- 4. - Better "As old m, thehilia"and never excell xed, 'Tried . and proven ' is the verdict of millions. S immona Liver Recu.- lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicine to -which y o a can pin your faith jr a curs.sA mil 4 laxa tive, ' and purely veg etable, act ing directly .on the Liver and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all J)ruggist3 in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicines. I have used yourSimmons Liver Rego iator and can conscienciously say It is the tine of all liver medicines, I consider it a nieuiclne chest in ltelf.-GEo. W. Jack jCoa, Tacoma, Washington. -STEKI PACKAGE'S JOaa the Z Stamp in red on wTappejv Tj, an Pills -t'-Tlias' F. Oake?, Henry C Payne, Henry . '. Rouse. Receivers. c. w ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. - XJ s ; Puihnaa ,.legant Jparists Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars I Minneapolis Grand Forks t CROOKSTON f Helena and ... - - r -TO- gWCAGO " WASHINGTON! ' fHltAOEtPHIA jlEW YOR BOSTON AND ALL JOINTS EAST AND SOUTH 4 A-P.- CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, fSb. 121 First St., cor. TVashingtonJ PAST AND SOUTH Eagle roint Eaglets. - . - 4y talbo.. Tom Nichols made a business trip into Medford last Friday. Ben Hicgjnbothflm, .of J5ig Butte, came down Sunday for .a week's stay.. : . .The republican club will hold a meeting on the coming Saturday of this week: W. H. Bradshaw reports the hail as yery severe at his place, com pletely ruining his wheat. The singing service for (his week will be held at .Mr. Brown's, on Friday evening. All are invited. .Senator Cameron, of Jackson ville, was in Eagle Point and vicin ity for two or three days last week. Miss Celia Brown, of Jackson ville, came out on Sunday - for ''a brief visit to her father and family here. Porter Robinett and Wilbur Ash role will start for California next week, where they have secured work. The preaching service on next Sunday by Rev. Fysh, will be to the children, at 11 a. m. All in vited. " Messrs. Holt, Marksbury and Jacobs, populist candidates, ad dressed a people's party meeting here on Saturday last. France Plymale, of Medford, was out last Sunday in search of his better half, who has been visiting for a week with Tom Kichols and family. The Methodist brethren held their quarterly- meeting at the An telope church last Saturday "and Sunday, a basket dinner in con nection. Eli Dahack started for a new country last Thursday in wagons and driving his cattle along with him. lhe state of Washington is his destination. Services at the school house last Sunday' night were well attended and well conducted by Kev. fysh Rev. W. B. Moore, of Jacksonville, was to have preached, but was un able to do so. W m. Mitchell, the mail carrier from here to Leeds, reports much timber down as a result of the storm on Friday. In one place there were twelve big trees dowu in the road in one pile. S. C. Taylor, of Leeds, who has just completed an extensive tour of Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Illi nois, has just returned to Jackson county to his home, reports times much harder in all the states where he lias been than here. This section "was visited by a se vere wind, rain and hail storm on last Friday evening. -The wind bjew down much rail fence and a few straw sheds, fruit trees, etc. Limbs of forest trees blocked the road in some places. John Willis croft's barn is a complete wreck. The hail cut gardens to pieces and did much damage to young fruit, also cut the wheat badly in some places. Nothing like it was ever known here before. A CARD OF THANKS. We desire to heartily and sin cerely thank our many friend?, both at Eagle Point and Medford, for the kind and timelv donations of food, clothing, etc., to us, because of our being burned out. May God, who giveth all good things, reward the kindness of your hearts abundantly. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Joitxstox. 7 "ispaaknotoutofwaakturmlted 3 yj but from proof . . 3 m m. mm. mm. LAKLI MUST GO. Since COTTOLENE has come to take Its place. The satisfaction with which the people have hailed the advent of the New Shortening Gottoene evidenced by the rapidly Increas ing enormous sales is PROOF ' POSITIVE not only of Its great value as a neto article of diet but is also sufficient proof of the general desire to be rid of indi- , festible, unwholesome, unappe tizing lard, and of all the ills that ' lard promotes. Try . at once and waste no time In discovering like thousands cf others that you have now $0 USE -. FOR LARO AEFUSC ALL BU0ST1TUTES. eV Genuine made only by 21 &C0..4 I mm FAIRBANK ST. LOUIS end who has been quite sick, is, we are glad to say, convalescing, Everybody is rejoicing because of the