THIS OFFICE - . . is a "central" station, and has telephonic connections with thousands who patronize those . who advertise. Will you ... RING US UP. THE MAIL is a convex lens, which lorces the gaze of many readers upon the advertiser's place pi busir ness. Will ?oi TRY IT. MED FORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 189-1. VOL. VI. NO. 42. Wit SOCIETIES OF HEDFOB.D. Knights of the Mttocaoees Triumph Tent 4o. 14, meets In regular review on the . ga ana h Thursdays ot each month in A. O. U. ;. Hall at 1:30 p. m. Visiting Sir Knights cordial ly invited to attend. Luther O. Pobtkb, Commander. . J. W8T L.A.WTON. R. K. A.O. TJ. W. Lodge No. 08, meets every flrst and third Wednesday in the month at 8 p. m. in their hall iu the opera block. Visiting brothers invito attend. M Geo. F. Mrbbim AV, Recorder. . W. R. C Chester A. Arthur Corps No. 2, meets second and torth Friday ot each month at S o'ctoc p. m,, t G. A. K. hall, in Odd Fe lows building. , Mrs, Mast P.. Davis, Pres. Hiss Ida Rbidk. See. K. ot P. Talisman lodge No. 81, meets M Hi day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers al ways welcome. Go. F. Mkbbjuias, a C. J. A. McLxod. K. ot R. and S. X O. O. F. Lodge No. 83, meets inJLO. O. F. hall every Saturday at at a p.m. isiung brothers always welcome. - Z. Maxt, Rec Sea J. B. wnscjr, N. G. L O. O. F. Rogue Elver Encampment, I.edge No. SO, meets in I. O. O. F. hall the second and fourth Wednesdays ot each month at 8 p. m. T. W. Johsson, C. P, A. C. Nicholson. Scribe. Olive Rebekah Lodge No. S8, meets in 1. 0. O. F. hall first and third Tuesdays of each month. Visiting sisters invited to attend. Mbs. Josns Simmons, N.G. Sliss MYKru Woodford, Rec, Sec. A. F. & A. M. Meets first Friday on or be fore full moon at 8, in A. W. V. LrpprscoTT, Sec. Sec. t' a r mMtpr-A. Arthur Post No. 47, meets in G. A. R. hall every second and fourth ridays in each montn u 1 :) p. m. ' S. H. HOLT. Com. J. W. MlLUR, Adjt. I. O.' G T. Meets Tuesday night at 7 p, m. at A. O. U. w nau. .A-JOHSSOS,CT. John Schott, Rec. Sec W. C. T. U. Meets every Wednesday after xioon in the Halley Black. Mbs. Addik VAxAsTtTFP, Pres. Mrs. Ross DkGroot. Sec fMni.- RAadinff Circle Tuesday even Imsi nek week, under the auspices of the Tp worth League. p. A. ft I. TJ. L. L. Polk lodge Ko. 26a, meets every Saturday at 8 p. m. , J. H. S3DTH, Pres. CHUB.CHES pF MEDFORD. Saint Marks Eoiscorjal Sunday School meets at Episcopal Church every Sunday afternoon at .SOClOCK. nullt xm.u. . . Superintendent. ' There Rt-e Points Of Superiority passed by Bridge Beach Stoves which make them the best in the market. We will be pleased to explain all of the particulars when you call and see the new line of cook stoves and heaters just received, with stove boards to match. We will also be pleased to sell you any thing you may want in the line of general hardware, guns and ammunition. J. BEEK & SON, Medford, -:- -:- Oregon. Eartti hnnlrrt mm HAMILTON & PAIM, the leading real estate agents of' Medford, are still slicing off the in n 111 to suit their customers, bottom land for $30 acre. Good IMPROVED FARMS for from $15 . to $25 per nere. have a fine list of farm and City Property at your own price and own terms. Write to lorraation, HAMILTON & PALM Al per Wo on your us for in- PACIFIC COAST ITEMS. NEWS NUGGETS PICKED UP WEST OF THE SIERRAS. REBELLION IN HANKOW. THE FOOT FITTER'S TAYLER jEsea-Boot and Shoe Hospital Can be found nest do:r to Wilkinson's Meat Market. Ladies' Stylish Button Boots, Latest styles in Oxford and Southern ties. Heavy ''Up. to ..... Date" men's shoes, also full , stock of child-en's "'Wear Resisting" school Shoes.-Bcx: "i -: :.r:.z . Custom Work and Repairing promptly attended to. vAt4t Rni-uviTULl Church H. S. Craven. pastor. Services every Sunday morning and evening at usual hoars for church services. 