THE MAIL THIS OFFICE . . . is a "central? station, and bas telephonic connections with thousands who patronize those ' - who advertise. Will you ... RING US UP. is aoavex lens, which force the gaze of many readers upon the advertiser's place of busl- , aeas. Will you TRY IT. YOL. VL MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1894. NO. 35. I in ill ii - - . vm. socxxzxxs or xsdfobd. Knights of toe XMHmes.-Triumph Tent o. 14, meeta In meular review on the d and ta i nuraaays 01 eaen moron in w. u . . hiuts-nnn visiting air Knights cordial- vjy invited to attend. . Lutbbb G. FOBTSS, Commander. ' J. Wssr luunov, R. K. A. o: TJ. w. Lodge sfe.fl8, meets every first and third Wednesday in the month at S n. m. in their hall in ike apera Moos. Visiting brothers uvnea to aoeao. N. A. JACOBS, M. V. Sao. F. UkssihAh, Recorder, . w r r cheater ArUmr Corns No. M. meets second nd fourth Friday of each nontn at x o ciock p. m., u. a. & " .Odd e lows ouuaing. - MBS. MABYE.BATO, Pros. MISS Ida Bsdocc, See. - K. or P. Talisman lodge No. 31, meets M ra dar evening at S p. m. Visiting brothers al - aya welcome. Qao. F. Mkbbimas, & C. JA. McLbod, B. and S. . . r r n F r.otoi No. 83. meets In I. O. O. F. AaU every Saturday at at 3 P. m. Visiting orotners always welcome. - J. K. tVlLSOa, V. Q-3 . HAXT. Bee. See. I. O. O. F.-Sotw River Encampment. Ledge No. 30, meets in I. O. O. F- hall the second and f ounn weonesaays oi enca moawi fn. w. l.W.JOBW,aP. . C. TICHOIAO, Scribe. OIIvk Rrlwtth Lodgn No. S3, meets in L O. O. F. hall first and third Tuesdays at each month, visiting waters invnea to aneno. Mas. Josib Simmons, N.G, Jliss HYinu WooDroae. See. Sec - A. F. A A. M. Meets first Friday on or be fore full moon at 8 p. ou, in A. O. V. w. hall. E. P. 6BABT, W. II. ' W. V. L.IPPI5COTT, Sec Sea. " ri A R Cheater A. Arthur Post Ne. T, meets in 6. A. a. hall every second And fourth crridays in each mout&atzsvs. m. . S. H. Holt, Com. .J. W. Millxb, Adjt. I. O. O T. Meets. Taeaday alga at 7 p. m. at A. o. u. w aau. . - E. A. JOHjrsos, C, T . JonN SCHorr, Bee, Sec W. C- T. TJ. Meets every Wednesday after soon in the Halley Black. at us. Addis VlsAimrrP, Pres. Mrs. Boss D KG boot. Sec Yaanr PaaaSg'a BesiHna- Circle Tuesday even dag or week-ADder the aannkya of the cpworu ieagne. F. A. a L TJ. L. L. Polk lodge No. 36, meeta every Satnaiaj at 3 p.m. . .. . J. X- Surra, Proa. CHT7BCHXS of afXDFOBD. radar fi at Episcopal Church every SuDday afternoon at 3 o'clock. T. N. Wilson, I, aeci ctor; S. S. Pentx, toupenntenaeni. Methodiat Episcopal Chsrcn K. S. Craven, naator. Services every aoday morning and evening at anail noura tor ehurch services. Epwcctlf Leacue meeta at 6:30 p. m . Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Thnnday evening. Pastor's rertrlence n C treec one block fiauth of Km offioe. Presbyterian Church Bev. A. S. Faster, paa tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and TS p. m. Son day school at M a. m. Y. P. S. C. li, 8 : IS p. m. Junior Endeavor Society at 3 p. m, Sunday. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 1 o'clock Baptist Church Kev. J.Merky win preach on ntand third Sunday sad Kcv. E. Boat on aeeond and fourth Snadafa of each aanath Preaching at 11 a. m. and p. m. Prayer meeting every Wedseaday even ing. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Jwnler Baud at 3p. m. Methodist Episcopal Church South Rev. w. 1. Fenton pastor. Services every first and ourth Sandaya of each month. Sunday . chool every Sunday at 3)0 p. m. PROFESSIONAL CA&OS. KIRCHGESSNER, - . PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, Medfbrd. Oiegon. Oflce Besidenec Corner C and Ninth Streets, J7RANCIS FITCH, - . ATTORNEY AT LAST, Medibrd, Ore. WUl practice ta aH courts of state or C. S M. L VAWTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Bask Bulldlnz. " Medford. Or J. H. WHITMAN. r ABSTBACZOK AND ATTORNEY " v AT LAW. jOrnceia bank bidding, ' Medford.Or - Have the moat complete and reliable abstracts title in Jackson county. yEBSTER A HAMMOND. ATTOBNJTS AT LAW, Office A. O. O. P. aaildiag, Me4ford, Or j PHVSICIAX AtlO CCBCEON. : Medford, Or Office: Roaatj; Open Block. . - . ' '"- FHYSICIAJT AND SURGEON, Office to ChlldeB BUck. '-- KedioiaYOi E. GEARY, . ''. SHYSICIAK AND arfrl!hN " . - O ace Cor. C asd tevcatk.sU.. . J)R. O. F. DEM0REST-, . ; -' aSSTDENT OICNTI8T. .. Mkesa specialty of Crst-claas work at raaaon. aUr aates.; . Offlce la Opera Basse,, . ; Medford, Or. ODGERS 4 HALL,' .. DEaTBTa. Havertermaaantlyloestedia Medford for the , aractlee of dentistry, . From a continued prac tise of over : years, we are prepared to guaran tee entire satfsfaeUoa, Give as a call. Over Storm drug atore. . - ccmuen srawr twmBir. Wheat, No. , . - .