i?n? ipnurran mutt lilt! fflMH'UUU uiniu SZiITOJKT & YOBZ, Publishers. A. S. BUTON, - - - Editor VV. T. Yoktc, - Manager Published Every Frlduy Morning. SUBSCRIPTION $1.SO PER YEA IN ADVANCE. MAN WAS 30RN TO HUSTLE. He is ot few days; but Quite a plenty. Efc-ered in tha Postofflce at Meilford, Oregon ss Second-Class Mail Matter. lege; Its Relation to Social Prob lems.' He spoke of the growth and multiplicity of institutions for higher education in America, and called attention to the social and political problems which must find their solution through education and the active interest of those who have secured the advantages of the college." And this from the Eugene Daily Guard : , "Hon. V. I. Vawter, of the class Liable to Cause a General Tie-Up. The trouble between striking em ployes and the Pullman car com pany at Pullman, Illinois, is quite liable to cause a general tie-up of trains on all road running Pullman cars. The American Railway Union has joined with the employes and members of this order have re fused to handle trains to which were attached Pullman cars. To offset this, many railroad compa nies are refusing to run trains un- Mb3ford, Friday, June 29 1801. of '86, delivered the annual oration. , e8S punman Cars are attached. All That justice travels with leaden feet is fully illustrated in the case of Prendergast, the murderer of Mayor Harrison, of Chicago. m a Forty Coxeyites in North Ba Icota were offered work at $1.60 per jlay and they wouldn't take it It was bread, no work, that they tyanted. "There is just a grain of satisfac tion connected with the railroad tie-up. If it becomes general eyites will ha.-e to walk. Some people never feel religious Until they get in a tight place and in church, but the church squeeze don't hurt the majority of us. We fixe absent at roll call too often. Books are the windows through which the soul looks out. Dime novels and detective stories are so densely shaded with preposterous lies that the true honest mind rarely ever sees the inside cf them A Coxeytte traveling with his industrial (?) army through North Dakota says this: "1 don't believe Cleveland will serve out his term. If Congress sees fit to put these men at work on the Nicaragua canal, improving harbors or public works all will be well." One Sunday recently in South Dakota the day was set apart at various points for supplication for rain. The rain followed in abun dance, and very properly the next Sunday was observed as a day of thanksgiving to the giver of all good gifts for relief frcm the long drouth. Oct of respect to the illustrious dead, the French authorities will postpone Santo's execution until after Carnot's funeral-r-but it will not be long afterward. The French method of swift justice stimulates the hope that somebody will kid nap Prendergast and ship him to France. Portland Telegram. Medford was honored at the State University commencement exercises, held at Eugene last week, by the appointment of Professor N. L. Slarregan nd attorney W. I. Vawter as two of the three judges to decide upon the prize oration in the students' contest. The first, or Failing prize, for the best oration and delivery, was awarded I. M. Glen, and the second, or Beekman, prize to E. M. Underwood. There are few people who would pay a premium to be an Italian in France, rieht now. The assassina- ; tion of President Carnot by an : Italian is creating hostility all over the republic, and Italian subjects are being roughly handled. These must of necessity demand protec tion from the . Italian government, in which event war between the two nations ia almost sure to follow unless pacified by the interference of other'Eurbpean nations. Police officers should have for gotten their duty in the instance of the assassination of President Carnot, and allowed the enraged and grief stricken crowds to have dealt out to the slayer the vengeance which their hearts then harbored While no right minded, law respect ing citizen of any country ought to nourish the least semblance of mob Jaw, yet there are exceptions to the general rule, and the assassination of President Carnot is one and that of Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, an other. The