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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1894)
Better "As old m thehill3"and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which you an pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid neys. Tryit. Sold by all - raggisis in Liquid, or in Powder , tobe taken dry or niadeintoa tea. The King of Uvar Medicines. " I hare used yourSlmmons Liver Resrn lator and can oonscienciously say it is tbe kins of all liver medicines. I consider it a medicine chest In ltef. Geo. W. Jack ojr, Tacoma, Washington. O-KVERT FACKAGB- Baa the Z Stamp In red on wrapper Than Pills Thos. F, Cakes. Henry C Payne, Henry House. Receivers ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R, XT s A TRIP EAST Or THE MOUNTAINS, Sardine Creek Items. JEIagant Tgsrists Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars I Mmiiumu TP Grand Forks I Crookstom 1 HCLCNA AND TIOIH TICKETS" -TO- CHIQfiQ AVASH1WGTOH PHIlAQElPHIa . MEW YOBK .. , BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, - So. 121 First St., cor. Washington X'OZZ.TXrAXTXS, OR EAST AND SOTJTH -BV THE The Shasta Route OF THB mUW iPACIFIC COHPAM. F3FBESS TBAIKS LEAVE DAIXY. PORTLAKT) South arts p. m I Lv. 8:4 n. m I Lv. ijkloarcl Ar. Portland iledl'ord San Francisco Ar. Lv Lv. North Above trains stop at all stations from Port la, od to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent, li Mn n.i R,rihiiiv Junction Citv. frving, Eugene and at all stations from Rose- bora; (9 Ashland inclusive. ; ptOSEBURQ MAILr-DAILV. . iS8a.mlLv fS-aO p, m j y Portland KoseburS Arl Lv 430 p. m 70) a. m Pining Cars on Ogden Rpnte: Pullman Baffett Sleepers and Second Class l,0ieep)pg cars atwcneuio aii uuwku uw Between Portland and Conraliis. WEST BIDB DIVISION. "Mail trains dally, except Sunday: ' 70 aTmlLv ' Portland Ar I 36 p, m 2:lSpmAr CorvaUla Lv 1:00 p. in At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains ox Oregon raciac rwuww. ' - - TSmmu Trains dailv. exceot Sunday: 45 p. m ) Ar JtcMinuvllle Lv 1 5-jO a. m ' arhmnvn tickets to all mints in the f- Kastera stated, Canada and Europe can be ob tain rd at lowest rates irom y. v. lappracou, V P.HOGEKS. Aast.0. F.&P Agt Agent, Medford. Manager. In company with Mr. Mentz Stene (a visiting friend from Sioux Falls, South Dakota) I left Talent Wednesday, August 1st, bent on seeing the country and scenery of southern Oregon. We had ft horse and buggy, and supplies and outfit for camping. We went eastward as lar as Yainax Indian agency going via tbe Rogue river route, we. took in the grand scenery of the falls of Mill creek, 175 feet perpendicular, and Rogue river rapids, which fall 300 feet in one-quarter of a mile, and if utilized would furnish power sufficient to run all the machinery of the country. At Prospect we found a hue prop erty of a . saw-mill, a large hotel building nearly completed, a store of assorted merchandise, a good school-house a postoffice, several dwelling houses and as beautiful. a site for a town or city as one could wish to see. Mr. btan. Aiken aims to keep a hotel and supplies of all kinds, for sojourners to that health resort and enchanting locality. J. take Mr. A. to be a business man and a gentleman. For the next twelve miles we pass through as fine, a body of sugar pine and fir as the world affords, if or miles one can scarcely see the sun m midday, for heavy timber. The soil is rich and the surface gently rolling. Beyond Union creek we find an undulating valley more or less timbered for seventeen miles, when we commence to rise steeper until wo come to a guide-board which directs to the left two arid one-half miles to Crater lake. We followed an old road and a fresh buggy track, until we concluded to leave our horse to rest while we went up afoot to view the lake. My companion gave out before reaching the lake and he was satisfied to take my word for the balance. We, however, had a magnificent view of mountain scenery, and Klamath marsh, which, at present, is an im mense lake. Leaving an altitude of 7000 feet we drove twenty miles. gently down 4000 feet, to old fort Klamath. There remains nothing of the wonted granduer of ten years agone, except two of those large "officers' quarters" and the magnifi cent grounds and spring of lOld water. In a five mile drive, on a road fit for a city park, we reached Klamath agency. All of a sudden off to our right we noticed several new three-story