- - per bushel, 50 cts Oats, . . . ... , M M Parley n Com, . . ' ' " SO " Potatoes, new, ' - ' . 46 -MiU Feed. Bran andShorts. - perlon. 315.00 Hay, biOed. KuOU; loons, 7.00 Wood I - pereord. SJO wroon f Fir, . aoo flom, wholes. , per barrel, ZJO Flour, retail, per nek, 80 U Butter, . ' per roil (two poeudi.) 60 '" Eggs, nerdosen, 10 .Onions, . . . . per pound. 02 " Apples, ' par bos, (on bushel) 8754 M BaeonandBam : per lb. 10 " Shoulder ; " : ' per lb. 09," Beans ' --'"';:-;."- " 08 LirJ '' . " " 10 ' Bayar " ", " UEDFOhD IIARKETS Hot Weather The Ice Cream Season is coming- and everybody wants Freezers that make the nicest Ice Cream in the shortest time. Shepard's Lightning; and Bliz zard Freezers are the best. We sell them.. Get one before all are gone. If you are going to keep tho Lawn and Garden looking well during the dry weather you must irrigate. "We can furnish you whh all grades of Garden. Hose and Fittings. It is a good time to buy right now. GUNS.- AMMUNITION J. BEEK & SON, MEDFORD, ORE. JUST OPEflEDl A Fine line of Staple and Fanny GROCERIES, FREE DELIVERY. ' In the McAndrews Building on Seventh street. Our stock of Cigars and Tobacco is complete. Give us a call. SIGN OF THE BIG"T S. C. WILSON, Medford, Oregon. . J. W. Iiawton, m a DEALER IN o ARNESS AND C ADDLERY. H , " Order Work Given Special Attention. REPAIRING IS RIGHT IN MY LINE. SEVENTH STREET, -o- MEDFORD, OREGON. A. FETSCH,: Xrierehant Tailor, Domestic All fool Suits AllJool Sails Imported I buy my goods from Chicago and New .York and can give my custo mers the benefit of Eastern prices. My motto is JjIQKSQJIYILLE jnpiBL WORKS, J. O. WHIPP, Iropr. Does General Contracting in all Lines of ::::::.-r:.-:::::.-.": GRANITE AND MARBLE WORK. - CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY. Jacksonville, - Oregon. O Q O O O O O O CaijBts, hw, Certains, ,"- - BBlrlgerators, SHaies, Piclores. L A WEBB, MEDFORD.;i5l fMMaMMIHIM(MIIU wiMMfimtHMiaiMUHiiiiiiie iPresc.iptions -:- Casfu Main StrMt - - W. L VAWTER, Wo. S LINGER, ;vice Pres. Pres. Jackson Gparity Sank . CAPITAL, -. $50,000 Loan money on approved security, receive deoosits subject to .check, and transact a general "banking business on thi most favorable terms. ' ; aYour Business Solicited. Correspondtants: Ladd & Bush, Salem. Anglo-California Bank, San Francisce. Ladd & TUton, Portland. Suggestions I HARDWIRE, When you take a day .off and go fishing we want you to call and see what we can do for you in the way of Fishing Tackle. We have a com plete stock of the very best of all goods in this line. . . . STYE tan mUi ta (261 1 .QUICK SALES AND SMAll PROFITS. is VtMciiMnaHiaiiiutiiaMimHuiuuMUMtuiitih "FURNITURE i imiii iiiiiiuimiiiiHHi mnmiamnijiM tmr Picture Framing a Specialty. THE MORTAR DtUG STORE, 6. II. HASKINS, ' Prop'r. H. .MTTMINa IN TNI LINK Of Q Pure Diuga, Patent Medicines, Books, Stationery, PAINTS nd OILS, Tobaccoes, Cigars, Perfumery, Toilet Articles and Everything that Is carried In a first' class DRUG STORE. llv -;- Compounded. - -' Madford Oregon. . J. E. ENYART. Cashier Medford. Oregon - Corbin Banking Co.; N. Y HAMILTON & PALM, . the leading reil estate agents of Medford, are stirl slicing off the r Earth Chunks to Buit their customers. A 1 bottom land for $30 per acre. Good IMPROVED FARMS for from $15 to Ji per acre. We have a fine list of farm and City Property at your own price and on your own terms. Write to us for in formation, . - HAMILTON & PALM. FLOOR BHD FEED STOBE. At the old stand on Sercnth Street. FLOUR WHEAT, o" OATS AND BAB LEY, Whole or chopped. Corn, Potatoes and Beans, ALSO BALED HAT FCB SALE. Cash paid tor Eggi, or taken la exchange. J. R ERFORD, Proprietor. Medford, Oregon Your Best Girl Raxed Into onr window yester day for twenty minute. She was too King at . Engagement Rings. but wouldn't hare tou know U for the world. The rings are certainly lorelr. but