'Knworth League meets at 6:30 p. m . Sunday..1 Sunday school at 10 a. m. Pniyer meeting Thursday evening. Pastor's residence on C .street, one block South ot Mail office. BENERAL J, R. WILSON i BLACKSMITH ' " Presbyterian Church Rev. A- S. Foster, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and :3D p. m. eun iK a. -m Y P. s. C E.. 6: Id d. m. junior Endeavor Society at 8 p. m Sunday, i "Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock AID Baptist Church Rev. J. Mcrlry will preach on first and third Sunday and Rev. E. Kuss ou second and fourth Sundays of each month, -preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Jnuier Band t3p.,m. - - Methodist Episcopal Church South Kev. w. J. Fenton pastor. Services eveir nrsl and -ourth Sundays of each month. bunds; choolevery Sunday at3uHp. m- Wagons and Buggies All Work Warranted First Class. fitedford, - HORSE SHOER FLfli ID FEED STOBE. At the old stand on Seventh Street. FLOUR WHEAT, o :OATS AND BARLEY, Whole or chopped. Corn. Potatoes and lleans, ALSO BALED HAT FOB SALE. Cash paid for Eggs, or u:ken In exchange. J. R ERF03D, Proprietor. Medford, Oregon. GEO. F. MKRKIMAN, BL1GESP11IBIP, MtmiltltMttlllMIII1llltllllllllllltl1ltltlltMllltMillM HOSSE SH0EIN& AND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitititniiiiiitiii iiiiiiii WfiGBI-iSIHEIIifi. Seventh Street, Medford. Ore?ou, Bicycle Racing at SacrAmento An Aero naut Killed Defnnltln-c Indian Agent. Asulnt the Southern Pacific Company. Killed by Ills Own Trapcun. Eight Oregon counties have women school superintendents. The United States naval inspector has gone from Victoria to Union, B. C, to j test untisn (jolumUia coal lor naval purposes. C. S. Heed, a bicyclist, was run down in Siicrmnento by a biijjy team driven by two young ladies. A shoulder-blade was broken. . The Dunsmuir company at Victoria, B. C, denies that the coit of cool has gone np. On the contrary, it says, the price has been reduced. ArrnngeruenU are now completed for stocking Stony creek near Stony Ford, Colons county, with 100,000 young trout. They are to coine from the state hatchery at Sisson. Sealers arriving at Victoria, B. C, complain that sea otter schooners are allowed to enter Bering 6ea this summer with guns, and that they have killed numerous seals. Nathan Strauss, a young butcher of San Rafuel, while out hunting accident ally wounded himself in the neck. The wound is not necessarily futul, though dangerous and painful. The Los Angeles Chamber of Com merce celebrated the fifth anniversary of its existence on the night of Oct. 10 by a house warming in its new and com modious houie on Broadway and Fourth street. Frank Cashing at Los Gatos, whose sense of smell was gone, was poisoned with carbolic acid, his practice having been to ta&te things to determine what they were. Colonel Boone's Arena of wild ani mals, which has been tied up at Xeedles, was released the other day and sturted for FJ Piu-o, Tex., where the colonel ex pects to bring off the fight between the lion and the bear. A Chinaman, who had worked 10 Government Kulldincs Attacked by In surgent European Interference. A dispatch from Shanghai confirms the report that rebellion has broken out 100 miles from Hankow. The rebels are fairly armed and very reckless. They attacked, the government buililirigs, which were feebly defended byTfoyal troops. Tho latter were soon defea;ed and many of them were killed. Many others joined the rebels. Two manda rins were killed. The province is al most denuded of troops and the rebels are daily gathering strength. It is ex pected that they will advance on Woo Chang, province of Hoo Pe, of which Hankow is the capital. The garrison at "Woo Chang has gono to tho wett and the place is therefore practically de fenseless. It is reported that in consequence of the projected 1,000,000 10 iter cent NEWS OF THE W0KLD. THE GIST OF THE WEEK'S HAPPEN INGS AS TOLD BY TELEGRAPH. Interesting Items From Europe, Asia, Africa and North and Sonth Antrica, 'With Particular Attention to Impor tant Home News. WASHINGTON TOTES. rutins Items Picked Out from th Dally Dispatches. Investigations will soon be made by the civil service commission of charges of the assessment of office-holders tor : campaign purposes m San Francisco, I Chicago and Pittsburg. The order for investigation of alleged assessments in the Philadelphia mint has axeady been . announced, and the commission will de tail agents to make investigations in ' each of the cases where complaints have i been made. .