The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, June 15, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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iS Will ML
3LIX03T & TOBK, PuDhshers.
A. S. ELITON, - - - Editor
W. T. YoilK, - . - - Manager
Published Every Friday Morning.
Ke is of few days: but quite a plenty.
h.l.ered in the PostoGlca at Medford, Oregon
as Second-Class Mail Matter.
Medfoed, Friday, Jtjxe 15 1894.
X he vote on governor is now
placed at: Lord 40.75S, Pierce 25.
589, Galloway 17,G79. Lord's plu
rality, 15,169. -
The Pevonteen-year locus-ts are
reported to have put in an appear
ance in New Jersey, Long Island
-and Connecticut.
It is now stated that the Union
Pacific will be running in 30 days
and that the damage to the road
bed from the flood will not amount
to over $200,000.
The nest legislature of Oregon
will stand, politically, like this:
Senate, 19 republicans; 8 democrats;
2 populists; House, 52 republicans;
1 democrat; 7 populists. On joint
ballot, republicans 71; populists, 10;
democrats, 9.
They are having a real pleasant
time in Michigan. A local ex
change says in its issue of May
. olst: "Another snow storm Tue9
. day morning." Michigan is a
pretty good old state, but the "off
years" are not strangers within her
When an Illinois woman learned
that her husband had lost $1,500
-in gambling she did not repine nor
grow hysterical. She calmly sued
the keeper of the game for three
times the amount of the loss and
got judgment. One husband has
parted forever from the privilege of
sneering at the financiering of the
other sex.
Coxeyism seems to have wanned
to a very insignificant nothingness,
and 'tis well 'tis so. No good could
have resulted from Coxey's efforts,
either to himself, his followers or
the people at large. But at last ac
counts he was five or ten thousand
dollars ahead on the deal as a result
of contributions from a well-meaning
but misguided people. Bar
num's theory that "the people loved
to be humbugged" is proven true in
this case.
Ax English veterinary surgecn
-rrJearnedly xp?airt that" thoir&rm
" trougn. is'deTrimental to the equine
race. He thinks that germs are
distributed by means of it. The
human race has been forbidden to
eat or drink anything in any
rational way, but heretofore the
horse has escaped. Let it be hoped
that oats are not poison, and that
hay is not a. cloak forgerma. Mean
while the thoughtful horse will take
distilled water through a disinfected
m m .
The judges of election at Junc
" tion City, Lane county, threw
out twenty ballots at the late
-Velection, because that the
' voters used ordinary lead pencils
. instead of. indelible ones a3 pro
vided by law. This is a pretty
slim excuse and one which judges
of ordinarily good sense would not
figure sufficient to warrant tho dis
position they made of the ballots.
Some people are just enough the
fool to believe themselves possessed
with a keen conception of actual
brilliancy in thus ferreting out . an
imaginary violation of the law, but
not enough to take into considera
tion the intent of the action.
Maxy of the people hereabouts
have been reading of late in the
daily papers of the attempt by
Major Buttz, of North Dakota, to
bribe U. S. senators. While we do
not. consider all our senators proof
against the briber's seductive gold
dollars, in this case the briber, who
Is personally known to both the
publishers of The Mail, is the
wrong man to peddle the dollars.
One of the leading papers of North
Dakota, the Wahpeton Globe, has
this send off for the wily major:
"That slimy old reptile, Major
Buttz, of Lisbon, is at Washington
accused of attempting to bribe Sen
ators. There is nothing in the
charges that surprise any of Buttz's
. acquaintances, because there is
nothing in the catagory of human
offenses which Buttz could not
commit most smilingly. He has
been accused of almost every of
fense, and the Globe believes that
lio man is so wicked as to charge
Buttz with doing anything he has
not done."
The need of a railroad is always
apparent to the people of Klamath
and Lake counties. There is no
question but that a line constructed
from some point on the Southern
racifip to these most prolific coun
ties could be made a financial suc
cess, Medford has been selected
at various . times as the starting
point on the S. P. for a line to the
above country but just as many
times htj tha propDaiuor failed
Ipcaaac of Lick of financial back
ing. Never has the question been
raised as to the feasibility of the
route or the success which would
attend the completion of the line.
The value of the products of these
two counties, in stock and agricul
ture, ought to be sufficient to turn
the attention of capitalists to this
railroad proposition. The products
are of large proportion and with a
means of reaching a market they
would be multiplied many fold.
The broad acres of that country
would be made to yield their
abundance of golden wealth while
now the home consumption is only
planned for. There is not another
railroad proposition on tho Pacific
coast which promises better returns
for money invested than does a line
from Medford to Klamath and
Lake counties, and with the string
on eastern capital loosening, as it
now is, we believe the project can
be handled if the right men get
hold of it and the situation is pre
sented in the light which the facts
will bear out. The following from
the Klamath Falls Star shows the
matter up as it is seen on the other
side of the mountains: .