buildings, then the lake about one mile off; but close to our right we suddenly came in view of a spring of water trom winch flows a stream of cold, clear water with volume and fall sufficient to nm almost any amount of machin ery or supply a city of 100,000. It all runs to waste except running a small saw-mill occasionally. There is a fine school-house and two board ing-houses, with 110 Indian stu dents fifty-five of each sex in attendance. We attended chapel service at 11 a. m., Sunday, Aug. 5th. Rev. Father Starnes and wife, the missionaries, are well liked and doing much good. It did me pood to hear the Indian choir of twenty voices singing of their Re deemer. . We concluded that Jesus had conquered those one-time sav ages, and the "mission" is a success. Prof. Paine as superintendent, and Mrs. Paine as matron, are the right people in the right place. - a n 1 a We camped sunaay nigm on ine bank of the Williamson river, near the bridge on the Yainax agency road. The place is famous for fish- mrr. but mv menu soon lost onr hook in the vain attempt to land a rock. Reaching Yainax agency Monday evening we were hospitably entertained by Prof. Terry, acting lupenntendent in the absence ot Superintendent L. F. Willetts, who i3 visiting in Jackson, county dur ing vacation. We learned that the school is making satisiactory pro gress, with ninety Btudents in attendance. These teachers govern by kindness and teach etiquette by example. All orders are indicated by taps of the bell, and tbe students and laborers act in nniiormny words being superfluous. The im pressions left with strangers are that those Indians are nearer civi lized now than the average white citizens' hoodlum children around our country schools. The Indian nolice patrol at all public meetings and keep perfect order throughout the reservation. Wednesday we visited with my brother, in the Alkali valley, where he has a fine ranch, well improved for the time (three years) since set tlement. He has twenty acres of tha heaviest rve I ever saw. It crows on a dark, sandy soil is ... - -a t 1 11 seven feet tall and will mate iuiiy four tons of hay per acre. Mv friend liked the Sprague river vallev. and he stooped at tbe " . . i . , Shook ranch to wort and tane time to select a claim on the sur plus of the Indian reservation, while I reached Talent, Saturday, Aug. Hth. S. Sherman. . .BY BOURGEOIS. . H, Smith was doing business in Jacksonville Tuesday. Mrs. Adams spent several days atWoodviUo last week. J. Clemens will make his home in this locality lor the present. . School commenced Monday with thirteen students on the roll. Miss Nellie Vroomau. is visiting Mies Emma Green, at Grants Pass. ' ' J. H. Grifflths, of Gold Hill, wns looking atter the interests ot his place Monday." Mort Lindley returned home Tuesday after several months' visit in California. Lesalte Cuffleld, of Rock Point, took in the sights of Sardine creek Wednesday. Rev. Kinney has sold his property in this lo cality, but will purchase more elsewhere on the creek. i Mrs. W. II. Newton, of Central Point, spout last week visiting relatives and friends at this nlace. Mr. Wills and family, relatives of B. P. Miller arrived last week from the east and will proba ably locate in our midst. Baa Tha World'a Fair for Fifteen Centa TTnnn recelDt of vour address, and fifteen cents In postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our souvenik op the Worlo's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is Fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing- to be prized. It contains full paga views of the great buildings, with descriptions of same, and is executed in highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, afier you get it, wo will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Ad dress H. E. BTJCICLEN & CO., Chicago, 111 The steamer Pnrilun ran into and cut in two the rng Richmond at Benton Harbor, Mich., recently. The Puritan is blamed for the occideat. Ten thousand dollars' worth of bonds have been disposed of by Hawaii at par since the establishment of the republic The previous price was C8. Sacramento strikers arrested on the charges of obstructing United Stales mails and taken to San Francisco have been admitted to bail in $509 each. Francis O. Zeiiiler, a swindling suit club operator, has been arrested at Sar Diego. A VISIT TO DAMASCUS A TRAVELER WRITES OF WHAT SAW IN THIS FAMOUS CITV. HE IU Ex tonal vo and