The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 14, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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    SHOW IT.
A yonnjr man inforn
tout love foi her, am
bow it." So floes
ed bis sweet heaitot
i uu- saio ,
"jf you dp,
fViltson's Monarch Sarsaparilla
how roa what a sever it is to .eieanse the
blood and the entire sytteua, removing
- Pimples, Boils and U diseases arising from
' tmpnre and weak bleod.
Try a 40c bolo and yon will have soother
OK Bush founder oi Rush Medical Cot
lege, onoe said this remedy is the World's great
si remedy fur the blood. Try it sad let W
' how yon what It can do.- . -
Mfr .bv WILL BON BROS.. Edoerton, Wis-
astuia. For sale by H. H. HASKINS, U :dtord.
hoa. F. Oakes, Henry C Payne, Henry
r . Rouas. Receiver.
Sleeping Cars
Piling Cars
Sleeping Cars
Grams Fanes
Eagle Point Eaglets.
Or- TT-Vh
Chicago -MMHrneroN'
Mrs. Geo. Daley is quite sick
with typhoid fever. -r
A slight frost occurred on the
low lands Sept. 1st.
D. T. Evans has' been shipping
peaches to Oakland.
Constable Pool sold an estray
horse in town last Saturday.
Prof. Squire Hazeiton began his
school at Brownshoro oa last Monday.
Wig. Ash pole has returned from
California, whither he went ' last
spring. ; ' - " " '
The yield of wheat per acre this
year is not alarmingly glorious but
is sufficient.
The Eagle Point school has been
let to a Mr. Parker.of Central Point,
and the term commenced Sept.lOth.
Mrs. Ashpole has returned home
again, Jthus making John glad once
more, after an absence of six months
in Portland, i
B. B. Hubbard has sold his resi
dence property to Mrs. Lou Chap
pel and - the fame is rented to a
family from Ualuorma.
The Nichols' thresher, after a suc
cessful run of four or five weeks,
finished up ljts wonc last weanes
day and the crew disbanded.
The opening or first day of the
fair which has usually been free to
all comers, was omitted this year,
much to the dissatisfaction of some.
The wheat is coming into the
Eagle Point mills from all direc
tions now. Ihey are receiving
from five hundred to a thousand
bushels per day.
John Wiluscroft had a runaway
the other day. In coming down
hill one of the horses fell down thus
breaking the br,east 6trap which let
the bueev pole down, i ne otner
horse became frightened, the end of
the bueev pole ran into tne ground,
a SDlinter from it ran through the
dash hoard and John thought for a
moment that he was going to be
nerforated. but fortunatly the team
broke loose from the buggy and
ran away. Mrs. Williscroft and
Rernettie'were in the bueev with
him hut they jumped out as soon as
the team started.
number of our young people will at
tend his school the coming ternf.
Miss Ida Owings has returned
home from Central Point, where
she haB been living for the past two
years. We hope she will make a
long stay among us.
A large number of the people of
this neighborhood have gone to
work in the hop yards near Grants
Pass. They will remain .until the
picking season is over.
The new store building of J. W.
Robinson is progressing rapidly and
will soon be completed. It is one
f the best buildings in the country
And indicates a growing town.
Mr. John Owens, in company
with a friend, has gone to Eastern
Oregon in search of a more health
ful climate. We sincerely hope that
he will be benefitted by the change
and be entirely restored to health.
Imperfect digestion and assimila
tion produces disordered conditions of
the system which grow and are con
firmed bv nerrlect. Dr. J H. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri
fier, by its tonic properties, cures in
digestion and gives tone to the stomach.
41.00 per bottle. . . '
Aaalstanf General Passenger Agent,
' iKo. 1S1 First St., cor. Washington
The Shasta Route
Well Known in, Texas.
Nr. J. C. Boswell, one of the bet
known and most respected citizens of
Brownwood, Tejcas, suffered with diar
rhoea for a lone time and tried many
A liferent remedies without benefit, un
til Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
diarrhoea Remedv was used: that re
lieved him at once. For sale by G. H.
Haskins, druggist.
Talent Items.
I Kortb
r.f Si a. I
J 5:05 p. I
V.j 7:00 p. I
- Month I I North
s.ii n m I I t Portland Ar.
C-"l J m Lv. - lledford Lv
10:16 am J Ar. Ban Francisco Ly.
i - in t ,n ctnitafis from Fort-
, uk Dany uumirc- - . -
is;, SBnsv ana "ll iwhw. ..... -r
; lit Atih1T1 'w"" ' -
S30 a. m Lv
-sO p. m lr
The weather having moderated j
down to its normal temperature!
everybody is taking it cooler.
