The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, June 29, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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There was tan on the boards for
the boys about the city last Monday
night. A muscle dancer, direct from
the Midway Plaisance at San Francis
co, gave an entertainment, or rather a
small part of one, in Woolf 's hall, on
the evening in .Question. When the
dance had gotten nicely started Mar-1
shal Churchman decided it was not
just the proper line of amusement for a
strictly moral city, and proceeded to
arrest the performer and her male com
panion. The show stopped right there
and the marshal conducted his pris
oners out of the hall and, upon a prom
ise that they would leave the city, he
released them from custody. The fun
came a little later when several of the
young fellows got together and decided
upon sport galore. Several of those of
our male population, who ware in at
tendance, had gone to their respective
homes and were sleeping the sleep that
knows no awakening until the alarm
sounds at early morning, but their
slumbers, however, were disturbed by
a prolonged rap at the door. Upon
being awakened they were given to un
derstand by a couple of gentlemen
atauding on the porch that they were
wanted by the authorities as witnesses
in the dancers case, which was then
being tried by the city tribunal. All
sorts of excuses were offered, the prin
cipal one being that they knew nothing
of the nature of the showortbey would
not have been there which in some
cases was true. The excuses ia some
"instances were considered sufficient to
let the alleged witness off, but in others
nothing would answer other than their
presence before the chief magistrate
tind they were forthwith compelled to
dress and take a walk up town. Upon
reaching the supposed place of trial
it was given out that different ar-
nirji(Tiontfi Ytnrl Hn mnrfn and t.hv
guessed there would be no trial.
About twenty or more of the boys, who
had been waiting the result, then be
gan to congregate, coming from all
directions, and cigars, milk shakes.
fruit and ''sich" flowed freely.
Warm weather is very close onto
lis. You will undoubtly need some ice.
Curry & Johnson are agents for the
Medford Ice Company's ice. Leave
orders with them and receive prompt
Many of the sportive inclined gen
tlemen of Medford are now earnestly
discussing the advisability of build
ing a race track and preparing
fair grounds at some point not
a great distance from this city,
and they are very sanguine as
to the success of the project, should
it be properly agitated. There are two
or three localities suggested, either of
which could be had quite reasonably,
and easily put. in snaps. No particular
location has as yet been decided upon.
It is averred by those most interested
in the project that the Central Point
grounds are receiving little if any at
tention by way of repairs, and horse
men who have heretofore used this
track are talking of placing their
horses elsewhere lor work. This being
the case there is no good reason why
- Medford should not proceed at once to
prepare grounds of hr own. 'G. L.
Davis, in conversation with a Mail re
porter, stated that he was positive
enough work would be donated both
men and teams-to prepare the grounds.
Aside from several horsemen herea
bouts who would lend willing aid, it
might be expected that nearly all bi
cycle rider3 would donate several days'
work. Parties who are interested in
the matter are asked to call at I. M.
Mailer's store, iu this city, and inform
Mr. Davis of the amount of donation.
either in monev or labor, thev are will
ing to contribute. .
Lost Id the camp meeting taber-
jiacle, at Central Pjyntjast umiajfai
cat s-eye arm -Bracelet, wrtn silver
fastenings, f inder will please leave
same with Miss Ella Hanley, Medlord,
A. S, Johnson, the erstwhile real
estate dealer ol -llecloi-d, nas mace a
great many dea'3 in realty for other
people during the past several years,
but the deal he made a few days ago
ra3one wberem Jonnsoa himself fig
ured as one cf the principals. He has
traded his Medford property, compris
ing two lots and a large residence.
corner E and Tenth strefets, for four
'hundred acres of 'ange land, on Ante
lope creek, about ten miles east of Med
ford. The land, Mr. Johnson states, is
well adapted for grazing purposes, and
that he is now engaged in cutting twen
ty acres of as fine hay from it as one
often sees. He is now out at the ranch
"superintending the hay harvest, and
soon after the Fourth he exnects to
move his family out. The gentleman
who formerly owned the land, and with
whom Mr. Johnson traded, is a Mr
Turnbow, from the Palouse country,
Washington. Mr. Johnson, as we un
tferetand the deal, gets the 400 acres of
lanu. several head of stock, implements
pi tarjn use, and in cash, for his
property in Medford. It's a very lib
eral transaction for Mr. Johnson.
No prospector s outfit is complete
without a miner's glass, a gold watch
and a gold ring. Pritchard has solid
gold watches from 310 to $40, and other
StTtieles in proportion.