Interesting Bazaars The Wonderful Walls of Damascus and the View One Has From Them The Moham medan Women and Their Masks. ' The bazaars of Damascus are quite extensive and more interesting than tlinoA cf Pnirrt tpiHi vliipli thiw arfl fro. Zeigler has worked many towns qnently pi, because they are en- Big Sticky Items. BY BILL NYE'S BllOTHER. Miss Myrtle Hart, of Medford is spending the week at F. Morgan's. Charles Carney was ill last week. but is better now, .we are glad to say. Misses Jessie and Josie Gregory spent Sunday with their uncle Wil liam's family. Thos. Wheadon and family, and Mrs. Hamilton Turpin, are visiting Mrs. Turpin's son, Charles, on Lako creek. W. J. Gregory returned home from Portland, Tuesday of last week, having been absent about six weeks. Rolliii Smith has returned home from Jenny creek, and is now at work with Bybee and McGee's threshing machine. Mrs. Charles Carney, and son, Tom, and daughter, Pansy, visited Jacksonville on Wednesday of last week, and returned home via Med ford. Frank Gregory, one of our rus tling young farmers, is busily at work running his header and is said to be doing the best work in tbe vallev. Mr. and Mrs. F. Morgan, of Butte creek, and Miss Myrtle Hart, of Medford, were the guests of G. C Roberts' family Sunday of last week. There was a social party at F. Morgan's, on Monday night of last week, which was greatly enjoyed by all. Those preseut were: Misses Millie Howlett, Pearl Weadon, Lulu Roberts and Myrtle Hart, and Messrs. Will Gregory, Ellsworth and Frank Roberts, Alfred aud Le roy Smith, June Adam?, Peter Simon aud Bovd Tucker. in California. Judge E. A. Wiswall of the superior court of Vancouver, Wash, .was drowned at Clatsop Beach while bathing in the surf. He was elected superior judge two years ago and was well known in the state of Washington. He came from Iowa five years ago and whs about 85 years of age. A widow and child sur vive him. Arrangements have been completed whereby the famous trotting Btallion Directum and Arion are to meet in a match race over the Washington park track in Chicago. Wednesday, Aug. 29, for a purse of $7,000. Directum hits the fastest record for a trotting stallion of 2:051 and also for a four-year-old trotter of any sex. Arion has the two-year-old trotting record, 2:10, made to a hij;h wheel sulky. He is owned by J. Mal colm Forbes, who paid the lute Senator Stanford f 1U5.000 for him. Budd Doble will drive Arion and Orrin Hickok will drive Directum. Of lnteroat to Molhors. The success of Mrs. Annio M. Beam, of McKeesport. Pennsylvania, in the treatment of diarrhoea iu her children will undoubtedly bo of interest to many mothers. Sbo says: 4-I speut several weeks in Johrstown, Pa., after the crest flood, on account of my husband beinir employed there. We had sever al children wilh us. two of whom took the diarrhoea very badly. I erot some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kt'tnody irora twv. Mr. Chap man. It cured both of ibcin. I knew of several other cases whore it wns equally successful. I think, it cannot be excelled aud cheerfully recommend it." 25 nnd 50 cent bottles for sale by G. S. Haskiii6, druggist. PORTLAND, OREGON. DANIEL COFfR, : latc or SACSAaiirro. cquMm a SnecialtT. ' Plans and Specifications Furnished at reasonable rates. I have SCO new desicnes of Cottage homes thoxe wlshinK to bulid would ao weu te ex- sarin them. MEDFOBP fearosrea Box, PREGQU, SHOW IT.. ' A young man informed his sweet heart ol ' " his love forber, and she said, nf yon do. . v showij." So does Vinson's Monarch Sarsaparil! ' -1 vn wKat wl never it is to cleanse the " blood and the ' entire syntenj, removing " rimptes. Bolls and all diseases arising irom , impure and weak blood. r. w-rmt tle and vou win have ao other - uAuiaeu SARSAPAftlLLAla tree to Its name iee ons said this remedy u line pno LtPwinedy for the bloqd. Try it aud Zhnv voa what it can do. w . wir isnv RROfl.. 