we cannot use them all. We selected ours years ago. Have You. .. elected yours! PfllTCHAHO, THE JEWELER. GEO. F. MERRIMAN, BLHGKSmiTHIMG. MtlfllMIMIMMMIillltUlllllllltltlUnM HORSE SHOEING AND IHIIIMtHIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHIIIIIIimilUI NUIHH WDGOH-PI0KII6. Seveuth Street, Medford, Oregon. I HAVE POUXD JTjiuuGET! That Is, I bare rrccivexl prtcr from Frac?r & Clumbers, of Chicago, on Mining :-: Maclery Which will prove of more value than the 11 tiding of i-r-rral nujcurtA to In- tcndtiipurcnattcTH. Get prices from -C. F. tXWlS, Mechanical Engineer and Ma chinist. Medford, Oregon. - In Connection with the: Hotel Medford. W. X.. T0WNSEND, Propr. OYSTERS, s se CANDIES, NUTS OF ALL KLN'DS, - igars ana to -AT- M0UXCE 4 SCUEBMEKH0KN, Medford, - - - - Oregon. Flour Mfl Feefl'Store C 8trect, Opposite Racket Store, Medford, - Oregon. flour, wheat,: barley, whole -or Polled oats, .beans, corn and. Baled Hay. Vegetables of kinds. A. M. Woodford, "NO, 1 MAN i Has ever been known to hare the Cholera who had his shaving and hair cutting done at THE PALACE. CLC4NUNCB ' . ... I a A COMPANION TaesDUMin Our baths are two bits each. Seventh a tree I. Medford. Oregon. - THE PALACE. F. W. Waschau, The German Watchmaker, FE0NT STREET, MEDFORD, ORE. - . Sells the beat goods In t' e Jewelry - " line and for reasonable rices. If von need ' renalrina done on - jour watches, docks or Jewelry - .rCOMB AND CSX XS. Watch cleaning-, 7K cents; main sprint s. Mocntsi watch glasses, lOtoluejntseioh. ALL WORK ', WARRANTED. PACIFIC COAST-ITEMS. NEWS NUGGETS PICKED OP WEST OF THE. SIERRAS. Bal.ln Combine MlMlonaries A. Dis appointed Pnlltlclan Non-Suited Aa aemblyman Bledsoe Defending; a Salt for Divorce Death from a Fly Bit. ' The consignment of California fruit lent to London by the City of Paris ar rived there in first-class condition. " The raisin combine held a directors' meeting and resolved to send ont paid canvaRsers through Kern, Kings, Fresno end . Madera counties for the purpose of petting those growers who have not yet joined the coinbije to do so before . Ecpt 1. After that date the packers will withdraw their checks unless 80 per cent of the output is contracted for and placed with' packers who are members of the combine.. Assurances were re ceived" from, outside packers that the prices of raisins would not be cut below the standards fixed by the combine. ' Judge Uray of Visalia, sitting for Jndge Harris at Fresno, has given a de cision in the Bnit of Joseph Spinuey against the supervisors of Fresno county. Last July the supervisors transferred the most populous portion of the First district to the Third. At the time this was done Spinney was a candidate for the First district in tho interests of tho Populists. As his strength lay wholly in the portion transferred, his election would be an impossibility, he therefore ought a writ of certiorari to compel the supervisors to reverse their decision. Judge Gray held that the step taken by the supervisors was an exercise of the legislative power vested in them and dismissed the suit. . Several summer cottages at Hot Springs, near Tacoma, were destroyed by forest fires which have been raging in that vicinity for a week. Rev. Dr. Hirst, pastor of Simpson Memorial Methodist church of San Francisco, who was "charged with im morality, has been completely exoner ated by an investigating committee. The grand parlor, N. a G. W., has brought suit against IT members of So toyouie parlor No. 05 of Healdsburg, wbn are accused of winding up the af fairs of the parlor without accounting for moneys on hand when the charter was surrendered. The city council of Oakland has raised the assessment on the property of the Southern Pacific company within the city $1,000,000. . Z. O. W. Watson, a Sin Francisco auctioneer, while drunk shot Adain Brehm at Marysville because Brehm carried on a conversation with a friend in German. Counsel for ex-Policeman Craig at Los Angeles, who killed his wife and her parvnts a few weeks ago, have given up the case. The enormity of the offense was too great to defend. Adolphns Stein: who died at the county hospital at Riverside from, it was supproed, a poisonous fiy bite on the lip, is now said to have di-Al from anthrax, communicated by the fly. The Grass Valley miners held