School bupt. Price sends us no
tice under date, June 23rd, stating that
'The District Institute for the First
Judicial District and the County Insti
tute lor Jackson county will be held in
aum-nitintttn in ! eVtlnnrl ini n j-tn
: July 9tb, 10th and 11th, 18JU. The
second annual assembly of the Southern
Oregon Chautauqua Association con
venes immediately at the elose of the
Institute. This Association will be in
session about 10 days, and now is the
time for you to enjoy a literary treat,
such as Southern- Oregon never before
gave. If you are a lovtr of music.
you are a lover of art or of elocution
come to remain through the entire ses
sion, for there is going to be first-class
instruction all along these lines. If
you wish to be present part or all of 1
the time and you think you would enjoy
it, just write to Rev. J. S. Smith of
Ashland and secure you a tent to camp
on the Association's beautiful camping
grounds. Mr. Smith will rent you a
lent reasonably cheap. . The people of
Ashland desire to have you remain, and
they will do all in their power to make
your stay comfortable."
Gentlemen! Did you know you
could get a good all wool Oregon made
suit at the Racket, ordered direct for
you. Call and sse samples and get
Some few days ago, as report goes,
one Stewart, of Seattle, who recently
bonded the McDonough mine, near
Tolo, came down from the Sound city,
having with him a prospective mine
buver in the person of an Englishman
named Phillips. A deal was made for
the mine but the necessary collateral
was not forthcoming in ready cash, and
Phillips borrowed a horse of McDon
ough to go to Jacksonville with, where
he stated he could, by telegraph, get
Awardsd Highest
AiS-Powder. -
The otly Purs Cream of Tartar J'owJer. ToAinmoniu;Ko Alum.
psed ia Millions cf Ksnes 40 Years tlis Standard
the money. Instead of going to Jack
sonville he went to Central Point where
he left the horse and took the train for
Ashland. As he did not return a war
rant was issued for his arrest for theft
and he was caught at Ashland, taken
to Jacksonville and upon a preliminary
examination before Justice Dunlap was
discharged. There are all sorts of ru
mors going the rounds as to the partic
ulars in the case, but as they are of
little interest to others than those di
rectly mixed up in the affair we will
not print them.
Ladies! Do you want a nice dress
hat at hard times prices. Come and see
the ready trimmed ones at G. L.
Webb's Racket.
The Watk"ins Dostofflce aud store.
about thirty miles south-west of Med
ford, was broken iuto on the night of
June IS, and ST0 in cash and gold dust
taken therefrom. Entrance: was effected
by cutting a hole in a pane of glass,
through which the hand and arm was
thrust and the inside fastening loos
ened. The thief overlooked a can set
ting on a shelf near where the $70 was
taken from, which contained $200 in
gold dust. M. A. Watkins, the post
master and owner of the store, is not
particularly sangniue as to the proba
bility of the thief's capture. He was
evidently someone familiar with the
place and a frequent visitor, as three
dogs, belonging to Mr. Watkins, are
usually noisy upou the approach of
strangers but upon this occasion not a
sound was made.
For sale cheap for cash, or will
trade for hay, one combined reaper and
mower. Inquire at J. W. Lawton's
harness shop.
Don't send letters away to a distant
post office to be romailed . They are a
give away, did you know it? The post
master is obliged to stamp on the let
ter before sending it, " Ilaeeived from
to be mailed at Medford " or where
ever the place. An instance is known
where a young man, without having
left town, wrote letters to a young lady
dated at all the principal cities in the
Union, his idea being to convince her
that he was a great travler. Wheu on
his return from his extended tour ho was
confronted with his letters, all decor
ated with the "under cover-' stamp.
showing that every one of them had
been written at home, he felt more like
travlmg than ever before.
My stock of summer millinery must
be sold. Save money by calling on me
before purchasiug elsewhere. Mrs. L.
J. W. Hockersmith expects to
start for San Francisco Monday evening
with three carloads of sheen and one
of iiorses. The freight charges per car,
loaded with sheep, from here to the
city are $70 while a similar oar loaded
with horses will cost Sloo. (torn
Gazell. Cal., only seventy miles south
from here, the rate for horses to 'Frisco
is ST0 per car, and Mr. H. is thinking
very strongly or ariving nis norses w
that point to be loaded. Just why
there should be SS0 difference in the
rate en horses and sheep Mr. Hocker
smith is unable to understand when
both are shipped in the same stylo of
cars and are taken by the same train.
Wanted A. girl to do cooking aud
general house work. Apply to Mrs.
Lionel R. Webster.
Over iu Meadows precinct there
has been a little excitement for the
past few davs over the arrest on Satur
day of J . U. (Jorum by a .Mr. liailey,
charging him with tne larceny oi a
cow. Corum has been peddling meat
through the valley lor some time and,
as we learn, has been suspiuioned by
Bailev of peddling meat which was not
of his own raising or purchase hence
the arrest. A hearing was had before
Justice Gali last Saturday and Corum
was held to appear before the grand
jury with bonds fixed at $300. Corum
and the constable came to Medford
Tuesday aJ procured bonds.
