The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, June 08, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    MS OF 11 CITY.
J. C. Baird. the electric light man,
Arrived in Medford Tuesday morning,
accompanied by his partner, C. W.
Stratton. The two gentlemen at once
began preparations to commence work I the finest cream
ana Wednesday morning tney oegaa
locating the pole line. They already
have the machinery ordered and it
will be here as soon as they will be
ready to receive it. Before ordering
their engine and boiler they are desir
ous ol arriving at the approximate
n amber of lights which will be required.
The number tbeymay be able to secure
right now will be multiplied by two and
the engine and boiler ordered to handle
this number. It will be tojthe interest
of all to leave their orders for lights at
as early a date as possible. By doing,
this you ill. not only assist the com
pany to arrive at a more definite point
if ojilii!t.inn hut will n9 well hasten
the operation of the plant. The con
venience and direct benefit to be de
rived from electric lights will, of
course, not be fully realized until the
plant is in operation, yet many have
undoubtedly already decided that they
want them, but the number will be
greatly augmented when the lights be
gin to glimmer. It is an enterprise
which ought to be encouraged by all
live, enthusiastic citizens and the
sooner this encouragement is given the
sooner we will get the plant in work
ing shape. The company is styled the
Medford Electric Light company.
-Green is the fashionable color these
days! Not for dresses, but for wrap
ping paper. You-can see it on the
streets, in the homes, in the farmers'
wagons as you pass tbein on their way
home from town. -' Tis used for wrap
ping all manner of dry goods, boots
' and shoes, hats and caps, and ladies'
and eents furnishing goods. All comes
from the "New York Store," Medford.
Among the several people who
came to Medford last winter in quest
of a location was Mr. John McNeil and
family. "Thev arrived here about the
first of December and remained about
six weeks, during which time Mr.
McNeil drove about the country con
siderably looking for a location but
could find nothing to suit him. They
decided to trv California, but not
liking it there they went to Kansas and
Colorado. These places thei did not
like and Mr. McNeil is now again in
the Rogue river valley. He is making
a second tour of farm hunting in the
himself that he will find something to
sueL -As soon as he finds that - for
family who are now in the east. Great
is Oregon greater than them all, and
everybody who is so fortunate as to re
side therein ought to congratulate
You will be wanting some crockery,
perhaps, this spring. Baby has proba
bly broken a number of pieces during
the winter; perhaps your kitchen help
and the policeman have been working
up a trade for the crockery man in any
case you can get full sets or odd pieces
of almost any quality or style at Wol
ters, the grocer.
Last Thursday little Bertha, the
ten year old daughter of Lardlord J.
G. Ireland, of the Clarendon, while
playing with a dog was badly bitten
through the arm bv that animal. The
child complained of the arm paining
her a few hours later but the parents
thought it was nothing serious but
when they saw the arm Saturday morn
ing they were alarmed to ao small de
gree, as they well might be,for her arm
was black for some distance around the
wound. Dr. Geary was called and
ftr m. fnw hours treatment the patient
began to improve and is now all right
again. .
- G. L. Webb's Racket just received
more new silk and cotton laces, silk
mitts and gloves, also a new lot of
millinery ribbon. It is useless to say
that they are bargains, because every
one knows they are the cheapest in the
city. .
Geo. F. Merriman was unfortunate
last Monday in getting his hand se
verely cat. Be tells that he did it in
striking a candidate but no person be
lieved him he's too good natured to
do bodily harm to any one, yet he
could strike a hard lick if he felt so
dimmed but he don't. The accident
was the result of his colliding with the
berahop. He Stepped through a hate la
the walk and in endeavoring, tome
raAt-M. fail -'r struck" his hand on
The nine, makine a severe wound Bad
nearly driving the pipe througkbi4
hand. -f C
Warm weather is very close ' onto
us. . You will nndoubtly need some ice.
Curry & Johnson are agents for the
Medford Ice Company's ice. Leave
orders with them and receive prompt'
A. M. ' Kerr, representing the
Cushman telephone company, has been
in Medford for the past seveiai days
endeavoring to interest some of our
people in a telephone line project be
tween this city and Jacksonville. He
is also in hopes of putting in private
lines about the city. These are pretty
close times to open up new projects but
in as much as our people are a people
of progress it is more than probable
tho gentleman will meet with somesuc-
Gentlemen! Did you know you
could get a good all wool Oregon made
suit at the Racket, ordered direct for
you. -Call and see samples and get
The Golden Rule Mission band of
the BaDtist church will give an enter
tainment in the opera house, on Thurs
day evening. June 14th. The enter
tainment will consist of recitatations
and songs, following tnis mere win
be refreshments of ice cream, coffee
and cake served. All are kindly asked
attend.-. Bv -so doing you will not
only help a good cause but will encour
age the young people in their mission
of doing good. Doors open at 8 o'clock.