C. P. Good, our local Methodist
pastor, has purchased two acres of
land from t. Calver and is going
to make this place his permanent
Mr. Ed. Clemens and Miss Dulce
Netherland were married last week
by Rev. White. The bride is the
daughter of our highly esteemed
Jake Casebeer has this week
shipped 41 tons of hay to Grants
Pass, presumably to feed the old
vets on, during the anticipated re
union this week.
Still they come! This week
Ar 1 Enoch Conger, a brother-in-law to
vl7i :!. u: t. ;i t.e
leBBie AUUU1B. Wliu Ills ouiiit hid
arrived from Centerville, Iowa.
Thev are moving in the Packard
house for a temporary residence.
A Mr. Becket, of La Grande,
this state, has purchased twenty
one acres of the Calver estate, at
$50 per acre. The gentleman al
readv has buildings up and in
readiness to occupy.
Ira Wakefield has recently fcuilt
a new barn, 40x60 feet in size. The
p. m gentleman has only thirty acres of
i. 114s I n l iwsll n m I ' z - .
UO PBIAT r,-. . , . . - wor.deroua rjrOd UCtl Ve
ltr$&?!Zllil W so much so that the old buildings
EiressiiMtfaUr.eise5tsoniay: are verv inadeauate to shelter
i.inmll.i.: Portlana Ar:ucuiii i r . .
fas D. m I Ar McMinnvU fcy S0a.
M-Tluuugh tlcarets to all points n ne mv " "-"V """" "-rb
asters states. Csnmda snd irxroe can be ob- . ;,i.1.w.,l n.alAr nf iAlntol
taiord at lowest itttea from w. v. Upptncou, a- v-ci wiu co ,
IflSMS V :" b. P.KOGEas.' thought to perpetrate a joke on the
r rWS7?sSirr. Asst. G.F.&P Act innocent DeoDle of our village last
sundav. He sent a colored mis
sionary herefto get rid of hi in there.
presumably,") with a letter of intro
duction all right enough, with the
good intent of strengthening the
Baptist brethren here, no doubt,
but the good people here did not
take it tha, wav. They rather
Pimtraptinir 9 SnfinisltT thought the Ashland Divine meant
w a joke and the joke has turned in
W S2!5&$ feior of the colored brother, for he
. ; I came within one of organizing a
r hi M haw dMtffnefl of Cottage homes I y.lm.Ak tiAva niif tt nnrBolvAB - ft
Asain them.- fbstotfc boa. i
piping pan oil Ogdi Hpnta.
rnSssan Boflett glecpera and Second Oaas I
ssisiplnsT cars anarnwi m uuwiii "
..... -
Between Portland and Corvallis.
Wall train daily, except Sunday;
IM arm fir iV ' PortUnd Ar 1 5'-
The agricultural department is giving
close attention to deep plowing.
The Northwest territory is threatened
with an Indian uprising.
The Vanderbilt system is to be ex
tended into and through the South.
The Viking ship, which was sunk at
Chicaxb. has b:t'n.raiae5.
xne governor of lennossoe hasouerea
a reward of t".0iX) for the apprehension
"of those engaged in the recent wholesale
lynching iu that state.
The National Association of Iaqnor
Dealers is in session at SL Louis, 'f hi'
main topic of discussion will be BUhop
Wattersoa s edict with regard to liquor
dealers and Catholic societies.
An investigation into the cutting of
pine lumber on school lauds in Minne
sota shows great stealings. A sensation
is promised by the committee m charge
of the investigation.
Baron "Raphael," fresh from the
Australian colonies, has been swindling?
the El Monte hotel and everybody m
Los Gatos that he could persuade to
give up a few dollars until he could jest
a check cashed.
The board of supervisors at Fresno
has refused to pass a number of bills of
expenses in the Heath trial aud the
grand jury investigation which followed.
Last week Captain Whitcomb com
menced carrying rock to Fort Stevens
and work will start up on the Columbia
river jetty. About 100 men will be em
ployed there.
A quantity of meerschaum, diamonds
and precious stoues were seized from
Georga Mcolai, a Cahlorman aud
cabin passenger on the North German
steamer Lahn, on the arrival of that
vessel at New York from Bremen. Lie
had 21 meerschaum pipes, 11 diaiaonds.
five opals aud four pearls.
The Union Pacific has issued a notice
to all employes in future to abstain from
any participation in politics, the discus
sion of any subjects tending iu that ci
rection being prohibited. All men not
willing to keep oat of politics are re-
nuested to resign.
There is to be an apostolic aciegution
in the United States. Dr. Burtsell hj
just returned to New York from Rome.
He says that one will be established to
pass upon questions affecting the Roman
Catholic church in the united states.
He does not say whether Mgr. Satolli is
to be a member of it or not.
The Count of Paris died at London
the other day after a long illness. Ho
was the riprhtful heir to the throne of
France. The monarchy- was overthrown
and he never wore the crown although
for years he endeavored to restore the
monarchy. Some years ago he was ban
ished by act of the Chamber of Deputies
as his presence caused much trouble to
the Republic. During the rebellion in
this country the count and his brother
served as aids on General McClellond's
staff. They served without pay.