abolishment of the Austra lian ballot law in Oregon is being advocated by some few of the state papers, claiming that thi3 system js slow and cumbersome. These Objections, in our way oi minting, are among the redeeming features of the law. The old way was too easily done, and any piece of work quickly and easily done 13 usually considered one of little importance. Tha American neoDle- many of thera-r-attacb too little importance to the ballot... Ten minutes spent by each voter in preparing his bal lot is that much time loaned to the nation's good and will pay big in terest to both borrower and lender. The voter who bemoans the loss cf ten minutes spent in preparing his ballot ought not tp be allowed the right of suffrage. A telegram to the Oregonian, from Eugene, in speaking of the university, commencement exer cises, has this to say of Attorney . Vawter, of Medford, who was the lnmn1 rtrarnr i 'Hon. W,I. Vawter, of Medford, His subject was, 'The College. Its Relation to bocial f roblems. lie called attention to the decade which witnessed the founding of the first institutions of higher education in America, and followed the intimate relations of the growth anil multi plicity of colleges with the develop ments and progress o' our social and political life. In conclusion he said 'From the 4C0 educational in stitutions should, and with proper arousal of interest will, come the in fluence that will overthrow the baneful effects of socialistic teach ings. From them will come the influence that will give the child of free America what is better than the gift of his share of the wealth namely, a common school education at least with intelligence enough to earn his share. Let the first aim of the university be to graduate men and women who thoroughly under stand the philosophy of govern ment, who know at least, historically the principles upon which it is founded, and the hidden reserve forces by which it may be protect ed.' " r ? -iii. v.j.tr.' FROM THE COUNTY SEAT. Following are the expenditures of Jackson county for the inouth of May, 1S94: J H Whitman, allowance for A Robin son s loco E G Hurt, allowance for J Cox ... Jones & Ottea, supplies for W. A. Gold smith Reames. White & Co, supplies for Mrs J X joues and ;aauly ... Mrs E C Gait, allowance for herself .. . Harriet Johnson. " ... . Mrs S Root. " " J H Cottle, allowance for himself 1 1. B&sseu. " Sam Robinson, boarding L Calhoun ... Joseph Randies, allowance for Ella Randies and lamily J Nunan, supplies for Dennis Dawson... S IV) 5 00 10 01 W (V li (0 6 8 IV 6 l 4 10 1" Oil 12 Oi Total XISCEIXAXEOCS. H C Messenger, lumber furnished to road district io I 5 W F Wilkinson, lnaber furnish d to road district N o 33 Geo D Barnard & Co, record book for couniy treasurer - J A Wilson. P M , postage stamps Owen Keefcu. janitor s salary Joseph Geppert. 1 panther scalp ... . Joseph Geppert, hewed Umber for bridges . A C Howlett, timber furnished to road district Xo 16 Klip pel & Marcuson. lumber furnished to road district No 4 Ellppel & Marcuson, lumber furnished to road district Xo 34 Klippel & Marcuson. lumber furnished to road district No S A J Florey , spikes furnished to the county .. Chris Ulnch, carpenter work and mate rial G C Cnly. 3 panther scnlrs Meston Dygert Book JKg Co, 4 assess-' ment rolls Cha Nickell, orintinp S O Mfg Co. lumber for mad district Xo Hays Freeman, road semper Total.. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John E Peiton sheriff, to Kelras. Amer man et at sheriff's deed to a parcel cf land in Ashland, also undivided in terest in an irrijratuigdileh $ 1503 .uicaaei unavner et ai to tieury tsarn hart. lot 6. bit 32. Gold HiU . . ' J W Merritt. trustee, to ii W Priddy. lots & s. Dm a. central t'oint ... iuu Max MuUer to A w Stunrls, the w ii of I w H oi sec o. id 3s. rs w .. rw G W Pndiiy to Mark P Welch, lots T t S, DIK 4. central f omi jo U S Patent to Dillurd Martin, 40 acres, j sec 2. to oa s. r s w J H Stewart to Dillm K Hill, administra tor's deed to lot a jres, sec , tp3s, rlw 3000 Constanlice Magruder. trustee, lo J -Merrill, trustee, aeea to property in Central Point John E Peiton. sheriff, to Johanna Honck. sueric" s deed ..f foreclosure to 4.3 acres in Ashland, and to property in tDs3&40 1513 T P Kahler to James M McDonouh. Q C 1) w n oi n e S oi sec 1, tp uu s, r Sw 4J0 Bobt Kahler to same, Q C D to sarac property 1 Daniel Fisher to same. Q C D to Fort Lane ledge, tp 37 s. r 2 w 1 Henry Klipple to same, QC D lo same property J Clarence D Kellogg to George H nas- Kins, lot sand w oi lot ., am u, aicu- ford . 