Something new! A full line of
John D. Cutter & Co's spool silk and
twist in black, white and colors, a No.
article at G. L. Webb's Racket.
J. . Meeker is making many im
provements about his residence, on
West Tenth street. He has put up
three new porches and a bay window,
and the outside of the house is to be
riven three coats of saint by the
Slurray boys and the inside is being
painted and papered throughout. Take
the place from all sides and its going
to be a beauty when all improvements
ire completed. -
Ladies! Do you want a nice dress
hat at bard times prices. Come and see
the ready trimmed ones at G. L.
Webb's Racket.
A spiritual medium recently, while
in a trance, told Dr. Bobkin, of Port
and, where a pirate, who sailed these
shores many years ago, had buried a
treasure, consisting of $150,00.) in
money, besides precious Btones. The
place is on the Carnahan farm at Clat
sop, and in a second trance the exact
spot was located. The ground was all
dug up but no hidden box found.
Why pay 20 cts. a pound for com
mon mixed candy, when you can buy
the finest cream candies for 25 cts. a
pound, at the new candy store?
At the regular services, next Sun
day morning, at the Presbyterian
church, the pastor will preach a ser
mon on Our Duties to Our Children.
In the evening children's day exer
cises will be held and will consist of
recitations, declarations and concert
exercises styled the "Dyke Builders."
All are invited to attend.
A splendid stock of new millinery
is now on sale at the new store of Mrs.
C. W. Palm, opposite Clarendon hotel.
Work on the Barnum aud McAn-
drews brick buildiugs is at a stand
still for a few weeks owing to lack of
brick. It was only figured that these
buildings would go one story high but
now the owners have decided to go up
two stories and also put the second
story on the building now occupied by
Redneld Bros.
Long waistod. glove fitting', P. N.
corset, always on hand at Angle & Ply-
male s.
Medford will needs add another
voting place before another election.
The law provides that only two hund
red and filty votes can be polled at
any one voting place. Both the north
and south wards polled more than this
number this year hence the necessity.
A full line of fresh groceries at
Wilson's - new grocery, McAndrews
building sign ol the big T.
T. P. "West has his new dwelling
house, corner of Fourth and A, nearly
completed. It is 16x24 feet in size,
sixteen feet high with a 12x14 wing
and porches a plenty. When fully
completed it will be occupied by J. W.
Lawton, the horse clothing man.
New goods! New goods!! Big ship
ments coming every day, for the JNew
York Store. Come early for choice
Very little business was transacted
at last Tuesday's meeting of the city
council aside from allowing several
bills. An ordinance was passed re
auiring a license to be given by bill
posters. 3. Coeti was granted a liquor
How does this catch you for a bar
gain? r lve 1 pound Dars ot Jiorsesnoe
soap for 25 cents, at Muller's grocery.
At the M. E. church next Sunday
there will be preaching at the usual
hours. In the evening eighteen little
girls will appear on the platform and
by them will be given recitations and
singing. Everybody is cordially invited.
Wanted Thirty tier of black oak
wood at Central Point schools. In
quire of A. M. Ford, Clerk.
The organ and piano agents, who
were here for a couple of weeks re-
centiv disposed of five or six instru
ments during their stay. Mr. Warner,
we understand, will be a permanent
agent for this company in this city.
Clothing! Clothing! The latest in
spring and summer suits just arrived
at Angle K i'lymaie a.
Tressler has his contract of
errading and graveling that portion of
C street in front ot Mrs. Stanley's bank
Drooertv completed. He has also fin
ished putting down an eight foot side
walk in front ot the same property.
Ladies', children's and men's hose
at the Fair, from 2 cents up to To cents
a pair.
A. M. Woodford has opened a feed
store in the rooms recently vacated by
Mr. Pntcbard. on bouth U street. Me
aims to carry a full stock of goods in
this line and hopes to eventually add
new lines to the business.
Infants' and children's mull and
lace caps, the cheapest, at Mrs. C. W,
D. T. Pritchard has moved his
iewelrv store back to his old stand, on
Seventh street. Mr. PenwelL who
formerly oecuprei- Uus place has moved
to the building, east of K&skius tli ag
store, the IBM street.
