The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 19, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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BLHON ft YORK, Publishers.
K. S. ISUTOM, - - - Editor
W. T. York, - - - Manager
Published Every Friday Morning.
He la of few days; but quite a plenty.
Entered la the PostofSce at Medford, Oregon
as Second-Class Mail Matter.
Fruit and Flowers for Horticulturists.
Medford, Friday, Oct. 19, T894.
It IS better to run the shoes down
at the heel than to be too lazy to
Since the British vessels will "not
assist in patrolling Behring sea,
perhaps they will hold Uncle Sam's
coat while he . gives the Canadian
poachers a scientific thrashing of
approved pattern.
A store fall of goods unsold rep
resents so much money laying idle.
The cost of selling the goods by ad
vertising them would, in some cases,
be less than the interest which
would otherwise accrue on the un
sold stock.
A. C. HowLET'r is Tee Mail's
tegular correspondent at Eagle
Point and he is a good one, too.
He is also our authorized agent for
that locality, to whom money may
be paid and receipted for in the
name of this paper.
The discovery at the site of an
cient Babylon of evidences indicat
ing that the human race is ten
centuries older than was supposed,
will be generally distrusted in the
face of the ease with which green
goods men still make a comfortable
The initial number of the Port
land Daily San has been received
It is typographically neat made
by printers, not machines; is edito
rially bright and lines up well with
free thought being independent,
and in a news way it is very up to
date. Its subscription price is $
for 365 papers one each day for a
whole year. It is a morning paper
and is published upon a co-opera-
. tive plan from the editor in chief
down to the newsboys. Nearly all
the writers and printers are men
- who were let out by the Uregoni-
an when that paper put in type-
, setting machines.
The Boseburg Review publishes
" fwAinlnmn l?af rtf 1 a rwJ a ir " .
gon for which the Oregon & Cali
fornia railroad company has applied
J to the government for patents.
: "Within the next ixty days," reads
the notice, "following the date of
th3 notice (October 8, 1894), pro
! tests, or contests against the claim
. ot the railroad: company to any
l. ,J: :i i
- mcv u Buuuivisiuu ues-riueu iu
the list, on the ground that the
same is more valuable for mineral
than agricultural purposes, will be
received and noted for report to the
General Land Office at Washing
ton, D. C." A list of the lands may
be seen at this office.
Sheriff Patterson has filed a
petition with the county clerk in
which be asks Judge Hanna for a
decision upon points of law wherein
a disagreement between himself and
the county commissioners exists
W. Colvig appearing as his attorney.
It is a question of expenses and the
disagreement originated at the last
.session of the county court, over
Mr. Patterson's having charged his
. expenses in bringing young S to well
of Eagle Point, from Oregon City
to Jacksonville. Stowell was under
arrest at Oregon City for forgery
committed in Jackson county last
, summer. At about the time that
word of his arrest was received the
. sheriff was preparing to take Mrs
Swacker, an insane person, from
Jacksonville to the asvlum at
Salem. When he had delivered
the lady at the asylum he went on
to Oregon City and brought Stowell
back with him to Jacksonville.
The bill presented to the county
court, as we understand it, covered
all of the sheriff's expenses from
Jacksonville to Oregon City and re
turn, but as the state pays for the
conveyance of insane persons to the
asylum the county court refused to
pay the expenses in bringing Stow
ell back, except such part of them
as were contracted in going from
Salem to Oregon City and return to
Salem and the prisoner's expenses
from Oregon City to Jacksonville,
the court claiming he bad already
been paid by the state and that he
did not double the rpad in perform
ing both these services.
The Medford flail Outdone."
' Under the above caption the Oreoon
Ian prints this from the Grants Pass
Courier: "Practical miners claim that
the city of Grants Pass rests upon a bed
of gold. In sinking wells, both above
and below town, the bedrock has never
yet been reached, but when down a few
feet, the gravel prospects all the way
from a color to 15 cents to the pan.