nice" rain" Friday evening, which crops were badly in need of. Miss Lube Dodge, our present school teacher, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, near Medford- I. Harris, our road supervisor, did some good, and much needed work on the roads in this vicinity, some time past. A brother and sister of Mrs. Stacy, from near Portland, are here on a visit. The brother she has not seen for thirty years. Dr. Renfro and Rev. Slover ex pect to begin meetings at New Hope church, June 27th. A largo crowd and a good time is expected. The singing school conducted by Mr. Bebee, at Antioch school house and New Hope church, is well at tended and progressing finely. Politics not very lively in this neck of the country, although sev eral candidates have spoke in var ious places, among them were W. Colvig, II. S. Evans, G. Rawlings and J. Jeilries. - Lake Creek Creekjett. .. ; BY ZIP. The chronic rain growler taas.ceased his growl tag and the sticky is adhearlng to his boots with tenacity and ha Is rejoicing .that his feet are no Jaw. '-. A large grisly bear took up his board and lodging on Dick Stinger's catUe range, and is helping himself to pick's cattle, no has do voured throe head, among them being one cf his best milch cows. Oh, if Manafraldofabear was up here a few days he would wax valiant at the sight of such a monster. Lake Creek was enlivened on the evening of May 10th, by the presence of four populists ean-dldates-rMessrs J. A. Jullry, George A. Jackson Grant Rawlins and W. H, Bradshaw. The meeting was called ti order by your humble writer and Mr. Jeftry, the silver tongued orator, was introduced to a Jarge audlence-Kxmsidor ing the inclemency of the weather and he held the audience spell-bound tor nearly two hours, only wjien tnterupted by cheers and laughter. The financial affairs were ably discussed. Mr. Bradshuw came forward after considerable so licitation and declared himself "ring proof," tf olccled. Owing to the lateness of the hoiir Grant Rawlins and Mr. Jackson thought it would be asking too much to hold tho audience any longer. We know Geo. A. Jackson, the candidate tor assessor, to be a good man, for he has been our next door neighbor for the past twenty-flve years till tho Jast three years a good neighbor, untarnished integrity, a genial gentli innn In every respect, fully competent to assess Jackson county none more deserving nor any who will carry a heavier vote In tbelr immiaiale neighborhood than will Mr. Jackson. $100 Reward, 9100. The reader of this paper will be plea sed to learn that tliero is at least one dreaded disoaso that scionoa has boen ablo to euro in all its stuyrss. and that is Cnwrrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh belnff a con stitutional desoase, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure U takon iuternslly, aotingr directly up on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, therhy destroying the founda tion of the disease, and givpig tho pa tient strength and assintin? nature in doin its work, Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers' that they offer Ono Hundsed Dollars for any cusa it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. R J. CHESXY & CO ' Toludo. O. 3?Sold by Dru2gist-s 75c. Toots From Tolo. PACIFIC COAST ITEMS. NEWS NUGGETS' PICKED UP WEST OF THE SIEBRAS. .' INVESTIGATING BRIBERY CHARGES. Route SUOTHEBH PACIFIC CflMSY. STRESS TEA 1X3 LEA VP DALLY. PORTLAND Are You Insured? It not, now is the time to provide your sell and family with a bottle ol Chamberlains Couc Cholera and diar rhoea Rtsmey as an insurance against any serious results from an attack of bowel complaint during the summer months. It is almost certain to bo -needed and should be procured at once. No other remedy can do its work or take its place, zo and al) cent bottles lor sale by G. H. Haskins, Medford. Soatb &Hp.m I iris p. m no:15aic LT. Lv. Ar. Portland -Medford San Francisco Ar. Lv Lv. Jworth 8:20 a. m 5:05 P. in 7:00 p. m - ai.Tr. tratne ainn fit si) stations from Port land to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent, fenedds, Halscy, Harrisburg. Junction City, Irving. Eugene and at all stations from Bose- porg to Ashland inclusive. EOSEBCRG MAILr-DAILSr. 