7 STvAiHTt'r Portrait given away
maor .CTAT J t Muller's. It will
8. TT!. is i making several im-rWTp-4sts
about bis fine home prop
erty. A new kitchen, pantry and batn
room is being built to toe residence, a
cellar is also being dug and a new barn
The Stetson hat is the acknowl
edged king of men's head gear Wol-
ters, the grocer. Keeps mem.
Attorney S. S. Pentz has recently
been making many improvements
about his fine residence and spacious
grounds by the erection of a new barn
and considerable fence.
Straw Hats! Fifty dozen of all
styles and grades just received at
Angle & fiymaie s.
North Medford polled 258 votes;
South Medford 286, total for Medford
544. Two years ago we polled 334, in
crease of 210. Pretty good little city,
this Medford of ours.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Tho State Horticultural society of
Oregon will meet at Ashland sometime
next month.
-Ladies' gauze vests, 10 cents and
upwards at Angle & Plyinale's.
Stove wood is legal tender on
subscription at this office. Bring us
in some.
Horse, harness and buggy for sale
or trade at a bargain. See Whiteside.
The Central Point schools want to
buy thirty tons of black oak wood. See
Screen doors for sale at Wallace
Woods' lnmbor yard.
A. M. Woodford the new feed store
man, will have an ad in next ween s
All for a nickel: One La Semilla
cigar Mounco & Schermorhorn.
Dr. Cole's new drug ad appears
elsewhere in this paper.
Moneyto loan Hamilton & Palm.
William Owens has a fiual proof
notice in to-day's MAIL.
Is better than cure, and you may pre
vent that tired feeling by taking Hood s
Sarsaparilla, which will keep your
blood pnre ana iree irom aciu taint
aud germs of disease.
Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or
gripe, but act promptly, easily ana eia-
ciently. 25c.
Go to G. L. Webb's Racket for
paper patterns. Catalogue and lush-
ion plates sent tree on application.
Estray Mare.
On the night of Friday. May 11th,
there estraved from my farm, six miles
east of Medford, a brown mare, 10 or
11 years old, one white hind foot,
branded "A P" on left hip, foretop cut
off, end of tail also cut off, little white
in forehead, had shoes on front leet.
Will pay all trouble and expense for
her return.
C. A. Newstrom.
Postoffice address, Medford, Oregon.
I can fit you out in anything you
may need in gent's furnishing goods or
groceries I. M. Muller.
Land and Horses for Sale.
The Populists Take All County Off!"
ces Except School Superintendent
and One Representative.
The State Has, Without a Doubt,
Elected Entire Republican Ticket
Lord's Plurality About
I have for sale ten acres of choice
resident or orchard property, situated
in North Medford between the city
and the business college. Will sell
reasonable and in acre tracts if pur
chasers so desire. I also have a team
of work mares, medium weight, and a
lumber wagon for sale.
Wm. Churciimax.
Medford, Oregon.
Three good resident lots for sale
about thirty large, thrifty fruit trees
on property. Inquire at Mail office.
This Is a Bargain!
Forty-three bags of coarse salt.
One Syracuse 10 inch plow.
One large lot of office pigeon holes.
One keg of spikes.
One large grocer's coffee mill.
One fine, large counter with nest of
drawers full length.
Two town lots near Clarendon hotel,
50x100 feet.
All of the above property will be sold
very cheap for cash. Enquire of Ed.
Smith, the watchmaker, on Front
street. The same party wants to trade
a fine new watch lor horse and car
House and lot for sale,
this office.
Inquire at
Have you seen those nobby hats at
Muller's? If not, you should before
purchasing elsewhere.
Attorney Fitch has the fence com
pleted about his fine building property
on north a street ana it's a great
improver of the premises and the fence
is a good one.
Mechanic's 'and contractor's leitf
blanks for sale at this office.
Dr. Kirchgessner has received
word from Lakeyiew stating that
smallpox is prevalent there. To what
extent the letter did not state.
-The best five cent cigar in Med
ford at Mounce & Schermerhorn's.
Tavlor Pavne has purchased two
building lots, on South C street, from
Lumsden & Berlin and is preparing to
build a residence thereon.
All kinds of produce taken in ex
change ljumsden cc Berlin.
tn. rottenger has added new
beauty to his pleasant residence by
putting up a neat picaet lence.
Get groceries at L M. Muller's,
corner beventn and u streets, Medford.