The Salvation Army Charioteers, who
have bren holding tent meetings at
Pacific Grove, were somewhat surprise
recently. They were in the mid-t of
laterestlnc Items ' From Europe, Asia,
Africa and North and South America,
; With Particular Attention to Impor-
tant Home Mews.
Nicaragua is to demand of Colombia
the surrender of ringleaders in the fight
f July 0 who fled to Bogota.
Eleven thousand tailors in New York
,are on a smice tor snorter nourn wu
extra pay for overtime.
Action has been brought by the attoi
oey general of New Jersey to annul the
charter of the American Tobacco com
pany (the tobacco trust).
The trial of Eugene Debs, president of
the A. R. U., for contempt in disobey
ing injunctions issued by the federal
court is still in progress at Chicago.
Samuel T. Hinckley, one of this earli
est white residents of Chicago, died re
ceiitly. One of his surviving sisters,
Mrs. Mary A. Moore, lives in California.
After a suspension of five years work
in to be resumed on the Panama canal.
Estimates place the cost of completion
at 000,000,000 francs.
The sugar question threatens to dis
rupt the Democratic party in iouis-
iana. A convention was held at atw
Orleans of representative planters who
propose acting with the Republican
party on national issues.
Mansger Warren of the Standard Uil
company says the company nas never
entered "into any negotiations with Rus
sians or any other foreigners seeking to
control the petroleum market of the
The remarkable drought throughout
the West of more than two montlui has
been effeclnallv broken by a heavy rain.
The rain area included all Iowa, North
ern Illinois, most of Michigan and all of
Wisconsin, except the northwest por
tion. It is feared the fire region re
ceived very little raiu, but it may yet
gut a soaking.
One of the greatest races on tno tun
came oil at Indiunapolia the other any.
It was a match between the great
pacers, Joe Patches and Robert J. Rob
ert J., the now king of the turf, won
three straight heats, each by a nose, and
in the second lowered his own world's
record to 2:02i. The first heat was mode
in .-0-'i.
A movement has been organized
among tlie Cincinnati lunineu to
s wains t Breckinridge. On the nixht of
Sent. 14 a soecinl train will leave the
Latonia race track to taxe tne Horsemen
to their homes to vote against Breckin
ridge. It is said they have promised
$2d,U00 to the campaign fund to beat
Breckinridge should he get tue nomina
A Rome dispatch says: The pope is
preparing an eacycticai letter to tae
bishops and the people or tne uuueu
Slntect. It announces the absoIute sn
premacy of the apostolic delegate in
church matters in the United States,
with the simple right of appeal to llie
pope, iao apostouc ueiegauou 1111
take the place ui Uie propaganda die iu
direclii.g religious aiiairs iu the United
Cholera is again claiming hundreds of
victims doily in Europe, ihe epidemic
is worst in Russia. An imuiigraut from
Bremen died at Baltimore the other day
with symptoms of Asiatic choiera. As
there is no cholera at Brown it is
thought unlikely that the divad scoarge
was the cauws of death. The heaiui
authuriliisi are taking every precaution.
however, at ail Atlantic ports. Tlie
Maryland case is now being invest!-
rated under orders from tne surgeua
general at Washington.
J. Coleman Drayton of New York's
"400 has brought suit for divorce from
his wife. Mrs. Drayton is a dauguter
of the late William Astor. They were
married 13 rears ago, but not until
three years ago did Drayton suspect his
wife of infidelity. About that time New
York society was startled by the an
nouncement that Mrs. Drayton had
transferred her affections from her hus
band to Herbert Alsop Borrowe. a soci
ety dude. Drayton challenged Borrowe
to a duel, but it never came off. The
tenuel will be toid in the trial. Mr. aud
Mrs. Draytou have four children. Mrs.
Drayton ha3 filed couuter charges of
receuilv. xuey were iu lue iuiu.-b vl . , , . , . , ,
j 1 j , , adultery against her husband.
MllvinT n t clirn fill -T n-him nhnnr J
two dozen Methodist ministers who are i Th much-mooted German question
attending the conference marched up to
the platform and took it by storm.
Several addresses were -made by the
The Canadian minister of Marine has
ordered the collector of customs at Vic
toria to have notliing to do with the
Wanderer, a vessel that was seized by a
United Stated cruiser and taken to Vic
toria on a charge of having guns and
powder on board unsealed after she had
been officially inspected. The ininistrr
decided (hat no offense had been shown.
tiiMi mil
was settled Dy tno supreme ioigc.