330 a. m I Lv iSaO p. m j Lr Portland ' Koseburg Ar I iitO P. m Lv i 7:00 a. m Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Pullman Bufiett Bieepers and Second Class I Sleeping cars auacncu wvlu iuiuuru . between Portland and Corvallia. ; . -WEST SIDE DIVISION. Vftii train dallv. exeent Sunday: ' JO a. m I Lv Portland Ar I y3S p. ra 12:16 p m i Ar Corvallis Lv pa p. ra At Albany and Corvallis oonnect with trains EzDress Trains daily, except snnday: J:tOo. mILv Portland ' Ar j 8:25a, m S iS d. m I Ar McMInnville Lv I os a. m a-TJirno?h tickets to air TioinM in the Eastern states, Canada and Europe can be ob- laiord at lowest rates Iroin w. y . bippuicou, Agent. Medloro, S. KOF.HI.KR E. P. ROGERS. . .Manager. ' Asst. O. F. & P Agt PORTLAND, OREGON. ' MHUIHIU s DANIEL COFER, lATg qr sxcaiMCNTo. Contrafitmi a Specialty." flarjg and Specifications Furnished at reasonaDie rates. - I have 200 new deslgnes of Cottage homes those wishing to build would do well to es- aajln them. . - poarorrcE Box, 7? MEDFORD . r - yRF.GQN, jSHOW I1Y " -A young man informed his sweet heart of liis love or ner, ana sne saia,ru yvu ao, ij, aiiow jj.tr no oocs Viiiison's Monarch Sarsaparilla yon what a pc wer it is to cleanse the 1 tne enure system, removing Is and all diseases arising rroiu. rata vDl hare no other i is trae to Its name AosU' Medical Col in the World's great let it Vd He Knew its Worth. Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent phy sician of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, and Has been actively engiiged in the prac tice or medicine at taut place lor the past thirty-Sva year3. Oa tho 2dth. of Mav, while in Ds Moines, en route to Chicago' he was suddenly taken .with an attack of diarrhoea. Having sold. Chambarlian's Colic, Cholera and Diar- roeba Komedy for tho past seventeen years, and knowing its reliability, he procured a cent bottle, two doses of which corapletly cured him. The ex citement and change and diet incident to travel ioe often produce diarrhoea. Every one bhould procure a bottle of this Remedy belore leavio? home. For sale by G. H. Haskins, Medford. Kanes Creek Items. Griffin Creek Gathringa. i BY OCCASIONAL. Mrs. Stephenson's little daughter, Bessie, is seriously ill. Mr. Gray and famil v, of Medford, moved on Griffin creek this week, to make it their home. Clayton Pickering, of Medford, pgnt the week visiting Floyd Fratey, on Crooked creek- Messrs. McPherson and Wilson have been spraying their fruit trees. in order to get rid of all fruit pests. Our road supervisor is getting the roads in good shape. We will soon have the best roads in the county. Mrs. Guches, of this place, has been stopping in Medford several weeks, taking care of her daughter, Mrs. Priddy. Mr. and Mrs. Swenning, of Iowa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. True, of this place, and will spend the: sum mer here, to enioy our excellent climate. . , The farmers here are looking much jjaore-cheerful of late, since the showers. We don't hear any- thine more about failure of crops Our valley is always saved, even at the last minute. A crowd of young people gath ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. F. Griffin's Wednesday night, and the evening was passed very pleasantly with singing and music Messrs, Heartley and phernll gave some yery entertaining music, Mr. Sherrill acting as organist and Mr, Heartley at the yiolin. Damage by Recent Kalna A Boy Illus trates Suicide Fatally Gored by a Mad BuU-n-Attorneys targe FeesA Spokane Fireman Killed. A temperance conirress was in session .at San Francisco last week. Many prominent person attended and the sub jects under discussion were ably treated. A circus given by the. ui00" at San Francisco was a big success, financially and otherwise. The proceeds were de voted to. charity. Oscar Osen of San Jose rode from San Francisco to San Diego on a bicycle in 8 days and 22 honrs. The distance is 620 miles and the roads are very bud in places. , William Schirm committed suicide at Los Augeles. He was despondent over the death of his wife. Two children of S. V. Cochran of Monument, Or., died suddenly from eat ing wild parsnips. Bolton Rogers has been appointed chief of police at Seattle. The great Northern is preparing to put a line of steamers on Paget Sound to compete with the Northern Pacific It has been declared in a Tacoma court that reassessment for street work is valid where the first assessment was not legal. Alba H. Frost, a young San Jose clerk, failed to appear at the hour fixed for his marriage to Miss Hilda Biebraclc The federal grand jury at Los Angeles has returned another indictment against C. D. riatt and ex-Chief of Police Har ris. They are charged with conspiring to commit an offense against the United States. Two men put a woman out of the Presbyterian church at Cosmopolis, Wash., and were subsequently acquitted of assault. The husb.md of the woman then thrashed both men. . Clarence Lane, an 1 1-year-old boy at Eugene, Or., showed some younger chil dren bow a recent suicide shot himself. He put the pistol in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The shot passed through his tongue lengthwise and lodged in the back of his neck. The G. Shindler Furniture company of Portland, has made an assignment. The property of the