- Official statements will be sent to the civil service boards in Chi- OYSTERS, A daughter has been born to Princess Ferdinam' Kouninnia. A plot aniist the czar has been dis covered among Russian army officers. A nttrfliir in TnT,ilnTi art cinrtino threatening letters to French govern- US "ttsburg, warning oHice-hoM-tnent officials. ' 818 1 1 they need not contribute to A destructive fire took place at Bocas ' Pga funds, and assuring them pro ie Toro, Colombia, recently. Valuable lection from molestation for refusal to property belonging to Americans was j eomI)1y wit1 the assessment demands, consumed. ; Judge McComas in the District of Co- CominiKsinnpr of Pert&nnn TwWn Uumbia supreme court denied the appU- loan, to be guaranteed by the imperial : denies that any commnnication has gone'. 5non of the Miles Sugar Manufactur- customs, Chinese agents abroad have n oiace concerning pensions mat o -jj - been instructed to pnt the bct face p- i nas not Wn of an open character. j f compel Secretary Carlisle to Bible on the recent Chinese reverses and ' The late management of the Santa Fe ; PCW Inspectors to ascertainthe sugar to represent the fleet as Uing active and '. U charged by one of the reorganization f rct10? l.he coimPany- 3 efficient. committee lawyers with having robbed i , understood, was to test A dispatch from Berlin says that Ger-1 the company by useless expenditures for many's refusal to interfere in the . property that has proved valueless. I'hiiioca.Tuutiuia ...., 1 .1..:, A,n ont . 1 .TlfflfTli l?.i.t Tui Anla Vnn ..n f.H-t tho of rrrf.-inn t.. F.nrn- dered an imnortant .leHsion in th ! 80 PP1 Congress for the payment peans in Cl.iua. in which she will co-1 of Lee Yung, a registered Chinese who i 01 bounty for the current year. operate. The German commander in went over the Mexican une for a few Chinese waters has already been author- j days and on his return was taken I7ffl tn dwfntri n cmntl luwlvof ntnnuM ! before thft cnmmi(u--inn.r whn nrH Arprfi to protect the legation at Pekinir. If him to be denorted. Jndae Ross holds I comlne aU the railroads in the country there should be any trouble it is be- ! that because a registered Chinese hap- j "JnrnS east and west in a trust, said: lieved that the inornl effect of even such pens to cross over into another country question is asked wnether or cot a a small bodv of European troops would on business or pleasure he is not subject ; railroad trust is being formed to operate effectualiv check a Chinese mob. to arrest and deportation under the tne roadsrIWt 01 MissisBippL and I A nam'burg firm has purchased 100.- j laws. "J" - IMIns to be a necessity 000 Albini rifles at 4 francs each from j Charles Elis of Alma, CaL. has sued J PS m some way the cost of the Belgian government for export to the Southern Pacific for fl.000 damages. ! tran5pona"on-,. 9 of the lar&e ltonM China. Xear the railroad track at Alma he had ! 13 tce mPaaty of agents of each Germany has rejected England's pro- j two large oil tanks connected with pipes I comPanylooking after each separate m posal to join the powers and intervene . to his wells. A fire was ttarted in an j TTierefore, it is proposed to have between China and Japan, desiring her-! adjoining field bv emploves of the rail- "e office .r companies, each sr-lf tn 1 tho iimnm inrer in nr witlt. ! rna.l ..) cni 'is. th t."rV1 ,i-r-; , company doing its own business and the legality of the recent recall of the sugar bounty provision of the McKiuley law and also to lay the foundation for C. P. Huntington, when questioned regarding the dispatch from Chicago stating that a movement is on foot to ment. Her attitude is influenced by the emperor's chivalrous regard for the czar's condiiion. China Said to Want Peace. A Shanghai dispatch says: A rumor is current that the Chinese government has commenced negotiations wi:h Japan for peace. China, it is said, has offered si DANDIES IMa-le to Order Oresron. NUTS OF ALL KINDS, years 111 the Pinal vineyard near Stock- j to acknowledge the independence of ton, recently entered a large wine tank j Corea and to pay a war indemnity to j against the warnings of two other em- j Japan. ployes, who. knew there was deadly car- i A leading Chinese ofScial in London bonic acid gas in the tank, and as soon ' savs with the exception of the naval as his head struck the gas he Ml to the l;tle at Yalu not a serious blow has i , V- v oanuiwn. 