SnteJ AgfrlTd" do cooking and
gcuffral housework. Apply, to Mrs
lionei rt. t cosier.
The Grand Lodge, A. O. U., W. in
session at Portland last week, -elected
the following officers: Grand master
workmen. W. W. Brannonof Pfcnelton;
grand foreman, H. D. Ramsdell of Port
land; grand overseer, William Colvig
of Jacksonville; grand recorder, New-
tun Clark of Hoou mver; grand receiver
R. L. Durham of Portland: grand
treasurer, William Artnstrongof Salem:
supreme representatives, J. J. Daley of
Dallas, T. C. Mackey, D. SolisCohen of
Clothing: Clotning: The latest in
spring and summer suits just arrived
at Angle & Plymales.
Tne Sun Publishing Company, of
Portland, was incorporated Monday, by
John O'Brien. George Pope, Benton
Killin, W. F. Osburn and . D. McKee.
The company proposes to publish daily,
weekly and Sunday newspapers. The
capital stock is 83-5,000 divided into
3500 shares. This is the paper that
will possibly be started by the type
setters recently thrown out of employ
ment in the Oregonian office by the
introduction of type setting machinery.
Have you seen those nobby huts at
Muller sr it not, you snouiu oeiore
purchasing elsewhere. ,
The Mail is in receipt of compli
mentary tickets to the Fourth of July
ball to be given at Ashland for all of
which we are duly grateful. The ex
ecutive committee ia M. F. Eggl
C. H. Johnson, R. A. Minkler, F. T.
Fradenburg and E. A. Hildreth, jr
The boys are arranging for a big time
and their expectations in that especial
direction will undoubtedly be fully re
A full line of fresh groceries at
-Wilson's new grocery, Mc Andrews
building sign of the big T.
Judging from methods employed,
the state fair will again wind up with a
big deficit to be made up out of the
state treasury, instead of being a self
sustaining institution. Nobody cares
particularly about its proving an an-;
nually recurring dismal failure, but
the public who pay taxes are interested
in stopping the drain on their pocket
books. Salem Journal.
Wanted A girl to do cooking
and general house work. Apply to
Mrs. Lionel R. Webster.
New awnings are being put up in
front of the Hamlin and Howard blocks,
on Seventh street. These awnings are
to be covered with corrugated iron and
instead of wood posts for outside sup
ports two-inch galvanized piping is
being used. The entire awning is on
hinges aud can be swuug down to pro
tect the store fronts in case of fire.
Boys' Wai3ts 20 to 40 cents at J. E,
Robert's Fair Store.
--Edw. Smith, the Front street jew
eler, is elated to a degree parallel witn
the top round, und there is just cause
for all this elation . On Tuesday morn
ing cf this weelc Mr. and Mrs. Smith
were made the parents to as fine a little
girl baby as Oregon suu ever shone up-oo-
Mother and child are doing splen
didly. A picnic and celebration is to be
held on Applegate below Uniontown on
Honors - Worlds Fair.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
the Fourth of July. Representative
elect Jeffries is to deliver an oration.
and games, races etc., will be had, and
general good time is expected.
Every one is invited to atttend.
We are loaded with Fourth of July
supplies, bombs, rockets, crackers,
Koman caudles, nags and pistols.
Mounce & Schermerhorn.
Section Foreman Joe Kelley has
commenced the erection of a dwelling
house, on D street, just north and ad
joining T. W. Johnson's property. The
building will be laxzii feet in size, witu
twelve foot posts. It will be very neat
and attractive in design and will add
more beauty to that particular locality.
E. W. Starr is the contractor who is
putting up the building.
For reasonable prices in stvlish
head gear, call on Mrs. C. W. Palm .
That Day Parker is a speeder on n
bicycle will not be questioned when we
state that he had a race with one of
the best wheelmen of Grants Pass, last
week, und after giving his competetor
an eighth of a mile the start in a half
mile race he(Day)caiue within a fow
feet of beating him home.
Towels from 3 cts nnd up, the
cheapest and best in town, at The Fair
School Superintendent Newbury
informs a Mail reporter that he will
not move to Jacksonville during ins
terra of office. He will still reside at
Phoenix with his familv, but expects
to spend two dnys each week at the
county seat. His postolhce address will
be Phoeuix.
Infants' and children's mull and
lace caps, the cheapest, at Mrs. C. W,
Palm s.
The district conference of tho M.
E. Church South, which was held at
Roseburg during the past week, showed
an mcrerso in membership ot twenty
per cent. Rev. W. J. Fen ton reports
having had a good time and is very
much encouraged with tho work.
Long waisted, glove fitting, P. N.
corset, always on haud at Angle & r'ly-
Arrangements have been made
wherebv Rev. J. Merlev will occupy
the Baptist pulpit, in Medford, on the
first and third Sundays of each month,
and Rev. E. Russ on the second and
fourth Sundays. Services at the usual
hour morning and evening.
