V MS -OF TI CITY. ' A word of warning might be in place to those who go hunting and fish ing during the dry season.' The woods are full of decayed matter that is astlry as powder and will burn as readily, and the dropping of a lighted match or the neglect of a camp tire might give birth to a forest fire that would not only destroy thousands of dollars worth of property, but would endanger and 8-HCrifice,life as well. " There is a heavy penalty attached, and persons' identi fied as being responsible can be severe ly punished. . - Gone! "where the woodbine twin eth and the whangdoodle mourneth for her first born." What's gone? AH the old goods from the New York Store jJA- Medford, except a small amount which is going rapidly at unheard or bargains two hundred dollars' worth , to one man 'last week. Come quickly, ' or you're too late!! ' Last Thursday . W. Carder was taken suddenly ill and until Mondny of this week his life was dispaired of. His malady was that of conjestion of the brain and heart trouble. Urs. Geary and Pickel were both called. His-wife v&i absent in California at the time he was taken-ill, but was at once sent for and arrived- Sunday- evening. His many friends will rejoice over the news that . he is recovering very rapidly and if no complications are had to contend with he will be able to be about again in a few days. . . Gloves look well when worn by gentlemen and when not out ef place. A farm band can wear gloves and do it with easy grace and dignity, provided he'buys those easy fitters, long wearers and good lookers sold by Wolters. A fine stock of the fery best gloves and cheap. " Saturday evening of last week, just about quitting time, J. R. Wilson was working at his anvil sharpening a small minec's pick, when the tongs slipped off and the red hot " pick flew into his face, the point striking not a quarter of an inch above his right eye. Quite a gash was cut and burned where it struck and his cheek was scorched was a fortunate one and J. R. is con gratulating himself that he is per mitted to see with both eyes. Is your farm under mortgage? If Meeker, and the amount vou save wiil -soon pay it. If not, trade with them how and you won't have to mortgage lgiiiiii bills. I iMTitu Harvey, of Talent pre cinct, who Bai, Oeen visiting mends and relatives-at hi? home in Missouri . for. the past three months, returned home last Friday .via Sacramento, ac companied by a fair daughter of Mis souri as his br.ae. i he young laav "was Miss Blanche Houston, and the " wedding occurred at Lebanon, Mo., July 18th. .Mr. Harvey has many friends in ..this valley who will ofier congratulations. Ashland Tidings. Cash Knox Knox is in jail at Sac ramento, but my cash system will be money in me purcaase 01 groceries, gents' furnishings and shoes. There is going to be a "Killings alter August . first. -r-News reached us Wednesday of the sudden death of M rs. Dailey, mother . of A. J. and William Dailey, which oc curred at Eagle Point Tuesday. Mrs. Dailey was eighty-two years of age and wns ill oniy an hour prior to her death. .Funeral services were held at the resi- denceof A. J. Dailey Wednesday after noon and interment was made- in the Central Point cemetery. . Our Eagle :Point correspondent will probably give us a fuller account next week. . ' ' Have you seen" our new goods? Dress goods oae.dreSs in a pattern; no two alike. vVErall3 by the Hundred dozen- pairs Yes, we have your size, j from tue biggest man round about to 1 the biggest man up' and down. Thump- 1 son & Meeker. ' J Oh. another page of this week's ! ilAll, appears the ad of the New Great i Syndicate shows and Paris Hippo drome. This show is advertised as a double 9enagerie and three ring cir cus. The date of its exhibition in Med ford wiil be Saturday, August llth. There are also some local ads on this page. The Rogue River Valley rail road will run excursion trains upon this date at twenty-fivejceate-for the round trip. . . Say, I nave a line of dress trim ming laces that nave oeen "out on ine Strike," thafl will sell at extremely low prices on account ot late arrival. G. L. Webb. . , . Eagle Point Lodge L O. G. T. elected the following - officers ' last Tuesday evening: C. 'J, A . C. How lett; V. T., Cora' Brown; Sec., Grace Stanlield: Treas., Harry Scb'morker; Chaplain, Sarah Howlett: Marshal, Millie Howlett; F. C, Amy SaiTord; Guard, Bessie Brown; Sen., A. Pool; district lodge delegates, R. Fysh. W. B. Officer and B. B. Hubbard. Horseshoeing $1.50 per horse, and all other blacksmitbing reasonable.' Ot W. Milton, shop opposite Davis' flour ing mill, Medford. -' - George Davis proposes to trot his colt, "Oregon Chief," for all he is worth, in this fall's circuit and -to in sure greater speed he has bad a pneu matic tire sulky built. Redfield Bros., pf this city, are the mechanics who did the cart construction work. The wheels are two bicycle wheels and to these are added the regulation pneu matic sulky seat and thills. ' . Tho. clothes dealer's greatest ene my is the man who sells overalls that never wear out. That is the kind of an .article Charlie Wolters sells. Hamilton & Palm are boun to keep the. real estate wheels rolling, strike or ho strike. Last week they sold two lots in Park addition to Med-, ford, to Miss' Hettie Eatoc, and the same week a couple more lots in the ame addition, . to Fred Gibbs, the Singer sewing machine agent, who ex pects to erect a dwelling house thereon now pretty soon. -Murray Bros, have just received a new stock of the very latest patterns in wall paper. See their samples, C street, Medford. Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson, two of Medford s best builders, . have -been awarded the contract for the building .of a fine dwelling house for Mrs. J.r, Miller, in Jacksonville. The building will be something after the style of Dr. Robinson's house and will cost, when completed, in the neighborhood of $2300. Work is to be commenced in about two weeks. We are still taking orders tor those all wool, Oregon made gent's ana ooys suits, and they give entire satisiaction, Call at the Racket and see samples. - -A. T. Markley, the fruit evapora tor man. has an ad elsewhere in this paper, in which he solicits tha patron age of the fruit growers of the valley, Mr. Markley will be found to be a Awarded fiistat The osly Pure Cffcani cf Tartar Powder. No Ammouin; No-Alum. Used ia Millions of Homes 40 Years -the Standard gentleman with whom you can deal with implicit confidence, and as he has an institution that is first-class in every respect he ought to be entitlsd to your trade. Oust arrived, some very up to date Ladle's and Gent's fine foot- wear. Watch Tayler's show case and windows George H. Kelly, the expert book keeper of Grants Pass, arrived here last Saturday and with W.. T.. Butchar began to expert the county reoords, be ginning on the sherm's dooks. rney will go back for a period of ten years and will not be able to complete their worte in less time than six weeks. Klamath Falls Express. Fruit iai quarts, $1 per dozen, half gallon, $1.25, at Mullcr's, the cor ner grocer. A San Francisco special says: "William Kollins, John J . Quinn, William Lewiston, G. M. Prather and George S. Meredith have filed articles incorporating the Oregon Nickel Mi n-ing- Company.' The capital stock is $2,000,000, of which 500,000 has been subscribed." The. above move is prob ably for tha purpose of developing the Riddle nickel mines. A full line of fresh groceries- at Wilson's new groeerv, McAudrews building sign of the big T. . Ba it distinstly understood that Day Parker is not sacking newspaper notoriety, but a Icllo'.v who makes the bicycle records he does can scarcely hope to keep his friends from puttiug them in print. Last Wednesday ho rode down from Ashland, a distance of just twelve and three-fifths miles, in forty-two and one-lourth minutes. Clothing! Clothing! The latest in spring and summer suits just arrived at Angle a; flymalc s. The pay of the California militia H while in actual service is as follows: Privates 43 cents a day, corporals 50 cents, line sergeants 60 cents, first and second lieutenants $4.16, captains &, battalion adjutants $4.44, regimental adjutants $5.55, majors $9.95, lieuten ants $9. 36, colonels $9. 10, brigadier-general $15.26, and general $0lS5. Straw Hats! Fifty dozed of all styles and grades just received at Angle & Plvmale's. The social which was to have been held at the residence of Dr. J. W. Odgers last Monday night, was indefi nitely postponed, owing to the severe illness of E V. Carder, who resides near Mr. Odgers' place. The respect thus shown U fully appreciated by Mr. Carder and his family. Staple and fancy goods at the Big T grocery. - Elmer Fawcett is the gentlemanly vouna man who is in charsreof G. L. Webb's Racket store, during "the lat ter s absence in the mountains. .1- mer is all right in any place you put him and there is tittle danger of his being found wanting in his new posi tion. Combs from 3 cents up at The Fair store. The Wirth Photo company, to ad vertise their business, are putting out a few" life sized crayon pictured, en larged from, any photograph, free of charge- Take advantage of this oppor tunity, as they can only be had through. the agent, who will call out once. - New Hue of glassware and crockery at Lumsden & Berlin s. B. F. Crouch is building a neat lit tle cottage on, his property in northwest AledJord, near xayier, the oot r liter s, pleasant home., tha house will be for rent, and as a new sidewalk is to be laid to the property it ought to find a ready renter. . Fine line of cigars and tobaccos at tho Big T grocery. ' Pstmaster Howard has supplied a needed want by putting down a new sidewalk in front of his place of busi ness, on Seventh street. Now if Mr. Hamlin will put in a new one in front of his place, the public win oe grateiui to him as well. ' - Jackets for farm hands Wolters keeps them H. G. Brcnson and J. G. Brown. general agents for the New York Mutual L.ue Insurance company, nave decided to -establish their headquarters in Medford. They are both, apparent ly, good square boys, and are doing a good business. Good envelopes only S and 5 6ents, at The Fair siore. R. H. Ha'.ley reports that D. Rob erts is the champion nsh hooker at McAllister springs. He is said to have caught 143 trout in one day and hid neighbors could get scarcely a bite. Japaned crumb pans and brushes. 