Knights of Pythias, at Washington by a
decisive vote against permitting tho use
of the ritual in other than the English
Ungunira. Two votes were token. The
first, on submitting the minority report
to give German lodges five years' grace
in which to adopt the English ritual, re
sulted 74 to 41 against the minority re
port. Then the majority report was
adopted by a vote of 79 to 31. Sitting in
committee of the whole, the lodge has
approved the report barring saloon-
Congress Asked to Fats iaws for tfca
.Reclamation of Arid Lands,
The resolution committee of the Na
tional Irrigation congress at Denver pre
sented majority and minority reports.
Following is the text of the majority
reports r . , .
The national executive committee of
the Irrigation congress is hereby in
structed to prepare a series of bills for
presentation to the congress of the
United States, .embodying the following
First Repeal of the desert land law.
Second Withdrawal fronvsettlement
of all arid lands within the arid region
not found to be capable of irrigation, all
ruch luuds, except mineral lauds, to be
held for catchment arena, pastuiago and
Third Leasing the pasturage lands,
giving preference to actual occupants
and cultivators of adjoining irrigable
lands, and the sale of surplus timber,
the proceeds urising from such sources
to be devoted to the development of
water supply for irrigation within the
state, and when no longer required for
such purposes to belong to the state.
Fourth That states be permitted to
select lands for reclamation and make
them the basis of security for the con
struction of irrigation works, titles to
such lands to remain in the federal gov
ernment until such time as it passes
through the state to the actual Bett.ers,
no one individual being permitted to ac
quire title to more than 40 acres of irri
gated land, except in case of lands
where local conditions necessitate the
enlargement of the home unit because
of the small value of the crops pro
duced; the money received from such
purposes to be reserved for the purpose
of discharging obligations incurred in
the work of reclaiming public lands.
This recommendation is independent of
the Carey law and is not intended to
conflict with or modify the provisions
of that law.
Fifth That when any state shall have
reclaimed laud under the plan provided
in section S. it shall form irrigation
divisions according to bydrographic con
ditions, and when a sufficient number
of settlers shall have actually located
upon the land within such division the
state shall conditionally turn over the
local administration to the authorities
of said water division.
Sixth That before any state can avail
itself of these provisions it shall have a
legally constituted state irrigation de
partment. That there shall be appointed
a national irrigctiou commission, vested
with the administration of government,
pastoral and forest kinds, of such irriga
tion works as inav be undertaken under
federal authority, and may be empow
ered to consider and authorize general
plans for reclamation submitted by the
irrigation department of any state. The
national irrigation commission shall
also be charged with the work of making
on immediate investigation of the prob
lem of interstate streams and report to
congress of the United States as early cs
possible a measure providing a means
(or the speedy an 1 final adjudication of
questions between slat and a plan for
the division of streams oa a basis of
justice and equity.
Seventh That the several temtonM
be included in the provisions of the
Geary law.
Eighth That an international com
mission be constituted, composed of the
representatives of the Unitwl States,
Canada and Mexico, whose pnrpoe-e it
shall be to thoroughly examine into and
arbitrate questions arising between said
nations, becanse of the waters of rivers
partly in each of the two countries, z
serving as a boundary between- them.
and to settle upon a oa-ns and rcctaoJ
for the equitable division of the waters
of such streams when used for irr.
Ninth That sufficient appropriation
be secured for carrvtng on the work ol
ganging streams, separating and segre
gating reservoir sites, and for the prose
cution of surveys to detsrmme the loca
tion of lauds suseptibie to reclamatiuu.
and such other work in the line of iu-
rertigotion and experiments and may
be legitimately undertaken, sncn appro
priations to be expended under the
direction of the national irrigation com
Tenth That reservoir sites hitherto
reserved by the government, which way
become necessary for the use of toe
rtates nndnr the operation of the Carey
law, shall be released an i made avail
able upon application therefor by states
or territories.
The minority report favored the own
ership by the several states of the arid
lauds within their respective territory's.
and mentioned conditions upon which
ownership is to be acquired.
The wouion of San Bernardino favor
able to woman's rights propose to hold
an election in that county on November
6th next, when ballot boxes will be es
pecially provided at each polHng-place
in the county, at which all women of
voting ago will be requested to cast a
ballot for the county and state officers.
The movement is nnder the auspices of
prominent members of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union, and the
object is to demonstrate the practicabil
ity of women jn politics, and to show
the sex that she will vote if given an
Reports from the nop yards in the
Williamette valley, jur., ore or a very
discouraging nature; with low prices ;
for bops, the ravages of the louse, the I
rain and consequent block mold, the
raisers have a sorry time of it, The
rains which have fallen recently it is
claimed have done great damage to
to the ripe and ripening crops. Wherever
the ripe vines are infested by the para
sites mold immediately sets in after
being thoroughly saturated with water.
This has been the case, it is feared, with
s great many yaros.
A genume sensation was caused in the
Olympia (Wash.) land office by G. W.