Wanted A girl to do cooking and
general house work. Apply to -Mrs.
Lionel R. Webster.
D. T. Lawton and Clarence Kellogg
are very busy this week in setting up
Champion binders and headers, in ex
pectation oi a good iraue in tins line
aud will get it. The Champion is
acknowledged one of the leaders in
farm machinery.
The Stetson hat is the acknowl
edged king of men's head gear Wol-
ters, the grocer, keeps them.
A. J. Dailey passed through Med
ford last week with a four-horse wagon
loaded with a large engine, which he
was taking from the Helms place, near
Talent, to Round Top. seven miles from
Eagle Point, where ho will start up a
saw miil.
Just arrived, some very up to date
Ladle's and Gent's tine foot wear.
Watch Tayler's show casi a:id windows.
' The old cannou which did service
in the Indian wars of this valley iu
the early Oivs and which assisted in
salute uxerciscs last yar, at the re
union, has been taken to Ashland to
be used in opening the sunris j salute on
July 4:h.
A splendid stock of NEW millinery
is now on sale at the new store of Mrs.
C. W. Pa'.m, opposite Clarendon hotel. !
C. O. Damon, the city bill poster, !
has placed a large bill board o:i the j
coruerof S-svnih and C streets. If any I
one Dlace ia Medford is more promt-!
nent than another, it s where that
board is.
Simmons' second hand store, in
Medford, is the cheapast nlaco to buy
goods in the valley.
Next Wednesday is July 4tb. Med
ford people will scatter to various parts
of the valley. Some will attend the
festives at Ashland while other are
arranging for a picnic over on Rogua
Straw Hats! Fifty dozen of all
styles and grades just received at
Angle & Plymalo's.
The southbound S. P. passsnger
train began running on time last Mon
day morning and the great inconvein
ence of having to wait until afternoon
for mail is made beautifully less.
House and lot tor sale. Inquire at
this office.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Slover at Grants Pass, was gladdened
lust Sunday by the coming therto of a
bright little girl baby. Mother and
child doing nicely.
Staple and fancy goods at the Big
T grocery.
Medford has some of the speediest
wheelmen in the valley and there is
likely to be som'j interesting racing be
fore the season is over. Ashland Tid
ings. New line of coffee and tea at Lums
den & Berlin.
Jacksonville is to give a free ball
on the evening of July 4th. Prepara
tions are being made for a pleasant
time, and a big crowd is expected..
Horse, harness and buggy for sale
or trade at a bargain. Soe Whiteside.
Horticultural commissioner Levi
Morris estimates the peach crop of the
valley at about two-thirds of the aver
age crop.
For Sale: Pure cider vinegar. J.
D. Whitman.
Servicesatthe M. E. Church South
next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m..
Rev. Fenton presiding.
Fair dealing and fresh goods at tho
Big T grocery.
Frank Wait is engaged in putting
in a stone walk in front ol the new
Haskins drug store.
Great bargains in trimmed hats at
Mrs. L. J. Sears.
Dr. E. B. Pickel has been re-appointed
a member of the board of
pension examiners.
Money to loan Hamilton & Palm.
I. M. Muller, the corner grocer,
will blossom out with a new ad in
The Mail next week.
Fresh fish every Friday at Wood
ford's Feed Store.
Married, at tne M. rJ. camp
ground, Central Point, Juno 21,
1894, by Rev. W. B. Moore, Mr.
Bert Newton and Miss Lulu In
Fine line of cigars and tobaccos at
the Big T grocery.
County Treasurer Linn's fifth
notice appears elsewhere. He is
calling in, in this notice, all county
warrants protested from November
11, 1887, to November 17, 1887.
-J-For 6ale cheap Set of double bug
gy harness, John Bellinger.
Something like thirty thousand
feet of lumber is being hauled
through Medford, with teams,
from the Muller saw-mill, and for
Chris Ulrica's planing mill at Jack
sonville. Tho Central Point camp meet
ing closed Wednesday night. It
had been expected these meetings
would continue all of this week but
the above change in program has
been announced.
E. A. Johnson, the painter,
is being pushed right hard
these times with work. His
shop is filled to its fullest capac
ity with carriages, and all have to
be ready to run out July 4th.
Conductor John Dyer and Engi
neer Levi3 desire us to say that
the Pullman car boycott does not
effect service on the 11. R. V. rail
road Pullman sleepers and diners
will be hauled regardless of the
strike or boycott.
The work of digging holes' fbr
the telephone polos will he complete
by tomorrow night, and by next
Saturday night it is expected the
insulators will be on and the poles
set, and possibly some wiring will
be done. The line will follow the
Medford-Jacksonville county road.
