Wolters' groceries are always fresh
hundred subscribers and very few and are sold cheap,
of them paid in advance, loday Staple and fancy goods at the Big
we nr nrintinar and mailing llo4 -1 grocery,
taners, to actual sucsencers, ana uouse ana 101 tor saie. inquire a.
TYifinw nf them nre naid two and three -
J 1 T J Dt T nmn.
- J-.rt-.rt-. I liKJ.B WttU IrtSU blJO iJ ft "
years :
eery store, Medford, Oregon.
Attorney W. M. Colvig,
0f Ladies'.Misses' and children's cloaks
! P.IAoa nan Vux Via. Anirlar Pi vmfll a
TaVann-irilli Tins been encased fori .
r.. Aa th u-ppV ;n l,nM. -Prices on Millinery goods are al-
a. . . Ways the lowest at Mrs. J. w. Jfaims
iuS , -Angle & Ply male's standard calf
ences at, vv ooavaie auum iuc uu school shoe is a wearer. Try it.
. a - i :4. !
creeK country, m iue iulcxco. u -uc It wU1 that cent
mines and mining lands of South-1 neckwear, at Muller's.
The Way
To reach cattarrh is through the blood.
Hoods Barsaparilla by purifying the
blood, removes the cause or the aisease
and permanently cures catarrh. Take I
only Hood s.
Hood's Pills act cosily, yet promptly
and effectively, on the liver and
bowels 25c.
When tmhj was sick, w ( Iktr Outerfs.
What shs was Child, Aa cried for OutorU.
msbebeosiBSlUBabsclong taOutarts. .
Whan mba had ChMwybs gwUfn Oilorts.
C. C. Pletcher, the Medford den
tist, will take oak wood in exchange
for dental work.
From Over the Creek.
Try the new bakery, in the Woolf
The new package coffee,
ite." Lumsden & Berlin.
Bread Three loaves for a dime
the new bakery.
Pattern given away with every
dollar's worth of goods sold at the
A Famous Show of Beauty.
Mr. Tripp has his new barn
about completed. He expects to
live in it this winter and in the
spring he will build a fine residence.
G. P. Lindley returned home last
week from a hunting trip at the
head waters of Trail creek. Four
large fat deer ware the reward of his
Mr. Sohott, the bachelor gard-
The Gents' and ladies' tTaclntoshes ner, has his hve acre tract in snip
haye arrived! Make your selections shape and that cosy little cottage
now, Angle & Fiymaic. nftB attracted more than one pair of
eyes of the opposite sex who have
triven shv elances in that direction
fl-rari hv f.mnnB mrtlatjL whlnh tn now t&klncr I
place at the Academy ot Floe Arts In New I Say. Mr. Editor. I forgot to tell
York, Has been anticipated by Thb Cosmo vou that Edwin RuBS. the miller, is
"JTM "wm T "StTXZZoll making au article of Graham flour
article by Wm. A. Coffln, with lunatratlons ot .... , , . . uurl,h.,,tifi.. Th ..a..t that is hard .to beat. "Where is
Passions of History" series has for this month's I RURS' mill?" Why, don't you
subject the romatlo career of Agnes Sorel- know? Just One-half mile east Of
who Influenced tfle destinies or France under I w - J , J
The Great British Northwest Territory. Attorney li. W. W Dlte Has aDOUt
The Chiefs of the Amerloan Press," sad the I comrjleted one of the finest houses
Publlo Library Movement" are amongst !n ti.- .. 'Tf von think that
Th Cosmopolitah'S table of contents. Stir- . T .f,
vworsof the war and their cniiorea win and exaggeration I will say one among
Intense Interest in -The Story of a Thousand," the finest. He 18 expecting Mrs.
a personal narrative begun in this number by White to return in a few days from
Albion w.Tourgee,wno tens wgrapio way, oi jowa wn(jM gne Q&8 been visiting
a reiriineni wmon saw neree eryiee 01 or- , , v Tha mil
n-.mtin. iu marches, its smrts. and its I wisnds and reUtiveB for the past
death-rou. .
three months.
0. C. Pletcher,
THE . .
Hog Taken Up.
A block sow has come into niy en
closure, and the owner is hereby
notified to call ana tatce ner away.
MarKs swallow foriC in left car and
slit in right.
Table Rock, Oregon.
Taken Up An Estray.
ramA InA mv rtimlnsnpn nn nr before
Oct. 20th, one dark bay horse golding,
nranaea wita star un uip, uu nt
ness or saddle marks, weight about 1000
pounds. Owner call and p rove proper
ty and pay for advertising.
Table Kock, Or.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awirdtd Cold Mtdal MldwlMtr l-lr, su i-nuicuo-
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
To write a convincing adver-
isment about clothing nowa
days. AU dealers claim so
much, and most of them too
much for the discriminating
reader to believe. All I do is to
try and get you to look at my
stock. It is easy to sell then.
My constant aim is to put into
the cloths all the attractive
ness of artistic fashion and
careful making at the lowest
possible price. This is why I
retain mv old trade and con
stantly receive new customers.
Ask those who wear the latest
and finest clothes where they
trade and all will toll you with
FETSCH, The Tailor,
Medford, - Oregon.
Catch the Shadow Ere the
Substance Vanishes."
L To introduce our novelties for the Christm as trade, we nave
J reduced the price for our best finished Photographs. Re-
wember that a dozen of our fine Aristo and Solio paaels will
a dozen Christmas present, which they will appreciate.
j Come in early so as to give your photographer plenty of
. "f time to finish your order for Christmas. Call and see our
f new samples of photos, in latest styles. o
Seventh Street, Medford.
Tyler's Gallery, Ashland.
We Carry the Celebrated!
J5T,Located at Merrjman's
old stand,
Medford, - Oregon.
Nntlna In hereby riven that C. W. Skeel and
M W. Skeel, a eo-partnerahip, doing business
under the firm name and style ot C. w. Skeel &
Son, In the town of Medford, and state of Ore
gon, bare this day made an assignment of all
Srt.BMii.o the undersigned for the benefit -f i
of their oreditora pro rata; and any and au per t CXi
tons having claims againsv niu imuiviram.i"
.... .Huni hj ,nmn ilnlv verified, to mo at I ' i
my offToe on or before February 1, 1V9.V
Dated this Mth day of Novomber, 1894.
N-tS-D'88 W. I. VAWTKR.
Mitcliell Lukr and Spring Mods,
I Corrallis Top and Open Buggies, Buckboards, Carts, and in fact a full
. line of vehicles of all descriptions. Case and Canton black
land plows, both single and gang. Bissil and Gale
stubble plows, Case steel frame lever harrows.
jfJfCall and see us before purchasing. Catalogue sent on application.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company.
3D . T. XiA."WTT01Sr Manager, Medford Branch.
Assignee's Nojicejo Creditors.
NOTICE la hereby given that Poter J. Vaa
Hardenberg, residing and doing business aa
Table Rack, Jackson oounty, Oregon, has thla
day made an assignment of all his property odi
e Scots to the undersigned, for the benerlt of all
his creditors, pro rata, and any or aU persons
having elalms against this Insolvent estate
must present the ame to me at my offloe In
Medford, Oregon, on or before Feb. 8, 1WS.
Dated Oct. 8, 18H.
Plain and
Orders for plain or fancy baking
will receive prompt attention
Bakery in Woolf building, on
North C street,
Medford, Oregon
Correspondence Solicited. . .
Cass & Mee,
Grants 3?ass