'The want of a railroad is crying
trom the ground of Klamath land.
It is a want that srarts up before
us whenever we gather a crop for
market; a want that pains us when
ever a stranger yisiting our beauti
ful land expresses himself as highly
satisfied with everything here save
the need of transportation facilities
a want that is ever before us."
The Vote Graduated.
We give below the vote for each can
didate on th-j three tickets in Jackson
county, beginning at the highest and
running- to the lowest. It will be a
convenient bit of information to out
out and paste in your hat for future
Bradshaw . .
. .1501
. 1357
. . l:it
Hermann . .
Newbury. . .
Metchatn 1213
Marksbury. .
Patterson . . .
. .1319
.. 1250
. . 12?5
. . 1202
.. 1141
.. 1056
Mullor ....
Benson . . .
Aldon ....
Cameron . .
Gailowav. .
.. 11S.J
- - 1 1 SI
.. 1157
.. 1155
.. 1107
.. 1105
. . 1076
Kirchressuer 1051
Irwia 101$
Hockersrailh. .2S5
. 871
. 802
. . 7S3
.. 7G1
. 759
. . 745
Morelock . . .
... 710
... G90
.. 603
... 607
. .. 5S3
Electric Light Work Progressing.
The work of putting in our elec
tric light plant is progiessing finely.
About fifty poles are already set and
wires are being put on thorn. The
pole lines will extend from near
the public school building, on Sev
enth street, east to the Bear creek
bridge ; from Seventh street south
on C to Twelfth and north on C to
Second; from near the school build
ing west three or four blocks, and
southwest from the same point as
far as the demand for lights make
it necessary; south on II to Tenth
and north on H two or three blocks
and both north and south on D as
far as the business houses extend.
There will also be branch lines put
up in other localities if lights are
desired. The company now have
over 100 incandescent lights wired
in and the work of placing more" i3
moving ahead rapidly. The com
pany has agreedto put up two arc
lights for the streets free of charge,
but these, of course, will be insuffi
cient for the city's need and it is
probable the board will decide to
have several more put up. The
cite chosen for the location of the
plant will probably be on the
city's property, near the water tank.
The lights are expected to be burn
ing in about thirty days. It is the
earnest desire of the company that
all who contemplate putting in
lights should so express themselves
within the next eight days, as in
about ten days Mr. Baird will leave
for Portland to order an engine and
boiler lor the plant and by the num
ber of lights required is estimated
the size of machinery Deeded. To
make it an object for all to get in
with their orders within the eight
days time the company has decided
to make the rate to them the same
as given the original subscribers,
which is a little less than the price
will be to those who come in later.
As to resident lighting the company
guarantees to compete with coal
oil . in price, and in convenience
there is no comparison.
C. W. Wolters: "Puttine in
electric lights? Well I should say
1 was. 1 can save money by dome
it and get better service. My coal
oil bill averages $0 a month, the
year 'round. I get seven incandes
cent lights for $5.25, and it is lots
handier, ho lamps to clean and
fill and no chimneys to break. I
see no reason why this city ought
not to support a first-class electric
light system. Both Baird and
Stratton seem to be very square,
honorable men and I hope success
will come their way. Medfcyyl, ie
the best city in the Roguevver
valley, and you can gay that "Wolr
ters said so and he knows whp he
is talking about." .. . V
Wi Hear It Said
That The Mail hae 1100 subscribers
and that advertisers fully appreciate
this fact.
That tho graveling of South C street
isn't heating any journals in its pro
gressive strides.
That everybody in Jackson county
has gone populist Postmaster HowurU
included this is a josh.
That electric lights are as cheap as
coal oil lamps a whole heap more con
venient aud give a bjtter light.
That the Southern Pacific company
is making a mistake in putting their
stock yards so near the cantor of the
That tho Portland Talegrara is con
gratulating th.j democrats of Oregon
that they saved their hold-over sena
tors and representatives.
That Grant Kawlings says he will
have the county books exported. He is
now corresponding with parties pre
paratory to a commencement.
That Senator Holt has given out that
no gentlemen need apply for clerk
ship. Ladies application only will be
considered this is another josh.
That the bund boys ni-o keen for a
chance to occupy that band stand and
that our people can pay them no more
appreciated compliments than to build
That County Commissioner Bradshaw
has uu opportunity to prove himself a
public benefactor if he will und his
friends say that is the timber he is cut
That jewolar Pritchard has just ad
ded a lino of musical instrumonU to his
jewelry stock sucb as violins, guitars
and accordiaus and that thvy are nrst
class and selling rensouublo.