1 employes. The bill takes the form of bottom, and was dead before any nelp, been struck against China. This, he . , A "T" r? ! amendatory cUuses to the act entiUed, said, was uiereiv the beginning of a;! . "Act to regnhtte commerce," which was P&OFE3SI01TAX. CAKDS. J?. KIRCHGESSNER, PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON, Medford, Oiegon. pnlce Phlpps' Block, Cor C and Seventh sts. JRANCIS FITCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Medford, Ore. Will practice in all courts of state or TJ. S yM, J. VAWTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. pSceank BuUding. Medford. Or J. H. WHITMAN, ABSTRACTOR ASD ATTORNEY AT LAW. OfSce in Ijank buddine, Medford. Or Have the most complete and .reliable abstracts of title in Jacfcsou county. JUST OPENED!- A Fine Line of Staple inii Fanny GROCERIES them and their contents. William Sloan of Chicago starved Sloan was a prominent getting all the money it receives. It is j very difficult to advance rates, so the nest thing is to see if there is not some way by which we can economize sr as to get more net out of the gross than we are now receiving. " fused food, socialist. nesro min trel in the countrv. died at i -SidDev " Eastman, a promment Cm- Philadelphia aged 70 the other day. Judge Eocns of Muncie. Ind., has granted a divorce to the youngest appli cant that ever appeared in his court. fcJhe was Grace Hamilton, aged 16. and 1 the defendant was ijarion Hamilton, 17. cago lawyer, has drafted a bill to be. presented in congress at its next session which will, in the opinion of many ac quainted with its provisions, go far toward terminating the ceaseless strife between railroad companies- and their great war. ile denies that the battle of , . . , I- I 7 approved ten. 4, 1SS7. The chief pro- i Ping Yang was a crushing defeat for j not Uke fc,m hol2e to er parents, j Tiafal for Uceasias of i the Chinese. When hostil:ies begin on J All the property of the Bear Valley ployed in the more important branches ' a large scale he declares that China will j Irrigation company was sold at auction ; of the railway service, and provides a produce an ample number of warships. I he other day to Arthur Young for ; heavy monetary penalty for the com I ATien-Tsin correspondent says: "The j $330,000. Young represents an Eastern ! pany which may give work to an em. withdrawal of English and other faini- i ai;d English syndicate. A new company ; ploye of the classes named unless such AT - .M J20CSCE rdford, A SCHEUMERIIOKS, Oregon. Flour and Fee3 Store C Stmel. Oppossie Kackel S'.orp. Medford, - Oregon. FREE DELIVERY. In the McAndrews Buildingon Seventh street. Our stock of Cigars and Tobacco is complete. Give us a call. SIGN OF THE DIG S. O. WILSON, Medford, Oregon. T J. W. Lawton, o DEALER IN 0 LJ ATLNESS AND C ADLLERY. n rr. Wrrr Ordsr Work Given Special Attention. REPAIRING IS RIGHT IN MY SEVENTH STREET, -o- LINE. MEDFORD, OREGON. EBSTER & HAMMOND, Lionel B. Webster. Austin S. Hammond '" " ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office i.O. O. F. baildmz, Medford, Or & B. PICKER PHYSICL AND SUEGEON, -- Medford, Or Office: Room 5; Opera plock. J B. WAIT, PHYSICIAK AND SURGEON, Office in Childers Block, Medford, Ot E. P- GEARY, PHYSICIAN AND SUttGEON, pffice Cor. C and Seventh sts.. Medford, Or J)R. O. F. DEMOREST, RESIDENT DENTIST, Makes a specialty f)f SrM-cIass work at reason- - aoir rates. Office In Opera House, Medford, Or. JJCSS0I1IILLE WHILE WORKS, J. C. WHIPP. Iropi Does General Contrasting in all Lines of?- FLOUR, WHEAT, BARLEY, WHOLE .OR ROLLED OATS, conld reach him. M. IL Savaye, snperintendent of the Indi;in school at Pems.Riverside county, departed unannounced for Mexico, ln-vet-tiga!iun shows he is a defaulter. Savage is in Mexico, bnt the federal grand jury has taken up the matter and he mav he t-xtraditvd. Dennis Scanlon, a railroad section ' lies front Peking apars to have been i te organize1 and the system com- ; servant is the possessor of a government boss, was brntally murdered at Grass the result of a Japanese ruse. Informa- (-pleted. 