25 cents, at The Fair store. The building for tho electrie light plant is well nnder way. Mr. Childers has all his men at work ou the stone and brick work while L. M. Lyon is hustling with the wood work. If vou want berries in any quantity call and see Lumsden & Berlin The increased business of Mounco & Schermerhoim has made it necessary .to add a new automatic peanut roaster to their quite complete "lay-out" oi confectioners' stock in trade. - ' Fruit' cans cheap at D. -Brooks' South C street, Medford. Justus, of Medford, one of the old est inhabitants of that section, having been there since 1853, arrived last week on a hunting and nailing excursion. Klamath Falls Star. Essrs wanted at the Big T gro cery store, Medford, Oregon. A now. and very much needed. sidewalk was put down yesterday in front of the palace barber 6hop and Mounce & Schermerhorn's confection ery store. For Sale: Pure cider vinegar. J. D. Whitman. W. P. Rhodes is building a barn on his resident proparty on South H street, just north of Fredenburg's brick. He expects to soon build a house upon tho same lot. Street Commissioner Brandenburg is turning himself loose on a needed task that of mewing weeds from the edges of several sidewalks. Messrs. E. Albright, S. Sherman and Mentz E. Stene, of Talent, drove to Medford Sunday and attended divine worship. C. V. Wolters is building a 14x14 addition to his C street residence. N. B. Bradbury is doing the carpenter work. A break in the water ditch was the occasion of there being no water Mon day afternoon and Tuesday forenoon. Merchant W. H. Meeker has moved his family to the Fronk residence, cor ner oi JNmtb and C streets. Aionzo Sloverhas sold his interest in the Medford transfer aud dray lae to Arthur Wells. - Ed Redden, we are pleased to note, is recovering from'a quite severe siege of tonsilitis. - , - Simmons' .second iaod store, in I Medford, is the cheapest place to buy goods in tne vauoy. Honors - World's Fair. l9t Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. SGov't Report Li ABSOLUTELY It Draws the Crowd. The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Leader has thisto sav of the New Great Syndicate Shows and Paris Hippodrome which will exhibit in Madford, Saturday, August llth:- "It was a verv larire crowd that at- tendod thecir&is performance given by the New Great Syndicate Shows Inst evening. Fully 3,500 people occupied the seats of the main tent and departed at tho close of tho cntertainmeut welt satisfied with the exhibition they had witnessed. 'The character of thecniire show, from beginning to end, in every department, is pleasing aud above re proach. It is from start to finish far beyond the ordinary circus and in qual ity is the peer of tho land." 'Tho Rogue River Valley Railroad company will sou round trip tlclcets from Jacksonville to Jleulord at tne low rato of twonty-five cents for tho round trip. A s;Kial train will leave Jacksonville at 12:30 p. m., returning after the night's performance. No Bloomer Deal in This. The county officers of,' Klamath coun ty havo good reason to believe ex treasurcr Howe to be a defaulter, and this is the-way one of the commission ers talks to the Klamath Falls Star: "But." says Coinmissisuor Wells to his friends, "do you suppose we are go iogto stand by and allow the shortage in Howe's account to fall upon tho tax payers? No sir! I shall exert ail my power as coram issiontr to secure a spec ial attorney to look after the interests of the county taxpayers, and tho coun ty tax-eaters may hire another attor ney to look after their. interests. But that Jacksou county Bh-oraer failure will not be repeated here without my solemn protest. As to- Howe's person al liberty, I am not looking afler that just now." Three New Boys. So far as we are able to guess, .the male population of the groat Rogue river valley is a long ways from the brink of obliteration. Last week Tuesday, G. A." Hover an nounced, wilh a smile that told plainly of his elation, that there was anew boy baby at his home.. The following Friday Dr. O F. Demurest was telling the same story to bis many friends and joy was spread all over him as he told of the advent. Then again on Friday of the same week tfud Hamlin had a strikingly similar bit of information to give out differing only that his was a boy just like the rest. The three voung men and their re spective mothers are all doiug nicely No Plague at all. From tho Kiamath Falls Star. How the Express could have called the annual visitation of tadpoles