180 Max Prachl to C M Arncburat, 4 acres tp 3 s. r 1 e John U Crump to Kachacl Johns jn, 400 acres, sec lu, tp 37 s, r 1 e SXX) C W Paici to Louisa Lowrey lot 9, blk 32 Medford , ... c PROBATE COUKT. In matter ot the estate of George Mcnserly. inventory and appraisement tiled and approved. roiai amount oi appraisement, Ky..i.nu instate or wiiuaiu Keuin. oruer conuname sale of real estate. roads out of Chicago have issued orders to this effect. Should the matter at Pullman not bo arbi trated, which the Pullman company refuses to do, tho boycott will un doubtedly be carried to the extreme and will tie up not only all passen ger trains, but freight trains as well. The following was sent out to a'l agents of the S. P. system Wednes day: :. .. San Francisco, June 27, lSsn. Alt, Aoents: Commencing at onco notify holders of tickets for passage by trains on which we are acustomed to place pullman cars that out tickets will bo sold to them only as subject to redemption, should tho tmius not be seat out or moved. Understand this notice con cerns only those trains on which we are accus tomed to move Pullraau cars, standard or second-class. Understand this notice will be re troactive and cover tlct ts that you may have heretofore sold for trains of to day and sue. ceediug ihis. T. II. GoouiiAN. The north bound passenger train on tne c-ouinorn 1 acme, which should have left Oakland Wednes day cvenii'R, was annulled Wednesday' telegrams describe the'situation like this: FROM CHICAGO. Chicago, June 27. On tho Illi nois Central's South Chicago branch today traffic was blocked. Tiie operators in the tower at Seventy first street left their post, and their places could not be supplied readily. Through trains passed Grand Cross ing and Pullman without interfer ence. None carried Pullman cars. At Ferdham yards the switchmen, switchtenders and yard employes pined tne siriKe, tying up me yards. The strike has precipitated a fuel famine. There is not a pound of coal it any of the docks, and busi ness on the river is at a standstill. The first violence is the breaking of a Pullman car window at Grand Crossing. No passengers were in iured. This afternoon the tower on the I!linnis Central at Seventy-first street was manned, and South Chi cago suburban trains began run ning. When the through trains from Kansas City on the Baltimore t Ohio road arrived at the Grand Central station the switching crews refused to take them out of the vards. The road crews also refused to back-their own trains out. When the engineer of the Kansas City train pulled into the depot he was I , . l 1".." 1 I. t s7 sal asKt to tase n:s irinii uiu . iw mc yards by Superintendent ivehy. He refused "arid left the cab. Superin tendent Kl'iy took the train down to the vards "himself. In every in- 31 stance the road trainmen refused to do any switching as long as the PuUman cars were attached to the trains. The Wisconsin Central and Paltimore & Ohio had similar ex periences. A plan to secure aid from other organizations assumed definite shripe today, and a conference was held bv Grand Master Workman Rheumatism Cured! Centlenun: Have h-en a!!!icted with evere rhi'itinnfu; uttucks fur the part fix or seven years. 1 took one bottle of Dr. Grant's Si'.rsiipiirillii uml lirape Root and applied Hattee's ronjro Oil pxtrrnally, and tho result whs iromlorful it worked more like nmi: tlmii nuwtieine. Theat two uicdicinee I conaider will I; nock any caseofrheumucism. It- A. LEONARD. ' SCIATICAS V RHEUMATISM CUF CD. TERRIBLE SUFFERER. All Other Reme iies Fail Congo Oil Cured it; ' Reuses, Columbia Co., Orkooh, December 22, 1S93. 447 Montgomery St., Toi'tlund, Oregon. O. W. R. Mko. Co., Portland, Orecon. ; r Dtar Sirs; I have been a terribla TorTDld. IiiV6I . ' utlerer from rhemuatlHin lor a muiilj-r " -'-: of years, and I have tried ulmost every Crntlemm: I have been a frifferei remedy on earth without any etTeet until from Liver troubles for manv vears. a!