That every resident of- Medford is
proud of the progress our you 11 city
is making, and that nearly all are
elated became that they are a part
of a city with such a briliiunt future.
That W. B. Roberts is tho owner in
fee simple of as iina a driving leiim as
one liuus hereabouts a recent purchase
and one which he and his good lady
will drive to the mountains now pretty
soon upon their regular summer out
ing. That someone borrowed a hammer
from Horace Nicholson's work shop, at
the rear of J. Rook & Sou's store on
election day, and that Horace is await
ing its return for a few days before
giving publicity to tho borrower's
That Druggist Strang has taken the
agency for the Victor bicycle. He has
a sample machine and can tell the boys
and the girls, too of its especially
Sne points with an aptness which
proves him "onto his job"' to a cer
tainty uudisputable.
That the Wirth Photo company i
turning out some excellent work and
lots of it. This company is now offer
ing a genuine life sized crayon por
trait and one dozen cabinet phots for
-4.!)5. The crayons alone are worth
threo times this amount.
That Bollinger & Slover have a very
swift crowd of workmen connectcl
with their dray and transfer lino. Mon
day night they took from the Ice works
one hundred cakes of ice. weighing 225
pounds eaob, and loaded them into a
car in just an even ninty minutes.
That a uurnbir of the West end resi
dents, on Sixth street, are anxious
that that particular portion of the
street should ba graded. They want
to shoot the surplus water from the
extreme west end to the water ditch,
near Mr. Woodford's placs. and it cau't
be, "did"' unless the street is graded.
That Smith, he who is right now
noticeable for his goneness, claimed
no "relationship to the Smith family
which makes up a good portion of the
United States' population, and that
the aforesaid family is to be congrntu-
Nasi: or Candidate.
f ttm. GaKownv .... 25 7 M!lNSBSiSIS 4 40 13 t 11 J 10 S 10 S C S 4 TIO
Jjiiluci. Kennedy ... I 3 11 -l 3 -t 13 4 4 i S 0 0 1 0 O O O 0 11 1 ii
1 W m. P. L..M W V.3 147 SS Tt z TS MS CJ 41 M .'. .4 16 13 11 S H 6 1 12 12 ! 11 lis
iNatban Tierce S3 d S7 13 w si 41 To S JU i4 AS 4 10 l.i 37 9 10 U U 1 71 1 Si Si S iJJu lli
EcrssHE Jcrc.
A. S H-nnett S2 17 32 21 Zt x l 1 74 R Tfl S9 S7 21 4 41 P 1 It S IS I 11 S 11 3 9 7 4 74i
J R. y. Boi r lO K ;j 1:1 n S3 41 74 S2 r si 41 M 1 11 J 9 16 4? -.1 72 21 SJ 54 7 UU tVi
IT P. 3 5 14 s 2 ( 4 () 1.1 7 4 3 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 76
I Charles E. Wolverton So 113 1-iJ r U a 21 119 fT to (1 il & .V, 2; 10 12 4 a 17 90 1J 15 19 10 S 1179
f Unrri-on K. Kincaid 101 114 1.-.2 9 S 3 ffllBlW a JI 3 7 CO 22 10 J.I 4 S 14 SI S 14 20 12 2 1214
! K. Mc-Ki-rrhcr 2 10 2 -t 0 1 14 5 2 a 0 0 2 O 0 0 0 1 0 I IS)
1 Charles Nlrkcll 22 21 24 16 2) .tl M IS 4A ( .H 3 II 2 TC S 2 13 7 1 S 12 2S 14 2S a 3 & (-11
(.Ira Wakelleid ..... il M M lis U 54 W 41 76 90 S7 16 S4 54 10 109 40 7 10 U M St 2 70 21 SS 9 UjI 137
State TnE.srr.ER.
IK. V. Cald'ell 89 79 74 SO IS 51 7s si 71 SO ST 21 S3 4 10 112 37 10 9 14 &2 22 2 72 22 SI ? 8 12S3 70
I T. U Havldson 27 31 T- 21 20 -J IS 75 70 M 4 -v 9 1 t.t 7 14 2 10 21 10 SI 7 S 3 7lO
1 Phil-Mcts-cliull ... 97 IIS 1 40 24 45 27 24 122 111 St U 3 47 21 9 12 4 11 6 14 27 10 IS 21 10 3 1.'13
l Isaac N. Klchardson 2 4 IS J 2 2 41943 2 300 1001010 2 1 2v7
Att"t General.
