The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 02, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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BL.IXON & YOS.K, Publishers.
A. S. TiLiTON, - - - Editor
W. T. YoiiK, - - - Manager
Published Every Friday Morning.
He is of few days; but quite 3 plenty.
En'-ered in the Postofflce at Medford, Oregon
as Second-Class Mail Matter.
Medford, Friday, Nov. 2, 1894.
The colleges of the country as a
rule report large freshman classes.
This does not concern the sopho
mores so much as classes of large
freshmen would.
A pneumatic saddle is the latest
addition to the accouterment of the
race horse. The only things now
lacking are a pneumatic horseshoe
and a pneumatic track.
Madagascar is the fourth largest
island in the world, and if France
persists in her purpose to establish
a protectorate there it is likely to
be entirely surrounded by blood.
The Mail will be enlarged to an
eight page paper now pretty soon.
We realize the fact that our readers
ought to have more general reading
matter and we propose to supply
the demand. .
Is the possible event of a great
European war America can plume
herself on the fact that she would
te a sufferer only in the cost of tea,
coffee and sugar, as she herself pro
duces all of the other real necessar
ies of "
The eastern boundary of Alaska
is a meridian of about 600 miles, a
length of straight boundary only ex
ceeded by one other the parallel,
running east and weBt between the
United States and Canada, .from
Lake of the Woods to Puget sound-
A New Jersey man who lulled a
neighbor admits that he is guilty,
deserves to be hanged and desires
the operation hastened. Then a
benign law steps in and denies him
the right to plead guilty to a capital
offense. It is an almost unwar
rantable hardship that the one
honest man accused of crime within
the memory of the present genera
tion should have his veracity called
Into question.
It required 441 days work to
assess the property of Jackson
county. For this service $4 per
day was charged, or $1,764 for the
- whole job. The question arose at
the last session of the county court
as to whether the assessor could
charge $4 per day for his deputies
when the price actually paid to them
did not reach that amount by a con
siderable, but when the assessor's
bill came up it was allowed by a
majority vote of the board, but not
by a unanimous vote. Aside from
this $4 per day charge there were
charges made for making assess
ment rolls. Every tax payer of
this county has reason for congrat
ulation because that the last of the
old regime ia very near to the sun
Bet of its closing day.
Inertia never, well, rarely ever,
makes lengthy calls upon the city
of Medford. Our people are too
much alive to their own interests to j
allow the old girl to get a good
footing hereabouts. We are a
people that do move, and this in
fection reaches out to other towns
and states and we do move people
from these places to our blooming
little city, and these people do buy
lands and do build homes thereon.
The homes built in and about Med
ford would surprise, yes and flatter,
our citizens if they knew the num
ber and we propose to enumerate
them, with the names of owners
and builders, and costs, in some
future issue of The Mail. Another
pleasant feature connected with the
building of this large number of
residences is that none of them are
The Mail is not making an as
sertion in the following upon any
positive grounds, but we are just
going to rise to exclaim that there
is more talk in the air on the rail
road extension. There has been
any amount of talk switched about
on this same subject for several
months past, in fact longer than
that, but fur a time it has been
quiet, that is, the talk hasn't been
"very rousing, but all the time there
has been a great many- figures
made. Two aud two have been
put together and it has equaled the
Bum of four. In like manner the
arithmetical prpblem of profit and
loss on an extension of the Rogue
liver road has been figured and the
figures have showed up well on the
profit side, hence it is safe to say
that had it not been for the very
close fitting times (no reference to
our contemporary by that name)
this extension would have extended
,t this fall, bat &a it is we must be
content to await the time when the
robins shall have commenced the
chirp of their new spring song. We
have always asseverated that this
extension would be built and we
are just as sure of it now, alid a
little more so, than at any other
time. Capital has eyes and as these
eves are always for profit it cannot
fftrd to lur'u down tula proposition.
W. Skeel & Son's Sash and Door
Factory Totally Destroyed.
Four Thousand Dollar Loss Only
Fifteen Hundred Insurance.
Shortly before twelve o'clock Mon
day Nightatchman Churchman
sounded the alarm of fire by his
usual way, that of firing his re
volver, and in a very short time the
shrill toots of the whistle at the
electric light station were heard,
and a large percentage of Medford's
citizens rushed into the street and
soon realized the fact that our city
was visited with a destructive fire.