a meet ing recently and passed resolutions re quiring assembly candidates to pledge support to a bill to abolish compulsory trading at., the stores of mining com panies. . An. army of crickets that hss been marching north from the Malheur conn try, arrived at Blue Mountain Springs at the head of the Jobu Day valley in Oregon last week. Crops were too Tar advanced to receive much injury. The Woman's club of Lemooru has in augurated a. movement to clean up the town. A lunch will be spread during tho noon hour for the workers. Three tramps arrested at Rocklin are supposed to have murdered a soldier at Ogden. . . Two men were arresfed at Sacramento the other day on "the charge of counter feiting. A raid on their den resnlted in the capture of a part of their ont fit. The examination into the train-wrecking case has been resumed at Woodland. The prosecution introduced strong evi dence against Applet on, alias "Texas," wbo was held for trial. Worden was held oii the charge of murder. - A fire started in the engine-room of Hastings & Mitchell's planing mill at Los Angeloa the other day. The mill was destroyed, as was also Roeder Bros. plumbing shop, M. Lew's black smith shop, Bennett Bros.' furniture factory, John O'Neil's stair factory and L. Bnrth's shoe shop. The loss is esti mated at (10,000 and is partly covered by insurance. The trial of the divorce suit of Clara J. Bledsoe vs. A. J. Bledsoe, the assem blyman of the Second district, has com menced at Eureka before Jndge Dain gerfield of Sari Fnincisco. The com plaint makes the specific charge of adultery and numerous specifications of cruelty. Among these is one alleged to have arisen from the plaintiff's remon strating with the defendant for accept ing a bribe of 100 during the session of the last legislature from Joseph Brown of San Bernardino county for his vote for the formation of San Jacinto county. Brown was in court, also A. W. Branch of Son Francisco. George F. Becker of California has been promoted as geologist in the geo logical survey, and is to receive a salary of $3,000 per nnnnm. Lake Michigan was completely en veloped by a thick cloud of smoke caused by forest fires in Wisconsin and Northern Michigan for the three days that limited the range of vision to a quarter of a mile in every direction. Through this the sun shone like a ball of fire, and the tooting of tho fog signal out on the water sounded monotonously at short intervals. Navigation on the lake was attended with dangers, as cap tains of steamers could not see other boats half a dozen lengths ahead, and bad to run slowly ana sound the fog sig nal constantly. . Well Known in Texas. Mr. J. C. Boswell. one of the bet known and most respeoted citizens of Brownwood, Texas, suffered wttn diar rhoea for a lone time and tried many different remedies' without benefit, un til Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy was .used; that re-. 1 loved him at onoe. Hasklns, druggist. Two bit) for a shirt is pretty cheap. but so long as it is a good artiole worth twice that figure you oi course will want one, at Muller's corner gro cery. . ; ' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Hlftrut Madalaod Dlflin. I CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN. Work of Preparation by tho Demoeratle and Itcpubllcan Committees. With the close of congress the man agers of the congressional national cam paign committees are preparing for the full campaign with much enercry. Sen ator Fauikuer, nt the head of the Demo cratic committe, is directing his efforts toward holding a Democratic majority in tne nouse or representatives. Ex tensive headquarters are in operation. with the executive work in charge of cecret rv Uiwronne f-inrdnor I The work thus far has Ixjen in prepar- ; ing full statistics of the districts, writ- j ing the campaign book and in circu i lating documents. The campaign book is aixrat bull completed. It will be a volume of about 800 pages, showing the Work of congress and the reforms claimed to have been made in the departmental service. It will be furnished to speakers as a text ror their work on the stump. The statistics gathered are the most elaborate ever undertaken by the com mittee. They show not only the votes oy counties for tne last four congres sional elections, but in close districts the