The latter fig-nre is considered big, and
indicates a Heavier deposit as the bed
rock is approached. - The business
men of the city might with profit have
the matter tested, as, if the theory is
correct, every one who owns a town
lot also poseeses a gold mine.- The
presence of water amongst the gravel
suggest the ease in which the golden
It is a noticeable fact that when
Medford ladies and gentlemen at
tempt to do honors upon any occa
sion they never fall short of the
mark aimed at, and this is one of
the several reasons why The Mail
likes Medford and her people. An
instance right now in mind is the
greeting they gave to the State
horticulture board as they passed
through Medford Tuesday morning,
en route to Ashland, a meet
ing was held on Tuesday - and
Wednesday of this wee.
At very short notice a most cred
itable and well managed reception
was given President Cardwell and
his fellow members of the board by
the ladies of Medford. We say the
ladies, but some of the credit was
due to energetic gentlemen, and
much to the Medford school band,
which furnished several choice se
lections during the affair. ,Cieo. P.
W alhhan, who suggested the idea
on Saturday last, iouna an aoie
coadjutor in Rev. E. S. Craven, of
this city, who enlisted the services
of the ladies in preparing magnifi
cent bouquets, as well as beautiful
boutonnierea for the horticulturists.
Two large baskets had been most
tastefully decorated by Mrs. C. W.
Palm, and these were failed with
fine samples of fruit, contributed;
by Hon. J. II. Stewart, Messrs. U.
L. Webb, J. A. Whitman and
Mr. Wallihan boarded the train
Central Point and when the
train reached Medford, marshalled
the guests out upon the platform,
where the ladies at once proceeded
to decorate the gentlemen with
flowers, while the band greeted
theji with a choice selection. Dr.
Cardwell then tendered thanks in a
brief address, and Prof. Bloss, pres
ident of the State Agricultural
College at Corvallis, also addressed
the people. Three hearty cheers
were then given for the Horticul
tural society, and Secretary Sargent
at once called for cheers for Med-
ford's ladies, which were given with
will. The band played again,
and as the train moved awav the
rear platform was occupied by as
many of the society party as could
find room there, and they cheered
Medford again and again.
The party was made up of Dr. J
R. Cardwell, president, Portland;
Geo. I. Sargent, secretary, Port
land; H. E. Dosch, treasurer, Hills
dale; Emile Schanno and Miss
Alma Schanno, from The Dalles,
Jas. Hendershott, of Cove, and Prof.
M. Bloss. president of the state
agricultural college, Corvallis. All
the above named gentlemen are
members of the state board of hor
ticulture, except Prof. Bloss. At
Medford the party was joined by
Hon J. W. Whitman and Edwin
Ross, of Medford, Levi Morris, of
Talent, also member of the board,
and E. W. Hammond, of Wimer.
Upon reaching Ashland, Rev,
Dr. A. J. Brown, pastor of the
leadinz Presbyterian church, of
Portland, who was on the train, en
route to California, asked the party
to group themselves on the plat
form. He placed the Medford
contributions of fruit and flowers in
the foreground and photographed
the whole. Our representative at
Ashland tells us by letter that Med
ford apples and grapes, contributed
by J. H. Stewart, greatly surpassed
any thing shown in the opera house
particularly his White Malaga
and Muscat grapes and Gloria
Mundi apples. G. L. Webb's
peaches were larger and higher
colored than any shown there. Med
ford 6ent no pears, but her large
baskets occupied places of honor
next the stage, and their beauty
and contents were greatly admired
by all. The dinner tables at Hotel
Oregon were decorated witn aiea-
ford roses Tuesday. The demon
stration at Medford amazed and
delighted the passengers, who were
asking all about it on the way up
to Ashland. '
There is a double-decked round
up of excitement down on Galls
creek, near Gold Hill, since last
week when a twenty foot ledge of
very rich quartz was struck. For
some time Messrs. H. Kubli, E. B.
Watson, II. D. Kubh and Frank
Knight have been working on this
lead with an arastra, but nothinc
exceedingly rich showed up until'
last we?k, when the above men
tioned strike was made. The ledge
is full of free gold and is, without a
doubt, one of the richest mines in
Southern Oregon. A five stamp
mill is to be put up at the mine.
This property has been in the mar
ket for $20,000, but since these later
developments it has been withdrawn
and no price is now made.
From Our Union town Correspondent.