This time the fire was in the sash
and door factory of C. W. Skeel &
Son, and before it was discovered
the whole interior of the building
was on fire, and the flames had
burst through the doors, and win
dows and were leaping high
into the air. The fire boys were
soon on the ground with the hose
cart and a line of hose was laid
from the corner of Seventh and
A streets, and a stream was soon
plaving upon the burning building.
The fire had' gained such headway,
however, that it was impossible to
save the mill or any of its contents,
and the boys soon turned their at
tention toward the lumber shed and
office building:, which were saved.
Although the fire lasted but a short
time it was a hot one and the boys
worked manfully to save every
thing possible. The loss will reach
about $4,000 and was onlv insured
fer $1500. The loss falls heavy
upon Messrs. Skeel & Son as this
property was destroyed by fire
about three years ago, and they had
but recently rebuilt and put things
in good running order, having rittcui
up with new and modern machin
ery. Messrs. Baird & Stratton are de
serving of much credit for the man
ner iu which they kept the whistle
going, and also for keeping their
lights burning until after all danger
was over, although their power
station was located within less than
four hundred feet of the burning
There can be no doubt but that
the fire originated near the engine
room of the mill for when first dis
covered by Engineer Stratton the
flames had burst through the east
end of the building and were plain
ly visible to those on the streets,
and on account of the light in the
station and the noise of the electric
machinery the first alarm was
given by Xightwatchman Church
man, who was at the time near the
Hotel Medford.
It would seem that Medford has
had about her share of fires this
year, this being tne third conngara
tion, and with the occurrence of
each we are made aware of the ne
cessity of better fire protection, and
especially a better alarm system.
The Leiow investigation of tbs police
department of New York is still contin
ued. Police Commissioner Sheehan was
on the rack last week. He finally re
fused to answer Lawyer Gou"s ques
tions. The Burlington has begun the regular
runninfr of trains to Billings, ilont.,
and by way of the Northern Pacific to
Helena, Butte. Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma
and Portland, and all northern Idaho,
Montana and Puget Sound points. This
gives to the railroad world another
trnnRmnrinprftal lin which will UiBV
no unimportant part in the mutter of j
freight and passenger trade in. the
A complaint filed in the circuit court
at Milwaukee is a novelty in legal docu
ments. It is a suit for $30,000 damages
on account of breach of promise, the
plaintiff being Adolph Scbolz, a banker
who has been doing business in Berlin.
He tells how he sold out his business in
Germany and journeyed to Wisconsin
to make Catherine Pilfer 3Irs. Scholz,
and how when he arrived she refused to
marry him. Thereupon he returned to
Germany, but in January, 1S93, reiving
upon her renewed promise, he came
b&ck and was again spurned by Cathar
ine. The two trips, together with the
injury to his feelings, he considers
worth $30,000.
Juan Cienfuegos, one of the Salvsr
dorean refugees who was detained at
San Francisco at the request of the gov
ernment of San Salvador, has been re
leased from custody. The state depart
ment at Washington has refused to
grant the extradition of Cienfuegos.
He came to San Francisco with Antonio
tzeta and other refasees. and all were
charged with murder and robbery. The
United States court decided that the
alleged crimes were committed during
a state of war and that extradition
could not be granted.
Nine lots of fruit, principally apples
from Oregon, though some pears were
from San Francisco, were destroyed at
the public crematory at Vancouver, B.
C. The apples were affected with codlin
moth and the pears with San Jose scale.
Dealers here are anxious that the fruit
inspectors in the states of Oregon and
California should in some way punish
these firms for sending out infected
fruit. The inspector has publicly an
nounced tnat infected fruit is coming in
from Oregon. San Francisco was not
mentioned in his statement, as only one
lot coming from there was condemned.
On account of this announcement orders
for fruit from the south have fallen off,
and orders are being placed with Ontario
(Can.), and Australian agents.
Fifty thousand dollars has been offered
by the Kinetoscope company for the
Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight, the fight to
take place in Mexico, where no interfer
ence is probable.
Ladies'.Misses' snd children's cloaks.
Prices cant be beat Angle & Ply male.
Second-hand goods wanted at the
Variety store, south of the Clarendon
Call and see the new heating
stoves, at Kame & Gilkey's new hard
ware store.
Mrs. P. Stewart's
parlors, in Halley block,
invited to pall.
Ladies are
DresB goods! Dress goods and trim
miners! You pught to see thera at
Angle & Plymale's.