figures are carried out to the townships, wards and other precincti In addition to the numerical vote a system of per centages has been adopted by which the percentage or gain necessary to success. or loss threatening defeat, can be ex actly determined. Another plan of ready reference is bv shaded maps of the districts in various colors showing the strength of the Re publicans, Democrats, Populists, Pro hibitionists, etc, with the figures as to the vote of each party. Campaign speak ers wilt not be sent out by the commit too, as each congressional nominee will be left to secure his own speakers. If, however, a weak spot is developed where speakers are few the national committee will undertake to supply the orators. Documents are being shipped in large quantities, but the main supply, par ticularly on the tariff, will not go out until congress has adjourned and all uncertainty on the question has been re moved. The Republican congressional cam paign, in the absence of Secretary Olds, is in charge of Assistant Secretary Thomas H. McKee. By the decision of the Republican national committee the congressional campaign is left entirely in the bands of the congressional com mittee. Chairman Manley acting in an advisory capacity. The headquarters force is just now en gaged in getting together the campaign textbook, which Captain McKee expects to hare issued by Sept. 1. The commit tee has had its headquarters open con tinuously from Nov. 1 last, and since that time has circulated 3,000,000 pieces of campaign literature. This work will be pushed with even greater diligence from this time forward. A complete canvass has been made of every congressional district in the coun try and the work to be done. In states where a campaign is on the work will be left in the hands of the state committee entirely. Where , there is no state cam paign the congressional district organ ization will be co-operated with directly. There will be no speakers because con gressmen and candidates are found to prefer arranging for themselves. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Virion. Acta of lbmkm and Losses by Fire and Accident. Miss Mary Brown of Princess Anne, Md., died from the effects of an opera tion for appendicitis. It was found that a small piece of chewing gum which the young woman had swallowed had found its way into the appendix and caused death. The jury in the case of Mayor Calla han of New Orleans, chained with do manping and receiving bribes while a member of the city council, brought in a verdict of guilty. The most important count whs a demand made on Leman L. "Wideneney, a coal dealer, for wharf privileges. Widen eney paid $300. The other night two masked men boarded a northbound freight on the St. Paul road at Deerfield. and in an en counter with the trainmen shot and killed Detective Patrick Owens.- They secured little plunder, and a few hoars later fatally wounded Officer McGrath, who essayed to capture them at Mayfair. They were finally captured by the police in the Elk Grove woods, near the Des plaines river, after the exchange of fully one hundred shots. Gordon, the arch culprit, has led a Jekyll and Hyde career. He is known on this coast as Billy Wil liams, who did numerous "jobs'" and has been identified as H. F. Griswold, an inspector of the Manchester Assur ance company at Chicago. A man's death occurred at Atlantic City in view of many thousands of peo ple who lined the beach, and who were panic-stricken by the awful surround ings of the event. It was S p. in., when the snrf was black with bathers. Sixty thousand people had arrived during the morning. There were not bathing suits sufficient to supply the demand and the board walk was crowded. In a few minutes the sky was overcast, a cloud of inky blackness rolled in from the sea, but the bathers remained in the surf. Suddenly from the very zenith a bolt of blinding brilliancy descended. Thou sands of spectators were horrified as straight down 'it flew, striking a young man who was standing- in-the surf, where he was holding the hand of a woman. He was seen to stagger back ward, partly raising his left hand to his forehead. Then he fell into the water lifeless. His companion reeled and fell and was washed insensible upon the beach. The young man, who had been killed was William