a plague of toads" is beyond our compre hension. J. heir presence is by no means affiictive. We have large num bers of fresh-water snakes, .perfectly innocent, and. like all other innocent things, too lazy to rustic, and the tad poles come once a jvar and jump into the jaws of these harmless, lazy things to keep them from dying or hunger and rotting under our noses. The annual visitation of tadpoles to Klamath Falls shows how good the Lord is to the ic- noccnts that don't rustle. New Survey Accepted. United States Land Office. Roselwrg Oregon. July 25. lst)4. Notice is here by given the approved plats of survey of the following townships have boeu received from the Surveyor General of Oregon, twit: lownship o. JO. b R. 3 east; township No. 40. S. R. -I east, and township No. 39, S. R. 4 east, and on September 10. 1SU1, at 9 o'clock a. m., said plats will be Died in this office, and the land embraced therein will be subject to entry on and after said date. R. M. Veach. Register, R. S. Sheridan, Receiver. A 5000 Acre Land Deal. One o f the largest land deals which has been recorded in Jackson county for some time is tho sale of the big Win. Bybee ranch, containing 5000 acres and located near the Rosrue river bridge, about ten miles north of Med ford. 'V. E. Coul is tho purchaser and tho price paid was 6178, 169.45. It is Mr. Coul's intention to sub-divide this land into ten. fifteen and twenty-five acre tracts and sell it to hop grawcrs. Me has already negotiations pending for the disposal of a goodly amount of the land, which is to be put out to hops. Adopted a New System. As we wish to give" cash customers every advantage, and retain our regu lar trade, we have decided to establish our business on a cash basis. We will endeavor in tho future, as in the past. to merit a continuance of your trade when you want anything in our line. J. LSEEK & SON. Medford, Oregon, August 1, 1M. Two bits for a shirt is pretty cheap. but so long as it is a good article worth twice that figure you of courso will want one, at Muiler's corner gro cery. . Stove wood is legal tender on subscription at this- office. Bring us in some. Long waisted, glove fitting, P. N. corset, always on hand at Angle & Ply- maie s. A new arrival of children's mull hats and caps, at G. L. Webb's Racket. Peach boxes for Woods' lumber yard. sale at Wallace Fair dealing and fresh goods at the Big T grocery. Hotisa and lot for sale, this office. Inquire at mabna Freatta. An Anderson cat has given birth to four kittens v. hich are all joined togeth er a la Siamese twins. Two of the kit tens have died, but they were-separated by the 'surgeon's knife from the two oth ers, which ore getting along well and will live. A farmer named . Trvotts, residing scar Alexandria, comes to the front With double bodied calf that has eight legs and one head. The bodies ore dis tinct and ore of tho opposite sex. It can stand, bat cannot walk. Tho two bodies want to go in opposite directions. Indianapolis Sentinel. In' the" Bnnderbands, a', tract oi swampy forest in the southern part of the Ganges delta, largo npmbers of the trees are provided with curious root suckers, consisting of woody processes growing upward at' irregular points' along the course pf the roots, and project ing one to three feet above ground. Tho object of theso suckers is to protect tho tree from the uprooting effect of winds. They also contain air. chambers for the aeration of tho roots, but novcr produce bads, nud cease to grow when Hio apex linn reached tho level of tho highest spring tides. St, Louis Ppst-Dispanth. Harried rierrlman-Luy. At tho residence "of tho bride's ! parents in Jacksonville, last Sunday, occurred tho wedding of Mr. 'Arm. JNlerrimnn and Miss Kosa-uy, Kov. Ennis officiating clergyman,' After tho ceremony had boon said tho couple drove to Medford," where an elaborate reception was given at the residence of Mrs. A. Morrunun, tho groom's mother. Nearly all tho rela tives of. both bride and groom were present nud a very pleasant afternoon was spont and congratulations pro fusely showered upon the happy twain. Monday afternoon the couple, by marriage vows . made supremely happy, took the train for Gervais, their future home. The groom is a very bright and most affablcyoung man, with friends herea bouts his.old home too numerous to count. He is at present statiou agent for the S. P. com)vany at Gervals, a position he has held, with credit to himself and profit to the compauy, lor some time. The brido is one of Jackson couuty's fair daughters, a reigning belle every where aud 'tis little wonder Cupid's arrow pierced tho heart of so good a follow as is Mr. Merrunan. Sho is a highly cultured young lady and with all other good traits has served an ap prenticeship in a print shop. This ac quisition will come in very nicely in domestic affairs. Should her good husband buedtue deielio in providing suitable ''plate matter'' she cuu at once proceed to pi his -form ' and ho will not