1 license- Valley. Cal tvaalon had received his tion came from Tokio of an intended de- j There were over 8.000.000 pounds of! The United States has been invited wa; the day he was marderei The scent njxn the coast of Pechi i and at- : tin plate in bend at the port of Baiti-' by the quadruple alliance composed of assassins used a hammer to beat Scan-; tacks upon IVking. This iuJnced the j more at the eid of last month. The im-j Great Britain, France. Germany and Ion to death. ! foreipi ministers to take measures for I porters allowed the stock to accumulate ! Eusaa to join it in a friendly interven- At the Sacramento bicycle tournament tlie security of the women. The Japa-j and remain in bond until the new tariiT tion in the war between China and List week the California riders did some es expected to excite PekinR and its ; law, which reduces the duty 1 cent a Japan. The invitation will be declined, record sma-hin. Short distance records population. Popular feeling in Peking j pound, went into effect. Under Secre-! The dediaation is based on the time were lowered time after time by Wells, and Tien-Tsin," the corTeiondeut adds. ; tary Carlisle's ruling the new tariif pro-! honored policy of this government to !ei!er, Edwards and others. j "is nnusuaily friendly to foreigners, j vision became effective on Oct. 1. and avoid any entangling alliance with for- The stafw from Pieta to Lakeport, ' w'10:n natives regard as a sort of j the S.OOO.UOO pounds of tin plate saved eigu powers. Acknowledgment is made Cal.. was held up the other day bv a Pge 01 saie.y. 1? ir V Q r,AT?V IV Tt ! lnnn ki.'kw.rmnn nn.r th fnnn. r1.r i Wt.lf.B nf L-in.U I lue roooer seenrcu tne express uox ana Baled Hav A. ?yi. Woodford, CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Pianos ai Organs. 1 j trie stage returned to ineta. Utfccers I started ont immediately and in a few j bonrs returned with the h:ghwayuian. ! The famous Ticacho (A. T.) placer mines, locatol about a year ago by non resident EuglUb capitalists and held by ' aliens, have all been relocated by par- ; ties backed by Montana mining capital-; ists, upon the ground that the minvs are held and owned by aliens, contrary to the United States mining laws. The ! EnglL-h company will not be allowed to j Prof. P.J. HEAD has secured Ih ex clmivr nfrucy for Jnrko:i (vunir for tfce Wii"jr l Allfn C"mpany. of "I'ori- p.i.y han-lle are iruaraaieeJ flrl claw I ork the mines until the case .s decided id cTcnr mpKt. - . . bv the courts. Tlcioos Art ef Lawbreakers and Losses by Flr aot Accident. Adolphns Meyer, deputy marshal at Sitka. Alaska, has been arrested for em bcrjJing puLiic money. Three men were killed, two seriously wounded, if not fatally, and five others badly hurt by the explosion of boilers at the Kenry Clay colliery at Shamokin. Pa. The entire steam-supplying plaut of the mine consisting of 3t boilers was totally demolished, in addition to the monetary loss of $30,000. The the reduced duty. This action resulted ' of the truth in what the invitation has ifl a loss to the government of ! to say about the desirability of the Judicial proceedings have been rnsti-; restoration of peace, but in the pclrte tnted at San Salvador sgroast ex-Presi- htngnate of diplomacy it is pointed out dent Carlos Eieta and ex-Vice President ' at t'lis country has so far got along Antonio Ezeta, 19 indictmerls having '. YerT we'J attending to its own business, been made against them for defalcation. 1 and that so long as it continues to pros- Thewill of F.ichard Smith, member1 r lhst FUe it; ot de?art of the firm of ilackellar. Smith & Jor- i " , dan. type and electrotype founders, who ' rtIort cf Commissioner, of Pen died recentlv. was probate.1 at Philadel- : 5101:5 L1" r tae fiscal year ending phia. He leaves over $1,000,000 to the j JcEe 1S34-1:3:5 been snKe o the citv. Ho directs the executors to erect 1 Kcretar?" of lhe mienor and the follow in Fairmount park, at a cost not to ex-1 ms abstract 1138 sen out for pubE ceed o00.(k)0. an elaborate memorial caaon: The report si;tes that the nmn- ! oer ot pensioners on tne rou J tine so. GRANITE AND MARBLE WORK. CKMKTF.UY WORK A SPECIALTY. Jacksonville, - Oregon. o o c o jiiiiitiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiii'"iiiislll,,tt- n! FURNITURE.! Henrv which is to be oniajnented with ! wr 01 pensioners on ry rrsproi. ... 1 bv the conrt.s. n.r 1tir VL-riinn- ..1 t.- 1 f ,i.