-1 1 wa told to use your CONGO OIL fpolin-.JnlJ eln;,l.n.! I,,,,,,, U W.I purel.UHCl .1 UO'.ll. 1 nnfilir-iitlini I fi.fr. tliH -11'" - - - O Ethel Maud Denny. '". Lost spring my little girl wai troubled with a bad case of hnmor. Her head was almost one solid scab. I tried vari ous ointments, etc., bnt it availed noth ing. Our physician was consulted, but his treatment did not remove the dis ease. We were induced to try Dr. Grant's Barssparilla and Grape Root, One and one-half bottles effected a cure, the hnmor disappearing entirely and her health greatlv improved. I consider it a valuable medicine. A. J. DENNY, Bookkeeper Wise & Co., St. Paul, Minn. .tu-l the first a9 00 52 Ki 46 SU 14 SO 17 'JO 1 U i M 90 00 4 GO 15 77 11 to 9 21 9 TO 4 7 60 IS TO i0 6 0J 14 W would take a loi:;r letter to U-ll just how I did feel; but, thanks to Dr. Grant's Samtparilla and Gr.rpe Root, my troubles are over, an four lxittles made me feel as well as ever I wm. I have a good appetite, no more h:tl FyiiipUjins and I feel that I owe it all to Dr. Grant's Sarsaparilla. J. C. ALLEN. Traveling Salesman Curtis & Wheeler, Rochester, N. Y. Hnd went to sleep in a few mini:!''. 1 have contiiiin-d u-inir it, :u:i cf. ti.an one bottle removed nil tr.uv ui my itirmrsiATisM. and f ohi'erini'.y recumuiend it to a:iv who hs HUireriu. from riiuiiru.-illaui. - Yours, v;.i. hklli::i:r Prlc foi Evkiiyvii:hk 5C-0. s.r. S'..a.) rs' CONSTIPATION CURED! Dear Sits : Having been afflicted with chronic constipation for thirteen years, I wish to say that I have received greet benefit from using Dr. Grant's Sarsapa rilla and Grape Root. I have taken three bottles, and will continue until I feel that I am completely cured. Already it has worked a wonderful change in me and makes me feel like a new being. JOHN CASTELLO, Sherman House, St. Paul, Minn. Sold Evbkywbekc Bhz bottle 50o.; 6 bottles $2.50 Price 50 cA 6 bottles $2.50. For Sale by Strang, the Druggist, Medford, Oregon. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOB MULLER, THE CORKER GROCER. NOTES AND REFLECTIONS. BY K. Last year the observer was In the East, where he mft an lutcrcstir.i; ileaf mite Id b'r te?ns the daughter of a formrrsctioolm-le. ho coull not enunciate n str.jle intelligible sy.lable, but it was the pl:m to a!.t orU linia;o to her course la the Ohio Institution tor surh unfortu nates. Last week a !e.ter from the fulhersaid. "Ijena has just come hnme for vacation, went tor the mail and upon return said as correctly as you or I, "Here is a lotu.r from K and at the close of her course she will have the choice of a luto-ship ia the Institution or to continue at her profession of compositor." recently two gentlemen were n:et who repre sent n new church in our community, similar to the "Come Outers" nf KnK'.and and the eastern states, who term themselves "The Congreml ion of Christ's FlocU" and are little, it any. diCei cut from orthodox llaptisis. Their promlncst claim Is that when one is "convertsu" as they are, all dlfflcalties disappear front the text of scripture and that then the meaning become Obituary John Clinton Wiley. Editor Mei-ord Mail: Di.d. at the family residence on Antelope, Juno ai. ISI. John Clint in Wiley, aed Zi years, 4 months and 10 days. Tho sulijoct of the above notice was bora la Mono county, California. Feb. S'.h. 1STL He moved with his parcuts to Jaclcson couaty. Ore gon. July 11. 1S3. He proJesSTd rellslon and joined the Free Will Uaptlst church in Auput, ISi'i. Subsequently tie Mothodlsts bouKht the church edlSce, when most of the members of the Hapti'it church went iato that organization, ha with the rest; this was In 10. lie has worked for omciaic over a year In Shasta volley, but fccllutr unwell concluded to come bvme which he did just two weeks laclciug a day before his death. Ho was not considered dangerous us he could wait on lilmiclf and sceaied cheerful, but death claimed him, and at Sp. a. on Wednesday he fell oer on his pillow and quietly breathed his last. Clint, as he was familiarly called, was looked upon a one of the assignee. Mr. Kingsbury's friends will be