(: J. Ur.xM SS 19 IS4 S3 11 10 S 4300 0011 10 1 SI
JW.H. Holmes .... 30 30 31 22 22 n", 30 16 74 K4 71 f.7 W Is 4 41 10 1 H 5 14 2 It 5 10 S3 6 4
1 Cicero M. Idleman.. M 10H 114 S7 19 40 - I' !!; Bi H tl i !. 21 10 12 4 1 ' C II 24 10 12 19 9 3 1U0
IM. L. Olmsted 82 77 76 S3 16 41 76 37 73 1 47 M W 49 9 111 M 9 s 17 40 22 1 K 2J 31 37 8 12.0 ICo
Helon 1. Harford ..4 6 19SS17I 11 11 43700 70110 0 0141 1 9t
O. M. Irwiu ST. 99 lit 31 19 41 ! 24 109 h7 7.1 44 43 21 6 47 21 10 12 3 10 6 16 Si 11 IS 21 9 1P4
T. V. Jury M 72 71 74 14 41 77 3.1 6V 1.7 36 IS 79 4 9 IU 6 9 16 -V 2t I M) 23 30 34 10 1211 K3
D v. s. Keid s 43 w a: m ii a :i i i Ni ki a 4 47 10 3 14 7 w s n 21 sj 4 T .3
Sttk Pristeb.
fW. H. I-ed 126 ICS IS K 24 4:, 37 3117 121 oj 73 5S SS 6 7t 22 II 12 4 14 7 19 30 12 19 21 10 3 1113 2S
J Jas. H. McKib'Jen... o 4 7 0 2 0 s 1 1J .1 3 2 2 0 3 o 0 0 I 0 1 las
1 Juiiu O'Brien 20 VI 17 16 21 21 13 6i 4.j f,- 47 SI Li 4 27 11 3 II S 14 2 9 '.si 9 27 6 3 60?
tCeo. M. Orion 71 63 47 73 li 46 04 34 67 7S S2 18 76 49 9 lOi 9 17 ) 21 1 TO 21 S! Si 8 1
( Uin;er nerrnonn ... 97 119 143 42 26 40 25 25 Izt 111 1CI 69 47 34 S 60 20 12 10 S 10 S 17 29 11 II If 10 3 11 4J
1 John D. Hurst 0 : 12 J :1 s 6 6 i 8 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 lid
1 Charles Miller f7 73 7.'t 77 11 41 79 39 CI 70 31 1 sl 4H 10 10 S7 6 10 13 47 22 6S 22 29 S'i 10 laJ
I J. K. Wealherford.. Si SO SJ 21 21 aS 29 20 S2 67 49 44 37 a) 4 41 2 II 9 22 2 10 2 10 Si 7 4 4 543
State Board or
t A. C. AuHon 9t 111 V 37 24 44 22 21 117 103 !i 2 43 ."3 5 .1 19 9 12 S 10 R IS 2l" " 12 JO 3 11.2
J.Smliel Dixon ...... 7 M 1-2 -, 12 si K. i 79 f; ; 21 C4 42 10 ll.i i 10 9 14 42 '.2 2 71 21 .S3 8 1 lol'J 147
iH. V. Milchell ' 30 31 ul Xi 15 31 19 77 60 73 44 37 17 4 Si ll I 12 4 18 2 10 SO U W 4 6 4 '"22
District Attorsey,
(Ahe Axtell.. 79 77 7S 69 12 ) 7) fis rJ a, a 77 M 9 106 34 S S 10 32 IS I S 2:1 27 S3 7 1 It' 5
Jlleury L. Ilcnson ... 1'2 148 42 27 37 -jn 27 106 S3 !'S 67 41 27 6 48 16 9 14 3 9 6 Is 2i 11 IS 21 12 2 ll.i 14
(IV. H. Porker 37 31 33 SO 20 4j ) 17 107 87 64 40 38 19 4 41 9 2 II 4 16 6 10 27 9 23 6 5 4 tU
State Senator,
T. Cameron 101 10S 146 oj i 41 R 109 in.-, 96 fit 41 31 S S3 22 9 13 2 9 S 16" 26 10 H 1 11 2
tWm. M. Colvil 31 H 28 31 jcj 34 IT, ja ei t 48 42 23 7 IB 11 6 12 4 13 7 11 SO 1 33 10 a 6. .yO
3. H.JIolt 80 77 81 81 16 64 7J a 80 79 2J 2i 79 4d 7 lil It 4 9 IS 61 17 71 IS 2J , u 12.-4 100
B. F. Adk-fns
92 10S 141 .11 2)
Geo. V. linun
J. A. Jeffrey.
129 11.9 Ell 24
82 94 81 14
Henry I). Kubll. .
llrt :?J 29 2:1
J. W. Markl.'.iry .
1 ui
IS 19
J. ji. K. Moreloclc.
rt. M. Nealon
1 12
I J. II. Stewurt
L Thomas Wright. .