-There is going to be a whole heap
more fruit in the valley than was fig
ured on a lew weeks ago.
Second hand cook stoves wanted jat
me y arieiy store.
S. S. Wilson is serving- as deputy
marshal in a manner most acceptable
to the people oi this city. .
Try a pair of "no rip 'em" Bull
breeches, at Angie & Plyinale's :
The Why and wherefore.
There is nothing marvelous in the
fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla should
cure so many diseases. When you re
member that a majority ol the disor
ders "flesh is heir to'' are due to im
pure or poisonous condition of the
blood, and that Hood s barapartlla is an
effective and radical blood purifier, the
wnoie ining is expimueu.
Besides its blood purifying qualities,
Hood's Sarsaparilla contains the best
known vegetable stomach tonics, diur
etics, kidney remidies and liver iuvig
orants, and is thus an excellent specific
for all disorders of these orders, as well
as for low condition of the system, or
That Tired Feeling.
The Misses Clark are prepared to
do dressmaking. Rooms over Tayler's
shoe store, Medford, Oregon.
Camp Meeting at Central Point
The Rogue River camp meeting will
commence June 12th and continue two
weeks. A. number of prominent min
isters will be in attendance. The
grounds are in good condition for camp
ing purposes, and a large attendance is
expected. The boarding house on the
grounds will furnish good hoard at rea
sonable rates to those who prefer board.
Grain and hay can be had on the grounds
and pasture near by for horses. Those
coming from a distance over rail can.
bv paving lull lare ana taking a receipt
for same at starting point, ootain a cer
tificate Irom the camp meeting wnicn
will entitle the holder to one-third
regular fare over the Southern Pacific
lines. All letters of enquiry answered
w. li. moo re, secretary.
R. C. M. A. Jacksonville Oregon.
Second hand goods wanted at the
Variety store.
Staple and fancy goods at the Big
T grocery.
riarried Hanley-Roberts.
Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair.
Election day in Jackson county upon
Monday, June 4, 1804, was a day which
will bo referred to as a day when the
populists took every thing pretty
nearly. It was a surprise to both the
old parties. As a matter of fact it was
a surprise to the populist. They didn't
know their gun was so heavily loaded.
It has proven without a doubt that if a
flock shot was taken at the voters of
Jackson county the shot wouldn't need
to scatter much to hit lots of populists
Returns lire not all in on the state
ticket but enough localities have been
hoard from to give the republicans a
clean walk over. Lord's plurality is
about 10,000 with the remainder of the
ticket following closely behind.
Josephine county gives a complete
republican majority said to have re
sulted from the democrats giving their
support to the republicans. Benson
gets 200 plurality.
In Portland republicans elect nearly
all municipal officers.
In Medford the democrats elect G. S.
Walton, justice ot the peace on a vote
of 260 to 190 for W. H. Hembree, pop-
The Medford republicans get Isaac
Woolf for constable Woolf 305, J. It
Hardin, populist, 1S1.
We had hoped to give a full tabula
ted vote of each precinct in the county,
but as it cannot be made absolutely
correct until the official count is made,
we only give the summary this week.
The full vote, by precincts will be pub
lished next week.
The Portland Telegram of Wednes
day evening has this:
Taking the returns that are in. and
figuring on proportionate changes
throughout the state, the result on the
state ticket will be about as follows:
Lord 34.000, Pierce 25,000, Gailoway
18,000. In the first congressional dis
trict Mr. Weatherford soems to have
run ahead of his ticket, yet Hermann
will have about 1500 plurality. In the
second district Mr. Ellis will have over
4000 plurality, while Waldrop will have
from 1U00 to 1j00 more than Raley.
Klamath county is reported to have
gone almost solid republican. Lake
county not heard from.
Galloway, d 60S
Kennedy, pro "0
Lord, r 1159
Pierce, p 1316
Supreme Judge:
Bennett, d 722
Boise, p 12C9
Hackleman, pro 75
Wolverton, r 1135
Secretary of State:
Kincnid, r 1147
MeKorcher, pro 133
Nickeil. d 565
Wakefield, p 134S
State Treasurer:
Caldwell, p 1313
Davaison. d, n
MctscbutCr 1014
The oaiy Pure Cream of Tartar rovvder. No Ammonia; Ko Alum.