Bloom, an old miner, swearing that he
was asked to "salt" the land on school
section 16, on which John McBride and
others have filed mineral claims. The
McBride case has become a noted one.
Section 16 is located nearly in the heart
of the city. About four years ago
McBride and others located mineral
claims on it, claiming to have found
gold in paying quar'itiert. The case was
heard in tho laud office and carried to
the land commissioner and the secretary
of the interior. The latter sent the case
bock and ordered an investigation by
sinkiug snafu to ascertain if the land
contained gold. This was recently com
pleted and the new hearing before the
land office began. In sinking several
shafts gold was occasionally found to
the value of a few mills per cubic yard.
Bloom was employed by the state as a
miner durinx the investigation there.
and Shoe Hospital
Can bo found next door to Wilkinson's Meat Market. ' . r
Ladies' Stylish Button Boots,
Latest styles in Oxford and Southern ties. Heavy "Up to
Date" men's shoes, also full stoek of children's "Wear
Resisting" school Shoes. a
OUStOm Work and Repairing promptly attended to.
In Childhood's Happy Days.
Among the incidents of childhood
that stand out in bold relief, as our
memory Reverts to tho days when we
were young, none are more promineut
than 'severe siekness. The young
mother vividly remembers that it was
Chamberlln's Cough Remedy cured her
of cro'io. and in turn administers it to
her offspring and with the best results.
For sale bv G. H. Haskins.
All work guaranteed first-class. Plans and estimates furnished for
all kind of work either brick or wood.
Bills of LUMBER of alt kinds filled on short notice.' Sash. Doors and MID work of at '
jtmas any wing in we scape 01 wcou work can oe naa 09 snort notice.
Medford, - ' - - v Oregon.
-DEAL EH pi-
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware t
and Fine Building Material.
Wsrrant4 CnUery, Carpenters and Builders Tools. Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, JlXe Tf'
Red jacket Force Pumps, for deep or shallow wells. Tin Shop-Attached
Applies to the photographic as well as the culinary art. For permanent and reliable PHOTO
GRAPHS, patronize a reliable Photographer. YOU can never do better than U
yoar photo work made by toe
-Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
THE CHHOMCLK ranks with the greatest
newspapers in th I'nited sum.
THE CH KDN ICLK has no eqnal an the Fadne
oat. It 1W au la abUltr. eoterpxise and newa,
THE CHKOSlCUf Trlesraphlc Bepona are
the laust aad mast reliable. Iu Ideal News tfca
follest and snidest, aad tta Editorials tram the
abl-t pens la the eoantrjr.
TItEcliKO-ctCLt: luaalwars been, ana always
wUl be. the friend and champion ot the people as
asaiBst combtealtoaa. cllqata. earporaiioaa. ot
aprmsionsof any kind. Xt will be Independent
losTsrjrthlag neotral la nothing.
The above name on a Photograph is a gurentee of excellence and Per
manence. We furnish everything in the photographic line.. Call
at our gallery and examine work, and get reduced prices.
Seventh St.,
- Medford, Ore.
Formerly Gran.9CentraL
ndthe Wanderer had complied xvith (kTf. bartenders and professional
all the regulations.
Forepangh's circus. Tras seized on an
attachment at Springfield, Mais., to pre
vent it from leaving the state, pending
a suit against the proprietors. Geor
gamblers from admission to the order.
Asiatic war operations are not start
ling. Daring the last week no battles
were reported. Japan is said to be pre
paring to take the aggressive in Corea
Coupe, a musician, has sued the owners ! and posubly to attack Shanghai." The
ror fiu.uuu damages I or personal iu- : v. 1 : "
Tonsorial Parlors
r 05 yP? 5f ET, rr
I the place to get a good clean, easy
share; oc a first
Batorf honed
plass condition.
I some ot the local snepneras naa
equal talents with him, they might
not only bold their audiences, but
also "win souls to Chnet.
class flair cut.
put in first
f: . ..
' Obegqjt.
1 srv m
BucUen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts
I bruises' , sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter.cnappea nanas, cnuoiams,
corns, and all skin eruptions, aad posi
tively cures piles, ur uu pay requxreu.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction' or money refunded. Price 25c
per box. r or sale oyu. tx. rtasKins.
For saie Dy u. ri. uasKius, Aieuiora.
Warbles From ' inter.
Mrs. Evans and family are visit
ing at Jlr. fares, near wood vine,
Geo. Carter made Grants Pass a
buBineag frip Friday and Saturday.
A large number ot campers are
still enjoying the delicious water of
Sulphur Springs.
Mr, Bagbv, of Central Point, vis
ited the family of Mr, Owings, Sat
urday arid Sunday.