43 22
33 20 18
W. H. Bradshaw ...
A. J. Dalcv
(John Devlin
W 91 103 15
10 14.S '24 il
27 29 IS 22
(J. H. nufTer. ..
96 137 Rl 21
7 104 j6
ii 27 19 22
N. A. Jacob . .
(J. 11. Whitman.
. 16
S Miles Cantrall 40
f rank Gnlloway .... 86
Grant Rawlnigs 79
,2 SS
W 1J. 23 19
71 0 66 lo
fi.W. Barron 83
J H. 8. Evsns. . .;. 47
1 J. W. Hockersmith.. 2
I Sylvester Patterson. 71
m 3? V. Vi
5 it i". 21
CO VI !. ,f
60 H U
(I). Unn 30
?Max Mullor 91
Welti) 83
(Oeo. A. Jacbson 89
J. (I. Marl In 8S
O. U yoolridge lf
SMay (Silsnu S3
(Imh Newbury 99
K. B. Smith 71
!G. Elksnnt 23
Garl T. Jonos 96
K. W. Keuuidy,.... 85
Coroner, ;
SDr; D. M. Browcr. . . 99
Ktrll Kin'huetsner. 77
(C.JJ. Pkcl,!!.... 83
in !S 25
-11 -.
' J b
,m it1, S 12
.2 f!J a! 17
34 1
im ,1? 21
V"! r'
J 62 46 11
I?'.! i?2 -;1
J H 7?
8 122 78 17
l'i2 llll 29 19
4 ft St S3
If Y MM0ilfi
Sbciimatlsm Cured!
Gentlemen: Have U-cn nfilicted with
severe rheumatic attack'' for the past six
or seven year?. I took one bottle of Dr.
Grant's Sarsnparilla and (;-pe Root and
applied Hattee's Congo Oil externally,
and tho result was wonderful it worked
more like magic than medicine. These
two medicines I consider will knock any
case of rheumatism.
447 Montgomery St., Tortland, Oregon.
Torpid Liver.
Gentlemen: I Imvo ben a sufferer
from Liver troubles for many years, al
ways feeling dull, stupid and heavy. It
would take a long letter to tell just how
I did feel; but, thanks to r. Grant's
Sarsaparilla and Grapo Root, my
troubles are over, as four bottles made
mo feel as weil as ever I v:is. I have a
good appetite, no more bad symptoms
and I feel that I owe it all to Dr. Grant's
Sarsaparilla. J. C. ALLEN.
Traveling Salesman Curtis & Wheeler,
Rochester, N. Y.
Price 50 cents. 6 Miles $2.50.
Fori Sale by Strang, the Druggist,
luted that the relationship did not ex
ist. That Uloomor's dozen or more silk
shirts and several fino suits of clothes
were not included in tho sale of hi
other personal property n couple of
weeks ao, and that tho pa:nn echo is
whispering- thfl question: "Who is
wearing these garments? It Bloomer
is who shipped them to him aud how
did they do it and when?"
That Cashier Enyart Is becoming- an
adept at ''snap shooting" with his
Kodak, and that ho is trotting to
jrf'ther a fine collection of pictures.
The on! wherein ho caupht four bi
cycle riders Ike Mullor. Pet Hen
derson. Day Parker and Mort Foster
is a fine cne and a first-class photo of
all the boys. It was causrht when they
wero pasiin? tha bank while flyinjj up
Seventh street on their wheels.
, Staple and faucy goods at the Bij
T grocer v.
nouse and lot for sale. Inquire at
this office.
n-rirs wanted at the Big T jrro
cary store. Mtdford, Orcgna.
For reasonable prices ia stylish
head gear, call on Mrs. C. W. Palm.
Legal Blanks for Kilo at this o.e.
rs -
S 5 5
Z Z -
? 2 ;
39 29 23 121 12! TS 44 47 21 6 M
20 10 12
22 10 13
32 8 9
23 10 8
rfl 9 7
6 I 12
32 9 9
14 2 13
9 1 11
37 21111 !9 81 60 Kl 27 S SO
OH 44 fJ 9 42 41 i4 12!