forry to hear of his mie-for-tune. IIi assets are $3600, and lia bilities $3200. Mrp. Jane McCnllv arrived home Monday evening from San Diego. California. Her many friends will le pleased to learn that she is in the best cf health. Her daughter, Miss Susie, and grandson, George Merritt. went to Ashland to meet her, and returned the same evening. Miss Carrie Kent and a sister ar rived here during the week, from Washington, to reside with their mother, who is comfortably domi ciled in the little house formerly occupied bv Isaac Muller and fanii- ily. on California stret. Capt. nl exemplary yoans men In the entire com-1 LatOll prcsenterl the DOUSe and lot THEY HAVE GOT TO GO! Hard time, high prices and big profita can't exist in tfci town. We have got the goods and make the prices that saves the people's inonev. Have you seen our - - ' - NEW SPRING STOCK! ? High Class Goods as clear as the aiure sUy'; ami also they ara.-ml muntty. llviup a consistent christian tile. He I to his daughter, Mrs AVhen So Many People are taking and deriving benefit Irom Hood's ban-aparilla, wiiy aon t you try it yourself? It will build you up. Hooa s barsaparma w:n maKej ou strong. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ache indigestion, billiousiiuss. Try a box. Strayed or Stolen, From the camp meeting grounds at Central Point, a light bay mare, sway back and blind in one eye. Had on saddle and bridle. Finder will please notify Jos. Pierce, Medford, Oregon. Editor Kaiser Is Just Guessing. The Medford Mail and Pentz & White are mourning the departure from Medford of Prof. Vinton Smith and wife the former for the amount of a lot of printing and the latter, so they allege, fo- money paid in advange for abstract work. Valley Kecord you are a-long ways shy of the mark, Brother Kaiser, when you infer that The Mail got "laid out" by Smith. Strangers always put up their money in advance for job work at this office or get some responsible resident to go them good to the amount of the job, The Mail hasn't lost a nickel by Smith's escapade. Tell All Your People And don't vou foreet it. that the Nor thern Pacilie railroad is now open aim running through trains on schedule time between Portland and St. Paul, without change of cars no delays or transfers. This i3 the only line run- nine upholstered tourist sleepers which are as comfortable and more convenient to the passenger than the palace car of any other line which costs you three times as much money. The Northern Pacific also runs free colonist sleepers, and the moat luxuriant Pullman palace sleepers. If you are going East take this safe, reliable road, as rates are as low as via any other line ana you neeu not fro to the exponse of u life or acci dent Dolicv of insurance. For tickets or information aoplv to A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. R. T'k't Agt., Portland, or S. F. Cass, 1st NaVJ Bank, Grants Pass, Oregon. MEijr are deoeiyers, ever; which is not saying that women are not. Modern civilization has done more fer machinery han it has donp for morals, Loss of respept for one man less ens in a degree our respect for all men. Sovereign, of the Knights of Labor; President Bobs, of the American Railway Union; and Secretary Arnold of the Locomotive Engi neers. The switchmen in the yards of the Wisconsin Central have struck. In the freight yards a long line of cars laden with perishable freight are standing and cannot be moved. This afternoon 1000 employes of the Illinois Central in ISurnside shops walked out and took a train for the city. When the hour arrived for the departure of the Washington and New York train over the Baltimore & Ohio road, the forward coaches stood 100 feet down the track from the Pullman sleeper, and no effort was made to make connection. ALL OUT AT LIVINGSTON. Livixgstcxe, Montana. June 2i. All the employes of the Northf rn Pacific yards struck last night, ana todav all the shop hands went out. Not a train is moving in either di rection. The American Railway Union has decided that one of the conditions of the strike would he the restoration of the wage schedule in force prior to January 1. A NOTICE OF WAKNINO. Minneapolis, Minn.,' June 27. The Northern Pacific has