Don't forget thnt Mrs. Sears is at
the Racket store with a complete stock
of winter millinery,
Judge Watson was down from
Portland last week looking over the
big Kubli mining proposition.
Judge Ileid, of Tacoma, has pur
chased the Jas. McDonough Quartz
and placer property, near Tolo.
S. S. Cooper, of this place, left
this week for the Applegate country
where he will put in the winter
If the reported rich find made by
ex-Deputy County Clerk, J. H.
Huffer is correct he can teel grate
ful to the people of Jackson county
for not electing him sounty clerk.
The report goes that last week he
discovered a ledge, or rather two
ledges, at a point where they come
in contact from which he has taken
quartz that goes $15 to the pound,
or $30,000 to the ton. This is, of
course, the richest of the ore but it
is all reported to he very rich. The
location is at the head ot chivley
gulch, between the two forks of
Jackson creek, and is on land owned
by Thos. Reams, of Jacksonville,
who, by-the-way, has an half inter
est in tlio mine with Mr. Huffer.
One of the ledges is twenty inches
wide and the other twelve. A shaft
has been put down about ten feet.
From Our uniontown Correspondent.
Adams. Frakes and Muhnn
their hydraulic ready to run.
Roggs & Co. will soon commence
to tear up the earth with two giants.
Albert Sturgis, the veteran miner
of Forest creek started his hydrau
lic this week.
C. S. Matney keeps grinding
away with his steam arastra on
Bishop creek and the results are
very satisfactory.
The mining industries are excit
ing unsual interests among" miners
from all localities. Each day brings
a new party looking for investments.
Pierce and Sons are building a
new and substantial dam on Poor
mans creek which will give them
an ample head of water for a suc
cessful season's work.
David Law, the noted pocket
hunter, was down to town the other
day with the proceeds of another
pocket. Dave is an expert at trac
ing and we look for him to "bob up"'
sume day with a snug fortune from
onJ of these pockets.
Tom Winslow, of Palmer creek,
will put up a five stafhp mill on
his property, to be operated by
steam. The water wheel erected
last summer was not satisfactory,
yet from the seven tons crushed,
$630 was realized. That is nae sae
Jacksonville Sews.
A. S. Jacobs, wife and daughter
called on friends here Tuesday.
Miss Mayette Gilson, of Sterling,
is paying Jacksonville an extended
C. D. Cardwell, of Rosburg, has
been renewing acquaintances here
during the week.
Mrs. C. W. Kaley, of Lincoln,
Nebraska, is vi.-iting friends and
relatives in Jacksonville.
Mrs. M. A. Pryce, of Dardanells.
has leen appointed executrix of the
estate ot the late Dr. Pryce.
Mrs. G. II. Ilaskins and daugh
ter and Mrs. John Barneburfi visit
ed here the firt of the week.
D. Croneroiller who has been so
journing at the Cinnaoar mines for
the past six weeks has returned
E. J. Storey of Eagle Point was
the guest of J. C. Whipp a few days
since. Mr. Storey will soon return
to bis home in England.
Audley Porter, of Ashland, was
com mi ted to the re 'or in school at
Salem by Judge Neil. F. R. Neii
landed him safely there Sunday
T. J. Kinney bought all the un
sold goods belonging to the late E.
Jacobs and now has an asnortment
of nearly every thing kept in a sec
ond hand store.
Miss Ida Cantrall has opened
dressmaking parlors at her resi
dence on California Street. Miss
Cantrall is a graduate from Mc
Dowell's dressmaking academy of
San Francisco.
Judge Hanna has granted Mrs.
Laura J. McElrov a divorce from
J. H. McElroy aud the custody of
the two minor children were awar
ded the plaintiff with the cost of
suit taxed to defendent.
Sheriff Patterson left for Sacra
mentoThursday of last week to bring
back Owens, the Coos county jail
breaker. Mr. Patterson has not ar
rived with the prisoner as yet, and
his friends are a trifle uneasy caus
ed by the delay.
W. H. Parker has removed his
law oflice to Medford so that he
may be more centrally located for
the practice of his profession. Al
bert Solips will continue to hold
down the office opposite the court
house. The building is still owned
by Mr. Parker.
School ReportWillow Springs Dlst.