24 33 103 SS S7 60 44 SO S 47
42 Si M 72 31 31 77 83 8 101
31 C 47 43 44 SS 10 6
76 40 76 70 S6 19 74 42 10 117
A- 11 KS TO Tl AT US l' 2 Hii
14 41
23 46
30 10 14 61 44 G3 42 32 IS 3 33
m 77 33 110 113 44 41 84 47 II 118 M 6
4: E2 19 11" lot 7S 42 70 28 8 81 15 IS
33 27 28 S2 S7 37 23 0 9 3 1
45 30 SO 63 42 123 70 -II .14 7 43 11 10
M s. 5 !,) Vja .t, sl M 41 10 K2 41 4
27 23 11 109 99 84 84 36 14 2 20 12 4
! 60 47 ra 41 m 65 46 !W 3 82 16 3
4, .2i V) 131 t:il 7 M 42 M 6 4il 2) 9
M W 2 72 71 gg 20 78 89 10 107 32 8
K f2" '1 THlfiS 61 4S S5
-' 1 4H 4- 4.1 41 J 17
M 1 4 8 20 1
49 61 3i 77 03 i 23 67 42
3 56 11 10
0 27 7 1
27 16 0
l 31 8
31 S3 25 S5 M TO '2 44 16 242 12 5
' 31 117 110 9.4 69 4'i 41 7 40 IS It
5J 1-2 a-1 72 81 25 17 70 41 10 121 37 6
M 78 89 'M 1"7 37 25 86 ll 9
'12 1111 70 40 4'1 19 I
So 84 29 62 89 8S 57 34 40 8
127 45 8
47 16 9
30 C 3
M 41 a010 70 9 M 67 17 5
87 131 109 76 Cti 41 SO 6 40 l I
49 BS 29 4a 68 a 13 8i 40 9 1U 32
87 S3 1 TS SI 8S 60 89 18 6
- 't '-- 75 53 46 83 4
42 18 2
65 16 9
" 44 76 42 60 67 30 19 82 49
8 110 33
62 77 89 61 B3 81 20 7S 40 10 1112 M 8
41 2. 21 WO S US Rft 40 27 4 M 23 8
4U a ) m 80 79 49 .3 tj i 67 II 4
All Other Reme Jies Fail
Gongro Oil Cured It.
RlCl'llKS, Columhta Co., Obkooji,
December 22, 1S!)3.
O. W. R. Myo. Co., Portland, Oregon.
lU-ar Sirs ,- I have been a trriblo
still'erer from rhcnmut'Mn lor a number
r.f year, and I have tried ahncft everv
r-.-imily on earth without anv e!Iect until
I was'told to use your CONGO OIL
and I purciiawil a liottie, and the lirst
eppiication I f:lt tho
and went to p'.eep in a few minutes. I
have continued umhi; it, and leos than
one bottle remov-d ail trace of my
ar.d I cheerfully recommend it to any
who is Hi'.ii'ei in; from rhcuuiatiem.
Pou LvnavviiKKX.
Prx3 5 jo. and Si. 00 per Djltle.
Good Stuff and Hands Free.
A fe weeks ago P. B. O'Xeil or
dered Tue Mail sent to his old friend.
F. W. Broback, at Ukiah, Calif., and
this is a letter Mr. O'Xell received
under date of June Cth:
Dear old fkiend Barxey: The
Medkokd Mail comes to hand regu
larly. It was vary kind in you to send
it, besides you could not have seut me
anything that would tave pleased me
boiler. I like the paper, and tho y
it dives Into the corruption of the so
called "Jacksonville Ring" Is a cau
tion, and shows that the man behind
the quill is mode of the right kind of
stu!T. and has both hands free. We
have had fine showers here for the last
week, consequently the farmers wear a
broad smile when they come to town.
Politics are all the topx one hears dis
cussed now. Things nave brightened
up financially of late and money is not
so hard to get. Kosoertfullv,
F. W. Broback.
P. S. Regards to all. and threo
cheers for Jackson county aud The
Fine line of cigars and tobaccos at
tho Big T grocery.
For sale cheap Set of doublo bug
gy harness, John Bollinger.