posted notices calling the attention of the men to the fact that it owns a half interest in the Pullmans, and warn ing them not to intefero with their operation. All trains carrying Pullmans left in regular oruer to day. THE MAILS N'T DELAYED. Washington, D. C, June 27. The boycott declared against the Pullman company has not yet re sulted in any delays in mails. In the absence of the postmaster-gen eral, Assistant Postmaster-General Jones says he anticipates no inter ruptions from that cause. NO THROUGH TRAINS RUNNING. DenveRi Colorado, June 27. No through trains are running on the Sante Fe owing to the Pullman boycott. Five trains are held at Raton N. M., one at La Junta, Col. The company is determined not tp move trains without Pullmans. that they have an illumination and exaltation of soul far above any mere hnt&aQ conception. They revive the fcllh article f the "r'lre Points of Calvinism" In asjariujr the -Final I'erscrer ance ot the Saints' uo natter how deep a fail may occur. Tae" are well worih a hearing. This IcciCent remla:!s tint tar lutcllijrvut cans- tlaa woridoX rel!su. ia jrenernl torm Is die! ded. Into two great camps; the !i:k'h and tho Broad. In relation to tiie Bible. The ovcrcraelminir part of the Horn as church, the 1'l.utc'a oi Scot-' land, a minority ol the Church of Knxlacd. Hie majority of the Genera! Assembly Presbyteri ans, all Calriolstie and all "luiraersionlst" bodies teach plenary" lusplratlonof Uie Illhle, or that all U mora or !t-is by the dtriue aid aad coucteaaace. and hence Is infallible. l!ccause so much of scripture ncen-.s to huir.aa reason Inconsistent and erroueou?, uivi Romas au thorities withhold the tx.k front lite lai'.y claiming that Church ty utviae power and aid sees clearly and can properly and su.T.cicntiy teach orally. Tbi-y lead, la print of pe. the "HiSh" camps. The historical aud typical Church of England, s small raian:y cf the Church ot Horse, one taint of the Csn-ral As ncmbly Probyteriant, prhsps oae-half of the Episcopalians in Uie United Slates, a largre proportion of the Lut!:erau bodies, the lare majority of CongrccutioaalSts, all Vnltartaost all Quakers and most l"iiivenali!.ts Oct in the apparent iacoaslsle iclcs aud errors of the Bible to be what they seem, of human and falliblo origin. Ilia hlxtortcal Church of KnglaJ. In ace. leads the army of the "Broads." The pul pits of the valley, as far as known,- belong to the camp of the "Highs." All observed Sunday school instruction in Ucgtio River valley seems to come from the same source. It mlht be a pleasure to quite a uaruber to have a liroatl' Sunday school, and one palull from the same camp. Supposed Wheat Pest. AT CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, Juno 27.-- Pullman carR were not moved in tho Cincin nati, Hamilton & Dayton yards after 12 o clock. Railway officials aro securing new men, and propose to replace all disobeying orders. AT ST. PAUL. St. Paul, June 27 The North ern Pacific switching crew refused to make up a train. The United States marshal sent half a doen deputies to the yards. The farmers of Douglas county are at present considerably exercised over the Hppearanec of a very Mnall preen insect upon the wheat. A close inspec tion of the hviids shows them to he very numerous lietween tint rows of grain, and it is feared they are some species of destructive isL They were first discovered on the lower Oilapooia, but seem to bo general over the county, and the samples of Infected heads were left at the iCosoburg lie view office Sat urday from Looking Class, and also from fields up the river eiist of town. As nothing of the kind was ever seen in the county before, the farmers are naturally very anxious to know just what tho result will be, and what the little visitors proKiso to do. Some think them harmless and believe they will soon disapn-ar without doing any damage. A. U. McGoe, of Looking Glass, however, says that ho is sure thev are the Mttne kind that ho saw in Indiana In 1S8:), whuro they wur known. as tho "wheat aphis," and toialiy tto stroved thousands of acres of grain, rendering it unfit even for liav. We can only bono that he is mistaken otherwise the loss to tho farmers may bo verv heavv. I'ossihlv the unusual amount of rain at this season of the year is responsible for tho appearance or this insect. 