'Rdoerton, Wl JSkMedforg. Are Yon Goiug East? If so and desire to go via Portland and enjoy the luxury, safety and com fort of a trip over the old reliable North ern Pacific Railroad, you can do so from Grants Pass and all S. P. points in Southern Oregon as cheaply as by any other route. The Northern Pacific runs through trains from Portland to St. Panl daily withoutchangeof cars freecolontst sleepers, elegant Pullman and Tourists' sleepers accompany every train. For tickets and full information ap ply or write to A. D. Charlton, Asst. General Passenger and Ticket agent, Portland. Oreiron. or to S. F. Cass, FN. Ticket agent lor boutnern uregoni First National Bonk. Grants Pass, Ore. Eighteen years ago Jennie Finch of Grand Rapids. Mich., was kidnaped by gypsies and her relatives, failiug to find her, mourned hor as deud. A few days ago she returned to her home and found her brother nnt jkistcr. Her parenta are dead. Her story of her lif with the gypsies is interesting and full of muuy vicissitudes. A message from President Cleveland to Governor Wnite of Colorado was car ried from Washington to Denver by bi cyclists in 6 dnrs. 10 hours and 37 miu utes. The distance is 2.037 miles. Re- lavs of from five to ten miles were ar ranged by tho Lecfruo of American Wheelmen to enrry th message. The time made was 57 hours under the ar ranged schedule. The annual meeting of the I. A. W. is being held at Denver tlr.s week. Charles P. Grove, a colored swindler, has been operating among his nice nt Denver, to their greut loss. He sold mining shares and town lots located fa Montana. Grove has kUo worked ex tensively in the South. A comparative statement of appropri ations and expenses of the bureau of in dian affairs has Iwn computed by Com missioner Browning. It shows that the total amount covered by the Indian ap propriation bill for the fiscal year ISSi was $7.KH,240 ar.d for 1U35 Ta.SSs.gS". The total approprint iou for 1835 includes payments to the Tanktons. YnVuuas, Ccenr d'Aleties. Slots and Nez Percet for lands and payment for tlauvices of settlers on the Crow Creek ami Winne bago reservations, aggregating $2.5S8, 816. The amount left for current ex penses for the present year is $5.57j.0G4, a reduction of Sfl-H.lSO in fsvor of 1S35. For every purpose except for payment for lands considerably ies ts appropri ated, for 1S95 than lbltt, and the total is $104,803 less than the estimates made by the office. Well Known in Taxas. Mr. J. C. Boswell. one of the best known and most respected citizens of Brownwood. Texas, suffered with diar rhoea lor a long time ana triea many different remedies without benefit, un til Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy was used: that re lieved him at once. For sale by G, H Haskins, druggwt. Katies Creek Items. BY SUB ItOSA. We are glad to sa j that George Marden is re covering from his recent illness. Mr. aud Mrs. Russell, ot Galls creek, spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Knotts. Miss Lottie Beal, of Butte Creek, spent several days of Uut week ylsltlng with her sis ter. Mrs. Foley. Miss Florence Gibson who bss been at Coles Col., for the past three months returned home for a few weeks' visit with home folks. We are soory to learn of the death of Mr. and Mrs. D. Horn's youngest chi)d, which occurred at their home on uaus creea last wees. DR. J. H.. MclEAN's Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its vltelizlnc properties, will brighten pale cheeks and transform a pale, batr friird. disnirited woman into on of sDarkliner health and beauty. 9.100 .Deafness Cannot Bo Cared Thi3 is the way an Iowan writes of tbe crop outlook in that state This is tbe first year in Iowa that ever saw the corn crop a total failure. Wo had fine looking pros pects the first of July. The corn commenced to tastle out and shoot forth the ears, when the dry weather set in, and we had no rain for four weeks, and then one week of hot winds, which literally cooked the corn, l be small gram is snort, anu the hay crop is more than half short. We had a little shower last week but too late to help the" corn. August 4th there were 125 head of cattle sold under the hammer at Winterslett, and they onlv brought 40 cents per hundred. Stock hogs vou cannot eive away. The future outlook for farmers here is very dis couraging. EUHEKA ! Mr. Thomas Batte. editor of the Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, has found what ne oelieves to oe me ossi rnmHdv in existence for the flux. bis experience is well worth, remembering. tio says: "Last summer i nau very severe attack of flux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving re lief, unaraoeriain s touc, vuuisrs uu Diarrhoea Remedy was recommend ed to me. I purchased a bottle ana re ceived almost immediate relief. I continued to use tho medicine and was entirely cured. , I take pleasure in recommending this remedy to any per son suffering with suoh a disease, as in my opinion it is the best medicine In existence." 