Below are the names of pupils attending tbe
Willow Hprlngs school and their standing for
the month ending October 12. 1M1: Castile
MansUcld 100; Sophs Davis 95; Iluttle Pcnniger
1U0; Lottie Howe 80; Kate Davis 80; IsaKowcSO;
Maud Uurr 100; M:iry Donning 70; Agnes Ash-
worth 90; Ethal Patrick lJ0;"J.ucy Hitch 85:
Lena Sullivan TO; Ida Cofer 100; Cnlvln Slagle
1U0; Ruy Rowe (ft; Ckus. Cofer SO: Everett Single
80; Ernie Davis 00; Jessie Sullivan SO; Robert
Slagle 100; Claude Downing 103; Nat Dean 70;
MimaCIimpittfSO; Maggie CUmpitt 100; liuzot
Rowo 100; Kutte Patrick BO; Haute Patrick 00;
George Jonos 90; Ira Jones 95; Horace Jones 95;
Charles McDonald W; Jlyrtlo Hllch 95; Muta
MorlneSO; Albert Cliftqa 90; Harry Boul 90;
Arthur Ileal DO; Ralph Beal 100; Eber Davis 100;
Joseph Dunning 100; Hurry slagle 9S.
Ida vokk. Teacher.
Salt Klienm
Often appears In cold weather, attack
ing tbe palms of the hands -and pther
parts of the body. Hood's SiirHuparlla,
cures salt rheum.
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner
pills, assist digestion, cure headache.
25c. .. . ......
A. J. Meeker, of Big Butte, spent
Monday here.
Elder A. J. Stevens and wife
spent Sunday here.
W. C. Owen made Jacksonville a
visit during the week.
Percy Newton made Gold Hill a
business trip on Tuesday.
Chas. Poiueroy, of Table Rock,
spent Tuesday in our city.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill, of Wellan,
spent Saturday in our city.
A. S. Jacobs and wife made Jack
sonville a visit on Tuesday.
F. D. Scott took Monday's train
for Los Angeles, California.
I. J. Hanson and wife made
Medford a visit on Monday.
T. J. Kelsol, of Etna, was here
after supplies during the week.
J. A. Ediugton and wife are both
very ill at their home near town.
Mrs. Dr. Hinkle made friends of
Phoenix a visit during the week.
A. C. Bagby is now in charge of
F. Hanson's farm in Sams Valley.
Dennis Dugan, of Sams Valley,
spent a day in town during the
B. F. Carter and daughter, of
Spikenard spout a day here this
John Beltz is now proprietor of
the new meat market, adjoining the
Post Ollice. :
Halloween was as thoroughly ob
served in our city , as any urchiu
could ask for.
Miss Leona Lee returned home
Monday from an extended visit
with friends at Woodville.
W. B. Kincaid will commence to
build a new dwelling on bis laud in
the Constant addition, at once.
Mrs. Geo. Brown spent several
days visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Win. Holmes, of this place, last
T. A Newman, of Eagle Point, is
now engaged in hauling his large
crop of dried fruit to towu for ship
ment. C. II Hoagland, and family, of
Klamath county, who have been
visiting relatives here, returned
home Monday.
R. B. Bryant, who has been look
ing after his property in California
the past summer, returned home
this week.
The Ladies Benevolent Society
will give an entertainment on the
S)l h of November. All are cordi
ally invited to attend.
Our hotel has changed hands,
Pankey Bros, having gone out last
week. It is now being conducted
by J. S Sims and J. N. Ilurch.
Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford. ac
compained by his brother, Dr. J.
V. Geary, of Halsey, Linn county,
spent Monday in our city. Dr. J.
V. has decided to locate in our city
for the practice of bis profession.
News From Uuiontown.
Col. Jas. Terry, of Watkins, was
down the first of the week.
lie savs prospects were never so
bright in that locality."
Terience Burns, formerlv of For
est creek but at present a reeident J
of Squaw creek, was through the
valley on business, last week.
John McLaren and family and
John Marvin, former residents of
the Watkins settlement, have just
returned from east of the mountains
aud will live on the Marvin ranch.
- Newton and Val. llaskins have
just completed a hevy tunneling
contract they had at the mines of
the Siskiyou Consolidated Quick
Silver Mining company. Newton
will move to Jacksonville for the
purpose of schooling his children.'