Miss Emma Tolman has organ
ized a painting class in Medford
ana t eanesuay oi tins wees sne
gave her first lesson. Her pupils
are Mesdames H. G. Nicholson, F.
G. Ply male. E. B. Pickel, John
Reek, Misses Ella Hanley, Mollie
Barncburg and Clara Skoel.
Ed. Wilkinson brought in nine
fine beef cattle Wednesday from
J. G. Martin's ranch over at Beagle.
This proves beyond a doubt that
Mr. Martin can turn a few honest
dollars to his credit even though he
failed to reach the assessor per
simmons in the recent election.
Capt. Eli gave three lectures
in the Presbvterian chuch in Med
ford this week. Sunday he gave n
free lecture on Jonah and the whale
and Monday and Tuesday evenings
his subjects were capturing and
killing the great leviathan and all
monster habitation of the deep seas.
He was greeted with a fairly good
audience and all who attended were
well paid. The captain is a very
pleasant speaker and is well up in
the topics he handles.
Disgruntled people who think
that the crops will be a failure, that
the world will come to an end, and
that everything will go to the bow
wows, ought to borrow a large gray
horie and buggy, and take a, trip
i:ito the country surronding Med
ford. The view doesn't need dis
tance to lend enchantment to it.
Nothing could be prettier than the
fields ot" wheat, oats and fruit or
chards. The pastures are thriving
and so are the cattle and horses
boarding on them, and vegetation
generally is looking immense
Fourth of Julvl
Comes but once a year: b it good bnr-
gains may N had every day in the
year at the New York store yet not
such as we o:Ter for the next few days
n our bargain counter. We hnre or-
dered several thousand dollars' worth
of goods which will xxm be h.-re.
The old stock must go! Com quick;
et tho benefit of these reduced prices.
Thompson & Mehkku.
It's a Good Mining Proposition.
J. W. Short was in from Bolt Mon
day, (laying his respects to Medford
friends and his subscription to The
Mail. The gentleman states that he
is getting ready to do some hydraulic
mining on his rrm, near Bolt. He
has twenty-live acres of good placer
grouud which, if the surrounding
mines' output of gold is any indica
tion, ought to turn out verv rich. Mr.
Short also owns about one and a quar
ter miles of the Foots creek bed
which is known to bo very rich. This,
however, is deeper gravjl and will re
quire more work to dovelopo than his
twenty-hve acres, which is only shal
low. He has been offered for his mines
double tho amount the wholo properly
cost him, but he don't care particularly
about unloading so promising a propo
sition right at present. There ore now
seven hydraulics working within a
mile of his place, and only about three-
quarters of a mile away 13 where that
big tunnel is being made by Seattle
parties. This tunnel is now in about
300 feet and is paving well, vet th
principal ledge has not been struck.
Soured on Government Seeds. .
The following from the Klamath Falls
Star proves tho folly of experimenting
with things you know nothing of. Even
though you get it for nothing it is bet
ter to buy the things you need of relia
ble home merchants:
In the cdivOr's little garden arq peas
beans and other varieties of tru:k from
seedslsont down from the Department-
or Agriculture, Washington, one loon
at the garden shows ihut the seeds were
of the vory commonest kind. 1 ho dis--
tribution of seeds by the Department
of Agriculture is simply nonsonso. We
haye plenty ot evidence or the tact, mat
the seeds are generally of such a poor
quality that it is wiser to buy of a seed
store." If tho Department would seek
and find rare varieties of plants for
trial in the nation's gardens and sent
them along, the work there would bo
valuable. Mind you, wo are not con
demning tho Department. Its work in
the promotion of pomology, mnmmolo
gy, pathology, ornithology, etc., is
great and good. But it ought to sing
the doxology over the distribution of
garden seeds and give us a rest.
Cure For Crippled Children.
The National Surgical Institute, No.
313 Bush St., San Francisco, succesfully
treats all cases of orthopaedic surgery
One or more surgeons of this Insti
tute will bo at the Grand Central Hotel
Medford, Monday, July 9th, aud at the
Depot Hotel. Ashland, Tuesday, July
lUtb, to examine cases. The success of
tho Institute in treating all cases of
curvature of the soino, diseases of the
hip and knee joints, club feet, crooked
limbs anu bouily uelormities as wen ns
piles, fistula, nasal catarrh and all
chronic diseases has made tor the In
stitute a national reputation. Write
for circular. 10c.
References may bo had to: B. F.
Pearl, Central Point; Mrs. E. DoPeatt,
Ashland: Thos. Jennings, capitalist,
San Francisco; Governor E. P. Ferry,
Olympia; Judge T.L. Davidson, Salem,
and hundreds of others.
All kinds of produce taken
change Lumsdcn & Berlin.
In ex-
Judge DkPeat and wife returned to
their home in . Umatilla county last
Mrs. Wm. TjLKICtl and children are
visiting friends on Williams creek,
Josephine county.