? s C
2 s
1 j
5 I 2
T - i: H
.1 12
17 45
14 46
15 SO 11
15 27 11
S 74 21
II 22 H
12 W 11
12 20 6
37 33 9
9 10 8
31 32 8
S W7
4 12.W
1 1406
4 llui
5 44
4 7.-J
72 -I
9 26
7 2.S
4 4
32 g
7 S
16 4.S IS
62 IS
30 10
27 10
8 17 42 22 78 22 49 33 10
13 4 9 4 IB 2 11 14 W II
13 3 1U 4 12 id 7 14 7 1
1I03 302
11 0 9 7 IS 23 11 15 19 11
11 21 .V! 21 I SJ f' 81 9
12 2 12 -J 9 2J 27 6 6
1401 430
6 IS 5 16 27 40 10
18 4 10 6 8 31 14 12 J' 12
8 14 40 19 J 72 20 26 7
4 963
5 1107
1 1149 42
15 3 7 7 Is 23 7
13 14 24 4 8 23 S
0 4 1 0 1 11 3
6 11 42 19 1 70 IS
11 17 10
21 9 4
3 1076
5 690
11 67
12 S 1
8 12 22 8 32 7 S
1 1 1 3
9 JO W 17
5 17 2S 11 12 19 10
74 21 33 So 10
7 J5 50 13 2 70 23 21 3. 9
0 4 7 5 15 42 8 13 1 5
20 6 IS 13 11 II 12 34 11 11
ISA 250
IS 7 32 11 H 29 7 88 8 4
12 S 8 8 11 1 IS I J;'
8 15 44 11 62 22 l 81 8
14 6 23 15 12 28 W 3' 7 7
11 S 6 14 28 II B ?' 1?
8 1 47 ' 1 72 21 23 8
0 14 49 22 1 65 20 29 SJ
12 H 11 It .' 10 IS 17
Jf 7 J? ? W SJ W
1S74 S2S
Ethel Maud Denny. '
Last spring my little girl was troubled
with a bad case of humor. Her head
was almost one solid scab. I tried vari
ous ointments, etc., bot it availed noth
ing. Our physician was consulted, but
his treatment did not remove the dis
ease. We were induced to try Dr.
Grant's Sarsaparilla and Grape Root.
One and one-half bottles effected a cure,
the humor disappearing entirely and
her health greatly improved. I consider
it a valuable medicine.
Bookkeeper Wise & Co., St Paul, Minn.
Dear Sits: Having been afflicted with
chronic constipation for thirteen years, I
wish to say that I l ave received great
1eneGt from using Dr. Grant's Sarsapa
rilla and Grape Root. I have taken three
bottles, and will continue until I feel
that I am completely cured. Already it
has worked a wonderful change in me
and makes me feel like a new being.
Sherman House, St. Paul, Minn.
Sold Eybbywbk&e.
Big bottle SOc.; 6 bottles $2.50
Medford, Oregon.
He Denies the Assertion.
Tho sorest man In th county la Joe Hockr
smith. Sot sore over hs defeat. Joe ays. but
!oro twaase ao many people lied to hlin. Val
ley Iteconl.
I want to stato in rebuttal of the
above that no voter in Jackson county
lied t-i me regarding election matters,
and I further want to sny that there is
only one man who has lied in the prem
ises and the Identity of that person can
bj easily guessed.
Jacksonville "cws.
Horn In Jackwrnrillf , June 5, 'r9. to Mr.
cnii Mm. Mcrion 'Tavlor. a son. Juae 6ih, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holmes, a son.
Hon. Wm. Colrlp and w. J. Plymale. officer
of the Grsid LoJtre of the A. O. C. W.. will
leav for I'orUand this wecX to attend Urn aa
nubl seasioo.
Cba. II. Piere asd wife, of Seai:te. Tect a
dar here duritc ice trccS. viililnff Inooci. Mr.
; has .roue to look after his timber load
uiiervsu at ue luamatn.
Hon. C. C. Beelcraan. wife and daughter, who
tn-.e fcve-r,lA.?ni Rimo: a Tear, in the ra-t
' hare t.'rarl to Son where licy
i arc riiit.- tiur t.r. TLcr miU return teri
Th- -cb-xvls a: si. Mary's afadey will close
Friday. There not be the anacu enter
lainmoM at th? close. os:ls to tiie illness o!
Sistor s;cpha;,x Th itrs trill lcare in
snort time for roniaui. where Ih-jy will spend
lilt .r lacativn.
Satrue! rh!U:ps an.1 wu.- who started cart
tiro eek; po. ca a visit, mere ceajvi from bj
fnen.i here, aad lh- J are Mi;l in Idaho, hav
ir. beea tu-'.ayi-d oj ucoount of Ltjrh waters.
'Lat tram oc burachack.
Another of Jacksonville's old and respected
cluxcas d:cd at his octse here Sunday taurainir.
(Iir an illness of a months' duration. E.
Ja"ot.. w so wa known thrcurhent the country,
was a tailor by trade, asd has worked at hi
profe.ou at up to toe r.iae he was
tHie-.-n s;ck. I!e a:o carried on a pvnera! mer
ofcaoaise motv, lie iv an active member of
the Ked er. Lodee. A wife and otic dchter.
Airs. N. r'isfcer. cf San Krocco, survive" lum.
Warblea From Wiiaer.
I3Y CilAKLin.
Goo. Carter T;'.te;J f.-ieads In WcoJriile Sat
arday aj i Sunday.
Mt.-s iiertha Sheri'.l. who has boen staying at
Gold Km, la home aain.
Mr. llorthan ts ereclinir a tine barn near
cere .vr. sucrnii a dou.g Hie sas.
J.ihn Xesthamtn-r and Miss Sarah Broth-
Wurta were tiie gueLs of Laura , this
Airs. Kmtna Neathanier was visitinff friends
In Woodriiie last week. She returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Mlair. lookicc hale and heartr.
are la from we mines on JuMp-Olf-Joe, and re
port it snowing in the mountains.