dare to resort to the "shooting- stick ' because that sho is more pro ficient in the uso of that article than is he. Should either get out of ''sorts or tho husband "off his feat" the wife will conimuaicate with a" type foundry in tho former case and will provide "Oregon spaces in the latter. The Mail wants to be counted in with all their Iriends in the valley in wishing them a life of "supromo happi ness, mid a homo where a vorld of life is shut out and a world of love shut in. Ashland Is to Join the Circuit. The Rogue River Valley Telephone company has decided to extend its line to Asblaud, taking in latent and f hoe- nix ou tho way. This is a continuation of tho line which now connects Medford with Jacksonville, which is proving it self such a great convenience to the people at both ends of the line. The work of digging Holes for polos was commenced Tuesday morning, and in side of four weeks it is expected the lino will be completed and in good working order. . An instrument will be put in at Phoenix and another at Tal ent, at tho ia.ter place to ue in tho store of Barkloy & Son; at Ashland the instrument will be in th Barrett drug store. The charges for a message will be twentv-tlvo cents for a five minutes" talk with parties at any ouo point on tli line. These telephone connections are surely going to prove of great value to the cities aud towns of the valley and too much credit cannot be given these citizens who have a spirit of enterprise sufUeier.tly developed to warrant this outlay of money by which the connec tinns'are made and we all ought to turn in. and give the company n boost when ever occasion oflers. To Mr. Kerr, the gentleman who is putting in the line for the company, ought us well to bo extended a goodly an.ount of credit for his persistent elTorU to make the prop osition a thing, of material substance. rtagnificcnt Street Parade. ' Tho Emporia (Kansas) Gazette has the fallowing to sav of the Gnat. Syn dicate Shows and Paris Hippodrome which is billed to appear in M-.d:ord on Saturday. August-llth: "Tho New Great Syndicate Shows came to town this morning and as usual when that popular attraction is adver tised, the streets were lined with people at 11 o'clock as the parade moved Com meroialslreet. It was one of the most creditable, pageuts ever witnessed in the city, and the crowd till along the Jino from Seveuth and Third avenues was niuoscd and interested with tho display. "The tents wero crowded at the per formance which began at '2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the entertainment bowed a marked improvement over thd Jsuul circus performance, many new features being introduced in the circus perlormnnco. lue managerie was also very extensive nud far super ior to most wild beast exhibitions." Tho Rogue River Valley Railroad company wilt sell round inp tickets from Jacksonville to Medlord at tho low rato of twenty-hvo cents for the round trip. A specialtraiu will leave Jacksonville at 1J:S0 p. m., returning after the night's performance. Notice to Traveling Public. Tho striko is off and harmony fro- vailo Tell all your people and don t you forget it that tho Northern Pacific R. R. is now open and running through trains on schotlulo time between Port land and St. Paul, without change of cars. fo dtlays or transfers. 1 his is tho onlv lino running upholstered tourist sleepers; which are as comfort able and more convenient to the pass enger thnn the pnhice enJs of any ot her line costing you three tunes tho amount of money. I he K. f . also runs freo colonist sleepers and the most luxurous Pullman Palnce sleepers. If you are going east tako this safe, relia ble route, as rates are as low as by any olbor lino, and you need no go to tho expense of a lifo or accident insurance policy. For tickets or information ap.ply to A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt., Portland, Oregon, or S. F. Cass, First National Bank, Grants Pass, Oregon. A Positive Cash System. Having had ten years' experience In tho hardware business, I have arrived at the conclusion that a cash basis is the system upon which to do business both to tho interest of customers and merchants. Tho primary and best reason for adopting the cash system is that in buying goods from wholesale houses it enables the merchant to get a discount on bis goods when purchased whioh he could not get if 'bought on credit. No matter how good a mer chant's credit is, there is always a pre mium on cash.. I propose to buy strictly Tor cash, and proposo further to givo my customers tho benefit of the- dis count thus received. Hoping that I may still retain your trade and that the new system will prove beneficial to both customers and niysoii, I am, . ' Yours most rcsp't., D. H. Miller, Medford, Oregon, August 1, 1804. Good Little Home For Sale. I am desirous of soiling my plaoo In Medford, located just across Bear creek. Eight acres of lund, good bouse and barn and good fruit orchard. - W. P. H. Legate. G. W. Priddy