firm is valued at $300,000, while the liabilities are ffiO.000. McCudden and Frey have been de clared elected trustees at Vallejo, Cal. The election was held last March, and the contests have just been decided. The Grand Lodge of Knights of Pyth ias at San Jose voted down a resolution to discontinue the allowance of mileage to past grand chancellors. Mickey Dclaney, a prisoner at Folsom," dng a tunnel beneath his cell nine feet in length, by means of which he intend ed to escape. Special Agent Pierce of the Oregon agricultural department will be at Ash land June 13 to begin an investigation of the new twig disease in orchards. Barry Baldwin of San Francisco has been appointed United States marshal for the Northern district of California. Peter Filanc, aged 74, was gored at his ranch near Son Bernardino by a mad bulL - The bull's horns passed through the top of his right hipbone into the abdominal cavity and Filane was thrown over the animal's back, re ceiving a long wound In his body. W. S. Leake has been appointed post master at Sacramento. High water prevailed in Washington and Oregon as a result of the recent heavy rains. The Skagit and Columbia rivers rose to high-water marks and overflowed in many places. Several bridires were washed a ov and nnmer- The trial of Lieutenant Maxwell for 0as wheat fields were ruined. In Cali- duplicating his pay checks is going on at (fornia the downpour was generally in- m' ALPHA. rienty of rain down this way. The political pot is boiling hot. Geo. Stcidhain has returned from the midwinter fair. Mr. and Mrs. D. Penniger spent Sunday at J. G. McDonalds. The Misses McClendon, of Sams Valley, were calling on friends here Sunday afternoon. Mr. Harvey, of Central Point, closed a very successful term of school at Willow Springs last Mon-dav. Judge Reid, of Tacoma, who? has the McDonough mine, near Tolo, bonded, has a party of experts ex amining it with a view of putting in a hydraulic plant. -The regular subscription price of The Mail is $1.50 a year, and the reg ular subscription price of the Weekly Oregonian is SluiO. Any one subscrib ing for TnE Mail and paying ono year in advance can get both The Mail and the Weekly Oregonian one year for $2. 11 old subscribers paying their sub scriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the same offer. Cheap handkerchiefs at Tho Fair. 2 ceats and belter. PERSONAL. Tho senate Committee lleglna Work A Kovrspaper Man Questioned. The senate bribery investigation corn mittee began a secret inquiry into the connection of the sugar trust with tariff legislation: . E. J. Edwards, author of the Holland letter in tho Philadelphia Press, was De tore the committee for several honrs. It is known he presented his written memorandum giving some of the sources of the information contained in his let ter. He declined to state his authority for the information that Secretary Car lisle appeared before the tariff sub-committee (Jones, Vest and Mills) before the original senate bill was reported, and in sisted that sugar be given protection, because of party pledges made before the election, or for the statement that Carlisle himself had revised and had written the sugar schedule. This sched ule, as prepared by Carlisle, he said was still in existence, and the fact could be definitely ascertained by summoning the members of the finance committee. The other statements, .the authority for which Edwards declined to give, were that $500,000 was contributed by the sugar trust to the Democratic campaign fund of 1802, and members Moore and Seley (who be said were Senator Brice'a brokers) had been in possession of the latest amendment to the tariff bill, when Voorhees still insisted that no amend ment bad been agreed to. This firm, he said, had a representative in Washing ton to whom amendments were handed. Edwards stated that, according to his information, money had not been con tributed directly to the national com mittee, but given to other organizations. Nor was his information positive that the sugar trust, as such, made a con tribution. It may have been through individuals with the understanding that in base of. success the trust should be protected against damaging legislation. He instanced the statement by Governor Waller of Connecticut before the inves tigating committee of that state that wealthy men of New York contributed $100,000 toward Democratic success in Connecticut Edwards said half had been contributed by Havemeyer and half by E. C. Benedict. He said it was notorious that the leading members of the Democratic party in Colorado had been in consultation with wealthy Dem ocrats of New York prior to the elec tion. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, III., was told by ner doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her. but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and sho says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers. 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else ther Doujini one Dome oi ur. jungr s ev Discoverv and in two weeks was cured He is natuaally thankful. It is such rosults. of which these are samples. that prove the wonderful efficacy ot this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial Dottles at G. H. Haskins' Lrug Store. R.-jrulai size 50c and $1. For Sale. J. W. Lawton, o DEALER IS 0 ' HARNESS AND gADDLERY -Order Work Given Special Attention. REPAIRING IS RIGHT IN MY 'LINE. SEVENTH STREET, -o- MEDFORD, OREGOX. . V mm QONTRA0TOR and gUILDER, JOBBING AH work OF ALL KINDS. guaranteed first-class. Plans and estimates famished all kind of work either brick or wood. for work of al Fifteen acres of excellent fruit land two and one-half miles north of Jack' sonville. on Gold Hill road. For par ticulars write to. or call upon, A. j Nicholson, Medford. Ore. Bills ot LUMBEB of all kinds Sited on short notice. Sash. Doors and M1H Kinds any uung in the shape ot wcod work can be naa on snort notice. 3kXeclford, - - - - - - Oregon.- J. R. WILSON, GENERAL BLAKfflfl miin..nn . 1 ! I I t 1 1 i i 1 " AND HORSE SHOER. "Wagons and Bugpies IMade to Order All Work Warranted First Cass. (or. C and Eignt streets Medford, - Oregon. MOTEL MEDFORD Formerly Grand Central. Best Accommodations in the City Rates Reasonable. Only white help employed. M. FUBDXH, Prop Sheriff's Sale. 'A Small Doctor Bill. Fifty cents is a small doctor bill' but that is all it will post you to cure any ordinary case rheumatism if you use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, Try it and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it offordB, Tha first application will qniet the pain . 50 cent bottles for sate oy u. u. easterns, Aiemora. vTry it and let U IJorth Beagle finales.. " 1Y X. XV Z. - . G. R- Myers, an industrious and energetic farmer, is hauliog logs tor the Welch tiros, mill. The youngest, oi of L Jf arris by sun KOSA. Mesdamcs "Knotts and Swinden spent last Friday visiting with Mrs. iiirdsey. Mrs. Birdsey. and Chas. Colton were transacting business in Med ford last Saturday. Miss Florence Gibson will leave Tuesday morning for Coles, Calif., to spend the 6uuimer. Mrs. Klock and Mis3 Nellie Chamess spent one day of last week visiting with Mrs. Swinden. Mrs. Wav, of this place, has gone to Galls creek to spend the summer with her daughter. Mrs. Kussell Mr. and Mrs. Boggis, of this place were visiting Mr. Lawrence and family, of Galls creek, one day last week. Prospectors and miners are be coming quite numerous in this sec tion of country, especially quartz experts. Tho Roaring Gimlet mine, owned by Messrs. Knotts,- Swinden and Birdsey, i3 proving to be a bonanza. The quartz mine on Galls creek, owned by Hay, ot Uold llui, is showing some very good prospects, from all accounts. Walter Yocum, accompanied by his sister, Miss Zella, of Jackson ville, spent Friday and .Saturday with Mr. Knotts and family. Wc are informed that the dance at James Taylor's, on Galls creek, last Friday night, was quite a suc cess, which is reported by those that attended. Everybody seems to te uttering songs of joy since the heavy rain of last Friday, especially larmers ana gardeners. I he wind that accom panied the rain did pmfl slight damage to fruit trees, almost up rooting them. Messrs.Everette, Davidson, Smith and Robinson, all of Tacoma, Wash., are here at the present time, with a view to mining purposes. The former gentleman, Mr. Everette, is a consulting mining geologist and chemist at law. JSlectric Bitters. This remedy Is becoming so well known and so" popular ,aa to need no special mention. All who have used IJlectrio Bitters sing tb,o samo song of prai80.-rA purer medicine docs not ex ist and it is gauarantoed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases ol tho Liver iuid Kidneys, will nemovo Pimples, Boils, SaltRheum and other aftections caused by impure blood.' Will drjve Malaria from the system atid prevent as wel) as cure all Malarial fevers.