Austin Holt was up from Gold Hill
Sunday and spent the day visiting his
parents and friends.
Dr. J. B. Wait was at Gold Hill
Monduy and Tuesday in attendance up
on Mrs. Pierce, who is quite ill.
Willis Townsknd, of Beagle, camo
over to the uiulropoiis Wednesday, to
purchase supplies for his big ranch.
Miss' Jennie Rkamks, of Jackson-
villa, w;is visitirg in Medford Wednes
day, the guest of Miss Ella Hanley.
Miss Myrtle Nicholson, of Med
ford, and Edna Cihson, of Central
Point, returned last Friday from a visit
to the midwinter fair.
Misses JicssiEand Minnie Worman,
Della Pickel and Ellen Buhsell
returned last week from their quite
lengthy visit at the midwinter fair.
CUAS. BOAUDMAN was over at tho
county scat last week, lending a hand
to W. Eugledow iu his contract of
(minting the Presbyterian church at
that place.
McDonald Perdue, of Prospect,
was in Medford Tuesday, doing trading
with merchants that treat every cus
tomer square and give good value for
his money.
-"Mrs. W. II. Parker and the smaller
children nre at Grants Pass visiting
relatives, Mrs. P. having bjen called
there by tho illness of her daughter,
Mrs. J. A. Slover.
. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Roiieiits loft
with their team lust week for ilumboldl
county, Califomia, for a few months'
pleasure trip. They expect to remain
until ubout the first of September.
Mrs. J. A. Hanley and Miss Ella
Hanley visited Ashland friends last
FriJtiy. Miss Ella has taken up bur
permanent residence in Medford re
siding with her brother, J. A. Hanley
and family.
B. P. O'N'EIL left Medford last Fri
day for San Jose, Calif., where he
expects to reside permanently. Bar
ney has many friends in und about
Medford who will regret his departure
and will be glad of his return, should
be ever so decide
W. H. Hemhree returned Monday
from a trip to Klamath Falls, whither
he had been for the purpose of dispos
ing of his Pride of tho Vallev baking
powder. He took over several cases of
the powder aud disKsed of the whole
amount, aud to good advantage.
Messrs. J. S. McCl-UKE and A. J.
ARNOLD, of Topeka. Kansas, are visit
ing ut Tolo, with X. B. Arnold and
S. P.Coug.-r. A. J. Arnold is post
master at Toeka and N. B. is a brother
of his. IitU of thesa gentlemen are
old acquaintances of J. C. Ferguson of
tnis city.
Messrs. A. LoziER. of Portland, and
C. C. Doughty, of Dallas, passed
through Medford last Friday en route
to a meeting of the National Editorial
Association, which is to meet at Asbury
Park. New Jersey. Thes- gentlemen
go ns deiogaloi from the Oregon Press
Miss Elva Galloway returned last
Friday from Indiana. The young lady
returns to accept the position of assist
ant principal in our public schools
formerly oceupiud by County Clerk
Jacobs. Mis Galloway is a verv abie
instructor und the board doj well in
thus securing her services.
MissOiiA WooD::UFV,a quite talented
violinist from Prospect, was in the val
lev metropolis Wednesday, as w-re
also Miss KlTTlE and I'EltUY EM-IS,
both of Prospect. Mr. Kiiis is a pho
tographer and has many fine views of
the upper lioyue river and its falls, as
well as many others of iho beautiful
kcenery which sbouuds thereabouts.
Miss Edith M. Day. the very fluent
nnd quite well known descriptive and
serial story writer for the Lewis A
Dryden way Magazine, of Portland,
is in Medford for a two weeks' visit
with her mother. Mrs. F. Sutter.
Much of the popularity of this maga
zine is cue to the vory clever and most
ejeeiient scholarly writiugs of Miss
Rev. E. L. Thompson, pastor of the
M . E. church ut Kosebui g, has been in
attendance at the camp meeting at
Central Point during the past coupio
of weeks. Monday of this week he was
visiting his brother. K-v. E. E. Thomp
son, and his inanv Medford friends,
among whom The Mail editor is one.
Mr. Thompson reports tho health of
his family very poorly; Mrs. Thompson
and the baby "havo been ill for some
mouths past. The former is improv
ing slightly but the latter is still quite
J. G. Martin was in from Beagle
last Thursday. The gentleman says
that while nearly all localities of the
valley are getting ready to dou the
stars'und stripes on July 4th. his neigh
borhood is not backward as regards
decorating themselves nd their school
house with striped bunting, nnd that
u?Hn this day of great festivities they
will meet at thi Autioch school where
an elaborate program will be carried
out, during which time will bo taken
to partake of as line a picnic dinner us
the good ladies of that locality nre ca
pable ot preparing and they have a
reputation which would give credit to
Delmonico iu the culinary lino.