Used in Millions cf Homes 40 Years the Standard. -
At Grants Pass, on Sunday, May 27th,
Rev. McLain pronounced the ceremony
which joined in the bonds of matrimony
the hearts and bands or Mr. w. r . tian
ley and Miss Grace E. Roberts, both of
this Dlace.
jar. tlaniey is wen Known nere&oouis,
he having been engaged extensively
for a number of years in stock raising,
and all his friends will be glad of this
ODnortunitv to congratulate.
The bride is a Missouri laay ana nas
resided in Jackson county only about a
year, but sufficiently long to make a
great many friends. She is a very fine
voudc ladv and one well fitted to pre
side over the happy home which her
husband will doubtlessly make ready
for her.
The Mail congratulates both and
hopes the future may al ways be as rose
hued as i is now pictured and when
monthB have grown into years the past
may be looked back upon without the
least tingling of regret.
Simmons' second hand store, In
Medford, is the cheapest place to buy
goods in the valley.
It's sound old fashion, and expresses just what
yon meant, after having purchased something
of no aecount. Now there Is no humbug about
Simmons Liver Regulator. Borne imitation or
substitute may be offered you instead, but none
will give the relief irom Indigestion, Dyspepsia
and BiUloasness like the gennlne .Simmons
Liver Regulator. You know it by the Z on
every package, ana the relief It gives.
RicbarJseu, pro
Attorney General:
Bright, pro
Holmes, d
Idleman, r
Olmsted, p ,
Supt. Publio Instruction:
Harford, pro
Irwin, r
Jury, P
Reid. d
State Printer:
Leeds, r
McKibben, pro
O'Brien, d
Orton, p
Congress, 1st District:
Hermann, r
Hurst, pro
Miller, p..-
Weatherford, d S9
Member State Board Equalization
1st District:
Auldman, r 1179
Dixon, p 1306
Mitchell, d 71
Prosecuting Attorney IstDist:
Axtell, p 1277
Benson, r 1160
Parker, d 793
State Senator:
oCaineron, r 115'
Colvig, d 755
Holt, p 1252
Adkins, r 1141
Dunn, r 1216
Jeffrey, p. 1402
Kubli, r 1092
Marksbury, o llol
Morelock, d 559
Nealon, p 1209
Stewart, d 736
Wright, d 598
County Commissioner:
tfradsbaw, p 13n4
uaiey, r 11
Devlin, d 531
County Clerk
Buffer, r 1067
Jacobs, p 1494
Whitman, d 537
county Kecorder:
(Jan trail, d
Galloway, r liuz
Rawlings, D 1152
Burron, r 1063
kvitns. d . 6
Hockersmith, ind 233
fatterson, p llol
County Treasurer:
L,lnn, d a
Muller, r 1153
Welch, p 1234
uounly Assessor:
Jackson, p lain
Martin, r N 1059
Woold ridge, d 750
School SuDerintendent:
Uilson, "J
Newbury, r . 1208
Smith, p .'.. 1042
County Surveyor:
Ulksnat, d no
Jones, r 1169
Kennedy, p 1224
Brower, p 1276
Kirchgessner, r 1092
Pickel. d 815
"Discount" is a word that catches
all eyes. When these eyes have-seen
our gent's woolen goods and you learn
of our 25 per oent discount we will catch
the buyers. I. M. Muller, the corner
You will find a fine assortment
ot Parasols and Umbrellas, cheaper
than the cheapest at Angle & Ply-
J. E. Ruwmel was in from Climax
last Saturday.
Alex. Orme was a Grants Pass vis
itor this week.
Merchant Wm. Angle is oyer in the
Siskiyous ou a business trip.
Mrs. A. J. SLOVER Is up from Grants
Pass visiting with her parents.
Landlord Purdin left Monday morn
ing for a week's visit at the fair.
N. A. Jacobs left yesterday morning
for a visit to the midwinter fair.
J. M. BROUS left Tuesday evening
for a week's visit with Salem friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart loft
Tuesday morning for the midwinter
Capt. W. S. CROWELL went to Grants
Pass Tuesday evening for a business
Dr. JONES was over on Jenny creek
last week looking up some timber. laud
Mrs. Taylor Payne returned last
week from her quite extended visit in
A. M; Wilson, of Josephine county.
come up last week for a visit with rela
tives hereabouts.
Miss Dora McMahon left Sunday
morning for Ashland where she will
remain during school vacation.
Considerable street grading is be
ing done in West Medford, at and near
the corner ol Tenth and I streets.
John O'Brien and son. Emmett,
wore in from ADoletrate last Saturday
and Sunday upon business with our
JOHN Ortii and Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Cronemiller, of Jacksonville, left
Weduesday morning for a two weeks'
lsit to the lair.