-Fpr pure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Elec tric Bitters Entire satisfaction guar anteed, or monev refunded. Prico 60 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Gs H. Has- Omaha. Es-Grand Master Powderly has not been expelled from the Knights of Labor. He simply stands suspended. Corbett and Jacksoa will not fight after all. Both have drawn the forfeit money posted last year and the match is declared off. Emannel Laslter defeated Charles Steinitz in the international chess con test which has been running for some time in American cities. Laskcr is now champion of the world. Miss May Burn ham of Springfield, Mass., was married a few days ago to Ynng Kwai, formerly connected with the Chinese legation at Washington. An effort in the Metropolitan club at New York has developed having for its object the expulsion of Ward McAllis ter, the ex-king of New York city's 400. The engagement of General Ezeta, vice president of Salvador, and Ida Dent Wright of New York has been broken off by the lady. Ezeta's home is in the poseebsioii of rebels and Salvadorean af fairs are so unsettled that tho voting woman thinks it is a hazardous step to marry the general. fCLjjsprugstorei Attention- In time to any Irregularity of th Stomach., Liver, or Bowels may prevent serious consequences. Indigestion, costiveness. headache, nau sea, bilious ness, and ver tigo indicate certain func tional derange ments, the beat remedy for which is Ayer'a Tills. Purely vege table, sugar-coated, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is the ideal family medicine the most popular, safe, and useful aperient in pluur niacy. Mrs. M. A. Bhockwell, Harris, Tcnn., says: "Ayer's Cathartic rills cured me ot sick headache and my husbaud o( neuralgia. We fhlnk there Is No Better Medicine, and have Induced mapy (0 pse it. "Thlrty-flve years ago this Spring. I was run down by hard work and a succession of eolils, which made mo so feeble that It was an effort for me to walk. I consulted tho doctors, but kept sinking lower until I had given up all hope of ever being better. Happening to be In a store, one day, tvliora medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed piy weak and sickly appearance, and, after a few questions as to my health, recom mended me to try Ayer'a rills. I had llttlo faith In these or auy other medicine, but concluded, at last, to take bis advice and try box: Before I had used them all, I was Very mucl bettor, and two boxes cured me. I am now 80 years old; but I beleve that II it had not been for Ayer's rills. I should ave been hi my grave long ago. I buy $ boxes every year, whlcl paake 210 bojtes up to this time, and I would no more be with? out them thaa without bread.1' IL Tngraham, Bockland, Me. AYER'S PILLS vt : j t t. t n i fir rrt Twnll. Van "Livery Po?e gffc!v9 junons. Fruits were damaged exten sively and " considerable cut grain was ruined. While practicing on a ladder. Captain George M. Chapman, a fireman at Spo kane, fell OS feet and was killed. He was superintending the placing of the ladder and lowered to an unusual angle. The firemen objected, because they did not think it would be safe to climb it Captain Chapman thought otherwise and began to climb. Just as he reached the last round the ladder broke. He was a married man, 27 years old, and had been with the department four years. E. J. Boland, ex-husband of Mrs. Cora Palmer, who testified in the McWhirter caee at Fresno, was arrested at Stock ton on a telegram from Fresno. Boland contradicted his wife's testimony. In the Oregon circuit court Messrs. Fay and Gest, attorneys of Seattle and lato counsel for the bondholders of the Oregon Pacific railroad, obtained a judgment against Jamos A. Blair, Jo seph Wharton and Alexander Brown, Eastern capitalists and bondholders of the company, for $48,000 for prof essional services rendered daring 1S93. One item of the bill was $ 10,000 for securing the removal of T. Egenton Hogg from the receivership of the company. . The Royal City planing mills at New Westminster, B. C, were damaged f 100,000 by fire. At Junean, Alaska, Dr. Alexander von Gunther, a recent arrival from San Francisco, shot and slightly injured C F. Fencher and G. M. Mason during a fight to gain possession of a drugstore. The Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias, in session at San Jose, ad journed after electing the following officers: Carl E. Lindsay of Santa Cruz, grand chancellor; George Samuels of Oakland, vice chancellor; C F. Mo Glashen of Truckee, prelate; A. G. Little of Dixon, master of the ex chequer; H. Shaftner of San Francisco, keeper of records and seals; E. O. Clark of Dnnsmnir, marshal-at-arms. Thomas B. Upton of San Francisco, T. H. Wag. staff of San Francisco and George Bus sell of Santa Barbara were elected trus tees. - In the Circuit Conn oC the S;mtc ot Oregon fur Ibe Coun'.y ot Jacluon. Patrick K. Oriatt and Sarah l OvtAlt, riaiaUSa, vs. FnncU Pitch and W. W. CardweU.l Defendants. ) BY V1KTCE OP AX EXECUTION AXD onlerot ule dulv Issued ou: ol the Circuit foart ot tfee late ot Orrcon for Jackson cuuntv. dateo tile Ul cay ot May. UV4. upon a decree rendered oa Uir 3fcb dav of April, lift, in favor of the above named plain tiffs and afralnt said defendants for toe turn ot iliM milh Interest from January s. 1:W. al eihl per cent, per an num and me further