'Rodney Scott reports that the small, grenn insect, that lias been noticed in the Douulns county wheat fields, has appeared in Lane county. Mr. Scott says tno insects appear ootwuen tne rows of grain and are quite numerous in fields in his vicinity. No one seems to know tho nature of tho pest, but it is feared that it may prove destructive to tho wheat crop, it resembles the aphis that is found on rose leaves. Mr. Wil Urd Simmons, of Harrisburg, stat-.'d to us today that the wheat fields in that vicinity, are covered with the insects, hardly a head of grain being free from them. Under a magnifying glass it has the apiearanee of a green grass hopper. Hie head of the wheat, also magnified, shows no damage thus far lias resulted. Mr. Simmons is of the opinion that tho warm wcathor will cause them to leave the wheat. lie says that farmers aro greatly alanped over possible damage that may be in flicted by the unwelcome visitor." Eu gene Dally Guard. was betovcil by nearly all who kacw him. Uu Friday we bore the ixmains to their laat restlag place In the Central l'olat cemetery. The pro cession w formed at the family residence, whsi wo proceeded to the church, where every tli!t was tn r.-adlncss. Thcchoir sa& "Ji-sua, Lover cl My Soui." la a very imprcivc man ner, .!: whica Ucv. ltichard 1 ysh read in a very Impressive manner lie fourteenth chapter of Job; then auLg So. 1?; then Mr. I'jshoS- 'fvred a fervent prayer, after which he prcahvd a sermon from 11- Samuel, UM While 1 would not attempt to try to tive even a jx?ms ot the sermuu 1 must add taat h'.s remarks on the subject cf revival uo-i of friends and loved ones la ilia rtgtotiaot lie 61cjcU acre so appropri ate that U seemed aa icunga every one in lae va.-l audience was cuved. Al the cluse of the discourse Uie concluula prajcr a oSVrcil by your cui rcsi-onucnt. aati Uie rocc&aloa was airatn formed when we proceeded lotnc Ceutral l'olat ccetco'- A a token of L high estevm in wnich Uie dccca.cd was held, I will rcjnark that Uiere was the ttneai floral exhibit I ever saw at a f uaoral: bouquets. n:t aud symbols were sect and bmutiat from all directions. There verc twenty mx carnages followed In lie proccsi-loe a distance of right or nlno milts Vac concluding services were conducted at the k-tave by Kcv. Kyh assisted by Iter. Moure. While the bereaved fatct.y Lave the sympathy of their numerous friends, they sorrow uot as thty who have no hope. For what they cow deplore I bali rise ia full lmaiortal prime Aad b.oom lo fane ao wore. Ye.-. ! The charmed circle broken dear face j Missed day by day from its accutomcl place, llut clcanacu. auu aavcu ana trtccua by grace: One more In Heaven. A. C. HOWUCTT. tragic l'oint. Or. June Si. "VI. CARD OF TH ASKS. We desire to express our sincere thanks to our numerous friends who have so kindly as sisted us during our late, sad bereavement. Wx. and Mart Wiijtr. Rev. Uiccard Fysh wlll preach at Eagle 1'otnt ncxtSunday at 11 a. m. and S p. m.. and at lirownsboru at S:3d p. oi. Its also will hold a basket meeting at the Antelopa church the next Sunday. July 8. meeting to commence Use Sat urday ulglit before. Kent, a short time ago. mslmm HCJJ. Z. A VERY, IX DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. EOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS. PARASOLS, UMBREL LAS, NOTIONS, ETC. A splendid showing of RsiisMB, Tnssli Ssmcoame Geoffs. Which are Rich Ken's Qualities at Peer Hen's Prises.nr.-,. A superb assortment which includes everything new and desirable for the present season. Remember, we deal fair and save vour dollars. We buv fur cash and sell for cash. Cranfill & Hutqhison, BEDFORD. ... ORECON. F SICE NEWoOODS- " JOSTlRRlVRn Suits ppom $6.00 Up. The Latest Styles of Spring Suits Ever Disjiiayel in Bedford.--S. ROSENTHAL, " Lledford, -:- -:- -:- Oregon. Jacksonville Sews. Oat or tmc LiaacST Coa-rcaerca alto 3tin CMS 1 NIESatU. HEART DISEASE 3D YEARS. Ctixo TTltTD, April 8th, 133. '. JTUa MMml Cb-, XHUimrl, 1mA. Gottlexxk : I hid been trochlea with MrrT eisosr rqm nit lawT o . "F" aiujouta i was treal bv able r-hvciciacs aon mod many ramctue. I griw uewcily wonc until I was cow .ITMOOTSNT NOPt or RCCOVCKV. wou.