G. A. BURNETT, a young man from
near Talent was in Medford Saturday
making ready for a prospecting tour
up Coleman creek.
J. H. Brantxeii was over from
Applegate a few days this week visit
ing his old time'friends aud attending
to considerable business.
Mrs. F. L. CRANFILL returned from
Eugene Saturday morning, at which
place, and other Willamette towns she
has been visiting for seme time.
Rev. Reese P. Kendall was out on
Griffin creek this week visiting his
sons-in-law, Messrs. Aaron Andrews
and Jos. Foley, and their families.
Mrs. E. W. OOAN. of San Jose, ar
rived in Medford Monday evening and
will remain for the summer in Med
ford with her sons, I. L. and Rcnus
Mrs. E. W. Carder left Wedne.-day
morning for a summers visit with Mr.
Carder's relatives at Soquell, Calif.
The ladv iroea for recreation and in
hopes of improving her health.
Mr. hd Mrs. J C. BOLSTER, of Rose-
burg, stopped off in Medlord Monday
evening for a few days visit with their
cousin, M. M. Pickering, and family.
They were returning from the fair.
C. T. KOE. a photographer, and a
used-to-bo partner of G. C. Wirlh, of
this city, slopped off in M dford Mon
day for a visit with his old friend. Mr.
Noe was en route to Lakeview where be
expects to open up a business.
Mrs. Kate Kesler and little daugh
ter, of Buffalo, New York, niece of J.
M. and Mrs. Guches, of Griffin creek.
and a cousin of Mrs. G. W. Priddy, cf
Medford, arrived in Medford Saturday,
on an extended vUit among her rela
w. T. York, of The Mail, is over
at Florence, Lane county, this week
looking after his farm interests, lie
has 140 acres of land inside of the in
corporate limits of that city, and, as a
matter of course, It Is worth looking
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and JOE GOLD-
STONE left Medford Friday evening for
Eucene. where they will visit lor a
short time with relatives, after which
the brothers will prepare to prosecute
heir business enterprise as suivea in
The Mail a couple of weeks ago.
Mrs. .Wm. Mitchell and little
daughter, of Portland, were in Med
ford a few dayr last week visiting their
uncle. Merchant F. M. Plymalo, aud
family. Mr. Mitchell is an traiu em
ploye of the Southern facinc, runniug
between Roscburg and Portland.
Mrs. Nettie Harris was down from
Tolmans springs this week making
final settlement ol her nushands estate.
Mrs. H. has been appointed guardian
of her little daughter, Blanch. She
reports Mrs. Angle doing a good bus
iness at the springs and Dusincss in
creasing as the season advances.
C. M. Fries and son, Amos, of Cen
tral Point, were in Medford last Friday
making ready for Amos' departure for
West Point, whitht-r ne goes to accent
a cadetsbip in the U. S. army training
school. Amos is an exceedingly ortgni
young man and Tue Mail is positive
he will acquit himself with honor.
W. H. HosLER was over from Wil
liams creek this week attendiug to
some tax matters, lie reports both
himself and son as doinga great amount
of ork on their placer mines and that
these mines are rich with the yellow
raetul suys he wouldn't trade his Wil
liams creek interests (or half of this
Mrs. Fred Barneburo and daugh
ter. Miss Mollik, Mrs. E. Wilkinson,
of Medford, Mrs. JOHN miller,
daughter, Miss Mollie, and son John,
Mrs. AS. rKIM. miss Aimit
Cronemiller and Marvin Taylor,
of Jacksonville, left Medford Sunday
morning for a few weeks' visit to the
midwinter fair.
W. P. H. Legate was down at
Hornbrook recently, looking after his
miuing interests. He reports a wondr-
ous amount ot activity in various ways
in that country. Savs the mines are
blnomln? and that Pokeiraraa is com
Incr tn the fore in fine shane with her
river full of logs and the building of
another big box factory talked of.
E. T. JonNSON, owner of the Major
mine, on Annlecate. was iu Medlord
Sunday. The gentleman stated that
he had an eight loot ledge oi goou pay
i n it rook. While this ore is not high
i mil ii there is so ereat an amount of it
as to make the mine a paying invest
ment. Mr. Johnson is desirous oi tag-
Iiid- in as a nartner some one who has
capital sufficient to put up a mill.