The Sublett mine on Saxe's
creek is paying big returns for the
work done upon it. It is a bonanza,
and no mistake. ' '
S. Sherill, who has been visiting
bis father, at this ' place, for some
time past, will shortly begin a term
pf school in Josephine county. We
W. L. DoueLAO
S3 SHuLiMvmiN'o.
n n IjDKUUVAll.
'ssruMi s raltaJr-f I tmAI f ' . -
Vast ana aavs ssner py.parehaalnf W.
- .Vrrfi-ZSmannmctoreis pf
-ITTTZi .hM la the world, anil narsntee
KIWiim hw stamoina- the same and pr
Swnal enstom work in style, easy trof M. E. Riirbv. of the Medford
awariaa mi111 We nave them soia ctci,- o
whireit fower prices for the value five; than Business College, Was in town Sat-
ST?,;S4-fw,M were all glad to see
k Pi TAYtSfH !dforai "Owfw-' ?"d fla? !erp ?-ttt a
juries received at the hands of the pro
prietors, whom he alleges assaulted turn
and set a hound on him. Coupe is crip
pled for life.
A Washington special says: Fniliug
to get the United Stutes to -accede to
their demands for the extradition of the
Bennington's refugees, some friends of
the Salvadoran government have begun
to threaten to take the life of Lieuten
ant F. W. Coffln, U. S. N., an officer of
the Bennington, on account of the
friendliness he his shown toward the
refugees. - The navy department has
just received from Commander Thomas
of the Bennington a report inclosing a
letter containing the threats which
Lieutenant Coffin received. Rear Ad
miral Bamsay has refused to give the
report for publication, saying it had
come to the department only for its in
formation. ... '
Ou ' the 1st day of nest January
officials of the government charged with
carrying into effect the provisions of the
income tax will make an effort to collect
the required percentage from those
whose resources annnolly net them over
1,000. Some consternation will be
created by the announcement of Internal
Revenue Commissioner Miller each per
son subject to the act will be required
to nay a per cont on their earnings in
excess of $4,000 for the present calendar
vear. Miller holds that although the
income tax becamo law on the 28tn of
August all incomes received or earned
during 1S94 are subject to taxation on
the 1st of January. A large number of
government officials are interested in
the method by which this tax will he
collected, and several delicate questions
yrill doubtless arise before the mutter is
definitely determined.
land tar tako a hand in the difficulty
Japan is said to be negotiating a big
loan and report has it that China will
buy a navy. One million rounds of cart
ridges have been shipped to China by
H. H. Beach, aged 79. was killed in a
runaway at West Union, la., recently.
In 1851, when the gold lever was at its
height, he came to California with I'hil
Armour of Chicago in a pruine sclioouer.
Attorney Clinton L. hue of Sacra
mento has cunrgeu uisunct Attorney
Rvan with embezzlement and asks that
the latter be disbarred.
Helen Qrier is on trial at Spokane for
Vie poisoning ol ner nusbaud laat
month. She hod been married six
A sensational tragedy occurred near
Eaysvilie, a small town just across the
Arkansas state line. Clinton 1 nomas, a
farmer, has a fine melon crop which has
been a great feast for the boys iu the
the Winchester Arms company. Japan I neighborhood. Tho raids of the boys
now has Su.UOO troops in tore a. The
outcome of the war is merely specu
lative. Both nations are confident.
China's navy is large and better equipped
than that of Japan, but so far the
Chinese have been defeated in all naval
engagements. Should the Japanese fleet
be destroyed the war would be ended.
Japanese troops in Corea would be cut
off from supplies and no reinforcements
could be lauded. The entire Japanese
navy is in rendezvous off Corea and it is
believed a decisive movement is about
to be mode. An armistice between the
two governments is said to be probable.
became so frequent that the old man de
cided to put a stop to the depredations.
He put poison in some of the finest
melons and awaited the results. Later
his son Felix, George Bridges, a neigh
bor's son, and a man named Jacob Muir
were found dead in the patch. The
neighbor whose son was among the vic
tims was the first to discover the dead
bodies and called Thomas out to show
him the corpses. When Bridges learned
that Thomas had poisoned the melons
and caused the death of his son he drew
a revolver and shot him dead. The mur
derer escaped.
Guaranteed Cure.
Valae stamping the name end pnee n pi BCJlutJi m yuwu
Sk?"j&i!tl wish him success.
em and tne middleman's profits. "J I . . . .
Arguments have begun in the Martin
will esse at San Francisco. Seven weeks
were occupied in taking testimony. The
last day . of the testimony Mrs. John
Martin lost her temper and threw a law
book at Attorney Heynemann, who was
once her counsel and who gave testimony
against herscharacter. '
We authorize our advertised drug-
o-lst to sell Dr. Kind's Hew Discovery
for consumption, coughs and colds, up
on this condition. If you are afflicted
with a cough, cold or any lung, throat
or chest trouble, and win use tnis rem
edy as directed, giving it a fair trial,
and experience no reliof, you may re
turn the bottle and have your money
refunded. We could not make this of
fer did we not know that Dr. King's
New Discoverv eould be relied on. It
never disappoints. Trial bottles fre
at G. H. Haskins' drug store. Large
sise&Oc and cl.uo.