Carr, twenty years old, living at 103. South Mississippi avenue, Atlantic city. While his body was still warm it was brought to the shore and examined by Dr. Thompson. It was round tnat his left side from head to foot was burned and blackened. The bolt had struck the .young man on the left temple and his death was instanta neous. A Quarter Century Test. For aquartor of a eenturv Dr. Kinsr's New Discovery has been tested, and the millions who . have received benefit from its use testify to its wonderful curative powers, in all diseases of Throat Chest and Lungs. A remedy that bas stood the test so long and that has given so universal satisfaction is no experiment. Each bottle is posi tively guaranteed to irive relief, or the money will be refunded. It is admit ted to oe tbe most reliable for Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles Free at G. H. Ha-drin"' Drug Store. Large size" 50c. and $1.00. Legal Blanks for sale at this offlce. NEWS0F THE WORLD. THE GIST OF THE WEEK'S HAPPEN- INGS AS TOLD BY TELEGRAPH. Intereatlac; Items From Europe, Asia. Africa and North and South America, With Particular Attention to Impoi . tant Home News. " South Dakota Republicans have nomi nated a complete state and congres sional ticket. ' " - Many railroad lines in the East report the passenger business the dullest they have ever known. Colorado Populists will renominate Governor Waite. Tbe Kiowa and Comanche Tn"iTH, are assuming a warlike attitude toward the cattlemen, and in same sections of the range the disturbing element has de stroyed range fence and slaughtered cattle. . " At a sham battle by the Mississippi National Guard at Meredian the other day Captain R. R. Stevens, TJ. 8. A., in structor, rode his horse full speed into the crowd in the effort to drive it back, and knocked down two women, who were trampled upon. Much indignation is expressed and an effort will be made to make the officer answer for his reek- Reports from aH parts of the Southern States show a steady tendency toward improvement in business circles, net earnings of Southern railroads showing an increase over the corresponding time last year. Tbe bank clearances for the week ended Aug. 11th were 83 per cent, larger than for the same time of 1893, every Southern city but two reporting a large gain. The operatives in the Lowell, Mass., carpet manufactories have been notified that if the new tariff bill becomes a law the 10 per cent, cut-down last February will be restored. The Wagner Palace Car company filed in the railroad commissioners" office at Albany, N. Y., yesterday, their annual report, which shows gross of $4,363,359; expenses. $1,812,702. Budd Doble has been sued for $lt),000 damages at Chicago because he did not enter a horse for races in accordance with an agreement. The plaintiff t.ivrw his horse would liave won a number of valuable prizes had it been entered. One thousand members of the Flem ing family are balding tnoiy reunion at Muncie, bid. Justice of the Peace Ross W. Lat shaw, at Kansas City, is short $9,066 in his accounts. He had pocketed fines' collected from dissolute women. Police court construction of proper conduct during mass will be a feature of novelty in Justice Kerstine's court at Chicago. Mrs. Kuras Webb is charged with disorderly conduct by Mrs. Eliza beth Galbcaith. They occupied seats in the Holy Xame Cathedral near each other lately. During the mass Mrs: Webb was annoyed by whispering next her, and thinking Mrs. Galbraith. was the offending party, spoke to her. Mrs. Webb's words attracted tbe attention of many parishioners and made her the ob ject of unpleasant notoriety. Under the fire of numerous eyes she left the church, but learning Mrs. Webb's name and address, took cut a waisant before Justice Kerstine a few days later, charg ing disorderly conduct. The Standard Wheel company of Terra Haute, Ind.. has begun work on a truck on which the Columbian Liberty Bell, made of metal composed of moneys and art treasures contributed by the educa tional institutions of the country, will mace a tour oi wis country ana near; y al! foreign lands. The workmen at thc wheel works will donate their labor. The truck is a big affair, as the bell weighs seven tons. The flanges of the hubs have been made out of the over flow metal at the time the hell was