mm of 631.36 costs and dh bursraenu and the rosu of and upon this writ: t have dulv levied upon and wtU offer for sale according to ihe provisions of said decree and order of saio all the rtsbt. UU and interest in and to lhe foiVowlnr described property, to-wit: The undivided one-third Interest, of. In and to the follow ok described premlaes, situated ui bring In Jackson coumy. Oregon, viz: NEiJofSWVi and X i( of XEi ot section seven, township 37. S of K two west. Also, ao undivided one-lhird Interest of, in. and to the mining quartz lode claim situated in Willow Springs mining district. Jackson county, Ore- Son, being partly on the aforesaid land and des :uaied. located and described as tha Morning mining claim. Also an undivided one-third in terest of. in, and to that mining quartz lode claim situated In the W illow Spriugs mining district. Jarltson county. Oregon, being partly on the aforesaid land and designated, located and described as the Comstock of Oregon min ing claim. Kxceptingand reserving, however, from sale hereinunder all buildings, fixtures and machinery ot whatsoever kind or nature on or affixed to the said land or mining claims. Said property will be sold as aforesaid al the from door of the Court House in Jacksonville, Oregon, at o'clock p. m.. to the highest bidder fur cash, on Saturday, jtiue S3. ll JuHN K. l-ELTOJf. Sheriff ot Jackson County, Oregon. Dated May S4, ism. Sheriffs Sal In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon tor me county ci jscason. James Gaines, Plaintiff, ) vs. I Julia A. Edwards, Win. Edwards f and Jamos ttarvay, Defendants. I TY VIRTUE OP AN EXrXUTION AND 1 J order ot sale issucd'out ot aud under the seal ot the above Court in tho above entitled enuse. dated Auril :in. ISW. unon a decree dulv rendered in said Court on lhe tin day ot April, 1?4M. in favor of James tiaines and against the above named defendants, tor the sum of Two Hundred TwenlV-Kic it and l U.U ICBS.VS) Do! lars with Interest there. m at the rale of 10 per cent ner annual and the further sum ot rlftv t .). Dollars attorneys fees herein and the costs ot and upon this writ together with costs and disbursements, 1 have levied upon the fol lowing described property, to wn: Lot seven teen tITl in block No. twenty-two (Sal In the city of Medford. In Jackson Couu-.y. Oregon, accord ing to the recorded plat thereof, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurte nances inercunio oeiongiug. In acoordauco with the provisions ot said de cm I win on Saturday, Juna 23, 1894, at i o'clock n. m.. at tha front door otthe Court Mo'ise, In Jacksonville. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, all the right, title and interest oi toe aoove aetcua&uis in ana to ine ajove ucsonocu prupenj. JOHN E. i-sxros. Sheriff oi Jackson County, Oregon. Dated May in, ism. To Land Seekers. We have 40. CO and 80 acre tracts of land near Medford, at pricos and terms to suit the times, H sola within the next 10 days. The Jackson Co. Flume & Irrigation Co. - Are You Going East? If so and desire to go via Portland and enjoy the luxury, safety and com fort of a trip over the old reliable North ern Pacific Railroad, you can do so from Grants Pass and all S. P. points iq Southern Oregon as cheaply as by any other route. The Northern Paoitto runs through trains from Portland to St. Panl daily without change of cur-e free colon tst sleepers, elegant Pullman and Tourists' sleepers accompany every train. For tickets and full Information ap? ply or write to A. U. Charlton, Asst. General Passenger and Ticket agent, Portland, Oregon, or to S. F. Cass N. P. Ticket agent for Southern Oregon Fire, National Bank, Grants Pass, Ore, D. H. MTLLER, DEALER Df Hardware, Stoves, Tinware i and fine Building Material. CUROUGHT iROfi RflflGES.. Warranted Cutlery, Carpenters and Bonders Tools. Fishing Tackle, Ammunition Ete E Red jacket Force Pomps, for deep or shallow wells. Tin Shopr Attached . . . . cfcW W S3.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles, fs! tt.Na vOL 62-GO, S2 for Worklngrrron. gM?i Kt3k nCW S2 and SI.75 for Boys. My LADIES AND MISSES, IMWSW' fck S3,8a.60S2.$l.75 I '"-Jl:" " CiUTtOX-ir aarr dmlar W. L. DOUCLAS Shoes are .tvltsh, easy fitting, and give better atlsiaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L DocUs' name and price oa the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who vear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. I Doutrla Shoes gain customers, which helps to Increase the sales on their full line of goods. Ttuy ai aHord to awn a av laaa yvaH!