25 and 50 cont bottles for by G. H. Haskins, druggist. Gold quarts has been fonnd in the big Desplaines draining canal at Chicago. A tariff reform meeting of the Har ford county. Md., Democrats denounced Senator Gorman. Troops are all being removed from South Omaha, where they were ordered during the paokers' strike. The Globe mill and elevator at Water- town, Wis., were destroyed by firo the other day. . The loss will reach $70,000. The gold find at Mosca. Col., has cre ated sxeat excitement, Additional dis coveries promise to make the c&uip a permanent one. Two men, while speeding their horses through the streets of Terra Haute, Ind., ran over and killed Mrs. Emma W heeler. A now receiver for the Kansas Pacific la beiiiff applied for at Denver. The Al ton, it is Raid, is anxious to purchase the yumum pitcina. Tom Dickinson, 12 years old, pre vantAd a disastrous wreck at Anderson, Ind.. by changing a switch which had len Ipft open, .. bv local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, nnd that is by const itutional remedies. Deafness is causod bv an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tuV I in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed deafness is the result, and unless tbe inflamalion can bo taken out and this tulie restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is notbin but an inflamed condition of the rau sous surface. We will give Onj Hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by cat arrh) that cannot he cured by Hall's CaUirrh Cur. Send for circulars,-free. F. J.CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. JSold by Druggists 75 cents. fcrolv nntonchod bv European influ ences. . They are generally covered, and sorno of them havo lofty roofs. In them aro found all the products of tho vmL Caravans go from here to Bagdad and beyond, end a greet deal of merchan dise is carriod to and fro. There aro spe cial largo, pretentious buildings, with numerous domes, In which wholesale trade is carried on. It v.-aa a rainy day whon we first went through tho bazaars, nnd wo appreciated tho advantage of go ing shopping under cover. The largest bazaar ia in "the street called Straight" Its great roof extends for a, 000 feet, with small shops on each side. It is wido enough for carriages. By the way, this street is straight, though Mark Twain mudo a reflection indicating that tho expression in the Bible (see Acts) was ironical. The con sul who represents the United States government in Damascus is a Syrian, and that fact mokos him a permanent officer. He Is not obliged to turn over his offlco to somebody else when a new administration cornea into power. Ho received us very politely and de tailed a "kawass" a sort of official mil itary escort to attend us while wo re mained in tho city. This ia rather desir able, as it insures respectful treatment. Without such an escort we might have unkind remarks thrown at ua, though wo slionlu not unucrsiana mem. ine "kawass" could not talk English, but another young man from tho consul s office also went with us. He epoke Eng lish and was nn intelligent and agree able guide. He took us to see the inte riors of two very handsome houses, one a Mohammedan's and the other a Jew a. Wo did not see tho proprietor of the first, but the Jew took us into his libra ry and showed us copies of the Jewish Scriptures un double rolls. As tho read er proceeds ho unrolls from ono to tho other. Wo also visited an Lsglisn mis sion school for girls, in which tho pupils had pretty and bright faces. .They are mostly Greek Christians, but onr "ka wass, who is a Aloh&mniedan, aeemea to take great pleasure in pointing out his daughter in one of the classes. Of the walls of Damascus only tbe lower courses date from Roman times, j Above these courses is Arabian work, i end, still higher, Turkish. It is rather j unfavorable to strong emotions when j looking at the place where Panl was let down to observe that this part of the wall is Turkish, not more than 300 years old j About tbe most satisfactory thing wo did in Damascus was a ride to tho northern suburbs, where from the slope of a hill we got a fine view of the whole irrigated valley, with tho city set in a frame ot verdure All outside of this was brown and barren. The domes and minarets of tho city moko a very pretty picture, in tho center of which stand the citadel and the great mosque, which was par 