H. H. McCarthy and W. Bailey
were over from their mines Monday
These gentlemen have recently gotten
DOBsesslon 01 a vaiuaoie piauer uiiua uu
Jackass creek and which they are now
develonlnir. Thov have men at work
sinking shafts aud in other ways get-
t.inv nuuiv lor a run. f rom mree imus
of dirt they washed sixty cents in gold
a pretty good prospect. THE Mail
hones rood fortune has headed itaolf
their way and will stay with them
they deserve it.
W4 arcfi 1. Griffin pj)
Only a Scar Remains
Scrofula Cured -Blood Purified by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"C.L Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. :
" It Is with pleasure that I send a testimonial
oncoming what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done
for mj daughter. It is a wonderful medicine
and I cannot recommend it too highly. Sarah,
who is fourteen years old, has been
Afflicted With Scrofula
ever since she was one year old. For five years
he has had a running sore en one side of her
face. We tried every remedy recommended, but
nothing did her any good until we comraeuced
using Hood's Sarsaparilla. My married daughter
advised mo to use Hood's Sarsaparilla because
K had cored her of dyspepsia. She had been
troubled with that complaint since childhood,
and since her cure she has never been without a
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla tn the house. We
commenced giving it to Sarah about one fear
ago, and it has conquered the running sore,
Only a Scar Remaining
as a trace of the dreadful disease. Previous to
taking the medicine her eyesight was affected
but now she can see perfectly. In connecUon
with Hood's Sarsaparilla we have used Hood's
Vegetable Pills, and Bnd them toe best." Mac.
Makia J Err fix. Xcnla, Illinois.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache.
Indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all druggists.
Ion. The brUlency ll imparts is marvelous.
By iu healing mod cleansing tendencies TAN,
SPOTS, ETC.. arc a(.'Iy rcmovtHl. Try it. It
will ivc you an amearafice ot elegance and re
fine menu Tula micr combines every element
of beauty and purity and is as barmiess as dew.
For sale by druggists.
ANTED Pushiaj? Canvassers of good ad
dmtg. Liberal silery and expense mid
weekly; Permanent position. ISitoVVN HltoS.
CO., Nurserymen, Portland, Oregon.
The Pomonsett Orchards.
That beautiful tract of laud lving im
mediately south of the city aud known
as the Fordyce place has lately been
purchased by W. E. Coul, secretary of
the Irrigation Company, and he has
platted it into two and one-half acre
tracts under tho above title. This is one
of the most bc-auliful tracts of land in
the Roua river valley and lying as it
does K'ilhinjr three-quarters of a mile of
the business center of the city makes it
really the most desirable property ever
offered for sale in this valiey.
The prices, terms and conditions
under which this land is sold show en
terprise and energy, viz: The land is
sold for SiSO.OU per acre as follows:
First payment one fifth: balance in two.
three, four and five years, without in
terest. The land is Dlauted to fruit
trees as the purchaser may dictate and
cultivated for five years without any
additional expense to purchaser, at
which time a good healthy, bearing
orchard is turned over to him. Pur
chasers, who have good reasons for alo
ng so, mav draw out what money thev
have paid on account of their orchards
after two years, by giving three month's
notice of a desire to do so.
We are glad to aee these large hoid-
ngs surrounding tne city improved
and divided into pieces of a size suita
ble to men doing business in the city.
and we have no doubt that this piece
will be sold out during the summer.
The Orchard Home company have done
good work and have in the past two
years disposed of two hundred acre
tracts to the west of the above purchase,
and further from the city than is this
Knterprisos ol this nature ougnt tooe
endorsed and supported by our citizens.
It is a fact that fruit growers make
money here, and tho more fruit grow
ers we have the more money we make.
Prosperity is catching.
Has It Ever Occured to You
That Medford enjoy? a great many things
hleh larfcrr cities lmekr
That many people here in town donl know
that we have
A beautital jisiwxcnoot noave. ana uu we
will be compelled to build another very coon.
A business colleev. occupying a whole build
inc. built expressly for that purpose.
A kinarrcarv n.
Six chun-hc. and seven denominations.
An ice factory.
A brewery.
A distillery.
A lanre flour mill.
A sash and door factory.
Two lumber yards.
A furniture factory.
Two hotels.
Two livery stables.
A bank.
An opera boose.
A half ooxen lair grocery houses. -
rive clothing and dry goods houses.
Two millinery stores.
Two hardware store.
Three implement houses.
Two candy faetories-
Three second hand stores.
Three Jewelers.
Twopoik packing honsffs.
Two phouieruph galleries.