-, aacl w battovt Tea csua nv vamey tv hr-Hng sal joor fi.utaeaj f the deader adoa tli ii batew. I'-f' 't" M txpoa apptleaUoa. W.X SO(KsLA& rrtnffrtan, Haa - Medford. Oregon For Sale by A. C. TAYLOR, t'-t-t man j - - Has ever been known to have the Cholera who had his shaving and hair cutting done at THE PALACE. CLEANLINESS I A COMPANION TO OOOLtHCSSI Our baths are two bits each. Seventh street, Medford, Oregon. THE PALACE. Sheriffs Sale. In Connection with the Hotel Medford. W. Lv. T0WSSKND, Propr. County Treasurer's Third Notice. Orrtcc or County Tbsasdrkr or I Jackson County. Ohkoon. V Jacksonville, Oregon, May at, ISM. ) NOTICE Is hereby given that there are rands in the County Treasury for the redemp tion or qotstandlng county warrants protested trom September 8, I8S7, to October 7, as per the following numbers: hM, s11. W8,1I. 4S10, WN, 43US. 4H07, 4, ll. , , W45, 3Jf4, 4SI3, B75, 4378, 4S711, MI, V,S1. 4SO. 45B5, i."4. -HWi, i.77, 4.VB, 4M1, 4M, 4W8, 4MT, 4383. 4SS4. 4I7, 4SS1. 4SM, -tW), 4AM. 4M4, 4M3. 4&t&, 4549, 45M. 1W, 4I3. H7, 4M), 4SI, 4X17, 4333, 403. 4.S, 4904, 4331, 4lrt. Cfril, 43Sa, 4.174. 43H5, 4 US. 4544, 4453, 4443, 43fo. 4SO, 4.n, 43U, 4330, 6. 4518, 4u33, 41X1. 44TS, 43S7. Interest oa (he some will oease after Uieaaoveoate. n.vm. ra.S5-j-15 County Treasurer, jiaiui atsnursetnenis ana me aecruuut and upon this writ, I have levied upon lowing property to-wit: Deponing p) feet south of the Ell or inside cor- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Itoseburg, Oregon, Ml Notice la hereby civeu thai the : named settlor has filed notice of his to make anal proof in support and that said proof will bo Mav 91. 1804. e flillowln. lit. Intention of his claim made before the county clerk of Jackson county, Onursn. at lackaonvtlla. Oremn. oa Saturday. July 7. 18V4-, vie John Clements, on homestead entry No. 67W, tor the WW of NE and WUol SEW. section 30. township S3 s R 3 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous restdenoe upon and cultivation orsaia lana, viz: a. I, rem ana nooen uen VI riuinvi Alum uviwmi w -.wuuw --. Balpb Dean, ot Central IHjlnt, all ot Jackson county, uregon. - , - B. M. Vkatoh, mfcjsn, - BegUrter, In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Jackson. James Gainos, Plaintiff, ) vs. f Wm. Edwards aud Julia A. Ed-f - wards, Defendants. ; By virtue ot an execution, decree and order ! court, dated the 27th day of April l&M, upon a decree rendered in the above entitled court on tho 7th day of April In tavor or James uaines ana against Wm. Edwards and Julia A. Edwards, for the sum of $nS.!W, with Interest thereon at the rate of W r cent per annum' and the fur ther sum oi Mtu as attorneys tees ncrctn ana the costs and disbursements and the accruing costs of a the follow lwttntv rA ner of the Packard Donation Land Claim num ber forty-two, (42) thenoe west six and seventy five one hundredth It 75-100) chains, thenoe north seven and thirty-four hundredth (7 M 100) chains, thence east eight and forty-live one hundredth (8 45-HW) chains to county rood, thence south nineteen and three-tourth (lWi) deffrees. east seven and eight hundred and three thousandth (7 SSS-10001 chains, thence Md biir.nd thirtv-seven hundredth t4 S100 chainstoDUeoofbeKiunliic.all lying and be- Inir in amiilnn twentv-fbur. 1341 tOwnshlD thil seven, (37) south of ranee two (3) west of Will. Mer., and section nineteen U) township thlrty ' sex-en (37) south of ranee one (1) west bf Will Mer.. being the two and nlnc-nanareain , w acres bought of Pres. Phlpps aud wile, and the tlve and eight-hundredth to 8-100) acres nought otl. J. rniupsanu wue, an oeiu. u miniiv Oraeon: together with the tenemenu. bereditainenls and appurtenance thereunto belonging, in .ccoraai of aui dcutoe, I at ill on In .ccordanoc with the provisions on . - Saturday, Juna 83, 1884. . a nT. selL at the front; door of the court house in Jacksonville, Oregon, to the highest bidder foe cash ap the rtght. title and interest which theabove derenda'Uta, or either of them have In, and to the above described Pratttae"- ' ' JOHN k. PaXTOX." v Sheriff of Jacksou county, Oregon, h)?4MTS.lH. -: Ml A CONTRACTOIIS IT" 1 mm, -AND BXJILDERS. We nrenarcd to rive estimate, oa any i building from a woodsheod to a state capital, t All work in oar hue guaranteed first das i ia every respect. Xadfsrd, - - - Oron. F. W, WaschauJ Hie German Watchmaker, f FJtOJfT STEEET. MEDFOHD. ORIS . . Sails the best goods la the Jewelrj line and for reasonable prioea, i repairing aone on - clocks or jowsiry - i EQOHS ASTD 8SS VOL i Watch eleanlag. 75 cents; main spriags. M oentt watch glasses, 0 to p cents each. . ALL - WORK - WAPRANTE If vou need your watches. Notice to Stockmen. TOCK marks and brands are not legal. I recorded with the County Clerk. It is so necessary, to make the. brands legal. thatjU stockmen leave with the County Clerk a core laiiii ' iiii'iii. vfuwu ' th. hnnd Hud bv said owner. Slock laap V