cast. The truck is to be constructed so it can be used in the streets or can be run on a railway car now being made for it in St. Louis. The bell will go from Chi cago next month to the G. A. R. en campment at Pittsburg and from there to Mexico, where President Diax is ar aanging for a grand reception. After ward it will be exhibited in tee principal cities of this country, when it will go to England, France, Germany, Russia and wherever civilization has set its foot, The Union Veterans Union, in session at Rochester, K. Y., has passed a resolu tion to petition congress to set aside the I7th of June as a national holiday to be called Veterans" Day" in commemora tion of Bunker Hill. Master Workman Sovereign savs the tramp and the dnde 'are the result, the outcome, of monopoly the monopoly that, unless it is throttled, will cause the death of the republic." Miles upon miles of the Kickaooo country, in Kansas, are on fire, the re flection of which can be seen at night for forty miles. The grass in some in stances along the valleys was five feet high and the blaze was terrible. It is said the Indians set the glass on fire purposely, with the foolish idea of keep ing out wnne settlers. Fire Marshal Joe Fitxcerland of Chi cago, front his record-book and a copy of reports, shows the following loss in incendiary fires during thereceut strike: One hundred and sixty-six freight caxg, eight switch towers, six freight depots, five switch shanties and one hay. barn. He says the fires were kindled by boys, none of whom were over 19 years of age- Representatives of - the St. Louis Liquor Dealers' Benevolent association of St. Louis have asked Mavor Wal- bridge to close the Dehodiamont camp meeting: The declared that it was disgrace to the city and a menace to the morals and reputation of its citizens. Upon Mayor Wal bridge's refusal to en tertain the proposition, the liquor deal ers argued the mattetr. They said that the language used at the Dehodiamont camp meeting by Sam Jones when he was here recently was such as would not be tolerated in any community which as self-respecting. ' Bucklen's Arnica Salve, The best salve in the world for outs bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures pues, or no pay requirea. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25c per oox. . or sale oy u. fi. uasKins. i or sale Dy uv tl. uasKins, Al aurora. Hotel for sale The owner of one half interest in Hotel Medford is de sirous of disposing of this property. You can learn particulars by enquiring at The Mail offioe. Money to loan Hamilton & Palm. DEMOCRATIC STANDARD BEARERS. James tt, Budd and William T. ittmr Selected to Head tho 8 Lat. Ticks. The California Democratic state con vention which met at San Franciseo last week nominated James Budd of Stock ton tor governor. After organizing and adoptinga platform, the candidates for the supreme court were nominated. Next came the governorship fight. The nominees before the convention for the head of the ticket were James Budd of tstocaton, Heruard Murphy of San Jose, Denis Spencer of Napa, IX A. Ostrora and W. W. Foote of San Francisco. Budd was elected on the third ballot amid great enthusiasm. The principal plank of the platform is that relating ta the railroads. The railway funding bill is denounced, and the candidates for con gress are pledged .to vote against-any extension of the Pacific railroad -debts, and to support a foreclosure e the gov ernment mortgage on the Central. Pa cific. ThA TilrMii "rniT";aAW1 "K pledged to reduce the number of freight classifications one-half and . to reduce transportation rates 25 per cent..'' The free coinage of silver, plank adopted by the Republicans at Sacra mento is denounced as hypocritical, and the retirement of all gold and currency under the denomination of $10 is recom mended and silver substituted therefor. Dairy interests are to be fostered by favorable legislation. Article VI of the constitution of the United States, declaring Vt bo re ligions test shall be anohed to office holders, is incorporated in the last paxav graph of the platform. An attempt to bring the A. P. A. and rMy''r contro versy into the convention was the causa of this action. . .. - President Cleveland is indorsed and the tariff bill recently passed is declared to be a step in the direction