English capital is seeking to organize
the largest breweries at Chicago into
syndicate. ;
Tho transcontinental railroad liues are
holding a session at Chicago. An effort
st reorganization will be made.
The Amerioan . Society of Dancing
Masters is holding its seventh annual
meeting in New York.
- Carl Browne is to assist the Coxey
Pied Ptoer camnsiim in Ohio. He was
in Massillon arrayed in crison garb.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World? Fair Award,
Try It.
For a lamo back or for a pain in the
side or chest, try saturating a piece ot
- . . . i .i i i ,-: ti-i .
nnnnei wun uaarnoeruu a trmu troiui
and bindlmr it outo the afteted parts
This trentment will cure any ordniary
ensa In one or two days. Pain Balm
also cures rheumatism. 50 cent bottel
for sale by G. H. Haskins.
Great interest- is manifested in the
cases of the five Salvadorean refugees
who are at San Francisco in charge of
the United State Court. Colonel Qolocho
has been discharged because there was
no evidence to hold him on the charges
of mnrder, arson aud robbery. The
other four, including General Ezeta, are
still on trial for extradition on similar
Admission Day was celebrated Monday
on a big scale at San Jose..- Special ex
cursions took thousands of Kutive Sous
to the Garden City whore every prepar
ation had been made for the entertain
ment of visitors, bnudny afternoon
sacred concert was given in the park aud
Monday was devoted to a parade and
literary exercises. The celebration
closed with a grand ball. Several miuor
celebratious were hi13 at .-other places
in the state. .'.
flu Its; el m km
Best Accommodations in the City
Rates Reasonable.
Only white help employed.
Tb. Chronicle Building. W
Br Ha t Pcstajre Paid.
The Weekly Chronicle
Greatest weekly in tne
(including post) to anr pvt ot the United
tttatve. Canada and .Mexico.
THE WKKKLY CKROXICL.R. the hrlchtest
and most eomtilete Weekly Newspaper in the
wurld. prints reRnlarlr St column, or twelve
paircs.of New, utvntnre and General Intermit-
Don; also a magnincent Asncounrai Mfwuuviu.
Ripans Taboles are com
pounded from a prescription
widely used by the best medi
cal authorities and are pre
sented in a form that is be
coming the fashion everywhere.
Ripans Taboles act gently
but promptly upon the liver,
stomach and intestines; cure
dyspepsia, habitual constipa
tion, offensive breath and head
ache. One tabule taken at the
first symptom of indigestion,
biliousness, dizziness, distress
after eating, or depression of
spirits, will surely and quickly
remove the whole difficulty.
Price, 50 cents a box.
Ripans Tabules may be ob
tained of nearest druggist; or
by mail on receipt of price.
lO Spruoa Street,
01 Bate Slop.
All work first class in eTery particnlar.
Shop oa Cfitreat;
' FnU Price.
Sewlnf Machine and Weekly one year. 2S SO
' (Freight on-paid to nearest railroad station.)
Winchester 4-caltber Bide and Weekly
ono yttf , . S14 SO
In the Circuit Coort. State of Oregon, in aad for
Jackson Goantjr.
Alfred B. R-ipM. 1
Piau. f salt in Equity tor .
CnitrJ.Bacan. ( ore. Saunaona.
itleadant. ;
To Unity J. Bagan. Derenasnt-
IX the name of the State of Oregon. Von an
hereby reoaired to appear aad acsweeth
complaint ot lie Plaintiff meat against yon in
the above entitled Court and came by tne first
day ot the next, the December ltwt term ot aald
court, to be begun and held at the Court nosrse
n the Town of Jaccftoarille. County as Jackson,
State of Oregon, oa M'jnday. the 3d day ot Do
cember. 1AM. or Jodj.raeot and decree srlU be
taken against you uaereior. Ana you are here
by notirled that it yon tail to so answer aald
complaint the PI i a lift will apply to the Court
tor the relief demanded therein, to-wit:
That the bonds of matrtmosy between Plain
tilt and Defendant be dlssoiTed and held tor
nsujrht : that the care and custody and control
ot Eva May Ragaa, minor child ot Plaintiff aad
ueienaani. oe awarueu rcamtan; ror tae costs
and disbarsments ot this suit and tor anch
other and further relief as. may eeesa
equitabl and jast. on the grounds ot your
wuinii aegeraon ana abandonment ox toe
Plalntta for n period ot more than one year
irior to the institution ot this suit: and sour
cruel and inhuman treatment ot and personal
uuiSBiun Hmuua ariainaas TT-nTTs; auw
This Summons Is published in TUB Statnrout
M All. tor sis eonsecutiTe weeks, by order ot
Hon. H. K. Hanna. one ot the Judges of the
First Judicial District ot the State ot Oregan,
made and dated at Jacksonville. Jackson conn,
ty. Oretion. the 3d day of Auirast, IM
Uivcs under our luads this Sd day at August,
Bosluess SMustructor and Weekly one
voar.. .