-..:;Ji.j t 1 ; 1 liW. was 5Ra.0I2: ttat Qunoi' the vear Mr. lleud also rfros llnicllon!t In . . ; - . " . V. " ro ! r "uu-mhiuiiuis anu a , .;. rauslo. ar.i rvpaln anj tunrs boiii Or-1 - liaries .Maro:e or cnison. v asn.. was : less collieries wui w inMe to resume 1 bronre statue of himself. In addition to " lu tae .i..uvj, inucu in maxing a paraciiu.e jump at 1 operations tor at least cne mon; n. inei Vancouver, o. v. jiHriue ni a 1 ineu anient were imimas arr. t 1111am j snbstitnte for Sopor, a professional bal- j Boyd and William Slick. Teter Hack I loonist. Marble had never been np in a j and Jacob Didiam are not expected to 1 balloon, and was to receive f I'J tor inak- recover. ing the ascent. Dcors say Marble was 1 Mrs. J. C Lehmiller and her 9-vear- ilead liefore he landed in the water, old niece were murdered at Quincy, IiL. Fright killed him. His feet wire lied ! by unknown parties. A number of peo- Medford. Oregon. JtlfltltUIMttfllllttltlll...llllllllllltllllttltllIllllltlltk I J B. Cann's Rheumatic Cure. . to the parachute and he descended head ! pie knew Mr. Lehrailier was expecting a 1 The niieiimHtic Cure cures Headache, Toothache. Neu ralgia and Catarrh. If cure is not elTectod tho medicine will cost you nothing. Directions To bn rubbed nn diseased parts al loiisl lj minuU-'S with tho hand. fimtts, Papr, niiiiittiiiiiiiiiiitiiMiiMiiiMnfiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Balriprators, Mm vi I. A. WEBB. MF.nFORD. -H jiMiiiiiiiH(m"tilll',lll,,flla,,,,a""'b lyNDERTAKING iiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iii,tif,iitiii,iii,f,,,r Picture Framing a Spectalty. QPQERS & HALL. DEtfTISTS. . Have permanently located in Medford for the fractiee o& dentistry. From a continued prac ioe of 6vr 14 years, we are prepared to guaran tee entire satisfaction. ghrefsa 'll. Over Slnvera drug store. MEDFORD RKETS t- r.. V .0 li te .V-!-!ijt:'-S-. THE MORTAR DRUG STOrE, G. II. IIASKINS, Frop'r. CORRECTED EVESr WED!ESOAr. Wheat, No. 1, per bushel, ct Oats, m .. 40 " Barley .... 40 Corn, . . ' ' 40 !' . Potatoes. ... f " Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts, per ton. 115.00 Hav. . .' baled, $8.00: loose, 7.00 Oalf , Fir. Wood J - Flour, wholesale, Flour, retafl, .Butter, " Eggs, Onions, Apples, Bacon and Ham Shoulder . peans ;.fcard per cord, 3.50 " o.uu per barrel, 340 per sack, 80 cts per roll (two ponndt.) 69 .f per dozen, 15 " per pound, 1!4 " per box, (one bushel) 8714 " per lb. 10 ' per lb, 08 .. .. os - " " - 10 ft "SH " Pi-esoriptions . Main Street, . Has anything m the lini or Pure D.ugs, Patent Mcdicincit. Books, Stationery. PAINTS and OILS, TobuccoeH.CIgarx, P-rfumpry, Toilet Articles and L'.vervinme tnni is curnea 111 a nrHi- class DKUU b'fORE. Carefullv :' Compounded. - - Medford Oregon. W. ANDERSON, Agent. MEOFORO, - - OREGON. mliiii.iiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiititiiiiiiiiiitKiiiiiiiiiiir Perry Ellis, T PI -51 PROSPECT, mm OREGON. Photoirraphs of Pleasure mid Out inr Parties u specialty. . . . f?fVlcw of frater Lnko. Rmkub Fivrr Fnlls nml nil iHbrr ixilnls of Interest in this loealiiy furnished upon application al reaaoniibluturins NO MAN tV. I. VAWTER, Pres. Wan SLINGER," Vice Prea. , ENYART, Cushiot Jacksdn County Bank. CAPITAL, - $50,000 Bedford, Oregon IDan money on approved security, receive deoosits subject to check, 4nd transact a general banking business on' th; most favorable terms. jii-Your Business Solicited. Correspondtsiits: ' Ladd & Bush, Salem. Anglo-California Bank, San Francisco, Tadd & TiWcm, Portland. Corbin Banking Co., J. Y Hns ever been known to hiiec tho Cholera who hil biasbiiviiiK uuU hiiircuttlut-aouo ut THE PALACE. CLE-tNLINESS I S A COMPANION TO 00DUNCS3I Our bnth nrc two bits earn. Suvcuili HlrtBi. Mciltord. Orexun. THE PALACE. The Variety Sore Is the place to get- Second Hand Goods Furniture, Glassware Stoves, Guns, and Crockery. South of the Clarendon ,s MEDFORD - UltEGO. large sum of money from Des Moines. Ia.. and the ruurdeivrs uir have ex pected to find it. After cnttinir the woman and child to pieces with a hatchet so that the blood sjiurted clear to the ceiling, they ransacked every thing in the The murdered vouum had ( 14.000 life insurance for the benefit of her hrtsliand snd he car- few hours from loss of 1 ned "8.000 for her. People in the neih- .borhood who are interested in the estate re snspected. William Langham was arrested, but was released ou proving an alibi. An overland train was held np by two men near Sacramento the other uisht and the express cur