'ially destroyed by fire only last year. Onr guide pointed out to us the caravan roads to Mecca and Palmyra, extending across the great desert to the horizon. This view gave us by far the best idea of Damascus and its surround ings. Twenty miles away we caught the gleam of a lake, into which the Barada (the Abana of Scriptures) pocrs its flood. Except in the spring it is rather a mo rass than a lake. Our hotel at Damascus, tho Hotel Diamatxi-Kara, was formerly the palace of a wealthy pasha, and it contained in teresting specimens of decorative work of the first class. It is verv well kept far better than any hotel in Jerusalem, j r . T , , . I ' la iocs, me .icruaaieni uuuu on uie poorest vre have .encountered so far in our travels. Our Damascus hotel was built around a central court, embellish ed by a handsome fountain and orango and lemon trees. Every window on tho street in Damascus, tho streets being narrow, is covered by a wooden lattice. Yon can look out through it, but yon cannot see into the room across tho way. It is considered very improper to raise this lattice. Yon might see a Moham medan woman, or she might see von, which would moke trouble. A very pe culiar effect is produced by a figured muslin which many of the Mohamme dan women wear over their faces. It mokes them look like masqueradors with masks. You see something that looks like features, but it is not. A roguish eye may be twinkling under the . King of Belgium's Bodyguard. Under the Belgian constitution the king's valet is responsible to parliament for the safety of the royal person. At night, therefore, when the Belgian mon arch has retired to his "salle a oou cher," the valet turns the key upon him and locks himself in tbe antechamber, where he himself sleeps, by turning the key also of tho outer door. If, therefore, a miscreant had any designs upon the person of tho king, he would first of all have to force tho door of the antecham ber, overcome the armed resistance of the valet and then unlock the door of tho royal chamber. London Tit-Bits. Queen Victoria's garden at Osborne is only some threo acres in extent, bu Is one blaze of color, wilh a background of undulating, close cut lawn and ex tensive shrubberies. Persons who lead a life of expos ure are subject to rheumatism, netiral- ra and lumbH?o nnd will find a valua ble remedy in Dr. J. H. McLean's Vol canic Oil Liniment: it will banish pain and subdue inflamation. RipansTabules. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi cal authorities and are pre sented in a form that is be coming the fashion everywhere. Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure dyspepsia, habitual constipa tion, offensive breath and head ache. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, wilTsurely and quickly remove the whole difliculty. TAVITD THE FOOT FITTER'S. i m i t,un cras,. Boot and Shoe Hospital Can be found next door to Wilkinson's Meat Market. Ladies' Stylish Button Boots, Latest styles 'in Oxford and Southern ties. Heavy "Up to Date" men's shoes, also full stock of children's "Wear Resisting" school Shoe8.::Jisl.MiMM rTfim Custom Work and Repairing promptly attended to. QONTRACTOR and gUILDER, JOBBING All work OF AJuT, guaranteed first-class. Plans and estimates all kind of work either brick or wood. KINDS. furnished for Bills of LUMBER of all kinds Oiled on short notice. Sash, Doors and Mill work of Kinds any thing in the shape of wood trork can be had on short notice. Medio rd, Oregon. Price, 50 cents a box. RipansTabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., lO Spruce Street, NEW YORK. R.F. HIGH'S Tonsorial Parlors OX FRONT STREET, J. R. WILSON, r.9 ua GENERAL BLACKSMITH I I ! f 1 Ail 'MB HOUSE SHOER. "Wagons and. Bugpies Made to Order Work Warranted First Class. Cor. C and Eight streets Medford. - - - - Oregon. H. MILLER, -DEALER IX- Hardware, Stoves, Tinware X X. and Fine Building Material. Warranted Cutlery, Carpenters and Builders" Tools. Fishing Tackle, ammunition, Etc- E Redjacket Force Pumps, for deep or shallow wells. Tin Shop Attached THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING Applies a the photocraphic as well as the culinary art. GRAPHS. pasroDixe a reliable Photographer. YoC your photo work made by tae IS THE EATETG. THIS For permanent and reliable PHOTO -can ceTer do better than to W1RTH PHOTO COMPANY. The above name on a Photograph is a purantee or excellence and per manence. We furnish