Three bakeries.
Two feed and commission atorss.
Two furniture store.
Two blacksmith slops.
Fruit warehouses.
in.i nrt..r ihim iC a brirht. newsv paper
that Is thoroughly Unbued ith a belief In the
power of mind over matter, and that a proper
combination of brain and muscle has more of
the elements of progress and prosperity in it
than law and politics can knock out.
1 HB xwunu&n.
T gro-
For Sale.
Eltrhtv acres of trood farm land
fenoed and cross fenced; interest in
water ditch: will sell stock and tools
with farm if wanted. Situated eigh
miles north of Central Point. Inquire
of K. E. Drum, Table Rock, Oregon
For reasonable prices in stylish
bead gear, call on Mrs. C. W. Palm.
3 " it
J I - l
Are never quite complete unless your larder ia
supplied with the best and freshest of Groceries.
A Happy Household
Is one that is well fed.
No Housewife
Can prepare a palatable meal if she has not
good material with which to work.
Wolters, the Grocer, supplies these articlea.
A Well Attired
Gentleman is always pleasing to look upoa.
For a very little money Wolters can fit tou
out to fill the bilL His
EAre bean ties
H. M. BALL. Pres.
Tacoina, Washington.
CAPITAL !1,000,000.
Sec'y and Superintendent.
Jackson - County plume
Has opened a Land Department
and is prepared to transact
a General Real Estate
Because of our connections both on the Coast and in the East our facilities
for placing property are unexcelled. Address correspondence to
W. T. SHURTLEFF, Land Agent.
Offices i- Hamux Block. MEDFORD OREGON
For sale cheap Set M ?-M )
gy harness, John Bellinger.
Fine line of cigars and
the Big 1 grocery.
v.. ;
Effirs wanted at the Big
eery store, Medlord, Oregon.
Cheap handkerchiefs at Tho Fair.
2 cents and better.
Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
Killed by a Falling Barn.
The Ashland Tidings in the follow
ing tells of the death of J. C Durkee:
The particulars 01 tne accident are
obtained from Charley Durkee, who
was with his father at the time, tie
nas bavin? a new barn built at his
f irm about four miles north of Ashland.
and on the day of his death he and
Charley were engaged in tearing down
the old one. iney naa sirippea ou
tho siding and were using ropes and
tackle to lower the timbers The
frame being loosened they planned to
thmw it all over a certain way and
loosening up the stay, took thoir lines
to lower it. Instead of going as they
oxnocted the frame fell back, crushing
Mr. Durkee unuvr ine weiKnt. 01 mo
heavv timber. Charley escaped with
a slicrht bruise. The carpenter at
work on the new barn a short distance
name within a short time, out tjuarloy
had already taken his father from un
der tho timbers ana tne two carnea
the bruised and unconscious man to
the house. Dr. Parson was sent for
and found Mr. Durkee still unconscious,
He rallied however, and was able to
iitand on his feet A trash over three
inobos lonr was cut across his head,
but there was no fracture of the skull.
Th richt shoulder was dislocated and
the ligaments and some of the bones
broken. The ribs on the right side
were terribly crushed and it was
doubtless in that region that the fatal
Injury was reoeived. Everything was
done that could be. but to 110 purpose,
his death ocourring before night of thel
same day. J
Mr. Durkee ' was only recovering
from a protracted lllnesa-Jjf .--many
mouths, fanii blood polsoningSnd had
-bin the post two or three months
n able to do light work. The whole
aanmunity sympathize with the bo
javed family."
and sold or handled
oot and Shoe Hospital
Can be found next door to Wilkinson's Meat Market.
Ladies' Stylish Button Boots,
Latest styles in Oxford and Southern ties. Heavy "Up to
Date" men's shoes, also full stock of children's "Wear
Resisting" school Shoes..i 1 1
Custom Work and Repairing promptly attended to.
Applies to the photographic as well as the culinary art. For permanent and reliable PHOTO
i.u.irti, patronize a reiiaoie rnotograpaer. iuu can never ao better lhaa to
your photo work made by the
The above name on a Photograph is
a gurantee of excellence
and per
manence. We furnish everything in the photographic line. Call
at our gallery and examine work, and get reduced prices.
Seventh St.,
Medford, Ore.
All kinds of Factory Woric Furnished upon
Application. Free Delivery to all parts of the City.
Agent for Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Company, Medford, Orksok
fvERY Pair Guaranteed.
aoores3sv6am Franci&o Oku
a-j -