looted. The robbers compelled the trackwalker to flag the .train, the express car was uncoupled from the train and the enjrineer was compelled to pull away from the passen ger coaches. They then compelled the engineer and fireman to dismount and accompany them to the express car. The express messenger refused to open the car at first, but when he was shot at a conplo of times he surrendered. One robber entered the car with the engi neer and fireman. The messenger was compelled at the point of a shotgun to open the treasure box. Four bags of coin were taken from the safe and the engineer and fireman were forced to carry them to the engine. Then the robbers uncoupled the engine from the mail nud express car, opened the throttle and sped down the truck. After going about five miles the engine was reversed and seut back wild. Fortunately steam was low when the engine backed into the detached cars and bnt little damage was done. Fnllv $30,000 was secured by the robbers. Large rewards have been offered and every effort is being made to capture the thieves, who are believed to be railroad men. downwnnls. Elmer Ilonn, tVe grown son of P. X. Bonn of Redding, wr-s killed by acci dent at Cflssel, Shasta county. He had et two tdiotgnns in the woods to trap deer, and hearing one of the guns go off went to investigate and exploded the other. The charge entered the leg be low the hip. causing a fearful wound. He died in a blood. The estate of William Murdock, a wealthy Sacramento valley farmer, is in litigation. The property amounts to WO.00O. Mnrdot-k was a bachelor and left- a will giving his estate to relatives. there being no incumbrances. Mrs. Mary Helen Mnrdock, a distant rela tive of the deceased, has filed a claim of 1300,000 against the estate. The claim is based on a note dated Sept. ?, 1S77, in which Mnrdock agreed to pay the claim ant $100,000 with interest at 1 per cent per month. ' Jndge Hoss in the United States dis trict court at Los Angeles overruled the demurrer of defendants in the case of tho United States vs. the Southern Pa cific railroad, iu which there is in con troversy a large area of land the defend ants claim as a grant to the Texas Pacific railroad, which road was not built according to the terms of the grunt. The land lies within the Los Angeles dihtrict, and the case involves much the same points as those decided by Judge Ross a few weeks ago concern ing the Atlantic and Pacific railroad grant. The defendants contended that, the Southern Pacific being a Kentucky corporation, the court did not have jurisdiction; also that certain of the de fendants resided in New York. The court decided that it had jurisdiction over the laud and this g:vvo jurisdiction over the case. rolls. i..yol were dropped for death and other causes and that 2,593 previously The this the will contains a bequest of $50. OuO for A -hl!,lrvn nhrkwu trronnds in the East rvsrfc" TT- n'r , drorped were restored to the roKs. $5,000 to the Philadelphia Typographi-! nil:lloer of r-s ni thercH of cat societvaad $3,000 to the Typographi-! Jun W was S69-554- amount cal union of Philadelphia. The remain- l1 for J051015 duncg the year was der of his fortune, about $500,000. he : 1S9-? leading a balance ia the, leaves as a fund to maintain the memor- nvasnr' of t30-'.'" appro ial and the plavhonse. The director of ! PnaUon. Much dishonesty and fraud, public works. Mr. Windrim. is named i lniUn!' attributable to unscrupulous by Smith as the architect, and will re- j cliUm a?nts- W:1S discovered, and there ceive $25,009 for his services. The Penn- wer 154 convictions in the United fvlvanians whose bronze statues will ! States wlthm the Jar for peasiua adorn ttw memorial are General Geor-e i tacds' PerjQn' na forgeries. B. McClellan, General George Meade, General Winfield S. Hancock. General and ex-Governor John F. Hjirtrauft, I General and ex-Govemor James A. Beaver, ex-Governor AntJrew G. Cnr-j tin. General John F. Reynolds, Admi ral David D. Porter, General S. W. Crawford and Admiral John A. Dahl- kivu. luo uequesis win tm mto enecx , . , , . -.. Unmediatelvcter the death of Smiths ' Ta b?reT aud Ve np- Mff?: aged widow. theuu s time was 12 minutes and 13f " 1 seconds. The uppermost wish of Xathan Bern- Ircn anj steel mills in the vicinity of stem a millionaire of Brooklyn, was