Messrs. Logg and McDonnell
better known as Mac and Frank
of Forest creek, have recently
discovered a valuable quartz ledge
on that creek. The "bovs" have
been on Forest creek forty-three!
years and have made many an hon
est dollar, but in the palmy days
thev sowed monev to the winds,
never, however, denying their cred
itors, so that to-day their credit is
A 1. Their many friends will be
pleased to learn of this late turn of
Fortune.s treacherous wheel, which
will greatly help the boys on their
journey over tue range they are
Kubli and Knight, of the Pike's
Peak, have cause to rejoice over the
fact that their tunnel is in now over
one hundred feet, with the quality
and size of the pay Ftreak increas
ing constantly. They have two
hundred tons of ore on the dump
and will erect a stamp at the be
ginning of the new year.
Messrs. Bill Lewis, Oliver Dews
and Geo. Fawcett have the contract
of transferring the pipe from Little
Applegate to the hoggs mine on
Elliott creek no light task, con
sidering the pipe is in sixteen foot
lengths, and eight miles of the dis
tance is by winding trail.
The vear eighteen hundred and
ninety-five will be the best in the last
quarter of a century for Southern
Oregon. Capital is already begin
ning to realize that this is a land
of ledges and not pockets.
Sews From Cuiontown.
. Jacksonville News.
Chas. Pierce and wife have re
turned from a visit to Arhland and
vicinity, and are at the Taylor
Mrs. I. Shook and sister, Miss
Pavne. of Ashland, were visiting
over Sunday with the family Sheriff
Wm. Graham, of Salem, is pay
ing this section a visit. He is a
son of ex-Superintendent Graham,
of the Rogue River Valley railway.
Henry Kubli, of Applegate, was
here during the week. Henry is
very enthusiastic oyer the rich
strike he has recently unearthed in
his quartz mine.
Mr. Ingram, of San Francisco, a
nephew of A. McCrary, was here
during the week. He left for his
home Tuesday accompanied by his
little daughter. His wife will re
main here for a while.
Married, in Jacksonville, October
12, 1894, by Rev. W. B. Moore, Mr.
B. J. Abbott and Mrs. Agnes Gear
hart. Mr. Abbott is a Portland
business man and Mrs. Gearhart is
a daughter of our old pioneer, Mr.
H. Derky.
Rev. W. B. Moore will hold ser
vices at the Sterling school house
once each month during the con
ference year. The work of the
church is progressing grandly and
much interest is manifested in the
Sunday school.
A. A. Cleveland, of Astoria, paid
the Oregonian Pocahontas Tribe a
fraternal visit Saturday. He found
the council in a prosperous condi
tion, and left many encouraging
remarks. A feast was spread at
the Taylor House at the close of
the evening's entertainment.
Capt. Terry, of Watkins, was at
Jacksonville on business, the first
of the week.
A number of our Applegate boys
are away attending school this win
ter. Too much credit cannot be
given to such ambitious spirits,
All honor to the noble youth who,
after having exhausted the resources
of home advantages, seeks further
mental advancement by going
abroad ; and all dishonor will cer
tainly follow the youth who takes
a radically opposite course, by not
attending to his studies and even
interferinj; with those well inclined
a veritable dog in the manger,
Mrs. Sam'l Hamilton, of Union-
town, entertained a number of
friends Saturday evening, Oct. 13th
Among those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Radigan and Miss Tavlor, of
Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Stur
gis, Mr. and Mrs. John Farmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Orval fcturgis, Messrs.
George and James Hewitt, and
others. The evening was passed in
social converse, interspersed with
vocal and instrumental music.
Each finally went his way rejoicing
over an hour of harmless pleasure.
Home talent can accomplish won
ders when properly developed, and
we earnestly hope that the coming
long winter evenings will be more
frequently employed in such a man
Gin Lin, the Chinese mining tyee,
from Upper Applegate, left for
China a few days ego. From a
business standpoint Gin Lin has
ever enjoyed the highest esteem of
all classes and races, but on leav
ing to visit his native heath he did
one thing which would be censura
ble from an orthodox standpoint,
i. e., it is alltged. he "presented"
his wife to "Bow Wow," or Bow
somebody, without the usual for
mality of a divorce. The consider
atum is not named, but it's
customary for the recipient of such
precious gifts to pay handsomely.