has a great many thousand very fine brick on baud, and to lot the peoplo of tho yalloy know- that he is desirous or disposing of thorn he will take nd space in The Mail next week. PURELY PERSONAL. S. F. Morine, ot Tolo, was at the Hub Monday. J". A. Whiteside returned from Cal ifornia Friday. Geo. Parker is over at Crater lake with a party from Ashland. District Attorney H. L. BENSON was up from Grants Pass Tuesday. Miss Haidke Black returned to her home at Portland, Tuesday evening. P. B. O'NEIL is at McAllister springs, having just as much fuu as any of the boys. Tnos. Craig is here doing special canvass work for Wirth's Photo com pany. ELI HOGAN, the all 'round bustling farmer from Wollan, wus in Madforu Saturday. Rev. R. FYsn and B. B. Huiibard, ol E'iglo Point, wero Medford visitors Wednesday. El). Guciies, from over on Griffin creek, left Monday morning for an ex tended visit in Nevada. MesdaniesJ. H. Whitman and M. S. Bauoock nre in the mountains, over on Evans creek for a few weeks' outing. Miss Maggie McAnduews and Mrs. ROSE Cavan'ocgh returned last week from their extended visit in California. Gaul T. JONES is at Central Point, engaged in building a residence for his old-lime Montana friend, VV. U. Pat rick. e Dr. T. Tf . BERLIN, ef Kent, "Wash ington, and father of Merchant A N. Berlin, is in Medford for a few weeks' visit. Prof. Piucn and family and Day Parker left Ashland this week for an oxtcuded visit to the Dead Indian country. - A. A. Davis Is at Davenport, Wash ington, looking after his mill interests at that place. He returned yest-jrday morning. Akthcb Wjmox and W. V. Stitt and Iheir-fomilies left for Crater lake last Saturday. They expect to be ab sent about a month. A. P. AsnuRY, one of tho honest, hard working ranchers of the Wellan country, was among the many Medford traders last Saturday. E. G. Salstrom and family started for Roseburg with a team Saturday last. Mr. S. is an important witness in the Miner land contests. Farmer J. P. Tni'E and family have gone to McAllister springs. Mr. True will return next week, but the family will remain about a month. a L. H. Lyon, ofr Elgin, Eastern Ore gon, arrived in tho valley a couple of weeks ago and is now figuring on open ing a wagon shop at I'noemx. Dan'L Waldrop is at his homestead over in tho Jenny creek country. "Stormy"' Jordan is officiating as hyas beverage dispenser during liu absence. W. K. Price, of Tolo, was in the metropolis last Friday, doing business. The centleman reiwts the wheat in that locality damaged somewhat by rusU Mrs. KDW. Smito and tho baby are over in the Applegate country, visiting with S. U. Cook aud family for a few weeks. Mr. Cook is Sirs. Smith's father. John A buott, of Grants I'ass, was gyrating about these paria last Mon-I day, looking up the hay baling busi ness, of which ho has done considcra hcreaboule in days agono. O. M. Our and family, W. H. Mo- GOWAS and wife. Miss Macd Weeks nnd Miss Jessie Matthews lert. on Tuesday morning for Tyler's springs. to be absent about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gake Plymale, Mr. and 'Mrs. H. II. Wolters and the baby, and Miss Alta Bsocs all left Wednesday morning for a couple of weeks' visit to Crater lake and vicin- E. Tressler has Uiken a position as salesman in Anglo & Plvmale's general merchandise store on seventh street. Gnoo l'lvinate baring-decided to side track himself onto bis father's farm, north of the city. Attorney and Mrs. Francis Fitch are at Yaquinn bay, enjoying the pleas ures of cool ocean breezes and surl baths. Mr. Fitch will return next week, but bis good lady will remain a couple of months. T. F. West anil Mrs. D. T. Lawton and two daughters have gone to Smith's soda springs for an outing of a mouth or more. Mr. Lawton will drive out Saturday nights nnd remain over Sun day with his family. . MissL. S. Johnson, of Waukesha. Wis., who has been in Medford for a month-or fix weeks" visiting her sister, Mrs. R, H. Whitehead, and family, re turned to her home last Friday, going by way of San Francisco. Messrs. J. G. Grossman. J. W. Mil ler and Dr. S. Danielson were called to. Roseburg Sunday evening, to appear as witnesses in those much talked of Miner land contest cases which came up for hearing at the land office, Mon day vX this week. Mr. and. Mrs. G. L. Webb,' Miss Laura Webb and Muster Carl Weiui drove to Tolman springs, Wednesday moruing, for an outing. George will remain only until the first of next week, but the other people will be ab seut about a month. G. R. Frank land, of Chicago, is ex pected to arrivo in" Medford today. He is editor of the Chicago Daily News, nnd comes to tho valley to select lands for himself and friends. in and about tho new town of Eldrianna, and to ar range for permanent residence in the spring. O. HARBOraR left last week for Trinity, California, and this week Wednesday D. Pnyno - left for the Fame place. Theso gentlemen have taken ten head of horses to tho above place, whero they have a big timber and wood hauling contract for the Al toona cinnabar mines. County Clerk N. A. Jacobs and fam ily wero over from Jacksonville Sun dny, visiting relatives and friends. Newt, forgot about bringing that arti ficial limb with him and ho did it purposely. He states that he's learn ing to rldo it by degrees and on a back street, like Dave Miller did his bicycle. Mrs. L. B. Warner, throe daughters and two sons, arrived In Medford Sun day from Nol hrh. Nobraska. Nr. Warner has boon in Medford since lust wiu tor and is engaged in the sale of fruit trees nnd muslcnl instruments. He has rented one of Mr. Ulrich's resi dences on South Il stroet and has com menced housekeeping. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. PLYMALE. of Jacksonville, wore vUlting Medford relatives and frionds last Thursday. Mr. Plymalo left the same evening for a month s visit at Portland. 1 no con' tleman has entirely recovered his usual good health, and his friends, of whom tbero aro many, we glad of this chance to congratulate. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. WlLLITS, of Yainnx Indian Agency, were in Med ford this week, visiting relatives. Mrs. Will its is a sister of Mrs. . C. W. Wolters nnd M. L.' Alford. He is superintendent of thi schools at the aeencv. and IB also a sun-agent lor me reservation. Any ono who is n relati vo or f rieud of Charlie and Mosa is always accorded a warm welcome in Medford J. R. WEST left Tuesday rooming for Rono, Nevada. The gentleman has been visitinsr for a couple of months with bis family and. friends in Med ford. During his stay, which was somewhat lengthened by the strike, he has not onlv renewed a very pleasant acquaintance with his old friends but has lidded many new ones, no most estimable gentleman aud one Mr. S. A. Lefebcr Ko3Jmoyuo. OUIo. Terrible Misery Helpless With Rheumatism and Without Appetite Tired Feeling and Pains Dispelled by Hood'3 Sarsaparltla. " I was In terrible nitaerr with rheumaUim ia my lilpi and lower limbs. I read so much about Hood's Sarsaparllla thst I thought I would try It and see If It would relievo me. When I eommsnced I could not alt up nor oven turn over la bed without help. One bottle ot Hood's Relieved Me to much that I was soon out of bed aad could walk. I bad also felt weak and tired all the time; could not sleep, and obL-uned so little real at nlKht that I felt all worn out In tbe morning. 1 bad uo appeSto to eat anything, but HoedTs Hood's1 Cures Sarsaparllla restored my appetite so that I could eat without .any ulstresa, and I hare sained rspli'l'j- iu strength. I have takeo fire bottles of Hood's Kar3u;art!Li and I axa ns well as ever." V.ita. S. A. I.lfkbeii, Kossmoyne, O. Hood's Fliis euro liver l'Jj, constipation, bUloiuiics, Jauudlse, headache, indigestion. TU LA-WATER ffi2S2: Ion. The bnliency It Impart is marvelous. Ity Its heallcg and cleaning tendencies TAN, FRCCKLES, PIMPLES, BLACKHEAOS, LIVER SPOTS, ETC. are safely remuved. Tryll- It will (rive you a'u appearance ot elegance and re lincmcnt. Tiiia-v aier combined every element or beamy and purl'.y and Is as harmless as dew.. t or aalc bv imgglsl. 'W'ANTED Pushing Canvassers of good ad- v dreits. Liberal Halery and expensed paid weekly; Permanent position. UKUiVN BKOS. CO., 2iur4crymcu( Portland, Oregou. whom all esteem it a pleasure to meet. The gentleman is engaged quite ex tensively in stock raising and farming near Reno. Mentz Stexe, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, arrived in the Rogue river valley a few dajs since and is stopping for the presentat Talent. The gentle man is here as an avaunt coureur of a Danish colony who are figuring on moving to Oregon. It is government land he is looking for and without a doubt will find just th article he is in search of up on ltugue river. He was in Medford Monday, accompanied by our good friend, and Talent citizen. S. S. Sherman. They were on their way to Table Rock and other points adjacent thereto. Telling The Truth. . It's common saying that newspaders lie, bnt when an editor writes a thing and puts bis name to it yoa may be sere he is telling the troth. Read this: "We have never before said one word in favor of any patent medicine advertise ment in our columns, bet having given Simmons Liver Regulator a fair trial, we do cot hesitate to say, that fcr Dyspepsia aad general debility It cannot be "excelled." FjiEDil. Cbilxis, edi tor "News." Kcntca, Ohio. . FROM THE COUNTY SEAT. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS." Henry Finley to Aoson W Ja cobs, It 4 blk .