Henry Wendt, the popular 6tage
man on the Williams route, is win
ning golden opinions from all sorts
of people, by his regularity, prompt
ness and attention to every charge
entrusted to hiiu. His stage moves
vith the precision of clock-work
and is generally loaded to the
Gus Mitchell, Amail Darbe and
Nick Mitchell returned Sunday
from a hunt at Dutchman's Peak.
They secured ten deer and could
have killed as many more. Coyotes
are very numerous and very hun
gry, about the peak. Any game
left unprotected is soon devoured
by these pesta.
John Margreiter, Frank Yocuni,
Thos. Henrv, Root. Wilson, Gus
Mitchell and Mrs. Crump, all of
whom live on the road between
Jacksonville and Sterling, want a
separate school district, as they
now live so far from school on either
side as to practically debar them
from enjoying educational advan
tages. The above named parties
represent twenty-four childreir that
at present have to travel from three
and one-half to five miles over a
mountain trail, which is an onerous
task to impose on children in any
country. Why can't this settle
ment have a school? The question
must be answered. Some of the
parties in tho case have been con
tributing to the school fund through
taxation for twenty j'ears and yet
every appeal for modern school
privileges has met a deaf ear.
Louden, the stage line proprietor,
like Banquo's ghost, "will not
down." and has finally succeeded
in securing a bi-weekly mail to
Watkins, with flattering prospects
of a tri-weekly mail iu tho near
future. The people who are to en
joy this special mail service should
not overlook the fact that this
change is due to Mr. Louden's un
tiring efforts, and should embrace
every opportunity to reward their
benefactor by throwing business to
him when it can be done. Mr.
Louden has purchased a spanking
fine team and has a first-class con
veyance for carrying mail, frieght
and passengers to and from Wat
kins and the Elliott creek mining
district. The stage will hereafter
' . CO
!& o
. V u -
Is Doing
A Splendid
Hew Store-
Our stock of Dry Goods,
Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' and Gents' Furnish
Goods, Notions, Etc., is strict
ly first-class. These goods
were bought right and are
being sold upon the same
basis. We guarantee lower
prices than you have been in
the habit of paying.
All goods purchased not cut
off and returned in good
condition, will be exchanged
or money refunded.
Seventh Street,
'To the people
much talked
A fell line of til horse and carriage wear. such a saddles. Up robe, horse
blanket, whip, curry comua aud brushes, and tn ixel eervtninz vou
would expect to find In a well reflated ttop of this nature. My Eikm
are all band made and are belter tbao machine made aCairs. I war.l to
(el acquainted with the people of UUa valley you will want to know inc.
Vf. D. BEIDLEMAN, South C St., Medford, Oregon.
HAMILTON & LEGATE, Proprietors.
" The Medford has been
the very buL H you
The Gem Saloon,"
In connection. Tbe best and
cigara courteous treatment.
Central Point. Oregon.
leave Jacksonville Mondays and
Fridays, returning the following
days. Freight and passengers will
be carried promptly and all busi
ness attended to with the greatest
An incident occurred on Apple
gate last week, which brings to
mind Shakspeare's words, "He
laughs best, who laughs last." A
young man from Applegate went
to Grants Pass on business. On his
return horn he was ''held up" and
robbed of some seven dollars. His
brother made light of it and said
he "would like to see the color of
the man's hair that could hold him
up. Yes! He would "fight a rob
ber to a finish." etc. He went to
Grants Pass also and while there
"declared himself." He also failed
to blow in all his capital before
leaving town. On his way home
he was requested to throw up his
hands. Being of an obliging turn
he did so, and then he was ordered
to get out of the coupe (a two-horse
waconl and turn his back to the
"audience." He was then requested
to stand very still until the "audi
ence" could change from a shotgun
to a revolver. One end of the re
volver was placed in our hero's
auricular appendage, and he was
admonished to keep very still as he
was known to bo one of the boys
that fight, and as the speaker was
of a nervous disposition a hole
might accidentally be blown
through him. After a brief but
thorough searoh the robber "traced"
up "a pocket" containing twenty
seven dollars. He was then ordered
to return whenoe he came, be re
invested with more cash and meet
Jubela at the east gate to the city
at low twelve. Our friend says a
school-girl could hold him up now.
That is what, Knox. Moral : Dou't
leave town until you are broke.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awifdaa; Col4 Medal Mldwinur Fair, San Franciaco-
For Sale.
Eighty acres of good land at a bar
gain. R. E. Drum,
Table Book, Qr.