It is openly asserted that Gin on
his return will bring a "society
lady" with him as a wife. These
are hard times and the only relief
to the sad and melancholy picture
of man's inhumanity to man lies in
the fact that the slave is pleased
with the change of masters. Sla
very! Yes, slavery, in this boasted
land of the free. After being a faith
ful wife for twenty years a poor
woman is bartered away for a mess
of pottage. Well did Bret Harte
write, twenty-five years ago, about
the lecherous, treacherous, barba
rous Mongolian vandal:
"Do I sleep? Do I dream?
Do I wonder and do-ibt?
Are tiling what they seem,
Or merely visions about?
Is civilization a failure?
Ia the Caucasian played out?"
"The heathen Chinee," in spite of
his evidences of total depravity, bus
champions in the land. Such men
are, to a great extent, governed by
mercenary motives, and their re
spect for the Chinese is gauged by
the limit of their ability to prey
upon "John" in mercantile transactions.
Mr. Bradley has opened a meat
market on Pine street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Coul are
now residents of our city.
J. W. Armstrong, of Sams Valley,
made our city a visit Monday.
II. Severene and wife, of Eagle
Point, spent Sunday in this city.
Rev. T. M. Jones moved into his
new house, north of town, this week.
Robert Swinden, of Gold Hill,
was in town Tuesday on business.
Airs. A. L. Vincent, of Sams Val
ley, visited relatives in this city on
Stephen Cornutt has returned
home from an extended visit in
David Cingcado, of Antelope,
spent Monday interviewing our
J. A. Baker, of Big Butte, was in
the city Tuesday trading with our
A. R. Merritt has got moved into
his new store which presents a neat
Chas. Hoagland and family, of
Bonanza, are paying friends at this
place a visit.
Henry Beach, of Coos county, is
paying his grandmother, Mrs. Jus.
l'riddy, a visit.
Bert Newton has his new resi
dence completed and moved into
the same last Monday.
Martin Purkevpile and wife have
returned home from an extended
visit with relatives in Lane county.
Mrs. E. Roes and daughter,
Mrs. Addie Schmit, of Woodville,
made relatives in Ashland a visit
last week.
Owing to some error in the papers
the Amy property was not sold on
the loth as advertised, but will be
sold next Monday.
Chas. Cowles and family have
sold their farm here and will re
turn to their old home in Newton,
Iowa, in a few days.
Mrs. J. C. Lee returned home
Monday evening from California,
where she has been visiting relatives
for some time past.
m. Cary took ounday morn
ing's train for San Francisco, where
he goes to look for a location on
account of failing health.
iSelsan urimslev, who "was 60
seriously hurt by being thrown from
his carriage two weeks ago, is still
very low, and his recouvery is
A son of J. Griggsbv, of this pre
cinct, had the misfortune to get his
arm broke at school last Thursday,
while wrestling. Dr. Ilinkle set the
broken bone and he is now doin
W. W. Scott received the sad
news last Wednesday of tho death
of his little graudaughter, which
occurred that day, at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcu
Day, of Grants Pass. She was five
years of age.
jf -
I ;
:.---1.-. - - - ------ ---
Hew Store
Is Doing
A Splendid
And It Is
Our stock of Dry Goods,
Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' and Gents' Furnish
Goods, Notions, Etc., is strict
ly first-class. These goods
bousrht right and
being sold upon the
basis. We guarantee lower
prices than you have been in
the habit of paying.
All goods purchased not cut
off and returned in good
condition, will be exchanged
or money refunded.
a One Low Price to All
-Ljj narked In Plain Figure.
and drop it on the counter and it'll ring; give the ring'
to your beat girl and you'll have the dollar left. ...
Dollar Bill
and fold it lengthwise, and you double it; fold it several
times each way and open it out again and you find it
increases. : : : : : : : :
Take a Dollar of Any Kind
that your banker will take on deposit and come to .
I. M: Muller's Grocery Store . . .
and you will find that you can buy more goods than any plac
in the city. Look around before you come here the more yoa
look the better you'll l pleased when you reach us.
In Gent's Furnishing Goods
we have a superb line and our prices are always the lowest
Cranfill & Hutchison,
Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon.