-.U f ennsylrama add to Asbland ?150 1000 Geo Yager to Peter Fitzwater, lo acres sec 3; tp ois, r I e, re serving a right of way " C S patent to Rice Benson, SO acres sec rJ tp 51 s. r n w. in tbe Dtt land j subject to sale.. Same to same, 120 acres sec 3 tp 34 p, r w Samb to same. 40 acres soc 15 tp s and HI acres sec L'4 tp 34 s, r 2 w U S to Ileurv Clem, 160 acres sec lStp59s."r4 e '. S U Alfred to Anson W Jacobs, 10 acres sec 33 & 34. tp 3S s, r 1 o 400 700 TOO TOO 315.93 1000 John F Brittsan to Henry Clem, 8 acres, tp oO s, r 1 w... Henry Clem and wife to Thos W Brittsan, 160 acres sec 13 tp3is. r4e Thos W Brittsan to John Ijritt- . san, j acres, sec l, ips, ri w ' Silvester Patterson, sheriff, to - "II C YotiDorHcllen, land in sec 2o tp 36 s. rl w Michael Cummiugs .to Annio Cummings, SA) acres sec 29 tp 34 s,.r 2 w i Thcophulus A Askew to James S Cautrill, 100 acres sec 25 tp 35 s, r 2 w U S putnt to Tbecphiilus A As kew. 100 acres sec 23 tp 35 8, r 2 w Govan High to John E Peltou, 61-100 acres tp 39 s, r 1 e 500 BITS OF LOCAL RAILROAD NEWS. Extra freight trains were quite nu merous this week, two and three of .'cm passing every day. Two special trains, loaded with lum ber, passed south Saturday, curoute frcm Portland to Ogden, Utah. . Station Agent Ellis, at Grants Pass, is lying quite lov with consumption. and his recovery is doubtful. rn;y;iu sMiipiucuui are suinewnnt light this week,' and receipts small, vith the exception of a car of sugar. The advertising car for the .coming circus was ou the sidetrack Wednes day, arriving by Xo. 16 in the morning. A gang of S. P. painters began the work of painting the depot building and platform railing, at Medford, yesterday morning. . . . The pay c&r passed south Wednesday and broadened the smile and increased tho bonk account of the company's em ployes here. ' Manager Kahler is in this end of the state, with a special train. Hejs look ing over the lino and getting acquainted with the boys. v Fireman Marion Tryer, on tho U. R. V. R. It., was at Rossburg the first of the week, on official business. During his absence his brother, Sam, worked in his place. ' V A wreck near Eugone delayed No. 16 nearly ton hours Saturday. Tha wreck was caused by soma cars in tha freight train leaving the track. . No particular damaga was done, aside from smashing up a few cars. v It looked like old times to see Engi neer McCarthy pulling an extra freight. Mac got mixed up in tha delay at No. 16, Saturday, and found himself at Ashland without a train, so tho "chief cook ' sent him to Grants Pass with an extra. Under the now train schedule, which went into effect. Wednesday, freight trains wilt pass Medford as South bound. No. 32, at 2:35. days, Thursdays and Saturday bound,-rio. 31, nt,ll:Ud p. m., Wednesdays -una. r riaays. THE QBEBT STRIKE AFTER AUGUST 1st Jy Cash By Selling Strictly.for Cashl- I can give better figures on all gooda handled. Why? J5ecause that the credit, system ties tip the merchants' dollars and they are unable to take advantage of cash . . discounts offered by wholesale houses. . . - . MY STOCK OF Groceries anil Gents' Fraslg (Ms is replete in every detail, my Shoe etock will be after Anpist loth.'' . .. ntfn Biiip Taiea in eb&hl'- C. W. WOLTERS, 44 the grocer;' . Medford, At Medford. Satiifd The Kighty Monarch of all Tented Exhibitions ! . Its Record Unimpeachable. Imperishable, UablemisieJ. above Uk Ke&ca of Jealous Kirr.ts. ...... COMING IN ALL ITS ENTIRETY! If GREAT SIMM SHOWS And Paris Hippodrome, i . THE Tripple Circus, Great Elerarcd Starts. Five uraao Afgreraitoa oi ,Ne . :t? r&2 --x By aa arrmngemen; with the loadfcr Shows of Aciorira this trill be the ONLY CIRCUS i-- wHl Visit Uus section lUis year. Presenting an Unabridged and Unparsilsd Program - 4-BIG SHOWS COBil 100 SENSATIONAL AST) BTAKTLISa ACTS ! The Best Performing Elephants! Sea Lions, Lopards and Baby Camels ! 40 GRAT CIRCUS ACTS! 4 Great Bands in Street Parade! Courtly Knights and Dames! THE GREATEST HORSEBACK RIDERS THE 0SLD HAS EYES PRODUCED! THE ONLY FLOCK OF GIANT AFRICAN OSTRICHES. The Largest Birds on Earth and the Only Show Possessing such a Feature. 100 Startlii and Sensational Fcreip Feataes TWO MENAGERIES OF WILD BEASTS! And open Dens of Savnse Brutes. M.vmmo'.h Elephants. Lions, Tigers. Kvenas. -Bears, Wolves, Leaponls and Panthers. Zobras trained to drive like uorses. Knigbls ia Armor. Ladies as Princesses. Male And Female Jookevs. Squadrons oi Paineesses. Nob!.-s an Cavillers in Ko.vxl Robes and Rich Costumes, Mounted on Spirited Horsei lito Days ot Oid, IK! sure and asK your Station Agent for . - " Cheap Excursion Rates! Every Railroad Give Low Bates to this Big Show. : ; It 10 a. m. A Glorious Grand Holiday Fres Strset Fsraic. One Day Only-Afternoon and Night. DOOas OPES AT 1 ASB SEVEN. This vrill positively bo the alj Circus that will visit this section this year. GENERAL ADMISSION, IS 7 Positively Off! WILL BE . Positively On! Oregon. C3 hit inr, If lOfH 'II il III I II U 1 lift n IMMi II 11 Hi 2 11 I I 1111' li Jt 111 AW Continent Mesierie. Spectacular PSed aad bcesauostai t-cultures. PtriritfYm ". . mm Exaulted in Aim and Pure in Tone. A Drove of Monster Camels! Zebras, Boars and Babj- Monkeys! GREAT LEAPERS! Richly Carved and Gilded Wagons! Mvraid Cages, Dens and Lairs! 50 CENTS. and. v y. v very Pair Guaranteed. . address Sam Fkcisco Gal,