And It Is
Accounted for
One Low Price to At!
narked In Plain Figures.
Medford, Oregon.
of the valley that I have opened the
of new harness shoo in Medford.
thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
try us once you will surely come again.
DAY. . . .
purest of wines, liquors and
To write a convincing adver-
tisment about clotliinj; nowa
days. All dealers claim so
much, and most of them too
much for the discriminating
reader to believe. All I do is to
try and sret you to look at my
stock. It is easv to sell then.
My constant aim is to put into
tbe cloths ail the attractive
ness of artistic fasiaion and
careful making at the lowest
possible price. This is why I
retain my old trade and con
stantly receive new customers.
Ask those who wear the latest
and finest clothes where they
trade and all will tell vou with
FETSCH, The Tailor,
Medford, - Oregon
Black Land : :
Gang Plow.
Thi plow is a two tea Inch sang and Is
eomplrta and ready tor work. They
are iVhler draft, are cheaper and bol
ter than any other plow in the market
because they are made especially for
sticky land. We can furnish them tn
any quantity you want, from one to one
hundred. Anyone who wishes to see
the plow at work can drop us a line by
mall and we will bring It to their place
and givo It a thorough trial. ...
Address ns at Mwlford. Oregon, or call
at residence, eight miles north and
east of Medford.
All flboafd....
For all points
Upper Applegate, Elliott Creek,
Squaw' Lake, Steamboat, Cin
nabar Springs, Watkins : : :
and way stations. Stage leave
Jacksonville Mondays and Kri-
days, returning the followingdaya
Hunters will find, this a pleasand mean? of
4 reuchlng the Qnest flshtuir and hunuug
-f grouuda in tho world. Freight and passen-4-
gers at low rates. Apply to
JAS. LOUDEN, Prop'r.,
Office (n Hamlin Block.
' iledford, Or.
Will be at my Jacksonville branch office at
each regular term of Probate.Couuly and Circuit
Court. Telephone culls Irom Jacksonville and
Ashland promptly attended to. PraoUos in all
courta ot the state and land office. .
and drop it on the counter and it'll ring; give the ring
to your best girl and you'll have the dollar left. . . .
DoUar Bill
and fold it lengthwise, and you double it; fold it several
times each way and open it out again and you fid it
increases. ::::::::.
Take a Dollar of Any Kind
that your banker will take
I. M. Muller's Grocery Store . . .
and you will find that you can buy more goods than any place
in the city. Look around before you come here the more you
look the better you'll he pleased when you reach us.
In Gent's Furnishing Goods
we have a superb line and our prices are always the lowest
For a Bhare of your patronage. Our goods are new and first
class. We are s)iiar at very reasonable prices. They are
strictly up to da,te and are sure to please, both in quality and
price. Ve carry a full line of
Dry GooflsjoHiiCsits' MAis Jiots & Sloes.
We also have in stock a full and complete line of fresh groceries
which we are offering at prices as low as the lowest. ....
Kauffman & Fisher,
Union liivery Stables,
FRANK MINGUS. Proprietor,
Successor to ED. WOR.HAN. ...
Having lately purchased this popular stable and stocked it with,
new rigs, safe end fast teams I am now prepared to meet the wants of
the traveling public ia a satisfactory manner.
Comes Hard
To some people; especially in these close times, when dollars
are hard to get, it behooves everybody to studv values and
prices before investing even small sums in goods. Have
you been buying carelessly? We have a general line of
Hardware, Builders' Material, Cutlery, Ammunition and Tinware.
Especially Old Photos, recopied and enlarged and all work execnted
in the burhest art. Developing; and hnishicg lor for amateurs and
traveling photographers. Kodak requites lor kodak am-
atears furnished promptly. Your puvciure respectfully
soucitea ana satisfaction
Seventh Street,
Wo Carry the Celebrated
ItiM Mi M Sjriis Wagons,
Corvallis Top and Open Buggies, Buckboards, Carts, and in fact a full
line of vehicles of all descriptions. Case and Canton black
land plow?, both single and gang. Bissil aud Gale
stubble plows. Case steel frame levfr harrows.
Call and see us before purchasing. Catalogue sent on application.
Mitchsll, Lewis & Stayer Company.
D. T.
CflSS & JttEE,
Correspondence Solicited, . ,
Grants 3?ss
on deposit and come to
iledford, Oregon.
Manager, Medford Branch.
& Mee,