'To the people of the valley that I have opened the
much talked of new harness shoo in Medford.
- .
a fnll lln rf alt Km anil raw4tea w .- , . 4f41- 1n Wir-M hnn
V . bUnkvts. wliipa. carry coiob kiiJ brubett. astl la te everything you
would expect to Cmi Id a veil rejrulateO sbop ot ibis Dstore. VI J name
f - v ' are all t&nd made and re better iban machine icade aSaln. I wast to
(el acquainted with the people of this v alley you will vast to k&ow me.
W. D. BEIDJL.EM.AJNr, South C St., Medford, Oregon.
A hunting party composed of
A. H. Brous, D. S. Youngs, and
Thos. Spangler returned Wednes
day from a week's deer hunt on Elk
Creek. At the hunting grounds
they were joined by Sam'l Geary
and the party entire laid low nine
teen deer, one bear and one panther.
For Sale Lots of Property.
I have for sale 80 acres of fine timber
land on Griffin creek; 20 acre9 wltuin
0 rods of Phoenix depot. 5 acres
cleared, balance good timber, bouHo
and well on land: house and t wo lots in
Medford, splendid location; several
good placer claims to lease or sell,
plenty of dump, pood water and pres
sure; quartz, paint, Ejrytian and alumi
num mines and potters' clay land for
6alo. If nono of the above suits you I
have a good coal vein which I will sell.
Will 9ellall or any part of above cheap
for cash .
P. H. OvtATT.
- Medford, Oregon.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder
Awankd Cold Mtdil MtdwiaUr Fair, 8m Fmciac
Eagie Point Eaglets.
Mm. Minnie DnvmJl vu doing business In
Medfonl Saturday.
X. A. Tounir has put up oral picket fence
around bis garden.
Ed Hojrtand Miss Emms Perry. of Big Butte.
spent Sunday with your correspondent.
Mesdame E. H. and J. M. Levis were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hovlett last Tuesday.
Miss Celts Brown left last Monday for Port
land, to spend the winter wtu hex sister, Mrs.
Mrs. Chas. Griffith has giren har residence a
new cot of whitewash, thereby greatly lmpror
Ing its appearance.
Lon Tucker and family moved last week to
the Wm. Wiley place. Mr. Wiley and family
hare mored to Ashland.
Mrs. Ueorge Brown, wife of one ot our mer
chants, has been visiting he- daughter, Mrs. W.
II. Holmes, in Central I'olnt.
The genUeman who has rented the Fryer
place moved thereto last Saturday. I hare not
learned his name yet, but wUl soon.
Mrs. G. W. Dairy, Sr., who has been sick for
some lime, has gone to Round Top, in hopes of
bcnetlting her health by the ehange-
Born. to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Walsh, Ocv .
11, twin girls. The babies arc doing well, but
I am sorry to say that Mrs. W. is not fo favored.
Waller Foster, of Clickam as county, a nephew
of Mrs. Howletl, arrived here on Thursday of
last week, lie expects to remain for some
Mrs. C. W. Taylor, accompanied by her
daughter. Miss Lottie, started last Mondny for
British Columbia. Miss Jennie llcckeruiorne
keeps house for her and takes care of the re
maining chlldrt n during her absence.
I am glad to be able to announce that Dr. W.
B. Oaicer, who has been In very poor health for
several weeks past and has been off on a recre
ating expedition, has returned greatly Improved
In health. He brought with him a now buggy,
and proposes to combine business with pleas
ure. His many friends extend to him a hearty
W. II. Schmerkcr, the boss miller of the
Central Point and Suowy Butte mills, was out
here Tuesday night, to attend a meeting ot the
I. o. O. T. On his way to his home in Central
Point, while riding along on his wheel he was
attacked by a cougar at least he thought It
was a cougar. He commenced to use the pedals
In dead earnest and left his enemy in the rear.
The Hoyt brothers, who have leased the Peter
Brltt place above Eagle Point, have been mov
ing their hay and grain to tho ranch, and are
getting in readiness to commence farming
opernUons as soon as the rain softens the
ground sufficiently tor plowing. They expect
to turn their attention to the hog business, to a
considerable extent. There Is no grass growing
under their feet.