The result of the election is hailed with joy
ia this part of the wood, as we deposite.1 a
iartfe majority of our own roles for lUe popu
lists. . . . -.i.i v.,
mines on Jump iiT J.e. and the miners are
iak:tc a rc: ar.d renins in tho neighborhood
Mr. and Mrs F. Catchum. front Astoria,
iforaierly from M:chu-.uii have bought some
ra.lroad land near Hcrriou's mill, t'bey are
improving iiit-ir runch and are gotsitto build ia
the near latere. They are hustlers and a help
in our Sunday school, and liere is room for
AH kinds of prvduee titkea ia ex-
chitn-ru LumsJon & Bt-'r'.ia.
-Tlie best Cve conl cijrar in Med
ford at Mounce & Soherir.erhorn's.
Mecbanic'ii and contractor's luin
blanks for at this ollicc.
County Treasurer's Fourth Notice.
OrrnTtorcorxrr TicE.srREitorl
Jncksonv.lle. trfsn, June II, 1SS4. )
N OTICE is ht'rr!v civen that thoro are funds
In 1h,t fnm.iv rrt.iirv hii. ft,. Ml.m.Hn.
o( outiiiaiilink; Cvuniv Varrant protested
frooi iHHoUrro. lSt7 to November 12. 16S7. In
Wreat on tho samo will cease after in? a bore
i-lS H County Tt.asurer.
Administratrix's Sale cf Real
In the County Court cf tn State of Orrron.
for tlie Cunty of Jackson, sittiug for the trans
action of Probate businosa.
In tho matter of the estate of C. P. Babeoek.
1 umlprsitHied. asaduiinitratriz of the estate
of C. P. Habcock. deceased, by virtue of an
order and license of tho above entitled court, in
tho matter of tho above named estate, dated
June !, tSvl, will, on Saturday, the Utu da; of
July, lH'.U, at tho hour of 11 o'clock a. ru., of
said day, at the court liouse door, itl Jackson
ville. in said county, oiler for sale at public
auction, for cosh in hand, tho following de
scribed real estate, to wit: Oue hundred and
rorty-nlne (111 feet cIT the north end of lota one
and two in block Park addition
to tho Town of Medford, In Jackson county,
Administratrix of the estate of C. P. Habcock,
Dated June 5, 1SSI. J ltjl 13
"Pride of tlie Valley" Baling Powder?
It is a Home Production, second to none in the Market, absolutely
ruro mil
Call at our. Salesroom f Cor. Sixth
Midler, Tide Grocer.
A Long Full
Is what geti to
These are the kind of Pulls we are
making, and making them win.
A Good Article ;
is always A Saleable Article.
Our Groceries are Prime Article! and
Saleable. In Gent's Furnishing Goods
We lead 'em alL
fKullet1 , The Grocer,
Medford, - - - Oregon.
Hard tin cf, high prices and big profits can't exist in thi
town. We have got the goods and make the prices that
saves the people's money. Have you seen our - - -
mnm,r 01asg Q00ds
LAS, NOTIONS, ETC. A splendid showing of
Which are Rich Ken's Qualities at Poor Men's Prices.---
A superb assortment which includes everything new and
desirable for the present season. Remember, we deal fair
and save your dollars. We buy for cash and sell for cash.
CranfiU & Hutchison,
Sa- : aTKVLK.U 11 hill Mil
Suits ptom
The latest Styles of Spring Suits Ever Displayed in MetaL--S.
Medford, -:- -:- -:- Oregon.
-ciJ -'A .
-it CS BiZ3l SSCt J , '1 izzT&itiXyPiiyi
Champion, and Empire Mowers;
nay iaKei; iuyers nay carriers; Jackson, and IMyers f orks, send
for Catalogue,
Kiishsi!, Lewis & Stayer Company, '
3D. T. HilAVTOIST, Manager.tfcTTl-rancin 1
G. B. Cole, M. D.
And everything ......
kept in a. - - - - -
First Class Family Drm Store.
Phoenix, . - Oregron.
Prichard. the ieweler. ia sellinar
watches from up as high as you
want to go. You (ret a good article for
a little moncv. Buy now while the
price is. way down.
and C street, for a Free Sample.
pie mura:
Steady Pull
In all lines of Business.
15 SO
$6.00 Up.
Iloosier, Johnson, Daisy and Superior
All work first class in eTery particular.
Shop on C street,-
Flour ana1 Feed Store
C Street, Opposite Backet Store,
Medford, - - Oregon.
Baled Hay. Vegetables of kinds.
A. M. Woodford.
New line of eoffee and tea at Lums-
deo it Berlin.
White bed spreads at The Fair,
70 cents and up.
r snmwrni
4 - J-r