Wotwi-r's Dlctlonar and Weekly one
S 00
S 00
Crayon Portrait, framed, and the Weekly
Chronicle one year..
Target Kino, 8 caliber, and Weekly one
year. - -
Pistol and Weekly one year......
slap of the United mates, laisda and
; Mexico, and Weekly one year..
Stoddard's Portfolio of Photographs
,f a Trip " Around tha World at lOo. a
WtKik -and the Chniplole's World's lr
Portfolio of 'Photographs at lOo. a week
to subscribers lor the WE KLY CHRONICLK,
Th abaTe Kates Include the Prepay
aant of Postage on the Paper.
H. de YOUNG,
Ptoprletor B. P.Chronlcla,
The wife of AssemWymnn BMsr, of
Enreka, lias Iweu tr.-mtrf tUvorce.
The trial lasted thirU-cn da vs. Bledsoe
was cli-nted with sdultery aud bribery.
His defease wns that his wife was the
tool of his political opponents. The
wife is awarded community property
and the custody of miuor child.
Pat rick Crnmiff. the keeper of one
of the miroerons illicit saloons in San
Jose, has been convicted of conducting
business without a license and fined
flOO. This is considered a victory for
the temperance people, as it is the finst
case nnder the present city ordinance in
which a conviction by a jury has been
secured. "
The ,Tre of the flesh is the blood
thereof;" pure blood means healthy
functional activity and this bears with
it the certainty of quick restomon
from sickness or accident. Dr. J.- H
McLean's Strenjitheuino; Cordial and
nlr tiiiri,r oivpRiiure rich blood,
and vitalises and strengthens the whole
body. $1.00 per bottle.
About 1.C00 bats were crowded to
gether on the upper part of the stags
curtains at tho publio school assembly
hall at Visalia the other day. They
were like a swarin of bees and a bushel
basket could have almost have been
filled with them. An attempt to get
fid of them by taking them off one by
one was unsuccessful for the room was
soon filled with the flvirur sniiwV
P-kts a Whits.
Attorneys for Plain tiff.
The Xiroulation of the
CHRONICLE is equal to that
cisco morning papers com
Land Office at Rosebant:. Caregnn, Autr.93.ISN.
Notice is hereby given that the following'
named settler has Bled notice of his intenUott
to make final proof In support of his cnUnt,
and that said proof will be made besoreJ. R.
Seil.county Judge of Jackson county, Oregon,
at Jacksonville, mcksoa county. Oregon, on
October li ISM. vis: Frank M. Manning on
Homestead entry Ko. 51S for tho E4 of
SW. SS ot SK-i. See. 2t.Tp.-S S.. K. 1
He names the following witaessea to prove
his pontinuons residence upon and- cultivation
of, said land, vis Levi Sutton. Henry Sutton,
Fort Hubbard and Ale ta Hubbard.aUc4Leeda,
lacksop Co Ore.
s-T O-IS R. M. Vs TCH. lUsrlster.
Notice of Final Settlement
la the County Court of the State of Oregon, ton
the County pi Jackson.
In the matter ot the estate ot C. P.
deceased. - '
ItfV a
Ifk will acquire new sest, and
,t,n-rulnnss return, if vou will impel
your liver and kidneys to tho perfor
mance of their functions. Dr. J,H.
McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm will
stimulate them to healthlul action.
1 11.00 per bottle. "V-.
NOTICE is hereby arisen that the undersigned,
the administratrix ot the estate of C P.
Babcoek, deceased, has filed tn the above en
titled Court her final account as such adminis
tratrix, and by order ot said Court Saturday,
October ft, 18M, at the hour of ten o'clock a. nv.
is set tor bearing thereof. All persons mterest
ed are hereby notined to appear and file his oe
her object ions to said report qo or before aald
dav and date.
Published by order ot Hon. J. B. Nell, Judge,
of said court. ..
JJaled September , vm.
Mrs. M. F. Bincocx.
Adminlstratrui of said Ksiaie
W. H. Par atR, ;
Att'y tor Estate, - a-T I
' The regular subscription price of
Thk Mail is $1.50 a year, and the refi
ular subscription price of the Weekly
Oregonian is $10. Any one anibacribw
ing for The Mail and paying one year,
in advance can set both The Mail and
the Weekly Oregonian one year tor 92,
All old subscribers paying their sub
scriptions for one year in advance w
be entitled to tije same offer, . ( .