Miss Ora Wood and William Jackson met
with quite a serious mishap one day last week,
while beat riding on Rogue river with the young
lady's father. M. S. Wood. Mr. W. had Just
stepped out ot the boat and the young people
essayed to follow, whon the boat gavo way
under them, slipping so as to throw them both
Into the water, Miss W. going In up to her arm
pits. They were rescued and no harm was done
except giving them both a good cool bath In the
placid waters of Rogue river.
Last Sunday night, at the suggestion of some
of the young ladles, a meeting was called at the
school bouse for tho purpose ot spending
while in music and singing. Frank Nichols first
coupled the organ stool and did himself credit,
favoring us with a number of fine pieces on the
organ, as well as playing and singing quite a
number of songs, which were well rendered.
Mrs. Minnie Duvall then played while those ot
the choir who wore present joined In singing,
We have some first-class singers at this place.
We ull had a flno time, and adjourned at eight
o'olock p. m.
Two young couples had a narrow esoapo one
day last week. Dannie Simon and Miss Iva
Tucker and Boyd Tucker and Miss Selaa Fryer
were in one back, .and Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Stickle, Mrs. J. J. Fryer and Ted Howard In
another, the entire party having been to the
Jackson ford on Rogue river to fish, and caught
nothing. On their return, about eleven o'clock
HAMILTON 5t LEGATE, Proprietors.
ie Medford has been thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
the very best. If you try us once you whl surely oome again.
RATES FROfl Si.oo TO $3.oo PER DAY. . . .
The Gem Saloon,"
In connection. Tbe best and
cigars courteous treatment.
purest ot wines, liquors and
p. m. the team attached to the hack containing I T,T,0 OI I ITTE
,t, .n vonnir eounlea. became unmanageable. I a a a-4
and they started to run. Mr. SUckle Jumped A TRICK
from his wagon Bel eouia no swp o i
and away Ihey went wiUi their precious toad. J
The ladles were almost rranuc iui ier. u.
Dannie was emphatically master of the aitua
tlon. tor with a steady hand he guided Ihc learn
for over iwo miles, while Boyd held to his girl
to keep her from jumping or falling out. and
Dannie's girl held to him lo steady herself and
hold him In. The team ran until It was exhaust
ed. The result was a badly smashed up hack,
but fortunately no one was hurt. They su.rted
again the next Thursday night, Claud White
taking the place of Ted Howard. They had
belter luck and a fine lime, catching several
Table Bock Items.
R. E. Drum has cut some third crop alfalfa.
Fred Hansen visits his ranch quite frequently
of late.
Mr. Dickenson has been busy mowing and
burning stubble.
Mr. Fricrson has returned from Ashland
quite Improved In health.
The carpenters are making good progress on
Hon S. M . Ncalon's house.
The father of Messrs. Frank and Clint Hubbs
arrived from California recenily.
Mrs. VanHardcnberg and daughter. Miss
Nellie, visited Mrs. Clfl last Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Harding has been visiting for sev
eral days with her mother, al Central Point.
About fourteen pupils attend the school this
term, and the attendance seems quite regular.
Mr. Plcktus was unfortunate enough to lose
a pockotbook containing valuoble papers, this
Moving aecms to be the order of tho day,
judging by the loads of household goods passing
through this district.
Some person or persons borrowed?) apairot
doubletrees, a long chain and breast-strap from
a dlsubled wagon, near By bee's bridge, recently.
Wood hauling Is being Indulged In quite large
ly, aud some grain seems to be changing hands
and teams loaded with lumber are not Infrequent.
Chicken peddlers, offering B per doien for
large fowls, are going tho rounds, out many
prefer to eat their chickens,
them at that price.
rather than sell
Talent Items.
Mrs. James Helms has bad another fainting
spell, but she has again recovered under tbe
medical skill of Dr. wait, oi ateuioru.
Our Talent lodge of I. O. Q. T. Is flourishing.
The principal topic of discussion Is, "How may
we best noeompllsh tho suppression of tbe
liquor truffle?"
Our orchnrdlsts aro harvesting their winter
apples, and In the absence ot a local buyer they
are hauling them to Medford this season, wtth
the excoptlon of Albert Helms, who has four
carloads of bis own to ship, and ho may
buy and pack more.