MissL. C. Johnson of Waukesha,
Wisconsin, and sister of Mrs. R. H.
Whitehead, arrived in Medford last
Sunday. The lady had beeu five weeks
on the way, she having been detaiued
by tho floods and washouts which have
been causing so much trouble to the
railroads in Washington, Idaho and
Montana. She was detained eighteen
days at Missoula, Montana, and even
then the whole irnmload ol passengors
had to be transferred eight miles by
Uiams. During the delay the company
provided two meals a day for all pas
sengers and gave tho use of the coaches
for sleeping apartments. Miss Johnson
is matron in tho Industrial, or Reform
schools at Wnukesha, a position she
has held for five years. She will re
main in Medford a month or more.
Geo. STOCKTON, tho printer, farmer
nnd general good fellow, was in from
his Prospect homestead for a lew aays
this week, laying in a supply of pro
vision and wearing uuniiroi. li nas
lmon iust a year since George was in
Medford and he clou l iook union me
man he did when h took to the tall
timber a year and a half ago. Ho had
then been printing for a goodly period
and was pretty well run down iu health.
but tho mountain air nas completely
restored him to his old self and he
looks ns buxom and rosy as a June rose
in full bloom. He has 1(50 ucros of fine
bottom land all of which, with tho ex
ception of twenty acres, is first-class
sugar pino timlior land. The twenty
uci-es is brush laud and George is clear
ing it for agricultural purposes, lie
says a fortune ia awaitiug him in the
growth or timothy wnen ne geis nis
land clearod. Everybody wishes the
lad success.
A Crank
Is constantly turning tho world, keeping It In
commotion. Its vigorous oxerclso kcops tho
whole body actlro. But it's the constant going
that wears. You've no time to rest, no Mine to
eat. and hardly tlmo to live. It's miserable
living at tbe best. . Constaut Indigestion. 1111
liousness and Constipation. The body crank
needs attention. Keep the llvor active with
Simmons Liver Regulator, and you can go as
much as you please.
Ladies' irauze vests, 10 conts and
upwards at Anglo & Plymalo's.
W. J. Valzer
North Pembroke, Mass.
After the Grip
Relief from Hood's Sarsaparllla
Wonderful and Permanent.
"C L Ilood & Co., Lowe!!, Mass.:
I had kidney trouble and severe pains la
my back, which whs brought nhout hy a cold
contracted while lu camp at Llnufleld In 16C2.
I have been troubled more or less since that
time aud have bc-cu unable to do any heavy
work, much less any IIuIkk. I received only
rmpornry relief from medicines. Last sprinz
bad an attack of the grip, which led me with
A Bad Cough, Very Weak
physically. In fact my system was completely
run down. I tried a bottle of Hood's Sarsapa
rllla and It roado me feel so much better that I
eonUuued taking it. ai:d have taeu six boiUes.
Il has done wonders lor me. as I hve not been
so free from my old pains ami troubles since the
Hood's5 Cures
war. I consider Hood's Sarsaparllla a tiod-sent
blessing to the suffering." William J. IIaueb,
Korth Tcmbrokc, Mass.
Hood's Pills cure ConstlpaUon by reslor.
id the perlsulUc acU w of the alimentary cauaL
Ion. The bnliency U Imparls is marvelous. !
Hy lw healing and cieausm; tendencies TAN.
SPOTS. ETC. ;irc eait-iy removed. Tryil. II
will tflve yoa an npjx-araace of eieirance and r--Ciieaieui.
Tulu-I aler combines every element
ot beamy and purity and is as harmless as dew.
For sale bv drugist.-i.
VI " ANTED Pushlnjr Canvassers of irood ad
1 Ures. Liberal s-ulery and expense, paid
wevkly; Heriiiaoeut po-iilion. HUoWN liKos.
CO., Nunicrymeu, ronland, Oregon.
Parker Won the Race.
The hicycle race between Geo. S.
Parker, ofMe-lford. aud D. L. Mice, of
Ashland, came off hist Saturday after
noon and Parker was declared the win
ner. It was a five mile race, from Jack
sonville to Medfonl, and was for a purse
of $15 a ice $3u to the winner. The
start was made at the railroad crossing
near the court house. At just 3:40
Kobt. Galloway dropped the hat and
the -vheels began rolling and 6iit-en
minutes and oight seconds later the
timekeepers dropied the flags as
Parker crossed the lino Kice a minute
and tilty-two seconds behind. At the
start Parker fell behind about twenty
five feet and kent about this much
space between himself and Kica until
about three miles of the race had been
covered, when Rice's wheel began to
wabble and a few yards further he fell
to tho ground. Parker pulled bv and
was about thirty feet ahead when Riee
was mounted and coming after him.