everything- in tbe photographic line. Call at our gallery ana examine work, and get reduced prices. Ore. Seventh St., Medford, is ine place to ires a gouu ciean, ; rr . i. ... i i. Eoavti, or a uri viaas uairuui. Razors honed class condition. Medford, and put in first Oregon. In Connection with thei .Hotel Medford. W. L. TOWN SEND, Propr. M. BALL. Pres. Tacoma, Washington. CAPITAL $1,000,000. W. E. COUL. Sec'y and Superintendent. . AS - IRRIGATION COMPANY SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court. State of Oregon, in and tor Jackson Cttunty. Alfred B, Rmn. 1 Plaintiff, i So , Eqoity tor Di Chity J-Kacan. ( Toree- ,Qmmo"- Defendant. ) To Unity J. Rasan. Defendant : IN the name of the State of Orfcon. You aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the ilainltfl Sled against you in the above ru'-illcd Court and cause by the nm day of the next, the December b4l term of said court, to be becun and betd at the Court bouse Has opened a Land Depaiimet-r5 and is prepared to transact a General Real Estate j Business. i la rout Bought Slayor ' Hausch of Peru, Ind., got drunk, was arrested and fined for disor derly conduct in tho police court nnd was compelled to resign his oSce. A faro game hi the Great Northern hotel, a swell Chicago hostelry, wns raided by the police a few days ago. The manipnlntors wore working a "sure thing" layout on suckers. Congress has done nothing but talk tarif? the last two weeks. Routine work is, of course, disposed of from day to Say. A new national switchmen's organiza tion has been started at Karats City. The new order will not affiliate with tho Knights of Labor. Leroy Templeton, Populist candidate for governor of Indiana in 1803, Phil Rappapoat, a labor leador, Allen Jen nings, one of tho commanders in Coxey a uraiy, and Poter J, Gilligan, who claim to bo secretary of the Montana state senate, were arrested at Indianapolis charged with disturbing the peace and desecrating the Sabbath. Sunday night the Populists arranged a reception for a detachment of Coxey's army, and' pend ing the arrival of the army speeches were made. The crowd became boister ous and was ordered to disperse. The speakers resented the interference and were arrested. Largo nnintors of Chinese have been landing at San Diego on fraudulent cer tificates. Gamblers have taken possession of Siusalito and the poolrooms are now in full blast, The Janeway Wall Paper company of New Brunswick, N. J., has joined the wall paper trust. Sick Headache aud a sensation ot oppression and dullness in tbe head, are very commonly produced by indi gestion; morbid despondency, irritabil ity and over sensltlvexess of the nerves may in a majority of cases, be traced to the same cause. Dr. J. H. McLeans Liver and Kidney Balm and Pllleta will positively cure. Two bits for a shirt is pretty cheap, but so long as-it is a good article worth twice that figure you of course will want ono, at Muljer s corner gro cery, - ' .t in tho Town of Jacksonville. Owitrof Jacksoc, gauzy material, but it is completely dis- I Slate of Oresoa.on Monday, the id day of De . . ... .... . . . iMinhA, lul nr imipiuebt and dcrt-e Will b. guiscd. it is saw to Do nnsaie in uus fanatical community to show too much curiosity about tho faces of the women. Damascus women have a reputation for beauty. I regret to say that we are un able, to express any opinion on tho sub ject The uncovered faces we have seen ought not to get their owners into trouble. Cor. Boston Herald. Universal Suffrace. It seems to me that universal suffrage ct uiber. 1MM. or judruient and decree will b; taken acatnsl you ineretor. Ann you are aere by notified that if you fail to so answer said complaint the PlaintitT will apply to the Court t)i. demanded therein, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony between Plain ttUaud Defendant be dissolved and held for nauKht: that the care and custody ana control nf Kv lla, mlaor child of Plaintiff aed Defendant, be ncinM PlalntiC: for the costs and dtsburstnrnt or this suit ana tor sum ntiior and further relief as may teem eoultablo and just, on tbe grounds at your willful desertion and abandonment ot tbe Plaintiff for a rerfod of more than one year prior to the Institution ot this suit : and your lite cruel and inhuman treatment of and personal indignities towards l'lainun renaerws . e.. r , -,r -i -, ,. nnbllsh(wi ln trie MDroiu Mail for six consecutive weeks, by order of farce