This Is the season of the year during which
... , j. . I T,
wetninH it neaiimor aiier i uoi -.4 11
Is also tbe time ot year that provident peopls nOl recoverea.
rTo write a convincing adver
tisment about clothing nowa
days. All dealers claim so
much, and moet of them too
much for tbe discriminating
reader to believe. All I do is to
try and get you to look at my
stock. It is easy to sell then.
My constant aim is to put into
tbe cloths all the attractive
ness of artistio fashion and
careful making at tbe lowest
possible price. This is why I
retain my old trade and con
stantly receive new customers.
Ask those who wear the latest
and finest clothes where they
trade and all will tell vou with
FETSCH, The Tailor,
Medford, - ' Oregon.
A new line of Ladies' Wraps beautiful styles, Capes,
Jackets, medium and long-cut Cloaks. We have a
complete new line of Ladies' cloth. Sacking, Tricos,
Assabets, Flannels, etc. Prices way down
25 to 30 per-cent cheaper than last year.
New lines of Underwear and Hosiery
of all kinds and sizes for fall and
winter wear. All these goods are
going at the reduced prices. We are 6ole
agents for the celebrated Thompson's glove
fitting Corsets. Our store is full of goods from one
end to the other and from top to bottom. The simple
word-CASH-tells the story. We invite you to call and see na.
Cranfill & Hutchison,
Comes Hard
To some people; especially in these close times, when dollars
are hard to get, it behooves everybody to study values anil
prices before investing even small sums in good. Have
you been buying carelessly? We have a general line af
Hardware, Buildsrs Material, Cutlery. Ammunition and Tinware.
j -
Especially Old Photos, recopied and ralarsed acd all work executed
in the highest art. Developinir and nnishmg for for amateurs aa
traveling pnoiofrapaers. -a requ ate tur sooac am
ateurs rural-- promptly. Yoor patrooage respectfully
solicited and satisfaction fnaranif r1 0
Seventh Street,
J Seventh
Jledford, Oregon.
This Space Belongs to the
Union Uhievy Stables,
FRANK MINGUS, Proprietor,
Successor to ED. WOR.HAN. ... if
provide against wet and cold. The valley Is
now swarming with Klamath and Lake county
selUers laying in supplies tor a long winter
Is a country tar from markets and railroads.
William Neal was still alive thts morning (the
ITth), but very lew with complicated diseases.
Ills brother, Robert, arrived from Josephine
oounly, to stay by and assist the poor children,
as thry are In Indlgeot circumstances the
mother having died three or four years ago.
leaving eight children, and the father an inva
There Is no nod ot people sultering from
hunger In thts locality if they really want to
work. Many families came here por a year ago
and by Industry they are now decently clothed
and their formerly poor teams are now fat and
sleek. Medford being our wood market has
helped many a poor family. In the Waguercroek
foot hllla, to Independence.
We Carry the Celebrated:
Sued for $10,000 Damages.
A telegram from Roseburg has
this: "Jane Davis and Charles
Davis, husband and wife, have,
through their attorney, E. B. Pre
ble, instituted suit against the
Southern Pacific Company and the
Pullman Palsce Car Company for
110,000 damages. During the first
part of August, 1S94, Mrs. Davis
and her 3-months-old child took
passage for Roseburg from Oakland,
Cal., and when she retired to bed in
the Pullman car the employes of
the company agreed to wake her
up at her destination. This they
failed to do, putting her and her
baggage off 1. miles north of town
at midnight, telling her it was
Roseburg. A couple of tramps hap.
pned along and assisted her to town.
She, being in poor health at the
time, sustained injuries from the
exposure arid fright which resulted
in sickness, from which she has
IcMl Her and. Spring Wagons,
Corvallis Top and Open Buggies, Buckboards, Carts, and in fact a fttll
line of vehicles of all descriptions. Case and Canton black
land plows, both single and gang. Bissil and Gale
stubble plows, Case steel frame lever harrows.
Call and see us before purchasing. Catalogue sent on application.
33. T.
I, Lewis & Starsr Compaq,
Li A.WTO-ST, Manager, Medford Branch.
Correspondence Solicited. . .
Cass & Mee,
Grants -Pass,