- hav. very btai sii:x . r i Icgrpells-whea icP! I Q fcfj aid stop beatin r, w V Si Cm bacd itwas wilh the Krcaicat cicuity uiat mj orciiiaiion om SthousamdsSS et to convotOTOfs amla. Whllo ia th! ooad tion I tried our "tn ncmt Cubc. and resaa to impme ln-tn tlie hrs. aunow lam aMeioco aexxodnv'jwori: forataKniiSyearsotase. lglva Ot MitES- Nev HrBT Cone all tha crelit lor rov recoverv. It : ocrf:x months once I have ttlea Kir. u'.ihocch 1 keep a b.ttl in the house in ca 1 ahruld nted it. I l-ave also usea yoiirNEBVC NC LIVER PilLS, and think greadcaibl thi-rv. Z. AvEBY. Sold on m I'onltlve Guarwntec. Dr. MlLCS' PI LLS, 60 Doses 25 Crs. .RoiIsesAToppid MAKES AN LSH IT HELL Lffl STAYER HOT -PEALKRS IX- MACHINERY AND VEHICLES, TAYLER A mirror never ehowg a woman ffbatis below the Wface,. A Splaudld Summer Resort. Are vou (rolnff to take a summer out ing? If you are do not forgot the Tol tnan Springs health and summer re sort. Situated as it is in the Siskiyou mountains and sunDlied bv the boBt mineral baths it is just the place for invalids and tourists. Kates reduced to $8 per week for board and lodging. MFS- A. , AJJPifS, r rpprietpr, Jliss Surali Berry has been visit ing friends at Grants I'ass. Jas. R. Linn has returned from the State University at Eugetio. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Page came to Jacksonville Monday, from Cor- vallis, and will remain. Mrs N. Langall departed last Wednesday morning for a visit to relatives and friends at lied Ulull, California. Miss Kate Lemberger has re turned from Klamath Falls, where she has been acting as stenogra pher for the court. Hon. C. C. Beekman and wife and dauchter, Miss Carrie, returned home Friday from an extended visit in tho eastern states. Miss Bemico Cameron has re turned home from tho Willamette valley, where she has been attend ing school during tho winter. Hon. Wm. Colvig has returned from Portland, where he has been to represent the A. O. U. W. Mrs Colvig also accompanied him. Adam Schmitt and wife returned from Portland last Monday. They express themselves as delighted wito their yisit to the metropolis. The county officers elect are in town today, filing their bonds, and tho present officers will soon have the opportunity of taking a much needed rest. A. S. Jacobs, justice of the peace elect, of Central Point, was in Jacksonville Wednes day, filing his official bond. He was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Mary, B. Kingsbury has made , an . . i il. . 1 1 . assignment ior mo oenoin, oi omu his creditors, J, C. Telton )8 the ' Cal ot our Salesroom, Cor. Sixth nd C street, for Free bampie. Champion, and Empire Mowers: Hoosier, Johnson, Daisy and Superior Hay Rakea; Myers Hay Carriers; Jackson, and Myers Forks. Send for Catalogue. - Mitchell, Lewis & Stavsr Company, : ;-: ID. T. LA'NVTON", Manager, Medford Branch. County Treasurer's Fifth Notice. OmrF or Covktv Trkasurkii or 1 lli-UUilV I'iMTHTV IIMKIIDV JaclisouvUle. Oregon. June JS, iSM. NOTICE Is hereby given that there are funds in the County Treasury for Uie redemption of outstanding County Warrants protested from November 11, ink to ixovemoer i., isri. Interest on tho same will cease after the above date. . i 59 11-30 County Treasurer. THE FOOT FITTER S- Boot and Shoe Hospital Can bo found next door to Wilkinson's Meat Market. Ladies' Stylish Button Boots, Latest styles in Oxford and Southern ties. HeaTT "Up to Date" men's shoes, also full stock of children's "Wear Resisting" school Shoe8.aBBMassBM Custom Work and Repairing promptly attended to. Prichard. the jewoler, is selling watches from ?2 up as high a you want to go. You fret a good article for a little money. Buy now whilo the price is 'way down. Legal Blanks for sale at this office. G. B. Cole, M. D. DEALER IN HAVE YOU TRIED. -Pride of the Valley" Bakiii o1 0 Powder? IT It' is a Home Production, socon Pure and d to none in the Market, absolutely PIE WWU "fflCHEu And evarytblng kept in a . 'First Class Famfly Brut Store. Phoenix, - - Oregon. -40 CENTS A OAN.- rnA7rn axlej GIIEASE BEST IX THX VOKLB. Vx-wrtnc unwdititm mr mam iiimil J'j