of tariff re- have been enacted at this time. Following are the nomioees of the convention: For governor James H. Budd of Stockton. .. Far lieutenant governor William T. Jeter of Santa Cruz. For supreme court jnntiirs Jukwsi Temple of Santa RosaE. A. Bridgefbrd of Colusa, James G. Murphy of Del Norte. Secretary of state Ben 1C of Tulare. Attorney general A. B. Parris of San Bernardino. State treasurer Jose Castro of En Luis Obispo, WASHINGTON NOTES. Xatorcatina; Items Plekad Oat i PaOr Pfamotra , The president has returned to Wash ington, looking and feeling greatly im proved in health. - By direction of the president a tka? of honor has been presented to Brevet Llewelling G. Estes of the United States volunteers for the most distinguished gallantry in action at Flint river, Ga Aug. au, lew. A blunder has been discovered in tha tariff bill which is almost sure to cause trouble. In the free list of the McKra ley act appear these particular vrre "536 CoaL anthracite; 537 CoaL stores of Asuerican vessels, but nsne shall ba unloaded." The new bin. however, unites these paragraphs ia section -Ml of the free, list, which new reads. 'Goad, anthracite and coal stores of fl i in i ii am vessels, but none shall be unloaded. Of course, according to the pnnctuarioBL the prohibition contained in the hast ciause applies to au inai precedes tt ta . the paragraph, including anthracite coal. which was intended to be made free. As the paragraph now stands, anthra cite coal cannot be unloaded. Representative Commings, chairman of the house committee on naval affairs, has presented a preliminary report upon tne investigation or tne armor plate bil lets furnished by the Carnegie Steel -company. The committee finds the charges of fraud sustained, scores the company severely ana recommends that 59 suspected plates in use be tested as the only method of proving their fitness or unfitness. It finds that the govern ment inspection was negligent, but no charge of dishonesty rests upon the in spectors. With the report on-the armor plate frauds Mr. Cnmmings presented a " joint resolution to authorize and direct the secretary of the navy to remove fwiM. uah.jihmw rr Z r Indiana. Massachusetts and Monterey the specified armor plates and subject " them to a test at the Indian Head prov for a speedy report on these tets. The governor of Missouri has issued a proclamation requesting the observance " of Sept. St, as Labor da v. The Russian courts have reversed the assumption of American tribunals .that -when a husband and wife are drowned. In the same disaster the wife dies first -Tbn Russian doctors have testified an-' animously that a man would be the first to die, because a woman is more agila and keeps herself longer above water. - The navy department has decided to begin wok at once in transfer rning the -dynamite cruiser Vesuvius into a tor pedo boat - - ; At Hyde Park, London, the other day was the .scene of a popular demonstrsr , tion against the house of lords. Those who took an active part in the proceed ings assembled on the Thames embank- ment and then marched in procession to -the park, wher eleven platforms had been erected. It is estimated that 70,000 people were in the park. A joint reso- : lution was adopted at aM the platforms ' declaring that.'as the government was nnable to give any definite pledge as to its action regarding the house of lorda, :. it be demanded that the " useless heredi- tary chamber" be abolished. The reso rations also called upon the electors to only support candidates for parliament . who would pledge themselves to Tote for ... the. abolition of the house of lords, j Among . the speakers were . Messrs. O'Brien and ' Tanner, members of the i house of commons. Xt Hay So as atneb. for Ton. ' 1 Mr. Fred Miller, of Irvine. IlL. writes that he had a Severe Kidney j trouble for many years, with severe' pains in his back and also that his: bladder was affected. He tried many i so called Kidney cures but without aayl good result Abo at a year ago he be-i gan use of Eleotrio Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is s- pecially adapted to euro of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives al-. most instant relief. ' One trial will! prove our statement Price only 60c. 1 for large bottle at G. H. Haskins5 Drug ! Store. g