over set at work among the masses ot men. It certainly gives form to many of tho problems of modern society, but I have yet to learn of any period in the world's history when tho times were not full of problems. In tho meantime, uni versal suffrage puts into the body poll tio the element that feels as well as the oloment that thinks. A man who is all intellect is not always wise in action, and onr American communities, as I have observed, not infrequently make decisions contrary to the judgment of the few, which ultimately are justified by the outcome. Seth Low in Dona hoo's Magazine. i Carnot and the French Presidency. The French presidential canvass is de veloping into an active campaign. Car not's hint of withdrawal is not accepted yet as final, and strong pressure is be ing brought to bear to induce him to stand His poor health is not the only reason of his desire to retire. He is sen Bible enough to realize that the difficul ties of forming ministries will bo greatly increased during tho second septennate. Disappointed candidates will not be so easily disposed of as seven years ago. A presidential crisis would be always looming in the distance, jume. tjarnos is in feoblo health aud dreads the re newal of her onorous social duties more than her husband, and her wishes have great weight with him. Paris Letter. The Source of Iridescent Happiness. "Belinda," said the young man ten derly, "be mine, and onr Ufa shall be aa; tn iridescent dream. " ' - "First. Charles," Bald Belinda se verely, wlll you kindly inform ma what will be the quantity of the metal- Uo medium which is to supply tne in deacenpe?' '-Chicago Record, Hon. H. K. Hanna. one of the Judges of the Kim Judicial District ot the Stale of Oreaon. made and dated at Jacksonville. Jnrkson conn tv ftnvdn. the Sd dav of August. ll4H. Viiveu uouer our nanus una -m uj vt auu,h Pkkto A Whitr. a-IOs-'Jt Attorneys fur Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rosebunr. Ore- July S3. ISM. Ifotlc-e is hereby Riven that the following named settler lias tiled notice or his intention to make tlnnl nroof In smtnort of his claim and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Jackson county, Oregon, at Jacksonville. Oregon, on Saturday. Nimr.mnfr i iml tiki , ur nt r i. m i u l. c-1 . nn HnmfiHtmul Kntrr N'a !lnl. for the EU of SYU ... .-- .. .. ---, ... id w 4 ot si-iy, jsee. a, ipji.sKir, He namehthe Yollowinar witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation or said land, vis; Aaron Wyland, ot Wellan. Jhn Williams and Geo. Churchman, or Medford, ana Laretus Van Horn, ot Talent, ail tn Jackson couuty. Oregon. -JT-a-31 R. M. Vkatch, Register. and sold or handled Commission. on Because of our connections both on the Coast and in the East onr facilities for placing property are unexcelled. Address correspondence to W. T. SHURTLEFF, Land Agent, Offices nt Hamus Block. sSEoTORD, ORE GO IT MOTEL MEDFORD Formerly Grand Central. Best Accommodations in the City Rates Reasonable. W.LDouclas ft? Lltr isTMB.tvr. Vb OnWasaNOaOU-AKINtJ. To. lygKuvran, FRLNCH&ENM4BXE0CMX 3.4PP0L1CE.3SOUS. EXTRA FINeT LADIES , SEND FOR CATAinout WL.DOUaiAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Yea eaa save wonry bt jr-caaMo . Dauglae Bheea, . Because, we are the largest manufactTers as advertised shoes in the world, and f the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom" whicfi protects you 5 where at lower prices for the value give; than rJl'ShVe kef " Take no substitute. U your dealer cannot supply you, we can. ooiouy A. C. TAYLER, Medford, Oregon. Only white help employed. VL FTJRDIN. Prcpr 01 Baite BATES BROS., Props. AU work first class In every particular. Shop on C street, MEDFORD, OREGON. l...i...iii..Un..iii" ItilnmmllO'l G. B. Cole, M. D. DEALER IX A nrtanst. Seleettoa. Mother What are all these senseless trinkets for? - Pretty Danghtcr Tiicy aro for the frrabbaR- at tho church fair. "Mercy! Thcro is not one tiling that any human being could wrait. " "Yes; isn't it fortunate? Everybody who draws a prlno will pet it back ia tho bag. "-riew Voii Vvcckly. PIEDIGS "MDICniES And everything -' - - kept la a . - First Class ramfly Bras Store. Phoenix, - - Oregon. For Sale. A Galloway bull, four years old. Will ire oi & M. Nraxon, Table Rock. Stove wood is leal tender on subscription at this office. Bring us in some. House and lot (or sale. Inquire at tfiisoffloe. per bottle,. , '' r : ,-. .'. , e!"