Harrisburg. Pa., are eajoving an era of that he might live long enough to wit- unprecedented prosperity. At the Penn t6? t,marrlage of 800011(1 son I svlvania Steel works the production of John. The young ian was engaged to j Bessemer steel last week was Before a throng whAch packed both, banks of the river as well as the great Eads bridge at St. Louis, Miss Rose Mosentheim of that city won the mile and a half sculling match for the female championship of America, defeating Miss Tillie Ashler of Hartford. Connl Miss Ashley lost heart before the race been selected for the marriage. Satur day Mr. Bernstein realized that his end was near, and he prevailed on tho young couple to have the ceremony performed this afternoon by his bedside. As the time approached, Mr. Bernstein ex pressed a fear that he would not live un til the hour set. and urged that it be hastened. Preparations were hurried aad the bridal party proceeded to Mr. Bernstein's bedroom. The bride and groom took position close by the bed aide and the dying man was propped up with pillows. The other members of the family gathered close by. Dr. Wint ner was bont to read the marriage ritual when Mr. Bernstein died. The grief stricken familv were about to the heaviest for years. The three fur naces in blast averaged nearly 800 tons daily. The company has contracts for 100.000 tons or more of girder rails. The express office at The Dalles, Or., was robbed of $15,000 in gold the other night.- A box containing the money was received at midnight and taken to the oflice. Agent Mills left the ofilce and returned in a few minutes and the money was gone. It is believed the rob bers are local men and were secreted in the express oflice when the treasure ar rived. Kev. Dr. Smith, well known in re ligious circles throughout Indiana, while preaching at Winchester became infara- sted with the wife of Fred Helm. Mr. iHehn, strangely enough, fell in, love A Million Friends. A friend In nocd Is a friend indeed, and not less than 0110 mi ion people havo found just such a friend, iu Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, cou-jhs and colds. If you havo never U9id this great cough modicino, one trial will convince you that it has won derful curative powors in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs Ench bottle Is guaranteod to do all that is churned or money will be refunded Trial bot tles freo'nt G H Hnskin'8 drag store, artfo bottles oCu and $1 , I am now prepared to roll Harley and grind grni n of all kinds. I make graham Hour iiml corn meal. Will grind on the last three days of each week. E. liuss, at Medford nursery. The Mail is aut.horir.ed to sell a half interest in Hotel Medford for Jt,;"00. Sale must bo made within the next thirty days This building is earning ?10) per month in rents. It is irsafo investment and well worth tho price asked for it. All particulars can be furnished ut this office, .f ...... K ..i .1 -.-. ,i hnt Afv Ttam. rtZtJiATl JW Mrs. Smith, and the result was t iiiKt os if her husband were alive, i they traded wives. 1 uu caused a sensa- The familv adjourned to the parlor where the younj and wife. ; couple were made man Loul Blank for sulo at this oKce A Sp;citlc for Croup. '"1 consider Chamberlain's Cough Romedv a specific for croup. It is very pleasant to take, which is one of. the most imnortant requisites where a cough reined v is intended for use among children I 'havo known of cases of croui) where 1 know the lifo of a little one was saved by the use of Chamber lain's Conga "Remedy,' J. -1- La Grange, druggist. Avoca. Xeb. CiO cent bottles for sale by Geo. H. Haskins. i tion and necessitated Dr. Smith's retire ment from the ministry. Mrs. Smith has been granted a divorce. , Bucklen's Arnica Sal-re. Tho best salve iu the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever i sores, t.ttr. chapped hands, chilblains. corns, ana all skin eruptions, aad posi tively eurv'S piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 2"c per oox. r or rmi ov tr. l-l. liasKns. For sale bv G. H. Haskins. Medford Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Kijhest .Me-Jclsad Diploma. Two bits for a shirt is pretty cheap, but so long as it is h good article worth twice that figure you of course will want one, at Mull.r's corner gro- cei'i'- "v..