From this point for a half mile it was a
hard struggle with Kice to recover but
the distance between Ihera kept grow
ing and when Parker came under the
wire Kice was a good hai! mile behind.
Another race is being arranged for
between the same parties and over the
same ground. This race will be for S."-0
side. The date has not as vet been
Western Oregon Crop Report Official
The weather conditions are very
favorable to the growing crops. Wheat,
oats nnd barley have excellent growth:
they are cow approaching their ripen
ing period and need more sunshine.
Some fruit continue to fall from the
tro-ps yet tho genera! yield will be gen
eraly an aveiage one. Strawberries
are ripening rapidly and are now a;
their full production. Cherries are
somewhat bHck-vard. but nre ripening
aud being hip;d to market iu large
quantities. Having is in general pro
gress in the counties south of .he Cala
pooia mountains and is being com
menced in some of the coast and
Willamette valley counties. The hay
crop is very large and is yielding
heavily w the acre, especiiJly the
the clover bay.
The tent caterpillar is general over
the counties of western Oregon and i;
doing damage. Within the past wevk
they have attacked the hop fields: they
have done damage iu orchards and are
damagiug tho bops to what extent
cannot now he determined. What are
termed the "littl-3 green bugs" hare
appeared on the heads of wheat during
the past ten days: they appear to have
started iu the southern counties. They
almost cover the head of the wheat and
as th bugs mature wings are developed
which "enable them to fly. These bugs keown as Aphis Avenue, or in
plaiu words, "Grain Aphis.'' They
hhve done considerable daaiago in
past years in the east. There is a mi
nute paniMte which preys on the bugs,
or their ravages may be stopped by
rain. Spraying the wheat with a weak
keroser.e emulsion will kill them, ac
cording to Prof. Washburn, of the
State Experiment Station. atCorvallis.
The hoos have a most prolific growth
aud are exceedingly promising.
Eggs wanted at the Big T gro
cery store, Medlord, Oregon.
Will Talk With Jacksonville.
Tbe Medford-Jacksonville telephone
Hue is settled so far as construction
and operation is eoucorned its con
tinuance to other points will dopeud
upon the patronage this much of the
proprosed line receives. Mr. Kerr,
the gentleman who has recently put up
a con pi v of private telephone lines iu
Medford, has arraigned with a com
oanv, composed of Maror G. H. Has
kins, Dr. B. b Adkius, and City Re
corder B. S. Webb of Medford. and
John White, of the firm of Reames,
White Jfc Co., of Jacksonville, .wherby
he sells to them a telephone line run
ning between the two points, and three
instruments in irood working: order for
a consideration, tho amount of which
wo are not at liberty to state. ork
on tho proposed line has already beeu
commenced and Mr. Korr promises to
have it in ope-ation insido of three
weeks. There will be three instru
ments placed in immediate use. One
of these will be In the drug store of G.
H. Haskins, Medford, and two in Jack
sonville one in the county clerks
olliee at the court house and one in the
store of Keames, White & Co., the
Medford 'phone to connect with both of
these. Twenty-five cents will be
charged for a five minutes' talk. Tick
ets have nlreadv boon sold to the
amount of ?7o iu Medford, which faot
points to the success which we may
reasonably cxpoct it will reach
Should it prove a paying investment
the Uno will, in all probability.
be extended to Ashland and after
wards to Euirle Point nnd Central Poiut.
The gentlemen who will be owners of
the line are among our best and most
reliable business men, which is in itself
a guarantee of a square deal to the pa
trons. Tho failure of the line put up
a few vears asro was tha required pay
mout of a $72 royalty on the instru
ments and fifteen per cent of all money
earned -1 s different now, no royalty
no iwr cent. May success crown the
Medford-Jacksonville telephone line.
; --2 1 -.--1 - ft I- -t. -.---i -1 L Jj
A immm-
J T V -yS )
Who don't hustle for his trade don't deserve
to have any: and chances are that
-- - - z HE DON'T GET IT.
i I
For eight years, and I am at it still. I am now
offering better bargains than ever ia
Effr Fipip 10015.
Don't Spend a Cent for
. . Until you ?e what we can do for you.
. We show a big line of goods of the latest
styles, at prices that fear no competition.
H. M. BALL. Pres.
Taeoina, Washington.
Jackson - County - plume
Has opened a Land Department
and is prepared to transact
a General Ileal Estate
and sold or handled
Because of our connections both on
for placing property are unexcelled. Address correspondence to
W. T. SHURTLEFF, Land Agent,
Officks is Hamlin Block.
All kinds of Factory Worn Furnished upon
Application. Free Delivery to all parts of the City.
Agent for Sugar Pine Door and
if! -"
See y and Superintendent.
the Coast and in the East our faciliuei
Lumber Company, Medford, Oroi
Pair Guaranteed.
f m w m wx m B nrm m m m m -m.